/**************************************************************************** ** @source embpdb.c ** ** Algorithms for handling protein structural data. ** For use with the Atom, Chain and Pdb objects defined in ajpdb.h ** Also for use with Hetent, Het, Vdwres, Vdwall, Cmap and Pdbtosp objects ** (also in ajpdb.h). ** ** Copyright (c) 2004 Jon Ison ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ****************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ private data ============================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ================= Prototypes for private functions ==================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== private functions ========================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== constructors ============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Constructors **************************************************** ** ** All constructors return a pointer to a new instance. It is the ** responsibility of the user to first destroy any previous instance. The ** target pointer does not need to be initialised to NULL, but it is good ** programming practice to do so anyway. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== destructors =============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Structure Destructors ******************************************* ** ** All destructor functions receive the address of the instance to be ** deleted. The original pointer is set to NULL so is ready for re-use. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Assignments ============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Assignments ***************************************************** ** ** These functions overwrite the instance provided as the first argument ** A NULL value is always acceptable so these functions are often used to ** create a new instance by assignment. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================= Modifiers =============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Modifiers ******************************************************* ** ** These functions use the contents of an instance and update them. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== Operators ===================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Operators ******************************************************* ** ** These functions use the contents of an instance but do not make any ** changes. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embPdbidToSp ******************************************************* ** ** Read a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent swissprot identifier ** code. Relies on list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is ** usually obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew. ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPStr] Pdb identifier code ** @param [w] spr [AjPStr*] Swissprot identifier code ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] Sorted list of Pdbtosp objects ** ** @return [AjBool] True if a swissprot identifier code was found ** for the Pdb code. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embPdbidToSp(const AjPStr pdb, AjPStr *spr, const AjPList list) { AjPPdbtosp *arr = NULL; /* Array derived from list */ ajint dim = 0; /* Size of array */ ajint idx = 0; /* Index into array for the Pdb code */ if(!pdb || !list) { ajWarn("Bad args passed to embPdbidToSp"); return ajFalse; } dim = ajListToarray(list, (void ***) &(arr)); if(!dim) { ajWarn("Empty list passed to embPdbidToSp"); return ajFalse; } if( (idx = ajPdbtospArrFindPdbid(arr, dim, pdb))==-1) return ajFalse; else { ajStrAssignS(spr, arr[idx]->Spr[0]); return ajTrue; } } /* @func embPdbidToAcc ****************************************************** ** ** Read a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent accession number. ** Relies on list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is usually ** obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew. ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPStr] Pdb identifier code ** @param [w] acc [AjPStr*] Accession number ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] Sorted list of Pdbtosp objects ** ** @return [AjBool] True if a swissprot identifier code was found for the ** Pdb code. