/* @source embword.c ** ** Wordmatch routines ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include "math.h" /* ** current wordlength - this is an easily accessible copy of the value ** in the first node of wordLengthList */ static ajuint wordLength = 0; /* list of wordlengths with current one at top of list */ static AjPList wordLengthList = NULL; static AjPList wordCurList = NULL; static ajint wordCmpStr(const void *x, const void *y); static ajint wordCompare(const void *x, const void *y); static void wordCurIterTrace(const AjIList curiter); static void wordCurListTrace(const AjPList curlist); static ajint wordDeadZone(EmbPWordMatch match, ajint deadx1, ajint deady1, int deadx2, ajint deady2, ajint minlength); static ajint wordFindWordAtPos(const char *word, const AjPTable seq1MatchTable, ajint nextpos); static ajint wordGetWholeMatch(EmbPWordMatch match, const AjPTable seq1MatchTable); static void wordListInsertNodeOld(AjPListNode* pnode, void* x); static void wordListInsertOld(AjIList iter, void* x); static ajint wordMatchCmp(const void* v1, const void* v2); static ajint wordMatchCmpPos(const void* v1, const void* v2); static void wordNewListTrace(ajint i, const AjPList newlist); static void wordOrderPosMatchTable(AjPList unorderedList); static unsigned wordStrHash(const void *key, unsigned hashsize); static void wordVFree(void **key, void **count, void *cl); /* @funcstatic wordCmpStr ***************************************************** ** ** Compare two words for first n chars. n set by embWordLength. ** ** @param [r] x [const void *] First word ** @param [r] y [const void *] Second word ** @return [ajint] difference ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint wordCmpStr(const void *x, const void *y) { return ajCharCmpCaseLen((const char *)x, (const char *)y, wordLength); } /* @funcstatic wordStrHash **************************************************** ** ** Create hash value from key. ** ** @param [r] key [const void *] key. ** @param [r] hashsize [unsigned] Hash size ** @return [unsigned] hash value ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static unsigned wordStrHash(const void *key, unsigned hashsize) { unsigned hashval; const char *s; ajuint i; s = (const char *) key; for(i=0, hashval = 0; i < wordLength; i++, s++) hashval = toupper((ajint)*s) + 31 *hashval; return hashval % hashsize; } /* @funcstatic wordCompare **************************************************** ** ** Compare two word in descoending order. ** ** @param [r] x [const void *] First word ** @param [r] y [const void *] Second word ** @return [ajint] count difference for words. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint wordCompare(const void *x, const void *y) { /* const EmbPWord xw; const EmbPWord yw; xw = ((const EmbPWord2)x)->fword; yw = ((const EmbPWord2)y)->fword; return (yw->count - xw->count); */ return ((*(EmbPWord const *)y)->count - (*(EmbPWord const *)x)->count); } /* @func embWordLength ******************************************************** ** ** Sets the word length for all functions. Must be called first. ** Creates the word length list if not yet done. ** Pushes the latest word length value on the list. ** ** @param [r] wordlen [ajint] Word length ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordLength(ajint wordlen) { ajint *pint; if(!wordLengthList) wordLengthList = ajListNew(); /* store the wordlength in case we do recursive word stuff */ AJNEW0(pint); *pint = wordlen; ajListPush(wordLengthList, pint); /* set the current wordlength as an easily accessible static ajint */ wordLength = wordlen; return; } /* @func embWordClear ********************************************************* ** ** Clears the word length for all functions. To be called when all is done. ** Pops the last word length from the list and frees it. ** If there is nothing else on the list, it frees the list. ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordClear(void) { ajint *pint; /* ** pop the previous word length from the list in case there's ** recursive word stuff */ if(ajListGetLength(wordLengthList)) { ajListPop(wordLengthList, (void **)&pint); AJFREE(pint); } if(!ajListGetLength(wordLengthList)) { ajListFree(&wordLengthList); wordLengthList = NULL; /* no valid word length set */ wordLength = 0; /* no valid word length set */ } else { /* set the current wordlength as an easily accessible static ajint */ ajListPeekFirst(wordLengthList, (void **)&pint); wordLength = *pint; } return; } /* @func embWordPrintTable **************************************************** ** ** Print the words found with their frequencies. ** ** @param [r] table [const AjPTable] table to be printed ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordPrintTable(const AjPTable table) { void **keyarray = NULL; void **valarray = NULL; EmbPWord ajnew; ajint i; ajTableToarray(table, &keyarray, &valarray); qsort(valarray, ajTableGetLength(table), sizeof (*valarray), wordCompare); for(i = 0; valarray[i]; i++) { ajnew = (EmbPWord) valarray[i]; ajUser("%.*s\t%d", wordLength, ajnew->fword,ajnew->count); } AJFREE(keyarray); AJFREE(valarray); return; } /* @func embWordPrintTableFI ************************************************** ** ** Print the words found with their frequencies. ** ** @param [r] table [const AjPTable] table to be printed ** @param [r] mincount [ajint] Minimum frequency to report ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordPrintTableFI(const AjPTable table, ajint mincount, AjPFile outf) { void **keyarray = NULL; void **valarray = NULL; EmbPWord ajnew; ajint i; i = ajTableToarray(table, &keyarray, &valarray); ajDebug("embWordPrintTableFI size %d mincount:%d\n", i, mincount); for(i = 0; valarray[i]; i++) { ajnew = (EmbPWord) valarray[i]; ajDebug("embWordPrintTableFI unsorted [%d] %.*s %d\n", i, wordLength, ajnew->fword,ajnew->count); } qsort(valarray, ajTableGetLength(table), sizeof (*valarray), wordCompare); for(i = 0; valarray[i]; i++) { ajnew = (EmbPWord) valarray[i]; ajDebug("embWordPrintTableFI sorted [%d] %.*s %d\n", i, wordLength, ajnew->fword,ajnew->count); if(ajnew->count < mincount) break; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.*s\t%d\n", wordLength, ajnew->fword,ajnew->count); } AJFREE(keyarray); AJFREE(valarray); return; } /* @func embWordPrintTableF *************************************************** ** ** Print the words found with their frequencies. ** ** @param [r] table [const AjPTable] table to be printed ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordPrintTableF(const AjPTable table, AjPFile outf) { embWordPrintTableFI(table, 1, outf); return; } /* @funcstatic wordPositionListDelete ***************************************** ** ** deletes entries in a list of positions. ** ** @param [d] x [void**] Data values as void** ** @param [r] cl [void*] Ignored user data, usually NULL. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordPositionListDelete(void **x,void *cl) { ajint *p; p = (ajint *)*x; AJFREE(p); if(!cl) return; return; } /* @funcstatic wordVFree ****************************************************** ** ** free the elements in a list of positons ** ** @param [r] key [void**] key for a table item ** @param [d] count [void**] Data values as void** ** @param [r] cl [void*] Ignored user data, usually NULL. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordVFree(void **key, void **count, void *cl) { char* ckey; ckey = (char*) *key; ajCharDel(&ckey); /* free the elements in the list of the positons */ ajListMap(((EmbPWord)*count)->list,wordPositionListDelete, NULL); /* free the list structure for the positions. */ ajListFree(&((EmbPWord)*count)->list); /* free the word structure */ AJFREE(*count); if(!cl)return; return; } /* @func embWordFreeTable ***************************************************** ** ** delete the word table and free the memory. ** ** @param [d] table [AjPTable*] table to be deleted ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordFreeTable(AjPTable *table) { ajTableMapDel(*table, wordVFree, NULL); ajTableFree(table); table = 0; return; } /* @funcstatic wordMatchListDelete ******************************************** ** ** deletes entries in a list of matches. ** ** @param [d] x [void**] Data values as void** ** @param [r] cl [void*] Ignored user data, usually NULL. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordMatchListDelete(void **x,void *cl) { EmbPWordMatch p; p = (EmbPWordMatch)*x; AJFREE(p); if(!cl)return; return; } /* @func embWordMatchListDelete *********************************************** ** ** delete the word table. ** ** @param [u] plist [AjPList*] list to be deleted. