/* @source embdbi.c ** ** General routines for alignment. ** Copyright (c) 2000 Peter Rice ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #include #else #include "win32.h" #include "dirent_w32.h" #endif #include static AjPStr dbiCmdStr = NULL; static AjPStr dbiCmdStr2 = NULL; static AjPStr dbiDirFix = NULL; static AjPStr dbiWildFname = NULL; static AjPStr dbiInFname = NULL; static AjPStr dbiOutFname = NULL; static AjPStr dbiOutRecord = NULL; static AjPStr dbiSortExt = NULL; static AjPStr dbiLastId = NULL; static AjPStr dbiFieldId = NULL; static AjPStr dbiIdStr = NULL; static AjPStr dbiTmpStr = NULL; static AjPStr dbiRdLine = NULL; static AjPStr dbiIdLine = NULL; static AjPStr dbiFieldSort = NULL; static AjPStr dbiFieldSort2 = NULL; static AjPStr dbiFieldStr = NULL; static AjPStr dbiFieldName = NULL; static AjPStr dbiFieldId2 = NULL; static AjPStr dbiCurrentId = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbiRegFieldIdSort = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbiRegFieldTokSort = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbiRegFieldTokIdSort = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbiRegEntryIdSort = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbiRegDate = NULL; /* @datastatic DbiOField ****************************************************** ** ** Database index field names and index filenames ** ** @attr name [const char*] Field name as used in USAs ** @attr index [const char*] Index filename for EMBLCD indices ** @attr desc [const char*] Field description ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct DbiSField { const char* name; const char* index; const char* desc; } DbiOField; static DbiOField fieldDef[] = { /* Name Index Description */ {"acc", "acnum", "accession number"}, {"sv", "seqvn", "seqeunce version and GI number"}, {"des", "des", "entry description"}, {"org", "taxon", "taxonomy and organism"}, {"key", "keyword", "keywords"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; static const char* dbiFieldFile(const AjPStr fieldname); /* @func embDbiFieldNew ******************************************************* ** ** Constructor for field token structures. ** ** @return [EmbPField] Field token structure. ******************************************************************************/ EmbPField embDbiFieldNew(void) { EmbPField ret; AJNEW0(ret); return ret; } /* @func embDbiFieldDel ******************************************************* ** ** Destructor for field token structures. ** ** @param [d] pthys [EmbPField*] Field token structure. ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiFieldDel(EmbPField* pthys) { EmbPField thys; if(!pthys || !*pthys) return; thys = *pthys; AJFREE(thys->field); AJFREE(thys->entry); AJFREE(*pthys); return; } /* @func embDbiFieldDelMap **************************************************** ** ** Destructor for field token structures to be mapped to lists or tables. ** ** @param [d] pthys [void**] Field token structure. ** @param [u] cl [void*] Unused ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiFieldDelMap(void** pthys, void* cl) { EmbPField thys = (*(EmbPField*)pthys); if(!thys) return; (void) cl; /* make it used */ thys = *pthys; /*AJFREE(thys->field);*/ /*AJFREE(thys->entry);*/ AJFREE(*pthys); return; } /* @func embDbiCmpId ********************************************************** ** ** Comparison function for two entries. ** ** @param [r] a [const void*] First id (EmbPEntry*) ** @param [r] b [const void*] Second id (EmbPEntry*) ** @return [ajint] Comparison value, -1, 0 or +1. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embDbiCmpId(const void* a, const void* b) { const EmbPEntry aa; const EmbPEntry bb; aa = *(EmbPEntry const *) a; bb = *(EmbPEntry const *) b; return strcmp(aa->entry, bb->entry); } /* @func embDbiCmpFieldId ***************************************************** ** ** Comparison function for the entrynames in two field structures. ** ** @param [r] a [const void*] First id (EmbPField*) ** @param [r] b [const void*] Second id (EmbPField*) ** @return [ajint] Comparison value, -1, 0 or +1. