/* $Id: pbm.c,v 1.3 2007/05/08 09:09:37 rice Exp $ PLplot PBM (PPM) device driver. Contributed by John C. Atkinson and Zulfi Cumali. Slightly modified by Geoffrey Furnish. */ #include "plDevs.h" #ifdef PLD_pbm #include "plplotP.h" #include "drivers.h" /* Device info */ const char* plD_DEVICE_INFO_pbm = "pbm:PDB (PPM) Driver:0:pbm:38:pbm"; /* pmr: defined in drivers.h */ /* void plD_dispatch_init_pbm ( PLDispatchTable *pdt );*/ void plD_init_pbm (PLStream *); void plD_line_pbm (PLStream *, short, short, short, short); void plD_polyline_pbm (PLStream *, short *, short *, PLINT); void plD_eop_pbm (PLStream *); void plD_bop_pbm (PLStream *); void plD_tidy_pbm (PLStream *); void plD_state_pbm (PLStream *, PLINT); void plD_esc_pbm (PLStream *, PLINT, void *); #undef PIXELS_X #undef PIXELS_Y #define PIXELS_X 640 #define PIXELS_Y 480 static char *cmap; #undef MAX #undef ABS #define MAX(a,b) ((a>b) ? a : b) #define ABS(a) ((a<0) ? -a : a) #define MAX_INTENSITY 255 void plD_dispatch_init_pbm( PLDispatchTable *pdt ) { #ifndef ENABLE_DYNDRIVERS pdt->pl_MenuStr = "PDB (PPM) Driver"; pdt->pl_DevName = "pbm"; #endif pdt->pl_type = plDevType_FileOriented; pdt->pl_seq = 38; pdt->pl_init = (plD_init_fp) plD_init_pbm; pdt->pl_line = (plD_line_fp) plD_line_pbm; pdt->pl_polyline = (plD_polyline_fp) plD_polyline_pbm; pdt->pl_eop = (plD_eop_fp) plD_eop_pbm; pdt->pl_bop = (plD_bop_fp) plD_bop_pbm; pdt->pl_tidy = (plD_tidy_fp) plD_tidy_pbm; pdt->pl_state = (plD_state_fp) plD_state_pbm; pdt->pl_esc = (plD_esc_fp) plD_esc_pbm; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plD_init_pbm() * * Initialize device (terminal). \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plD_init_pbm(PLStream *pls) { #if 1 /* Initialize family file info */ plFamInit(pls); plP_setpxl((PLFLT) 5.905, (PLFLT) 5.905); #endif pls->color = 1; /* Is a color device */ pls->dev_fill0 = 0; /* Handle solid fills */ pls->dev_fill1 = 0; /* Handle pattern fills */ pls->nopause = 1; /* Don`t pause between frames */ /* Prompt for a file name if not already set */ plOpenFile(pls); pls->pdfs = pdf_finit(pls->OutFile); /* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */ pls->dev = NULL; /* Set up device parameters */ if (pls->xlength <= 0 || pls->ylength <= 0) { plspage(0., 0., PIXELS_X, PIXELS_Y, 0, 0); } plP_setphy(0, pls->xlength, 0, pls->ylength); } #if 0 void plD_line_pbm(PLStream *pls, short x1a, short y1a, short x2a, short y2a) { int steps, i, dx, dy; double x_off, y_off, dx_step, dy_step; /* This algoritm is by Steven Harrington From "Computer Graphics: A Proogramming Approach */ dx = x2a - x1a; dy = y2a - y1a; steps = MAX(ABS(dx), ABS(dy)) + 1; steps *= 2; dx_step = dx/steps; dy_step = dy/steps; x_off = x1a + 0.5; y_off = y1a + 0.5; for (i = 0; i < steps; i++) { cmap[(int)y_off][(int)x_off][0] = pls->curcolor.r; cmap[(int)y_off][(int)x_off][1] = pls->curcolor.g; cmap[(int)y_off][(int)x_off][2] = pls->curcolor.b; x_off += dx_step; y_off += dy_step; } cmap[(int)y_off][(int)x_off][0] = pls->curcolor.r; cmap[(int)y_off][(int)x_off][1] = pls->curcolor.g; cmap[(int)y_off][(int)x_off][2] = pls->curcolor.b; return; } #endif #define sign(a) ((a<0) ? -1 : ((a == 0) ? 