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordMatchListDelete(AjPList* plist) { if(!*plist) return; ajListMap(*plist,wordMatchListDelete, NULL); ajListFree(plist); return; } /* @funcstatic wordMatchListPrint ********************************************* ** ** print the word table. ** ** @param [r] x [void*] List item (EmbPWordMatch*) ** @param [r] cl [void*] Output file AjPFile ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordMatchListPrint(void *x,void *cl) { EmbPWordMatch p; AjPFile file; p = (EmbPWordMatch)x; file = (AjPFile) cl; ajFmtPrintF(file, "%10d %10d %10d\n", p->seq1start+1, p->seq2start+1, p->length); return; } /* @func embWordMatchListPrint ************************************************ ** ** print the word table. ** ** @param [u] file [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] list to be printed. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordMatchListPrint(AjPFile file, const AjPList list) { ajListMapread(list,wordMatchListPrint, file); return; } /* @func embWordMatchListConvToFeat ******************************************* ** ** convert the word table to feature tables. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] list to be printed. ** @param [u] tab1 [AjPFeattable*] feature table for sequence 1 ** @param [u] tab2 [AjPFeattable*] feature table for sequence 2 ** @param [r] seq1 [const AjPSeq] sequence ** @param [r] seq2 [const AjPSeq] second sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordMatchListConvToFeat(const AjPList list, AjPFeattable *tab1, AjPFeattable *tab2, const AjPSeq seq1, const AjPSeq seq2) { char strand = '+'; ajint frame = 0; AjPStr source = NULL; AjPStr type = NULL; AjPStr tag = NULL; AjPFeature feature; AjIList iter = NULL; float score = 1.0; if(!*tab1) *tab1 = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq1); if(!*tab2) *tab2 = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq2); ajStrAssignC(&source,"wordmatch"); ajStrAssignC(&type,"misc_feature"); score = 1.0; ajStrAssignC(&tag,"note"); iter = ajListIterNewread(list); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { EmbPWordMatch p = (EmbPWordMatch) ajListIterGet(iter); feature = ajFeatNew(*tab1, source, type, p->seq1start+1,p->seq1start+p->length , score, strand, frame) ; ajFeatTagSet(feature, tag, ajSeqGetNameS(seq2)); feature = ajFeatNew(*tab2, source, type, p->seq2start+1,p->seq2start+p->length , score, strand, frame) ; ajFeatTagSet(feature, tag, ajSeqGetNameS(seq1)); } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&source); ajStrDel(&type); ajStrDel(&tag); return; } /* @func embWordGetTable ****************************************************** ** ** Builds a table of all words in a sequence. ** ** The word length must be defined by a call to embWordLength. ** ** @param [u] table [AjPTable*] table to be created or updated. ** @param [r] seq [const AjPSeq] Sequence to be "worded" ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if successful ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool embWordGetTable(AjPTable *table, const AjPSeq seq) { const char * startptr; ajuint i; ajuint j; ajuint ilast; ajuint *k; EmbPWord rec; char* key; ajuint wordsize; char skipchar; wordsize = wordLength+1; skipchar = 'X'; if(ajSeqIsNuc(seq)) skipchar = 'N'; assert(wordLength > 0); ajDebug("embWordGetTable seq.len %d wordlength %d skipchar '%c'\n", ajSeqGetLen(seq), wordLength, skipchar); if(ajSeqGetLen(seq) < wordLength) { ajDebug("sequence too short: wordsize = %d, sequence length = %d", wordLength, ajSeqGetLen(seq)); return ajFalse; } if(!