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embDbiCmpFieldId(const void* a, const void* b) { const EmbPField aa; const EmbPField bb; aa = *(EmbPField const *) a; bb = *(EmbPField const *) b; return strcmp(aa->entry, bb->entry); } /* @func embDbiCmpFieldField ************************************************** ** ** Comparison function for two field token values ** ** @param [r] a [const void*] First id (EmbPField*) ** @param [r] b [const void*] Second id (EmbPField*) ** @return [ajint] Comparison value, -1, 0 or +1. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ ajint embDbiCmpFieldField(const void* a, const void* b) { ajint ret; const EmbPField aa; const EmbPField bb; aa = *(EmbPField const *) a; bb = *(EmbPField const *) b; ret = strcmp(aa->field, bb->field); if(ret) return ret; return strcmp(aa->entry, bb->entry); } /* @func embDbiEntryNew ******************************************************* ** ** Constructor for entry structures. ** ** @param [r] nfields [ajuint] Number of data fields to be included ** @return [EmbPEntry] Entry structure. ******************************************************************************/ EmbPEntry embDbiEntryNew(ajuint nfields) { EmbPEntry ret; AJNEW0(ret); ret->nfields = nfields; AJCNEW0(ret->nfield, nfields); AJCNEW0(ret->field, nfields); return ret; } /* @func embDbiEntryDel ******************************************************* ** ** Destructor for entry structures. ** ** @param [d] Pentry [EmbPEntry*] Entry structure ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiEntryDel(EmbPEntry* Pentry) { EmbPEntry entry; ajuint i; ajuint j; if(!*Pentry) return; entry = *Pentry; for(i=0;infields;i++) { for(j=0;jnfield[i];j++) { AJFREE(entry->field[i][j]); } AJFREE(entry->field[i]); } AJFREE(entry->nfield); AJFREE(entry->field); AJFREE(entry->entry); AJFREE(*Pentry); return; } /* @func embDbiEntryDelMap **************************************************** ** ** Destructor for entry structures to be mapped to lists or tables. ** ** @param [d] pthys [void**] Field token structure. ** @param [u] cl [void*] Unused ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiEntryDelMap(void** pthys, void* cl) { EmbPEntry entry; ajuint i; ajuint j; if(!pthys || !*pthys) return; (void) cl; /* make it used */ entry = (*(EmbPEntry*)pthys); for(i=0;infields;i++) { for(j=0;jnfield[i];j++) { AJFREE(entry->field[i][j]); } AJFREE(entry->field[i]); } AJFREE(entry->nfield); AJFREE(entry->field); AJFREE(entry->entry); AJFREE(*pthys); return; } /* @func embDbiFileList ******************************************************* ** ** Makes a list of all files in a directory matching a wildcard file name. ** ** @param [r] dir [const AjPStr] Directory ** @param [r] wildfile [const AjPStr] Wildcard file name ** @param [r] trim [AjBool] Expand to search, trim results ** @return [AjPList] New list of all files with full paths ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList embDbiFileList(const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr wildfile, AjBool trim) { AjPList retlist = NULL; DIR* dp; struct dirent* de; int dirsize; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr tmp; AjPStr s; AjPStr s2; AjPStr t; char *p; char *q; AjPList l; int ll; int i; AjBool d; ajDebug("embDbiFileList dir '%S' wildfile '%S' maxsize %Ld\n", dir, wildfile, (ajlong) INT_MAX); ajStrAssignS(&dbiWildFname,wildfile); tmp = ajStrNewS(dbiWildFname); if(ajStrGetLen(dir)) ajStrAssignS(&dbiDirFix, dir); else ajStrAssignC(&dbiDirFix, CURRENT_DIR); if(ajStrGetCharLast(dbiDirFix) != SLASH_CHAR) ajStrAppendC(&dbiDirFix, SLASH_STRING); if(trim) ajStrAppendC(&dbiWildFname,"*"); dp = opendir(ajStrGetPtr(dbiDirFix)); if(!dp) ajFatal("opendir