/* @Source embshow.c ** ** General routines for sequence display. ** Copyright (c) 2000 Gary Williams ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include /* ** ** TO ADD A NEW DISPLAY TYPE: ** ** ** ** Example: complement of the sequence ** ** Create a new type in the descriptor object types 'enum ShowEValtype'. ** eg: SH_COMP ** Use this to refer to this type in later routines. (eg: by embShowAddComp) ** ** Create a structure to hold information about what options for this type ** you can have. ** eg: typedef struct EmbSShowComp { ... } ** ** Create a function called by the user to set up the new type as the next ** thing to be displayed in the list of things. ** eg: embShowAddComp ** ** Create the routine to actually output a line's length of whatever is ** being displayed from position 'pos' of the sequence - the output is ** added to the end of a list of AjPStr. ** Everything to be printed should be ajListPushAppend'd on to the 'lines' list. ** These strings need not be complete lines - you can push many strings of ** partial lines if you prefer. ** End the lines to be output by pushing a string ending with a '\n'. ** As many lines as you wish may be pushed onto the lines list. ** eg: showFillComp ** ** Add a case statement to showFillLines to call the showFill* routine. ** eg: ** case SH_COMP: ** showFillComp(this, lines, info, pos); ** break; */ static void showFillRE(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, EmbPShowRE info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showFillREflat(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowRE info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showFillREupright(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, EmbPShowRE info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static ajint showFillREuprightSort(const void* a, const void* b); static void showOverPrint(AjPStr *target, ajint start, AjPStr insert); static AjBool showLineIsClear(AjPStr *line, ajint start, ajint end); static void showFillLines(AjPList lines, const EmbPShow thys, ajuint pos, ajuint last); static void showPrintLines(AjPFile out, const AjPList lines); static void showMargin(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines); static void showMarginNumber(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, ajint number); static void showPad(AjPList lines, ajint number); static void showInsertHTML(AjPStr *target, ajuint pos, const AjPStr insert); static void showFillSeq(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowSeq info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showFillBlank(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowBlank info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showFillTicks(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowTicks info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showFillTicknum(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowTicknum info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showFillComp(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowComp info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showFillTran(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, EmbPShowTran info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showFillFT(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowFT info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showFillNote(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowNote info, ajuint pos,ajuint last); static void showDelSeq(EmbPShowSeq* pinfo); static void showDelBlank(EmbPShowBlank* pinfo); static void showDelTicks(EmbPShowTicks* pinfo); static void showDelTicknum(EmbPShowTicknum* pinfo); static void showDelComp(EmbPShowComp* pinfo); static void showDelTran(EmbPShowTran* pinfo); static void showDelRE(EmbPShowRE* pinfo); static void showDelFT(EmbPShowFT* pinfo); static void showDelNote(EmbPShowNote* pinfo); static void showAddTags(AjPStr *tagsout, const AjPFeature feat, AjBool values); /* ==================================================================== */ /* ========================= constructors ============================= */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section Show Sequence Constructors **************************************** ** ** All constructors return a new show sequence object by pointer. ** The target pointer does not need to be initialised to NULL, but it is ** good programming practice to do so anyway. ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func embShowNew *********************************************************** ** ** Creates a new sequence show object. ** ** @param [r] seq [const AjPSeq] Sequence to describe ** @param [r] begin [ajint] start position in sequence ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position in sequence ** @param [r] width [ajint] width of displayed sequence on a line ** @param [r] length [ajint] length of a page in lines (0=no length) ** @param [r] margin [ajint] margin for numbers etc. ** @param [r] html [AjBool] format output for HTML ** @param [r] offset [ajint] number to start display of position numbering at ** @return [EmbPShow] New sequence show object. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ EmbPShow embShowNew(const AjPSeq seq, ajint begin, ajint end, ajint width, ajint length, ajint margin, AjBool html, ajint offset) { EmbPShow pthis; AJNEW0(pthis); pthis->list = ajListNew(); /* information about the sequence */ pthis->seq = seq; pthis->nucleic = ajSeqIsNuc(seq); /* ajTrue = sequence is nucleic */ pthis->start = begin; pthis->end = end; /* information about the page layout */ pthis->width = width; /* length of sequence per line */ pthis->length = length; /* length of a page (0 = indefinite) */ pthis->margin = margin; /* margin for numbering */ pthis->html = html; /* ajTrue = format for HTML */ pthis->offset = offset; /* number to start displaying with */ return pthis; } /* @funcstatic showInfoNew **************************************************** ** ** Creates a new descriptor structure to be pushed on the list ** ** @param [r] info [void*] descriptor ** @param [r] type [ajint] type of descriptor ** @return [EmbPShowInfo] New sequence show object. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static EmbPShowInfo showInfoNew(void* info, ajint type) { EmbPShowInfo pthis; AJNEW0(pthis); pthis->info = info; pthis->type = type; return pthis; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* ========================== destructors ============================= */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section Show Sequence Destructors ***************************************** ** ** Destruction destroys all internal data structures and frees the ** memory allocated for the show sequence object. ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func embShowDel *********************************************************** ** ** Deletes a show sequence object. ** ** @param [d] pthis [EmbPShow*] Show sequence object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowDel(EmbPShow* pthis) { EmbPShow thys; AjIList iter; EmbPShowInfo infostruct; ajint type; /* descriptor type */ void *ptr = NULL; ajDebug("embShowDel\n"); /***** DO NOT: ajSeqDel(&pthis->seq); *****/ thys = *pthis; /* free the descriptors */ iter = ajListIterNewread(thys->list); while((infostruct = ajListIterGet(iter)) != NULL) { /* iterate through the descriptors filling out the lines */ type = infostruct->type; switch(type) { case SH_SEQ: showDelSeq((EmbPShowSeq*) &infostruct->info); break; case SH_BLANK: showDelBlank((EmbPShowBlank*) &infostruct->info); break; case SH_TICK: showDelTicks((EmbPShowTicks*) &infostruct->info); break; case SH_TICKNUM: showDelTicknum((EmbPShowTicknum*) &infostruct->info); break; case SH_COMP: showDelComp((EmbPShowComp*) &infostruct->info); break; case SH_TRAN: showDelTran((EmbPShowTran*) &infostruct->info); break; case SH_RE: showDelRE((EmbPShowRE*) &infostruct->info); break; case SH_FT: showDelFT((EmbPShowFT*) &infostruct->info); break; case SH_NOTE: showDelNote((EmbPShowNote*) &infostruct->info); break; default: ajFatal("Unknown descriptor type found in embShowDel: %d", type); } AJFREE(infostruct); } ajListIterDel(&iter); /* we have already freed the descriptors, so use ajListFree here */ while(ajListPop(thys->list,(void **)&ptr)); ajListFree(&thys->list); AJFREE(*pthis); return; } /* @funcstatic showDelSeq ***************************************************** ** ** Deletes a show sequence descriptor object. ** ** @param [d] pinfo [EmbPShowSeq*] Show sequence descriptor object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showDelSeq(EmbPShowSeq* pinfo) { AJFREE(*pinfo); return; } /* @funcstatic showDelBlank *************************************************** ** ** Deletes