*table) { *table = ajTableNewFunctionLen(ajSeqGetLen(seq), wordCmpStr, wordStrHash); ajDebug("make new table\n"); } /* initialise ptr to start of seq string */ startptr = ajSeqGetSeqC(seq); i = 0; ilast = ajSeqGetLen(seq) - wordLength; j=0; while(j ilast) { ajDebug("sequence has no word without ambiguity code '%c'\n", skipchar); return ajFalse; } } else j++; } while(i <= ilast) { j = wordLength - 1; if((char)toupper((ajint)startptr[j]) == skipchar) { ajDebug("Skip '%c' from %d", skipchar, j); while((char)toupper((ajint)startptr[j]) == skipchar) { i++; startptr++; } i += j; startptr += j; ajDebug(" to %d\n", i); continue; } rec = (EmbPWord) ajTableFetch(*table, startptr); /* does it exist already */ if(rec) { /* if yes increment count */ rec->count++; } else { /* else create a new word */ AJNEW0(rec); rec->count = 1; key = ajCharNewResLenC(startptr, wordsize, wordLength); rec->fword = key; rec->list = ajListNew(); ajTablePut(*table, key, rec); } AJNEW0(k); *k = i; ajListPushAppend(rec->list, k); startptr ++; i++; } ajDebug("table done, size %d\n", ajTableGetLength(*table)); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic wordFindWordAtPos ********************************************** ** ** Looks for a word at a given position ** ** @param [r] word [const char*] Word to find ** @param [r] seq1MatchTable [const AjPTable] Match table ** @param [r] nextpos [ajint] Not used ** @return [ajint] Position found (1 is the start) or 0 if none. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint wordFindWordAtPos(const char *word, const AjPTable seq1MatchTable, ajint nextpos) { EmbPWord wordmatch; ajint *k; ajint *pos; AjIList iter; k = &nextpos; wordmatch = ajTableFetch(seq1MatchTable, word); if(wordmatch) { iter = ajListIterNewread(wordmatch->list); while((pos = (ajint *) ajListIterGet(iter))) if(*pos == *k) { ajListIterDel(&iter); return *pos +1; } ajListIterDel(&iter); } return 0; } /* @funcstatic wordGetWholeMatch ********************************************** ** ** Looks for a word length match. ** ** @param [u] match [EmbPWordMatch] match structure ** @param [r] seq1MatchTable [const AjPTable] match table ** @return [ajint] Match position ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint wordGetWholeMatch(EmbPWordMatch match, const AjPTable seq1MatchTable) { const AjPSeq seq2; const char *startptr; ajuint i = 0; ajuint ilast; ajint nextpos = 0; assert(wordLength > 0); seq2 = match->sequence; startptr = &(ajSeqGetSeqC(seq2)[match->seq2start+1]); i = match->seq2start; nextpos = match->seq1start + 1; ilast = ajSeqGetLen(seq2) - wordLength; while(i < (ilast+1)) { /* find if it matches */ if(!wordFindWordAtPos(startptr, seq1MatchTable, nextpos)) break; match->length++; nextpos++; i++; startptr++; } return (nextpos+wordLength) - (match->seq1start +1); } /* @funcstatic wordOrderMatchTable ******************************************** ** ** Sort the hits by length then seq1 start then by seq2 start ** ** @param [u] unorderedList [AjPList] Unsorted list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordOrderMatchTable(AjPList unorderedList) { ajDebug("wordOrderMatchTable size %d\n", ajListGetLength(unorderedList)); ajListSort(unorderedList, wordMatchCmp); return; } /* @funcstatic wordMatchCmp *************************************************** ** ** Compares two sequence matches so the result can be used in sorting. ** The comparison is done by size and if the size is equal, by seq1 ** start position. If the seq1 start positions are equal they are ** sorted by seq2 start position. ** ** @param [r] v1 [const void*] First word ** @param [r] v2 [const void*] Comparison word ** @return [ajint] Comparison value. 0 if equal, -1 if first is lower, ** +1 if first is higher. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint wordMatchCmp(const void* v1, const void* v2) { const EmbPWordMatch m1; const EmbPWordMatch m2; m1 = *(EmbPWordMatch const *) v1; m2 = *(EmbPWordMatch const *) v2; /* ajDebug("m1 %x %5d %5d %5d\n", m1, m1->length, m1->seq2start, m1->seq1start); ajDebug("m2 %x %5d %5d %5d\n", m2, m2->length, m2->seq2start, m2->seq1start); */ if(m1->length != m2->length) { if(m1->length < m2->length) { /*ajDebug("return 1\n");*/ return 1; } else return -1; } if(m1->seq1start != m2->seq1start) { if(m1->seq1start > m2->seq1start) return 1; else return -1; } if(m1->seq2start != m2->seq2start) { if(m1->seq2start > m2->seq2start) return 1; else return -1; } return 0; } /* @funcstatic wordOrderPosMatchTable ***************************************** ** ** Sort the hits by seq1 start then by seq2 start ** ** @param [u] unorderedList [AjPList] Unsorted list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordOrderPosMatchTable(AjPList unorderedList) { ajListSort(unorderedList, wordMatchCmpPos); return; } /* @funcstatic wordMatchCmpPos ************************************************ ** ** Compares two sequence matches so the result can be used in sorting. ** The comparison is done by seq1 ** start position. If the seq1 start positions are equal they are ** sorted by seq2 start position. ** ** @param [r] v1 [const void*] First word ** @param [r] v2 [const void*] Comparison word ** @return [ajint] Comparison value. 