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embPdbidToAcc(const AjPStr pdb, AjPStr *acc, const AjPList list) { AjPPdbtosp *arr = NULL; /* Array derived from list */ AjPPdbtosp *arrfree = NULL; ajint dim = 0; /* Size of array */ ajint idx = 0; /* Index into array for the Pdb code */ if(!pdb || !list) { ajWarn("Bad args passed to embPdbidToAcc"); return ajFalse; } dim = ajListToarray(list, (void ***) &(arr)); if(!dim) { ajWarn("Empty list passed to embPdbidToAcc"); return ajFalse; } if( (idx = ajPdbtospArrFindPdbid(arr, dim, pdb))==-1) { arrfree = (AjPPdbtosp*) arr; AJFREE(arrfree); return ajFalse; } else { ajStrAssignS(acc, arr[idx]->Acc[0]); arrfree = (AjPPdbtosp*) arr; AJFREE(arrfree); return ajTrue; } } /* @func embPdbidToScop **************************************************** ** ** Writes a list of scop identifier codes for the domains that a Pdb object ** contains. The domain data is taken from a list of scop objects. ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPPdb] Pointer to pdb object ** @param [r] list_allscop [const AjPList] Pointer to SCOP list of SCOP ** classification objects ** @param [w] list_pdbscopids [AjPList*] Pointer to list of scop domain ids ** in the current pdb object ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embPdbidToScop(const AjPPdb pdb, const AjPList list_allscop, AjPList *list_pdbscopids) { AjIList iter = NULL; /* List iterator for SCOP classification list */ AjPScop ptr = NULL; AjPStr tmpPdbId = NULL; AjPStr tmpDomId = NULL; ajint found = 0; iter=ajListIterNewread(list_allscop); while((ptr=(AjPScop)ajListIterGet(iter))) { ajStrAssignS(&tmpPdbId, ptr->Pdb); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpPdbId); if(ajStrMatchS(pdb->Pdb, tmpPdbId)) { ajStrAssignS(&tmpDomId, ptr->Entry); ajStrFmtLower(&tmpDomId); ajListPushAppend(*list_pdbscopids, tmpDomId); tmpDomId = NULL; found = 1; } } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&tmpPdbId); ajStrDel(&tmpDomId); if(found==1) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func embAtomInContact *************************************************** ** ** Determines whether two atoms are in physical contact ** ** @param [r] atm1 [const AjPAtom] Atom 1 object ** @param [r] atm2 [const AjPAtom] Atom 1 object ** @param [r] thresh [float] Threshold contact distance ** @param [r] vdw [const AjPVdwall] Vdwall object ** ** Contact between two atoms is defined as when the van der Waals surface of ** the first atom comes within the threshold contact distance (thresh) of ** the van der Waals surface of the second atom. ** ** @return [AjBool] True if the two atoms form contact ** @@ ** ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embAtomInContact(const AjPAtom atm1, const AjPAtom atm2, float thresh, const AjPVdwall vdw) { float val = 0.0; float val1 = 0.0; /* Check args */ if(!atm1 || !atm2 || !vdw) { ajWarn("Bad args passed to embAtomInContact"); return ajFalse; } val=((atm1->X - atm2->X) * (atm1->X - atm2->X)) + ((atm1->Y - atm2->Y) * (atm1->Y - atm2->Y)) + ((atm1->Z - atm2->Z) * (atm1->Z - atm2->Z)); /* This calculation uses square root if((sqrt(val) - embVdwRad(atm1, vdw) - embVdwRad(atm2, vdw)) <= thresh) return ajTrue; */ /* Same calculation avoiding square root */ val1 = embVdwRad(atm1, vdw) + embVdwRad(atm2, vdw) + thresh; if(val <= (val1*val1)) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func embAtomDistance **************************************************** ** ** Returns the distance (Angstroms) between two atoms. ** ** @param [r] atm1 [const AjPAtom] Atom 1 object ** @param [r] atm2 [const AjPAtom] Atom 1 object ** @param [r] vdw [const AjPVdwall] Vdwall object ** ** Returns the distance (Angstroms) between the van der Waals surface of two ** atoms. ** ** @return [float] Distance (Angstroms) between two atoms. ** @@ ** ****************************************************************************/ float embAtomDistance(const AjPAtom atm1, const AjPAtom atm2, const AjPVdwall vdw) { float val = 0.0; float val1 = 0.0; val=((atm1->X - atm2->X) * (atm1->X - atm2->X)) + ((atm1->Y - atm2->Y) * (atm1->Y - atm2->Y)) + ((atm1->Z - atm2->Z) * (atm1->Z - atm2->Z)); /* This calculation uses square root */ val1= (float) (sqrt(val) - embVdwRad(atm1, vdw) - embVdwRad(atm2, vdw)); return val1; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================== Casts ===================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Casts *********************************************************** ** ** These functions examine the contents of an instance and return some ** derived information. Some of them provide access to the internal ** components of an instance. They are provided for programming convenience ** but should be used with caution. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== Reporters ==================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Reporters ******************************************************* ** ** These functions return the contents of an instance but do not make any ** changes. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embVdwRad ********************************************************** ** ** Returns the van der Waals radius of an atom. Returns 1.2 as default. ** ** @param [r] atm [const AjPAtom] Atom object ** @param [r] vdw [const AjPVdwall] Vdwall object ** ** @return [float] van der Waals radius of the atom ** @@ ** ****************************************************************************/ float embVdwRad(const AjPAtom atm, const AjPVdwall vdw) { ajint x = 0; ajint y = 0; for(x=0;xN;x++) for(y=0;yRes[x]->N;y++) if(ajStrMatchS(atm->Atm, vdw->Res[x]->Atm[y])) return(vdw->Res[x]->Rad[y]); return((float)1.2); } /* @func embPdbToIdx ******************************************************** ** ** Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer which gives the index into the ** protein sequence for a residue with a specified pdb residue number and a ** specified chain number. ** ** @param [w] idx [ajint*] Residue number (index into sequence) ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPPdb] Pdb object ** @param [r] res [const AjPStr] Residue number (PDB numbering) ** @param [r] chn [ajint] Chain number ** ** @return [AjBool] True on succcess (res was found in pdb object) ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embPdbToIdx(ajint *idx, const AjPPdb pdb, const AjPStr res, ajint chn) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPResidue residue = NULL; if(!pdb || !(res) || !(idx)) { ajWarn("Bad arg's passed to embPdbToIdx"); return ajFalse; } if((chn > pdb->Nchn) || (!pdb->Chains) || (chn<1)) { ajWarn("Bad arg's passed to embPdbToIdx"); return ajFalse; } /* Initialise the iterator */ iter=ajListIterNewread(pdb->Chains[chn-1]->Residues); /* Iterate through the list of residues */ while((residue = (AjPResidue)ajListIterGet(iter))) { if(residue->Chn!=chn) continue; /* ** Hard-coded to work on model 1 ** Continue / break if a non-protein residue is found or model no. !=1 */ if(residue->Mod!=1) break; /* if(residue->Type!='P') continue; */ /* If we have found the residue */ if(ajStrMatchS(res, residue->Pdb)) { ajListIterDel(&iter); *idx = residue->Idx; return ajTrue; } } ajWarn("Residue number not found in embPdbToIdx"); ajListIterDel(&iter); return ajFalse; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== Input & Output ============================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Input & output ************************************************** ** ** These functions are used for formatted input and output to file. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================== Miscellaneous =================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Miscellaneous *************************************************** ** ** These functions may have diverse functions that do not fit into the other ** categories. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embPdbListHeterogens *********************************************** ** ** Function to create a list of arrays of Atom objects for ligands in the ** current Pdb object (a single array for each ligand). An array of int's ** giving the number of Atom objects in each array, is also written. The ** number of ligands is also written. ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPPdb] Pointer to pdb object ** @param [w] list_heterogens [AjPList*] Pointer to list of heterogen Atom ** arrays ** @param [w] siz_heterogens [AjPInt*] Pointer to integer array of sizes ** (number of Atom objects in each ** array). ** @param [w] nhet [ajint*] Number of arrays in the list that ** was written. ** @param [u] logfile [AjPFile] Log file for error messages ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embPdbListHeterogens(const AjPPdb pdb, AjPList *list_heterogens, AjPInt *siz_heterogens, ajint *nhet, AjPFile logfile) { /* ** NOTE: EVERYTHING IN THE CLEAN PDB FILES IS CURRENTLY CHAIN ** ASSOCIATED! THIS WILL BE CHANGED IN FUTURE */ AjIList iter = NULL; /* Iterator for atoms in current pdb object */ AjPAtom hetat = NULL; /* Pointer to current Atom object */ ajint i=0; /* Counter for chains */ ajint prev_gpn = -10000; /* Group number of atom object from previous iteration */ AjPList GrpAtmList = NULL; /* List to hold atoms from the current group */ AjPAtom *AtmArray = NULL; /* Array of atom objects */ ajint n=0; /* number of elements in AtmArray */ ajint grp_count = 0; /* No. of groups */ ajint arr_count = 0; /* Index for siz_heterogens */ /* Check args */ if((pdb==NULL)||(list_heterogens==NULL)||(siz_heterogens==NULL)) { ajWarn("Bad args passed to embPdbListHeterogens\n"); return ajFalse; } if((!(*list_heterogens))||(!(*siz_heterogens))) { ajWarn("Bad args passed to embPdbListHeterogens\n"); return ajFalse; } if(pdb->Ngp>0) ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "\tNGP:%d\n", pdb->Ngp); if(pdb->Nchn>0) { for(i=0;iNchn;++i) { prev_gpn=-100000; /* Reset prev_gpn for each chain */ /* initialise iterator for pdb->Chains[i]->Atoms */ iter=ajListIterNewread(pdb->Chains[i]->Atoms); /* Iterate through list of Atom objects */ while((hetat=(AjPAtom)ajListIterGet(iter))) { /* check for type */ if(hetat->Type != 'H') continue; /* TEST FOR A NEW GROUP */ if(prev_gpn != hetat->Gpn) { grp_count++; if(GrpAtmList) { n=(ajListToarray(GrpAtmList, (void ***) &AtmArray)); ajListPushAppend(*list_heterogens, AtmArray); /* So that ajListToArray doesn't try and free the non-NULL pointer */ AtmArray=NULL; ajIntPut(siz_heterogens, arr_count, n); (*nhet)++; ajListFree(&GrpAtmList); GrpAtmList=NULL; arr_count++; } GrpAtmList=ajListNew(); prev_gpn=hetat->Gpn; } /* End of new group loop */ ajListPushAppend(GrpAtmList, (AjPAtom) hetat); } /* End of list iteration loop */ /* Free list iterator */ ajListIterDel(&iter); } /* End of chain for loop */ if(GrpAtmList) { n=(ajListToarray(GrpAtmList, (void ***) &AtmArray)); ajListPushAppend(*list_heterogens, AtmArray); /* So that ajListToArray doesn't try and free the non-NULL pointer */ AtmArray=NULL; ajIntPut(siz_heterogens, arr_count, n); (*nhet)++; ajListFree(&GrpAtmList); GrpAtmList=NULL; } GrpAtmList = NULL; prev_gpn = -10000; } /* End of chain loop */ return ajTrue; } /* @func embPdbResidueIndexI *************************************************** ** ** Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into ** the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron ** density was determined) for a given chain. The array length is of course ** equal to the number of structured residues. ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPPdb] Pdb object ** @param [r] chn [ajint] Chain number ** @param [w] idx [AjPInt*] Index array ** ** @return [AjBool] True on succcess ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embPdbResidueIndexI(const AjPPdb pdb, ajint chn, AjPInt *idx) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPResidue res = NULL; /* ajint this_rn = 0; ajint last_rn = -1000; */ ajint resn = 0; if(!pdb || !(*idx)) { ajWarn("Bad arg's passed to embPdbResidueIndexI"); return ajFalse; } if((chn > pdb->Nchn) || (!pdb->Chains)) { ajWarn("Bad arg's passed to embPdbResidueIndexI"); return ajFalse; } /* Initialise the iterator */ iter=ajListIterNewread(pdb->Chains[chn-1]->Residues); /* Iterate through the list of residues */ while((res=(AjPResidue)ajListIterGet(iter))) { if(res->Chn!=chn) continue; /* Hard-coded to work on model 1 */ /* Continue / break if a non-protein residue is found or model no. !=1 */ if(res->Mod!=1) break; /* if(res->Type!='P') continue; */ /* If we are onto a new residue */ /* this_rn=res->Idx; if(this_rn!=last_rn) { ajIntPut(&(*idx), resn++, res->Idx); last_rn=this_rn; }*/ ajIntPut(&(*idx), resn++, res->Idx); } if(resn==0) { ajWarn("Chain not found in embPdbResidueIndexI"); ajListIterDel(&iter); return ajFalse; } ajListIterDel(&iter); return ajTrue; } /* @func embPdbResidueIndexC *************************************************** ** ** Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into ** the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron ** density was determined) for a given chain. The array length is of course ** equal to the number of structured residues. ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPPdb] Pdb object ** @param [r] chn [char] Chain identifier ** @param [w] idx [AjPInt*] Index array ** ** @return [AjBool] True on succcess ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embPdbResidueIndexC(const AjPPdb pdb, char chn, AjPInt *idx) { ajint chnn; if(!ajPdbChnidToNum(chn, pdb, &chnn)) { ajWarn("Chain not found in embPdbResidueIndexC"); return ajFalse; } if(!embPdbResidueIndexI(pdb, chnn, idx)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func embPdbResidueIndexICA ************************************************ ** ** Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into ** the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron ** density was determined) for a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for ** which CA atoms are missing. The array length is of course equal to the ** number of structured residues. ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPPdb] Pdb object ** @param [r] chn [ajint] Chain number ** @param [w] idx [AjPUint*] Index array ** @param [w] nres [ajint*] Array length ** ** @return [AjBool] True on succcess ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embPdbResidueIndexICA(const AjPPdb pdb, ajint chn, AjPUint *idx, ajint *nres) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPAtom atm = NULL; ajint this_rn = 0; ajint last_rn = -1000; ajint resn = 0; /* Sequential count of residues */ if(!pdb || !(*idx)) { ajWarn("Bad arg's passed to embPdbResidueIndexICA"); return ajFalse; } if((chn > pdb->Nchn) || (!pdb->Chains)) { ajWarn("Bad arg's passed to embPdbResidueIndexICA"); return ajFalse; } /* Initialise the iterator */ iter=ajListIterNewread(pdb->Chains[chn-1]->Atoms); /* Iterate through the list of atoms */ while((atm=(AjPAtom)ajListIterGet(iter))) { if(atm->Chn!=chn) continue; /* ** Hard-coded to work on model 1 ** Continue / break if a non-protein atom is found or model no. !=1 */ if(atm->Mod!=1) break; if(atm->Type!='P') continue; /* If we are onto a new residue */ this_rn=atm->Idx; if(this_rn!=last_rn && ajStrMatchC(atm->Atm, "CA")) { ajUintPut(&(*idx), resn++, atm->Idx); last_rn=this_rn; } } if(resn==0) { ajWarn("Chain not found in embPdbResidueIndexICA"); ajListIterDel(&iter); return ajFalse; } *nres=resn; ajListIterDel(&iter); return ajTrue; } /* @func embPdbResidueIndexCCA ************************************************* ** ** Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array which gives the index into ** the protein sequence for structured residues (residues for which electron ** density was determined) for a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for ** which CA atoms are missing. The array length is of course equal to the ** number of structured residues. ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPPdb] Pdb object ** @param [r] chn [char] Chain identifier ** @param [w] idx [AjPUint*] Index array ** @param [w] nres [ajint*] Array length ** ** @return [AjBool] True on succcess ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embPdbResidueIndexCCA(const AjPPdb pdb, char chn, AjPUint *idx, ajint *nres) { ajint chnn; if(!ajPdbChnidToNum(chn, pdb, &chnn)) { ajWarn("Chain not found in embPdbResidueIndexCCA"); return ajFalse; } if(!embPdbResidueIndexICA(pdb, chnn, idx, nres)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @func embStrideToThree *************************************************** ** ** Reads a string that contains an 8-state STRIDE secondary structure ** assignment and writes a string with the corresponding 3-state assignment. ** The 8 states used in STRIDE are 'H' (alpha helix), 'G' (3-10 helix), ** 'I' (Pi-helix), 'E' (extended conformation), 'B' or 'b' (isolated bridge), ** 'T' (turn) or 'C' (coil, i.e. none of the above). The 3 states used ** are 'H' (STRIDE 'H', 'G' or 'I'), 'E' (STRIDE 'E', 'B' or 'b') and 'C' ** (STRIDE 'T' or 'C'). The string is allocated if necessary. ** ** @param [w] to [AjPStr*] String to write ** @param [r] from [const AjPStr] String to read ** ** @return [AjBool] True on succcess ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embStrideToThree(AjPStr *to, const AjPStr from) { if(!from) { ajWarn("Bad args passed to embStrideToThree"); return ajFalse; } else ajStrAssignS(to, from); ajStrExchangeKK(to, 'G', 'H'); ajStrExchangeKK(to, 'I', 'H'); ajStrExchangeKK(to, 'B', 'E'); ajStrExchangeKK(to, 'b', 'E'); ajStrExchangeKK(to, 'T', 'C'); return ajTrue; }