/* $Id: plcont.c,v 1.3 2007/05/08 09:09:37 rice Exp $ Contour plotter. Copyright (C) 1995, 2000, 2001 Maurice LeBrun Copyright (C) 2000, 2002 Joao Cardoso Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 Alan W. Irwin Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Ross This file is part of PLplot. PLplot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Library Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with PLplot; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "plplotP.h" #ifdef MSDOS #pragma optimize("",off) #endif /* Static function prototypes. */ static void plcntr(PLFLT (*plf2eval) (PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer), PLPointer plf2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT flev, PLINT **ipts, void (*pltr) (PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer), PLPointer pltr_data); static void pldrawcn(PLFLT (*plf2eval) (PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer), PLPointer plf2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT flev, char *flabel, PLINT kcol, PLINT krow, PLFLT lastx, PLFLT lasty, PLINT startedge, PLINT **ipts, PLFLT *distance, PLINT *lastindex, void (*pltr) (PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer), PLPointer pltr_data); static void plfloatlabel(PLFLT value, char *string); static PLFLT plP_pcwcx(PLINT x); static PLFLT plP_pcwcy(PLINT y); static void pl_drawcontlabel(PLFLT tpx, PLFLT tpy, char *flabel, PLFLT *distance, PLINT *lastindex); /* Error flag for aborts */ static int error; /****************************************/ /* */ /* Defaults for contour label printing. */ /* */ /****************************************/ /* Font height for contour labels (normalized) */ static PLFLT contlabel_size = 0.3; /* Offset of label from contour line (if set to 0.0, labels are printed on the lines). */ static PLFLT contlabel_offset = 0.006; /* Spacing parameter for contour labels */ static PLFLT contlabel_space = 0.1; /* Activate labels, default off */ static PLINT contlabel_active = 0; /* If the contour label exceed 10^(limexp) or 10^(-limexp), the exponential format is used */ static PLINT limexp = 4; /* Number of significant digits */ static PLINT sigprec = 2; /******** contour lines storage ****************************/ static CONT_LEVEL *startlev = NULL; static CONT_LEVEL *currlev; static CONT_LINE *currline; static int cont3d = 0; static CONT_LINE * alloc_line(CONT_LEVEL *node) { CONT_LINE *line; (void) node; /* pmr: make it used */ line = (CONT_LINE *) malloc(sizeof(CONT_LINE)); line->x = (PLFLT *) malloc(LINE_ITEMS*sizeof(PLFLT)); line->y = (PLFLT *) malloc(LINE_ITEMS*sizeof(PLFLT)); line->npts = 0; line->next = NULL; return line; } static CONT_LEVEL * alloc_level(PLFLT level) { CONT_LEVEL *node; node = (CONT_LEVEL *) malloc(sizeof(CONT_LEVEL)); node->level = level; node->next = NULL; node->line = alloc_line(node); return node; } static void realloc_line(CONT_LINE *line) { line->x = (PLFLT *) realloc(line->x, (line->npts + LINE_ITEMS)*sizeof(PLFLT)); line->y = (PLFLT *) realloc(line->y, (line->npts + LINE_ITEMS)*sizeof(PLFLT)); } /* new contour level */ static void cont_new_store(PLFLT level) { if (cont3d) { if (startlev == NULL) { startlev = alloc_level(level); currlev = startlev; } else { currlev->next = alloc_level(level); currlev = currlev->next; } currline = currlev->line; } } void cont_clean_store(CONT_LEVEL *ct) { CONT_LINE *tline, *cline; CONT_LEVEL *tlev, *clevel; if (ct != NULL) { clevel = ct; do { cline = clevel->line; do { #ifdef CONT_PLOT_DEBUG /* for 2D plots. For 