1st, Dec. 2009 updated
Bioinformatics beyond Omics Data Analyses
Date: 3rd-4th, Dec., 2009 (13:00 - )
Place: Meeting Room, 2F, Science Building #3, Ochanomizu University, 2-1-1, Otsuka, Bunkyo, Tokyo 112-8610, Japan
Sponsor: Center for Informational Biology, Ochanomizu University and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Co-sponsor: Education for Women as Leaders Program: Computational Biology, Ochanomizu University
No fee for participation
Aim of the workshop: Bioinformatics has increased its importance in post genomic era. In the bioinformatics, integrated understanding of computation and biology is required and the education of the new generation is getting harder. To overcome the difficulty, collaboration both in education and practice is evidently required. This workshop functions as an introduction to the education systems and research activities in East Asian countries. The participants are expected to talk about both topics from their point of view. Based on the talks, we wish that the workshop functions as one step for the future network for education and researches in computational biology in East Asia.
Poster presentation: The workshop has 15 poster presentations. We prapared about poster boards (90 cm(width) x 185cm(height)).

3rd Dec.
- 12:00 Poster Mounting
- 13:00 Opening by a Board Member of Ochanomizu University
- 13:10 Greeting from a representative of JSPS
- 13:20 Sanghyuk Lee (Ewha, Korea): Bioinformatics Programs at Ewha Womans University and Our Recent Work on Cancer Bioinformatics: Transcriptome Analysis for Identifying Fusion Genes
- 14:00 Jun Sese (Ochanomizu, Japan): Biological Knowledge Discovery by Combining Large and Complex Datasets
- 14:40 Hiroshi Akashi (NIG, Japan): Biosynthetic Constraints and Drosophila Genome Evolution
- 15:20 Break
- 15:50 Carmay Lim (Academia Sinica, Taiwan): Physico-Chemical Principles Governing Biological Processes
- 16:30 Akinori Sarai (KIT, Japan): Distance Education and Research Collaboration in the Network Era
- 17:10 Marasri Ruengjitchatchawalya (King Mongkut's, Thailand): Bioinformatics Education System and Omics Research at KMUTT
- 18:00 A Buffet-Style Welcome Party (3,000 yen (500 yen for students))
4th Dec.
- 10:00 Sangsoo Kim (Soongsil, Korea): Bioinformatics Course at Soongsil University and Our Recent Progress on Bio-Data Mining
- 10:40 Kengo Kinoshita (Tohoku Univ., Japan): Multi-Dimensional Correlations for Gene Coexpression and Application to the Large-Scale Data of Arabidopsis
- 11:20 Gos Micklem (Cambridge, UK): InterMine: A System for Large scale Biological Data Integration
- 12:00 Canteen Lunch
- 12:00 Poster Session
- 14:30 Oanh TP Kim (VAST, Vietnam): Outlook of Bioinformatics Research in Vietnam
- 15:10 Jingchu Luo (Peking, China): ABC :Applied Bioinformatics Course for Graduate Student in Biology
- 15:50 Kei Yura (Ochanomizu, Japan): Bioinformatics Course for Undergraduate in Ochanomizu University and our Recent Work on Structural Bioinformatics: The Interwinding Nature of Protein-Protein Interfaces and Its Implication for Protein Complex Formation
- 16:30 Closing
- 16:45 Poster Dismounting
Poster Presentation
- Bioinformatics Education at the National Institute of Genetics in Mishima
Hiroshi Akashi
- Bioinformatics Education Course in Ochanomizu University: Graduate and Undergraduate Courses
Kei Yura, Jun Sese
- A Course for Biological Knowledge Discovery by Handling Genome-Wide Data
Satoko Kaneko, Jun Sese
- University Education Internationalization Promotion Program: International Cooperation on Interdisciplinary Biomedical Science Education
Keiko Miyamoto, Kei Yura
- Cambridge iGEM 2009
Gos Micklem
- InterMine: Open Source Data Warehouse and Query Interface
ichard Smith, Sergio Contrino, Hilde Janssens, Jakub Kulaviak, Rachel Lyne, Kim Rutherford, Julie Sullivan, Dan Tomlinson, Matthew Wakeling, Xavier Watkins, Gos Micklem
- ChimerDB 2.0: A KnowledgeBase for Fusion Genes
Pora Kim, Suhyeon Yoon, Namshin Kim, Sanghyun Lee, Minjeong Ko, Haeseung Lee, Hyunjung Kang, Jaesang Kim, Sanghyuk Lee
- GARNET: Gene Set Analysis with Annotation Network Tools
Kyoohyoung Rho, Bumjin Kim, Youngjun Jang, Sanghyun Lee, Taejeong Bae, Jihae Seo, Chaehwa Seo, Jihyun Lee, Wan Kyu Kim, Ungsik Yu, Sunghoon Kim, Sanghyuk Lee
- RESOPS: A Database of RNA Editing Sites in Plant Organelles Mapped onto Protein Three-Dimensional Structures
Sintawee Sulaiman, Kei Yura, Yosuke Hatta, Masafumi Shionyu, Mitiko Go
- A Structural Systems Biology Approach Transcription Factor Network Inference
Taeho Kim and Daron M. Standley
- Mutation@A Glance: A New Integrated Bioinformatics Tool for Analyzing Human Disease Mutations
Atsushi Hijikata, Osamu Ohara
- A New Computational Method for Protein Folding Screening from NMRSpectra
Hiromi Arai, Satoru Watanabe, Takanori Kigawa, Masayuki Yamamura
- A New SVM-based Algorithm for Multi-Task Learning
Tsuyoshi Kato, Hisashi Kashima, Masashi Sugiyama, and Kiyoshi Asai
- Computational Identification of Plant Transcription Factors and the Construction of the PlantTFDB Database
Kun He, An-Yuan Guo, Ge Gao, Qi-Hui Zhu, Xiao-Chuan Liu, He Zhang, Xin Chen, Xiaocheng Gu, Jingchu Luo
- Development of A New Biclustering Algorithm for Gene Expression Analysis by Optimizing Average Correlations with Genetic Algorithm
Sutheeworapong Sawannee, Obayashi Takeshi, Ota Motonori, Kinoshita Kengo
Previous workshop in CIB