a show blank descriptor object. ** ** @param [d] pinfo [EmbPShowBlank*] Show blank descriptor object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showDelBlank(EmbPShowBlank* pinfo) { AJFREE(*pinfo); return; } /* @funcstatic showDelTicks *************************************************** ** ** Deletes a show ticks descriptor object. ** ** @param [d] pinfo [EmbPShowTicks*] Show ticks descriptor object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showDelTicks(EmbPShowTicks* pinfo) { AJFREE(*pinfo); return; } /* @funcstatic showDelTicknum ************************************************* ** ** Deletes a show tick numbers descriptor object. ** ** @param [d] pinfo [EmbPShowTicknum*] Show tick numbers descriptor object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showDelTicknum(EmbPShowTicknum* pinfo) { AJFREE(*pinfo); return; } /* @funcstatic showDelComp **************************************************** ** ** Deletes a show complement descriptor object. ** ** @param [d] pinfo [EmbPShowComp*] Show complement descriptor object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showDelComp(EmbPShowComp* pinfo) { AJFREE(*pinfo); return; } /* @funcstatic showDelTran **************************************************** ** ** Deletes a show translation descriptor object. ** ** @param [d] pinfo [EmbPShowTran*] Show translation descriptor object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showDelTran(EmbPShowTran* pinfo) { EmbPShowTran info; info = *pinfo; /* AJB: Why was the seqdel commented out? Memory leak without it */ ajSeqDel(&info->transeq); AJFREE(*pinfo); return; } /* @funcstatic showDelRE ****************************************************** ** ** Deletes a show restriction enzyme descriptor object. ** ** @param [d] pinfo [EmbPShowRE*] Show restriction enzyme descriptor object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showDelRE(EmbPShowRE* pinfo) { void *ptr; EmbPShowRE info; info = *pinfo; ajListFree(&info->matches); /* the nodes are elsewhere */ while(ajListPop(info->sitelist,(void **)&ptr)) AJFREE(ptr); ajListFree(&info->sitelist); AJFREE(*pinfo); return; } /* @funcstatic showDelFT ****************************************************** ** ** Deletes a show feature table descriptor object. ** ** @param [d] pinfo [EmbPShowFT*] Show feature table descriptor object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showDelFT(EmbPShowFT* pinfo) { EmbPShowFT info; info = *pinfo; ajFeattableDel(&info->feat); /* cloned pointer in showseq etc.*/ AJFREE(*pinfo); return; } /* @funcstatic showDelNote **************************************************** ** ** Deletes a show annotation region descriptor object. ** ** @param [d] pinfo [EmbPShowNote*] Show annotation region descriptor object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showDelNote(EmbPShowNote* pinfo) { AJFREE(*pinfo); return; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* ========================== Assignments ============================= */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section Show Sequence Assignments ***************************************** ** ** These functions add to the show sequence object provided as the ** first argument. ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func embShowAddSeq ******************************************************** ** ** Adds the sequence to be displayed to the list of things to show ** This must be done before the final printing is done as without a sequence ** to hang all the other features and things on, there can be no output to ** show. ** ** @param [u] thys [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [r] number [AjBool] Number the sequence ** @param [r] threeletter [AjBool] Use three letter protein code ** @param [r] upperrange [const AjPRange] Range of sequence to uppercase ** @param [r] colour [const AjPRange] Range of sequence to colour in HTML ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowAddSeq(EmbPShow thys, AjBool number, AjBool threeletter, const AjPRange upperrange, const AjPRange colour) { EmbPShowSeq info; AJNEW0(info); info->number = number; info->threeletter = threeletter; /* use three-letter protein code */ info->upperrange = upperrange; /* Range of sequence to uppercase */ info->highlight = colour; /* Range to colour in HTML */ ajListPushAppend(thys->list, showInfoNew(info, SH_SEQ)); return; } /* @func embShowAddBlank ****************************************************** ** ** Adds a blank line to the list of things to show. ** ** @param [u] thys [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowAddBlank(EmbPShow thys) { EmbPShowBlank info; ajDebug("embShowAddBlank\n"); AJNEW0(info); ajListPushAppend(thys->list, showInfoNew(info, SH_BLANK)); return; } /* @func embShowAddTicks ****************************************************** ** ** Adds a ticks line to the list of things to show. ** ** @param [u] thys [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowAddTicks(EmbPShow thys) { EmbPShowTicks info; ajDebug("embShowAddTicks\n"); AJNEW0(info); ajListPushAppend(thys->list, showInfoNew(info, SH_TICK)); return; } /* @func embShowAddTicknum **************************************************** ** ** Adds a ticks number line to the list of things to show. ** ** @param [u] thys [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowAddTicknum(EmbPShow thys) { EmbPShowTicknum info; ajDebug("embShowAddTicknum\n"); AJNEW0(info); ajListPushAppend(thys->list, showInfoNew(info, SH_TICKNUM)); return; } /* @func embShowAddComp ******************************************************* ** ** Adds the sequence complement to be displayed to the list of things to show ** ** @param [u] thys [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [r] number [AjBool] ajTrue = number the complement ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowAddComp(EmbPShow thys, AjBool number) { EmbPShowComp info; ajDebug("embShowAddComp\n"); AJNEW0(info); info->number = number; ajListPushAppend(thys->list, showInfoNew(info, SH_COMP)); return; } /* @func embShowAddTran ******************************************************* ** ** Adds the translation to be displayed to the list of things to show ** ** @param [u] thys [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [r] trnTable [const AjPTrn] Translation table ** @param [r] frame [ajint] Reading frame to translate ** @param [r] threeletter [AjBool] ajTrue for 3 letter code ** @param [r] number [AjBool] ajTrue for numbering ** @param [r] regions [const AjPRange] Sequence range(s) ** @param [r] orfminsize [ajint] Minimum length of ORF to be shown ** @param [r] lcinterorf [AjBool] ajTrue to put inter-orf regions in lowercase ** @param [r] firstorf [AjBool] ajTrue beginning of the seq is a possible ORF ** @param [r] lastorf [AjBool] ajTrue end of the seq is a possible ORF ** @param [r] showframe [AjBool] ajTrue write the frame number ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowAddTran(EmbPShow thys, const AjPTrn trnTable, ajint frame, AjBool threeletter, AjBool number, const AjPRange regions, ajint orfminsize, AjBool lcinterorf, AjBool firstorf, AjBool lastorf, AjBool showframe) { EmbPShowTran info; ajDebug("embShowAddTran\n"); AJNEW0(info); info->trnTable = trnTable; /* translation table */ info->frame = frame; /* 1,2,3,-1,-2 or -3 = frame to translate */ info->threeletter = threeletter; /* ajTrue = display in 3 letter code */ info->regions = regions; /* only translate these regions, NULL = all */ info->number = number; /* ajTrue = number the translation */ info->orfminsize = orfminsize; /* minimum size of ORF to display */ /* these are used by showFillTran */ info->transeq = NULL; /* not yet stored the translation here */ info->tranpos = 0; /* store translation position for numbering */ info->lcinterorf = lcinterorf; /* ajTrue = put the inter-orf regions in lower case */ info->firstorf = firstorf; info->lastorf = lastorf; info->showframe = showframe; ajListPushAppend(thys->list, showInfoNew(info, SH_TRAN)); return; } /* @func embShowAddRE ********************************************************* ** ** Adds the Restriction Enzymes to be displayed to the list of things to show ** ** @param [u] thys [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [r] sense [ajint] sense to translate (+1 or -1) ** @param [r] restrictlist [const AjPList] restriction enzyme cut site list ** @param [r] plasmid [AjBool] Circular (plasmid) sequence ** @param [r] flat [AjBool] show in flat format with recognition sites ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowAddRE(EmbPShow thys, ajint sense, const AjPList restrictlist, AjBool plasmid, AjBool flat) { EmbPShowRE info; ajDebug("embShowAddRE\n"); AJNEW0(info); info->sense = sense; /* 1 or -1 = sense to translate */ info->flat = flat; /* upright or flat display */ info->hits = ajListGetLength(restrictlist); info->matches = ajListNewListref(restrictlist); info->sitelist = NULL; /* show we have not yet created this list */ info->plasmid = plasmid; ajListPushAppend(thys->list, showInfoNew(info, SH_RE)); return; } /* @func embShowAddFT ********************************************************* ** ** Adds the Features to be displayed to the list of things to show ** ** @param [u] thys [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [r] feat [const AjPFeattable] features ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowAddFT(EmbPShow thys, const AjPFeattable feat) { EmbPShowFT info; ajDebug("embShowAddFT\n"); AJNEW0(info); info->feat = ajFeattableCopy(feat); /* store the feature table */ ajListPushAppend(thys->list, showInfoNew(info, SH_FT)); return; } /* @func embShowAddNote ******************************************************* ** ** Adds the annotations to be displayed to the list of things to show ** ** @param [u] thys [EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [r] regions [const AjPRange] Sequence range(s) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowAddNote(EmbPShow thys, const AjPRange regions) { EmbPShowNote info; ajDebug("embShowAddNote\n"); AJNEW0(info); info->regions = regions; /* regions to note */ ajListPushAppend(thys->list, showInfoNew(info, SH_NOTE)); return; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* =========================== Modifiers ============================== */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section Show Sequence Modifiers ******************************************* ** ** These functions modify the behaviour of the last show descriptor on ** the list. ** ** ******************************************************************************/ /* ==================================================================== */ /* ======================== Operators ==================================*/ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section Show Sequence Operators ******************************************* ** ** These functions use the contents of a Show object but do not modify it. ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @func embShowPrint ********************************************************* ** ** Prints a Show object ** ** @param [u] out [AjPFile] Output file handle ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowPrint(AjPFile out, const EmbPShow thys) { AjPList lines; /* list of lines to be printed */ ajuint pos; /* current printing position in sequence */ ajuint start; ajuint end; AjIList liter; /* iterator for lines */ AjPStr line; ajuint count = 0; /* count of newlines in the list */ ajuint line_no = 0; /* line number on page */ ajuint last = 0; ajDebug("embShowPrint\n"); /* set up the start and end positions to print */ start = thys->start; end = thys->end; last = start-1; /* run through the whole sequence, line-width by line-width */ for(pos = start; pos<=end; pos += thys->width) { last += thys->width; if(last >= end) last = end; /* make a new list of lines */ lines=ajListstrNew(); /* put the sequence and any other descriptors in the lines list */ showFillLines(lines, thys, pos, last); /* throw a formfeed if we would go over the length of the page */ count = 0; liter = ajListIterNewread(lines); while((line = ajListIterGet(liter)) != NULL) if(ajStrGetLen(line)) if(ajStrGetPtr(line)[ajStrGetLen(line)-1] == '\n') count++; ajListIterDel(&liter); /* thys->length is zero if we have an indefinite page length */ if(thys->length && (count+line_no > thys->length) && (count < thys->length)) { line_no = 0; ajFmtPrintF(out, "%c", '\f'); /* form feed character */ } showPrintLines(out, lines); ajListstrFreeData(&lines); } return; } /* @funcstatic showPrintLines ************************************************* ** ** Print the lines to the output. ** ** @param [u] out [AjPFile] Output file handle ** @param [r] lines [const AjPList] lines to print ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showPrintLines(AjPFile out, const AjPList lines) { AjIList liter; /* iterator for lines */ AjPStr str; ajDebug("showPrintLines\n"); /* iterate through the lines and print them */ liter = ajListIterNewread(lines); while((str = ajListIterGet(liter)) != NULL) ajFmtPrintF(out, "%S", str); ajListIterDel(&liter); return; } /* ==================================================================== */ /* ======================== Assignments ================================*/ /* ==================================================================== */ /* @section Show Fill Assignments ********************************************* ** ** These functions fill out the sequence and features lines according to the ** descriptor data. ** ******************************************************************************/ /* @funcstatic showFillLines ************************************************** ** ** Calls the descriptor routines to fill the lines. ** ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] Lines list ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] position in sequence so far while printing ** @param [r] last [ajuint] final position in sequence so far while printing ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillLines(AjPList lines, const EmbPShow thys, ajuint pos, ajuint last) { EmbPShowInfo infostruct; /* structure of type and descriptor */ ajint type; /* descriptor type */ void * info; /* descriptor */ AjIList diter; /* iterator for descriptors */ ajDebug("showFillLines\n"); /* iterate through the descriptors filling out the lines */ diter = ajListIterNewread(thys->list); while((infostruct = ajListIterGet(diter)) != NULL) { type = infostruct->type; info = infostruct->info; switch(type) { case SH_SEQ: showFillSeq(thys, lines, info, pos, last); break; case SH_BLANK: showFillBlank(thys, lines, info, pos, last); break; case SH_TICK: showFillTicks(thys, lines, info, pos, last); break; case SH_TICKNUM: showFillTicknum(thys, lines, info, pos, last); break; case SH_COMP: showFillComp(thys, lines, info, pos, last); break; case SH_TRAN: showFillTran(thys, lines, info, pos, last); break; case SH_RE: showFillRE(thys, lines, info, pos, last); break; case SH_FT: showFillFT(thys, lines, info, pos, last); break; case SH_NOTE: showFillNote(thys, lines, info, pos, last); break; default: ajFatal("Unknown descriptor type found in " "showFillLines: %d",type); } } ajListIterDel(&diter); return; } /* @funcstatic showMargin ***************************************************** ** ** Add a blank margin to the lines list ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showMargin(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines) { AjPStr marginfmt; marginfmt = ajStrNewRes(10); /* variable width margin */ if(thys->margin) { ajFmtPrintS(&marginfmt, "%%-%ds ", thys->margin-1); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr(ajStrGetPtr(marginfmt), "")); } ajStrDel(&marginfmt); return; } /* @funcstatic showMarginNumber *********************************************** ** Add a margin containing a number to the lines list ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [r] number [ajint] number to display ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showMarginNumber(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, ajint number) { AjPStr marginfmt; marginfmt = ajStrNewRes(10); /* variable width margin containing a number */ if(thys->margin) { ajFmtPrintS(&marginfmt, "%%%dd ", thys->margin-1); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr(ajStrGetPtr(marginfmt), number)); } ajStrDel(&marginfmt); return; } /* @funcstatic showPad ******************************************************** ** ** Add a set of space characters to the lines list to pad out an output line ** ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [r] number [ajint] number of space characters to output ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showPad(AjPList lines, ajint number) { AjPStr marginfmt; marginfmt=ajStrNewRes(10); /* variable width pad of spaces */ if(number>0) { ajFmtPrintS(&marginfmt, "%%-%ds", number); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr(ajStrGetPtr(marginfmt), "")); } ajStrDel(&marginfmt); return; } /* @func embShowUpperRange **************************************************** ** ** Uppercase a string from a sequence with a range ** I.e ranges of a sequence are to be uppercased. ** We have a small region of the original sequence in a string. ** We want to uppercase any bits of the string that are in the ranges. ** ** @param [u] line [AjPStr *] line to uppercase if it is in the ranges ** @param [r] upperrange [const AjPRange] range of original sequence ** to uppercase ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] position