3D plots look at plot3.c:plotsh3di() */ plP_movwor(cline->x[0],cline->y[0]); for (j=1; jnpts; j++) plP_drawor(cline->x[j], cline->y[j]); #endif tline = cline->next; free(cline->x); free(cline->y); free(cline); cline = tline; } while(cline != NULL); tlev = clevel->next; free(clevel); clevel = tlev; } while(clevel != NULL); startlev = NULL; } } static void cont_xy_store(PLFLT xx, PLFLT yy) { if (cont3d) { PLINT pts = currline->npts; if (pts % LINE_ITEMS == 0) realloc_line(currline); currline->x[pts] = xx; currline->y[pts] = yy; currline->npts++; } else plP_drawor(xx, yy); } static void cont_mv_store(PLFLT xx, PLFLT yy) { if (cont3d) { if (currline->npts != 0) { /* not an empty list, allocate new */ currline->next = alloc_line(currlev); currline = currline->next; } /* and fill first element */ currline->x[0] = xx; currline->y[0] = yy; currline->npts = 1; } else plP_movwor(xx, yy); } /* small routine to set offset and spacing of contour labels, see desciption above */ void c_pl_setcontlabelparam(PLFLT offset, PLFLT size, PLFLT spacing, PLINT active) { contlabel_offset = offset; contlabel_size = size; contlabel_space = spacing; contlabel_active = active; } /* small routine to set the format of the contour labels, description of limexp and prec see above */ void c_pl_setcontlabelformat(PLINT lexp, PLINT sigdig) { limexp = lexp; sigprec = sigdig; } static void pl_drawcontlabel(PLFLT tpx, PLFLT tpy, char *flabel, PLFLT *distance, PLINT *lastindex) { PLFLT currx_old, curry_old, delta_x, delta_y; delta_x = plP_pcdcx(plsc->currx)-plP_pcdcx(plP_wcpcx(tpx)); delta_y = plP_pcdcy(plsc->curry)-plP_pcdcy(plP_wcpcy(tpy)); currx_old = plsc->currx; curry_old = plsc->curry; *distance += sqrt(delta_x*delta_x + delta_y*delta_y); plP_drawor(tpx, tpy); if ((int )(fabs(*distance/contlabel_space)) > *lastindex) { PLFLT scale, vec_x, vec_y, mx, my, dev_x, dev_y, off_x, off_y; vec_x = tpx-plP_pcwcx(currx_old); vec_y = tpy-plP_pcwcy(curry_old); /* Ensure labels appear the right way up */ if (vec_x < 0) { vec_x = -vec_x; vec_y = -vec_y; } mx = (double )plsc->wpxscl/(double )plsc->phyxlen; my = (double )plsc->wpyscl/(double )plsc->phyylen; dev_x = -my*vec_y/mx; dev_y = mx*vec_x/my; scale = sqrt((mx*mx*dev_x*dev_x + my*my*dev_y*dev_y)/ (contlabel_offset*contlabel_offset)); off_x = dev_x/scale; off_y = dev_y/scale; plptex(tpx+off_x, tpy+off_y, vec_x, vec_y, 0.5, flabel); plP_movwor(tpx, tpy); (*lastindex)++; } else plP_movwor(tpx, tpy); } /* Format contour labels. Arguments: * value: floating point number to be formatted * string: the formatted label, plptex must be called with it to actually * print the label */ static void plfloatlabel(PLFLT value, char *string) { PLINT setpre, precis; /* form[10] gives enough space for all non-malicious formats. * tmpstring[15] gives enough room for 3 digits in a negative exponent * or 4 digits in a positive exponent + null termination. That * should be enough for all non-malicious use. * Obviously there are security issues here that * should be addressed as well. */ char form[10], tmpstring[15]; PLINT exponent = 0; PLFLT mant, tmp; PLINT prec = sigprec; plP_gprec(&setpre, &precis); if (setpre) prec = precis; if (value > 0.0) tmp = log10(value); else if (value < 0.0) tmp = log10(-value); else tmp = 0; if (tmp >= 0.0) exponent = (int )tmp; else if (tmp < 0.0) { tmp = -tmp; if (floor(tmp) < tmp) exponent = -(int )(floor(tmp) + 1.0); else exponent = -(int )(floor(tmp)); } mant = value/pow(10.0, exponent); if (mant != 0.0) mant = (int )(mant*pow(10.0, prec-1) + 0.5*mant/fabs(mant))/pow(10.0, prec-1); sprintf(form, "%%.