0 if equal, -1 if first is lower, ** +1 if first is higher. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint wordMatchCmpPos(const void* v1, const void* v2) { EmbPWordMatch m1; EmbPWordMatch m2; m1 = *(EmbPWordMatch const *) v1; m2 = *(EmbPWordMatch const *) v2; /* ajDebug("m1 %x %5d %5d %5d\n", m1, m1->length, m1->seq2start, m1->seq1start); ajDebug("m2 %x %5d %5d %5d\n", m2, m2->length, m2->seq2start, m2->seq1start); */ if(m1->seq1start != m2->seq1start) { if(m1->seq1start > m2->seq1start) { /*ajDebug("return 1\n");*/ return 1; } else return -1; } if(m1->seq2start != m2->seq2start) { if(m1->seq2start > m2->seq2start) { /*ajDebug("return 1\n");*/ return 1; } else return -1; } return 0; } /* @func embWordBuildMatchTable *********************************************** ** ** Create a linked list of all the matches and order them by the ** second sequence. ** ** We need three lists: ** (a) all hits, added in positional order ** (b) ongoing hits, where we have not reached the end yet ** which is a list of items in "all hits" being updated ** (c) new hits, found in the word table from the other sequence. ** ** @param [r] seq1MatchTable [const AjPTable] Match table ** @param [r] seq2 [const AjPSeq] Second sequence ** @param [r] orderit [ajint] 1 to sort results at end, else 0. ** @return [AjPList] List of matches. ** @error NULL table was not built due to an error. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList embWordBuildMatchTable(const AjPTable seq1MatchTable, const AjPSeq seq2, ajint orderit) { ajuint i = 0; ajuint ilast; AjPList hitlist = NULL; const AjPList newlist = NULL; const char *startptr; EmbPWord wordmatch; EmbPWordMatch match; EmbPWordMatch match2; EmbPWordMatch curmatch = NULL; AjIList newiter; AjIList curiter; void *ptr = NULL; ajint *k = 0; ajuint kcur = 0; ajuint kcur2 = 0; ajuint knew = 0; AjBool matched = ajFalse; assert(wordLength > 0); AJNEW0(match); match->sequence = seq2; hitlist = ajListNew(); if(!wordCurList) wordCurList = ajListNew(); if(ajSeqGetLen(seq2) < wordLength) { ajWarn("ERROR: Sequence %S length %d less than word length %d", ajSeqGetUsaS(seq2), ajSeqGetLen(seq2), wordLength); return hitlist; } startptr = ajSeqGetSeqC(seq2); ilast = ajSeqGetLen(seq2) - wordLength; /*ajDebug("embWordBuildMatchTable ilast: %u\n", ilast);*/ while(i < (ilast+1)) { if((wordmatch = ajTableFetch(seq1MatchTable, startptr))) { /* match found so create EmbSWordMatch structure and fill it ** in. Then set next pos accordingly ** BUT this could match several places so need to do for each ** position ** ** there is a match between the two sequences ** this could extend an existing match or start a new one */ newlist = wordmatch->list; if(!ajListGetLength(newlist)) ajWarn("ERROR: newlist is empty\n"); /*ajDebug("\nnewlist %u i:%u\n", ajListGetLength(newlist), i);*/ newiter = ajListIterNewread(newlist); /* this is the list of matches for the current word and position */ if(ajListGetLength(wordCurList)) { /*ajDebug("wordCurList size %d\n", ajListGetLength(wordCurList));*/ curiter = ajListIterNew(wordCurList); curmatch = ajListIterGet(curiter); kcur = curmatch->seq1start + curmatch->length - wordLength + 1; kcur2 = curmatch->seq2start + curmatch->length - wordLength + 1; } else curiter = NULL; while(!ajListIterDone(newiter) ) { k = (ajint*) ajListIterGet(newiter); knew = *k; /*ajDebug("knew: %u i:%u\n", knew, i);*/ /* compare to current hits to test for extending */ ajListIterRewind(curiter); matched = ajFalse; while(!ajListIterDone(curiter) ) { curmatch = ajListIterGet(curiter); kcur = curmatch->seq1start + curmatch->length - wordLength + 1; kcur2 = curmatch->seq2start + curmatch->length - wordLength + 1; /*ajDebug(".test kcur/knew %u/%u kcur2/i %u/%u\n", kcur, knew, kcur2, i);*/ /* when we test, we may have already incremented one of the matches - so test old and new kcur2 */ if(kcur2 != i && kcur2 != i+1) { /*ajDebug("finished kcur: %u kcur2: %u i: %u\n", kcur, kcur2,i);*/ ajListIterRemove(curiter); continue; } if(kcur == knew && kcur2 == i) { /* check continued matches */ /* ajDebug("**match knew: %d kcur: %d kcur2: %d start1: %d " "start2: %d len: %d i:%d\n", knew, kcur, kcur2,curmatch->seq1start, curmatch->seq2start,curmatch->length, i);*/ curmatch->length++; matched = ajTrue; continue; } } if(!matched) { /* new current match */ AJNEW0(match2); match2->sequence = seq2; match2->seq1start = knew; match2->seq2start = i; match2->length = wordLength; /*ajDebug("save start1: %d start2: %d len: %d\n", match2->seq1start, match2->seq2start, match2->length);*/ ajListPushAppend(hitlist, match2); /* add to hitlist */ if(curiter) { /* add to wordCurList */ /*ajDebug("...ajListInsert using curiter %u\n", ajListGetLength(wordCurList));*/ wordListInsertOld(curiter, match2); /*wordCurListTrace(wordCurList);*/ /*wordCurIterTrace(curiter);*/ } else { /*ajDebug("...ajListPushAppend to wordCurList %u\n", ajListGetLength(wordCurList));*/ ajListPushAppend(wordCurList, match2); /* wordCurListTrace(wordCurList); */ } } /* ajDebug("k: %d i: %d\n", *k, i); */ } ajListIterDel(&newiter); ajListIterDel(&curiter); } /* no match, so all existing matches are completed */ i++; startptr++; } /* wordCurListTrace(hitlist); */ if(orderit) wordOrderMatchTable(hitlist); /* wordCurListTrace(hitlist); */ AJFREE(match); while(ajListPop(wordCurList,(void **)&ptr)); return hitlist; } /* @funcstatic wordNewListTrace *********************************************** ** ** Reports contents of a word list. ** ** @param [r] i [ajint] Offset ** @param [r] newlist [const AjPList] word list. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordNewListTrace(ajint i, const AjPList newlist) { ajint *k; AjIList iter; iter = ajListIterNewread(newlist); ajDebug("\n++newlist... %d \n", i); ajDebug("++ k+len i+len k+1 i+1 len\n"); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { k = (ajint*) ajListIterGet(iter); ajDebug("++ %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", (*k)+wordLength, i+wordLength, (*k)+1, i+1, wordLength); } ajListIterDel(&iter); return; } /* @funcstatic wordCurListTrace *********************************************** ** ** Reports contents of a word list. ** ** @param [r] curlist [const AjPList] word list. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordCurListTrace(const AjPList curlist) { /* EmbPWordMatch match; ajint i; ajint j; ajint ilen; */ AjIList iter = ajListIterNewread(curlist); /* ajDebug("\ncurlist...\n"); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { match = ajListIterGet(iter); i = match->seq1start + 1; j = match->seq2start + 1; ilen = match->length; ajDebug("%6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", i+ilen, j+ilen, i, j, ilen); } */ ajListIterDel(&iter); return; } /* @funcstatic wordCurIterTrace *********************************************** ** ** Reports contents of a current word list iterator ** ** @param [r] curiter [const AjIList] List iterator for the current word list ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordCurIterTrace(const AjIList curiter) { AjPListNode node; EmbPWordMatch match; ajint i, j, ilen; ajDebug("curiter ...\n"); if(curiter->Here) { node = curiter->Here; match = node->Item; i = match->seq1start + 1; j = match->seq2start + 1; ilen = match->length; ajDebug(" Here: %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", i+ilen, j+ilen, i, j, ilen); } else ajDebug(" Here: NULL\n"); node = curiter->Head->First; match = node->Item; i = match->seq1start + 1; j = match->seq2start + 1; ilen = match->length; ajDebug(" Orig: %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", i+ilen, j+ilen, i, j, ilen); return; } /* @funcstatic wordDeadZone *************************************************** ** ** Determines if a match is within the region which is not overlapped by the ** match starting at position (deadx1, deady1) or ending at position ** (deadx2, deady2). If it is in this region ** (the 'live zone') then 0 is returned, if it is partially in this region ** then it is truncated to lie inside it and 2 is returned, else 1 is returned. ** ** What is the 'live zone' and 'dead zone'? ** When an