/**************************************************************************** ** ** @source embsig.c ** ** Data structures and algorithms for use with sparse sequence signatures. ** For use with the the Hit, Hitlist, Sigpos and Signature objects. ** ** Copyright (c) 2004 Jon Ison ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ****************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ private data ============================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @datastatic EmbPHitidx ***************************************************** ** ** Nucleus Hitidx object. ** ** Holds data for an indexing Hit and Hitlist objects ** ** EmbPHitidx is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** @alias EmbSHitidx ** @alias EmbOHitidx ** ** @attr Id [AjPStr] Identifier ** @attr hptr [EmbPHit] Pointer to EmbPHit structure ** @attr lptr [EmbPHitlist] Pointer to EmbPHitlist structure ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSHitidx { AjPStr Id; EmbPHit hptr; EmbPHitlist lptr; }EmbOHitidx; #define EmbPHitidx EmbOHitidx* /* @datastatic EmbPSigcell **************************************************** ** ** Nucleus Sigcell object. ** ** Holds data for a cell of a path matrix for a signature:sequence alignment. ** ** EmbPSigcell is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** ** @alias EmbSSigcell ** @alias EmbOSigcell ** ** @attr val [float] Value for this cell ** @attr prev [ajint] Index in path matrix of prev. highest value ** @attr visited [AjBool] ajTrue if this cell has been visited ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct EmbSSigcell { float val; ajint prev; AjBool visited; } EmbOSigcell; #define EmbPSigcell EmbOSigcell* /* ======================================================================= */ /* ================= Prototypes for private functions ==================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ static EmbPHitidx embHitidxNew(void); static void embHitidxDel(EmbPHitidx *pthis); static ajint embHitidxBinSearch(const AjPStr id, EmbPHitidx const *arr, ajint siz); static ajint embHitidxMatchId(const void *hit1, const void *hit2); static AjBool embHitlistReadFam(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list); static AjBool embHitlistReadSfam(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list); static AjBool embHitlistReadFold(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list); static AjBool embHitlistReadFamFasta(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list); static AjBool embHitlistReadSfamFasta(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list); static AjBool embHitlistReadFoldFasta(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list); /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== private functions ========================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @func embSigdatNew ******************************************************* ** ** Sigdat object constructor. This is normally called by the ** embSignatureReadNew function. Fore-knowledge of the number of empirical ** residues and gaps is required. ** Important: Functions which manipulate the Sigdat object rely on data in ** the gap arrays (gsiz and grfq) being filled in order of increasing gap ** size. ** ** @param [r] nres [ajuint] Number of emprical residues / environments. ** @param [r] ngap [ajuint] Number of emprical gaps. ** ** @return [EmbPSigdat] Pointer to a Sigdat object ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPSigdat embSigdatNew(ajuint nres, ajuint ngap) { EmbPSigdat ret = NULL; ajuint x=0; AJNEW0(ret); ret->nres = nres; ret->nenv = nres; ret->ngap = ngap; if(ngap) { ret->gsiz = ajUintNewL((ajint) ngap); ret->gfrq = ajUintNewL((ajint) ngap); ajUintPut(&ret->gsiz, ngap-1, (ajint)0); ajUintPut(&ret->gfrq, ngap-1, (ajint)0); } else { ret->gsiz = ajUintNew(); ret->gfrq = ajUintNew(); ajUintPut(&ret->gsiz, 0, (ajint)0); ajUintPut(&ret->gfrq, 0, (ajint)0); } if(nres) { ret->rids = ajChararrNewL((ajint) nres); ret->rfrq = ajUintNewL((ajint) nres); ajUintPut(&ret->rfrq, nres-1, (ajint)0); ajChararrPut(&ret->rids, nres-1, (char)' '); AJCNEW0(ret->eids, nres); for(x=0;xeids[x]=ajStrNew(); ret->efrq = ajUintNewL((ajint) nres); ajUintPut(&ret->efrq, nres-1, (ajint)0); } else { ret->rids = ajChararrNew(); ret->rfrq = ajUintNew(); ajUintPut(&ret->rfrq, 0, (ajint)0); ajChararrPut(&ret->rids, 0, (char)' '); /* ret->eids is *NOT* allocated in this case. */ ret->efrq = ajUintNew(); ajUintPut(&ret->efrq, 0, (ajint)0); } return ret; } /* @func embSigposNew ******************************************************* ** ** Sigpos object constructor. This is normally called by the ** embSignatureCompile function. Fore-knowledge of the number of permissible ** gaps is required. ** ** @param [r] ngap [ajuint] Number of permissible gaps. ** ** @return [EmbPSigpos] Pointer to a Sigpos object ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPSigpos embSigposNew(ajuint ngap) { EmbPSigpos ret = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); ret->ngaps = ngap; /* Create arrays */ AJCNEW0(ret->gsiz, ngap); AJCNEW0(ret->gpen, ngap); AJCNEW0(ret->subs, 26); return ret; } /* @func embSigposDel ******************************************************* ** ** Destructor for Sigpos object. ** ** @param [w] pthis [EmbPSigpos*] Sigpos object pointer ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ void embSigposDel(EmbPSigpos *pthis) { AJFREE((*pthis)->gsiz); AJFREE((*pthis)->gpen); AJFREE((*pthis)->subs); AJFREE(*pthis); *pthis = NULL; return; } /* @func embSigdatDel ******************************************************* ** ** Destructor for Sigdat object. ** ** @param [w] pthis [EmbPSigdat*] Sigdat object pointer ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ void embSigdatDel(EmbPSigdat *pthis) { ajuint x=0; ajUintDel(&(*pthis)->gsiz); ajUintDel(&(*pthis)->gfrq); ajUintDel(&(*pthis)->rfrq); ajChararrDel(&(*pthis)->rids); if((*pthis)->eids) { for(x=0; x<(*pthis)->nres; x++) ajStrDel(&((*pthis)->eids[x])); AJFREE((*pthis)->eids); } ajUintDel(&(*pthis)->efrq); AJFREE(*pthis); *pthis = NULL; return; } /* @funcstatic embHitidxNew *************************************************** ** ** Hitidx object constructor. This is normally called by the ** embHitlistClassify function. ** ** @return [EmbPHitidx] Pointer to a Hitidx object ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static EmbPHitidx embHitidxNew(void) { EmbPHitidx ret =NULL; AJNEW0(ret); ret->Id = ajStrNew(); ret->hptr = NULL; ret->lptr = NULL; return ret; } /* @funcstatic embHitidxDel ************************************************** ** ** Destructor for Hitidx object. ** ** @param [w] pthis [EmbPHitidx*] Hitidx object pointer ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static void embHitidxDel(EmbPHitidx *pthis) { ajStrDel(&(*pthis)->Id); AJFREE(*pthis); *pthis = NULL; return; } /* @funcstatic embHitidxBinSearch ********************************************* ** ** Performs a binary search for an accession number over an array of Hitidx ** structures (which of course must first have been sorted). This is a ** case-insensitive search. ** ** @param [r] id [const AjPStr] Search term ** @param [r] arr [EmbPHitidx const *] Array of EmbOHitidx objects ** @param [r] siz [ajint] Size of array ** ** @return [ajint] Index of first Hitidx object found with an Id element ** matching id, or -1 if id is not found. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static ajint embHitidxBinSearch(const AjPStr id, EmbPHitidx const *arr, ajint siz) { int l; int m; int h; int c; l = 0; h = siz-1; while(l<=h) { m=(l+h)>>1; if((c=ajStrCmpCaseS(id, arr[m]->Id)) < 0) h = m-1; else if(c>0) l = m+1; else return m; } return -1; } /* @funcstatic embHitidxMatchId *********************************************** ** ** Function to sort Hitidx objects by Id element. Usually called by ** embHitlistClassify. ** ** @param [r] hit1 [const void*] Pointer to Hitidx object 1 ** @param [r] hit2 [const void*] Pointer to Hitidx object 2 ** ** @return [ajint] -1 if Id1 should sort before Id2, +1 if the Id2 should sort ** first. 0 if they are identical in length and content. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static ajint embHitidxMatchId(const void *hit1, const void *hit2) { const EmbPHitidx p = NULL; const EmbPHitidx q = NULL; p = (*(EmbPHitidx const *)hit1); q = (*(EmbPHitidx const *)hit2); return ajStrCmpS(p->Id, q->Id); } /* @funcstatic embHitlistReadFam ********************************************** ** ** Reads a domain families file (see documentation for the EMBASSY ** DOMAINATRIX package), selects the entries with the specified family, ** and create a list of Hitlist structures. Only the first familiy in the ** scop families file matching the specified classification is read (the file ** should not normally contain duplicate families). ** ** @param [u] scopf [AjPFile] The scop families file. ** @param [r] fam [const AjPStr] Family ** @param [r] sfam [const AjPStr] Superfamily ** @param [r] fold [const AjPStr] Fold ** @param [r] klass [const AjPStr] Class ** @param [w] list [AjPList*] A list of hitlist structures. ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success (a file has been written) ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static AjBool embHitlistReadFam(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list) { EmbPHitlist hitlist = NULL; AjBool done = ajFalse; const AjPStr class = NULL; class = klass; /* ** if family is specified then the other fields also have to be ** specified. check that the other fields are populated */ if(!fam || !sfam || !fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadFam\n"); return ajFalse; } while((hitlist=embHitlistRead(scopf))) { if(ajStrMatchS(fam,hitlist->Family) && ajStrMatchS(sfam,hitlist->Superfamily) && ajStrMatchS(fold,hitlist->Fold) && ajStrMatchS(class,hitlist->Class)) { ajListPushAppend(*list,hitlist); done=ajTrue; break; } else embHitlistDel(&hitlist); } if(done) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic embHitlistReadSfam ********************************************* ** ** Reads a domain families file (see documentation for the EMBASSY ** DOMAINATRIX package), selects the entries with the specified ** superfamily, and create a list of Hitlist structures. ** ** @param [u] scopf [AjPFile] The scop families file. ** @param [r] fam [const AjPStr] Family ** @param [r] sfam [const AjPStr] Superfamily ** @param [r] fold [const AjPStr] Fold ** @param [r] klass [const AjPStr] Class ** @param [w] list [AjPList*] A list of hitlist structures. ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success (a file has been written) ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static AjBool embHitlistReadSfam(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list) { EmbPHitlist hitlist = NULL; AjBool done = ajFalse; const AjPStr class = NULL; class = klass; /* ** if family is specified then the other fields also have to be ** specified. check that the other fields are populated */ if(!sfam || !fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadSfam\n"); return ajFalse; } while((hitlist=embHitlistRead(scopf))) if(ajStrMatchS(fam,hitlist->Superfamily) && ajStrMatchS(fold,hitlist->Fold) && ajStrMatchS(class,hitlist->Class)) { ajListPushAppend(*list,hitlist); done=ajTrue; } else embHitlistDel(&hitlist); if(done) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic embHitlistReadFold ********************************************* ** ** Reads a domain families file (see documentation for the EMBASSY ** DOMAINATRIX package), selects the entries with the specified ** fold, and create a list of Hitlist structures. ** ** @param [u] scopf [AjPFile] The scop families file. ** @param [r] fam [const AjPStr] Family ** @param [r] fold [const AjPStr] Fold ** @param [r] klass [const AjPStr] Class ** @param [w] list [AjPList*] A list of hitlist structures. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static AjBool embHitlistReadFold(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list) { EmbPHitlist hitlist = NULL; AjBool done = ajFalse; const AjPStr class = NULL; class = klass; /* ** if family is specified then the other fields also have to be ** specified. check that the other fields are populated */ if(!fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadFold\n"); return ajFalse; } while((hitlist = embHitlistRead(scopf))) if(ajStrMatchS(fam,hitlist->Fold) && ajStrMatchS(class,hitlist->Class)) { ajListPushAppend(*list,hitlist); done=ajTrue; } else embHitlistDel(&hitlist); if(done) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic embHitlistReadFamFasta ***************************************** ** ** Reads a domain families file in extended FASTA format (see ** documentation for the EMBASSY ** DOMAINATRIX package), selects the entries with the specified family, ** and create a list of Hitlist structures. Only the first familiy in the ** scop families file matching the specified classification is read (the file ** should not normally contain duplicate families). ** ** @param [u] scopf [AjPFile] The scop families file. ** @param [r] fam [const AjPStr] Family ** @param [r] sfam [const AjPStr] Superfamily ** @param [r] fold [const AjPStr] Fold ** @param [r] klass [const AjPStr] Class ** @param [w] list [AjPList*] A list of hitlist structures. ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success (a file has been written) ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static AjBool embHitlistReadFamFasta(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list) { EmbPHitlist hitlist = NULL; AjBool done = ajFalse; const AjPStr class = NULL; class = klass; /* ** if family is specified then the other fields also have to be ** specified. check that the other fields are populated */ if(!fam || !sfam || !fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadFamFasta\n"); return ajFalse; } while((hitlist=embHitlistReadFasta(scopf))) { if(ajStrMatchS(fam,hitlist->Family) && ajStrMatchS(sfam,hitlist->Superfamily) && ajStrMatchS(fold,hitlist->Fold) && ajStrMatchS(class,hitlist->Class)) { ajListPushAppend(*list,hitlist); done=ajTrue; break; } else embHitlistDel(&hitlist); } if(done) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic embHitlistReadSfamFasta **************************************** ** ** Reads a domain families file in extended FASTA format (see documentation ** for the EMBASSY ** DOMAINATRIX package), selects the entries with the specified ** superfamily, and create a list of Hitlist structures. ** ** @param [u] scopf [AjPFile] The scop families file. ** @param [r] fam [const AjPStr] Family ** @param [r] sfam [const AjPStr] Superfamily ** @param [r] fold [const AjPStr] Fold ** @param [r] klass [const AjPStr] Class ** @param [w] list [AjPList*] A list of hitlist structures. ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success (a file has been written) ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static AjBool embHitlistReadSfamFasta(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list) { EmbPHitlist hitlist = NULL; AjBool done = ajFalse; const AjPStr class = NULL; class = klass; /* ** if family is specified then the other fields also have to be ** specified. check that the other fields are populated */ if(!sfam || !fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadSfamFasta\n"); return ajFalse; } while((hitlist=embHitlistReadFasta(scopf))) if(ajStrMatchS(fam,hitlist->Superfamily) && ajStrMatchS(fold,hitlist->Fold) && ajStrMatchS(class,hitlist->Class)) { ajListPushAppend(*list,hitlist); done=ajTrue; } else embHitlistDel(&hitlist); if(done) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic embHitlistReadFoldFasta **************************************** ** ** Reads a domain families file in extended FASTA format (see ** documentation for the EMBASSY ** DOMAINATRIX package), selects the entries with the specified ** fold, and create a list of Hitlist structures. ** ** @param [u] scopf [AjPFile] The scop families file. ** @param [r] fam [const AjPStr] Family ** @param [r] fold [const AjPStr] Fold ** @param [r] klass [const AjPStr] Class ** @param [w] list [AjPList*] A list of hitlist structures. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static AjBool embHitlistReadFoldFasta(AjPFile scopf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass, AjPList* list) { EmbPHitlist hitlist = NULL; AjBool done = ajFalse; const AjPStr class = NULL; class = klass; /* ** if family is specified then the other fields also have to be ** specified. check that the other fields are populated */ if(!fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadFoldFasta\n"); return ajFalse; } while((hitlist = embHitlistReadFasta(scopf))) if(ajStrMatchS(fam,hitlist->Fold) && ajStrMatchS(class,hitlist->Class)) { ajListPushAppend(*list,hitlist); done=ajTrue; } else embHitlistDel(&hitlist); if(done) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== constructors ============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Constructors **************************************************** ** ** All constructors return a pointer to a new instance. It is the ** responsibility of the user to first destroy any previous instance. The ** target pointer does not need to be initialised to NULL, but it is good ** programming practice to do so anyway. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embHitlistNew ****************************************************** ** ** Hitlist object constructor. This is normally called by the embHitlistRead ** function. Fore-knowledge of the number of hits is required. ** ** @param [r] n [ajuint] Number of hits ** ** @return [EmbPHitlist] Pointer to a hitlist object ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPHitlist embHitlistNew(ajuint n) { EmbPHitlist ret = NULL; ajuint i = 0; AJNEW0(ret); ret->Class = ajStrNew(); ret->Architecture = ajStrNew(); ret->Topology = ajStrNew(); ret->Fold = ajStrNew(); ret->Superfamily = ajStrNew(); ret->Family = ajStrNew(); ret->Model = ajStrNew(); ret->Priority = ajFalse; ret->N=n; if(n) { AJCNEW0(ret->hits,n); for(i=0;ihits[i] = embHitNew(); } return ret; } /* @func embHitNew ********************************************************** ** ** Hit object constructor. This is normally called by the embHitlistNew ** function. ** ** @return [EmbPHit] Pointer to a hit object ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPHit embHitNew(void) { EmbPHit ret = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); ret->Seq = ajStrNew(); ret->Acc = ajStrNew(); ret->Spr = ajStrNew(); ret->Dom = ajStrNew(); ret->Typeobj = ajStrNew(); ret->Typesbj = ajStrNew(); ret->Model = ajStrNew(); ret->Alg = ajStrNew(); ret->Group = ajStrNew(); ret->Start = 0; ret->End = 0; ret->Rank = 0; ret->Score = 0; ret->Eval = 0; ret->Pval = 0; ret->Target = ajFalse; ret->Target2 = ajFalse; ret->Priority = ajFalse; return ret; } /* @func embSignatureNew **************************************************** ** ** Signature object constructor. This is normally called by the ** embSignatureReadNew function. Fore-knowledge of the number of signature ** positions is required. ** ** @param [r] n [ajuint] Number of signature positions ** ** @return [EmbPSignature] Pointer to a Signature object ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPSignature embSignatureNew(ajuint n) { EmbPSignature ret = NULL; AJNEW0(ret); ret->Class = ajStrNew(); ret->Architecture = ajStrNew(); ret->Topology = ajStrNew(); ret->Fold = ajStrNew(); ret->Superfamily = ajStrNew(); ret->Family = ajStrNew(); ret->Id = ajStrNew(); ret->Domid = ajStrNew(); ret->Ligid = ajStrNew(); ret->Desc = ajStrNew(); ret->npos = n; /* Create arrays of pointers to Sigdat & Sigpos structures */ if(n) { ret->dat = AJCALLOC0(n, sizeof(EmbPSigdat)); ret->pos = AJCALLOC0(n, sizeof(EmbPSigpos)); } return ret; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== destructors =============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Structure Destructors ******************************************* ** ** All destructor functions receive the address of the instance to be ** deleted. The original pointer is set to NULL so is ready for re-use. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embHitlistDel ****************************************************** ** ** Destructor for hitlist object. ** ** @param [w] ptr [EmbPHitlist*] Hitlist object pointer ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ void embHitlistDel(EmbPHitlist *ptr) { ajuint x = 0; /* Counter */ if(!(*ptr)) { ajWarn("Null pointer passed to embHitlistDel"); return; } if((*ptr)->Class) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Class); if((*ptr)->Architecture) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Architecture); if((*ptr)->Topology) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Topology); if((*ptr)->Fold) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Fold); if((*ptr)->Superfamily) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Superfamily); if((*ptr)->Family) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Family); if((*ptr)->Model) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Model); for(x=0;x<(*ptr)->N; x++) if((*ptr)->hits[x]) embHitDel(&(*ptr)->hits[x]); if((*ptr)->hits) AJFREE((*ptr)->hits); if(*ptr) AJFREE(*ptr); *ptr = NULL; return; } /* @func embHitDel ********************************************************** ** ** Destructor for hit object. ** ** @param [w] ptr [EmbPHit*] Hit object pointer ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ void embHitDel(EmbPHit *ptr) { ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Seq); ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Acc); ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Spr); ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Dom); ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Typeobj); ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Typesbj); ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Model); ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Alg); ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Group); AJFREE(*ptr); *ptr = NULL; return; } /* @func embSignatureDel **************************************************** ** ** Destructor for Signature object. ** ** @param [w] ptr [EmbPSignature*] Signature object pointer ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ void embSignatureDel(EmbPSignature *ptr) { ajuint x = 0; if(!(*ptr)) return; if((*ptr)->dat) for(x=0;x<(*ptr)->npos; ++x) if((*ptr)->dat[x]) embSigdatDel(&(*ptr)->dat[x]); if((*ptr)->pos) for(x=0;x<(*ptr)->npos; ++x) if((*ptr)->pos[x]) embSigposDel(&(*ptr)->pos[x]); if((*ptr)->Class) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Class); if((*ptr)->Architecture) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Architecture); if((*ptr)->Topology) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Topology); if((*ptr)->Fold) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Fold); if((*ptr)->Superfamily) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Superfamily); if((*ptr)->Family) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Family); if((*ptr)->Id) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Id); if((*ptr)->Domid) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Domid); if((*ptr)->Ligid) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Ligid); if((*ptr)->Desc) ajStrDel(&(*ptr)->Desc); if((*ptr)->dat) AJFREE((*ptr)->dat); if((*ptr)->pos) AJFREE((*ptr)->pos); AJFREE(*ptr); *ptr = NULL; return; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Assignments ============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Assignments ***************************************************** ** ** These functions overwrite the instance provided as the first argument ** A NULL value is always acceptable so these functions are often used to ** create a new instance by assignment. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embHitMerge ******************************************************** ** ** Creates a new Hit object which corresponds to a merging of the two ** sequences from the Hit objects hit1 and hit2. ** ** ** @param [r] hit1 [const EmbPHit] Hit 1 ** @param [r] hit2 [const EmbPHit] Hit 2 ** ** @return [EmbPHit] Pointer to Hit object. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPHit embHitMerge(const EmbPHit hit1, const EmbPHit hit2) { EmbPHit ret; ajuint start = 0; /* Start of N-terminal-most sequence */ ajuint end = 0; /* End of N-terminal-most sequence */ AjPStr temp = NULL; /* Check args */ if(!hit1 || !hit2) { ajWarn("Bad arg's passed to EmbPHitMerge"); return NULL; } if(!ajStrMatchS(hit1->Acc, hit2->Acc)) { ajWarn("Merge attempted on 2 hits with different accession numbers"); return NULL; } /* Allocate memory */ ret = embHitNew(); temp = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Acc), hit1->Acc); ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Spr), hit1->Spr); ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Dom), hit1->Dom); /* ** Copy the N-terminal most sequence to our new sequence ** and assign start point of new hit */ if(hit1->Start <= hit2->Start) { ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Seq), hit1->Seq); ret->Start = hit1->Start; end = hit1->End; start = hit2->Start; } else { ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Seq), hit2->Seq); ret->Start = hit2->Start; end = hit2->End; start = hit1->Start; } /* Assign end point of new hit */ if(hit1->End >= hit2->End) ret->End = hit1->End; else ret->End = hit2->End; /* Assign the C-terminus of the sequence of the new hit if necessary */ if(hit2->End > end) { ajStrAssignSubS(&temp, hit2->Seq, end-start+1, -1); ajStrAppendS(&(ret->Seq),temp); } else if(hit1->End > end) { ajStrAssignSubS(&temp, hit1->Seq, end-start+1, -1); ajStrAppendS(&(ret->Seq),temp); } /* Classify the merged hit The Typeobj of the merged hit is set. The merged hit is classified as follows : If hit1 or hit2 is a SEED, the merged hit is classified as a SEED. Otherwise, if hit1 or hit2 is HIT, the merged hit is clsasified as a HIT. If hit1 and hit2 are both OTHER, the merged hit remains classified as OTHER. */ /* if(ajStrMatchC(hit1->Typeobj, "SEED") || ajStrMatchC(hit1->Typeobj, "SEED")) ajStrAssignC(&(ret->Typeobj), "SEED"); else if(ajStrMatchC(hit1->Typeobj, "HIT") || ajStrMatchC(hit1->Typeobj, "HIT")) ajStrAssignC(&(ret->Typeobj), "HIT"); else ajStrAssignC(&(ret->Typeobj), "OTHER"); */ if(ajStrMatchS(hit1->Model, hit2->Model)) ajStrAssignS(&ret->Model, hit1->Model); /* All other elements of structure are left as NULL / o / ajFalse */ ajStrDel(&temp); return ret; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================= Modifiers =============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Modifiers ******************************************************* ** ** These functions use the contents of an instance and update them. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== Operators ===================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Operators ******************************************************* ** ** These functions use the contents of an instance but do not make any ** changes. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embHitlistMatchFold ************************************************ ** ** Function to sort Hitlist object by Fold element. ** ** @param [r] hit1 [const void*] Pointer to Hitlist object 1 ** @param [r] hit2 [const void*] Pointer to Hitlist object 2 ** ** @return [ajint] -1 if Fold1 should sort before Fold2, +1 if the Fold2 ** should sort first. 0 if they are identical. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ ajint embHitlistMatchFold(const void *hit1, const void *hit2) { EmbPHitlist p = NULL; EmbPHitlist q = NULL; p = (*(EmbPHitlist const *)hit1); q = (*(EmbPHitlist const *)hit2); return ajStrCmpS(p->Fold, q->Fold); } /* @func embMatchScore ****************************************************** ** ** Function to sort Hit objects by score record. Usually called by ** ajListSort. ** ** @param [r] hit1 [const void*] Pointer to Hit object 1 ** @param [r] hit2 [const void*] Pointer to Hit object 2 ** ** @return [ajint] 1 if score1Score < q->Score) return -1; else if (p->Score == q->Score) return 0; return 1; } /* @func embMatchinvScore *************************************************** ** ** Function to sort Hit objects by score record. Usually called by ** ajListSort. The sorting order is inverted - i.e. it returns -1 if score1 ** > score2 (as opposed to embMatchScore). ** ** @param [r] hit1 [const void*] Pointer to Hit object 1 ** @param [r] hit2 [const void*] Pointer to Hit object 2 ** ** @return [ajint] 1 if score1Score > q->Score) return -1; else if (p->Score == q->Score) return 0; return 1; } /* @func embMatchLigid ******************************************************** ** ** Function to sort Hit objects by Ligid record (referenced via Sig element). ** ** @param [r] hit1 [const void*] Pointer to Hit object 1 ** @param [r] hit2 [const void*] Pointer to Hit object 2 ** ** @return [ajint] -1 if Ligid1 should sort before Ligid2, +1 if the Ligid2 ** should sort first. 0 if they are identical. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embMatchLigid(const void *hit1, const void *hit2) { EmbPHit p = NULL; EmbPHit q = NULL; p = (*(EmbPHit const *)hit1); q = (*(EmbPHit const *)hit2); return ajStrCmpS(p->Sig->Ligid, q->Sig->Ligid); } /* @func embMatchSN ****************************************************** ** ** Function to sort Hit objects by sn element within Sig element. Usually ** called by ajListSort. ** ** @param [r] hit1 [const void*] Pointer to Hit object 1 ** @param [r] hit2 [const void*] Pointer to Hit object 2 ** ** @return [ajint] 1 if sn1Sig->sn < q->Sig->sn) return -1; else if (p->Sig->sn == q->Sig->sn) return 0; return 1; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================== Casts ===================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Casts *********************************************************** ** ** These functions examine the contents of an instance and return some ** derived information. Some of them provide access to the internal ** components of an instance. They are provided for programming convenience ** but should be used with caution. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== Reporters ==================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Reporters ******************************************************* ** ** These functions return the contents of an instance but do not make any ** changes. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embHitsOverlap ***************************************************** ** ** Checks for overlap between two hits. ** ** @param [r] hit1 [const EmbPHit] Pointer to hit object 1 ** @param [r] hit2 [const EmbPHit] Pointer to hit object 2 ** @param [r] n [ajuint] Threshold number of residues for overlap ** ** @return [AjBool] True if the overlap between the sequences is at least as ** long as the threshold. False otherwise. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embHitsOverlap(const EmbPHit hit1, const EmbPHit hit2, ajuint n) { ajuint len1 = 0; ajuint len2 = 0; ajDebug("embHitsOverlap n:%u\n", n); if((MAJSTRGETLEN(hit1->Seq) && (MAJSTRGETLEN(hit2->Seq)))) if((MAJSTRGETLEN(hit1->Seq)Seq)Seq), ajStrGetLen(hit2->Seq) ,n); if((ajStrFindS(hit1->Seq, hit2->Seq)!=-1) || (ajStrFindS(hit2->Seq, hit1->Seq)!=-1)) return ajTrue; ajDebug("No string overlap in sequences\n"); return ajFalse; } ajDebug("Test range hit1 %u..%u hit2 %u..%u\n", hit1->Start, hit1->End, hit2->Start, hit2->End); if(hit1->End > hit2->Start) len1 = hit1->End - hit2->Start + 1; if(hit2->End > hit1->Start) len2 = hit2->End - hit2->Start + 1; if( ((len1>=n) && (hit2->Start >= hit1->Start)) || ((len2>=n) && (hit1->Start >= hit2->Start))) return ajTrue; ajDebug("No overlap of at least %u\n", hit1->Start, hit1->End, hit2->Start, hit2->End); return ajFalse; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== Input & Output ============================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Input & output ************************************************** ** ** These functions are used for formatted input and output to file. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embHitReadFasta **************************************************** ** ** Read a hit object from a file in extended FASTA format ** (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application). ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] Input file stream ** ** @return [EmbPHit] Hit object, or NULL if the file was not in extended ** FASTA (DHF) format (indicated by a token count of the the lines ** beginning with '>'). ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPHit embHitReadFasta(AjPFile inf) { EmbPHit hit = NULL; /* Current hit */ AjBool donefirst = ajFalse; /* First '>' line has been read */ ajint ntok = 0; /* No. tokens in a line */ const AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; /* Line of text */ AjPStr subline = NULL; /* Allocate strings */ line = ajStrNew(); subline = ajStrNew(); while((ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,">")) { /* Process the last hit */ if(donefirst) { ajStrRemoveWhite(&hit->Seq); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&subline); return hit; } /* else hit = embHitNew(); */ /* Check line has correct no. of tokens and allocate Hit */ ajStrAssignSubS(&subline, line, 1, -1); if( (ntok=ajStrParseCountC(subline, "^")) != 17) { ajWarn("Wrong no. (%d) of tokens for a DHF file on line %S\n", ntok, line); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&subline); embHitDel(&hit); return NULL; } else { hit = embHitNew(); } /* Acc */ token = ajStrParseC(subline, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Acc, token); ajStrTrimWhite(&hit->Acc); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Acc, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Acc); /* Spr */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Spr, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Spr, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Spr); /* Start */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%u", &hit->Start); /* End */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%u", &hit->End); /* Disregard domain type */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); /* Dom */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Dom, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Dom, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Dom); /* Disregard domain identifier - a change of domain identifier indicates a new block of hits in a file with multiple hitlists, but we only want a single hit so don't need this. */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Model, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Model, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Model); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%f", &hit->Score); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%f", &hit->Pval); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%f", &hit->Eval); donefirst = ajTrue; } else { if(hit) ajStrAppendS(&hit->Seq, line); } } /* EOF therefore process last hit */ if(donefirst) { ajStrRemoveWhite(&hit->Seq); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&subline); return hit; } /* Tidy up */ ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&subline); return NULL; } /* @func embHitlistRead ***************************************************** ** ** Read a hitlist object from a file in embl-like format (see documentation ** for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application). ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] Input file stream ** ** @return [EmbPHitlist] Hitlist object ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPHitlist embHitlistRead(AjPFile inf) { EmbPHitlist ret = NULL; AjPStr type = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; /* Line of text */ AjPStr class = NULL; AjPStr arch = NULL; AjPStr top = NULL; AjPStr fold = NULL; AjPStr super = NULL; AjPStr family = NULL; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajuint n = 0; /* Number of current sequence */ ajuint nset = 0; /* Number in set */ ajuint Sunid_Family = 0; /* SCOP sunid for family */ /* Allocate strings */ class = ajStrNew(); arch = ajStrNew(); top = ajStrNew(); fold = ajStrNew(); super = ajStrNew(); family = ajStrNew(); line = ajStrNew(); type = ajStrNew(); /* Read first line */ ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line); /* '//' is the delimiter for block of hits (in case the file contains multiple hitlists). */ while(ok && !ajStrPrefixC(line,"//")) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) { ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line); continue; } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"TY")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %S", &type); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"SI")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %u", &Sunid_Family); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"CL")) { ajStrAssignC(&class,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&class); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"AR")) { ajStrAssignC(&arch,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&arch); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"TP")) { ajStrAssignC(&top,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&top); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"FO")) { ajStrAssignC(&fold,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) break; ajStrAppendC(&fold,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&fold); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"SF")) { ajStrAssignC(&super,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) break; ajStrAppendC(&super,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&super); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"FA")) { ajStrAssignC(&family,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) break; ajStrAppendC(&family,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&family); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"NS")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "NS %u", &nset); /* Create hitlist structure */ (ret)=embHitlistNew(nset); (ret)->N=nset; ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Class, class); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Architecture, arch); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Topology, top); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Fold, fold); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Superfamily, super); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Family, family); (ret)->Sunid_Family = Sunid_Family; if(ajStrMatchC(type, "SCOP")) (ret)->Type = ajSCOP; else if(ajStrMatchC(type, "CATH")) (ret)->Type = ajCATH; } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"NN")) { /* Increment hit counter */ n++; /* Safety check */ if(n>nset) ajFatal("Dangerous error in input file caught " "in embHitlistRead.\n Email jison@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk"); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"SC")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %f", &(ret)->hits[n-1]->Score); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"PV")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %f", &(ret)->hits[n-1]->Pval); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"EV")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %f", &(ret)->hits[n-1]->Eval); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"AC")) { ajStrAssignC(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Acc,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Acc); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"SP")) { ajStrAssignC(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Spr,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Spr); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"DO")) { ajStrAssignC(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Dom,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Dom); } /* else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"TY")) { ajStrAssignC(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Typeobj,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Typeobj); } */ else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"MO")) { ajStrAssignC(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Model,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Model); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"RA")) ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %u %*s %u", &(ret)->hits[n-1]->Start, &(ret)->hits[n-1]->End); else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"GP")) ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %S", &(ret)->hits[n-1]->Group); else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"SQ")) { while((ok=ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) && !ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) ajStrAppendC(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Seq,ajStrGetPtr(line)); ajStrRemoveWhite(&(ret)->hits[n-1]->Seq); continue; } ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line); } ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&class); ajStrDel(&arch); ajStrDel(&top); ajStrDel(&fold); ajStrDel(&super); ajStrDel(&family); ajStrDel(&type); return ret; } /* @func embHitlistReadFasta ************************************************ ** ** Read a hitlist object from a file in extended FASTA format ** (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application). ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] Input file stream ** ** @return [EmbPHitlist] Hitlist object ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPHitlist embHitlistReadFasta(AjPFile inf) { EmbPHitlist hitlist = NULL; EmbPHit hit = NULL; /* Current hit. */ AjPList tmplist = NULL; /* Temp. list of hits */ AjBool donefirst = ajFalse; /* Read first code line. */ AjBool doneseq = ajFalse; /* Read at least one sequence line. */ ajuint this_id = 0; /* Domain id of last hit. */ ajuint last_id = 0; /* Domain id of this hit. */ ajint ntok = 0; /* No. tokens in a line. */ const AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; /* Line of text. */ AjPStr subline = NULL; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjBool parseok = ajFalse; AjPStr type = NULL; ajlong fpos = 0; ajlong fpos_noseq = 0; /* Allocate strings */ line = ajStrNew(); subline = ajStrNew(); tmplist = ajListNew(); type = ajStrNew(); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,">")) { /* This line added so that it can process files with no sequence info. correctly */ fpos_noseq = ajFileResetPos(inf); /* Process the last hit */ if(donefirst) { if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hit->Seq)) ajStrRemoveWhite(&hit->Seq); ajListPushAppend(tmplist, hit); } /* Check line has correct no. of tokens and allocate Hit */ ajStrAssignSubS(&subline, line, 1, -1); if( (ntok=ajStrParseCountC(subline, "^")) != 17) ajFatal("Incorrect no. (%d) of tokens on line %S\n", ntok, line); else { parseok = ajTrue; hit = embHitNew(); } /* Acc */ token = ajStrParseC(subline, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Acc, token); ajStrTrimWhite(&hit->Acc); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Acc, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Acc); /* Spr */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Spr, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Spr, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Spr); /* Start */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%u", &hit->Start); /* End */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%u", &hit->End); /* Type */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&type, token); /* Dom */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Dom, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Dom, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Dom); /* Read domain identifier - a change of domain identifier indicates a new block of hits in a file with multiple hitlists. */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%u", &this_id); /* Domain identifier differs therefore we have come to the end of the list */ if((this_id != last_id) && (donefirst)) { /* Delete the hit we've just read in ... which is of the wrong family */ embHitDel(&hit); hitlist->N = ajListToarray(tmplist, (void ***)&hitlist->hits); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&subline); ajStrDel(&type); ajListFree(&tmplist); if(doneseq) ajFileSeek(inf, fpos, 0); else ajFileSeek(inf, fpos_noseq, 0); return hitlist; } else { if((!donefirst)) { hitlist = embHitlistNew(0); hitlist->Sunid_Family = this_id; if(ajStrMatchC(type, "SCOP")) hitlist->Type = ajSCOP; else if(ajStrMatchC(type, "CATH")) hitlist->Type = ajCATH; } last_id = this_id; } if(donefirst) { token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); } else { token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hitlist->Class, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hitlist->Class, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hitlist->Class); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hitlist->Architecture, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hitlist->Architecture, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hitlist->Architecture); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hitlist->Topology, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hitlist->Topology, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hitlist->Topology); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hitlist->Fold, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hitlist->Fold, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hitlist->Fold); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hitlist->Superfamily, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hitlist->Superfamily, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hitlist->Superfamily); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hitlist->Family, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hitlist->Family, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hitlist->Family); } token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Model, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Model, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Model); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%f", &hit->Score); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%f", &hit->Pval); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%f", &hit->Eval); donefirst = ajTrue; } else { ajStrAppendS(&hit->Seq, line); doneseq=ajTrue; fpos = ajFileResetPos(inf); } } /* EOF therefore process last hit */ if((!ok) && (parseok)) { ajStrRemoveWhite(&hit->Seq); ajListPushAppend(tmplist, hit); hitlist->N = ajListToarray(tmplist, (void ***)&hitlist->hits); ajStrDel(&subline); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&type); ajListFree(&tmplist); return hitlist; } /* Tidy up */ ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&subline); ajStrDel(&type); ajListFree(&tmplist); /* File read error */ return NULL; } /* @func embHitlistReadNode ************************************************* ** ** Reads a scop families file (see documentation for the EMBASSY ** DOMAINATRIX package) and writes a list of Hitlist objects containing ** all domains matching the scop classification provided. ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] File containing multiple Hitlist objects ** @param [r] fam [const AjPStr] Family. ** @param [r] sfam [const AjPStr] Superfamily. ** @param [r] fold [const AjPStr] Fold. ** @param [r] klass [const AjPStr] Class. ** ** @return [AjPList] List of Hitlist objects or NULL. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjPList embHitlistReadNode(AjPFile inf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass) { AjPList ret = NULL; const AjPStr class = NULL; class = klass; if(!inf) ajFatal("NULL arg passed to embHitlistReadNode"); /* Allocate the list if it does not already exist */ (ret) = ajListNew(); /* ** if family is specified then the other fields ** also have to be specified. */ if(fam) { if(!sfam || !fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadNode\n"); ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } else { if((embHitlistReadFam(inf,fam,sfam,fold,class,&ret))) return ret; else { ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } } } /* ** if superfamily is specified then the other fields ** also have to be specified. */ else if(sfam) { if(!fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadNode\n"); ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } else { if((embHitlistReadSfam(inf,fam,sfam,fold,class,&ret))) return ret; else { ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } } } /* ** if fold is specified then the other fields also have ** to be specified. */ else if(fold) { if(!class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadNode\n"); ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } else { if((embHitlistReadFold(inf,fam,fold,class,&ret))) return ret; else { ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } } } ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadNode\n"); ajListFree(&(ret)); return ret; } /* @func embHitlistReadNodeFasta ******************************************** ** ** Reads a domain families file (see documentation for the EMBASSY ** DOMAINATRIX package) and writes a list of Hitlist objects containing ** all domains matching the domain classification provided. ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] File containing multiple Hitlist objects ** @param [r] fam [const AjPStr] Family. ** @param [r] sfam [const AjPStr] Superfamily. ** @param [r] fold [const AjPStr] Fold. ** @param [r] klass [const AjPStr] Class. ** ** @return [AjPList] List of Hitlist objects or NULL. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjPList embHitlistReadNodeFasta(AjPFile inf, const AjPStr fam, const AjPStr sfam, const AjPStr fold, const AjPStr klass) { AjPList ret = NULL; const AjPStr class = NULL; class = klass; if(!inf) ajFatal("NULL arg passed to embHitlistReadNodeFasta"); /* Allocate the list if it does not already exist */ (ret) = ajListNew(); /* ** if family is specified then the other fields ** also have to be specified. */ if(fam) { if(!sfam || !fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadNodeFasta\n"); ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } else { if((embHitlistReadFamFasta(inf,fam,sfam,fold,class,&ret))) return ret; else { ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } } } /* ** if superfamily is specified then the other fields ** also have to be specified. */ else if(sfam) { if(!fold || !class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadNodeFasta\n"); ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } else { if((embHitlistReadSfamFasta(inf,fam,sfam,fold,class,&ret))) return ret; else { ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } } } /* ** if fold is specified then the other fields also have ** to be specified. */ else if(fold) { if(!class) { ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadNodeFasta\n"); ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } else { if((embHitlistReadFoldFasta(inf,fam,fold,class,&ret))) return ret; else { ajListFree(&(ret)); return NULL; } } } ajWarn("Bad arguments passed to embHitlistReadNodeFasta\n"); ajListFree(&(ret)); return ret; } /* @func embHitlistWrite **************************************************** ** ** Write contents of a Hitlist object to an output file in embl-like format ** (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application). ** Text for Class, Fold, Superfamily and Family is only written if the text ** is available. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file stream ** @param [r] obj [const EmbPHitlist] Hitlist object ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embHitlistWrite(AjPFile outf, const EmbPHitlist obj) { ajuint x = 0; /* Counter */ AjPSeqout outseq; if(!obj) return ajFalse; if((obj->Type == ajSCOP)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY SCOP\nXX\n"); else if ((obj->Type == ajCATH)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY CATH\nXX\n"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Class)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"CL %S\n",obj->Class); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Architecture)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"AR %S\n",obj->Architecture); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Topology)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"TP %S\n",obj->Topology); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Fold)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Fold,"XX\nFO ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Superfamily)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Superfamily,"XX\nSF ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Family)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Family,"XX\nFA ",75," \t\n\r"); if( (MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Class)) || (MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Architecture)) || (MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Topology)) || (MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Fold)) || (MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Superfamily)) || (MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Family))) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nSI %u\n", obj->Sunid_Family); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nNS %u\nXX\n",obj->N); for(x=0;xN;x++) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s[%u]\nXX\n", "NN", x+1); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Model)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "MO", obj->hits[x]->Model); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } /* if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Typeobj)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "TY", obj->hits[x]->Typeobj); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%.2f\n", "SC", obj->hits[x]->Score); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%.3e\n", "PV", obj->hits[x]->Pval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%.3e\n", "EV", obj->hits[x]->Eval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Group)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "GP", obj->hits[x]->Group); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "AC", obj->hits[x]->Acc); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Spr)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "SP", obj->hits[x]->Spr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Dom)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "DO", obj->hits[x]->Dom); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%u START; %u END;\n", "RA", obj->hits[x]->Start, obj->hits[x]->End); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); outseq = ajSeqoutNewFile(outf); ajSeqoutDumpSwisslike(outseq, obj->hits[x]->Seq, "SQ"); ajSeqoutDel(&outseq); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "//\n"); return ajTrue; } /* @func embHitlistWriteSubset ********************************************** ** ** Write contents of a Hitlist object to an output file in embl-like format ** (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application). ** Only those hits are written for which a 1 is given in the corresponding ** position in array of integers. ** Text for Class, Architecture, Topology, Fold, Superfamily and Family is ** only written if the text is available. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file stream ** @param [r] obj [const EmbPHitlist] Hitlist object ** @param [r] ok [const AjPUint] Whether hits are to be printed or not ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embHitlistWriteSubset(AjPFile outf, const EmbPHitlist obj, const AjPUint ok) { ajuint x = 0; /* Counter */ ajuint y = 0; /* Counter */ ajuint nset = 0; /* No. in set to be printed out */ AjPSeqout outseq; if(!obj) return ajFalse; if((obj->Type == ajSCOP)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY SCOP\nXX\n"); else if ((obj->Type == ajCATH)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY CATH\nXX\n"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Class)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"CL %S\n",obj->Class); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Architecture)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"AR %S\n",obj->Architecture); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Topology)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"TP %S\n",obj->Topology); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Fold)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Fold,"XX\nFO ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Superfamily)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Superfamily,"XX\nSF ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Family)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Family,"XX\nFA ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Family)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nSI %u\n", obj->Sunid_Family); for(nset=0, x=0;xN;x++) if(ajUintGet(ok, x) == 1) nset++; ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nNS %u\nXX\n",nset); for(x=0;xN;x++) { if(ajUintGet(ok, x) == 1) { y++; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s[%u]\nXX\n", "NN", y); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Model)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "MO", obj->hits[x]->Model); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } /* if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Typeobj)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "TY", obj->hits[x]->Typeobj); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%.2f\n", "SC", obj->hits[x]->Score); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%.3e\n", "PV", obj->hits[x]->Pval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%.3e\n", "EV", obj->hits[x]->Eval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Group)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "GP", obj->hits[x]->Group); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "AC", obj->hits[x]->Acc); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Spr)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "SP", obj->hits[x]->Spr); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Dom)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "DO", obj->hits[x]->Dom); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%u START; %u END;\n", "RA", obj->hits[x]->Start, obj->hits[x]->End); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); outseq = ajSeqoutNewFile(outf); ajSeqoutDumpSwisslike(outseq, obj->hits[x]->Seq, "SQ"); ajSeqoutDel(&outseq); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "//\n"); return ajTrue; } /* @func embHitlistWriteFasta *********************************************** ** ** Write contents of a Hitlist object to an output file in embl-like format ** (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application). ** Text for Class, Fold, Superfamily and Family is only written if the text ** is available. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file stream ** @param [r] obj [const EmbPHitlist] Hitlist object ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embHitlistWriteFasta(AjPFile outf, const EmbPHitlist obj) { ajuint x = 0; /* Counter */ if(!obj) return ajFalse; for(x=0;xN;x++) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "> "); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Acc)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[x]->Acc); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Spr)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[x]->Spr); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%u^%u^", obj->hits[x]->Start, obj->hits[x]->End); if((obj->Type == ajSCOP)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "SCOP^"); else if ((obj->Type == ajCATH)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "CATH^"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Dom)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[x]->Dom); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%u^", obj->Sunid_Family); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Class)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Class); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Architecture)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Architecture); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Topology)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Topology); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Fold)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Fold); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Superfamily)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Superfamily); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Family)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Family); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Model)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[x]->Model); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.2f^", obj->hits[x]->Score); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.3e^", obj->hits[x]->Pval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.3e", obj->hits[x]->Eval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\n", obj->hits[x]->Seq); } return ajTrue; } /* @func embHitlistWriteSubsetFasta ***************************************** ** ** Write contents of a Hitlist object to an output file in embl-like format ** (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application). ** Only those hits are written for which a 1 is given in the corresponding ** position in array of integers. ** Text for Class, Architecture, Topology, Fold, Superfamily and Family is ** only written if the text is available. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file stream ** @param [r] obj [const EmbPHitlist] Hitlist object ** @param [r] ok [const AjPUint] Whether hits are to be printed or not ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embHitlistWriteSubsetFasta(AjPFile outf, const EmbPHitlist obj, const AjPUint ok) { ajuint x = 0; /* Counter */ if(!obj) return ajFalse; for(x=0;xN;x++) { if(ajUintGet(ok, x) == 1) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "> "); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Acc)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[x]->Acc); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Spr)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[x]->Spr); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%u^%u^", obj->hits[x]->Start, obj->hits[x]->End); if((obj->Type == ajSCOP)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "SCOP^"); else if ((obj->Type == ajCATH)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "CATH^"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[x]->Dom)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[x]->Dom); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%u^", obj->Sunid_Family); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Class)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Class); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Architecture)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Architecture); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Topology)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Topology); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Fold)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Fold); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Superfamily)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Superfamily); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Family)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Family); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Model)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->Model); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.2f^", obj->hits[x]->Score); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.3e^", obj->hits[x]->Pval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.3e", obj->hits[x]->Eval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\n", obj->hits[x]->Seq); } } return ajTrue; } /* @func embHitlistWriteHitFasta ********************************************** ** ** Write contents of one Hitlist object to an output file in embl-like format ** (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application). ** Text for Class, Fold, Superfamily and Family is only written if the text ** is available. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file stream ** @param [r] n [ajuint] Number of hit ** @param [r] obj [const EmbPHitlist] Hitlist object ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embHitlistWriteHitFasta(AjPFile outf, ajuint n, const EmbPHitlist obj) { if(!obj) return ajFalse; if(n >= obj->N) return ajFalse; ajFmtPrintF(outf, "> "); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[n]->Acc)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[n]->Acc); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[n]->Spr)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[n]->Spr); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%u^%u^", obj->hits[n]->Start, obj->hits[n]->End); if((obj->Type == ajSCOP)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "SCOP^"); else if ((obj->Type == ajCATH)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "CATH^"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[n]->Dom)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[n]->Dom); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%u^", obj->Sunid_Family); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Class)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Class); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Architecture)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Architecture); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Topology)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Topology); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Fold)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Fold); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Superfamily)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Superfamily); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Family)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S^",obj->Family); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->hits[n]->Model)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S^", obj->hits[n]->Model); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, ".^"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.2f^", obj->hits[n]->Score); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.3e^", obj->hits[n]->Pval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%.3e", obj->hits[n]->Eval); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\n", obj->hits[n]->Seq); return ajTrue; } /* @func embSignatureReadNew ************************************************ ** ** Read a Signature object from a file in embl-like format (see documentation ** for the DOMAINATRIX "sigscan" application). ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] Input file stream ** ** @return [EmbPSignature] Signature object ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPSignature embSignatureReadNew(AjPFile inf) { EmbPSignature ret = NULL; static AjPStr type = NULL; static AjPStr typesig= NULL; static AjPStr line = NULL; static AjPStr class = NULL; static AjPStr arch = NULL; static AjPStr top = NULL; static AjPStr fold = NULL; static AjPStr super = NULL; static AjPStr family = NULL; ajuint Sunid_Family; /* SCOP sunid for family */ static AjPStr id = NULL; static AjPStr domid = NULL; static AjPStr ligid = NULL; static AjPStr desc = NULL; AjBool ok = ajFalse; ajuint npos = 0; /* No. signature positions */ ajuint i = 0; /* Loop counter */ ajuint n = 0; /* Counter of signature positions */ ajuint nres = 0; /* No. residues for a sig. position */ ajuint ngap = 0; /* No. gaps for a sig. position */ ajuint wsiz = 0; /* Windows size for a sig. position */ ajuint v1 = 0; ajuint v2 = 0; char c1 = '\0'; static AjPStr env = NULL; const AjPStr token = NULL; /* For parsing */ /* Signature of type ajLIGAND only */ ajuint ns; ajuint sn; ajuint np; ajuint pn; ajuint minpatch; ajuint maxgap; /* CHECK ARG'S */ if(!inf) return NULL; /* Only initialise strings if this is called for the first time */ if(!line) { class = ajStrNew(); arch = ajStrNew(); top = ajStrNew(); fold = ajStrNew(); super = ajStrNew(); family = ajStrNew(); line = ajStrNew(); id = ajStrNew(); domid = ajStrNew(); ligid = ajStrNew(); desc = ajStrNew(); type = ajStrNew(); typesig = ajStrNew(); env = ajStrNew(); } /* Read first line */ ok=ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line); while(ok && !ajStrPrefixC(line,"//")) { /* Records for signatures of type ajLIGAND only */ /* IS */ if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"IS")) { token = ajStrParseC(line, ";"); ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %*s %u", &sn); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, ";"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%*s %u", &ns); } /* IP */ else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"IP")) { token = ajStrParseC(line, ";"); ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %*s %u", &pn); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, ";"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%*s %u", &np); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, ";"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%*s %u", &minpatch); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, ";"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%*s %u", &maxgap); } /* DE */ else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"DE")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s%S", &desc); } /* ID */ else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"ID")) { token = ajStrParseC(line, ";"); ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %*s %S", &id); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, ";"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%*s %S", &domid); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, ";"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%*s %S", &ligid); } if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"TY")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %S", &type); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"TS")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %S", &typesig); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) { ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line); continue; } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"SI")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %u", &Sunid_Family); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"CL")) { ajStrAssignC(&class,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&class); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"AR")) { ajStrAssignC(&arch,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&arch); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"TP")) { ajStrAssignC(&top,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&top); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"FO")) { ajStrAssignC(&fold,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) break; ajStrAppendC(&fold,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&fold); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"SF")) { ajStrAssignC(&super,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) break; ajStrAppendC(&super,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&super); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"FA")) { ajStrAssignC(&family,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) break; ajStrAppendC(&family,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&family); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"NP")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "NP %u", &npos); /* Create signature structure */ (ret)=embSignatureNew(npos); if(ajStrMatchC(type, "SCOP")) (ret)->Type = ajSCOP; else if(ajStrMatchC(type, "CATH")) (ret)->Type = ajCATH; else if(ajStrMatchC(type, "LIGAND")) (ret)->Type = ajLIGAND; if(ajStrMatchC(typesig, "1D")) (ret)->Typesig = aj1D; else if(ajStrMatchC(typesig, "3D")) (ret)->Typesig = aj3D; ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Class, class); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Architecture, arch); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Topology, top); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Fold, fold); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Superfamily, super); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Family, family); (ret)->Sunid_Family = Sunid_Family; /* ajLIGAND only */ ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Id, id); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Domid, domid); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Ligid, ligid); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->Desc, desc); ret->ns = ns; ret->sn = sn; ret->np = np; ret->pn = pn; ret->minpatch = minpatch; ret->maxgap = maxgap; } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"NN")) { /* Increment position counter */ n++; /* Safety check */ if(n>npos) ajFatal("Dangerous error in input file: " "n (%u) > npos (%u). Caught in " "embSignatureReadNew.