update: 29th, March, 2010
Kei YURA (Be sure that my family name is YURA) 
Lab: ( map )
Computational Biology Laboratory(RM510, Sci.Bld #1)
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences,
Ochanomizu University, 2-1-1, Otsuka, Bunkyo,
Tokyo 112-8610, Japan
Tel/Fax: +81-3-5978-5514
Former Jobs:
- 3rd Job: Team Leader, Quantum Bioinformatics Team, Center for Computational Science and Engineering, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
- 2nd Job: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Nagoya University
- 1st Job: JSPS Reserach Fellow (DC)
- Adjunct Instructor: Nagoya Branch, ECC English School
- PhD Course: Department of Biology, Graduate School of Sciences, Nagoya University
- Master Course: Department of Physics and Applied Physics, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
- Undergrad: Department of Applied Physics, School of Sciences, Waseda University
- Senior High: Kaisei High School
- Junior High: Minamioya High School
- Elementary School: Narusedai /Minami /
Suginami the 2nd /Fujiyamadai elementary Schools
Born: 10th, Feb., 1966 (London City)
Reserach Interest: Why is a protein like that?
- For Undergraduate:
- For Graduate:
- Advanced Computational Biology (For Master)
- Practice in Computational Biology (For Master)
- Predictive Biology (For Doctor)
- Statistical Data Analysis (For Doctor and Master)
- Advanced Translational Research (For Master)
- Practical Course of Translational Research (For Master)
- Advanced Life Science (For Master)
- Practical Course of Life Science (For Master)
- Advanced Applied Chemical Biology (For Master)
- Practical Course of Advanced Applied Chemical Biology (For Master)
- Advanced Bioinformatics (For Master)
- Practical Course of Advanced Bioinformatics (For Master)
Science Society I belong to: