/* @source embaln.c ** ** General matchroutines ** Copyright (c) 1999 Alan Bleasby ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ajax.h" #include "embmat.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "limits.h" static void matPushHitInt(const AjPStr n, const EmbPMatPrints m, AjPList *l, ajint pos, ajint score, ajint elem, ajint hpe, ajint hpm); /* @funcstatic matPushHitInt ************************************************** ** ** Put a matching protein matrix (EmbPMatPrints) on the heap ** as an EmbPMatMatch structure ** ** @param [r] n [const AjPStr] Sequence name ** @param [r] m [const EmbPMatPrints] Matching fingerprint element ** @param [w] l [AjPList *] List to push hits to ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Sequence position of element ** @param [r] score [ajint] Score of element ** @param [r] elem [ajint] Element number (0 to n) ** @param [r] hpe [ajint] Hits per element (so far) ** @param [r] hpm [ajint] Hits per motif (so far) ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void matPushHitInt(const AjPStr n, const EmbPMatPrints m, AjPList *l, ajint pos, ajint score, ajint elem, ajint hpe, ajint hpm) { EmbPMatMatch mat; AJNEW0 (mat); mat->seqname = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr(n)); mat->cod = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr((m)->cod)); mat->acc = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr((m)->acc)); mat->tit = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr((m)->tit)); mat->pat = ajStrNew(); mat->n = (m)->n; mat->len = (m)->len[elem]; mat->thresh = (m)->thresh[elem]; mat->max = (m)->max[elem]; mat->element = elem; mat->start = pos; mat->score = score; mat->hpe = hpe; mat->hpm = hpm; mat->all = ajFalse; mat->ordered = ajFalse; ajListPush(*l,(void *)mat); return; } /* @func embMatMatchDel ******************************************************* ** ** Deallocate a MatMatch structure ** ** @param [w] s [EmbPMatMatch *] Structure to delete ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embMatMatchDel(EmbPMatMatch *s) { ajStrDel(&(*s)->seqname); ajStrDel(&(*s)->cod); ajStrDel(&(*s)->acc); ajStrDel(&(*s)->tit); ajStrDel(&(*s)->pat); ajStrDel(&(*s)->iso); AJFREE(*s); *s = NULL; return; } /* @func embMatPrintsInit ***************************************************** ** ** Initialise file pointer to the EMBOSS PRINTS data file ** ** @param [w] fp [AjPFile *] file pointer ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embMatPrintsInit(AjPFile *fp) { *fp = ajDatafileNewInNameC(PRINTS_MAT); if(!*fp) ajFatal("%s file not found. Create it with printsextract.", PRINTS_MAT); return; } /* @func embMatProtReadInt **************************************************** ** ** Fill a protein matrix structure (EmbPMatPrints) from a data file ** Gets next entry. ** ** @param [u] fp [AjPFile] data file pointer ** ** @return [EmbPMatPrints] matrix structure ** @category new [EmbPMatPrints] Read protein matrix structure from a data file ******************************************************************************/ EmbPMatPrints embMatProtReadInt(AjPFile fp) { EmbPMatPrints ret; AjPStr line; ajint i; ajuint j; ajuint m; const char *p; line = ajStrNewC("#"); p = ajStrGetPtr(line); while(!