/* @source embprop.c ** ** Residue/sequence properties ** @author Copyright (c) 1999 Alan Bleasby ** @version 1.0 ** @modified 24 Nov 1999 - GWW - Added embPropProtGaps and embPropProt1to3 ** @modified 1 Sept 2000 - GWW - Added embPropTransition embPropTranversion ** @modified 4 July 2001 - DMAM - Modified embPropAminoRead embPropCalcMolwt ** @modified 4 July 2001 - DMAM - Added embPropCalcMolwtMod ** @modified 1 July 2008 - JISON - Added embPropGet* functions ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include #include #include #include char dayhoffstr[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; float dayhoff[] = { (float) 8.6, (float) 0.0, (float) 2.9, (float) 5.5, (float) 6.0, (float) 3.6, (float) 8.4, (float) 2.0, (float) 4.5, (float) 0.0, (float) 6.6, (float) 7.4, (float) 1.7, (float) 4.3, (float) 0.0, (float) 5.2, (float) 3.9, (float) 4.9, (float) 7.0, (float) 6.1, (float) 0.0, (float) 6.6, (float) 1.3, (float) 0.9, (float) 3.4, (float) 0.0 }; #define PROPENZTRYPSIN 0 #define PROPENZLYSC 1 #define PROPENZARGC 2 #define PROPENZASPN 3 #define PROPENZV8B 4 #define PROPENZV8P 5 #define PROPENZCHYMOT 6 #define PROPENZCNBR 7 #define RAG_MINPEPLEN 3 #define AMINODATFILE "Eamino.dat" /* static AjBool propInit = 0;*/ static char propPurines[] = "agrAGR"; static char propPyrimidines[] = "ctuyCTUY"; static ajint propFragCompare(const void *a, const void *b); /* @func embPropEaminoRead **************************************************** ** ** Read amino acid properties from Eamino.dat ** ** @param [u] mfptr [AjPFile] Input file object ** @return [EmbPPropAmino*] array of amino acid properties ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ EmbPPropAmino* embPropEaminoRead(AjPFile mfptr) { AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr token = NULL; AjBool firstline; const char *p; ajuint i; ajint n; EmbPPropAmino *ret; line = ajStrNew(); token = ajStrNew(); firstline = ajTrue; AJCNEW0(ret,EMBPROPSIZE); for(i=0; i < EMBPROPSIZE; ++i) AJNEW0(ret[i]); while(ajReadline(mfptr, &line)) { ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&line); p = ajStrGetPtr(line); if(*p=='#' || *p=='!' || !*p) continue; if(firstline) { if(!ajStrPrefixC(line,"aa")) ajFatal("Incorrect (old?) format amino data file"); firstline = ajFalse; continue; } ajFmtScanS(line,"%S",&token); ajStrFmtUpper(&token); if(ajStrGetLen(token) != 1) ajFatal("Amino file line doesn't begin with a single character"); i = ajBasecodeToInt((ajint) *ajStrGetPtr(token)); if(i == 27) ajFatal("Amino file line doesn't begin with a single A->Z (%S)", line); n = ajFmtScanS(line,"%*s%d%d%d%d%d%d%f%d%d%d", &ret[i]->tiny, &ret[i]->sm_all, &ret[i]->aliphatic, &ret[i]->aromatic, &ret[i]->nonpolar, &ret[i]->polar, &ret[i]->charge, &ret[i]->pve, &ret[i]->nve, &ret[i]->extcoeff); if(n!= 10) ajFatal("Only %d columns in amino file - expected %d",n+1,11); } ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&token); return ret; } /* @func embPropGetProperties ************************************************** ** ** Returns a string containing a list of defined properties ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @param [w] Pstr [AjPStr*] String of properties separated by commas ** @return [AjBool] True if properties are defined ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool embPropGetProperties(const EmbPPropAmino prop, AjPStr* Pstr) { ajStrAssignC(Pstr, ""); if(prop->tiny) ajStrAppendC(Pstr, "tiny,"); if(prop->sm_all) ajStrAppendC(Pstr, "small,"); if(prop->aliphatic) ajStrAppendC(Pstr, "aliphatic,"); if(prop->aromatic) ajStrAppendC(Pstr, "aromatic,"); if(prop->polar) ajStrAppendC(Pstr, "polar,"); if(prop->nonpolar) ajStrAppendC(Pstr, "nonpolar,"); ajStrTrimEndC(Pstr, ","); if(!ajStrGetLen(*Pstr)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func