How to Use

iMusta4SLC provides data of human SLC transporters. Data is shown by setting the following options on each page of iMusta4SLC.

Family list

Family Family classification from SLC1 to SLC52

Faimly Family classification from SLC1 to SLC52
SLC name The name of SLC gene is expressed in the format SLCnXm (n, a family number; X, an alphabet representing a subfamily; m, a number assigned to individual gene)
Isoform Identifier, named by the number or alphabet, with different mRNA produced from the same locus
Protein name Standardized nomenclature of the protein described in SLC Tables
Alias Another name of the protein
Family description Summary of the SLC family described in SLC Tables

Function list

Family Family classification from SLC1 to SLC52
Transport type A type of transporting mechanism
Coupling ion Coupled ion type. Valid only when 'transport type' is co-transporter.

SLC name The name of SLC gene is expressed in the format SLCnXm (n, a family number; X, an alphabet representing a subfamily; m, a number assigned to individual gene)
Isoform Identifier, named by the number or alphabet, with different mRNA produced from the same locus
Ligand name Known ligand
Transport type A type of transporting mechanism
Coupling Coupled ion type. Valid only when 'transport type' is co-transporter.

Sequence similarity

E-value E-value obtained from sequence similarity search by FASTA36

SLC name The name of SLC gene is expressed in the format SLCnXm (n, a family number; X, an alphabet representing a subfamily; m, a number assigned to individual gene). If the SLC has splice variants, SLC gene is named in the form SLCnXmpl, where p is for an alphabet representing a splice variant, l is for a digit or alphabet assigned to each variant.
Hierarchical Edge Bundling Visualized result of FASTA36 on the threshold set by E-value

Sequence identity

Family Family classification from SLC1 to SLC52

SLC name The name of SLC gene is expressed in the format SLCnXm (n, a family number; X, an alphabet representing a subfamily; m, a number assigned to individual gene). If the SLC has splice variants, SLC gene is named in the form SLCnXmpl, where p is for an alphabet representing a splice variant, l is for a digit or alphabet assigned to each variant.
Heatmap All-against-all sequence identities among the protein in the same family visualized by heatmap
Clustering Hierarchical clustering depicted in a dendrogram

Sequence list

Family Family classification from SLC1 to SLC52
The length of Amino acid sequence Amino acid sequence length from 1 to 700 per 100

SLC name The name of SLC gene is expressed in the format SLCnXm (n, a family number; X, an alphabet representing a subfamily; m, a number assigned to individual gene).
Isoform Identifier, named by the number or alphabet, with different mRNA produced from the same locus
Locus Position of the gene on a chromosome
RNA accession Accession number of the RNA sequence
RNA length RNA sequence length
AA accession Accession number of the amino acid sequence
AA length Protein sequence length
AA name The name of the protein


Family Family classification from SLC1 to SLC52

Multiple sequence alignment Amino acid sequence alignment produced by MAFFT
Conservation Asterisk(*) represents 100% conserved position, colon(:) represents >80% conserved position, period(.) represents >50% conserved position
Mutation site Mutation sites are shown by background colors; pink(Pathogenic), cyan(Benign) and grey(Unknown).

Template list

Family Family classification from SLC1 to SLC52
Resolution Resolution of the structure determined by X-ray crystallography
Experiment Method of determining three-dimensional structure of the protein
Species Organism from which the protein was characterized
E-value The range of E-values of the sequence against the protein sequence in PDB

SLC name The name of SLC gene is expressed in the format SLCnXm (n, a family number; X, an alphabet representing a subfamily; m, a number assigned to individual gene).
Isoform Identifier, named by the number or alphabet, with different mRNA but produced from same locus
Chain chain ID in the PDB file
E-value E-value of the sequence against the protein sequence in PDB
Identity Sequence identity
Positive freq. Positive matching (positive-scoring in BLOSOM62) ratio in the sequence alignment
Gap freq. Gap ratio in the sequence alignment
Coverage Ratio of the hit protein length to the query protein length
Species Organism from which the protein was characterized
Resolution Resolution of the structure determined by X-ray crystallography
Experiment Method of determining three-dimensional structure of the protein

Template coverage

SLC transporter The name of SLC gene is expressed in the format SLCnXm (n, a family number; X, an alphabet representing a subfamily; m, a number assigned to individual gene). If the SLC has splice variants, SLC gene is named in the form SLCnXmpl, where p is for an alphabet representing a splice variant, l is for a digit or alphabet assigned to each variant.

Coverage The detail results of BLAST search of each SLC protein for PDB. The red box on the top represents query sequence. Boxes in blue stripe represents a sequence in PDB similar to the query. The blue stripe has four different color modes which represent the degree of matches between query sequence and the protein sequence in PDB.

Topology & Mutation

Family Family classification from SLC1 to SLC52
Region Topology region: R1, extracellular region; R2, border between outside and transmembrane region (±2 AA); R3, transmembrane region; R4, border between transmembrane region and cytosole (±2 AA); R5, cytosolic region .
Clinical significance Clinical significance described in ClinVar

SLC name The name of SLC gene is expressed in the format SLCnXm (n, a family number; X, an alphabet representing a subfamily; m, a number assigned to individual gene).
Type Type of the variation; substitution, frame shift, deletion, duplication and synonymous substitution.
Significance Clinical significance described in ClinVar
Criteria Status of the review of the variant
Disease Relating diseases descrived in ClinVar
Seq start Nucleotide number where the mutation starts
Seq end Nucleotide number where the mutation ends
Seq original Reference nucleotide
Seq new Substituted nucleotide by the variant
AA start Amino acid number where the mutation starts
AA end Amino acid number where the mutation ends
AA original Reference residue
AA new Substituted amino acid residue in the variant
Var ID A unique identifier for the set of sequence changes defined in ClinVar
Allele ID A ClinVar identifier for each change
Chr Chromosome number on which the variant is found
Loc Location of the mutation on the chromosome
Assmbl Genome assembly number

Mutation list

Family Family classification from SLC1 to SLC52
Mutation type Type of the variation; missense, synonymous, frame shift, deletion, insertion, and nonsense.Type of the variation; missense, synonymous, frame shift, deletion, insertion, and nonsense.
Clinical significance Clinical significance described in ClinVar
Criteria Status of the review on the variant

SLC name The name of SLC gene is expressed in the format SLCnXm (n, a family number; X, an alphabet representing a subfamily; m, a number assigned to individual gene).
Type Type of the variation; substitution, frame shift, deletion, duplication and synonymous substitution.
Significance Clinical significance described in ClinVar
Criteria Status of the review of the variant
Disease Related diseases described in ClinVar
Seq start Nucleotide number where the mutation starts
Seq end Nucleotide number where the mutation ends
Seq original Reference nucleotide
Seq new Substituted nucleotide by the variant
AA start Amino acid number where the mutation starts
AA end Amino acid number where the mutation ends
AA original Reference residue
AA new Substituted amino acid residue in the variant
Var ID A unique identifier for the set of sequence changes defined in ClinVar
Allele ID A ClinVar identifier for each change
Chr Chromosome number on which the variant is found
Loc Location of the mutation on the chromosome
Assmbl Genome assembly number


Family Family name with known 3D structure (PDB ID)

Mapping Mutation sites are shown by pink sphere (pathogenic mutation), cyan sphere (benign mutation), and white sphere (unknown significance). The ribbon of the protein in target is gray-scaled based on the amino acid type conservation.