initial large match has been found we wish to remove any other ** (smaller) matches that overlap with it. The region in which other matches ** overlap with the first match are called here the 'dead zones'. The regions ** in which they don't overlap are called the 'live zones'. Other matches are ** OK if they are in live zones - they can co-exist with this match. ** ** ** deadx2 ** | . ** | . live ** | . zone 2 ** | dead ............deady2 ** | zone / ** seq2 | / ** | /match ** | / ** deady1.......... ** | . dead ** | . zone ** |live . ** |zone 1 deadx1 ** ------------------------- ** seq1 ** ** @param [u] match [EmbPWordMatch] match to investigate ** @param [r] deadx1 [ajint] x position of end of live zone 1 ** @param [r] deady1 [ajint] y position of end of live zone 1 ** @param [r] deadx2 [ajint] x position of end of live zone 2 ** @param [r] deady2 [ajint] y position of end of live zone 2 ** @param [r] minlength [ajint] minimum length of match ** @return [ajint] 0=in live zone, 1=in dead zone, 2=truncated ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint wordDeadZone(EmbPWordMatch match, ajint deadx1, ajint deady1, ajint deadx2, ajint deady2, ajint minlength) { ajint startx; ajint starty; ajint endx; ajint endy; startx = match->seq1start; starty = match->seq2start; endx = match->seq1start + match->length -1; endy = match->seq2start + match->length -1; /* is it in the top right live zone ? */ if(startx > deadx2 && starty > deady2) return 0; /* is it in the bottom right live zone ? */ if(endx < deadx1 && endy < deady1) return 0; /* is it in the top left dead zone? */ if(starty >= deady1 && endx <= deadx2) return 1; /* is it in the bottom right dead zone? */ if(endy <= deady2 && startx >= deadx1) return 1; /* it must be partially in a dead zone - truncate it */ if(endy < deady2) { if(startx - starty < deadx1 - deady1) /* crosses deady1 */ match->length = deady1 - starty; else if(startx - starty > deadx1 - deady1) /* crosses deadx1 */ match->length = deadx1 - startx; else ajFatal("Found a match where match is on the same diagonal \n" "startx=%d, starty=%d, endx=%d, endy=%d \n" "deadx1=%d, deady1=%d, deadx2=%d, deady2=%d\n", startx, starty, endx, endy, deadx1, deady1, deadx2, deady2); } else if(starty > deady1) { if(startx - starty < deadx1 - deady1) { /* crosses deadx2 */ match->length = endx - deadx2; match->seq1start = deadx2 +1; match->seq2start += deadx2 - startx +1; } else if(startx - starty > deadx1 - deady1) { /* crosses deady2 */ match->length = endy - deady2; match->seq1start += deady2 - starty +1; match->seq2start = deady2 +1; } else ajFatal("Found a match where match is on the same diagonal \n" "startx=%d, starty=%d, endx=%d, endy=%d \n" "deadx1=%d, deady1=%d, deadx2=%d, deady2=%d\n", startx, starty, endx, endy, deadx1, deady1, deadx2, deady2); } else ajFatal("Found a match that was not caught by any case \n" "startx=%d, starty=%d, endx=%d, endy=%d \n" "deadx1=%d, deady1=%d, deadx2=%d, deady2=%d\n", startx, starty, endx, endy, deadx1, deady1, deadx2, deady2); /* ** is the truncated match shorter than our allowed minimum length? ** If so it should be dead */ if(match->length < minlength) return 1; return 2; } /* @func embWordMatchMin ****************************************************** ** ** Given a list of matches, reduce it to the minimal set of best ** non-overlapping matches. ** ** @param [u] matchlist [AjPList] list of matches to reduce to ** non-overlapping set ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embWordMatchMin(AjPList matchlist) { AjIList iter = NULL; EmbPWordMatch match; EmbPWordMatch thismatch; AjPList minlist; /* list of matches in min set */ ajint deadx1; /* positions of the dead zones */ ajint deady1; ajint deadx2; ajint deady2; AjBool truncated; ajint result; minlist = ajListNew(); /* order the matches by size - largest first */ wordOrderMatchTable(matchlist); /* ** remove all other matches in the overlapping dead-zone, truncating ** those that extend into the live-zone */ /* repeat until there are no more matches to process */ while(ajListGetLength(matchlist)) { /* get next longest match and append to list of minimal matches */ ajListPop(matchlist, (void **)&thismatch); ajListPushAppend(minlist, thismatch); /* get the positions