%df", prec-1); sprintf(string, form, mant); sprintf(tmpstring, "#(229)10#u%d", exponent); strcat(string, tmpstring); if (abs(exponent) < limexp || value == 0.0) { value = pow(10.0, exponent) * mant; if (exponent >= 0) prec = prec - 1 - exponent; else prec = prec - 1 + abs(exponent); if (prec < 0) prec = 0; sprintf(form, "%%.%df", (int) prec); sprintf(string, form, value); } } /* physical coords (x) to world coords */ static PLFLT plP_pcwcx(PLINT x) { return ((x-plsc->wpxoff)/plsc->wpxscl); } /* physical coords (y) to world coords */ static PLFLT plP_pcwcy(PLINT y) { return ((y-plsc->wpyoff)/plsc->wpyscl); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plf2eval2() * * Does a lookup from a 2d function array. Array is of type (PLFLT **), * and is column dominant (normal C ordering). \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PLFLT plf2eval2(PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer plf2eval_data) { PLFLT value; PLfGrid2 *grid = (PLfGrid2 *) plf2eval_data; value = grid->f[ix][iy]; return value; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plf2eval() * * Does a lookup from a 2d function array. Array is of type (PLFLT *), and * is column dominant (normal C ordering). You MUST fill the ny maximum * array index entry in the PLfGrid struct. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PLFLT plf2eval(PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer plf2eval_data) { PLFLT value; PLfGrid *grid = (PLfGrid *) plf2eval_data; value = grid->f[ix * grid->ny + iy]; return value; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plf2evalr() * * Does a lookup from a 2d function array. Array is of type (PLFLT *), and * is row dominant (Fortran ordering). You MUST fill the nx maximum array * index entry in the PLfGrid struct. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PLFLT plf2evalr(PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer plf2eval_data) { PLFLT value; PLfGrid *grid = (PLfGrid *) plf2eval_data; value = grid->f[ix + iy * grid->nx]; return value; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * * cont_store: * * Draw contour lines in memory. * cont_clean_store() must be called after use to release allocated memory. * \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cont_store(PLFLT **f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, void (*pltr) (PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer), PLPointer pltr_data, CONT_LEVEL **contour) { cont3d = 1; plcont(f, nx, ny, kx, lx, ky, ly, clevel, nlevel, pltr, pltr_data); *contour = startlev; cont3d = 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * void plcont() * * Draws a contour plot from data in f(nx,ny). Is just a front-end to * plfcont, with a particular choice for f2eval and f2eval_data. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void c_plcont(PLFLT **f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, void (*pltr) (PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer), PLPointer pltr_data) { PLfGrid2 grid; grid.f = f; plfcont(plf2eval2, (PLPointer) &grid, nx, ny, kx, lx, ky, ly, clevel, nlevel, pltr, pltr_data); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * void plfcont() * * Draws a contour plot using the function evaluator f2eval and data stored * by way of the f2eval_data pointer. This allows arbitrary organizations * of 2d array data to be used. * * The subrange of indices used for contouring is kx to lx in the x * direction and from ky to ly in the y direction. The array of contour * levels is clevel(nlevel), and "pltr" is the name of a function which * transforms array indicies into world coordinates. * * Note that the fortran-like minimum and maximum indices (kx, lx, ky, ly) * are translated into more C-like ones. I've only kept them as they are * for the plcontf() argument list because of backward compatibility. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plfcont(PLFLT (*f2eval) (PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer), PLPointer f2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, void (*pltr) (PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer), PLPointer pltr_data) { PLINT i, **ipts; if (kx < 1 || kx >= lx) { plabort("plfcont: indices must satisfy 1 <= kx <= lx <= nx"); return; } if (ky < 1 || ky >= ly) { plabort("plfcont: indices must satisfy 1 <= ky <= ly <= ny"); return; } ipts = (PLINT **) malloc(nx*sizeof(PLINT *)); for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { ipts[i] = (PLINT *) malloc(ny*sizeof(PLINT *)); } for (i = 0; i < nlevel; i++) { plcntr(f2eval, f2eval_data, nx, ny, kx-1, lx-1, ky-1, ly-1, clevel[i], ipts, pltr, pltr_data); if (error) { error = 0; goto done; } } done: for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { free((void *)ipts[i]); } free((void *)ipts); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * void plcntr() * * The contour for a given level is drawn here. Note iscan has nx * elements. ixstor and iystor each have nstor elements. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void plcntr(PLFLT (*f2eval) (PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer), PLPointer f2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT flev, PLINT **ipts, void (*pltr) (PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer), PLPointer pltr_data) { PLINT kcol, krow, lastindex; PLFLT distance; PLFLT save_def, save_scale; char flabel[30]; plgchr(&save_def, &save_scale); save_scale = save_scale/save_def; cont_new_store(flev); /* format contour label for plptex and define the font height of the labels */ plfloatlabel(flev, flabel); plschr(0.0, contlabel_size); /* Clear array for traversed squares */ for (kcol = kx; kcol < lx; kcol++) { for (krow = ky; krow < ly; krow++) { ipts[kcol][krow] = 0; } } for (krow = ky; krow < ly; krow++) { for (kcol = kx; kcol < lx; kcol++) { if (ipts[kcol][krow] == 0) { /* Follow and draw a contour */ pldrawcn(f2eval, f2eval_data, nx, ny, kx, lx, ky, ly, flev, flabel, kcol, krow, 0.0, 0.0, -2, ipts, &distance, &lastindex, pltr, pltr_data); if (error) return; } } } plschr(save_def, save_scale); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * void pldrawcn() * * Follow and draw a contour. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void pldrawcn(PLFLT (*f2eval) (PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer), PLPointer f2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT flev, char *flabel, PLINT kcol, PLINT krow, PLFLT lastx, PLFLT lasty, PLINT startedge, PLINT **ipts, PLFLT *distance, PLINT *lastindex, void (*pltr) (PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer), PLPointer pltr_data) { PLFLT f[4]; PLFLT px[4], py[4], locx[4], locy[4]; PLINT iedge[4]; PLINT i, j, k, num, first, inext, kcolnext, krownext; (*pltr) (kcol,krow+1,&px[0],&py[0],pltr_data); (*pltr) (kcol,krow,&px[1],&py[1],pltr_data); (*pltr) (kcol+1,krow,&px[2],&py[2],pltr_data); (*pltr) (kcol+1,krow+1,&px[3],&py[3],pltr_data); f[0] = f2eval(kcol, krow+1, f2eval_data)-flev; f[1] = f2eval(kcol, krow, f2eval_data)-flev; f[2] = f2eval(kcol+1, krow, f2eval_data)-flev; f[3] = f2eval(kcol+1, krow+1, f2eval_data)-flev; for (i=0,j=1;i<4;i++,j = (j+1)%4) { iedge[i] = (f[i]*f[j]>0.0)?