embPropEmolwtRead **************************************************** ** ** Read molecular weights from Emolwt.dat ** ** @param [u] mfptr [AjPFile] Input file object ** @return [EmbPPropMolwt*] array of amino acid molecular weights ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ EmbPPropMolwt* embPropEmolwtRead(AjPFile mfptr) { AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr token = NULL; AjBool firstline; const char *p; ajuint i; ajint n; EmbPPropMolwt *ret; line = ajStrNew(); token = ajStrNew(); firstline = ajTrue; AJCNEW0(ret,EMBPROPSIZE+2); for(i=0; i < EMBPROPSIZE+2; ++i) AJNEW0(ret[i]); while(ajReadline(mfptr, &line)) { ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&line); p = ajStrGetPtr(line); if(*p=='#' || *p=='!' || !*p) continue; if(firstline) { if(!ajStrPrefixC(line,"Mol")) ajFatal("Incorrect format molwt file: '%S'", line); firstline = ajFalse; continue; } ajFmtScanS(line,"%S",&token); ajStrFmtUpper(&token); if(ajStrGetLen(token) != 1) { if(ajStrPrefixC(token,"HYDROGEN")) { if(ajFmtScanS(line,"%*s%lf%lf", &ret[EMBPROPHINDEX]->average, &ret[EMBPROPHINDEX]->mono) != 2) ajFatal("Bad format hydrogen data line"); } else if(ajStrPrefixC(token,"OXYGEN")) { if(ajFmtScanS(line,"%*s%lf%lf", &ret[EMBPROPOINDEX]->average, &ret[EMBPROPOINDEX]->mono) != 2) ajFatal("Bad format oxygen data line"); } else ajFatal("Unknown molwt token %S",token); continue; } i = ajBasecodeToInt((ajint) *ajStrGetPtr(token)); if(i == 27) ajFatal("Molwt file line doesn't begin with a single A->Z (%S)", line); n = ajFmtScanS(line,"%*s%lf%lf", &ret[i]->average, &ret[i]->mono); if(n != 2) ajFatal("Only %d columns in amino file - expected %d",n,3); } ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&token); return ret; } /* @func embPropMolwtGetMolwt ************************************************* ** ** Return charge value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropMolwt] Input mOlecular weights object ** @return [float] charge ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ float embPropMolwtGetMolwt(const EmbPPropMolwt prop) { float ret; ret = (float) prop->average; /* satisfy VC++ */ return ret; } /* @func embPropGetCharge ***************************************************** ** ** Return charge value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [float] charge ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ float embPropGetCharge(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->charge; } /* @func embPropGetTiny ***************************************************** ** ** Return tiny value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [ajint] tiny ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embPropGetTiny(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->tiny; } /* @func embPropGetSmall ***************************************************** ** ** Return small value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [ajint] small ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embPropGetSmall(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->sm_all; } /* @func embPropGetAliphatic ************************************************** ** ** Return aliphatic value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [ajint] aliphatic ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embPropGetAliphatic(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->aliphatic; } /* @func embPropGetAromatic ***************************************************** ** ** Return aromatic value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [ajint] aromatic ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embPropGetAromatic(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->aromatic; } /* @func embPropGetNonpolar ***************************************************** ** ** Return nonpolar value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [ajint] nonpolar ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embPropGetNonpolar(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->nonpolar; } /* @func embPropGetPolar ***************************************************** ** ** Return polar value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [ajint] polar ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embPropGetPolar(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->polar; } /* @func embPropGetPve ***************************************************** ** ** Return pve value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [ajint] pve ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embPropGetPve(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->pve; } /* @func embPropGetNve ***************************************************** ** ** Return nve value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [ajint] nve ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embPropGetNve(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->nve; } /* @func embPropGetExtcoeff *************************************************** ** ** Return extcoeff value ** ** @param [r] prop [const EmbPPropAmino] Input properties object ** @return [ajint] extcoeff ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embPropGetExtcoeff(const EmbPPropAmino prop) { return prop->extcoeff; } /* @func embPropCalcMolwt **************************************************** ** ** Calculate the molecular weight of a protein sequence ** This is a shell around embPropCalcMolwtMod using water as the modifier. ** ** @param [r] s [const char *] sequence ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position ** @param [r] mwdata [EmbPPropMolwt const *] molecular weight data ** @param [r] mono [AjBool] true for monoisotopic values ** ** @return [double] molecular weight ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ double embPropCalcMolwt(const char *s, ajint start, ajint end, EmbPPropMolwt const *mwdata, AjBool mono) { double nmass = 0.; double cmass = 0.; nmass = (mono) ? mwdata[EMBPROPHINDEX]->mono : mwdata[EMBPROPHINDEX]->average; cmass = (mono) ? mwdata[EMBPROPOINDEX]->mono + nmass : mwdata[EMBPROPOINDEX]->average + nmass; return embPropCalcMolwtMod(s,start,end,mwdata,mono,nmass,cmass); } /* @func embPropCalcMolwtMod ************************************************* ** ** Calculate the molecular weight of a protein sequence ** with chemically modified termini ** ** @param [r] s [const char *] sequence ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position ** @param [r] mwdata [EmbPPropMolwt const *] molecular weight data ** @param [r] mono [AjBool] true for monoisotopic values ** @param [r] nmass [double] mass of the N-terminal group ** @param [r] cmass [double] mass of the C-terminal group ** ** @return [double] molecular weight ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ double embPropCalcMolwtMod(const char *s, ajint start, ajint end, EmbPPropMolwt const *mwdata, AjBool mono, double nmass, double cmass) { const char *p; double sum; ajint i; ajint len; ajint idx; double mw = 0.; len = end - start + 1; p = s + start; sum = 0.0; for(i=0;imono : mwdata[idx]->average; sum += mw; } return sum + nmass + cmass; } /* @func embPropCalcMolextcoeff********************************************* ** ** Calculate the molecular extinction coefficient of a protein sequence ** ** @param [r] s [const char *] sequence ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position ** @param [r] aadata [EmbPPropAmino const *] amino acid data ** ** @return [double] molar extinction coefficient ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ double embPropCalcMolextcoeff(const char *s, ajint start, ajint end, EmbPPropAmino const *aadata) { const char *p; double sum; ajint i; ajint len; len = end-start+1; p = s+start; sum = 0.0; for(i=0;iextcoeff; return sum; } /* @func embPropCharToThree ************************************************** ** ** Return 3 letter amino acid code A=Ala B=Asx C=Cys etc ** ** @param [r] c [char] integer code ** ** @return [const char*] three letter amino acid code ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const char* embPropCharToThree(char c) { return embPropIntToThree(ajBasecodeToInt(c)); } /* @func embPropIntToThree *************************************************** ** ** Return 3 letter amino acid code 0=Ala 1=Asx 2=Cys etc ** ** @param [r] c [ajint] integer code ** ** @return [const char*] three letter amino acid code ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ const char* embPropIntToThree(ajint c) { static const char *tab[]= { "Ala","Asx","Cys","Asp","Glu","Phe","Gly","His","Ile","---","Lys", "Leu","Met","Asn","---","Pro","Gln","Arg","Ser","Thr","---", "Val","Trp","Xaa","Tyr","Glx" }; return tab[c]; } /* @func embPropCalcFragments ************************************************ ** ** Read amino acd properties ** ** @param [r] s [const char *] sequence ** @param [r] n [ajint] "enzyme" number ** @param [w] l [AjPList *] list to push hits to ** @param [w] pa [AjPList *] list to push partial hits to ** @param [r] unfavoured [AjBool] allow unfavoured cuts ** @param [r] overlap [AjBool] show overlapping partials ** @param [r] allpartials [AjBool] show all possible partials ** @param [w] ncomp [ajint *] number of complete digest fragments ** @param [w] npart [ajint *] number of partial digest fragments ** @param [w] rname [AjPStr *] name of reagent ** @param [r] nterm [AjBool] nterm ragging ** @param [r] cterm [AjBool] cterm ragging ** @param [r] dorag [AjBool] true if ragging ** @param [r] mwdata [EmbPPropMolwt const *] molecular weight data ** @param [r] mono [AjBool] true for monoisotopic weights ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embPropCalcFragments(const char *s, ajint n, AjPList *l, AjPList *pa, AjBool unfavoured, AjBool overlap, AjBool allpartials, ajint *ncomp, ajint *npart, AjPStr *rname, AjBool nterm, AjBool cterm, AjBool dorag, EmbPPropMolwt const *mwdata, AjBool mono) { static const char *PROPENZReagent[]= { "Trypsin","Lys-C","Arg-C","Asp-N","V8-bicarb","V8-phosph", "Chymotrypsin","CNBr" }; static const char *PROPENZSite[]= { "KR","K","R","D","E","DE","FYWLM","M" }; static const char *PROPENZAminoCarboxyl[]= { "CC","C","C","N","C","CC","CCCCC","C" }; static const char *PROPENZUnfavoured[]= { "KRIFLP","P","P","","KREP","P","P","" }; ajint i; ajint j; ajint lim; ajint len; AjPList t; EmbPPropFrag fr; ajint *begsa = NULL; ajint *endsa = NULL; double molwt; double *molwtsa = NULL; AjBool *afrag = NULL; ajint mark; ajint bwp; ajint ewp; ajint *ival; ajint defcnt; ajint it; ajint st = 0; ajint mt = 0; ajint et = 0; ajStrAssignC(rname,PROPENZReagent[n]); defcnt = 0; len = (ajint) strlen(s); t = ajListNew(); /* Temporary list */ /* First get all potential cut points */ for(i=0;istart = st; fr->end = it; fr->molwt = embPropCalcMolwt(s,st,it,mwdata,mono); if(n == PROPENZCNBR) fr->molwt -= (17.045 + 31.095); fr->isfrag = ajTrue; ajListPush(*l,(void *)fr); } } AJNEW0(fr); fr->start = begsa[i]; fr->end = endsa[i]; fr->molwt = molwtsa[i]; fr->isfrag = afrag[i]; ajListPush(*l,(void *) fr); if(dorag && nterm) for(it=st+1; it < et-RAG_MINPEPLEN+2; ++it) { AJNEW0(fr); fr->start = it; fr->end = et; fr->molwt = embPropCalcMolwt(s,it,et,mwdata,mono); if(n == PROPENZCNBR) fr->molwt -= (17.045 + 31.095); fr->isfrag = ajTrue; ajListPush(*l,(void *)fr); } } if(!dorag) ajListSort(*l,propFragCompare); *ncomp = defcnt; /* Now deal with overlaps */ *npart = 0; lim = defcnt -1; if(overlap && !allpartials) { for(i=0;istart = st; fr->end = it; fr->molwt = embPropCalcMolwt(s,st,it,mwdata,mono); if(n == PROPENZCNBR) fr->molwt -= (17.045 + 31.095); fr->isfrag = ajTrue; ajListPush(*l,(void *)fr); } } AJNEW0(fr); fr->isfrag = ajTrue; fr->molwt = embPropCalcMolwt(s,begsa[i],endsa[i+1],mwdata,mono); if(n==PROPENZCNBR) fr->molwt -= (17.045 + 31.095); fr->start = begsa[i]; fr->end = endsa[i+1]; ajListPush(*pa,(void *)fr); ++(*npart); if(dorag && nterm) for(it=st+1; itstart = it; fr->end = et; fr->molwt = embPropCalcMolwt(s,it,et,mwdata,mono); if(n == PROPENZCNBR) fr->molwt -= (17.045 + 31.095); fr->isfrag = ajTrue; ajListPush(*l,(void *)fr); } } if(*npart) /* Remove complete sequence */ { --(*npart); ajListPop(*pa,(void **)&fr); } if(!dorag) ajListSort(*pa,propFragCompare); } if(allpartials) { for(i=0;iisfrag = ajTrue; fr->molwt = embPropCalcMolwt(s,begsa[i],endsa[j],mwdata,mono); if(n==PROPENZCNBR) fr->molwt -= (17.045 + 31.095); fr->start = begsa[i]; fr->end = endsa[j]; ajListPush(*pa,(void *)fr); ++(*npart); } if(*npart) /* Remove complete sequence */ { --(*npart); ajListPop(*pa,(void **)&fr); } if(!dorag) ajListSort(*pa,propFragCompare); } if(defcnt) { AJFREE(molwtsa); AJFREE(endsa); AJFREE(begsa); AJFREE(afrag); } ajListFree(&t); return; } /* @funcstatic propFragCompare *********************************************** ** ** compare two molecular weight AjPFrag list elements for sorting ** ** @param [r] a [const void*] First element ** @param [r] b [const void*] Second element ** ** @return [ajint] 0=equal +ve=(a greater than b) -ve=(a less than b) ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint propFragCompare(const void *a, const void *b) { return (ajint)((*(EmbPPropFrag const *)b)->molwt - (*(EmbPPropFrag const *)a)->molwt); } /* @func embPropProtGaps ****************************************************** ** ** Creates a string of a protein sequence which has been padded out with ** two spaces after every residue to aid aligning a translation under a ** nucleic sequence ** ** @param [u] seq [AjPSeq] protein sequence to add spaces into ** @param [r] pad [ajint] number of spaces to insert at the start of the result ** @return [AjPStr] New string with the padded sequence ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPStr embPropProtGaps(AjPSeq seq, ajint pad) { const char *p; AjPStr temp; ajint i; temp = ajStrNewRes(ajSeqGetLen(seq)*3 + pad+1); /* put any required padding spaces at the start */ for(i=0; iA, transition C->T, unknown A->N) ** ** @param [r] base1 [char] first base ** @param [r] base2 [char] second base ** @return [AjBool] return ajTrue if this is a transversion ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool embPropTransversion(char base1, char base2) { AjBool bu1; AjBool bu2; AjBool by1; AjBool by2; bu1 = embPropPurine(base1); bu2 = embPropPurine(base2); by1 = embPropPyrimidine(base1); by2 = embPropPyrimidine(base2); ajDebug("base1 py = %b, pu = %b", bu1, by1); ajDebug("base2 py = %b, pu = %b", bu2, by2); /* not a purine or a pyrimidine - ambiguous - return ajFalse */ if(!bu1 && !by1) return ajFalse; if(!bu2 && !by2) return ajFalse; ajDebug("embPropTransversion result = %d", (bu1 != bu2)); return (bu1 != bu2); } /* @func embPropTransition **************************************************** ** ** Returns ajTrue if the input