failed on '%S'", dbiDirFix); s = ajStrNew(); l = ajListNew(); dirsize = 0; retlist = ajListstrNew(); while((de = readdir(dp))) { #ifndef __CYGWIN__ if(!de->d_ino) continue; /* skip deleted files with inode zero */ #endif if(ajCharMatchC(de->d_name, ".")) continue; if(ajCharMatchC(de->d_name, "..")) continue; if(!ajCharMatchWildS(de->d_name, dbiWildFname)) continue; ajStrAssignC(&s,de->d_name); p = q =ajStrGetuniquePtr(&s); if(trim) { p=strrchr(p,(int)'.'); if(p) *p='\0'; } s2 = ajStrNewC(q); ll=ajListGetLength(l); d=ajFalse; for(i=0;i (ajlong) INT_MAX) ajDie("File '%S' too large for DBI indexing", name); ajDebug("accept '%S' (%Ld)\n", s2, ajFilenameGetSize(name)); ajListstrPushAppend(retlist, name); } if(!ajListGetLength(retlist)) ajFatal("No match for file specification %S",tmp); while(ajListPop(l,(void *)&t)) ajStrDel(&t); ajListFree(&l); ajStrDel(&s); ajStrDel(&tmp); closedir(dp); ajDebug("%d files for '%S' '%S'\n", dirsize, dir, dbiWildFname); return retlist; } /* @func embDbiFileListExc **************************************************** ** ** Makes a list of all files in a directory matching a wildcard file name. ** ** @param [r] dir [const AjPStr] Directory ** @param [r] wildfile [const AjPStr] Wildcard file list ** @param [r] exclude [const AjPStr] Wildcard file list ** (NULL if none to exclude) ** @return [AjPList] New list of all files with full paths ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjPList embDbiFileListExc(const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr wildfile, const AjPStr exclude) { AjPList retlist = NULL; DIR* dp; struct dirent* de; ajuint dirsize; AjPStr name = NULL; ajDebug("embDbiFileListExc dir '%S' wildfile '%S' exclude '%S' maxsize %Ld\n", dir, wildfile, exclude, (ajlong) INT_MAX); if(ajStrGetLen(dir)) ajStrAssignS(&dbiDirFix, dir); else ajStrAssignC(&dbiDirFix, CURRENT_DIR); if(ajStrGetCharLast(dbiDirFix) != SLASH_CHAR) ajStrAppendC(&dbiDirFix, SLASH_STRING); ajDebug("dirfix '%S'\n", dbiDirFix); dp = opendir(ajStrGetPtr(dbiDirFix)); if(!dp) ajFatal("opendir failed on '%S'", dbiDirFix); dirsize = 0; retlist = ajListstrNew(); while((de = readdir(dp))) { /* skip deleted files with inode zero */ #ifndef __CYGWIN__ if(!de->d_ino) continue; #endif if(ajCharMatchC(de->d_name, ".")) continue; if(ajCharMatchC(de->d_name, "..")) continue; ajStrAssignC(&dbiInFname, de->d_name); if(exclude && !ajFilenameTestExclude(dbiInFname, exclude, wildfile)) continue; dirsize++; name = NULL; ajFmtPrintS(&name, "%S%S", dbiDirFix, dbiInFname); if(ajFilenameGetSize(name) > (ajlong) INT_MAX) ajDie("File '%S' too large for DBI indexing", name); ajDebug("accept '%S' (%Ld)\n", dbiInFname, ajFilenameGetSize(name)); ajListstrPushAppend(retlist, name); } closedir(dp); ajDebug("%d files for '%S' '%S'\n", dirsize, dir, wildfile); return retlist; } /* @func embDbiFlatOpenlib **************************************************** ** ** Open a flat file library ** ** @param [r] lname [const AjPStr] Source file basename ** @param [u] libr [AjPFile*] Database file ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ AjBool embDbiFlatOpenlib(const AjPStr lname, AjPFile* libr) { ajFileClose(libr); *libr = ajFileNewInNameS(lname); if(!*libr) ajFatal("Cannot open %S for reading",lname); if(!*libr) { ajErr(" cannot open library flat file: %S\n", lname); return ajFalse; } return ajTrue; } /* @func embDbiRmFile ********************************************************* ** ** Remove a file or a set of numbered files ** ** @param [r] dbname [const AjPStr] Database name ** @param [r] ext [const char*] Base file extension ** @param [r] nfiles [ajuint] Number of files, or zero for unnumbered. ** @param [r] cleanup [AjBool] If ajTrue, clean up temporary files after ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiRmFile(const AjPStr dbname, const char* ext, ajuint nfiles, AjBool cleanup) { #ifndef WIN32 ajuint i; if(!cleanup) return; if(nfiles) { ajFmtPrintS(&dbiCmdStr, "rm "); for(i=1; i<= nfiles; i++) ajFmtPrintAppS(&dbiCmdStr, "%S%03d.