0 : 1)) #if 0 #define plot(x,y,c) {cmap[y-1][x-1][0] = (c)->curcolor.r; \ cmap[y-1][x-1][1] = (c)->curcolor.g; \ cmap[y-1][x-1][2] = (c)->curcolor.b; } /* Bresnham's algorithm for line plotting on a scan lines */ void plD_line_pbm(PLStream *pls, short x1a, short y1a, short x2a, short y2a) { int e, x, y, dx, dy, s1, s2, temp, change, i; x = x1a; y = y1a; dx = ABS(x2a - x1a); dy = ABS(y2a - y1a); s1 = sign(x2a - x1a); s2 = sign(y2a - y1a); if( dy > dx ){ temp= dx; dx = dy; dy = temp; change = 1; } else { change = 0; } e = 2 * dy - dx; for( i=1; i= 0 ) { if(change == 1) x += s1; else y += s2; e = e - 2 * dx; } if(change == 1) y += s2; else x += s1; e = e + 2 * dy; } } #else /* pmr: ii not i - shadows another i in the function */ #define plot(x,y,c) {int ii = 3*((y)*(c)->xlength+(x)); \ cmap[ii+0] = (c)->curcolor.r; \ cmap[ii+1] = (c)->curcolor.g; \ cmap[ii+2] = (c)->curcolor.b; } /* Modified version of the ljii routine (see ljii.c) */ void plD_line_pbm(PLStream *pls, short x1a, short y1a, short x2a, short y2a) { int i; int xx1 = x1a, yy1 = y1a, xx2 = x2a, yy2 = y2a; PLINT x1b, y1b, x2b, y2b; PLFLT length, fx, fy, dx, dy; /* Take mirror image, since PCL expects (0,0) to be at top left */ yy1 = pls->ylength - (yy1 - 0); yy2 = pls->ylength - (yy2 - 0); x1b = xx1, x2b = xx2, y1b = yy1, y2b = yy2; length = (PLFLT) sqrt((double) ((x2b - x1b) * (x2b - x1b) + (y2b - y1b) * (y2b - y1b))); if (length == 0.) length = 1.; dx = (xx2 - xx1) / length; dy = (yy2 - yy1) / length; fx = xx1; fy = yy1; plot((PLINT) xx1, (PLINT) yy1, pls); plot((PLINT) xx2, (PLINT) yy2, pls); for (i = 1; i <= (int) length; i++) { fx += dx; fy += dy; plot((PLINT) fx, (PLINT) fy, pls); } } #endif void plD_polyline_pbm(PLStream *pls, short *xa, short *ya, PLINT npts) { int i; for (i=0; iOutFile; if (fp != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", "P6"); fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", pls->xlength, pls->ylength); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", MAX_INTENSITY); /* { int i, j, k; for (i=0; ixlength * pls->ylength * 3, fp ); fclose(fp); } free(cmap); cmap = 0; } void plD_bop_pbm(PLStream *pls) { int i,j,k; cmap = (char*)malloc(pls->xlength*pls->ylength*3); for (i=0; iylength; i++) for (j=0; jxlength; j++) { k = (i*pls->xlength + j)*3; cmap[k+0] = pls->cmap0[0].r; cmap[k+1] = pls->cmap0[0].g; cmap[k+2] = pls->cmap0[0].b; } } void plD_tidy_pbm(PLStream *pls) { /* Nothing to do here */ (void) pls; /* pmr: make it used */ } void plD_state_pbm(PLStream *pls, PLINT op) { /* Nothing to do here */ (void) pls; /* pmr: make it used */ (void) op; } void plD_esc_pbm(PLStream *pls, PLINT op, void *ptr) { /* Nothing to do here */ (void) pls; /* pmr: make it used */ (void) op; (void) ptr; } #else int pldummy_pbm(void) { return 0; } #endif /* PLD_pbm */