/****************************************************************************** ** @source NUCLEUS EST alignment functions ** ** @author Copyright (C) 1996 Richard Mott ** @author Copyright (C) 1998 Peter Rice revised for EMBOSS ** @version 4.0 ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ /* ==================================================================== */ /* ========================== include files =========================== */ /* ==================================================================== */ #include "emboss.h" #include "embest.h" #include #include #include /* @datastatic EstPKeyValue *************************************************** ** ** Key value data structure ** ** @alias EstSKeyValue ** @alias EstOKeyValue ** ** @attr key [float] key score ** @attr value [ajint] value ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EstSKeyValue { float key; ajint value; } EstOKeyValue; #define EstPKeyValue EstOKeyValue* /* @datastatic EstPCoord ****************************************************** ** ** Coordinates data structure ** ** @alias EstSCoord ** @alias EstOCoord ** ** @attr left [ajint] left end ** @attr right [ajint] right end ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EstSCoord { ajint left; ajint right; } EstOCoord; #define EstPCoord EstOCoord* /* @datastatic EstPSavePair *************************************************** ** ** Save pairwise matches ** ** @alias EstSSavePair ** @alias EstOSavePair ** ** @attr col [ajint] Column number ** @attr row [ajint] Row number ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EstSSavePair { ajint col; ajint row; } EstOSavePair; #define EstPSavePair EstOSavePair* static EstPSavePair rpair = NULL; static ajint rpairs = 0; static ajint rpair_size = 0; static ajint rpairs_sorted = 0; static ajint lsimmat[256][256]; static AjBool verbose; static AjBool debug; static float estRand3(ajint *idum); static ajint estPairRemember(ajint col, ajint row); static ajint estSavePairCmp(const void *a, const void *b); static void estPairInit(ajint max_bytes); static void estPairFree(void); static ajint estDoNotForget(ajint col, ajint row); static ajint estAlignMidpt(const AjPSeq est, const AjPSeq genome, ajint gap_penalty, ajint intron_penalty, ajint splice_penalty, const AjPSeq splice_sites, ajint middle, ajint *gleft, ajint *gright); static EmbPEstAlign estAlignRecursive(const AjPSeq est, const AjPSeq genome, ajint match, ajint mismatch, ajint gap_penalty, ajint intron_penalty, ajint splice_penalty, const AjPSeq splice_sites, float max_area); static void estWriteMsp(AjPFile ofile, ajint *matches, ajint *len, ajint *tsub, const AjPSeq genome, ajint gsub, ajint gpos, const AjPSeq est, ajint esub, ajint epos, ajint reverse, ajint gapped); static const char* estShuffleSeq(char *s, ajint *seed); /* @func embEstSetDebug ******************************************************* ** ** Sets debugging calls on ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embEstSetDebug(void) { debug = ajTrue; return; } /* @func embEstSetVerbose ***************************************************** ** ** Sets verbose debugging calls on ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embEstSetVerbose(void) { verbose = ajTrue; return; } /* @func embEstGetSeed ******************************************************* ** ** Returns a seed for the random number generator, using the system clock. ** ** @return [ajint] seed. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embEstGetSeed(void) { time_t *tloc; ajint seed; tloc = NULL; seed = ((ajint)time(tloc))% 100000; ajDebug("! seed = %d\n", seed); return seed; } /* @func embEstMatInit ******************************************************** ** ** Comparison matrix initialisation. ** ** @param [r] match [ajint] Match code ** @param [r] mismatch [ajint] Mismatch penalty ** @param [r] gap [ajint] Gap penalty ** @param [r] neutral [ajint] Score for ambiguous base positions. ** @param [r] pad_char [char] Pad character for gaps in input sequences ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embEstMatInit(ajint match, ajint mismatch, ajint gap, ajint neutral, char pad_char) { ajint c1; ajint c2; for(c1=0;c1<256;c1++) for(c2=0;c2<256;c2++) { if( c1 == c2 ) { if( c1 != '*' && c1 != 'n' && c1 != 'N' && c1 != '-' ) lsimmat[c1][c2] = match; else lsimmat[c1][c2] = 0; } else { if( c1 == pad_char || c2 == pad_char ) lsimmat[c1][c2] = lsimmat[c2][c1] = -gap; else if( c1 == 'n' || c2 == 'n' || c1 == 'N' || c2 == 'N' ) lsimmat[c1][c2] = lsimmat[c2][c1] = neutral; else lsimmat[c1][c2] = lsimmat[c2][c1] = -mismatch; } } for(c1=0;c1<256;c1++) { c2 = tolower(c1); lsimmat[c1][c2] = lsimmat[c1][c1]; lsimmat[c2][c1] = lsimmat[c1][c1]; } return; } /* @func embEstFindSpliceSites ************************************************ ** ** Finds all putative DONOR and ACCEPTOR splice sites in the genomic sequence. ** ** Returns a sequence object whose "dna" should be interpreted as an ** array indicating what kind (if any) of splice site can be found at ** each sequence position. ** ** DONOR sites are NNGTNN last position in exon ** ** ACCEPTOR sites are NAGN last position in intron ** ** if forward==1 then search fot GT/AG ** else search for CT/AC ** ** @param [r] genome [const AjPSeq] Genomic sequence ** @param [r] forward [ajint] Boolean. 