/**************************************************************************** ** ** @source embdmx.c ** ** Algorithms for some of the DOMAINATRIX EMBASSY applications. ** For use with the Scophit and Scopalign objects. ** The functionality will eventually be subsumed by other AJAX and NUCLEUS ** libraries. ** ** @author Copyright (C) 2004 Ranjeeva Ranasinghe (rranasin@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @author Copyright (C) 2004 Jon Ison (jison@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @version 1.0 ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ include files ============================ */ /* ======================================================================= */ #include "emboss.h" /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ private data ============================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ================= Prototypes for private functions ==================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== private functions ========================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== constructors ============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Constructors **************************************************** ** ** All constructors return a pointer to a new instance. It is the ** responsibility of the user to first destroy any previous instance. The ** target pointer does not need to be initialised to NULL, but it is good ** programming practice to do so anyway. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* @func embDmxScophitsToHitlist ********************************************* ** ** Reads from a list of Scophit objects and writes a Hitlist object ** with the next block of hits with identical SCOP classification. If the ** iterator passed in is NULL it will read from the start of the list, ** otherwise it will read from the current position. Memory for the Hitlist ** will be allocated if necessary and must be freed by the user. ** ** @param [r] in [const AjPList] List of pointers to Scophit objects ** @param [w] out [EmbPHitlist*] Pointer to Hitlist object ** @param [u] iter [AjIList*] Pointer to iterator for list. ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success (lists were processed ok) ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitsToHitlist(const AjPList in, EmbPHitlist *out, AjIList *iter) { AjPScophit scoptmp = NULL; /* Temp. pointer to Scophit object */ EmbPHit tmp = NULL; /* Temp. pointer to Hit object */ AjPList list = NULL; /* Temp. list of Hit objects */ AjBool do_fam = ajFalse; AjBool do_sfam = ajFalse; AjBool do_fold = ajFalse; AjBool do_class = ajFalse; AjPStr fam = NULL; AjPStr sfam = NULL; AjPStr fold = NULL; AjPStr class = NULL; ajint Sunid_Family = 0; ajint type = 0; /* Check args and allocate memory */ if(!in || !iter) { ajWarn("NULL arg passed to embDmxScophitsToHitlist"); return ajFalse; } /* ** If the iterator passed in is NULL it will read from the start of the ** list, otherwise it will read from the current position. */ if(!(*iter)) *iter=ajListIterNewread(in); if(!((scoptmp=(AjPScophit)ajListIterGet(*iter)))) { /* ajWarn("Empty list in embDmxScophitsToHitlist"); */ ajListIterDel(iter); return ajFalse; } if(!(*out)) *out = embHitlistNew(0); fam = ajStrNew(); sfam = ajStrNew(); fold = ajStrNew(); class = ajStrNew(); list = ajListNew(); Sunid_Family=scoptmp->Sunid_Family; type = scoptmp->Type; if(scoptmp->Class) { do_class = ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&class, scoptmp->Class); } if(scoptmp->Fold) { do_fold= ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&fold, scoptmp->Fold); } if(scoptmp->Superfamily) { do_sfam = ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&sfam, scoptmp->Superfamily); } if(scoptmp->Family) { do_fam = ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&fam, scoptmp->Family); } embDmxScophitToHit(&tmp, scoptmp); ajListPush(list, (EmbPHit) tmp); tmp = NULL; while((scoptmp=(AjPScophit)ajListIterGet(*iter))) { /* ** The ajListIterGetBack(*iter); return the ** iterator to the correct position for the ** next read */ if(do_class) if(!ajStrMatchS(scoptmp->Class, class)) { ajListIterGetBack(*iter); break; } if(do_fold) if(!ajStrMatchS(scoptmp->Fold, fold)) { ajListIterGetBack(*iter); break; } if(do_sfam) if(!ajStrMatchS(scoptmp->Superfamily, sfam)) { ajListIterGetBack(*iter); break; } if(do_fam) if(!ajStrMatchS(scoptmp->Family, fam)) { ajListIterGetBack(*iter); break; } embDmxScophitToHit(&tmp, scoptmp); ajListPush(list, (EmbPHit) tmp); tmp = NULL; } ajStrAssignS(&(*out)->Class, class); ajStrAssignS(&(*out)->Fold, fold); ajStrAssignS(&(*out)->Superfamily, sfam); ajStrAssignS(&(*out)->Family, fam); (*out)->Sunid_Family = Sunid_Family; (*out)->Type = type; /* Copy temp. list to Hitlist */ (*out)->N = ajListToarray(list, (void ***) &((*out)->hits)); ajStrDel(&fam); ajStrDel(&sfam); ajStrDel(&fold); ajStrDel(&class); ajListFree(&list); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScophitToHit ************************************************* ** ** Copies the contents from a Scophit to a Hit object. Creates the Hit object ** if necessary. ** ** @param [w] to [EmbPHit*] Hit object pointer ** @param [r] from [const AjPScophit] Scophit object ** ** @return [AjBool] True if copy was successful. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitToHit(EmbPHit *to, const AjPScophit from) { if(!from) { ajWarn("NULL arg passed to embDmxScophitToHit"); return ajFalse; } if(!(*to)) *to = embHitNew(); ajStrAssignS(&(*to)->Seq, from->Seq); (*to)->Start = from->Start; (*to)->End = from->End; ajStrAssignS(&(*to)->Acc, from->Acc); ajStrAssignS(&(*to)->Spr, from->Spr); ajStrAssignS(&(*to)->Dom, from->Dom); ajStrAssignS(&(*to)->Typeobj, from->Typeobj); ajStrAssignS(&(*to)->Typesbj, from->Typesbj); ajStrAssignS(&(*to)->Model, from->Model); ajStrAssignS(&(*to)->Alg, from->Alg); ajStrAssignS(&(*to)->Group, from->Group); (*to)->Rank = from->Rank; (*to)->Score = from->Score; (*to)->Eval = from->Eval; (*to)->Pval = from->Pval; (*to)->Target = from->Target; (*to)->Target2 = from->Target2; (*to)->Priority = from->Priority; return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScophitsAccToHitlist ***************************************** ** ** Reads from a list of Scophit objects and writes a Hitlist object ** with the next block of hits with identical SCOP classification. A Hit is ** only written to the Hitlist if an accession number is given. Also, only ** one of any pair of duplicate hits (overlapping hits with ** identical accession) ** will be written to the Hitlist. An 'overlap' is defined as a shared region ** of 10 or more residues. ** To check for these the list is first be sorted by Accession number. ** ** If the iterator passed in is NULL it will read from the start of the list, ** otherwise it will read from the current position. Memory for the Hitlist ** will be allocated if necessary and must be freed by the user. ** ** @param [r] in [const AjPList] List of pointers to Scophit objects ** @param [w] out [EmbPHitlist*] Pointer to Hitlist object ** @param [u] iter [AjIList*] Pointer to iterator for list. ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success (lists were processed ok) ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitsAccToHitlist(const AjPList in, EmbPHitlist *out, AjIList *iter) { AjPScophit scoptmp = NULL; /* Temp. pointer to Scophit object */ EmbPHit tmp = NULL; /* Temp. pointer to Hit object */ AjPList list = NULL; /* Temp. list of Hit objects */ AjBool do_fam = ajFalse; AjBool do_sfam = ajFalse; AjBool do_fold = ajFalse; AjBool do_class = ajFalse; AjPStr fam = NULL; AjPStr sfam = NULL; AjPStr fold = NULL; AjPStr class = NULL; ajint Sunid_Family = 0; ajint type =0; /* Check args and allocate memory */ if(!in || !iter) { ajWarn("NULL arg passed to embDmxScophitsAccToHitlist"); return ajFalse; } /* ** If the iterator passed in is NULL it will read from the start of the ** list, otherwise it will read from the current position. */ if(!(*iter)) *iter=ajListIterNewread(in); if(!((scoptmp=(AjPScophit)ajListIterGet(*iter)))) { ajWarn("Empty list in embDmxScophitsToHitlist"); ajListIterDel(iter); return ajFalse; } /* ** Find the first Scophit which has an accession number ** if necessary */ if((ajStrMatchC(scoptmp->Acc,"Not_available")) || (MAJSTRGETLEN(scoptmp->Acc)==0)) { while((scoptmp=(AjPScophit)ajListIterGet(*iter))) { if((ajStrMatchC(scoptmp->Acc,"Not_available") == ajFalse) && (MAJSTRGETLEN(scoptmp->Acc)!=0)) break; } if(!scoptmp) { ajWarn("List with no Scophits with Acc in " "embDmxScophitsAccToHitlist"); ajListIterDel(iter); return ajFalse; } } if(!(*out)) *out = embHitlistNew(0); fam = ajStrNew(); sfam = ajStrNew(); fold = ajStrNew(); class = ajStrNew(); list = ajListNew(); Sunid_Family=scoptmp->Sunid_Family; type=scoptmp->Type; if(scoptmp->Class) { do_class = ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&class, scoptmp->Class); } if(scoptmp->Fold) { do_fold= ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&fold, scoptmp->Fold); } if(scoptmp->Superfamily) { do_sfam = ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&sfam, scoptmp->Superfamily); } if(scoptmp->Family) { do_fam = ajTrue; ajStrAssignS(&fam, scoptmp->Family); } /* Only want to push the hit if it is not targetted */ if(!scoptmp->Target2) { embDmxScophitToHit(&tmp, scoptmp); ajListPush(list, (EmbPHit) tmp); tmp = NULL; } while((scoptmp=(AjPScophit)ajListIterGet(*iter))) { if(do_class) if(!ajStrMatchS(scoptmp->Class, class)) break; if(do_fold) if(!ajStrMatchS(scoptmp->Fold, fold)) break; if(do_sfam) if(!ajStrMatchS(scoptmp->Superfamily, sfam)) break; if(do_fam) if(!ajStrMatchS(scoptmp->Family, fam)) break; if((ajStrMatchC(scoptmp->Acc,"Not_available")) || (MAJSTRGETLEN(scoptmp->Acc)==0)) continue; if(scoptmp->Target2) continue; embDmxScophitToHit(&tmp, scoptmp); ajListPush(list, (EmbPHit) tmp); tmp=NULL; continue; } ajStrAssignS(&(*out)->Class, class); ajStrAssignS(&(*out)->Fold, fold); ajStrAssignS(&(*out)->Superfamily, sfam); ajStrAssignS(&(*out)->Family, fam); (*out)->Sunid_Family = Sunid_Family; (*out)->Type = type; /* Copy temp. list to Hitlist */ (*out)->N = ajListToarray(list, (void ***) &((*out)->hits)); /* Tidy up and return */ ajStrDel(&fam); ajStrDel(&sfam); ajStrDel(&fold); ajStrDel(&class); ajListFree(&list); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxHitsWrite **************************************************** ** Writes a list of AjOHit objects to an output file. This is intended for ** displaying the results from scans of a model against a protein sequence ** database. Output in a sigplot compatible format. ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Output file stream ** @param [u] hits [EmbPHitlist] Hitlist objects with hits from scan ** @param [r] maxhits [ajint] Max. hits to write. ** ** @return [AjBool] True if file was written ** @@ ***************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxHitsWrite(AjPFile outf, EmbPHitlist hits, ajint maxhits) { ajint x = 0; AjPList tmplist = NULL; AjPList outlist = NULL; /* rank-ordered list of hits for output */ AjIList iter = NULL; AjPScophit hit = NULL; /*Check args*/ if(!outf || !hits) return ajFalse; tmplist=ajListNew(); outlist=ajListNew(); /* Push hits onto tmplist */ ajListPushAppend(tmplist, hits); embDmxHitlistToScophits(tmplist, outlist); ajListSort(outlist, ajDmxScophitCompPval); /*Print header info*/ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "DE Results of %S search\nXX\n",hits->Model); /*Print SCOP classification records of signature */ ajFmtPrintF(outf,"CL %S",hits->Class); ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,hits->Fold,"FO ",75," \t\n\r"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,hits->Superfamily,"SF ",75," \t\n\r"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,hits->Family,"FA ",75," \t\n\r"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n"); /* ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,hits->Fold,"\nXX\nFO ",75," \t\n\r"); ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,hits->Superfamily,"XX\nSF ",75," \t\n\r"); ajFmtPrintSplit(outf,hits->Family,"XX\nFA ",75," \t\n\r"); */ ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\nSI %d\n", hits->Sunid_Family); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"XX\n"); iter=ajListIterNewread(outlist); while((hit=(AjPScophit) ajListIterGet(iter))) { /*Fix for Typeobj if(cnt==maxhits) break; */ if(x==maxhits) break; ajFmtPrintF(outf,"HI %-6d%-10S%-5d%-5d%-15S%-10S%-10S%-10.2f" "%.3e %.3e\n", x+1, hit->Acc, hit->Start+1, hit->End+1, hit->Group, hit->Typeobj, hit->Typesbj, hit->Score, hit->Pval, hit->Eval); /* Without Typeobj ajFmtPrintF(outf,"HI %-6d%-10S%-5d%-5d%-15S%-10.2f" "%.3e %.3e\n", x+1, hit->Acc, hit->Start+1, hit->End+1, hit->Group, hit->Score, hit->Pval, hit->Eval); */ ajDmxScophitDel(&hit); /*CORRECTION*/ /* if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Typeobj, "FALSE")) cnt++; */ x++; } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajListFree(&outlist); ajListFree(&tmplist); /*Print tail info*/ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "XX\n//\n"); /*Clean up and return*/ return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScopToScophit ************************************************ ** ** Writes a Scophit structure with the common information in a Scop ** structure. The swissprot sequence is taken in preference to the pdb ** sequence. ** ** @param [r] source [const AjPScop] The Scop object to convert ** @param [w] target [AjPScophit*] Destination of the the scophit ** structure to write to. ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on the success of creating a Scophit structure. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScopToScophit(const AjPScop source, AjPScophit* target) { if(!source || !target) { ajWarn("bad args passed to embDmxScopToScophit\n"); return ajFalse; } ajStrAssignS(&(*target)->Class,source->Class); ajStrAssignS(&(*target)->Fold,source->Fold); ajStrAssignS(&(*target)->Superfamily,source->Superfamily); ajStrAssignS(&(*target)->Family,source->Family); (*target)->Sunid_Family = source->Sunid_Family; /* The swissprot sequence was not available */ if(ajStrGetLen(source->SeqSpr)==0) { ajStrAssignS(&(*target)->Seq,source->SeqPdb); (*target)->Start = 0; (*target)->End = 0; ajStrAssignC(&(*target)->Acc,"Not_available"); ajStrAssignC(&(*target)->Spr,"Not_available"); } else { ajStrAssignS(&(*target)->Seq,source->SeqSpr); (*target)->Start = source->Startd; (*target)->End = source->Endd; ajStrAssignS(&(*target)->Acc,source->Acc); ajStrAssignS(&(*target)->Spr,source->Spr); } ajStrAssignS(&(*target)->Dom,source->Entry); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScopalgToScop ************************************************ ** ** Takes a Scopalg object (scop alignment) and an array of Scop objects ** taken from, e.g. a scop classification file. ** Extracts the scop domain codes from the alignment and compiles a list of ** corresponding Scop objects from the scop classification file. ** ** @param [r] align [const AjPScopalg] Contains a seed alignment. ** @param [r] scop_arr [AjPScop const*] Array of AjPScop objects ** @param [r] scop_dim [ajint] Size of array ** @param [w] list [AjPList*] List of Scop objects. ** ** @return [AjBool] A populated list has been returned ** (a file has been written) ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScopalgToScop(const AjPScopalg align, AjPScop const *scop_arr, ajint scop_dim, AjPList* list) { AjPStr entry_up = NULL; /* Current entry, upper case */ ajint idx = 0; /* Index into array for the Pdb code */ ajuint i = 0; /* Simple loop counter */ entry_up = ajStrNew(); /* check for bad arguments */ if(!align) { ajWarn("Bad args passed to embDmxScopalgToScop"); ajStrDel(&entry_up); return ajFalse; } /* ** write to list the scop structures matching a particular ** family of domains */ for(i=0;iN;i++) { ajStrAssignS(&entry_up, align->Codes[i]); ajStrFmtUpper(&entry_up); if((idx = ajScopArrFindScopid(scop_arr,scop_dim,entry_up))==-1) { ajStrDel(&entry_up); return ajFalse; } else { /* DIAGNOSTICS ajFmtPrint("Pushing %d (%S)\n", scop_arr[idx]->Sunid_Family, scop_arr[idx]->Acc); */ ajListPushAppend(*list,(void*)scop_arr[idx]); } } ajStrDel(&entry_up); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScophitsOverlapAcc ******************************************* ** ** Checks for overlap and identical accession numbers between two hits. ** ** @param [r] h1 [const AjPScophit] Pointer to hit object 1 ** @param [r] h2 [const AjPScophit] Pointer to hit object 2 ** @param [r] n [ajuint] Threshold number of residues for overlap ** ** @return [AjBool] True if the overlap between the sequences is at least as ** long as the threshold. False otherwise. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitsOverlapAcc(const AjPScophit h1, const AjPScophit h2, ajuint n) { if((MAJSTRGETLEN(h1->Seq)Seq)Seq, h2->Seq)!=-1) || (ajStrFindS(h2->Seq, h1->Seq)!=-1)) && (ajStrMatchS(h1->Acc, h2->Acc))) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } if( ((((h1->End - h2->Start + 1)>=n) && (h2->Start >= h1->Start)) || (((h2->End - h1->Start + 1)>=n) && (h1->Start >= h2->Start))) && (ajStrMatchS(h1->Acc, h2->Acc))) return ajTrue; return ajFalse; } /* @func embDmxScophitsOverlap ********************************************** ** ** Checks for overlap between two hits. ** ** @param [r] h1 [const AjPScophit] Pointer to hit object 1 ** @param [r] h2 [const AjPScophit] Pointer to hit object 2 ** @param [r] n [ajuint] Threshold number of residues for overlap ** ** @return [AjBool] True if the overlap between the sequences is at least as ** long as the threshold. False otherwise. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitsOverlap(const AjPScophit h1, const AjPScophit h2, ajuint n) { if((MAJSTRGETLEN(h1->Seq)Seq)Seq, h2->Seq)!=-1) || (ajStrFindS(h2->Seq, h1->Seq)!=-1)) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } if( (((h1->End - h2->Start + 1)>=n) && (h2->Start >= h1->Start)) || (((h2->End - h1->Start + 1)>=n) && (h1->Start >= h2->Start))) return ajTrue; else return ajFalse; } /* @func embDmxScophitMerge ************************************************* ** ** Creates a new Scophit object which corresponds to a merging of the two ** sequences from the Scophit objects hit1 and hit2. ** ** The Typeobj of the merged hit is set. The merged hit is classified ** as follows : ** If hit1 or hit2 is a SEED, the merged hit is classified as a SEED. ** Otherwise, if hit1 or hit2 is HIT, the merged hit is clsasified as a HIT. ** If hit1 and hit2 are both OTHER, the merged hit remains classified as ** OTHER. ** ** @param [r] hit1 [const AjPScophit] Scophit 1 ** @param [r] hit2 [const AjPScophit] Scophit 2 ** ** @return [AjPScophit] Pointer to Scophit object. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjPScophit embDmxScophitMerge(const AjPScophit hit1, const AjPScophit hit2) { AjPScophit ret; ajuint start = 0; /* Start of N-terminal-most sequence */ ajuint end = 0; /* End of N-terminal-most sequence */ AjPStr temp = NULL; /* Check args */ if(!hit1 || !hit2) { ajWarn("Bad arg's passed to AjPScophitMerge"); return NULL; } if(!ajStrMatchS(hit1->Acc, hit2->Acc)) { ajWarn("Merge attempted on 2 hits with different accession numbers"); return NULL; } if((hit1->Type != hit2->Type)) { ajWarn("Merge attempted on 2 hits of different domain type"); return NULL; } /* Allocate memory */ ret = ajDmxScophitNew(); temp = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Acc), hit1->Acc); ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Spr), hit1->Spr); ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Dom), hit1->Dom); ret->Type = hit1->Type; if(ajStrMatchS(hit1->Class, hit2->Class)) { ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Class), hit1->Class); if(ajStrMatchS(hit1->Fold, hit2->Fold)) { ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Fold), hit1->Fold); if(ajStrMatchS(hit1->Superfamily, hit2->Superfamily)) { ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Superfamily), hit1->Superfamily); if(ajStrMatchS(hit1->Family, hit2->Family)) ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Family), hit1->Family); } } } /* ** Copy the N-terminal most sequence to our new sequence ** and assign start point of new hit */ if(hit1->Start <= hit2->Start) { ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Seq), hit1->Seq); ret->Start = hit1->Start; end = hit1->End; start = hit2->Start; } else { ajStrAssignS(&(ret->Seq), hit2->Seq); ret->Start = hit2->Start; end = hit2->End; start = hit1->Start; } /* Assign end point of new hit */ if(hit1->End >= hit2->End) ret->End = hit1->End; else ret->End = hit2->End; /* ** Assign the C-terminus of the sequence of the new hit ** if necessary */ if(hit2->End > end) { ajStrAssignSubS(&temp, hit2->Seq, end-start+1, -1); ajStrAppendS(&(ret->Seq),temp); } else if(hit1->End > end) { ajStrAssignSubS(&temp, hit1->Seq, end-start+1, -1); ajStrAppendS(&(ret->Seq),temp); } /* Classify the merged hit */ if(ajStrMatchC(hit1->Typeobj, "SEED") || ajStrMatchC(hit1->Typeobj, "SEED")) ajStrAssignC(&(ret->Typeobj), "SEED"); else if(ajStrMatchC(hit1->Typeobj, "HIT") || ajStrMatchC(hit1->Typeobj, "HIT")) ajStrAssignC(&(ret->Typeobj), "HIT"); else ajStrAssignC(&(ret->Typeobj), "OTHER"); if(ajStrMatchS(hit1->Model, hit2->Model)) ajStrAssignS(&ret->Model, hit1->Model); if(hit1->Sunid_Family == hit2->Sunid_Family) ret->Sunid_Family = hit1->Sunid_Family; /* All other elements of structure are left as NULL / o / ajFalse */ ajStrDel(&temp); return ret; } /* @func embDmxScophitMergeInsertOther ************************************** ** ** Creates a new Scophit object which corresponds to a merging of two Scophit ** objects hit1 and hit2. Appends the new Scophit onto a list. Target ** hit1 and hit2 for removal (set the Target element to ajTrue). ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of Scophit objects ** @param [d] hit1 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 1 ** @param [d] hit2 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 2 ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitMergeInsertOther(AjPList list, AjPScophit hit1, AjPScophit hit2) { AjPScophit new; /* Check args */ if(!hit1 || !hit2 || !list) return ajFalse; new = embDmxScophitMerge(hit1, hit2); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit1); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit2); ajListPushAppend(list, (void *) new); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScophitMergeInsertOtherTarget ******************************** ** ** Creates a new Scophit object which corresponds to a merging of two Scophit ** objects hit1 and hit2. Appends the new Scophit onto a list. Target ** hit1 and hit2 for removal (set the Target element to ajTrue). ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of Scophit objects ** @param [d] hit1 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 1 ** @param [d] hit2 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 2 ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitMergeInsertOtherTarget(AjPList list, AjPScophit hit1, AjPScophit hit2) { AjPScophit new; /* Check args */ if(!hit1 || !hit2 || !list) return ajFalse; new = embDmxScophitMerge(hit1, hit2); ajDmxScophitTarget(&new); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit1); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit2); ajListPushAppend(list, (void *) new); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScophitMergeInsertOtherTargetBoth **************************** ** ** Creates a new Scophit object which corresponds to a merging of two Scophit ** objects hit1 and hit2. Appends the new Scophit onto a list. Target ** hit1 and hit2 for removal (set the Target element to ajTrue). ** ** @param [u] list [AjPList] List of Scophit objects ** @param [d] hit1 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 1 ** @param [d] hit2 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 2 ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitMergeInsertOtherTargetBoth(AjPList list, AjPScophit hit1, AjPScophit hit2) { AjPScophit new; /* Check args */ if(!hit1 || !hit2 || !list) return ajFalse; new = embDmxScophitMerge(hit1, hit2); ajDmxScophitTarget(&new); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit1); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit2); ajDmxScophitTarget2(&new); ajDmxScophitTarget2(&hit1); ajDmxScophitTarget2(&hit2); ajListPushAppend(list, (void *) new); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScophitMergeInsertThis *************************************** ** ** Creates a new Scophit object which corresponds to a merging of two Scophit ** objects hit1 and hit2. Insert the new Scophit immediately after hit2. ** Target hit1 and hit2 for removal (set the Target element to ajTrue). ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List of Scophit objects ** @param [d] hit1 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 1 ** @param [d] hit2 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 2 ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitMergeInsertThis(const AjPList list, AjPScophit hit1, AjPScophit hit2, AjIList iter) { AjPScophit new; /* Check args */ if(!hit1 || !hit2 || !list || !iter) return ajFalse; new = embDmxScophitMerge(hit1, hit2); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit1); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit2); ajListIterInsert(iter, (void *) new); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScophitMergeInsertThisTarget ********************************* ** ** Creates a new Scophit object which corresponds to a merging of two Scophit ** objects hit1 and hit2. Insert the new Scophit immediately after hit2. ** Target hit1, hit2 and the new Scophit for removal ** (set the Target element to ajTrue). ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List of Scophit objects ** @param [d] hit1 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 1 ** @param [d] hit2 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 2 ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitMergeInsertThisTarget(const AjPList list, AjPScophit hit1, AjPScophit hit2, AjIList iter) { AjPScophit new; /* Check args */ if(!hit1 || !hit2 || !list || !iter) return ajFalse; new = embDmxScophitMerge(hit1, hit2); ajDmxScophitTarget(&new); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit1); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit2); ajListIterInsert(iter, (void *) new); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScophitMergeInsertThisTargetBoth **************************** ** ** Creates a new Scophit object which corresponds to a merging of two Scophit ** objects hit1 and hit2. Insert the new Scophit immediately after hit2. ** Target hit1, hit2 and the new Scophit for removal (both the Target and ** Target2 elements are set to ajTrue). ** ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] List of Scophit objects ** @param [d] hit1 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 1 ** @param [d] hit2 [AjPScophit] Scophit object 2 ** @param [u] iter [AjIList] List iterator ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success. ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxScophitMergeInsertThisTargetBoth(const AjPList list, AjPScophit hit1, AjPScophit hit2, AjIList iter) { AjPScophit new; /* Check args */ if(!hit1 || !hit2 || !list || !iter) return ajFalse; new = embDmxScophitMerge(hit1, hit2); ajDmxScophitTarget(&new); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit1); ajDmxScophitTarget(&hit2); ajDmxScophitTarget2(&new); ajDmxScophitTarget2(&hit1); ajDmxScophitTarget2(&hit2); ajListIterInsert(iter, (void *) new); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxSeqNR ******************************************************** ** ** Reads a list of AjPSeq's and writes an array describing the redundancy in ** the list. Elements in the array correspond to sequences in the list, i.e. ** the array[0] corresponds to the first sequence in the list. ** ** Sequences are classed as redundant (0 in the array, i.e. they are possibly ** to be discarded later) if they exceed a threshold (%) level of sequence ** similarity to any other in the set (the shortest sequence of the current ** pair will be discarded). If, however, the CheckGarbage argument ** is set ON (True) then the the sequence that is *not* garbage is marked ** up as redundant. A sequence is "garbage" if the Garbage element of the ** data structure is set. If the CheckGarbage argument is set OFF (False) ** the shortest sequence is marked as redundant as normal. ** ** The set output will always contain at least 1 sequence. ** ** @param [r] input [const AjPList] List of EmbPDmxNrseq objects ** @param [w] keep [AjPUint*] 0: rejected (redundant) sequence, 1: the sequence was retained ** @param [w] nset [ajint*] Number of non-garbage sequences in nr set ** @param [r] matrix [const AjPMatrixf] Residue substitution matrix ** @param [r] gapopen [float] Gap insertion penalty ** @param [r] gapextend [float] Gap extension penalty ** @param [r] thresh [float] Threshold residue id. for "redundancy" ** @param [r] CheckGarbage [AjBool] If True, when two sequences are compared ** and deemed redundant, then the Sequence that is *not* garbage is marked ** up as redundant. A sequence is "garbage" if the Garbage element of the ** data structure is set. If False, the shortest sequence is marked as ** redundant as normal. ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxSeqNR(const AjPList input, AjPUint *keep, ajint *nset, const AjPMatrixf matrix, float gapopen, float gapextend, float thresh, AjBool CheckGarbage) { ajint start1 = 0; /* Start of seq 1, passed as arg but not used */ ajint start2 = 0; /* Start of seq 2, passed as arg but not used */ ajint maxarr = 300; /* Initial size for matrix */ ajint len; ajint x; /* Counter for seq 1 */ ajint y; /* Counter for seq 2 */ ajint nin; /* Number of sequences in input list */ ajint *compass; const char *p; const char *q; AjFloatArray *sub; float id = 0.; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ float sim = 0.; float idx = 0.; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ float simx = 0.; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ float *path; AjPStr m = NULL; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ AjPStr n = NULL; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ EmbPDmxNrseq *inseqs = NULL; /* Array containing input sequences */ AjPUint lens = NULL; /* 1: Lengths of sequences* in input list */ AjPFloat2d scores = NULL; AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; AjBool show = ajFalse; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ /* Intitialise some variables */ AJCNEW(path, maxarr); AJCNEW(compass, maxarr); m = ajStrNew(); n = ajStrNew(); gapopen = ajRoundF(gapopen,8); gapextend = ajRoundF(gapextend,8); sub = ajMatrixfArray(matrix); cvt = ajMatrixfCvt(matrix); /* Convert the AjPList to an array of AjPseq */ if(!(nin=ajListToarray(input,(void ***)&inseqs))) { ajWarn("Zero sized list of sequences passed into SeqsetNR"); AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&n); return ajFalse; } /* Create an ajint array to hold lengths of sequences */ lens = ajUintNewL(nin); for(x=0; xSeq)); /* Set the keep array elements to 1 */ for(x=0;xSeq->Seq, inseqs[y]->Seq->Seq);*/ /* Process w/o alignment identical sequences */ if(ajStrMatchS(inseqs[x]->Seq->Seq, inseqs[y]->Seq->Seq)) { /* DIAGNOSTICS printf("Score=%f\n", 100.0); */ ajFloat2dPut(&scores,x,y,(float)100.0); continue; } /* Intitialise variables for use by alignment functions */ len = ajUintGet(lens,x)*ajUintGet(lens,y); if(len>maxarr) { AJCRESIZE(path,len); AJCRESIZE(compass,len); maxarr=len; } p = ajSeqGetSeqC(inseqs[x]->Seq); q = ajSeqGetSeqC(inseqs[y]->Seq); ajStrAssignC(&m,""); ajStrAssignC(&n,""); /* Check that no sequence length is 0 */ if((ajUintGet(lens,x)==0)||(ajUintGet(lens,y)==0)) { ajWarn("Zero length sequence in SeqsetNR"); AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&n); ajFloat2dDel(&scores); ajUintDel(&lens); AJFREE(inseqs); return ajFalse; } /* Call alignment functions */ embAlignPathCalc(p,q,ajUintGet(lens,x),ajUintGet(lens,y), gapopen, gapextend,path,sub,cvt,compass,show); embAlignWalkNWMatrix(path,inseqs[x]->Seq,inseqs[y]->Seq,&m,&n, ajUintGet(lens,x),ajUintGet(lens,y), &start1,&start2,gapopen,gapextend,compass); embAlignCalcSimilarity(m,n,sub,cvt,ajUintGet(lens,x), ajUintGet(lens,y),&id,&sim,&idx, &simx); /* Write array with score*/ /* DIAGNOSTICS printf("Score=%f\n", sim); */ ajFloat2dPut(&scores,x,y,sim); } } /* DIAGNOSTIC for(x=0; x= thresh) { /* If both are garbage, set on length as usual */ if(CheckGarbage && inseqs[x]->Garbage && inseqs[y]->Garbage) { if(ajUintGet(lens,x) < ajUintGet(lens,y)) ajUintPut(keep,x,0); else ajUintPut(keep,y,0); } /* If just one is garbage, set non-garbage sequence as redundant */ else if(CheckGarbage && ((inseqs[x]->Garbage) || (inseqs[y]->Garbage))) { if(inseqs[x]->Garbage) ajUintPut(keep,y,0); else ajUintPut(keep,x,0); } /* Otherwise set on length as usual */ else { if(ajUintGet(lens,x) < ajUintGet(lens,y)) ajUintPut(keep,x,0); else ajUintPut(keep,y,0); } } } } for(x=0; xGarbage)) if(ajUintGet(*keep,x)) (*nset)++; /* Keep