in sequence that line starts at ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embShowUpperRange(AjPStr * line, const AjPRange upperrange, ajuint pos) { ajint nr; ajint i; ajuint j; ajuint start; /* start of next range */ ajuint end; /* end of next range */ ajint value; /* code for type of overlap of range with line */ char *p; /* ptr to start of range in line to uppercase */ nr = ajRangeNumber(upperrange); for(i=0; i (ajint)ajStrGetLen(*line)-1) iend = ajStrGetLen(*line)-1; /* start */ ajStrAssignC(&html, ""); showInsertHTML(line, istart, html); /* end */ ajStrAssignC(&html, ""); /* end+1 because want the tag after this position */ showInsertHTML(line, iend+1, html); } } ajStrDel(&col); ajStrDel(&html); return; } /* @funcstatic showInsertHTML ************************************************* ** ** Insert a string at a position in another string ** The position ignores any inserted HTML tags (anything between '<>') ** For example, insert "*" at position 3 of "0123" ** gives "012*3" ** ** If the insert position is past the end of the string, it inserts at the end. ** ** @param [u] target [AjPStr *] HTMLised string to insert into ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] position (ignoring HTML tags) to insert at ** @param [r] insert [const AjPStr] string to insert ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showInsertHTML(AjPStr *target, ajuint pos, const AjPStr insert) { ajuint i; ajuint j; AjBool tag = ajFalse; /* find the required position, not including tags */ for(i=0, j=0; j') tag = ajFalse; } /* we may have some tags at this position which still need to be skippped */ while (ajStrGetPtr(*target)[i] == '<') { while (ajStrGetPtr(*target)[i] != '>') i++; i++; } ajStrInsertS(target, i, insert); return; } /* @funcstatic showFillSeq **************************************************** ** ** Add this line's worth of sequence to the lines list ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [r] info [const EmbPShowSeq] data on how to display the sequence data ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillSeq(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowSeq info, ajuint pos, ajuint last) { AjPStr line; AjPStr line1; /* used to make the three-letter codes */ AjPStr line2; AjPStr line3; const char *p; const char *p3; ajuint count; ajuint width; ajDebug("showFillSeq\n"); line = ajStrNewRes(81); width = last - pos + 1; /* variable width margin at left with optional number in it */ if(info->number) showMarginNumber(thys, lines, pos+thys->offset); else showMargin(thys, lines); /* get the bit of the sequence to display */ ajStrAppendSubS(&line, ajSeqGetSeqS(thys->seq), pos, last); /* change to three-letter code */ if(!thys->nucleic && info->threeletter) { line1=ajStrNewRes(81); line2=ajStrNewRes(81); line3=ajStrNewRes(81); for(count=0, p=ajStrGetPtr(line); count < ajStrGetLen(line); count++, p++) if(*p == '*') { ajStrAppendC(&line1, "*"); ajStrAppendC(&line2, "*"); ajStrAppendC(&line3, "*"); } else if(!isalpha((ajint)*p)) { ajStrAppendC(&line1, "?"); ajStrAppendC(&line2, "?"); ajStrAppendC(&line3, "?"); } else { p3 = embPropCharToThree(*p); ajStrAppendK(&line1, *p3); ajStrAppendK(&line2, *(p3+1)); ajStrAppendK(&line3, *(p3+2)); } ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line1); ajStrDel(&line); } else { /* ** nucleic or single-letter code ** do uppercase ranges */ if(ajRangeOverlaps(info->upperrange, pos, width)) embShowUpperRange(&line, info->upperrange, pos); /* do colour ranges if we are displaying HTML*/ if(thys->html && ajRangeOverlaps(info->highlight, pos, width)) embShowColourRange(&line, info->highlight, pos); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line); } /* optional number at right */ if(info->number) { /* ** if the sequence has ended we might have to fill out the end ** with blanks */ if(last >= ajSeqGetLen(thys->seq)) { showPad(lines, thys->width - ajSeqGetLen(thys->seq) + pos); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr(" %d", ajSeqGetLen(thys->seq)+thys->offset-1)); } else ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr(" %d", pos+width+thys->offset-1)); } /* end the output line */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); /* if three-letter code, add the other 3-letter output lines */ if(!thys->nucleic && info->threeletter) { showMargin(thys, lines); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line2); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); showMargin(thys, lines); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line3); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); } return; } /* @funcstatic showFillBlank ************************************************** ** ** Add a blank line to the lines list ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [r] info [const EmbPShowBlank] data on how to display the ** sequence data ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillBlank(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowBlank info, ajuint pos,ajuint last) { AjPStr line; ajDebug("showFillBlank\n"); (void) thys; /* make it used */ (void) info; /* make it used */ (void) pos; /* make it used */ (void) last; /* make it used */ line = ajStrNewRes(2); ajStrAssignC(&line, "\n"); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line); return; } /* @funcstatic showFillTicks ************************************************** ** ** Add a tick line to the lines list ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [r] info [const EmbPShowTicks] data on how to display the ** sequence data ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillTicks(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowTicks info, ajuint pos,ajuint last) { AjPStr line; ajuint i; ajuint offset; ajuint width; ajDebug("showFillTicks\n"); (void) info; /* make it used */ line = ajStrNewRes(81); offset = thys->offset; width = last - pos + 1; /* make the ticks line */ for(i=pos+offset; ioffset; width = last - pos + 1; showMargin(thys, lines); pad = 9 - ((pos+offset-1) % 10); if(pad) showPad(lines, pad); for(i=pos + offset + pad; i < pos+offset+width; i+=10) ajFmtPrintAppS(&line, "%-10d", i); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line); /* end the output line */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); return; } /* @funcstatic showFillComp *************************************************** ** ** Add thys line's worth of sequence complement to the lines list ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [r] info [const EmbPShowComp] data on how to display the ** sequence data ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillComp(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowComp info, ajuint pos, ajuint last) { AjPStr line; ajuint width; ajDebug("showFillComp\n"); line = ajStrNewRes(81); width = last - pos + 1; /* ** do a quick check that we have a nucleic sequence ** - else just ignore this */ if(!thys->nucleic) return; /* variable width margin at left with optional number in it */ if(info->number) showMarginNumber(thys, lines, pos+thys->offset); else showMargin(thys, lines); /* get the sequence at this position */ ajStrAppendSubS(&line, ajSeqGetSeqS(thys->seq), pos, pos+width-1); /* get the complement */ ajSeqstrComplement(&line); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line); /* optional number at right */ if(info->number) { /* ** if the sequence has ended we might have to fill ** out the end with blanks */ if(last >= ajSeqGetLen(thys->seq)) { showPad(lines, thys->width - ajSeqGetLen(thys->seq) + pos); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr(" %d", ajSeqGetLen(thys->seq)+thys->offset-1)); } else ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr(" %d", pos+thys->width+thys->offset-1)); } /* end the output line */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); return; } /* @funcstatic showFillTran *************************************************** ** ** Add this line's worth of sequence translation to the lines list ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [u] info [EmbPShowTran] data on how to display the ** sequence data ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillTran(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, EmbPShowTran info, ajuint pos, ajuint last) { AjPStr line; AjPSeq tran = NULL; AjPSeq seq = NULL; /* local copy of sequence for translating ranges */ AjPStr temp = NULL; AjPStr sajb =NULL; /* peptide expanded to 3-let code or by 2 spaces */ AjPStr transeq =NULL; /* sequence copy for editing */ ajint frame; ajuint framepad = 0; /* no. of spaces to pad to the correct frame pos */ ajuint linepos; ajuint startpos; /* number at start of line */ ajuint endpos; /* number at end of line */ ajuint i; ajint j; ajint orflast; ajDebug("showFillTran\n"); line = ajStrNewRes(81); /* ** do a quick check that we have a nucleic sequence - else just ** ignore this */ if(!thys->nucleic) return; /* if the translation has not yet been done, do it now - once only */ if(!info->transeq) { /* translate a set of ranges ... */ if(info->regions && ajRangeNumber(info->regions)) { framepad = 0; seq = ajSeqNewSeq(thys->seq); ajRangeSeqExtract(info->regions, seq); tran = ajTrnSeqOrig(info->trnTable, seq, 1); ajSeqDel(&seq); /* expand to fill line or change to three-letter code */ if(info->threeletter) { sajb = embPropProt1to3(tran,framepad); ajSeqAssignSeqS(tran, sajb); } else { /* pad with 2 spaces after every residue */ sajb = embPropProtGaps(tran,framepad); ajSeqAssignSeqS(tran,sajb); } ajStrDel(&sajb); /* ** now put in spaces to align the translation to the ** sequence ranges */ ajRangeSeqStuff(info->regions, tran); ajStrSetClear(&temp); } else { /* ... or just translate in the required frame */ /* ** change frames -1 to -3 to frames 4 to 6 for translation ** of complement (NB that really should say just 'complement', not ** 'reverse-complement' as we will be putting the resulting ** reversed peptide under the forward nucleic sequence.) */ frame = info->frame; if(frame < 0) frame = 3-frame; /* do the translation */ tran = ajTrnSeqOrig(info->trnTable, thys->seq, frame); /* shift the translation to the correct frame */ if(frame == 1 || frame == 5) framepad = 0; else if(frame == 2 || frame == 6) framepad = 1; else if(frame == 3 || frame == 4) framepad = 2; /* convert inter-ORF regions to '-'s or put it in lower case*/ orflast = -1; /* for(i=0; iorfminsize+1) { if(info->lcinterorf) for(j=orflast+1; jorfminsize+1) { if(!(info->firstorf && orflast == -1)) { j = orflast+1; if(info->lcinterorf) ajStrFmtLowerSub(&transeq,j,i-1); else ajStrPasteCountK(&transeq,j,'-',i-j); } } orflast = i; } /* put the last ORF in lower case or convert it to -'s */ if(i == ajStrGetLen(transeq) && !(info->lastorf) && i-orflast < info->orfminsize+1) { j = orflast+1; if(info->lcinterorf) ajStrFmtLowerSub(&transeq,j,i-1); else ajStrPasteCountK(&transeq,j,'-',i-j); } ajSeqAssignSeqS(tran, transeq); ajStrDel(&transeq); } else /* frame 4,5,6 */ { transeq = ajSeqGetSeqCopyS(tran); for(i=0; iorfminsize+1) if(!(info->lastorf && orflast == -1)) { j = orflast+1; if(info->lcinterorf) ajStrFmtLowerSub(&transeq,j,i-1); else ajStrPasteCountK(&transeq,j,'-',i-j); } orflast = i; } /* put the first ORF in lower case or convert it to -'s */ if(i == ajSeqGetLen(tran) && !(info->firstorf) && i-orflast < info->orfminsize+1) { j = orflast+1; if(info->lcinterorf) ajStrFmtLowerSub(&transeq,j,i-1); else ajStrPasteCountK(&transeq,j,'-',i-j); } ajSeqAssignSeqS(tran, transeq); ajStrDel(&transeq); } /* expand to fill line or change to three-letter code */ if(info->threeletter) { sajb = embPropProt1to3(tran,framepad); ajSeqAssignSeqS(tran,sajb ); } else { sajb = embPropProtGaps(tran,framepad); /* pad with 2 spaces after every residue */ ajSeqAssignSeqS(tran,sajb ); } ajStrDel(&sajb); } /* store the resulting translation in our descriptor structure */ info->transeq = tran; } /* get the sequence at this position */ ajStrAppendSubS(&line, ajSeqGetSeqS(info->transeq), pos, last); /* get the number of the starting and ending amino-acid on this line */ startpos = info->tranpos; endpos = info->tranpos; for(linepos=0; linepos= 'A' && ajStrGetPtr(line)[linepos] <= 'Z') info->tranpos++; /* less than width in the line? Add blanks to pad it out */ for(;linepos < thys->width; linepos++) ajStrAppendC(&line, " "); /* if at least one residue, count it at start */ if(info->tranpos != endpos) startpos++; /* variable width margin at left with optional number in it */ if(info->number) showMarginNumber(thys, lines, startpos); else showMargin(thys, lines); /* put the translation line on the output list */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line); /* optional number at right */ if(info->number) ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr(" %d", info->tranpos)); if(info->showframe) { frame = info->frame; if(frame < 0) frame = 3 - frame; ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("%4s%d", "F", frame)); } /* end the output line */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); return; } /* @funcstatic showFillRE ***************************************************** ** ** Add this line's worth of Restriction Enzyme cut sites to the lines list ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [u] info [EmbPShowRE] data on how to display the RE cut sites ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillRE(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, EmbPShowRE info, ajuint pos, ajuint last) { ajDebug("showFillRE\n"); /* ** do a quick check that we have a nucleic sequence - else just ignore ** this */ if(!thys->nucleic) return; if(info->flat) showFillREflat(thys, lines, info, pos, last); else showFillREupright(thys, lines, info, pos, last); return; } /* @funcstatic showFillREupright ********************************************** ** ** Add this line's worth of Restriction Enzyme cut sites to the lines list ** Display in upright sit-up-and-beg format ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [u] info [EmbPShowRE] data on how to display the RE cut sites ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillREupright(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, EmbPShowRE info, ajuint pos, ajuint last) { AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr newline = NULL; AjPStr baseline; /* line holding first set of ticks */ AjPList linelist; /* list of lines to fill */ ajuint cut; /* the sites to display */ AjIList liter; /* iterator for linelist */ AjBool freespace; /* flag: found free space to print */ EmbPMatMatch m = NULL; /* restriction enz match structure */ AjIList miter; /* iterator for matches list */ EmbPShowREsite sitenode; /* site node structure */ AjIList siter; /* iterator for sites list */ EmbPShowREsite s = NULL; /* site node structure */ AjPStr tick = NULL; /* tick "|" string */ ajint ln; AjPStr sajb = NULL; linelist = ajListstrNew(); baseline = ajStrNew(); /* if not yet produced a sorted list of cut sites, do it now */ if(info->sitelist == NULL) { info->sitelist = ajListNew(); miter = ajListIterNewread(info->matches); while((m = ajListIterGet(miter)) != NULL) { /* store the first cut site in this sense */ if(info->sense == 1) /* forward sense */ cut = m->cut1; else /* reverse sense */ cut = m->cut2; cut--; AJNEW0(sitenode); sitenode->pos = cut; sitenode->name = m->cod; ajListPushAppend(info->sitelist, sitenode); /* now store the potential second cut site on this sense */ if(info->sense == 1) /* forward sense */ cut = m->cut3; else /* reverse sense */ cut = m->cut4; if(cut) { cut--; AJNEW0(sitenode); sitenode->pos = cut; sitenode->name = m->cod; ajListPushAppend(info->sitelist, sitenode); } } ajListIterDel(&miter); ajListSort(info->sitelist, showFillREuprightSort); } ajStrAssignC(&tick, "|"); /* a useful string */ /* iterate through the site list */ siter = ajListIterNewread(info->sitelist); while((s = ajListIterGet(siter)) != NULL) { cut = s->pos; /* ignore this match if nothing is to be displayed on this line */ if(cut >= pos && cut <= last) { /* convert to position in the line */ cut = cut-pos; /* put tick in base line */ showOverPrint(&baseline, cut, tick); /* work up list of lines */ freespace = ajFalse; /* ** potentially updating the nodes of linelist, so ** don't just iterate, use ajListstrPop and ajListstrPushApp ** to pop off the bottom and then push the altered node back on ** the top of the list */ for(ln = ajListstrGetLength(linelist); ln>0; ln--) { ajListstrPop(linelist, &line); /* ** if not yet written the name in this set of ** iterations, see if if it can be done so now */ if(!freespace) { /* if name space is clear, write name and break */ if(showLineIsClear(&line, cut, cut+ajStrGetLen(s->name))) { showOverPrint(&line, cut, s->name); /* flag to show we have written name */ freespace = ajTrue; } else /* ** if cut site position character is space, change ** it to a tick */ if(*(ajStrGetPtr(line)+cut) == ' ') showOverPrint(&line, cut, tick); } ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line); /* end 'iteration' through lines */ } /* if name was not written, append a new line and write name */ if(!freespace) { newline=ajStrNew(); showOverPrint(&newline, cut, s->name); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, newline); } } } ajListIterDel(&siter); /* convert base line ticks to forward or reverse slashes */ if(info->sense == 1) /* forward sense */ ajStrExchangeSetCC(&baseline, "|", "\\"); else /* reverse sense */ ajStrExchangeSetCC(&baseline, "|", "/"); /* put base line at start of lines list */ ajListstrPush(linelist, baseline); /* ** reverse the order of the lines if we are in the forward sense as ** then we get the ticks pointing downwards :-) */ if(info->sense == 1) ajListstrReverse(linelist); /* iterate through the lines and print them */ liter = ajListIterNewread(linelist); while((line = ajListIterGet(liter)) != NULL) { /* output to the lines list */ /* variable width margin at left */ /* with optional number in it */ showMargin(thys, lines); /* put the translation line */ /* on the output list */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line); /* end the output line */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); } ajListIterDel(&liter); while(ajListstrPop(linelist,&sajb)); ajListstrFree(&linelist); ajStrDel(&tick); return; } /* @funcstatic showFillREuprightSort ****************************************** ** ** Sort routine for showFillREupright - produces reverse cut site order ** ** @param [r] a [const void*] First pos ** @param [r] b [const void*] Second pos ** @return [ajint] Comparison value. 