1 = forward direction ** ** @return [AjPSeq] Sequence of bitmask codes for splice sites. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPSeq embEstFindSpliceSites(const AjPSeq genome, ajint forward ) { AjPSeq sites; ajint pos; ajint genomelen; const char *s; char *sitestr; sites = ajSeqNew(); genomelen = ajSeqGetLen(genome); s = ajSeqGetSeqC(genome); sitestr = ajSeqGetSeqCopyC( genome ); for(pos=0;pos (float)1.0 ? ZZ-(ajint)ZZ : ZZ); return ZZ; } /* @func embEstFreeAlign ****************************************************** ** ** Free a genomic EST alignment structure ** ** @param [d] ge [EmbPEstAlign*] Genomic EST alignment data structure ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embEstFreeAlign(EmbPEstAlign *ge) { if( *ge ) { if( (*ge)->align_path ) AJFREE( (*ge)->align_path ); AJFREE(*ge); } return; } /* @func embEstPrintAlign ***************************************************** ** ** Print the alignment ** ** @param [u] ofile [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] genome [const AjPSeq] Genomic sequence ** @param [r] est [const AjPSeq] EST sequence ** @param [r] ge [const EmbPEstAlign] Genomic EST alignment ** @param [r] width [ajint] Output width (in bases) ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embEstPrintAlign(AjPFile ofile, const AjPSeq genome, const AjPSeq est, const EmbPEstAlign ge, ajint width ) { ajint gpos; ajint epos; ajint pos; ajint len; ajint i; ajint j; ajint max; ajint m; char *gbuf; char *ebuf; char *sbuf; const char *genomeseq; const char *estseq; ajint *gcoord; ajint *ecoord; ajint namelen; char format[256]; genomeseq = ajSeqGetSeqC(genome); estseq = ajSeqGetSeqC(est); namelen = ajStrGetLen(ajSeqGetNameS(genome)) > ajStrGetLen(ajSeqGetNameS(est)) ? ajStrGetLen(ajSeqGetNameS(genome)) : ajStrGetLen(ajSeqGetNameS(est)) ; sprintf(format, "%%%dS %%6d ", namelen ); if(ofile) { ajFmtPrintF(ofile, "\n"); len = ajSeqGetLen(genome) + ajSeqGetLen(est) + 1; AJCNEW(gbuf,len); AJCNEW(ebuf,len); AJCNEW(sbuf,len); AJCNEW(gcoord,len); AJCNEW(ecoord,len); gpos = ge->gstart; epos = ge->estart; len = 0; for(pos=0;poslen;pos++) { ajint way = ge->align_path[pos]; if( way == DIAGONAL ) { /* diagonal */ gcoord[len] = gpos; ecoord[len] = epos; gbuf[len] = genomeseq[gpos++]; ebuf[len] = estseq[epos++]; m = lsimmat[(ajint)gbuf[len]][(ajint)ebuf[len]]; /* ** MATHOG, the triple form promotes char to ** arithmetic type, which ** generates warnings as it might be able ** to overflow the char type. This is ** equivalent but doesn't trigger any compiler noise ** sbuf[len] = (char) ( m > 0 ? '|' : ' ' ); */ if(m>0) sbuf[len] = '|'; else sbuf[len] = ' '; len++; } else if(way == DELETE_EST) { gcoord[len] = gpos; ecoord[len] = epos; gbuf[len] = '-'; ebuf[len] = estseq[epos++]; sbuf[len] = ' '; len++; } else if( way == DELETE_GENOME ) { gcoord[len] = gpos; ecoord[len] = epos; gbuf[len] = genomeseq[gpos++]; ebuf[len] = '-'; sbuf[len] = ' '; len++; } else if( way <= INTRON ) { /* ** want enough space to print the first 5 and last 5 ** bases of the intron, plus a string containing the ** intron length */ ajint intron_width; ajint half_width; ajint g; char number[30]; ajint numlen; intron_width = ge->align_path[pos+1]; g = gpos-1; half_width = intron_width > 10 ? 5 : intron_width/2; sprintf(number," %d ", intron_width ); numlen = (ajint) strlen(number); for(j=len;jalign_path[++pos]; len = j; } } for(i=0;i len ? len : i+width ); ajFmtPrintF(ofile, format, ajSeqGetNameS(genome), gcoord[i]+1 ); for(j=i;jscore ); AJFREE(gbuf); AJFREE(ebuf); AJFREE(sbuf); AJFREE(gcoord); AJFREE(ecoord); } return; } /* @func embEstAlignNonRecursive ********************************************** ** ** Modified Smith-Waterman/Needleman to align an EST or mRNA to a Genomic ** sequence, allowing for introns. ** ** The recursion is ** ** { S[gpos-1][epos] - gap_penalty ** ** { S[gpos-1][epos-1] + D[gpos][epos] ** ** S[gpos][epos] = max { S[gpos][epos-1] - gap_penalty ** ** { C[epos] - intron_penalty ** ** { 0 (optional, only if ! needleman ) ** ** C[epos] = max{ S[gpos][epos], C[epos] } ** ** S[gpos][epos] is the score of the best path to the cell gpos, epos ** C[epos] is the score of the best path to the column epos ** ** ** @param [r] est [const AjPSeq] Sequence of EST ** @param [r] genome [const AjPSeq] Sequence of genomic region ** @param [r] gap_penalty [ajint] Gap penalty ** @param [r] intron_penalty [ajint] Intron penalty ** @param [r] splice_penalty [ajint] Splice site penalty ** @param [r] splice_sites [const AjPSeq] Marked splice sites. ** The intron_penalty may be modified to splice_penalty if splice_sites is ** non-null and there are DONOR and ACCEPTOR sites at the start and ** end of the intron. ** @param [r] backtrack [ajint] Boolean. ** If backtrack is 0 then only the start and end points and the score ** are computed, and no path matrix is allocated. ** @param [r] needleman [ajint] Boolean 1 = global alignment ** 0 = local alignment ** @param [r] init_path [ajint] Type of initialization for the path. ** If init_path is DIAGONAL then the boundary conditions are adjusted ** so that the optimal path enters the cell (0,0) diagonally. Otherwise ** it enters from the left (ie as a deletion in the EST) ** ** @return [EmbPEstAlign] Resulting genomic EST alignment ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ EmbPEstAlign embEstAlignNonRecursive(const AjPSeq est, const AjPSeq genome, ajint gap_penalty, ajint intron_penalty, ajint splice_penalty, const AjPSeq splice_sites, ajint backtrack, ajint needleman, ajint init_path) { AjPSeq gdup = NULL; AjPSeq edup = NULL; const char* splice_sites_str; unsigned char **ppath = NULL; unsigned char *path = NULL; ajint *score1; ajint *score2; ajint *s1; ajint *s2; ajint *s3; ajint *best_intron_score; ajint *best_intron_coord; ajint e_len_pack; ajint gpos; ajint epos; ajint glen; ajint elen; ajint emax = -1; ajint gmax = -1; ajint max_score = 0; ajint diagonal; ajint delete_genome; ajint delete_est; ajint intron; const char *gseq; const char *eseq; char g; ajint max; ajint total = 0; ajint p; ajint pos; ajint *temp_path = NULL; ajint is_acceptor; EmbPEstAlign ge; EstPCoord start1 = NULL; EstPCoord start2 = NULL; EstPCoord t1 = NULL; EstPCoord t2 = NULL; EstPCoord t3 = NULL; EstPCoord best_intron_start = NULL; EstOCoord best_start; ajint splice_type = 0; unsigned char direction; unsigned char diagonal_path[4] = { 1, 4, 16, 64 }; unsigned char delete_est_path[4] = { 2, 8, 32, 128 }; unsigned char delete_genome_path[4] = { 3, 12, 48, 192 }; unsigned char mask[4] = { 3, 12, 48, 192 }; /* ** path is encoded as 2 bits per cell: ** ** 00 intron ** 10 diagonal ** 01 delete_est ** 11 delete_genome ** the backtrack path, packed 4 cells per byte */ char dbgmsg[512] = "\n"; best_start.right = 0; best_start.left = 0; glen = ajSeqGetLen(genome); elen = ajSeqGetLen(est); splice_sites_str = ajSeqGetSeqC(splice_sites); e_len_pack = elen/4+1; if(debug) { ajDebug("embEstAlignNonRecursive\n"); ajDebug(" backtrack:%d needleman:%d, init_path:%d\n", backtrack, needleman, init_path); } AJNEW0(ge); if(backtrack) { AJCNEW(ppath, glen); for(gpos=0;gpos 0) s1[-1] = MINUS_INFINITY; else s1[-1] = 0; } else s1[-1] = 0; for(epos=0;epos delete_genome) max = delete_est; else max = delete_genome; if(diagonal > max) max = diagonal; if(intron > max) max = intron; if(needleman || max > 0) /* save this score */ { if(max == diagonal) /* match extension */ { s1[epos] = diagonal; if(backtrack) path[epos/4] = ajSysCastItouc((ajuint) path[epos/4] | (ajuint) diagonal_path[epos%4]); else { if( t2[epos-1].left == -1 ) /* SW start */ { t1[epos].left = gpos; t1[epos].right = epos; if(debug && t1[epos].left == 10126) sprintf(dbgmsg, "t1[%d].left = gpos:%d\n", epos, gpos); } else { /* continue previous match */ t1[epos] = t2[epos-1]; if(debug && t1[epos].left == 10126) sprintf(dbgmsg, "t1[%d] = t2[epos-1] " "left:%d right:%d gpos: %d(a)\n", epos, t1[epos].left, t1[epos].right, gpos); } } } else if( max == delete_est ) /* (continue) gap in EST */ { s1[epos] = delete_est; if( backtrack ) { /* */ path[epos/4] = ajSysCastItouc((ajuint) path[epos/4] | (ajuint) delete_est_path[epos%4]); } else { t1[epos] = t1[epos-1]; if(debug && t1[epos].left == 10126) sprintf(dbgmsg, "t1[%d] = t2[epos-1] left:%d (b)\n", epos, t1[epos].left); } } else if( max == delete_genome ) { /* (continue) gap in GENOME */ s1[epos] = delete_genome; if( backtrack ) { /* */ path[epos/4] = ajSysCastItouc((ajuint) path[epos/4] | (ajuint) delete_genome_path[epos%4]); } else { t1[epos] = t2[epos]; if(debug && t1[epos].left == 10126) sprintf(dbgmsg, "t1[%d] = t2[epos] left:%d\n", epos, t1[epos].left); } } else { /* Intron */ s1[epos] = intron; if(!backtrack) t1[epos] = best_intron_start[epos]; } } else { /* not worth saving (SW with score < 0 ) */ s1[epos] = 0; if(!backtrack) { t1[epos].left = -1; t1[epos].right = -1; } } if( best_intron_score[epos] < s1[epos] ) { /* if( intron > 0 ) */ /* will only need to store if this path is positive */ if( backtrack ) if( estDoNotForget(epos, best_intron_coord[epos]) == 0 ) /* ** store the previous path just ** in case we need it */ { /* ** error - stack ran out of memory. Clean up ** and return NULL */ ajErr("stack ran out of memory, returning NULL"); AJFREE(score1); AJFREE(score2); /* AJFREE(eseq); */ /* copy of pointer from edup */ /* AJFREE(gseq); */ /* copy of pointer from gdup */ AJFREE(best_intron_score); AJFREE(best_intron_coord); AJFREE(temp_path); for(gpos=0;gposgstop = glen-1; ge->estop = elen-1; ge->score = s1[ge->estop]; } else { ge->gstop = gmax; ge->estop = emax; ge->score = max_score; } if(backtrack) { pos = 0; epos = ge->estop; gpos = ge->gstop; total = 0; /* determine the type of spliced intron (forward or reversed) */ if(splice_sites) { if( ! strcmp( ajSeqGetNameC(splice_sites), "forward") ) splice_type = FORWARD_SPLICED_INTRON; else if( ! strcmp( ajSeqGetNameC(splice_sites), "reverse") ) splice_type = REVERSE_SPLICED_INTRON; else { ajUser("splice_sites '%s'", ajSeqGetNameC(splice_sites)); splice_type = INTRON; /* This is really an error - splice_sites MUST have a direction */ } } while(( needleman || total < max_score) && epos >= 0 && gpos >= 0 ) { direction = ajSysCastItouc(((ajuint)ppath[gpos][epos/4] & (ajuint)mask[epos%4] ) >> (2*(epos%4))); temp_path[pos++] = direction; if((ajuint) direction == INTRON ) /* intron */ { ajint gpos1; if( gpos-best_intron_coord[epos] <= 0 ) { if( verbose ) ajWarn("NEGATIVE intron gpos: %d %d\n", gpos, gpos-best_intron_coord[epos] ); gpos1 = estPairRemember(epos, gpos ); } else gpos1 = best_intron_coord[epos]; if( splice_sites && (splice_sites_str[gpos] & ACCEPTOR ) && ( splice_sites_str[gpos1] & DONOR ) ) { total -= splice_penalty; temp_path[pos-1] = splice_type; /* make note that this is a proper intron */ } else total -= intron_penalty; temp_path[pos++] = gpos-gpos1; /* intron this far */ gpos = gpos1; } else if((ajuint) direction == DIAGONAL ) /* diagonal */ { total += lsimmat[(ajint)gseq[gpos]][(ajint)eseq[epos]]; epos--; gpos--; } else if((ajuint) direction == DELETE_EST ) /* delete_est */ { total -= gap_penalty; epos--; } else /* delete_genome */ { total -= gap_penalty; gpos--; } } gpos++; epos++; ge->gstart = gpos; ge->estart = epos; ge->len = pos; if(debug) ajDebug("gstart = gpos (a) : %d\n", ge->gstart); AJCNEW(ge->align_path, ge->len); /* reverse the ge so it starts at the beginning of the sequences */ for(p=0;plen;p++) { if( temp_path[p] > INTRON ) /* can be INTRON or FORWARD_SPLICED_INTRON or REVERSE_SPLICED_INTRON */ ge->align_path[pos-p-1] = temp_path[p]; else { ge->align_path[pos-p-2] = temp_path[p]; ge->align_path[pos-p-1] = temp_path[p+1]; p++; } } } else { ge->gstart = best_start.left; ge->estart = best_start.right; if(debug) ajDebug("gstart = best_start.left : %d\n", ge->gstart); } AJFREE(score1); AJFREE(score2); AJFREE(best_intron_score); AJFREE(best_intron_coord); ajSeqDel(&gdup); ajSeqDel(&edup); if( backtrack ) { AJFREE(temp_path); for(gpos=0;gposscore, total, ge->gstart, ge->estart, ge->gstop, ge->estop ); return ge; } /* @func embEstAlignLinearSpace *********************************************** ** ** Align EST sequence to genomic in linear space ** ** @param [r] est [const AjPSeq] Sequence of EST ** @param [r] genome [const AjPSeq] Sequence of genomic region ** @param [r] match [ajint] Match score ** @param [r] mismatch [ajint] Mismatch penalty (positive) ** @param [r] gap_penalty [ajint] Gap penalty ** @param [r] intron_penalty [ajint] Intron penalty ** @param [r] splice_penalty [ajint] Splice site penalty ** @param [r] splice_sites [const AjPSeq] Marked splice sites. ** The intron_penalty may be modified to splice_penalty if splice_sites is ** non-null and there are DONOR and ACCEPTOR sites at the start and ** end of the intron. ** @param [r] megabytes [float] Maximum memory allowed in Mbytes for ** alignment by standard methods. ** ** @return [EmbPEstAlign] Genomic EST alignment ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ EmbPEstAlign embEstAlignLinearSpace( const AjPSeq est, const AjPSeq genome, ajint match, ajint mismatch, ajint gap_penalty, ajint intron_penalty, ajint splice_penalty, const AjPSeq splice_sites, float megabytes ) { EmbPEstAlign ge; EmbPEstAlign rge; AjPSeq genome_subseq; AjPSeq est_subseq; AjPSeq splice_subseq; float area; float max_area; ajint glen; ajint elen; elen = ajSeqGetLen(est); glen = ajSeqGetLen(genome); max_area = megabytes*(float)1.0e6; if(debug) ajDebug("embEstAlignLinearSpace\n"); estPairInit((ajint)((float)1.0e6*megabytes) ); area = ((float)glen+(float)1.0) *((float)elen+(float)1.0) /(float)4; /* divide by 4 as we pack 4 cells per byte */ if(debug) ajDebug("area %.6f max_area %.6f\n", area/1000000.0, max_area/1000000.0); /* sequences small enough to align by standard methods ? */ if( area <= max_area ) { if(debug) ajDebug("using non-recursive alignment %d %d %.6f %.6f\n", glen, elen, area/1000000.0, max_area/1000000.0); return embEstAlignNonRecursive(est, genome, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, splice_sites, 1, 0, DIAGONAL); } /* ** need to recursively split ** ** first do a Smith-Waterman without backtracking to find ** the start and end of the alignment */ ge = embEstAlignNonRecursive(est, genome, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, splice_sites, 0, 0, DIAGONAL); /* extract subsequences corresponding to the aligned regions */ if(debug) ajDebug("sw alignment score %d gstart %d estart %d " "gstop %d estop %d\n", ge->score, ge->gstart, ge->estart, ge->gstop, ge->estop ); genome_subseq = ajSeqNewSeq(genome); est_subseq = ajSeqNewSeq(est); ajSeqSetRange(genome_subseq, ge->gstart+1, ge->gstop+1); ajSeqSetRange(est_subseq, ge->estart+1, ge->estop+1); ajSeqTrim(genome_subseq); ajSeqTrim(est_subseq); if( splice_sites ) { splice_subseq = ajSeqNewSeq(splice_sites); ajSeqSetRange(splice_subseq, ge->gstart+1, ge->gstop+1 ); ajSeqTrim(splice_subseq); } else splice_subseq = NULL; /* recursively do the alignment */ rge = estAlignRecursive(est_subseq, genome_subseq, match, mismatch, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, splice_subseq, max_area); ge->len = rge->len; ge->align_path = rge->align_path; AJFREE(rge); ajSeqDel(&genome_subseq); ajSeqDel(&est_subseq); ajSeqDel(&splice_subseq); if(debug) ajDebug("RETURN: embEstAlignLinearSpace " "score %d gstart %d estart %d " "gstop %d estop %d\n", ge->score, ge->gstart, ge->estart, ge->gstop, ge->estop ); return ge; } /* @funcstatic estAlignRecursive ********************************************** ** ** Modified Smith-Waterman/Needleman to align an EST or mRNA to a Genomic ** sequence, allowing for introns ** ** @param [r] est [const AjPSeq] Sequence of EST ** @param [r] genome [const AjPSeq] Sequence of genomic region ** @param [r] match [ajint] Match score ** @param [r] mismatch [ajint] Mismatch penalty (positive) ** @param [r] gap_penalty [ajint] Gap penalty ** @param [r] intron_penalty [ajint] Intron penalty ** @param [r] splice_penalty [ajint] Splice site penalty ** @param [r] splice_sites [const AjPSeq] Marked splice sites. ** The intron_penalty may be modified to splice_penalty if splice_sites is ** non-null and there are DONOR and ACCEPTOR sites at the start and ** end of the intron. ** @param [r] max_area [float] Maximum memory available for alignment ** by standard method (allowing 4 bases per byte). ** Otherwise sequences are split and aligned recursively. ** ** @return [EmbPEstAlign] Resulting genomic EST alignment ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static EmbPEstAlign estAlignRecursive( const AjPSeq est,const AjPSeq genome, ajint match, ajint mismatch, ajint gap_penalty, ajint intron_penalty, ajint splice_penalty, const AjPSeq splice_sites, float max_area) { ajint middle; ajint gleft; ajint gright; ajint score; ajint i; ajint j; AjPSeq left_splice = NULL; AjPSeq right_splice = NULL; AjPSeq left_genome; AjPSeq right_genome; AjPSeq left_est; AjPSeq right_est; EmbPEstAlign left_ge; EmbPEstAlign right_ge; EmbPEstAlign ge; float area; ajint split_on_del; ajint glen; ajint elen; if(debug) ajDebug("estAlignRecursive\n"); glen = ajSeqGetLen(genome); elen = ajSeqGetLen(est); area = ((float)glen+(float)1.0) *((float)elen+(float)1.0) /(float)4; /* divide by 4 as we pack 4 cells per byte */ if(debug) ajDebug("area %.6f max_area %.6f\n", area/1000000.0, max_area/1000000.0); /* sequences small enough to align by standard methods */ if( area <= max_area ) { if(debug) ajDebug("using non-recursive alignment %d %d %.6f %.6f\n", ajSeqGetLen(genome), ajSeqGetLen(est), area/1000000.0, max_area/1000000.0); ge = embEstAlignNonRecursive( est, genome, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, splice_sites, 1, 1, DIAGONAL ); if(ge != NULL) { /* success */ if(debug) ajDebug("RETURN: estAlignRecursive success returns " "ge gstart:%d estart:%d gstop:%d estop:%d\n", ge->gstart, ge->estart, ge->gstop, ge->estop); return ge; } else /* failure because we ran out of memory */ { if(debug) ajDebug("Stack memory overflow ... splitting\n"); } } /* need to recursively split */ if(debug) ajDebug("splitting genome and est\n"); middle = ajSeqGetLen(est)/2; score = estAlignMidpt( est, genome, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, splice_sites, middle, &gleft, &gright ); if(debug) ajDebug("score %d middle %d gleft %d gright %d\n", score, middle, gleft, gright ); split_on_del = (gleft == gright); /* split genome */ left_genome = ajSeqNewSeq(genome); right_genome = ajSeqNewSeq(genome); ajSeqSetRange(left_genome, 1, gleft+1 ); ajSeqSetRange(right_genome, gright+1, ajSeqGetLen(genome)); ajSeqTrim(left_genome); ajSeqTrim(right_genome); if( splice_sites ) { left_splice = ajSeqNewSeq(splice_sites); right_splice = ajSeqNewSeq(splice_sites); ajSeqSetRange(left_splice, 1, gleft+1 ); ajSeqSetRange(right_splice, gright+1, ajSeqGetLen(genome)); ajSeqTrim(left_splice); ajSeqTrim(right_splice); } /* split est */ left_est = ajSeqNewSeq(est); right_est = ajSeqNewSeq(est); ajSeqSetRange(left_est, 1, middle+1 ); ajSeqSetRange(right_est, middle+2, ajSeqGetLen(est)); ajSeqTrim(left_est); ajSeqTrim(right_est); /* align left and right parts separately */ if(verbose) ajDebug("LEFT\n"); left_ge = estAlignRecursive(left_est, left_genome, match, mismatch, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, left_splice, max_area); if(verbose) ajDebug("RIGHT\n"); right_ge = estAlignRecursive( right_est, right_genome, match, mismatch, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, right_splice, max_area); /* merge the alignments */ AJNEW0(ge); ge->score = left_ge->score + right_ge->score; ge->gstart = 0; ge->estart = 0; ge->gstop = ajSeqGetLen(genome)-1; ge->estop = ajSeqGetLen(est)-1; ge->len = left_ge->len+right_ge->len; AJCNEW(ge->align_path, ge->len); for(i=0,j=0;jlen;i++,j++) ge->align_path[i] = left_ge->align_path[j]; if(split_on_del) /* merge on an est deletion */ { if(debug) ajDebug("split_on_del split at deletion at %d\n", i); ge->align_path[i++] = DELETE_EST; for(j=1;jlen;i++,j++) /* omit first symbol on right-hand alignment */ ge->align_path[i] = right_ge->align_path[j]; } else for(j=0;jlen;i++,j++) ge->align_path[i] = right_ge->align_path[j]; ajSeqDel(&left_est); ajSeqDel(&right_est); ajSeqDel(&left_genome); ajSeqDel(&right_genome); if( splice_sites ) { ajSeqDel(&left_splice); ajSeqDel(&right_splice); } embEstFreeAlign(&left_ge); embEstFreeAlign(&right_ge ); if(debug) ajDebug("RETURN: estAlignRecursive at end returns " "ge gstart:%d estart:%d gstop:%d estop:%d\n", ge->gstart, ge->estart, ge->gstop, ge->estop); return ge; } /* @funcstatic estAlignMidpt ************************************************** ** ** Modified Needleman-Wunsch to align an EST or mRNA to a Genomic ** sequence, allowing for introns. The recursion is ** ** { S[gpos-1][epos] - gap_penalty ** ** { S[gpos-1][epos-1] + D[gpos][epos] ** ** S[gpos][epos] = max { S[gpos][epos-1] - gap_penalty ** ** { C[epos] - intron_penalty ** ** C[epos] = max{ S[gpos][epos], C[epos] } ** ** S[gpos][epos] is the score of the best path to the cell gpos, epos ** C[epos] is the score of the best path to the column epos ** ** The intron_penalty may be modified to splice_penalty if splice_sites is ** non-null and there are DONOR and ACCEPTOR sites at the start and ** end of the intron. ** ** NB: IMPORTANT: ** ** The input sequences are assumed to be subsequences chosen so ** that they align end-to end, with NO end gaps. Call ** non_recursive_est_to_genome() to get the initial max scoring ** segment and chop up the sequences appropriately. ** ** The return value is the alignment score. ** ** If the alignment crosses middle by a est deletion (ie horizontally) then ** gleft == gright ** ** @param [r] est [const AjPSeq] Sequence of EST ** @param [r] genome [const AjPSeq] Sequence of genomic region ** @param [r] gap_penalty [ajint] Gap penalty ** @param [r] intron_penalty [ajint] Intron penalty ** @param [r] splice_penalty [ajint] Splice site penalty ** @param [r] splice_sites [const AjPSeq] Marked splice sites. ** The intron_penalty may be modified to splice_penalty if splice_sites is ** non-null and there are DONOR and ACCEPTOR sites at the start and ** end of the intron. ** @param [r] middle [ajint] Sequence mid point position. ** This Function does not compute the path, instead it finds the ** genome coordinates where the best path crosses epos=middle, so this ** should be called recursively to generate the complete alignment in ** linear space. ** @param [w] gleft [ajint*] genome left coordinate at the crossing point. ** If the alignment crosses middle in a diagonal fashion then ** gleft+1 == gright ** @param [w] gright [ajint*] genome right coordinate at the crossing point. ** If the alignment crosses middle in a diagonal fashion then ** gleft+1 == gright ** ** @return [ajint] alignment score ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint estAlignMidpt( const AjPSeq est, const AjPSeq genome, ajint gap_penalty, ajint intron_penalty, ajint splice_penalty, const AjPSeq splice_sites, ajint middle, ajint *gleft, ajint *gright ) { AjPSeq gdup = NULL; AjPSeq edup = NULL; ajint *score1; ajint *score2; ajint *s1; ajint *s2; ajint *s3; ajint *best_intron_score; ajint *best_intron_coord; ajint gpos; ajint epos; ajint glen; ajint elen; ajint score; ajint diagonal; ajint delete_genome; ajint delete_est; ajint intron; const char *gseq; const char *eseq; char g; ajint max; ajint is_acceptor; EstPCoord m1; EstPCoord m2; EstPCoord m3; EstPCoord midpt1; EstPCoord midpt2; EstPCoord best_intron_midpt; const char *splice_sites_str; splice_sites_str = ajSeqGetSeqC(splice_sites); AJCNEW(score1, ajSeqGetLen(est)+1); AJCNEW(score2, ajSeqGetLen(est)+1); s1 = score1+1; s2 = score2+1; AJCNEW(midpt1, ajSeqGetLen(est)+1); AJCNEW(midpt2, ajSeqGetLen(est)+1); m1 = midpt1+1; m2 = midpt2+1; AJCNEW(best_intron_coord, ajSeqGetLen(est)+1); AJCNEW(best_intron_score, ajSeqGetLen(est)+1); AJCNEW(best_intron_midpt, ajSeqGetLen(est)+1); gdup = ajSeqNewSeq(genome); edup = ajSeqNewSeq(est); ajSeqFmtLower(gdup); ajSeqFmtLower(edup); gseq = ajSeqGetSeqC(gdup); eseq = ajSeqGetSeqC(edup); glen = ajSeqGetLen(genome); elen = ajSeqGetLen(est); middle++; /* initialise the boundary: We want the alignment to start at [0,0] */ for(epos=0;epos delete_genome) max = delete_est; else max = delete_genome; if(diagonal > max) max = diagonal; if(intron > max) max = intron; if(max == diagonal) { s1[epos] = diagonal; if(epos == middle) { m1[epos].left = gpos-1; m1[epos].right = gpos; } else m1[epos] = m2[epos-1]; } else if(max == delete_est) { s1[epos] = delete_est; if( epos == middle ) { m1[epos].left = gpos; m1[epos].right = gpos; } else m1[epos] = m1[epos-1]; } else if(max == delete_genome) { s1[epos] = delete_genome; m1[epos] = m2[epos]; } else /* intron */ { s1[epos] = intron; m1[epos] = best_intron_midpt[epos]; } if(best_intron_score[epos] < s1[epos]) { best_intron_score[epos] = s1[epos]; best_intron_coord[epos] = gpos; best_intron_midpt[epos] = m1[epos]; } } } *gleft = m1[ajSeqGetLen(est)-1].left; *gright = m1[ajSeqGetLen(est)-1].right; score = s1[ajSeqGetLen(est)-1]; if(debug) ajDebug("midpt score %d middle %d gleft %d gright %d " "est %d genome %d\n", score, middle-1, *gleft, *gright, ajSeqGetLen(est), ajSeqGetLen(genome)); AJFREE(score1); AJFREE(score2); AJFREE(midpt1); AJFREE(midpt2); AJFREE(best_intron_score); AJFREE(best_intron_coord); AJFREE(best_intron_midpt); ajSeqDel(&gdup); ajSeqDel(&edup); return score; } /* @funcstatic estPairRemember ************************************************ ** ** Recall