"Metal - Ligand and Metal –Metal Interactions in Complexes"講演
2010年8月16日 Metal - Ligand and Metal –Metal Interactions in Complexes講演のご案内(お茶の水女子大学大学院) |
お茶の水女子大学国際化加速プログラムではこの度フランスストラスブール大学のProf. Pierre Braunstein をお招きし、"Metal - Ligand and Metal –Metal Interactions in Complexes"と題した講演を開催します。先生の最新の研究を2回に渡り紹介いただきます![]() 講演日時: 平成22年10月28日(木)午後1時20分~午後2時50分(開場1時) 平成22年10月29日(金)午前10時40分~午後12時10分 講演場所: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館化学科第1講義室(415室) 講師:Prof. Pierre Braunstein(ストラスブール大学(フランス)教授) 講演要旨: Research Seminar 1 : Functional Ligands and their Complexes, Reactivity and Catalytic Relevance. Nitrogen-containing heterofunctional ligands allow a fine-tuning of the reactivity of transition metals and provide a considerable diversity of complexes often endowed with unique structural features and reactivity.[1,2] We shall discuss situations where ligands with N,P, N,O or N,P,N donor sets have led to structurally interesting complexes, have been shown to display hemilabile behaviour,[2] allowed the insertion of (functional) olefins into a Pd-C bond or given rise to efficient and selective Ni(II) ethylene oligomerization catalysts.[3] Research Seminar 2 : Bimetallics, Clusters and Nanometerials. Molecular systems containing metal-metal bonds are often characterized by unique structural features and properties which are characteristic of the type of interactions present in the molecule and/or, if solid-state properties are considered, between molecules when intermolecular interactions are significant. We shall examine the synthesis and properties of systems in which a building block approach has allowed a comparison between various heterometallic clusters. This has revealed unusual metal-ligand interactions. On the other hand, adequate ligand design can lead to coordination polymers displaying hetero metal-metal bonding interactions. In heterometallic complexes containing ions in a d10 electronic configuration, specific structural features appear and we shall discuss a few examples in which stricking differences appear as a result of the nature of the metals involved in the corresponding d10- d10 interactions. こちらをクリック。Prof. Pierre Braunsteinのインタビュー記事がごらんになれます。 |
*講演後、講師のProf.Pierre Braunsteinを囲んで懇親会を開きます。
日時:10月29日(金)午後12時30分~14時30分 場所:理学部1号館 化学第一演習室(422室) 会費:1000円 当日の参加も受け付けますが、なるべく事前にメールにてお申し込みください。 |
<連絡先> 生命情報学教育研究センター 大学教育国際化加速プログラム 宮本惠子(内線2086 miyamoto.keiko@ocha.ac.jp) 由良 敬(内線5514 yura.kei@ocha.ac.jp) |