0 if equal, -1 if first is lower, ** +1 if first is higher. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint showFillREuprightSort(const void* a, const void* b) { ajint res; res = (*(EmbPShowREsite const *)b)->pos - (*(EmbPShowREsite const *)a)->pos; /* if the cut sites are equal, reverse sort by the length of the name */ if(!res) res = ajStrGetLen((*(EmbPShowREsite const *)b)->name) - ajStrGetLen((*(EmbPShowREsite const *)a)->name); return res; } /* @funcstatic showFillREflat ************************************************* ** ** Add this line's worth of Restriction Enzyme cut sites to the lines list ** Display in flat format with recognition sites ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [r] info [const EmbPShowRE] data on how to display the RE cut sites ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillREflat(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowRE info, ajuint pos, ajuint last) { AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr line2 = NULL; AjPList linelist = NULL; /* list of lines to fill */ ajuint start; ajuint end; /* start and end position of site */ ajuint nameend; /* end position of name */ ajuint base; /* base position of binding site */ ajint cut1; ajint cut2; ajint cut3; ajint cut4; AjIList liter; /* iterator for linelist */ AjPStr namestr = NULL; /* name of RE to insert into line */ AjPStr sitestr = NULL; /* binding and cut site to insert */ ajuint i; const char *claimchar = "*"; /* char used to stake a claim to */ /* that position in the string */ AjBool freespace; /* flag for found a free space to print in */ EmbPMatMatch m = NULL; /* restriction enzyme match struct */ AjIList miter; /* iterator for matches list */ ajuint ln; AjPStr sajb = NULL; ajuint width; width = last - pos + 1; linelist = ajListstrNew(); /* iterate through the list */ miter = ajListIterNewread(info->matches); while((m = ajListIterGet(miter)) != NULL) { /* get the start and end positions */ cut1 = m->cut1; /* the display points back '<' at cut pos */ cut2 = m->cut2+1; cut3 = m->cut3; cut4 = m->cut4; if(m->cut4) cut4++; /* the display points back '<' at cut pos */ base = m->start; start = base; ajDebug("showFillRE start:%d sense:%b plasmid:%b circ12:%b 34:%b\n", start, info->sense, info->plasmid, m->circ12, m->circ34); ajDebug(" cut1:%d 2:%d 3:%d 4:%d\n", cut1, cut2, cut3, cut4); if(info->sense == 1) { /* forward sense */ if(info->plasmid || !m->circ12) if(cut1 < (ajint)start) start = cut1; if(info->plasmid || !m->circ34) if(cut3 && cut3 < (ajint)start) start = cut3; } else { /* reverse sense */ if(info->plasmid || !m->circ12) if(cut2 < (ajint)start) start = cut2; if(info->plasmid || !m->circ34) if(cut4 && cut4 < (ajint)start) start = cut4; } end = base + ajStrGetLen(m->pat)-1; ajDebug("showFillRE end: %d base: %d patlen: %d pat: '%S'\n", end, base, ajStrGetLen(m->pat), m->pat); nameend = base + ajStrGetLen(m->cod)-1; if(info->sense == 1) { /* forward sense */ ajDebug("showFillRE fwd end: %d cut1:%d cut3:%d\n", end, cut1, cut3); if(info->plasmid || !m->circ12) if(cut1 > (ajint)end) end = cut1; if(info->plasmid || !m->circ34) if(cut3 && cut3 > (ajint)end) end = cut3; ajDebug("showFillRE fwd set end: %d\n", end); } else { /* reverse sense */ ajDebug("showFillRE rev end: %d cut2:%d cut4:%d\n", end, cut2, cut4); if(info->plasmid || !m->circ12) if(cut2 > (ajint)end) end = cut2; if(info->plasmid || !m->circ34) if(cut4 && cut4 > (ajint)end) end = cut4; ajDebug("showFillRE rev set end: %d\n", end); } /* convert human-readable sequence positions to string positions */ start--; end--; base--; nameend--; ajDebug("showFillREFlat start:%d end:%d pos:%d width:%d\n", start, end, pos, width); /* ignore this match if nothing is to be displayed on this line */ if(start <= last && end >= pos) { ajDebug("showFillREFlat site within range\n"); /* make a standard name and site string to be chopped up later */ /* site string stuff */ /* initial string of '.'s */ sitestr = ajStrNew(); ajStrAppendCountK(&sitestr, '.', end-start+1 ); ajDebug("showFillREFlat ajStrAppKI '.' %d\n", end-start+1); /* ** add on any claim characters required to stake a claim to ** positions used by the name */ if(nameend > end) { ajStrAppendCountK(&sitestr, *claimchar, nameend-end); ajDebug("showFillREFlat ajStrAppKI '%c' %d\n", *claimchar, nameend-end); } /* cover binding site with '='s */ for(i=base-start; ipat); i++) ajStrPasteCountK(&sitestr, i, '=', 1); ajDebug("showFillREFlat ajStrReplaceK '=' %d..%d\n", base-start, i-1); /* ** I tried showing the pattern instead of '='s, but it looks ** awful - GWW 12 Jan 2000 ** for(j=0, i=base-start; ipat); ** j++, i++) ** (ajStrGetPtr(sitestr)+i) = ajStrGetPtr(m->pat)[j]; */ /* put in cut sites */ if(info->sense == 1) { /* forward sense */ if(info->plasmid || !m->circ12) { ajStrPasteCountK(&sitestr, (cut1-start-1), '>', 1); ajDebug("showFillREFlat ajStrReplaceK1 '>' %d\n", (cut1-start-1)); } if(info->plasmid || !m->circ34) { if(cut3) { ajStrPasteCountK(&sitestr, (cut3-start-1), '>', 1); ajDebug("showFillREFlat ajStrReplaceK3 '>' %d\n", (cut3-start-1)); } } } else { /* reverse sense */ if(info->plasmid || !m->circ12) { ajStrPasteCountK(&sitestr, (cut2-start-1), '<', 1); ajDebug("showFillREFlat ajStrReplaceK2 '<' %d\n", (cut2-start-1)); } if(info->plasmid || !m->circ34) { if(cut4) { ajStrPasteCountK(&sitestr, (cut4-start-1), '<', 1); ajDebug("showFillREFlat ajStrReplaceK4 '<' %d\n", (cut4-start-1)); } } } /* name string stuff */ /* initial string of claimchar's */ namestr = ajStrNew(); ajStrAppendCountK(&namestr, *claimchar, end-start+1 ); ajDebug("showFillREFlat ajStrAppKI name '%c' %d\n", *claimchar, end-start+1 ); if(nameend > end) { ajStrAppendCountK(&namestr, *claimchar, nameend-end); ajDebug("showFillREFlat ajStrAppKI nameend '%c' %d\n", *claimchar, nameend-end ); } /* insert the name in the namestr */ ajStrPasteS(&namestr, (base-start), m->cod); /* now chop up the name and site strings to fit in the line */ /* is the feature completely within the line */ if(start >= pos && end <= last) { /* * add on an extra couple of claim chars to make a space * between adjacent matches */ ajStrAppendC(&sitestr, claimchar); ajStrAppendC(&sitestr, claimchar); } else if(start < pos && end <= last) { /* starts before the line. cut off the start */ ajStrKeepRange(&sitestr, pos-start, ajStrGetLen(sitestr)-1); /* ** add on an extra couple of claim chars to make a space ** between adjacent matches */ ajStrAppendC(&sitestr, claimchar); ajStrAppendC(&sitestr, claimchar); /* ** if the base position is not displayed, move the name to ** the start */ if(base < pos) { ajStrAssignS(&namestr, m->cod); ajStrAppendC(&namestr, claimchar); ajStrAppendC(&namestr, claimchar); /* ** add claim characters to end of namestring if ** sitestring is longer, and vice versa */ if(ajStrGetLen(namestr) < ajStrGetLen(sitestr)) ajStrAppendCountK(&namestr, *claimchar, ajStrGetLen(sitestr)-ajStrGetLen(namestr)); if(ajStrGetLen(namestr) > ajStrGetLen(sitestr)) ajStrAppendCountK(&sitestr, *claimchar, ajStrGetLen(namestr)-ajStrGetLen(sitestr)); } else /* ** cut off the start of the name string to make it line ** up with the sitestr */ ajStrKeepRange(&namestr, pos-start, ajStrGetLen(namestr)-1); /* make it display from the start of the line */ start = pos; } else if(start >= pos && end > last) { /* ends after the line. cut off the end */ ajStrKeepRange(&sitestr, 0, last - start); /* ** if the base position is not displayed, move the name ** to the start */ if(base > last) { ajStrAssignS(&namestr, m->cod); ajStrAppendC(&namestr, claimchar); ajStrAppendC(&namestr, claimchar); /* ** add claim characters to end of namestring if ** sitestring is longer, and vice versa */ if(ajStrGetLen(namestr) < ajStrGetLen(sitestr)) ajStrAppendCountK(&namestr, *claimchar, ajStrGetLen(sitestr)-ajStrGetLen(namestr)); if(ajStrGetLen(namestr) > ajStrGetLen(sitestr)) ajStrAppendCountK(&sitestr, *claimchar, ajStrGetLen(namestr)-ajStrGetLen(sitestr)); } /* make it display to the end of the line */ end = last; } else if(start < pos && end > last) { /* completely overlaps the line! cut off the start and end */ ajStrKeepRange(&sitestr, pos-start, last-start); /* ** if the base position is not displayed, move the name to ** the start */ if(base < pos) { ajStrAssignS(&namestr, m->cod); ajStrAppendC(&namestr, claimchar); ajStrAppendC(&namestr, claimchar); /* ** add claim characters to end of namestring if ** sitestring is longer, and vice versa */ if(ajStrGetLen(namestr) < ajStrGetLen(sitestr)) ajStrAppendCountK(&namestr, *claimchar, ajStrGetLen(sitestr)-ajStrGetLen(namestr)); if(ajStrGetLen(namestr) > ajStrGetLen(sitestr)) ajStrAppendCountK(&sitestr, *claimchar, ajStrGetLen(namestr)-ajStrGetLen(sitestr)); } else { /* ** cut off the start of the name string to make it line ** up with the sitestr */ ajStrKeepRange(&namestr, pos-start, /* ...or should this be , */ /* last-start); */ ajStrGetLen(namestr)-1); } /* make it display from the start of the line */ start = pos; end = last; } else { ajDebug("Shouldn't get to here!"); continue; } /* work up list of lines */ freespace = ajFalse; /* ** potentially updating the nodes of linelist, so ** don't just iterate, use ajListstrPop and ajListstrPushApp ** to pop off the bottom and then push the altered node back on ** the top of the list */ for(ln = ajListstrGetLength(linelist); ln>0; ln--) { ajListstrPop(linelist, &line); /* get the site line */ ajListstrPop(linelist, &line2); /* get the name line */ /* ** if not yet written the name in this set of ** iterations, see if can be done now */ if(!freespace) { if(showLineIsClear(&line, start-pos, end-pos)) { showOverPrint(&line, start-pos, sitestr); showOverPrint(&line2, start-pos, namestr); /* flag to show name written */ freespace = ajTrue; } } ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line2); /* end 'iteration' through lines */ } /* ** if didn't find a clear region to print in, append two new ** strings and print in them */ if(!freespace) { line=ajStrNew(); /* fill with spaces */ ajStrAppendCountK(&line, ' ', width); line2=ajStrNew(); /* fill with spaces */ ajStrAppendCountK(&line2, ' ', width); showOverPrint(&line, start-pos, sitestr); showOverPrint(&line2, start-pos, namestr); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line2); } ajStrDel(&namestr); ajStrDel(&sitestr); } } ajListIterDel(&miter); /* ** reverse the order of the lines if we are in the forward sense as then ** we get the most densely populated lines at the bottom closest to the ** sequence (and we get the names above the cut-sites) */ if(info->sense == 1) ajListstrReverse(linelist); /* iterate through the lines and print them */ liter = ajListIterNewread(linelist); while((line = ajListIterGet(liter)) != NULL) { /* ** convert claim characters in the line to spaces as these were ** used to stake a claim to the space */ ajStrExchangeSetCC(&line, claimchar, " "); /* ** remove trailing spaces - these can be very long in namestr when ** the cut and recognition sites are widely separated and so many ** claimchars have been appended */ ajStrTrimEndC(&line, " "); showMargin(thys, lines); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line); ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); } ajListIterDel(&liter); while(ajListstrPop(linelist,&sajb)); ajListstrFree(&linelist); return; } /* @funcstatic showFillFT ***************************************************** ** ** Add this line's worth of features to the lines list ** NB. the 'source' feature is always ignored ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [r] info [const EmbPShowFT] data on how to display the features ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillFT(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowFT info, ajuint pos, ajuint last) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr line2 = NULL; AjPList linelist = NULL; /* list of lines to fill */ ajuint start; ajuint end; ajuint namestart; ajuint nameend; /* start and end position of namestr */ AjIList liter; /* iterator for linelist */ AjPStr namestr = NULL; /* name of feature to insert into line */ AjPStr linestr = NULL; /* line graphics to insert */ const char *claimchar = "*"; /* char used to stake a claim to */ /* that position in the string */ AjBool freespace; /* flag for found a free space to print in */ ajuint ln; AjPStr sajb = NULL; ajuint width; width = last - pos + 1; ajDebug("showFillFT\n"); linelist = ajListstrNew(); /* ** if feat is NULL then there are no features associated with this ** sequence */ if(!info->feat) return; /* reminder of the AjSFeature structure for handy reference ** ** ** AjEFeatClass Class ; ** AjPFeattable Owner ; ** AjPFeatVocFeat Source ; ** AjPFeatVocFeat Type ; ** ajint Start ; ** ajint End; ** ajint Start2; ** ajint End2; ** AjPStr Score ; ** AjPList Tags ; a.k.a. the [group] field tag-values of GFF2 ** AjPStr Comment ; ** AjEFeatStrand Strand ; ** AjEFeatFrame Frame ; ** AjPStr desc ; ** ajint Flags; ** */ /* iterate through the features */ if(info->feat->Features) { iter = ajListIterNewread(info->feat->Features) ; while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter) ; /* ignore remote IDs */ if(!ajFeatIsLocal(gf)) continue; /* don't output the 'source' feature */ if(!ajStrCmpC(ajFeatGetType(gf), "source")) continue; /* ** check that the feature is within the line to display (NB. ** Working in human coordinates here: 1 to SeqLength, ** not 0 to SeqLength-1) */ if(pos >= ajFeatGetEnd(gf) || last <= ajFeatGetStart(gf)) continue; /* prepare name string */ namestr = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&namestr, ajFeatGetType(gf)); /* add tags to namestr*/ showAddTags(&namestr, gf, ajTrue); /* ** note the start and end positions of the name and line ** graphics */ start = (ajFeatGetStart(gf)-1last) ? last : ajFeatGetEnd(gf)-1; /* print the name starting with the line */ namestart = start; nameend = start + ajStrGetLen(namestr)-1; /* shift long namestr back if longer than the line when printed */ if(nameend > last+thys->margin) { if(ajStrGetLen(namestr) > end-pos+1) { namestart = pos; nameend = pos + ajStrGetLen(namestr) -1; /* ** it is shifted back to the start of the display line ** is it still longer than the line? truncate it */ if(nameend > thys->width-1+thys->margin) { ajStrTruncateLen(&namestr, thys->width-1+thys->margin); nameend = pos+thys->width-1+thys->margin; } } else { namestart = end - ajStrGetLen(namestr)+1; nameend = namestart + ajStrGetLen(namestr)-1; } } /* ** add on any claim characters required to stake a claim to ** positions used by the line graphics */ if(end > nameend) { ajStrAppendCountK(&namestr, *claimchar, end-nameend); nameend = end; } /* ** add on a couple more claim characters to space out the ** features */ ajStrAppendCountK(&namestr, *claimchar, 2); nameend += 2; /* prepare line string */ /* initial string of '='s */ linestr = ajStrNew(); ajStrAppendCountK(&linestr, '=', end-start+1 ); /* put in end position characters */ if(ajFeatGetStart(gf)-1>=pos) ajStrPasteCountK(&linestr,0, '|', 1); if(ajFeatGetEnd(gf)-1<=last) ajStrPasteCountK(&linestr, (end-start), '|', 1); /* work up list of lines */ freespace = ajFalse; /* ** iterate through list of existing lines to find no overlap ** with existing lines we will be potentially updating the ** nodes of linelist, so don't just iterate, use ajListstrPop ** and ajListstrPushApp to pop off the bottom and then push ** the altered node back on the top of the list */ for(ln = ajListstrGetLength(linelist); ln>0; ln--) { /* get the linestr line */ ajListstrPop(linelist, &line); /* get the namestr line */ ajListstrPop(linelist, &line2); /* ** if not yet written the name in this set of ** iterations, see if it can be done now */ if(!freespace) { /* if name space is clear, write namestr and sitestr */ if(showLineIsClear(&line2, start-pos, end-pos) && showLineIsClear(&line2, namestart-pos, nameend-pos)) { showOverPrint(&line, start-pos, linestr); showOverPrint(&line2, namestart-pos, namestr); /* flag to show name written */ freespace = ajTrue; } } ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line2); /* end 'iteration' through lines */ } /* ** if didn't find a clear region to print in, append two new ** strings and print in them */ if(!freespace) { line=ajStrNew(); /* fill with spaces */ ajStrAppendCountK(&line, ' ', width); line2=ajStrNew(); /* fill with spaces */ ajStrAppendCountK(&line2, ' ', width); showOverPrint(&line, start-pos, linestr); showOverPrint(&line2, namestart-pos, namestr); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line2); } ajStrDel(&namestr); ajStrDel(&linestr); } ajListIterDel(&iter); } /* iterate