saved pair values for row and column ** ** @param [r] col [ajint] Current column ** @param [r] row [ajint] Current row ** ** @return [ajint] Row number ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint estPairRemember( ajint col, ajint row ) { EstOSavePair rp; ajint left; ajint right; ajint middle; ajint d; ajint bad; if(!rpairs_sorted) { qsort(rpair, rpairs, sizeof(EstOSavePair), estSavePairCmp); rpairs_sorted = 1; } rp.col = col; rp.row = row; left = 0; right = rpairs-1; if(debug) ajDebug("estPairRemember left: %d right: %d rp rp.col rp.row\n", left, right, rp, rp.col, rp.row); /* ** MATHOG, changed flow somewhat, added "bad" variable, inverted some ** tests ( PLEASE CHECK THEM! I did this because the original version ** had two ways to drop into the failure code, but one of them was only ** evident after careful reading of the code. */ if((estSavePairCmp(&rpair[left],&rp ) > 0 ) || (estSavePairCmp(&rpair[right],&rp ) < 0 )) bad = 1; /*MATHOG, preceding test's logic was inverted */ else { bad = 0; while(right-left > 1) { /* binary check for row/col */ middle = (left+right)/2; d = estSavePairCmp( &rpair[middle], &rp ); if( d < 0 ) left = middle; else if( d >= 0 ) right = middle; } if(debug) ajDebug("col %d row %d right: col %d row %d left: col %d row %d\n", col, row, rpair[right].col, rpair[right].row, rpair[left].col, rpair[left].row ); /* ** any of these fail indicates failure ** MATHOG, next test's logic was inverted */ if( estSavePairCmp( &rpair[right], &rp ) < 0 || rpair[left].col != col || rpair[left].row >= row ) { if(debug) { ajDebug("estPairRemember => bad2\n"); ajDebug("estSavePairCmp( %d+%d, %d+%d) %d\n", rpair[right].col, rpair[right].row, rp.col, rp.row, estSavePairCmp( &rpair[right], &rp )); ajDebug("rpair[left].col %d %d\n", rpair[left].col, col); ajDebug("rpair[left].row %d %d\n", rpair[left].row, row); } bad = 2; } } /* error - this should never happen */ if(bad != 0) ajFatal("ERROR in estPairRemember() " "left: %d (%d %d) right: %d (%d %d) " "col: %d row: %d, bad: %d\n", left, rpair[left].col, rpair[left].row, right, rpair[right].col, rpair[right].row, col, row, bad); return rpair[left].row; } /* @funcstatic estSavePairCmp ************************************************* ** ** Compare two EstPSavePair values. Return the column difference, or if ** the columns are the same, return the row difference. ** ** A value of zero means the two RPAIRS are identical. ** ** @param [r] a [const void*] First value ** @param [r] b [const void*] Second value ** ** @return [ajint] difference. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint estSavePairCmp( const void *a, const void *b ) { const EstPSavePair A; const EstPSavePair B; ajint n; A = (const EstPSavePair)a; B = (const EstPSavePair)b; n = A->col - B->col; if(n == 0) n = A->row - B->row; return n; } /* @funcstatic estPairInit **************************************************** ** ** Initialise the rpair settings ** ** @param [r] max_bytes [ajint] Maximum memory size (bytes) ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void estPairInit(ajint max_bytes) { ajint maxpairs = max_bytes/sizeof(EstOSavePair); estPairFree(); rpair_size = maxpairs; AJCNEW0(rpair, rpair_size); return; } /* @funcstatic estPairFree **************************************************** ** ** Free the rpairs data structure ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void estPairFree(void) { if(debug) ajDebug("estPairFree: rpairs: %d rpair: %x\n", rpairs, rpair); if(rpair) AJFREE(rpair); rpair = NULL; rpair_size = 0; rpairs = 0; rpairs_sorted = 0; return; } /* @funcstatic estDoNotForget ************************************************* ** ** Saving rpairs row and column values. ** ** @param [r] col [ajint] Current column ** @param [r] row [ajint] Current row ** ** @return [ajint] o upon error. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint estDoNotForget( ajint col, ajint row ) { if( rpairs >= rpair_size ) { rpair_size = (rpairs == 0 ? 10000 : 2*rpairs); ajDebug("Rpair resize: %d to %d\n", rpairs, rpair_size); AJCRESIZE(rpair, rpair_size); if (!rpair) { ajDie("Memory limit exceeded in allocating space for rpairs"); return 0; /* failure - ran out of memory */ } if(verbose) { ajDebug("rpairs %d allocated rpair_size %d rpair: %x\n", rpairs, rpair_size, rpair); ajDebug("test rpair[0] %x col %d row %d\n", &rpair[0], rpair[0].col, rpair[0].row); ajDebug("test rpair[%d] %x col %d row %d\n", rpairs, &rpair[rpairs], rpair[rpairs].col, rpair[rpairs].row); ajDebug("test rpair[%d] %x col %d row %d\n", rpair_size-1, &rpair[rpair_size-1], rpair[rpair_size-1].col, rpair[rpair_size-1].row); } } rpair[rpairs].col = col; rpair[rpairs].row = row; rpairs++; rpairs_sorted = 0; return 1; /* success */ } /* @func embEstOutBlastStyle ************************************************** ** ** output in blast style. ** ** @param [u] blast [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [r] genome [const AjPSeq] Genomic sequence ** @param [r] est [const AjPSeq] EST sequence ** @param [r] ge [const EmbPEstAlign] Genomic EST alignment ** @param [r] gap_penalty [ajint] Gap penalty ** @param [r] intron_penalty [ajint] Intron penalty ** @param [r] splice_penalty [ajint] Splice site penalty ** @param [r] gapped [ajint] Boolean. 