two bases have undergone a transition. ** (Pyrimidine to Pyrimidine, or Purine to Purine) ** Returns ajFalse if this is not a transition or it can not be determined ** (e.g. no change A->A, transversion A->T, unknown A->N) ** ** @param [r] base1 [char] first base ** @param [r] base2 [char] second base ** @return [AjBool] return ajTrue if this is a transition ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool embPropTransition(char base1, char base2) { AjBool bu1; AjBool bu2; AjBool by1; AjBool by2; bu1 = embPropPurine(base1); bu2 = embPropPurine(base2); by1 = embPropPyrimidine(base1); by2 = embPropPyrimidine(base2); ajDebug("base1 py = %b, pu = %b", bu1, by1); ajDebug("base2 py = %b, pu = %b", bu2, by2); /* not a purine or a pyrimidine - ambiguous - return ajFalse */ if(!bu1 && !by1) return ajFalse; if(!bu2 && !by2) return ajFalse; /* no change - return ajFalse */ if(tolower((int)base1) == tolower((int)base2)) return ajFalse; /* U to T is not a transition */ if(tolower((int)base1) == 't' && tolower((int)base2) == 'u') return ajFalse; if(tolower((int)base1) == 'u' && tolower((int)base2) == 't') return ajFalse; /* C to Y, T to Y, A to R, G to R - ambiguous - not a transition */ if(bu1 && tolower((int)base2) == 'r') return ajFalse; if(bu2 && tolower((int)base1) == 'r') return ajFalse; if(by1 && tolower((int)base2) == 'y') return ajFalse; if(by2 && tolower((int)base1) == 'y') return ajFalse; ajDebug("embPropTransition result = %b", (bu1 == bu2)); return (bu1 == bu2); } /* @func embPropFixF ********************************************************* ** ** Fix for missing properties data in a float array ** ** @param [u] matrix [float[]] Matrix ** @param [r] missing [float] Missing data value ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embPropFixF(float matrix[], float missing) { ajint i; float mtot = 0.0; float dtot = 0.0; for(i=0;i<26;i++) { if(matrix[i] == missing) { switch (i) { case 1: /* B */ matrix[i] = ((matrix[3] * dayhoff[3]) + (matrix[13] * dayhoff[13])) / (dayhoff[3] + dayhoff[13]); ajDebug("Missing %d '%c' %f %f => %f\n", i, dayhoffstr[i], matrix[3], matrix[13], matrix[i]); break; case 9: /* J */ matrix[i] = ((matrix[8] * dayhoff[8]) + (matrix[11] * dayhoff[11])) / (dayhoff[8] + dayhoff[11]); ajDebug("Missing %d '%c' %f %f => %f\n", i, dayhoffstr[i], matrix[8], matrix[11], matrix[i]); break; case 25: /* Z */ matrix[i] = ((matrix[4] * dayhoff[4]) + (matrix[16] * dayhoff[16])) / (dayhoff[4] + dayhoff[16]); ajDebug("Missing %d '%c' %f %f => %f\n", i, dayhoffstr[i], matrix[4], matrix[16], matrix[i]); break; default: ajDebug("Missing %d '%c' unknown\n", i, dayhoffstr[i]); break; } } else { if(dayhoff[i] > 0.0) { dtot += dayhoff[i]; mtot += matrix[i] * dayhoff[i]; } } } mtot /= dtot; for(i=0;i<26;i++) { if(matrix[i] == missing) { matrix[i] = mtot; ajDebug("Missing %d '%c' unknown %f\n", i, dayhoffstr[i], matrix[i]); } } return; } /* @func embPropAminoDel ****************************************************** ** ** Delete array of amino acid properties ** ** @param [w] thys [EmbPPropAmino**] amino acid properties ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embPropAminoDel(EmbPPropAmino **thys) { EmbPPropAmino *pthis = NULL; ajuint i; pthis = *thys; for(i=0; i < EMBPROPSIZE; ++i) AJFREE(pthis[i]); AJFREE(pthis); *thys = NULL; return; } /* @func embPropMolwtDel ****************************************************** ** ** Delete array of molwts ** ** @param [w] thys [EmbPPropMolwt**] molwts ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embPropMolwtDel(EmbPPropMolwt **thys) { EmbPPropMolwt *pthis = NULL; ajuint i; pthis = *thys; for(i=0; i < EMBPROPSIZE + 2; ++i) AJFREE(pthis[i]); AJFREE(pthis); *thys = NULL; return; }