/* $Id: impress.c,v 1.3 2007/05/08 09:09:37 rice Exp $ PLplot ImPress device driver. */ #include "plDevs.h" #ifdef PLD_imp #include "plplotP.h" #include "drivers.h" /* Device info */ const char* plD_DEVICE_INFO_impress = "imp:Impress File:0:impress:37:imp"; /* Function prototypes */ /* pmr: defined in drivers.h */ /*void plD_dispatch_init_imp ( PLDispatchTable *pdt );*/ void plD_init_imp (PLStream *); void plD_line_imp (PLStream *, short, short, short, short); void plD_polyline_imp (PLStream *, short *, short *, PLINT); void plD_eop_imp (PLStream *); void plD_bop_imp (PLStream *); void plD_tidy_imp (PLStream *); void plD_state_imp (PLStream *, PLINT); void plD_esc_imp (PLStream *, PLINT, void *); static void flushline(PLStream *); /* top level declarations */ #define IMPX 2999 #define IMPY 2249 #define BUFFPTS 50 #define BUFFLENG 2*BUFFPTS /* Graphics control characters. */ #define SET_HV_SYSTEM 0315 #define OPBYTE1 031 #define OPBYTE2 0140 #define SET_ABS_H 0207 #define SET_ABS_V 0211 #define OPWORDH1 0 #define OPWORDH2 150 #define OPWORDV1 0 #define OPWORDV2 150 #define ENDPAGE 0333 #define SET_PEN 0350 #define CREATE_PATH 0346 #define DRAW_PATH 0352 #define OPTYPE 017 static short *LineBuff; static short FirstLine; static int penchange = 0, penwidth = 1; static short count; void plD_dispatch_init_imp( PLDispatchTable *pdt ) { #ifndef ENABLE_DYNDRIVERS pdt->pl_MenuStr = "Impress File"; pdt->pl_DevName = "imp"; #endif pdt->pl_type = plDevType_FileOriented; pdt->pl_seq = 37; pdt->pl_init = (plD_init_fp) plD_init_imp; pdt->pl_line = (plD_line_fp) plD_line_imp; pdt->pl_polyline = (plD_polyline_fp) plD_polyline_imp; pdt->pl_eop = (plD_eop_fp) plD_eop_imp; pdt->pl_bop = (plD_bop_fp) plD_bop_imp; pdt->pl_tidy = (plD_tidy_fp) plD_tidy_imp; pdt->pl_state = (plD_state_fp) plD_state_imp; pdt->pl_esc = (plD_esc_fp) plD_esc_imp; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plD_init_imp() * * Initialize device (terminal). \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plD_init_imp(PLStream *pls) { PLDev *dev; /* Initialize family file info */ plFamInit(pls); /* Prompt for a file name if not already set */ plOpenFile(pls); /* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */ dev = plAllocDev(pls); dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED; dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED; dev->xmin = 0; dev->ymin = 0; dev->xmax = IMPX; dev->ymax = IMPY; dev->xlen = dev->xmax - dev->xmin; dev->ylen = dev->ymax - dev->ymin; plP_setpxl((PLFLT) 11.81, (PLFLT) 11.81); plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax); LineBuff = (short *) malloc(BUFFLENG * sizeof(short)); if (LineBuff == NULL) { plexit("Error in memory alloc in plD_init_imp()."); } fprintf(pls->OutFile, "@Document(Language ImPress, jobheader off)"); fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", SET_HV_SYSTEM, OPBYTE1); fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c%c", SET_ABS_H, OPWORDH1, OPWORDH2); fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c%c", SET_ABS_V, OPWORDV1, OPWORDV2); fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", SET_HV_SYSTEM, OPBYTE2); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plD_line_imp() * * Draw a line in the current color from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plD_line_imp(PLStream *pls, short x1a, short y1a, short x2a, short y2a) { PLDev *dev = (PLDev *) pls->dev; int xx1 = x1a, yy1 = y1a, xx2 = x2a, yy2 = y2a; if (FirstLine) { if (penchange) { fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", SET_PEN, (char) penwidth); penchange = 0; } /* Add both points to path */ count = 0; FirstLine = 0; *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) xx1; *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) yy1; *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) xx2; *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) yy2; } else if ((count + 2) < BUFFLENG && xx1 == dev->xold && yy1 == dev->yold) { /* Add new point to path */ *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) xx2; *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) yy2; } else { /* Write out old path */ count /= 2; fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c%c", CREATE_PATH, (char) count / 256, (char) count % 256); fwrite((char *) LineBuff, sizeof(short), 2 * count, pls->OutFile); fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", DRAW_PATH, OPTYPE); /* And start a new path */ if (penchange) { fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", SET_PEN, (char) penwidth); penchange = 0; } count = 0; *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) xx1; *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) yy1; *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) xx2; *(LineBuff + count++) = (short) yy2; } dev->xold = xx2; dev->yold = yy2; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plD_polyline_imp() * * Draw a polyline in the current color. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plD_polyline_imp(PLStream *pls, short *xa, short *ya, PLINT npts) { PLINT i; for (i = 0; i < npts - 1; i++) plD_line_imp(pls, xa[i], ya[i], xa[i + 1], ya[i + 1]); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plD_eop_imp() * * End of page. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plD_eop_imp(PLStream *pls) { flushline(pls); fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c", ENDPAGE); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plD_bop_imp() * * Set up for the next page. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plD_bop_imp(PLStream *pls) { PLDev *dev = (PLDev *) pls->dev; FirstLine = 1; dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED; dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED; if (!pls->termin) plGetFam(pls); pls->page++; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plD_tidy_imp() * * Close graphics file or otherwise clean up. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plD_tidy_imp(PLStream *pls) { free((void *) LineBuff); fclose(pls->OutFile); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plD_state_imp() * * Handle change in PLStream state (color, pen width, fill attribute, etc). \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plD_state_imp(PLStream *pls, PLINT op) { switch (op) { case PLSTATE_WIDTH: if (pls->width > 0 && pls->width <= 20) { penwidth = pls->width; penchange = 1; } break; case PLSTATE_COLOR0: break; case PLSTATE_COLOR1: break; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * plD_esc_imp() * * Escape function. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void plD_esc_imp(PLStream *pls, PLINT op, void *ptr) { (void) pls; /* pmr: make these used */ (void) op; (void) ptr; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * flushline() * * Spits out the line buffer. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void flushline(PLStream *pls) { count /= 2; fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c%c", CREATE_PATH, (char) count / 256, (char) count % 256); fwrite((char *) LineBuff, sizeof(short), 2 * count, pls->OutFile); fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", DRAW_PATH, OPTYPE); FirstLine = 1; } #else int pldummy_impress(void) { return 0; } #endif /* PLD_imp */