1 = write a gapped alignment ** @param [r] reverse [ajint] Boolean. 1 = reverse alignment ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embEstOutBlastStyle(AjPFile blast, const AjPSeq genome, const AjPSeq est, const EmbPEstAlign ge, ajint gap_penalty, ajint intron_penalty, ajint splice_penalty, ajint gapped, ajint reverse) { ajint gsub; ajint gpos; ajint esub; ajint epos; ajint tsub; ajint p; ajint matches = 0; ajint len = 0; ajint m; ajint total_matches = 0; ajint total_len = 0; float percent; const char *genomestr; const char *eststr; ajint goff; ajint eoff; if(verbose) ajDebug("debugging set to %d\n", debug); genomestr = ajSeqGetSeqC(genome); eststr = ajSeqGetSeqC(est); gsub = gpos = ge->gstart; esub = epos = ge->estart; goff = ajSeqGetOffset(genome); eoff = ajSeqGetOffset(est); if(debug) ajDebug("blast_style_output: gsub %d esub %d\n", gsub, esub); if( blast ) { tsub = 0; for(p=0;plen;p++) if(ge->align_path[p] <= INTRON) { estWriteMsp(blast, &matches, &len, &tsub, genome, gsub, gpos, est, esub, epos, reverse, gapped); if(gapped) { ajDebug("Intron: path:%d gpos:%d gstart:%d\n", ge->align_path[p], gpos, ge->gstart); if(ge->align_path[p] == INTRON) { ajFmtPrintF(blast, "?Intron %5d %5.1f %5d %5d %-12S\n", -intron_penalty, (float) 0.0, goff+gpos+1, goff+gpos+ge->align_path[p+1], ajSeqGetNameS(genome)); } else /* proper intron */ { if( ge->align_path[p] == FORWARD_SPLICED_INTRON ) ajFmtPrintF( blast, "+Intron %5d %5.1f %5d %5d %-12s\n", -splice_penalty, (float) 0.0, goff+gpos+1, goff+gpos+ge->align_path[p+1], ajSeqGetNameC(genome) ); else ajFmtPrintF( blast, "-Intron %5d %5.1f %5d %5d %-12s\n", -splice_penalty, (float) 0.0, goff+gpos+1, goff+gpos+ge->align_path[p+1], ajSeqGetNameC(genome) ); } } gpos += ge->align_path[++p]; esub = epos; gsub = gpos; } else if(ge->align_path[p] == DIAGONAL) { m = lsimmat[(ajint)genomestr[(ajint)gpos]] [(ajint)eststr[(ajint)epos]]; tsub += m; if(m > 0) { matches++; total_matches++; } len++; total_len++; gpos++; epos++; } else if(ge->align_path[p] == DELETE_EST) { if(gapped) { tsub -= gap_penalty; epos++; len++; total_len++; } else { estWriteMsp(blast, &matches, &len, &tsub, genome, gsub, gpos, est, esub, epos, reverse, gapped); epos++; esub = epos; gsub = gpos; } } else if(ge->align_path[(ajint)p] == DELETE_GENOME) { if(gapped) { tsub -= gap_penalty; gpos++; total_len++; len++; } else { estWriteMsp(blast, &matches, &len, &tsub, genome, gsub, gpos, est, esub, epos, reverse, gapped); gpos++; esub = epos; gsub = gpos; } } estWriteMsp(blast, &matches, &len, &tsub, genome, gsub, gpos, est, esub, epos, reverse, gapped); if(gapped) { if(total_len > 0) percent = (total_matches/(float)(total_len))*(float)100.0; else percent = (float) 0.0; if(reverse) ajFmtPrintF( blast, "\nSpan %5d %5.1f %5d %5d %-12S %5d " "%5d %-12S %S\n", ge->score, percent, goff+ge->gstart+1, goff+ge->gstop+1, ajSeqGetNameS(genome), eoff+ajSeqGetLen(est)-ge->estart, eoff+ajSeqGetLen(est)-ge->estop, ajSeqGetNameS(est), ajSeqGetDescS(est) ); else ajFmtPrintF( blast, "\nSpan %5d %5.1f %5d %5d %-12S " "%5d %5d %-12S %S\n", ge->score, percent, goff+ge->gstart+1, goff+ge->gstop+1, ajSeqGetNameS(genome), eoff+ge->estart+1, eoff+ge->estop+1, ajSeqGetNameS(est), ajSeqGetDescS(est) ); } } return; } /* @funcstatic estWriteMsp **************************************************** ** ** write out the MSP (maximally scoring pair). ** ** @param [u] ofile [AjPFile] Output file ** @param [w] matches [ajint*] Number of matches found ** @param [w] len [ajint*] Length of alignment ** @param [w] tsub [ajint*] Score ** @param [r] genome [const AjPSeq] Genomic sequence ** @param [r] gsub [ajint] Genomic start position ** @param [r] gpos [ajint] Genomic end position ** @param [r] est [const AjPSeq] EST sequence ** @param [r] esub [ajint] EST start position ** @param [r] epos [ajint] EST end position ** @param [r] reverse [ajint] Boolean 1=reverse the EST sequence ** @param [r] gapped [ajint] Boolean 1=full gapped alignment ** 0=display ungapped segment ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void estWriteMsp(AjPFile ofile, ajint *matches, ajint *len, ajint *tsub, const AjPSeq genome, ajint gsub, ajint gpos, const AjPSeq est, ajint esub, ajint epos, ajint reverse, ajint gapped) { float percent; ajint goff; ajint eoff; goff = ajSeqGetOffset(genome); eoff = ajSeqGetOffset(est); if( *len > 0 ) percent = (*matches/(float)(*len))*(float)100.0; else percent = (float) 0.0; if( percent > 0 ) { if( gapped ) ajFmtPrintF( ofile, "Exon " ); else ajFmtPrintF( ofile, "Segment " ); if( reverse ) ajFmtPrintF(ofile, "%5d %5.1f %5d %5d %-12S %5d %5d %-12S %S\n", *tsub, percent, gsub+1, gpos, ajSeqGetNameS(genome), eoff+ajSeqGetLen(est)-esub, eoff+ajSeqGetLen(est)-epos+1, ajSeqGetNameS(est), ajSeqGetDescS(est) ); else ajFmtPrintF(ofile, "%5d %5.1f %5d %5d %-12S %5d %5d %-12S %S\n", *tsub, percent, goff+gsub+1, goff+gpos, ajSeqGetNameS(genome), eoff+esub+1, eoff+epos, ajSeqGetNameS(est), ajSeqGetDescS(est) ); } *matches = *len = *tsub = 0; return; }