first sequence in case all have been processed out */ if(*nset == 0) { for(x=0; xGarbage)) { ajUintPut(keep,x,1); *nset = 1; break; } } if(*nset == 0) ajWarn("nset == 0 after processing"); } for(x=0; xSeq->Seq, inseqs[y]->Seq->Seq); */ } } AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&n); ajFloat2dDel(&scores); ajUintDel(&lens); AJFREE(inseqs); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxSeqNRRange**************************************************** ** ** Reads a list of AjPSeq's and writes an array describing the redundancy in ** the list. Elements in the array correspond to sequences in the list, i.e. ** the array[0] corresponds to the first sequence in the list. ** ** Sequences are classed as redundant (0 in the array, i.e. they are possibly ** to be discarded later) if they lie outside a range of threshold (%) ** sequence similarity to others in the set (the shortest sequence of the ** current pair will be discarded). If, however, the CheckGarbage argument ** is set ON (True) then the the sequence that is *not* garbage is marked ** up as redundant. A sequence is "garbage" if the Garbage element of the ** data structure is set. If the CheckGarbage argument is set OFF (False) ** the shortest sequence is marked as redundant as normal. ** ** @param [r] input [const AjPList] List of EmbPDmxNrseq objects ** @param [w] keep [AjPUint*] 0: rejected (redundant) sequence, 1: the sequence was retained ** @param [w] nset [ajint*] Number of non-garbage sequences in nr set. ** @param [r] matrix [const AjPMatrixf] Residue substitution matrix ** @param [r] gapopen [float] Gap insertion penalty ** @param [r] gapextend [float] Gap extension penalty ** @param [r] threshlow [float] Threshold lower limit ** @param [r] threshup [float] Threshold upper limit ** @param [r] CheckGarbage [AjBool] If True, when two sequences are compared ** and deemed redundant, then the Sequence that is *not* garbage is marked ** up as redundant. A sequence is "garbage" if the Garbage element of the ** data structure is set. If False, the shortest sequence is marked as ** redundant as normal. ** ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxSeqNRRange(const AjPList input, AjPUint *keep, ajint *nset, const AjPMatrixf matrix, float gapopen, float gapextend, float threshlow, float threshup, AjBool CheckGarbage) { ajint start1 = 0; /* Start of seq 1, passed as arg but not used */ ajint start2 = 0; /* Start of seq 2, passed as arg but not used */ ajint maxarr = 300; /* Initial size for matrix */ ajint len; ajint x; /* Counter for seq 1 */ ajint y; /* Counter for seq 2 */ ajint nin; /* Number of sequences in input list */ ajint *compass; const char *p; const char *q; float **sub; float id = 0.; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ float sim = 0.; float idx = 0.; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ float simx = 0.; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ float *path; AjPStr m = NULL; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ AjPStr n = NULL; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ EmbPDmxNrseq *inseqs = NULL; /* Array containing input sequences */ AjPUint lens = NULL; /* 1: Lengths of sequences* in input list */ AjPFloat2d scores = NULL; AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; AjBool show = ajFalse; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ /* Intitialise some variables */ AJCNEW(path, maxarr); AJCNEW(compass, maxarr); m = ajStrNew(); n = ajStrNew(); gapopen = ajRoundF(gapopen,8); gapextend = ajRoundF(gapextend,8); sub = ajMatrixfArray(matrix); cvt = ajMatrixfCvt(matrix); /* Convert the AjPList to an array of AjPseq */ if(!(nin=ajListToarray(input,(void ***)&inseqs))) { ajWarn("Zero sized list of sequences passed into SeqsetNR"); AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&n); return ajFalse; } /* Create an ajint array to hold lengths of sequences */ lens = ajUintNewL(nin); for(x=0; xSeq)); /* Set the keep array elements to 1 */ for(x=0;xSeq->Seq, inseqs[y]->Seq->Seq)) { ajFloat2dPut(&scores,x,y,(float)100.0); continue; } /* Intitialise variables for use by alignment functions */ len = ajUintGet(lens,x)*ajUintGet(lens,y); if(len>maxarr) { AJCRESIZE(path,len); AJCRESIZE(compass,len); maxarr=len; } p = ajSeqGetSeqC(inseqs[x]->Seq); q = ajSeqGetSeqC(inseqs[y]->Seq); ajStrAssignC(&m,""); ajStrAssignC(&n,""); /* Check that no sequence length is 0 */ if((ajUintGet(lens,x)==0)||(ajUintGet(lens,y)==0)) { ajWarn("Zero length sequence in SeqsetNR"); AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&n); ajFloat2dDel(&scores); ajUintDel(&lens); AJFREE(inseqs); return ajFalse; } /* Call alignment functions */ embAlignPathCalc(p,q,ajUintGet(lens,x),ajUintGet(lens,y), gapopen, gapextend,path,sub,cvt,compass,show); embAlignWalkNWMatrix(path,inseqs[x]->Seq,inseqs[y]->Seq,&m,&n, ajUintGet(lens,x),ajUintGet(lens,y), &start1,&start2,gapopen,gapextend,compass); embAlignCalcSimilarity(m,n,sub,cvt,ajUintGet(lens,x), ajUintGet(lens,y),&id,&sim,&idx, &simx); /* Write array with score */ ajFloat2dPut(&scores,x,y,sim); } } /* Write the keep array as appropriate, first check the upper limit */ for(x=0; x= threshup) */ if((ajFloat2dGet(scores,x,y) <= threshup) && (ajFloat2dGet(scores,x,y) >= threshlow)) { /* If both are garbage, set on length as usual */ if(CheckGarbage && inseqs[x]->Garbage && inseqs[y]->Garbage) { if(ajUintGet(lens,x) < ajUintGet(lens,y)) ajUintPut(keep,x,0); else ajUintPut(keep,y,0); } /* If just one is garbage, set non-garbage sequence as redundant */ else if(CheckGarbage && ((inseqs[x]->Garbage) || (inseqs[y]->Garbage))) { if(inseqs[x]->Garbage) ajUintPut(keep,y,0); else ajUintPut(keep,x,0); } /* Otherwise set on length as usual */ else { if(ajUintGet(lens,x) < ajUintGet(lens,y)) ajUintPut(keep,x,0); else ajUintPut(keep,y,0); } } } } /* Now check the lower limit */ /* for(x=0; x= threshlow) { ok = ajTrue; break; } } if(!ok) ajUintPut(keep,x,0); } */ for(x=0; xGarbage)) if(ajUintGet(*keep,x)) (*nset)++; /* Keep first sequence in case all have been processed out */ if(*nset == 0) { for(x=0; xGarbage)) { ajUintPut(keep,x,1); *nset = 1; break; } } if(*nset == 0) ajWarn("nset == 0 after processing"); } /* Tidy up */ AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&n); ajFloat2dDel(&scores); ajUintDel(&lens); AJFREE(inseqs); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxSeqCompall *************************************************** ** ** Reads a list of AjPSeq's and writes an array of sequence similarity values ** for an all-versus-all comparison of the sequences. The rows and columns ** in the array correspond to the