%s ", dbname, i, ext); } else ajFmtPrintS(&dbiCmdStr, "rm %S.%s", dbname, ext); embDbiSysCmd(dbiCmdStr); return; #else /* WIN32 */ static AjPStr filestr = NULL; ajuint i; if (!cleanup) return; if (nfiles) { for (i=1; i<= nfiles; i++) { ajFmtPrintS (&filestr, "%S%03d.%s", dbname, i, ext); DeleteFile(ajStrGetPtr(filestr)); ajDebug("Deleting file %S\n", filestr); } } else { ajFmtPrintS (&filestr, "%S.%s", dbname, ext); DeleteFile(ajStrGetPtr(filestr)); ajDebug("Deleting file %S\n", filestr); } return; #endif /* WIN32 */ } /* @func embDbiRmFileI ******************************************************** ** ** Remove a numbered file ** ** @param [r] dbname [const AjPStr] Database name ** @param [r] ext [const char*] Base file extension ** @param [r] ifile [ajuint] File number. ** @param [r] cleanup [AjBool] If ajTrue, clean up temporary files after ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiRmFileI(const AjPStr dbname, const char* ext, ajuint ifile, AjBool cleanup) { #ifndef WIN32 if(!cleanup) return; ajFmtPrintS(&dbiCmdStr, "rm %S%03d.%s ", dbname, ifile, ext); embDbiSysCmd(dbiCmdStr); #else static AjPStr filestr = NULL; if (!cleanup) return; ajFmtPrintS (&filestr, "%S%03d.%s ", dbname, ifile, ext); DeleteFile(ajStrGetPtr(filestr)); ajDebug("Deleting file %S\n", filestr); #endif /* WIN32 */ return; } /* @func embDbiRmEntryFile **************************************************** ** ** Remove the sorted entryname file (kept until end of processing ** as it is the sorted list of all entries, used to count entries for ** field indexing. ** ** @param [r] dbname [const AjPStr] Database name ** @param [r] cleanup [AjBool] If ajTrue, clean up temporary files after ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiRmEntryFile(const AjPStr dbname, AjBool cleanup) { embDbiRmFile(dbname, "idsrt", 0, cleanup); return; } /* @func embDbiSortFile ******************************************************* ** ** Sort a file, or a set of numbered files, individually ** ** @param [r] dbname [const AjPStr] Database name ** @param [r] ext1 [const char*] Input file extension ** @param [r] ext2 [const char*] Output file extension ** @param [r] nfiles [ajuint] Number of files to sort (zero if unnumbered) ** @param [r] cleanup [AjBool] If ajTrue, clean up temporary files after ** @param [r] sortopt [const AjPStr] Extra options for the system sort ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiSortFile(const AjPStr dbname, const char* ext1, const char* ext2, ajuint nfiles, AjBool cleanup, const AjPStr sortopt) { ajuint i; AjPStr dir = NULL; ajuint j; ajuint isplit; ajuint nsplit; double td; #ifndef WIN32 static const char *prog = "env LC_ALL=C sort"; dir = ajStrNewC(""); #else static const char *prog = "sort.exe"; char* sortProgDir = getenv("EMBOSS_ROOT"); if (sortProgDir == NULL) { AjPStr msg = ajStrNewC("EMBOSS_ROOT"); ajStrAppendC(&msg, " environment variable not defined"); ajFatal(ajStrGetPtr(msg)); } dir = ajStrNewC(sortProgDir); ajStrAppendC(&dir,SLASH_STRING); #endif if(nfiles) { for(i=1; i<=nfiles; i++) { ajFmtPrintS(&dbiInFname, "%S%03d.%s ", dbname, i, ext1); ajFmtPrintS(&dbiOutFname, "%S%03d.%s.srt", dbname, i, ext1); if(sortopt) ajFmtPrintS(&dbiCmdStr, "%S%s -o %S %S %S", dir,prog,dbiOutFname,sortopt,dbiInFname); else ajFmtPrintS(&dbiCmdStr, "%S%s -o %S %S", dir,prog,dbiOutFname,dbiInFname); embDbiSysCmd(dbiCmdStr); embDbiRmFileI(dbname, ext1, i, cleanup); } td = sqrt(nfiles); nsplit = (ajuint) td; ajDebug("embDbiSortFile nfiles:%d split:%d\n", nfiles, nsplit); /* file merge in groups if more than 24 files ... avoids huge merges */ if(nsplit < 2) /* up to 3 source files */ { ajFmtPrintS(&dbiCmdStr, "%S%s -m -o %S.%s %S", dir,prog,dbname,ext2,sortopt); for(i=1; i<=nfiles; i++) ajFmtPrintAppS(&dbiCmdStr, " %S%03d.