\n" " Email jison@ebi.ac.uk", n, npos); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"IN")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %*s %u %*c %*s %u %*c %*s %u", &nres, &ngap, &wsiz); /* Create Sigdat structures and fill some elements */ (ret)->dat[n-1]=embSigdatNew(nres, ngap); (ret)->dat[n-1]->wsiz=wsiz; /* Skip 'XX' line */ if(!(ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) break; /* Read in residue data */ for(i=0; i<(ret)->dat[n-1]->nres; i++) { if(!(ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) break; if(ret->Typesig == aj1D) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %c %*c %u", &c1,&v2); ajChararrPut(&(ret)->dat[n-1]->rids,i,c1); ajUintPut(&(ret)->dat[n-1]->rfrq,i,v2); } else if(ret->Typesig == aj3D) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %S %*c %u", &env,&v2); ajStrAssignS(&(ret)->dat[n-1]->eids[i], env); ajUintPut(&(ret)->dat[n-1]->efrq,i,v2); } else { /* This code block identical to above */ ajWarn("Signature type (1D or 3D) not known in embSignatureWrite. Presuming 1D"); ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %c %*c %u", &c1,&v2); ajChararrPut(&(ret)->dat[n-1]->rids,i,c1); ajUintPut(&(ret)->dat[n-1]->rfrq,i,v2); } } if(!ok) break; /* Skip 'XX' line */ if(!(ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) break; /* Read in gap data */ for(i=0; i<(ret)->dat[n-1]->ngap; i++) { if(!(ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) break; ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %u %*c %u", &v1,&v2); ajUintPut(&(ret)->dat[n-1]->gsiz,i,v1); ajUintPut(&(ret)->dat[n-1]->gfrq,i,v2); } if(!ok) break; } ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line); } if(!ok) return NULL; return ret; } /* @func embSignatureWrite ************************************************** ** ** Write contents of a Signature object to an output file in embl-like ** format (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "sigscan" application). ** ** @param [w] outf [AjPFile] Output file stream ** @param [r] obj [const EmbPSignature] Signature object ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embSignatureWrite(AjPFile outf, const EmbPSignature obj) { ajuint i; ajuint j; if(!outf || !obj) return ajFalse; if((obj->Type == ajSCOP)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY SCOP\nXX\n"); else if ((obj->Type == ajCATH)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY CATH\nXX\n"); else if ((obj->Type == ajLIGAND)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY LIGAND\nXX\n"); if((obj->Typesig == aj1D)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TS 1D\nXX\n"); else if ((obj->Typesig == aj3D)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TS 3D\nXX\n"); else { ajWarn("Signature type (1D or 3D) not known in embSignatureWrite. Presuming 1D"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TS 1D\nXX\n"); } if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Class)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"CL %S\n",obj->Class); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Architecture)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"AR %S\n",obj->Architecture); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Topology)) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"TP %S\n",obj->Topology); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Fold)) { ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Fold,"FO ",75," \t\n\r"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Superfamily)) { ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Superfamily,"SF ",75," \t\n\r"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Family)) { ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Family,"FA ",75," \t\n\r"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } /* if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Class)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"CL %S",obj->Class); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Architecture)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Architecture,"\nXX\nAR ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Topology)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Topology,"\nXX\nTP ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Fold)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Fold,"\nXX\nFO ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Superfamily)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Superfamily,"XX\nSF ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(obj->Family)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,obj->Family,"XX\nFA ",75," \t\n\r"); */ if(obj->Sunid_Family) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"SI %u\nXX\n", obj->Sunid_Family); /* Signatures of type ajLIGAND only */ if(obj->Type == ajLIGAND) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5sPDB %S; DOM %S; LIG %S;\n", "ID", obj->Id, obj->Domid, obj->Ligid); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5s%S\n", "DE", obj->Desc); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5sSN %u; NS %u\n", "IS", obj->sn, obj->ns); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%-5sPN %u; NP %u; MP %u; MG %u\n", "IP", obj->pn, obj->np, obj->minpatch, obj->maxgap); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); } ajFmtPrintF(outf,"NP %u\n",obj->npos); for(i=0;inpos;++i) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nNN [%u]\n",i+1); if(obj->Typesig == aj1D) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nIN NRES %u ; NGAP %u ; WSIZ %u\nXX\n", obj->dat[i]->nres, obj->dat[i]->ngap, obj->dat[i]->wsiz); for(j=0;jdat[i]->nres;++j) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"AA %c ; %u\n", (char) ajChararrGet(obj->dat[i]->rids, j), (ajint) ajUintGet(obj->dat[i]->rfrq, j)); } else if (obj->Typesig == aj3D) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nIN NRES %u ; NGAP %u ; WSIZ %u\nXX\n", obj->dat[i]->nenv, obj->dat[i]->ngap, obj->dat[i]->wsiz); for(j=0;jdat[i]->nenv;++j) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"AA %S ; %u\n", obj->dat[i]->eids[j], (ajint) ajUintGet(obj->dat[i]->efrq, j)); } } else { ajWarn("Type of signature (1D or 3D) unknown in embSignatureWrite." " Presuming 1D."); /* This code block identical to above */ ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nIN NRES %u ; NGAP %u ; WSIZ %u\nXX\n", obj->dat[i]->nres, obj->dat[i]->ngap, obj->dat[i]->wsiz); for(j=0;jdat[i]->nres;++j) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"AA %c ; %u\n", (char) ajChararrGet(obj->dat[i]->rids, j), (ajint) ajUintGet(obj->dat[i]->rfrq, j)); } ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\n"); for(j=0;jdat[i]->ngap;++j) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"GA %u ; %u\n", (ajint) ajUintGet(obj->dat[i]->gsiz, j), (ajint) ajUintGet(obj->dat[i]->gfrq, j)); } ajFmtPrintF(outf,"//\n"); return ajTrue; } /* @func embSignatureHitsRead *********************************************** ** ** Reads a signature hits file, allocates a Hitlist object and writes it ** with hits from a signature hits file (see documentation for the ** DOMAINATRIX "sigscan" application). In other words, this function reads ** the results of a scan of a signature against a protein sequence database. ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] Input file stream ** ** @return [EmbPHitlist] Hitlist object that was allocated. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ EmbPHitlist embSignatureHitsRead(AjPFile inf) { AjPList list = NULL; EmbPHitlist ret = NULL; ajuint Sunid_Family = 0; AjBool ok = ajTrue; EmbPHit tmphit = NULL; AjPStr class = NULL; AjPStr arch = NULL; AjPStr top = NULL; AjPStr fold = NULL; AjPStr super = NULL; AjPStr family = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr type = NULL; if(!inf) { ajWarn("NULL file pointer passed to embSignatureHitsRead"); return NULL; } list = ajListNew(); class = ajStrNew(); arch = ajStrNew(); top = ajStrNew(); fold = ajStrNew(); super = ajStrNew(); family = ajStrNew(); line = ajStrNew(); type = ajStrNew(); while(ok && ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"TY")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %S", &type); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"SI")) { ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %u", &Sunid_Family); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"CL")) { ajStrAssignC(&class,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&class); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"AR")) { ajStrAssignC(&arch,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&arch); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"TP")) { ajStrAssignC(&top,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&top); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"FO")) { ajStrAssignC(&fold,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); while((ok=ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) break; ajStrAppendC(&fold,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&fold); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"SF")) { ajStrAssignC(&super,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) break; ajStrAppendC(&super,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&super); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"FA")) { ajStrAssignC(&family,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"XX")) break; ajStrAppendC(&family,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&family); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(line,"HI")) { tmphit=embHitNew(); ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %*d %S %u %u %S %S %S %f %f %f", &tmphit->Acc, &tmphit->Start, &tmphit->End, &tmphit->Group, &tmphit->Typeobj, &tmphit->Typesbj, &tmphit->Score, &tmphit->Pval, &tmphit->Eval); /* Without Typeobj ajFmtScanS(line, "%*s %*d %S %u %u %S %f %f %f", &tmphit->Acc, &tmphit->Start, &tmphit->End, &tmphit->Group, &tmphit->Score, &tmphit->Pval, &tmphit->Eval); */ ajListPush(list, (void *)tmphit); } } ret = embHitlistNew(ajListGetLength(list)); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Class, class); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Architecture, arch); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Topology, top); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Fold, fold); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Superfamily, super); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Family, family); ret->Sunid_Family = Sunid_Family; if(ajStrMatchC(type, "SCOP")) (ret)->Type = ajSCOP; else if(ajStrMatchC(type, "CATH")) (ret)->Type = ajCATH; else if(ajStrMatchC(type, "LIGAND")) (ret)->Type = ajLIGAND; ret->N=ajListToarray(list, (void ***)&(ret->hits)); ajListFree(&list); ajStrDel(&class); ajStrDel(&arch); ajStrDel(&top); ajStrDel(&fold); ajStrDel(&super); ajStrDel(&family); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&type); return ret; } /* @func embSignatureHitsWrite ********************************************** ** ** Writes a list of AjOHit objects to an output file (see documentation ** for the DOMAINATRIX "sigscan" application). This is intended for ** displaying the results from scans of a signature against a protein sequence ** database. The Hitlist must have first been classified by a call to ** embHitlistClassify. Hits up to the first user-specified number of false ** hits are written. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file stream ** @param [r] sig [const EmbPSignature] Signature object ** @param [r] hitlist [const EmbPHitlist] Hitlist objects with hits from scan ** @param [r] n [ajuint] Max. no. false hits to output ** ** @return [AjBool] True if file was written ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embSignatureHitsWrite(AjPFile outf, const EmbPSignature sig, const EmbPHitlist hitlist, ajuint n) { ajuint x = 0; ajuint nf = 0; /* Check args */ if(!outf || !hitlist || !sig) return ajFalse; /* Print header info */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "DE Results of signature search\nXX\n"); /* Print SCOP classification records of signature */ if((sig->Type == ajSCOP)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY SCOP\nXX\n"); else if ((sig->Type == ajCATH)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY CATH\nXX\n"); else if ((sig->Type == ajLIGAND)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "TY LIGAND\nXX\n"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(sig->Class)) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"CL %S",sig->Class); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(sig->Architecture)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,sig->Architecture,"\nXX\nAR ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(sig->Topology)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,sig->Topology,"\nXX\nTP ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(sig->Fold)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,sig->Fold,"\nXX\nFO ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(sig->Superfamily)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,sig->Superfamily,"XX\nSF ",75," \t\n\r"); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(sig->Family)) ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,sig->Family,"XX\nFA ",75," \t\n\r"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nSI %u\n", sig->Sunid_Family); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\n"); /* Loop through list and print out data */ for(x=0;xN; x++) { if(ajStrMatchC(hitlist->hits[x]->Typeobj, "FALSE")) nf++; if(nf>n) break; /* Without Typeobj if(x>n) break; */ if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitlist->hits[x]->Acc)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "HI %-6d%-10S%-5d%-5d%-15S%-10S%-10S" "%-7.1f%.3e %.3e\n", x+1, hitlist->hits[x]->Acc, hitlist->hits[x]->Start+1, hitlist->hits[x]->End+1, hitlist->hits[x]->Group, hitlist->hits[x]->Typeobj, hitlist->hits[x]->Typesbj, hitlist->hits[x]->Score, hitlist->hits[x]->Pval, hitlist->hits[x]->Eval); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "HI %-6d%-10S%-5d%-5d%-15S%-10S%-10S" "%-7.1f%.3e %.3e\n", x+1, hitlist->hits[x]->Spr, hitlist->hits[x]->Start+1, hitlist->hits[x]->End+1, hitlist->hits[x]->Group, hitlist->hits[x]->Typeobj, hitlist->hits[x]->Typesbj, hitlist->hits[x]->Score, hitlist->hits[x]->Pval, hitlist->hits[x]->Eval); /* Without Typeobj if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitlist->hits[x]->Acc)) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "HI %-6d%-10S%-5d%-5d%-15S" "%-7.1f%.3e %.3e\n", x+1, hitlist->hits[x]->Acc, hitlist->hits[x]->Start+1, hitlist->hits[x]->End+1, hitlist->hits[x]->Group, hitlist->hits[x]->Score, hitlist->hits[x]->Pval, hitlist->hits[x]->Eval); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "HI %-6d%-10S%-5d%-5d%-15S" "%-7.1f%.3e %.3e\n", x+1, hitlist->hits[x]->Spr, hitlist->hits[x]->Start+1, hitlist->hits[x]->End+1, hitlist->hits[x]->Group, hitlist->hits[x]->Score, hitlist->hits[x]->Pval, hitlist->hits[x]->Eval); */ } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n//\n"); return ajTrue; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================== Miscellaneous =================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Miscellaneous *************************************************** ** ** These functions may have diverse functions that do not fit into the other ** categories. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embHitlistClassify ************************************************* ** ** Classifies a list of signature-sequence hits (held in a Hitlist object) ** according to list of target sequences (a list of Hitlist objects). ** ** ** The following classification of hits is taken from the documentation ** for the DOMAINATRIX "sigscan" application : ** Definition of classes of hit ** The primary classification is an objective definition of the hit and has ** one of the following values: ** SEED - the sequence was included in the original alignment from which the ** signature was generated. ** HIT - A protein which was detected by psiblast (see psiblasts.c) to ** be a homologue to at least one of the proteins in the family from which ** the signature was derived. Such proteins are identified by the 'HIT' ** record in the scop families file. ** OTHER - A true member of the family but not a homologue as detected by ** psi-blast. Such proteins may have been found from the literature and ** manually added to the scop families file or may have been detected by the ** EMBOSS program swissparse (see swissparse.c). They are identified in the ** scop families file by the 'OTHER' record. ** CROSS - A protein which is homologous to a protein of the same fold, ** but differnt family, of the proteins from which the signature was ** derived. ** FALSE - A homologue to a protein with a different fold to the family ** of the signature. ** UNKNOWN - The protein is not known to be CROSS, FALSE or a true hit (a ** SEED, HIT or OTHER). ** The secondary classification is provided for convenience and a value as ** follows: ** Hits of SEED, HIT and OTHER classification are all listed as TRUE. ** Hits of CROSS, FALSE or UNKNOWN objective ** classification are listed as CROSS, ** FALSE or UNKNOWN respectively. ** ** The Group element is copied from the target sequence for 'TRUE' objective ** hits, whereas 'NOT_APPLICABLE' is given for other types of hit. ** ** The subjective column allows for hand-annotation of the hits files so that ** proteins of UNKNOWN objective classification can re-classified by a human ** expert as TRUE, FALSE, CROSS or otherwise ** left as UNKNOWN for the purpose of ** generating signature performance plots with the EMBOSS application sigplot. ** ** Writes the Group, Typeobj (primary classification) & Typesbj (secondary ** classification) elements depending on how the SCOP classification ** records of the Hit object and target sequence in question compare. ** ** @param [u] hitlist [EmbPHitlist] Hitlist object with hits ** @param [r] targets [const AjPList] List of AjOHitlist objects with targets ** @param [r] thresh [ajuint] Minimum length (residues) of overlap ** required for two hits with the same code to be counted as the same hit. ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success, else False ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embHitlistClassify(EmbPHitlist hitlist, const AjPList targets, ajuint thresh) { /* ** A list of Hitidx structures is derived from the list of AjOHitlist ** objects to allow rapid searching for a given protein accession number */ AjIList itert = NULL; /* List iterator for targets */ EmbPHitlist ptrt = NULL; /* Pointer for targets (hitlist structure) */ EmbPHitidx ptri = NULL; /* Pointer for index (Hitidx structure) */ EmbPHitidx *idxarr = NULL; /* Array of Hitidx structures */ AjPList idxlist = NULL; /* List of Hitidx structures */ ajint idxsiz = 0; /* No.target sequences */ ajint pos = 0; /* Position of a matching code in Hitidx structure */ ajint tpos = 0; /* Temp. position counter */ ajuint x = 0; /* Loop counter */ AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; EmbPHitlist lptr; EmbPHit hitx; /* Check args */ if(!hitlist || (!targets)) { ajWarn("NULL args passed to embHitlistClassify\n"); return ajFalse; } /* Create list & list iterator & other memory */ itert = ajListIterNewread(targets); idxlist = ajListNew(); tmpstr = ajStrNew(); /* Loop through list of targets filling list of Hitidx structures */ while((ptrt=(EmbPHitlist)ajListIterGet(itert))) { /* Write Hitidx structure */ for(x=0;xN;x++) { ptri = embHitidxNew(); ptri->hptr=ptrt->hits[x]; ptri->lptr=ptrt; hitx = ptrt->hits[x]; if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Acc)) ajStrAssignS(&ptri->Id, hitx->Acc); else if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Spr)) ajStrAssignS(&ptri->Id, hitx->Spr); else if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Dom)) ajStrAssignS(&ptri->Id, hitx->Dom); else ajFatal("None of Acc, Spr or Dom set in embHitlistClassify"); ajListPush(idxlist,(EmbPHitidx) ptri); } } /* Order the list of Hitidx structures by Id and transform into an array */ ajListSort(idxlist, embHitidxMatchId); idxsiz = ajListToarray(idxlist, (void ***) &idxarr); /* Loop through list of hits */ for(x=0; xN; x++) { hitx = hitlist->hits[x]; if((MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Acc))) pos=embHitidxBinSearch(hitx->Acc, idxarr, idxsiz); else if((MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Spr))) pos=embHitidxBinSearch(hitx->Spr, idxarr, idxsiz); else if((MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Dom))) pos=embHitidxBinSearch(hitx->Dom, idxarr, idxsiz); else ajFatal("None of Acc, Spr or Dom are set in embHitlistClassify"); if(pos!=-1) { /* ** Id was found ** The list may contain multiple entries for the same Id, so ** search the current position and then up the list for other ** matching strings */ tpos=pos; ajDebug("\nAcc '%S' Spr '%S' Dom '%S' found at pos:%d\n", hitx->Acc, hitx->Spr, hitx->Dom, pos); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Acc)) ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, hitx->Acc); else if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Spr)) ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, hitx->Spr); else if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Dom)) ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, hitx->Dom); else ajFatal("None of Acc, Spr or Dom set in embHitlistClassify"); while(ajStrMatchCaseS(idxarr[tpos]->Id, tmpstr)) { ajDebug("Found '%S' at %d\n", idxarr[tpos]->Id, tpos); if(embHitsOverlap(idxarr[tpos]->hptr, hitx, thresh)) { lptr = idxarr[tpos]->lptr; ajDebug("Hits overlap [%d] '%S'\n", tpos, idxarr[tpos]->Id); ajDebug("Family '%S' '%S'\n", lptr->Family, hitlist->Family); ajDebug("Superfamily '%S' '%S'\n", lptr->Superfamily, hitlist->Superfamily); ajDebug("Fold '%S' '%S'\n", lptr->Fold, hitlist->Fold); ajDebug("Class '%S' '%S'\n", lptr->Class, hitlist->Class); /* if( (idxarr[tpos]->lptr)->Sunid_Family == hitlist->Sunid_Family) */ /* All SCOP nodes are identical */ if((ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Family, hitlist->Family)) && (ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Superfamily, hitlist->Superfamily)) && (ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Fold, hitlist->Fold)) && (ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Class, hitlist->Class))) { /* ajStrAssignS(&hitlist->hits[x]->Typeobj, (idxarr[tpos]->hptr)->Typeobj); */ ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typeobj, "TRUE"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typesbj, "TRUE"); ajStrAssignS(&hitx->Group, (idxarr[tpos]->hptr)->Group); } else if((ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Fold, hitlist->Fold)) && (ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Class, hitlist->Class))) /* SCOP folds are identical */ { ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typeobj, "CROSS"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typesbj, "CROSS"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Group, "NOT_APPLICABLE"); } else /* SCOP folds are different */ { ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typeobj, "FALSE"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typesbj, "FALSE"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Group, "NOT_APPLICABLE"); } } else { ajDebug("Hits do not overlap '%S'\n", idxarr[tpos]->Id); /* ** Id was found but there was no overlap so set ** classification to UNKNOWN, but only if it has ** not already been set */ if((!ajStrMatchC(hitx->Typesbj, "TRUE")) && (!ajStrMatchC(hitx->Typesbj, "CROSS")) && (!ajStrMatchC(hitx->Typesbj, "FALSE"))) { ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typeobj, "UNKNOWN"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typesbj, "UNKNOWN"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Group, "NOT_APPLICABLE"); } } ajDebug("from top hit[%d] obj '%S' sbj '%S' Group '%S'\n", x, hitx->Typeobj, hitx->Typesbj, hitx->Group); tpos--; if(tpos<0) break; } /* Search down the list */ tpos = pos+1; ajDebug("Search down the list from %d\n", tpos); if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Acc)) ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, hitx->Acc); else if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Spr)) ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, hitx->Spr); else if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hitx->Dom)) ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr, hitx->Dom); else ajFatal("None of Acc, Spr or Dom set in embHitlistClassify"); if(tposId, tmpstr)) { ajDebug("Found '%S' at %d\n", idxarr[tpos]->Id, tpos); if(embHitsOverlap(idxarr[tpos]->hptr, hitx, thresh)) { lptr = idxarr[tpos]->lptr; ajDebug("Hits overlap '%S'\n", idxarr[tpos]->Id); ajDebug("Family '%S' '%S'\n", lptr->Family, hitlist->Family); ajDebug("Superfamily '%S' '%S'\n", lptr->Superfamily, hitlist->Superfamily); ajDebug("Fold '%S' '%S'\n", lptr->Fold, hitlist->Fold); ajDebug("Class '%S' '%S'\n", lptr->Class, hitlist->Class); /* SCOP family is identical if( (idxarr[tpos]->lptr)->Sunid_Family == hitlist->Sunid_Family) */ /* All SCOP nodes are identical */ if((ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Family, hitlist->Family)) && (ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Superfamily, hitlist->Superfamily)) && (ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Fold, hitlist->Fold)) && (ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Class, hitlist->Class))) { /* ajStrAssignS(&hitx->Typeobj, (idxarr[tpos]->hptr)->Typeobj); */ ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typeobj, "TRUE"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typesbj, "TRUE"); ajStrAssignS(&hitx->Group, (idxarr[tpos]->hptr)->Group); } else if((ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Fold,hitlist->Fold)) && (ajStrMatchCaseS(lptr->Class, hitlist->Class))) /* SCOP fold is identical */ { ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typeobj, "CROSS"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typesbj, "CROSS"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Group, "NOT_APPLICABLE"); } else /* SCOP folds are different */ { ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typeobj, "FALSE"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typesbj, "FALSE"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Group, "NOT_APPLICABLE"); } } else { ajDebug("Hits do not overlap [%d] '%S'\n", tpos, idxarr[tpos]->Id); /* ** Id was found but there was no overlap so set ** classification to UNKNOWN, but only if it has ** not already been set */ if((!ajStrMatchC(hitx->Typesbj, "TRUE")) && (!ajStrMatchC(hitx->Typesbj, "CROSS")) && (!ajStrMatchC(hitx->Typesbj, "FALSE"))) { ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typeobj, "UNKNOWN"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typesbj, "UNKNOWN"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Group, "NOT_APPLICABLE"); } } tpos++; if(tpos==idxsiz) break; } } else { ajDebug("id '%S' not found hit[%d] obj '%S' sbj '%S' Group '%S'\n", tmpstr, x, hitx->Typeobj, hitx->Typesbj, hitx->Group); /* Id was NOT found so set classification to UNKNOWN */ ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typeobj, "UNKNOWN"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Typesbj, "UNKNOWN"); ajStrAssignC(&hitx->Group, "NOT_APPLICABLE"); } ajDebug("final '%S' hit[%d] obj '%S' sbj '%S' Group '%S'\n", tmpstr, x, hitx->Typeobj, hitx->Typesbj, hitx->Group); } while(ajListPop(idxlist, (void **) &ptri)) embHitidxDel(&ptri); ajListFree(&idxlist); AJFREE(idxarr); ajListIterDel(&itert); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return ajTrue; } /* @func embSignatureCompile ************************************************ ** ** Function to compile a signature: calls embSigposNew to allocate an array ** of AjOSigpos objects within an AjOSignature object, and then writes this ** array. The signature must first have been allocated by using the ** embSignatureNew function. ** ** @param [w] S [EmbPSignature*] Signature object ** @param [r] gapo [float] Gap opening penalty ** @param [r] gape [float] Gap extension penalty ** @param [r] matrix [const AjPMatrixf] Residue substitution matrix ** ** @return [AjBool] True if array was written succesfully. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embSignatureCompile(EmbPSignature *S, float gapo, float gape, const AjPMatrixf matrix) { AjPSeqCvt cvt = NULL; /* Conversion array for AjPMatrixf */ float **sub = NULL; /* Substitution matrix from AjPMatrixf */ ajuint x = 0; ajuint y = 0; ajuint z = 0; AjBool *tgap = NULL; /* Temporary array of gap sizes. A cell == True if a gap is permissible */ float *tpen = NULL; /* Temporary array of gap penalties */ ajuint dim = 0; /* Dimension of tgap & tpen arrays */ float pen = 0.0; /* Gap penalty */ ajuint ngap = 0; /* No. of gaps */ ajint divi = 0; /* Used in calculating residue match values */ /* CHECK ARGS */ if(!(*S) || !((*S)->dat) || !((*S)->pos) || !matrix) return ajFalse; /* INITIALISE SUBSTITUTION MATRIX */ sub = ajMatrixfArray(matrix); cvt = ajMatrixfCvt(matrix); /* LOOP FOR EACH SIGNATURE POSITION */ for(x=0; x<(*S)->npos; x++) { /* ** ALLOCATE TEMP. ARRAY OF GAP SIZES, OF SIZE == ** LARGEST GAP + WINDOW SIZE. NOTE IT IS ESSENTIAL ** THAT THE GAP DATA IS GIVEN IN ORDER OF INCREASING ** GAP SIZE IN THE STRUCTURE */ /* (*S)->dat[x]->gsiz[(*S)->dat[x]->ngap - 1] */ dim = (ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, (*S)->dat[x]->ngap - 1)) + (*S)->dat[x]->wsiz + 1; AJCNEW0(tgap, dim); AJCNEW0(tpen, dim); /* FILL TEMP ARRAYS */ for(y=0; y<(*S)->dat[x]->ngap; y++) { /* GAP NOT EXTENDED BY WINDOW */ tgap[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))]=ajTrue; tpen[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))]=0; /* GAP IS EXTENDED BY WINDOW */ for(z=1; z<=(*S)->dat[x]->wsiz; z++) { pen=gapo+gape*(z-1); /* A penalty has been assigned for this gap distance before */ if(tgap[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))+z]) { /* Write the new penalty value if it is lower than the existing one */ if( pen < tpen[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))+z]) tpen[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))+z]=pen; } /* We have not assigned a penalty to this gap distance before */ else { tpen[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))+z]=pen; tgap[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))+z]=ajTrue; } /* A penalty has been assigned for this gap distance before */ if( ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y) >= z) { /* Write the new penalty value if it is lower than the existing one */ if(tgap[ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y)-z]) { if(pen < tpen[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))-z]) tpen[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))-z]=pen; } /* ** We have not assigned a penalty to this gap ** distance before */ else { tpen[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))-z]=pen; tgap[(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->gsiz, y))-z]=ajTrue; } } } } /* ALLOCATE ARRAY OF Sigpos OBJECTS */ for(ngap=0, y=0; ypos[x] = embSigposNew(ngap); /*ASIGN THE GAP DATA */ for(ngap=0, y=0; ypos[x]->gsiz[ngap]=y; (*S)->pos[x]->gpen[ngap]=tpen[y]; ngap++; } /* CALCULATE RESIDUE MATCH VALUES */ if( (*S)->Typesig==aj1D) { for(z=0;z<26; z++) { for(divi=0, y=0; y<(*S)->dat[x]->nres; y++) { divi+=(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->rfrq, y)); (*S)->pos[x]->subs[z] += (ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->rfrq, y)) * sub[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,(char)((ajint)'A'+z))] [ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, ajChararrGet((*S)->dat[x]->rids, y))]; } (*S)->pos[x]->subs[z] /= divi; } } else if( (*S)->Typesig==aj3D) { for(z=0;z<26; z++) { for(divi=0, y=0; y<(*S)->dat[x]->nenv; y++) { divi+=(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->efrq, y)); /* Environments are rows and residue identities are columns. */ (*S)->pos[x]->subs[z] += (ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->efrq, y)) * sub[ajSeqcvtGetCodeS(cvt, (*S)->dat[x]->eids[y])] [ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,(char)((ajint)'A'+z))]; } (*S)->pos[x]->subs[z] /= divi; } } else { ajWarn("Signature type (1D or 3D) not known in embSignatureCompile. Presuming 1D"); /* This code block identical to above */ for(z=0;z<26; z++) { for(divi=0, y=0; y<(*S)->dat[x]->nres; y++) { divi+=(ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->rfrq, y)); (*S)->pos[x]->subs[z] += (ajUintGet((*S)->dat[x]->rfrq, y)) * sub[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,(char)((ajint)'A'+z))] [ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, ajChararrGet((*S)->dat[x]->rids, y))]; } (*S)->pos[x]->subs[z] /= divi; } } /* FREE tgap & tpen ARRAYS */ AJFREE(tgap); AJFREE(tpen); } return ajTrue; } /* @func embSignatureAlignSeq *********************************************** ** ** Performs an alignment of a signature to a protein sequence. The signature ** must have first been compiled by calling the embSignatureCompile ** function. ** A Hit object is written. ** ** @param [r] S [const EmbPSignature] Signature object ** @param [r] seq [const AjPSeq] Protein sequence ** @param [w] hit [EmbPHit*] Hit object pointer ** @param [r] nterm [ajuint] N-terminal matching option ** ** @return [AjBool] True if a signature-sequence alignment was successful and ** the Hit object was written. Returns False if there was an internal error, ** bad arg's etc. or in cases where a sequence is rejected because of ** N-terminal matching options). ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embSignatureAlignSeq(const EmbPSignature S, const AjPSeq seq, EmbPHit *hit, ajuint nterm) { const AjPStr P = NULL; ajuint gidx = 0; /*Index into gap array */ ajuint glast = 0; /*Index of last gap to try */ ajint nres = 0; /*No. of residues in protein */ ajuint nresm1 = 0; /*== nres-1 */ static EmbPSigcell path = NULL; /*Path matrix as 1D array */ static ajint savedim = 0; /* dimension of path */ static ajint savenres = 0; /* dimension of alg and p */ ajint dim =0; /*Dimension of 1D path matrix == nres * S->npos */ static char *p = NULL; /*Protein sequence */ ajint start = 0; /* Index into path matrix of first position ** in the previous row to grow an alignment ** from */ ajuint startp = 0; /*Index into protein sequence for this position */ ajint stop = 0; /*Index into path matrix of last position in previous row to grow an alignment from */ ajint this = 0; /*Index into path matrix for current row */ ajint last = 0; /*Index into path matrix for last row */ ajint thisp = 0; /*Index into protein sequence for current row */ ajint lastp = 0; /*Index into protein sequence for last row */ ajuint sidx = 0; /*Index into signature */ float val = 0; /*Value for signature position:residue match */ float mval = 0; /*Max. value of matches of last signature position:protein sequence */ ajint max = 0; /*Index into path matrix for cell with mval */ ajint maxp = 0; /*Index into protein sequence for path matrix cell with mval */ static char *alg = NULL; /*String for alignment */ ajint cnt; /*A loop counter */ ajint mlen = 0; /*Min. possible length of the alignment of the signature */ float score=0; /*Score for alignment */ double td; /* CHECK ARGS AND CREATE STRINGS */ if(!S || !seq || !hit) return ajFalse; P = ajSeqGetSeqS(seq); /*Check protein sequence contains alphabetic characters only */ if(!ajStrIsAlpha(P)) return ajFalse; /* INITIALISE VARIABLES */ nres = ajStrGetLen(P); /* No. columns in path matrix */ if(nres<1) return ajFalse; nresm1 = nres-1; /* Index of last column in path matrix */ dim = nres * S->npos; /* ALLOCATE MEMORY */ /*First time the function is called */ if(!path) { /* CREATE PATH MATRIX */ AJCNEW(path, dim); savedim = dim; /* CREATE ALIGNMENT AND PROTEIN SEQUENCE STRINGS */ alg = AJALLOC((nres*sizeof(char))+1); p = AJALLOC((nres*sizeof(char))+1); savenres = nres; } else { /* CREATE PATH MATRIX */ if(dim > savedim) { AJCRESIZE(path, dim); } /* CREATE ALIGNMENT AND PROTEIN SEQUENCE STRINGS */ if((nres) > savenres) { AJCRESIZE(alg, nres+1); AJCRESIZE(p, nres+1); savenres = nres; } } /* ** INITIALISE PATH MATRIX ** Only necessary to initialise element to ajFalse */ for(cnt=0;cntnpos;sidx++) mlen+=(1+S->pos[sidx]->gsiz[0]); start = startp = 0; stop = nres-mlen; if(stop<0) return ajFalse; /* ** Assign path matrix for row 0. 'this' is index into both path ** matrix and protein sequence in this case. There is no gap ** penalty for the first position. ** Assign indices into path matrix of start and stop positions for ** row 0. ** Assign index into protein sequence for start position. */ for(this=0;this<=stop;this++) { path[this].val = S->pos[0]->subs[(ajint) ((ajint)p[this] - (ajint)'A')]; path[this].prev = 0; path[this].visited = ajTrue; } break; case 2: /* ** The first position ** can be aligned anywhere in the protein sequence (this is ** slower, but means that, e.g. high scoring alignments that ** are lacking C-terminal signature positions, will not be ** discarded. */ for(this=0;thispos[0]->subs[(ajint) ((ajint)p[this] - (ajint)'A')]; path[this].prev=0; path[this].visited=ajTrue; } start = startp = 0; stop = nresm1; break; case 3: /* ** Use empirical gaps only, rather than allowing the ** first signature positions to be aligned to anywhere ** within the sequence */ for(glast=S->pos[0]->ngaps; glast>0; glast--) if(S->pos[0]->gsiz[glast-1]pos[0]->gsiz[gidx]; path[this].val=S->pos[0]->subs[(ajint) ((ajint)p[this] - (ajint)'A')]; path[this].prev = 0; path[this].visited = ajTrue; } startp = start = S->pos[0]->gsiz[0]; stop=S->pos[0]->gsiz[gidx-1]; break; default: ajFatal("Bad nterm value for embSignatureAlignSeq. " "This should never happen.\n"); break; } /* ** Assign path matrix for other rows ** Loop for each signature position, beginning at row 1 */ for(sidx=1;sidxnpos;sidx++) { /*Loop for permissible region of previous row */ for(last=start, lastp=startp; last<=stop; last++, lastp++) { if(path[last].visited==ajFalse) continue; /*Loop for each permissible gap in current row */ for(gidx=0;gidxpos[sidx]->ngaps;gidx++) { if((thisp=lastp+S->pos[sidx]->gsiz[gidx]+1)>(ajint)nresm1) break; this = last+nres+S->pos[sidx]->gsiz[gidx]+1; val = path[last].val + S->pos[sidx]->subs[(ajint) (p[thisp] - (ajint)'A')] - S->pos[sidx]->gpen[gidx]; if((path[this].visited==ajTrue)&&(val > path[this].val)) { path[this].val = val; path[this].prev = last; continue; } /*The cell hasn't been visited before so give it a score */ if(path[this].visited==ajFalse) { path[this].val = val; path[this].prev = last; path[this].visited = ajTrue; continue; } } } /* We cannot accomodate the next position */ if((startp+=(1+S->pos[sidx]->gsiz[0]))>=nresm1) break; start += (nres+1+S->pos[sidx]->gsiz[0]); /*last gives (index into last position tried)+1 because of loop increment. */ stop=this; } /* ** Find index into protein sequence and number of signature position ** (row) corresponding to the last cell in the path matrix which was ** assigned */ td = floor((double)(this/nres)); sidx = (ajuint) td; thisp = this - (sidx * nres); /* ** Find maximal value in this row ... give mval a silly value ** so it is assigned at least once */ for(mval=-1000000 ; thisp>=0; this--, thisp--) { if(path[this].visited==ajFalse) continue; if(path[this].val > mval) { mval = path[this].val; max = this; maxp = thisp; } } /*Assign score for alignment */ score = mval; score /= S->npos; /* Backtrack through matrix */ alg[maxp] = '*'; for(this=path[max].prev; sidx>0; this=path[this].prev) { td = floor((double)(this/nres)); sidx = (ajuint) td; thisp= this - (sidx * nres); alg[thisp] = '*'; } /* Write hit structure */ if(!(*hit)) *hit = embHitNew(); ajStrAssignC(&(*hit)->Model, "SPARSE"); ajStrAssignC(&(*hit)->Alg, alg); ajStrAssignS(&(*hit)->Seq, P); (*hit)->Start=thisp; (*hit)->End=maxp; ajStrAssignS(&(*hit)->Acc, ajSeqGetAccS(seq)); if(!MAJSTRGETLEN((*hit)->Acc)) ajStrAssignS(&(*hit)->Acc, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); if(!MAJSTRGETLEN((*hit)->Acc)) ajWarn("Could not find an accession number or name for a sequence" " in embSignatureAlignSeq"); (*hit)->Score=score; return ajTrue; } /* @func embSignatureAlignSeqall ******************************************** ** ** Aligns a signature to a set of sequences and writes a Hitlist object with ** the results. The top-scoring hits are written. The signature must have ** first been compiled by calling the embSignatureCompile function. ** Memory for an Hitlist object must be allocated beforehand by using the ** Hitlist constructor with an arg. of 0. ** ** @param [r] sig [const EmbPSignature] Signature object ** @param [u] db [AjPSeqall] Protein sequences ** @param [r] n [ajuint] Max. number of top-scoring hits to store ** @param [w] hitlist [EmbPHitlist*] Hitlist object pointer ** @param [r] nterm [ajuint] N-terminal matching option ** ** @return [AjBool] True if Hitlist object was written succesfully. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embSignatureAlignSeqall(const EmbPSignature sig, AjPSeqall db, ajuint n, EmbPHitlist *hitlist, ajuint nterm) { ajint nhits = 0; /* Number of hits written to Hitlist object*/ ajuint hitcnt = 0; /* Counter of number of hits */ EmbPHit hit = NULL; /* The current hit */ EmbPHit ptr = NULL; /* Temp. pointer to hit structure */ AjPSeq seq = NULL; /* The current protein sequence from db */ AjPList listhits = NULL; /* Temp. list of hits */ /* Check args */ if(!sig || !db || !hitlist) { ajWarn("NULL arg passed to embSignatureAlignSeqall"); return ajFalse; } /* Memory allocation */ listhits = ajListNew(); /* seq = ajSeqNew(); */ /* Initialise Hitlist object with SCOP records from Signature */ (*hitlist)->Type = sig->Type; (*hitlist)->Sunid_Family = sig->Sunid_Family; ajStrAssignS(&(*hitlist)->Class, sig->Class); ajStrAssignS(&(*hitlist)->Architecture, sig->Architecture); ajStrAssignS(&(*hitlist)->Topology, sig->Topology); ajStrAssignS(&(*hitlist)->Fold, sig->Fold); ajStrAssignS(&(*hitlist)->Superfamily, sig->Superfamily); ajStrAssignS(&(*hitlist)->Family, sig->Family); /* Search the database */ while(ajSeqallNext(db,&seq)) { /* Allocate memory for hit */ hit=embHitNew(); if(!embSignatureAlignSeq(sig, seq, &hit, nterm)) { embHitDel(&hit); continue; } else hitcnt++; /* Push hit onto list */ ajListPush(listhits,(EmbPHit) hit); if(hitcnt>n) { /* Sort list according to score, highest first */ ajListSort(listhits, embMatchinvScore); /* Pop the hit (lowest scoring) from the bottom of the list */ ajListPopLast(listhits, (void *) &ptr); embHitDel(&ptr); } } /* Sort list according to score, highest first */ ajListSort(listhits, embMatchinvScore); /* Convert list to array within Hitlist object */ nhits=ajListToarray(listhits, (void ***) &(*hitlist)->hits); (*hitlist)->N = nhits; ajListFree(&listhits); ajSeqDel(&seq); return ajTrue; }