order of the sequences in the list. ** ** ** @param [r] input [const AjPList] List of ajPSeq's ** @param [w] scores [AjPFloat2d*] Sequence similarity values ** @param [r] matrix [const AjPMatrixf] Residue substitution matrix ** @param [r] gapopen [float] Gap insertion penalty ** @param [r] gapextend [float] Gap extension penalty ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxSeqCompall(const AjPList input, AjPFloat2d *scores, const AjPMatrixf matrix, float gapopen, float gapextend) { ajint start1 = 0; /* Start of seq 1, passed as arg but not used */ ajint start2 = 0; /* Start of seq 2, passed as arg but not used */ ajint maxarr = 300; /* Initial size for matrix */ ajint len; ajint x; /* Counter for seq 1 */ ajint y; /* Counter for seq 2 */ ajint nin; /* Number of sequences in input list */ ajint *compass; const char *p; const char *q; AjFloatArray *sub; float id = 0.; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ float sim = 0.; float idx = 0.; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ float simx = 0.; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ float *path; AjPStr m = NULL; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ AjPStr n = NULL; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ AjPSeq *inseqs = NULL; /* Array containing input sequences */ AjPUint lens = NULL; /* 1: Lengths of sequences* in input list */ AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; AjBool show = ajFalse; /* Passed as arg but not used here */ /* Intitialise some variables */ AJCNEW(path, maxarr); AJCNEW(compass, maxarr); m = ajStrNew(); n = ajStrNew(); gapopen = ajRoundF(gapopen,8); gapextend = ajRoundF(gapextend,8); sub = ajMatrixfArray(matrix); cvt = ajMatrixfCvt(matrix); /* Convert the AjPList to an array of AjPseq */ if(!(nin=ajListToarray(input,(void ***)&inseqs))) { ajWarn("Zero sized list of sequences passed into embDmxSeqCompall"); AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&n); return ajFalse; } /* Create an ajint array to hold lengths of sequences */ lens = ajUintNewL(nin); for(x=0; xSeq, inseqs[y]->Seq);*/ /* Process w/o alignment identical sequences */ if(ajStrMatchS(inseqs[x]->Seq, inseqs[y]->Seq)) { /* DIAGNOSTICS printf("Score=%f\n", 100.0); */ ajFloat2dPut(scores,x,y,(float)100.0); continue; } /* Intitialise variables for use by alignment functions */ len = ajUintGet(lens,x)*ajUintGet(lens,y); if(len>maxarr) { AJCRESIZE(path,len); AJCRESIZE(compass,len); maxarr=len; } p = ajSeqGetSeqC(inseqs[x]); q = ajSeqGetSeqC(inseqs[y]); ajStrAssignC(&m,""); ajStrAssignC(&n,""); /* Check that no sequence length is 0 */ if((ajUintGet(lens,x)==0)||(ajUintGet(lens,y)==0)) { ajWarn("Zero length sequence in embDmxSeqCompall"); AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&n); ajFloat2dDel(scores); ajUintDel(&lens); AJFREE(inseqs); return ajFalse; } /* Call alignment functions */ embAlignPathCalc(p,q,ajUintGet(lens,x),ajUintGet(lens,y), gapopen, gapextend,path,sub,cvt,compass,show); embAlignWalkNWMatrix(path,inseqs[x],inseqs[y],&m,&n, ajUintGet(lens,x),ajUintGet(lens,y), &start1,&start2,gapopen,gapextend,compass); embAlignCalcSimilarity(m,n,sub,cvt,ajUintGet(lens,x), ajUintGet(lens,y),&id,&sim,&idx, &simx); /* Write array with score*/ /* DIAGNOSTICS printf("Score=%f\n", sim); */ ajFloat2dPut(scores,x,y,sim); } } /* DIAGNOSTIC for(x=0; xSeq, inseqs[y]->Seq); */ } } AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&n); ajUintDel(&lens); AJFREE(inseqs); return ajTrue; } /* @func embDmxScophitReadAllFasta ******************************************** ** ** Reads a DHF file and returns a list of Scophit objects. ** Parsing routine is identical to embHitlistReadFasta. ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] DHF file. ** ** @return [AjPList] List of Scophit object pointers, or NULL (error). ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList embDmxScophitReadAllFasta(AjPFile inf) { AjPScophit hit = NULL; /* Current hit. */ AjPList tmplist = NULL; /* Temp. list of hits */ AjBool donefirst = ajFalse; /* Read first code line. */ ajint ntok = 0; /* No. tokens in a line. */ const AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; /* Line of text. */ AjPStr subline = NULL; AjBool ok = ajFalse; AjBool parseok = ajFalse; AjPStr type = NULL; /* Allocate strings */ line = ajStrNew(); subline = ajStrNew(); tmplist = ajListNew(); type = ajStrNew(); while((ok = ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line))) { if(ajStrPrefixC(line,">")) { /* Process the last hit */ if(donefirst) { if(MAJSTRGETLEN(hit->Seq)) ajStrRemoveWhite(&hit->Seq); ajListPushAppend(tmplist, hit); } /* Check line has correct no. of tokens and allocate Hit */ ajStrAssignSubS(&subline, line, 1, -1); if( (ntok=ajStrParseCountC(subline, "^")) != 17) ajFatal("Incorrect no. (%d) of tokens on line %S\n", ntok, line); else { parseok = ajTrue; hit = ajDmxScophitNew(); } /* Acc */ token = ajStrParseC(subline, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Acc, token); ajStrTrimWhite(&hit->Acc); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Acc, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Acc); /* Spr */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Spr, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Spr, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Spr); /* Start */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%d", &hit->Start); /* End */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%d", &hit->End); /* Type */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&type, token); if(ajStrMatchC(type, "SCOP")) hit->Type = ajSCOP; else if(ajStrMatchC(type, "CATH")) hit->Type = ajCATH; /* Dom */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Dom, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Dom, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Dom); /* Read domain identifier */ token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%d", &hit->Sunid_Family); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Class, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Class, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Class); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Architecture, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Architecture, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Architecture); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Topology, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Topology, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Topology); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Fold, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Fold, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Fold); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Superfamily, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Superfamily, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Superfamily); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Family, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Family, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Family); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajStrAssignS(&hit->Model, token); if(ajStrMatchC(hit->Model, ".")) ajStrSetClear(&hit->Model); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%f", &hit->Score); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%f", &hit->Pval); token = ajStrParseC(NULL, "^"); ajFmtScanS(token, "%f", &hit->Eval); donefirst = ajTrue; } else ajStrAppendS(&hit->Seq, line); } /* EOF therefore process last hit */ if((!ok) && (parseok)) { ajStrRemoveWhite(&hit->Seq); ajListPushAppend(tmplist, hit); } /* Tidy up */ ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&subline); ajStrDel(&type); /* File read error */ return tmplist; } /* @func embDmxHitlistToScophits ******************************************** ** ** Read from a list of Hitlist structures and writes a list of Scophit ** structures. ** ** @param [r] in [const AjPList] List of pointers to Hitlist structures ** @param [w] out [AjPList] List of Scophit structures ** ** @return [AjBool] True on success (lists were processed ok) ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ AjBool embDmxHitlistToScophits(const AjPList in, AjPList out) { AjPScophit scophit = NULL; /* Pointer to Scophit object */ EmbPHitlist hitlist = NULL; /* Pointer to Hitlist object */ AjIList iter = NULL; /* List iterator */ ajuint x = 0; /* Loop counter */ /* Check args */ if(!in) { ajWarn("Null arg passed to embDmxHitlistToScophits"); return ajFalse; } /* Create list iterator and new list */ iter = ajListIterNewread(in); /* Iterate through the list of Hitlist pointers */ while((hitlist=(EmbPHitlist)ajListIterGet(iter))) { /* Loop for each hit in hitlist structure */ for(x=0; xN; ++x) { /* Create a new scophit structure */ scophit = ajDmxScophitNew(); /* Assign scop classification records from hitlist structure */ scophit->Type = hitlist->Type; ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Class, hitlist->Class); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Fold, hitlist->Fold); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Superfamily, hitlist->Superfamily); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Family, hitlist->Family); scophit->Sunid_Family = hitlist->Sunid_Family; scophit->Priority = hitlist->Priority; /* Assign records from hit structure */ ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Seq, hitlist->hits[x]->Seq); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Acc, hitlist->hits[x]->Acc); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Spr, hitlist->hits[x]->Spr); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Dom, hitlist->hits[x]->Dom); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Typeobj, hitlist->hits[x]->Typeobj); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Typesbj, hitlist->hits[x]->Typesbj); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Model, hitlist->hits[x]->Model); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Alg, hitlist->hits[x]->Alg); ajStrAssignS(&scophit->Group, hitlist->hits[x]->Group); scophit->Start = hitlist->hits[x]->Start; scophit->End = hitlist->hits[x]->End; scophit->Rank = hitlist->hits[x]->Rank; scophit->Score = hitlist->hits[x]->Score; scophit->Eval = hitlist->hits[x]->Eval; scophit->Pval = hitlist->hits[x]->Pval; /* Push scophit onto list */ ajListPushAppend(out,scophit); } } ajListIterDel(&iter); return ajTrue; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== destructors =============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Structure Destructors ******************************************* ** ** All destructor functions receive the address of the instance to be ** deleted. The original pointer is set to NULL so is ready for re-use. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================ Assignments ============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Assignments ***************************************************** ** ** These functions overwrite the instance provided as the first argument ** A NULL value is always acceptable so these functions are often used to ** create a new instance by assignment. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================= Modifiers =============================== */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Modifiers ******************************************************* ** ** These functions use the contents of an instance and update them. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== Operators ===================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Operators ******************************************************* ** ** These functions use the contents of an instance but do not make any ** changes. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ============================== Casts ===================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Casts *********************************************************** ** ** These functions examine the contents of an instance and return some ** derived information. Some of them provide access to the internal ** components of an instance. They are provided for programming convenience ** but should be used with caution. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* =========================== Reporters ==================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Reporters ******************************************************* ** ** These functions return the contents of an instance but do not make any ** changes. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ========================== Input & Output ============================= */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Input & output ************************************************** ** ** These functions are used for formatted input and output to file. ** ****************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* ======================== Miscellaneous =================================*/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* @section Miscellaneous *************************************************** ** ** These functions may have diverse functions that do not fit into the other ** categories. ** ****************************************************************************/