-1:((f[i]*f[j] < 0.0)?1:0); } /* Mark this square as done */ ipts[kcol][krow] = 1; /* Check if no contour has been crossed i.e. iedge[i] = -1 */ if ((iedge[0] == -1) && (iedge[1] == -1) && (iedge[2] == -1) && (iedge[3] == -1)) return; /* Check if this is a completely flat square - in which case ignore it */ if ( (f[0] == 0.0) && (f[1] == 0.0) && (f[2] == 0.0) && (f[3] == 0.0) ) return; /* Calculate intersection points */ num = 0; if (startedge < 0) { first = 1; } else { locx[num] = lastx; locy[num] = lasty; num++; first = 0; } for (k=0, i = (startedge<0?0:startedge);k<4;k++,i=(i+1)%4) { if (i == startedge) continue; /* If the contour is an edge check it hasn't already been done */ if (f[i] == 0.0 && f[(i+1)%4] == 0.0) { kcolnext = kcol; krownext = krow; if (i == 0) kcolnext--; if (i == 1) krownext--; if (i == 2) kcolnext++; if (i == 3) krownext++; if ((kcolnext < kx) || (kcolnext >= lx) || (krownext < ky) || (krownext >= ly) || (ipts[kcolnext][krownext] == 1)) continue; } if ((iedge[i] == 1) || (f[i] == 0.0)) { j = (i+1)%4; if (f[i] != 0.0) { locx[num] = (px[i]*fabs(f[j])+px[j]*fabs(f[i]))/fabs(f[j]-f[i]); locy[num] = (py[i]*fabs(f[j])+py[j]*fabs(f[i]))/fabs(f[j]-f[i]); } else { locx[num] = px[i]; locy[num] = py[i]; } /* If this is the start of the contour then move to the point */ if (first == 1) { cont_mv_store(locx[num],locy[num]); first = 0; *distance = 0; *lastindex = 0; } else { /* Link to the next point on the contour */ if (contlabel_active) pl_drawcontlabel(locx[num], locy[num], flabel, distance, lastindex); else cont_xy_store(locx[num],locy[num]); /* Need to follow contour into next grid box */ /* Easy case where contour does not pass through corner */ if (f[i] != 0.0) { kcolnext = kcol; krownext = krow; inext = (i+2)%4; if (i == 0) kcolnext--; if (i == 1) krownext--; if (i == 2) kcolnext++; if (i == 3) krownext++; if ((kcolnext >= kx) && (kcolnext < lx) && (krownext >= ky) && (krownext < ly) && (ipts[kcolnext][krownext] == 0)) { pldrawcn(f2eval, f2eval_data, nx, ny, kx, lx, ky, ly, flev, flabel, kcolnext, krownext, locx[num], locy[num], inext, ipts, distance, lastindex, pltr, pltr_data); } } /* Hard case where contour passes through corner */ /* This is still not perfect - it may lose the contour * which won't upset the contour itself (we can find it * again later) but might upset the labelling */ else { kcolnext = kcol; krownext = krow; inext = (i+2)%4; if (i == 0) {kcolnext--; krownext++;} if (i == 1) {krownext--; kcolnext--;} if (i == 2) {kcolnext++; krownext--;} if (i == 3) {krownext++; kcolnext++;} if ((kcolnext >= kx) && (kcolnext < lx) && (krownext >= ky) && (krownext < ly) && (ipts[kcolnext][krownext] == 0)) { pldrawcn(f2eval, f2eval_data, nx, ny, kx, lx, ky, ly, flev, flabel, kcolnext, krownext, locx[num], locy[num], inext, ipts, distance, lastindex, pltr, pltr_data); } } if (first == 1) { /* Move back to first point */ cont_mv_store(locx[num],locy[num]); first = 0; *distance = 0; *lastindex = 0; first = 0; } else { first = 1; } num++; } } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * pltr0() * * Identity transformation. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pltr0(PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data) { (void) pltr_data; /* pmr: make it used */ *tx = x; *ty = y; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * pltr1() * * Does linear interpolation from singly dimensioned coord arrays. * * Just abort for now if coordinates are out of bounds (don't think it's * possible, but if so we could use linear extrapolation). \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pltr1(PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data) { PLINT ul, ur, vl, vr; PLFLT du, dv; PLFLT xl, xr, yl, yr; PLcGrid *grid = (PLcGrid *) pltr_data; PLFLT *xg = grid->xg; PLFLT *yg = grid->yg; PLINT nx = grid->nx; PLINT ny = grid->ny; ul = (PLINT) x; ur = ul + 1; du = x - ul; vl = (PLINT) y; vr = vl + 1; dv = y - vl; if (x < 0 || x > nx - 1 || y < 0 || y > ny - 1) { plexit("pltr1: Invalid coordinates"); } /* Look up coordinates in row-dominant array. * Have to handle right boundary specially -- if at the edge, we'd better * not reference the out of bounds point. */ xl = xg[ul]; yl = yg[vl]; if (ur == nx) { *tx = xl; } else { xr = xg[ur]; *tx = xl * (1 - du) + xr * du; } if (vr == ny) { *ty = yl; } else { yr = yg[vr]; *ty = yl * (1 - dv) + yr * dv; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * pltr2() * * Does linear interpolation from doubly dimensioned coord arrays (column * dominant, as per normal C 2d arrays). * * This routine includes lots of checks for out of bounds. This would occur * occasionally due to some bugs in the contour plotter (now fixed). If an * out of bounds coordinate is obtained, the boundary value is provided * along with a warning. These checks should stay since no harm is done if * if everything works correctly. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pltr2(PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data) { PLINT ul, ur, vl, vr; PLFLT du, dv; PLFLT xll, xlr, xrl, xrr; PLFLT yll, ylr, yrl, yrr; PLFLT xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; PLcGrid2 *grid = (PLcGrid2 *) pltr_data; PLFLT **xg = grid->xg; PLFLT **yg = grid->yg; PLINT nx = grid->nx; PLINT ny = grid->ny; ul = (PLINT) x; ur = ul + 1; du = x - ul; vl = (PLINT) y; vr = vl + 1; dv = y - vl; xmin = 0; xmax = nx - 1; ymin = 0; ymax = ny - 1; if (x < xmin || x > xmax || y < ymin || y > ymax) { plwarn("pltr2: Invalid coordinates"); if (x < xmin) { if (y < ymin) { *tx = xg[0][0]; *ty = yg[0][0]; } else if (y > ymax) { *tx = xg[0][ny-1]; *ty = yg[0][ny-1]; } else { xll = xg[0][vl]; yll = yg[0][vl]; xlr = xg[0][vr]; ylr = yg[0][vr]; *tx = xll * (1 - dv) + xlr * (dv); *ty = yll * (1 - dv) + ylr * (dv); } } else if (x > xmax) { if (y < ymin) { *tx = xg[nx-1][0]; *ty = yg[nx-1][0]; } else if (y > ymax) { *tx = xg[nx-1][ny-1]; *ty = yg[nx-1][ny-1]; } else { xll = xg[nx-1][vl]; yll = yg[nx-1][vl]; xlr = xg[nx-1][vr]; ylr = yg[nx-1][vr]; *tx = xll * (1 - dv) + xlr * (dv); *ty = yll * (1 - dv) + ylr * (dv); } } else { if (y < ymin) { xll = xg[ul][0]; xrl = xg[ur][0]; yll = yg[ul][0]; yrl = yg[ur][0]; *tx = xll * (1 - du) + xrl * (du); *ty = yll * (1 - du) + yrl * (du); } else if (y > ymax) { xlr = xg[ul][ny-1]; xrr = xg[ur][ny-1]; ylr = yg[ul][ny-1]; yrr = yg[ur][ny-1]; *tx = xlr * (1 - du) + xrr * (du); *ty = ylr * (1 - du) + yrr * (du); } } } /* Normal case. * Look up coordinates in row-dominant array. * Have to handle right boundary specially -- if at the edge, we'd * better not reference the out of bounds point. */ else { xll = xg[ul][vl]; yll = yg[ul][vl]; /* ur is out of bounds */ if (ur == nx && vr < ny) { xlr = xg[ul][vr]; ylr = yg[ul][vr]; *tx = xll * (1 - dv) + xlr * (dv); *ty = yll * (1 - dv) + ylr * (dv); } /* vr is out of bounds */ else if (ur < nx && vr == ny) { xrl = xg[ur][vl]; yrl = yg[ur][vl]; *tx = xll * (1 - du) + xrl * (du); *ty = yll * (1 - du) + yrl * (du); } /* both ur and vr are out of bounds */ else if (ur == nx && vr == ny) { *tx = xll; *ty = yll; } /* everything in bounds */ else { xrl = xg[ur][vl]; xlr = xg[ul][vr]; xrr = xg[ur][vr]; yrl = yg[ur][vl]; ylr = yg[ul][vr]; yrr = yg[ur][vr]; *tx = xll * (1 - du) * (1 - dv) + xlr * (1 - du) * (dv) + xrl * (du) * (1 - dv) + xrr * (du) * (dv); *ty = yll * (1 - du) * (1 - dv) + ylr * (1 - du) * (dv) + yrl * (du) * (1 - dv) + yrr * (du) * (dv); } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * pltr2p() * * Just like pltr2() but uses pointer arithmetic to get coordinates from 2d * grid tables. This form of grid tables is compatible with those from * PLplot 4.0. The grid data must be pointed to by a PLcGrid structure. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pltr2p(PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data) { PLINT ul, ur, vl, vr; PLFLT du, dv; PLFLT xll, xlr, xrl, xrr; PLFLT yll, ylr, yrl, yrr; PLFLT xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; PLcGrid *grid = (PLcGrid *) pltr_data; PLFLT *xg = grid->xg; PLFLT *yg = grid->yg; PLINT nx = grid->nx; PLINT ny = grid->ny; ul = (PLINT) x; ur = ul + 1; du = x - ul; vl = (PLINT) y; vr = vl + 1; dv = y - vl; xmin = 0; xmax = nx - 1; ymin = 0; ymax = ny - 1; if (x < xmin || x > xmax || y < ymin || y > ymax) { plwarn("pltr2p: Invalid coordinates"); if (x < xmin) { if (y < ymin) { *tx = *xg; *ty = *yg; } else if (y > ymax) { *tx = *(xg + (ny - 1)); *ty = *(yg + (ny - 1)); } else { ul = 0; xll = *(xg + ul * ny + vl); yll = *(yg + ul * ny + vl); xlr = *(xg + ul * ny + vr); ylr = *(yg + ul * ny + vr); *tx = xll * (1 - dv) + xlr * (dv); *ty = yll * (1 - dv) + ylr * (dv); } } else if (x > xmax) { if (y < ymin) { *tx = *(xg + (ny - 1) * nx); *ty = *(yg + (ny - 1) * nx); } else if (y > ymax) { *tx = *(xg + (ny - 1) + (nx - 1) * ny); *ty = *(yg + (ny - 1) + (nx - 1) * ny); } else { ul = nx - 1; xll = *(xg + ul * ny + vl); yll = *(yg + ul * ny + vl); xlr = *(xg + ul * ny + vr); ylr = *(yg + ul * ny + vr); *tx = xll * (1 - dv) + xlr * (dv); *ty = yll * (1 - dv) + ylr * (dv); } } else { if (y < ymin) { vl = 0; xll = *(xg + ul * ny + vl); xrl = *(xg + ur * ny + vl); yll = *(yg + ul * ny + vl); yrl = *(yg + ur * ny + vl); *tx = xll * (1 - du) + xrl * (du); *ty = yll * (1 - du) + yrl * (du); } else if (y > ymax) { vr = ny - 1; xlr = *(xg + ul * ny + vr); xrr = *(xg + ur * ny + vr); ylr = *(yg + ul * ny + vr); yrr = *(yg + ur * ny + vr); *tx = xlr * (1 - du) + xrr * (du); *ty = ylr * (1 - du) + yrr * (du); } } } /* Normal case. * Look up coordinates in row-dominant array. * Have to handle right boundary specially -- if at the edge, we'd better * not reference the out of bounds point. */ else { xll = *(xg + ul * ny + vl); yll = *(yg + ul * ny + vl); /* ur is out of bounds */ if (ur == nx && vr < ny) { xlr = *(xg + ul * ny + vr); ylr = *(yg + ul * ny + vr); *tx = xll * (1 - dv) + xlr * (dv); *ty = yll * (1 - dv) + ylr * (dv); } /* vr is out of bounds */ else if (ur < nx && vr == ny) { xrl = *(xg + ur * ny + vl); yrl = *(yg + ur * ny + vl); *tx = xll * (1 - du) + xrl * (du); *ty = yll * (1 - du) + yrl * (du); } /* both ur and vr are out of bounds */ else if (ur == nx && vr == ny) { *tx = xll; *ty = yll; } /* everything in bounds */ else { xrl = *(xg + ur * ny + vl); xlr = *(xg + ul * ny + vr); xrr = *(xg + ur * ny + vr); yrl = *(yg + ur * ny + vl); ylr = *(yg + ul * ny + vr); yrr = *(yg + ur * ny + vr); *tx = xll * (1 - du) * (1 - dv) + xlr * (1 - du) * (dv) + xrl * (du) * (1 - dv) + xrr * (du) * (dv); *ty = yll * (1 - du) * (1 - dv) + ylr * (1 - du) * (dv) + yrl * (du) * (1 - dv) + yrr * (du) * (dv); } } }