*p || *p=='#' || *p=='!' || *p=='\n') { if(!ajReadlineTrim(fp,&line)) { ajStrDel(&line); return NULL; } p = ajStrGetPtr(line); } ajDebug("embMatProtReadint starting\n"); ajDebug ("Line: %S\n", line); AJNEW0 (ret); ret->cod = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&ret->cod,line); ajReadlineTrim(fp,&line); ret->acc = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&ret->acc,line); ajReadlineTrim(fp,&line); ajStrToUint(line,&ret->n); ajReadlineTrim(fp,&line); ret->tit = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&ret->tit,line); ajDebug ("Lineb: %S\n", line); AJCNEW(ret->len, ret->n); AJCNEW(ret->max, ret->n); AJCNEW(ret->thresh, ret->n); AJCNEW(ret->matrix, ret->n); for(m=0;mn;++m) { ajReadlineTrim(fp,&line); ajStrToUint(line,&ret->len[m]); ajReadlineTrim(fp,&line); ajStrToUint(line,&ret->thresh[m]); ajReadlineTrim(fp,&line); ajStrToUint(line,&ret->max[m]); ajDebug ("m: %d/%d len:%d thresh:%d max:%d\n", m, ret->n, ret->len[m], ret->thresh[m], ret->max[m]); for(i=0;i<26;++i) { AJCNEW0(ret->matrix[m][i], ret->len[m]); ajReadlineTrim(fp,&line); ajDebug ("Linec [%d][%d]: %S\n", m, i, line); p = ajStrGetPtr(line); for(j=0;jlen[m];++j) { if(!j) p = ajSysFuncStrtok(p," "); else p = ajSysFuncStrtok(NULL," "); sscanf(p,"%d",&ret->matrix[m][i][j]); } } } ajReadlineTrim(fp,&line); ajDebug ("Linec: %S\n", line); ajStrDel(&line); return ret; } /* @func embMatProtDelInt ***************************************************** ** ** Deallocate a protein matrix structure (EmbPMatPrints) ** ** @param [d] s [EmbPMatPrints *] matrix structure ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embMatProtDelInt(EmbPMatPrints *s) { ajint n; ajint i; ajint j; n = (*s)->n; for(i=0;imatrix[i][j]); AJFREE((*s)->matrix); AJFREE((*s)->len); AJFREE((*s)->thresh); AJFREE((*s)->max); ajStrDel(&(*s)->cod); ajStrDel(&(*s)->acc); ajStrDel(&(*s)->tit); AJFREE(*s); return; } /* @func embMatProtScanInt **************************************************** ** ** Scan a protein sequence with a fingerprint ** ** @param [r] s [const AjPStr] Sequence ** @param [r] n [const AjPStr] name of sequence ** @param [r] m [const EmbPMatPrints] Fingerprint matrix ** @param [w] l [AjPList *] List to push hits to ** @param [w] all [AjBool *] Set if all elements match ** @param [w] ordered [AjBool *] Set if all elements are in order ** @param [r] overlap [AjBool] True if overlaps are allowed ** ** @return [ajuint] number of hits ******************************************************************************/ ajuint embMatProtScanInt(const AjPStr s, const AjPStr n, const EmbPMatPrints m, AjPList *l, AjBool *all, AjBool *ordered, AjBool overlap) { EmbPMatMatch mm; AjPStr t; char *p; char *q; ajint slen; ajint score; ajint mlen; ajint elem; ajint minpc; ajint maxscore; ajint limit; ajint sum; ajint hpe; ajint hpm; ajint lastelem; ajint lastpos; ajint op; ajint i; ajint j; t = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr(s)); ajStrFmtUpper(&t); p = q = ajStrGetuniquePtr(&t); slen = ajStrGetLen(t); for(i=0;in - 1;elem >= 0;--elem) { hpe = 0; mlen = (m)->len[elem]; minpc = (m)->thresh[elem]; maxscore = (m)->max[elem]; limit = slen-mlen; for(i=0;imatrix[elem][(ajint) p[i+j]][j]; score = (sum*100)/maxscore; if(score>=minpc) { if(elem= lastpos) *ordered = ajFalse; lastpos = i; } } ++hpe; ++hpm; matPushHitInt(n,m,l,i,score,elem,hpe,hpm); } } if(!hpe) *all = ajFalse; } if(hpm) { ajListPop(*l,(void **)&mm); if(*all) { mm->all = ajTrue; if(*ordered) mm->ordered = ajTrue; else mm->ordered = ajFalse; } else { mm->all = ajFalse; if(*ordered) mm->ordered = ajTrue; else mm->ordered = ajFalse; } ajListPush(*l,(void *)mm); } ajStrDel(&t); return hpm; }