%s.srt", dbname, i, ext1); embDbiSysCmd(dbiCmdStr); ajFmtPrintS(&dbiSortExt, "%s.srt ", ext1); for(i=1; i<=nfiles; i++) embDbiRmFileI(dbname, ajStrGetPtr(dbiSortExt), i, cleanup); } else { ajFmtPrintS(&dbiCmdStr2, "%S%s -m -o %S.%s %S", dir,prog,dbname,ext2,sortopt); isplit = 0; for(i=1; i<=nfiles; i+=nsplit) { isplit++; ajFmtPrintAppS(&dbiCmdStr2, " %S%03d.%s.mrg1", dbname, isplit, ext2); /* Now we make that .mrg1 file */ ajFmtPrintS(&dbiCmdStr, "%S%s -m -o %S%03d.%s.mrg1 %S", dir,prog,dbname,isplit,ext2,sortopt); for(j=0; jfilenum = ifile+1; ajListPushAppend(idlist, entry); for(ifield=0; ifield < nfields; ifield++) for(i=0;infield[ifield]; i++) { fieldData = embDbiFieldNew(); fieldData->entry = entry->entry; fieldData->field = entry->field[ifield][i]; ajListPushAppend(fieldList[ifield], fieldData); } return; } /* @func embDbiSortWriteEntry ************************************************* ** ** Write the entryname index file using data from the entry sort file. ** ** @param [u] entFile [AjPFile] Entry file ** @param [r] maxidlen [ajuint] Maximum id length ** @param [r] dbname [const AjPStr] Database name (used in temp file names) ** @param [r] nfiles [ajuint] Number of files ** @param [r] cleanup [AjBool] Cleanup temp files if true ** @param [r] sortopt [const AjPStr] Sort commandline options ** @return [ajuint] Number of entries ******************************************************************************/ ajuint embDbiSortWriteEntry(AjPFile entFile, ajuint maxidlen, const AjPStr dbname, ajuint nfiles, AjBool cleanup, const AjPStr sortopt) { AjPFile esortfile; ajint rpos; ajint spos; ajint filenum; ajuint idcnt = 0; if(!dbiRegEntryIdSort) dbiRegEntryIdSort = ajRegCompC("^([^ ]+) +([0-9]+) +([0-9]+) +([0-9]+)"); embDbiSortFile(dbname, "list", "idsrt", nfiles, cleanup, sortopt); ajStrAssignC(&dbiLastId, " "); esortfile = embDbiFileIn(dbname, "idsrt"); while(ajReadline(esortfile, &dbiRdLine)) { ajRegExec(dbiRegEntryIdSort, dbiRdLine); ajRegSubI(dbiRegEntryIdSort, 1, &dbiIdStr); ajRegSubI(dbiRegEntryIdSort, 2, &dbiTmpStr); ajStrToInt(dbiTmpStr, &rpos); ajRegSubI(dbiRegEntryIdSort, 3, &dbiTmpStr); ajStrToInt(dbiTmpStr, &spos); ajRegSubI(dbiRegEntryIdSort, 4, &dbiTmpStr); ajStrToInt(dbiTmpStr, &filenum); if(ajStrMatchCaseS(dbiIdStr, dbiLastId)) { ajDebug("Duplicate ID '%S' filenum: %d", dbiIdStr, filenum); ajWarn("Duplicate ID skipped: '%S' " "All hits will point to first ID found", dbiIdStr); continue; } embDbiWriteEntryRecord(entFile, maxidlen, dbiIdStr, rpos, spos, filenum); ajStrAssignS(&dbiLastId, dbiIdStr); idcnt++; } ajFileClose(&esortfile); return idcnt; } /* @func embDbiMemWriteEntry ************************************************** ** ** Write entryname index for in-memory processing ** ** @param [u] entFile [AjPFile] entryname index file ** @param [r] maxidlen [ajuint] Maximum entry id length ** @param [r] idlist [const AjPList] List of entry IDs to be written ** @param [w] ids [void***] AjPStr* array of IDs from list ** @return [ajuint] Number of entries written (excluding duplicates) ******************************************************************************/ ajuint embDbiMemWriteEntry(AjPFile entFile, ajuint maxidlen, const AjPList idlist, void ***ids) { ajuint idCount; ajuint i; EmbPEntry entry; ajuint idcnt = 0; idCount = ajListToarray(idlist, ids); qsort(*ids, idCount, sizeof(void*), embDbiCmpId); ajDebug("ids sorted\n"); for(i = 0; i < idCount; i++) { entry = (EmbPEntry)(*ids)[i]; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(dbiIdStr, entry->entry)) { ajErr("Duplicate ID found: '%S'. ", dbiIdStr); continue; } ajStrAssignC(&dbiIdStr, entry->entry); embDbiWriteEntryRecord(entFile, maxidlen, dbiIdStr, entry->rpos, entry->spos, entry->filenum); idcnt++; } return idcnt; } /* @func embDbiSortWriteFields ************************************************ ** ** Write the indices for a field. ** ** @param [r] dbname [const AjPStr] Database name (used for temp file names) ** @param [r] release [const AjPStr] Release number as a string ** @param [r] date [const char[4]] Date ** @param [r] indexdir [const AjPStr] Index directory ** @param [r] fieldname [const AjPStr] Field name (used for temp file names) ** @param [r] maxFieldLen [ajuint] Maximum field token length ** @param [r] nfiles [ajuint] Number of data files ** @param [r] nentries [ajuint] Number of entries ** @param [r] cleanup [AjBool] Cleanup temp files if true ** @param [r] sortopt [const AjPStr] Sort command line options ** @return [ajuint] Number of unique field targets written ******************************************************************************/ ajuint embDbiSortWriteFields(const AjPStr dbname, const AjPStr release, const char date[4], const AjPStr indexdir, const AjPStr fieldname, ajuint maxFieldLen, ajuint nfiles, ajuint nentries, AjBool cleanup, const AjPStr sortopt) { AjPFile asortfile; AjPFile asrt2file; AjPFile blistfile; AjPFile elistfile; ajuint ient; ajuint fieldCount=0; ajuint idwidth; AjPFile trgFile; AjPFile hitFile; short alen; ajuint asize; ajuint ahsize; ajuint itoken = 0; ajuint i; ajuint j; ajuint k; ajint idnum; ajint lastidnum; ajStrAssignC(&dbiFieldName, dbiFieldFile(fieldname)); ajFmtPrintS(&dbiTmpStr, "%d", nentries); idwidth = ajStrGetLen(dbiTmpStr); if(!dbiRegFieldIdSort) dbiRegFieldIdSort = ajRegCompC("^([^ ]+) +"); if(!dbiRegFieldTokSort) dbiRegFieldTokSort = ajRegCompC("^([^ ]+) +([^\n]+)"); if(!dbiRegFieldTokIdSort) dbiRegFieldTokIdSort = ajRegCompC("^(.*[^ ]) +([0-9]+)\n$"); ajFmtPrintS(&dbiFieldId2, "%S_id2", dbiFieldName); ajFmtPrintS(&dbiFieldSort, "%S_sort", dbiFieldName); ajFmtPrintS(&dbiFieldSort2, "%S_sort2", dbiFieldName); trgFile = embDbiFileIndex(indexdir, dbiFieldName, "trg"); hitFile = embDbiFileIndex(indexdir, dbiFieldName, "hit"); embDbiSortFile(dbname, ajStrGetPtr(dbiFieldName), ajStrGetPtr(dbiFieldSort), nfiles, cleanup, sortopt); /* put in the entry numbers and remove the names */ /* read dbname.srt, for each entry, increment the count */ elistfile = embDbiFileIn(dbname, "idsrt"); asortfile = embDbiFileIn(dbname, ajStrGetPtr(dbiFieldSort)); blistfile = embDbiFileOut(dbname, ajStrGetPtr(dbiFieldId2)); fieldCount = 0; ient=0; ajStrAssignC(&dbiCurrentId, ""); while(ajReadline(asortfile, &dbiRdLine)) { ajRegExec(dbiRegFieldTokSort, dbiRdLine); ajRegSubI(dbiRegFieldTokSort, 1, &dbiIdStr); ajRegSubI(dbiRegFieldTokSort, 2, &dbiFieldStr); while(!ajStrMatchS(dbiIdStr, dbiCurrentId)) { ajStrAssignS(&dbiFieldId, dbiCurrentId); if(!ajReadline(elistfile, &dbiIdLine)) ajFatal("Error in embDbiSortWriteFields, " "expected entry %S not found", dbiIdStr); ajRegExec(dbiRegFieldIdSort, dbiIdLine); ajRegSubI(dbiRegFieldIdSort, 1, &dbiCurrentId); if(!ajStrMatchS(dbiFieldId, dbiCurrentId)) ient++; } ajFmtPrintF(blistfile, "%S %0*d\n", dbiFieldStr, idwidth, ient); fieldCount++; } ajFileClose(&asortfile); ajFileClose(&blistfile); ajFileClose(&elistfile); /* sort again */ embDbiRmFile(dbname, ajStrGetPtr(dbiFieldSort), 0, cleanup); embDbiSortFile(dbname, ajStrGetPtr(dbiFieldId2), ajStrGetPtr(dbiFieldSort2), 0, cleanup, sortopt); alen = maxFieldLen+8; asize = 300 + (fieldCount*(ajuint)alen); /* to be fixed later */ embDbiHeader(trgFile, asize, fieldCount, alen, dbname, release, date); ahsize = 300 + (fieldCount*4); embDbiHeader(hitFile, ahsize, fieldCount, 4, dbname, release, date); itoken = 0; j = 0; k = 1; i = 0; lastidnum = 999999999; ajStrAssignC(&dbiFieldId, ""); asrt2file = embDbiFileIn(dbname, ajStrGetPtr(dbiFieldSort2)); while(ajReadline(asrt2file, &dbiRdLine)) { ajRegExec(dbiRegFieldTokIdSort, dbiRdLine); ajRegSubI(dbiRegFieldTokIdSort, 1, &dbiIdStr); ajRegSubI(dbiRegFieldTokIdSort, 2, &dbiTmpStr); ajStrToInt(dbiTmpStr, &idnum); if(!i) ajStrAssignS(&dbiFieldId, dbiIdStr); if(!ajStrMatchS(dbiFieldId, dbiIdStr)) { embDbiWriteHit(hitFile, idnum); embDbiWriteTrg(trgFile, maxFieldLen, j, k, dbiFieldId); j = 1; /* number of hits */ k = i+1; /* first hit */ ajStrAssignS(&dbiFieldId, dbiIdStr); i++; itoken++; lastidnum=idnum; } else if(idnum != lastidnum) /* dbiIdStr is the same */ { embDbiWriteHit(hitFile, idnum); lastidnum = idnum; j++; i++; } } ajFileClose(&asrt2file); embDbiRmFile(dbname, ajStrGetPtr(dbiFieldSort2), 0, cleanup); ajDebug("targets i:%d itoken: %d\n", i, itoken); if(i) { /* possibly there were no target tokens */ embDbiWriteTrg(trgFile, maxFieldLen, j, k, dbiFieldId); itoken++; } ajDebug("wrote %F %d\n", trgFile, itoken); embDbiHeaderSize(trgFile, 300+itoken*(ajuint)alen, itoken); ajDebug("finished...\n%7d files\n%7d %F\n%7d %F\n", nfiles, itoken, trgFile, fieldCount, hitFile); ajFileClose(&trgFile); ajFileClose(&hitFile); return itoken; } /* @func embDbiMemWriteFields ************************************************* ** ** Write the fields indices ** ** @param [r] dbname [const AjPStr] Database name (used for temp file names) ** @param [r] release [const AjPStr] Release number as a string ** @param [r] date [const char[4]] Date ** @param [r] indexdir [const AjPStr] Index directory ** @param [r] fieldname [const AjPStr] Field name (used for file names) ** @param [r] maxFieldLen [ajuint] Maximum field token length ** @param [r] fieldList [const AjPList] List of field tokens to be written ** @param [r] ids [void**] AjPStr* array offield token s from list ** @return [ajuint] Number of unique field targets written ******************************************************************************/ ajuint embDbiMemWriteFields(const AjPStr dbname,const AjPStr release, const char date[4], const AjPStr indexdir, const AjPStr fieldname, ajuint maxFieldLen, const AjPList fieldList, void** ids) { AjPStr field = NULL; ajuint fieldCount = 0; ajuint ient; ajuint fieldent; ajuint i; ajuint j; ajint k; void **fieldItems = NULL; AjPFile trgFile; AjPFile hitFile; short alen; ajuint asize; ajuint ahsize; ajuint itoken = 0; ajuint idup = 0; EmbPField fieldData = NULL; static const char* lastfd = ""; ajuint lastidnum = 0; ajStrAssignC(&field, dbiFieldFile(fieldname)); trgFile = embDbiFileIndex(indexdir, field, "trg"); hitFile = embDbiFileIndex(indexdir, field, "hit"); fieldCount = ajListToarray(fieldList, &fieldItems); ajDebug("fieldItems: %d %x\n", fieldCount, fieldItems); if(fieldCount) { qsort(fieldItems, fieldCount, sizeof(void*), embDbiCmpFieldId); ajDebug("%S sorted by id\n", field); ient = 0; fieldent = 0; while(ids[ient] && fieldItems[fieldent]) { k = strcmp(((EmbPEntry)ids[ient])->entry, ((EmbPField)fieldItems[fieldent])->entry); if(k < 0) ient++; else if(k > 0) fieldent++; else ((EmbPField)fieldItems[fieldent++])->nid = ient+1; } ajDebug("checked ids: %d fieldItems: %d %d\n", ient, fieldent, fieldCount); qsort(fieldItems, fieldCount, sizeof(void*), embDbiCmpFieldField); ajDebug("%S sorted by %S\n", field, field); } alen = maxFieldLen+8; asize = 300 + (fieldCount*(ajuint)alen); /* to be fixed later */ embDbiHeader(trgFile, asize, fieldCount, alen, dbname, release, date); ahsize = 300 + (fieldCount*4); embDbiHeader(hitFile, ahsize, fieldCount, 4, dbname, release, date); itoken = 0; j = 0; k = 1; idup=0; for(i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { fieldData = (EmbPField)fieldItems[i]; if(!i) { lastfd = fieldData->field; lastidnum = 999999999; } if(strcmp(lastfd, fieldData->field)) { embDbiWriteHit(hitFile, fieldData->nid); ajStrAssignC(&dbiFieldStr, lastfd); embDbiWriteTrg(trgFile, maxFieldLen, j, k,dbiFieldStr); j = 1; k = i+1-idup; itoken++; lastfd = fieldData->field; lastidnum=fieldData->nid; } else if(fieldData->nid != lastidnum) /* lastfd is the same */ { embDbiWriteHit(hitFile, fieldData->nid); lastidnum = fieldData->nid; j++; } else idup++; } ajStrAssignC(&dbiFieldStr, lastfd); if(fieldCount) { embDbiWriteTrg(trgFile, maxFieldLen, j, k, dbiFieldStr); itoken++; } ajDebug("wrote %F %d\n", trgFile, itoken); embDbiHeaderSize(trgFile, 300+itoken*(ajuint)alen, itoken); ajDebug("finished...