of the dead zones */ deadx1 = thismatch->seq1start; /* first pos of match */ deady1 = thismatch->seq2start; /* first pos of match */ /* last pos of match */ deadx2 = thismatch->seq1start + thismatch->length -1; /* last pos of match */ deady2 = thismatch->seq2start + thismatch->length -1; /* haven't truncated any matches yet */ truncated = ajFalse; /* look at all remaining matches in matchlist */ iter = ajListIterNew(matchlist); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { match = ajListIterGet(iter); /* want to remove this match if it is in the dead zone */ result = wordDeadZone(match, deadx1, deady1, deadx2, deady2, wordLength); if(result == 1) { /* ** it is in the dead zone - remove it ** Need to free up the match structure and remove the ** current node of the list */ wordMatchListDelete((void **)&match, NULL); ajListIterRemove(iter); } else if(result == 2) { /* it is partially in the dead zone - now truncated */ truncated = ajTrue; } } ajListIterDel(&iter); /* ** if some truncating done then need to sort the matchlist ** again by size */ if(truncated) wordOrderMatchTable(matchlist); } /* sort by x start position */ wordOrderPosMatchTable(minlist); /* matchlist is now reduced to the minimal non-overlapping list */ ajListPushlist(matchlist, &minlist); return; } /* @func embWordMatchIter **************************************************** ** ** Return the start positions and length for the next match. ** The caller iterates over the list, which is a standard AjPList ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator ** @param [w] start1 [ajint*] Start in first sequence ** @param [w] start2 [ajint*] Start in second sequence ** @param [w] len [ajint*] Length of match ** @return [AjBool] ajFalse if the iterator was exhausted ** ******************************************************************************/ AjBool embWordMatchIter(AjIList iter, ajint* start1, ajint* start2, ajint* len) { EmbPWordMatch p; if(ajListIterDone(iter)) return ajFalse; p = (EmbPWordMatch) ajListIterGet(iter); *start1 = p->seq1start; *start2 = p->seq2start; *len = p->length; return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic wordListInsertOld ********************************************** ** ** Obsolete ajListInsert version emulation ** Insert an item in a list, using an iterator (if not null) ** to show which position to insert. Otherwise, simply push. ** ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator. ** @param [r] x [void*] Data item to insert. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordListInsertOld(AjIList iter, void* x) { AjPList list; AjPListNode p; list = iter->Head; p = iter->Here; if(!p->Prev) { ajListPush(list,(void *)x); return; } if(p == list->First) { if(!p->Prev->Prev) wordListInsertNodeOld(&list->First->Next,x); else wordListInsertNodeOld(&p->Prev->Next,x); } else { if(!p->Prev->Prev) wordListInsertNodeOld(&list->First,x); else wordListInsertNodeOld(&p->Prev->Prev->Next,x); } list->Count++; return; } /* @funcstatic wordListInsertNodeOld ****************************************** ** ** Inserts a new node in a list at the current node position. ** ** @param [u] pnode [AjPListNode*] Current node. ** @param [r] x [void*] Data item to insert. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void wordListInsertNodeOld(AjPListNode* pnode, void* x) { AjPListNode p; AJNEW0(p); p->Item = x; p->Next = (*pnode); p->Prev = (*pnode)->Prev; p->Next->Prev = p; *pnode = p; return; } /* @func embWordUnused ******************************************************** ** ** Unused functions. Here to keep compiler warnings away ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embWordUnused(void) { EmbPWordMatch match; AjPTable ajptable = NULL; AJNEW0(match); wordGetWholeMatch(match,ajptable); wordCurListTrace(NULL); /* comment out in embWordBuildMatchTable */ wordCurIterTrace(NULL); /* comment out in embWordBuildMatchTable */ wordNewListTrace(0, NULL); /* comment out in embWordBuildMatchTable */ return; } /* @func embWordExit ********************************************************** ** ** Cleanup word matching indexing internals on exit ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embWordExit(void) { embWordClear(); ajListFree(&wordCurList); return; }