through the lines and print them */ liter = ajListIterNewread(linelist); while((line = ajListIterGet(liter)) != NULL) { /* ** convert claim characters in the line to spaces as these were ** used to stake a claim to the space */ ajStrExchangeSetCC(&line, claimchar, " "); /* remove trailing spaces - these can be very long */ ajStrTrimEndC(&line, " "); /* ** output to the lines list ** variable width margin at left */ showMargin(thys, lines); /* ** with optional number in it ** put the translation line on the output list */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line); /* end output line */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); } ajListIterDel(&liter); while(ajListstrPop(linelist,&sajb)); ajListstrFree(&linelist); return; } /* @funcstatic showFillNote *************************************************** ** ** Add this line's worth of user annotation to the lines list ** ** @param [r] thys [const EmbPShow] Show sequence object ** @param [u] lines [AjPList] list of lines to add to ** @param [r] info [const EmbPShowNote] data on how to display the annotation ** @param [r] pos [ajuint] current printing position in the sequence ** @param [r] last [ajuint] last printing position in the sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showFillNote(const EmbPShow thys, AjPList lines, const EmbPShowNote info, ajuint pos, ajuint last) { AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr line2 = NULL; AjPList linelist = NULL; /* list of lines to fill */ ajuint start; ajuint end; /* start and end position of linestr */ ajuint namestart; ajuint nameend; /* start and end position of namestr */ AjIList liter; /* iterator for linelist */ AjPStr namestr = NULL; /* name of feature to insert into line */ AjPStr linestr = NULL; /* line graphics to insert */ const char *claimchar = "*"; /* char used to stake a claim to */ /* that position in the string */ AjBool freespace; /* flag for found a free space to print in */ ajint ln; AjPStr sajb = NULL; ajuint count; /* count of annotation region */ ajuint rstart; ajuint rend; /* region start and end */ ajuint width; width = last - pos + 1; ajDebug("showFillFT\n"); linelist = ajListstrNew(); /* count through the annotation regions */ if(info->regions && ajRangeNumber(info->regions)) { for(count = 0; count < ajRangeNumber(info->regions); count++) { ajRangeValues(info->regions, count, &rstart, &rend); /* ** check that the region is within the line to display */ if(pos >= rend || last <= rstart) continue; /* get annotation string */ ajRangeText(info->regions, count, &namestr); /* ** note the start and end positions of the name and line ** graphics */ start = (rstart-1last) ? last : rend-1; /* print the name starting with the line */ namestart = start; nameend = start + ajStrGetLen(namestr)-1; /* shift long namestr back if longer than the line when printed */ if(nameend >last+thys->margin) { if(ajStrGetLen(namestr) > end-pos+1) { namestart = pos; nameend = pos + ajStrGetLen(namestr) -1; /* ** it is shifted back to the start of the display line ** is it still longer than the line? truncate it */ if(nameend > width-1+thys->margin) { ajStrTruncateLen(&namestr, width-1+thys->margin); nameend = last+thys->margin; } } else { namestart = end - ajStrGetLen(namestr)+1; nameend = namestart + ajStrGetLen(namestr)-1; } } /* ** add on any claim characters required to stake a claim to ** positions used by the line graphics */ if(end > nameend) { ajStrAppendCountK(&namestr, *claimchar, end-nameend); nameend = end; } /* ** add on a couple more claim characters to space out the ** features */ ajStrAppendCountK(&namestr, *claimchar, 2); nameend += 2; /* ** prepare line string ** initial string of '-'s */ linestr = ajStrNew(); ajStrAppendCountK(&linestr, '-', end-start+1 ); /* put in end position characters */ if(rstart-1>=pos) ajStrPasteCountK(&linestr, 0, '|', 1); if(rend-1<=last) ajStrPasteCountK(&linestr, (end-start), '|', 1); /* work up list of lines */ freespace = ajFalse; /* ** iterate through list of existing lines to find no overlap ** with existing lines we will be potentially updating the ** nodes of linelist, so don't just iterate, use ajListstrPop ** and ajListstrPushApp to pop off the bottom and then push ** the altered node back on the top of the list */ for(ln = ajListstrGetLength(linelist); ln>0; ln--) { /* linestr line */ ajListstrPop(linelist, &line); /* namestr line */ ajListstrPop(linelist, &line2); /* * if not yet written the name in this set of * iterations, see if it can be done now */ if(!freespace) { /* if name space is clear, write namestr and sitestr */ if(showLineIsClear(&line2, start-pos, end-pos) && showLineIsClear(&line2, namestart-pos, nameend-pos)) { showOverPrint(&line, start-pos, linestr); showOverPrint(&line2, namestart-pos, namestr); /* flag to show name written */ freespace = ajTrue; } } ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line2); /* end 'iteration' through lines */ } /* ** if we didn't find a clear region to print in, append two new ** strings and print in them */ if(!freespace) { line=ajStrNew(); /* fill with spaces */ ajStrAppendCountK(&line, ' ', width); line2=ajStrNew(); /* fill with spaces */ ajStrAppendCountK(&line2, ' ', width); showOverPrint(&line, start-pos, linestr); showOverPrint(&line2, namestart-pos, namestr); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line); ajListstrPushAppend(linelist, line2); } ajStrDel(&namestr); ajStrDel(&linestr); } } /* iterate through the lines and print them */ liter = ajListIterNewread(linelist); while((line = ajListIterGet(liter)) != NULL) { /* convert claim characters in the line to spaces as these were ** used to stake a claim to the space */ ajStrExchangeSetCC(&line, claimchar, " "); /* remove trailing spaces - these can be very long */ ajStrTrimEndC(&line, " "); /* ** output to the lines list ** variable width margin at left */ showMargin(thys, lines); /* ** with optional number in it ** put the translation line on the output list */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, line); /* end output line */ ajListstrPushAppend(lines, ajFmtStr("\n")); } ajListIterDel(&liter); while(ajListstrPop(linelist,&sajb)); ajListstrFree(&linelist); return; } /* @funcstatic showOverPrint ************************************************** ** ** Overwrite (appending if necessary) a portion of a string with another ** ** @param [u] target [AjPStr *] target string to overwrite ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position in target to begin overwriting at ** @param [u] insert [AjPStr] string to overwrite with ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showOverPrint(AjPStr *target, ajint start, AjPStr insert) { /* ** if start position of insert is less than length of target, pad it out ** with space characters to get the required length */ if(ajStrGetLen(*target) < start+ajStrGetLen(insert)) ajStrAppendCountK(target, ' ', start+ajStrGetLen(insert) - ajStrGetLen(*target)); /* overwrite the remaining characters */ ajStrPasteS(target, start, insert); return; } /* @funcstatic showLineIsClear ************************************************ ** ** Checks that a section of a string is clear to print in (only has blanks in) ** ** @param [u] line [AjPStr *] target string to check ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position in target to begin checking at ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position in target to check ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool showLineIsClear(AjPStr *line, ajint start, ajint end) { ajint i; ajint len; len = ajStrGetLen(*line)-1; if(len < end) ajStrAppendCountK(line, ' ', end-len); for(i=start; i<=end; i++) if(ajStrGetCharPos(*line,i) != ' ') return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic showAddTags **************************************************** ** ** writes feature tags to the tagsout string ** ** @param [w] tagsout [AjPStr*] tags out string ** @param [r] feat [const AjPFeature] Feature to be processed ** @param [r] values [AjBool] display values of tags (currently ignored) ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showAddTags(AjPStr *tagsout, const AjPFeature feat, AjBool values) { AjPStr tagnam = NULL; AjPStr tagval = NULL; AjIList titer; /* ** iterate through the tags and test for match to patterns */ (void) values; /* make it used */ tagval = ajStrNew(); tagnam = ajStrNew(); titer = ajFeatTagIter(feat); /* don't display the translation tag - it is far too long */ while(ajFeatTagval(titer, &tagnam, &tagval)) if(ajStrCmpC(tagnam, "translation")) { if(ajStrGetLen(tagval)) ajFmtPrintAppS(tagsout, " %S=\"%S\"", tagnam, tagval); else ajFmtPrintAppS(tagsout, " %S", tagnam); } ajListIterDel(&titer); ajStrDel(&tagval); ajStrDel(&tagnam); return; }