\n%7d %F\n%7d %F\n", itoken, trgFile, fieldCount, hitFile); ajFileClose(&trgFile); ajFileClose(&hitFile); ajStrDel(&field); AJFREE(fieldItems); return itoken; } /* @func embDbiDateSet ******************************************************** ** ** Sets the date as an integer array from a formatted string. ** The integer array is the internal format in database index headers ** ** @param [r] datestr [const AjPStr] Date as a string ** @param [w] date [char[4]] Data char (1 byte int) array ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiDateSet(const AjPStr datestr, char date[4]) { ajuint i; ajint j; if(!dbiRegDate) dbiRegDate = ajRegCompC("^([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)"); date[3] = 0; if(ajRegExec(dbiRegDate, datestr)) for(i=1; i<4; i++) { ajRegSubI(dbiRegDate, i, &dbiTmpStr); ajStrToInt(dbiTmpStr, &j); date[3-i] = j; } return; } /* @func embDbiMaxlen ********************************************************* ** ** Compares a string to a maximum string length. ** ** A negative maximum length limits the string to that absolute length. ** ** A non-negative length is updated if the string is longer ** ** @param [u] token [AjPStr*] Token string ** @param [u] maxlen [ajint*] Maximum string length ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiMaxlen(AjPStr* token, ajint* maxlen) { if(*maxlen < 0) ajStrKeepRange(token, 1, -(*maxlen)); else { if((ajint)ajStrGetLen(*token) > *maxlen) *maxlen = ajStrGetLen(*token); } return; } /* @func embDbiLogHeader ****************************************************** ** ** Writes the header to a database indexing logfile ** ** @param [u] logfile [AjPFile] Log file ** @param [r] dbname [const AjPStr] Database name ** @param [r] release [const AjPStr] Release number, name or code ** @param [r] datestr [const AjPStr] Indexing date as a string dd/mm/yy ** @param [r] indexdir [const AjPStr] Index directory relative path ** @param [r] maxindex [ajuint] Maximum index token length (usually zero) ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiLogHeader(AjPFile logfile, const AjPStr dbname, const AjPStr release, const AjPStr datestr, const AjPStr indexdir, ajuint maxindex) { AjPStr dirname = NULL; AjPTime today = NULL; today = ajTimeNewTodayFmt("report"); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "########################################\n"); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# Program: %S\n", ajAcdGetProgram()); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# Rundate: %D\n", today); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# Dbname: %S\n", dbname); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# Release: %S\n", release); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# Date: %S\n", datestr); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# CurrentDirectory: %S\n", ajFileValueCwd()); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# IndexDirectory: %S\n", indexdir); ajStrAssignS(&dirname, indexdir); ajDirnameFillPath(&dirname); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# IndexDirectoryPath: %S\n", dirname); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# Maxindex: %d\n", maxindex); ajTimeDel(&today); ajStrDel(&dirname); return; } /* @func embDbiLogFields ****************************************************** ** ** Writes database indexing logfile report of fields selected for indexing ** ** @param [u] logfile [AjPFile] Log file ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const *] Field names ** @param [r] nfields [ajuint] Number of fields ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embDbiLogFields(AjPFile logfile, AjPStr const * fields, ajuint nfields) { ajuint i; ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# Fields: %d\n", nfields+1); ajFmtPrintF(logfile, "# Field 1: id\n"); for(i=0;i