/* @source embcons.c ** ** General routines for consensus. ** Copyright (c) Copyright 2001 (C) Tim Carver (tcarver@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include /* for tolower function */ #include /* for INT_MAX */ /* @func embConsCalc ********************************************************** ** ** Calculates a consensus. ** ** @param [r] seqset [const AjPSeqset] multiple alignment ** @param [r] cmpmatrix [const AjPMatrix] comparison scoring matrix ** @param [r] nseqs [ajint] number of sequences in alignment ** @param [r] mlen [ajint] length of alignment ** @param [r] fplural [float] no. of +ve scoring matches below which ** there is no consensus ** @param [r] setcase [float] case set if score above/below +ve matching ** threshold ** @param [r] identity [ajint] number of identical symbols required ** for consesnsus ** @param [r] gaps [AjBool] Allow gap characters in the consensus ** @param [w] cons [AjPStr *] the created consensus sequence ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ void embConsCalc(const AjPSeqset seqset,const AjPMatrix cmpmatrix, ajint nseqs, ajint mlen,float fplural,float setcase, ajint identity, AjBool gaps, AjPStr *cons) { ajint i; ajint j; ajint k; ajint **matrix; ajint m1 = 0; ajint m2 = 0; ajint highindex; ajint matsize; ajint matchingmaxindex; ajint identicalmaxindex; float max; float contri = 0; float contrj = 0; float *identical; float *matching; AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; AjPFloat score = NULL; const char **seqcharptr; char res; char nocon = '-'; void *freeptr; matrix = ajMatrixArray(cmpmatrix); cvt = ajMatrixCvt(cmpmatrix); /* return conversion table */ matsize = ajMatrixSize(cmpmatrix); AJCNEW(seqcharptr,nseqs); AJCNEW(identical,matsize); AJCNEW(matching,matsize); score = ajFloatNew(); if(ajSeqsetIsNuc(seqset)) /* set non-consensus character */ nocon = 'N'; else if ( ajSeqsetIsProt(seqset)) nocon = 'X'; for(i=0;i max || (ajFloatGet(score,i) == max && seqcharptr[highindex][k] == '-') ) { highindex = i; max = ajFloatGet(score,i); } } for(i=0;i 0) // matching[m1] += ajSeqsetGetseqWeight(seqset, j); // } */ m2 = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[j][k]); if(m1 && m2 && matrix[m1][m2] > 0) matching[m1] += ajSeqsetGetseqWeight(seqset, j); if(gaps && !m1 && !m2) matching[m1] += ajSeqsetGetseqWeight(seqset, j); } } matchingmaxindex = 0; /* get max matching and identical */ identicalmaxindex = 0; for(i=0;i identical[identicalmaxindex]) identicalmaxindex = m1; } for(i=0;i matching[matchingmaxindex]) matchingmaxindex = m1; else if(matching[m1] == matching[matchingmaxindex]) if(identical[m1] > identical[matchingmaxindex]) matchingmaxindex = m1; } /* plurality check */ m1 = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt,seqcharptr[highindex][k]); /* if(matching[m1] >= fplural && seqcharptr[highindex][k] != '-') res = seqcharptr[highindex][k];*/ if(matching[m1] >= fplural) res = seqcharptr[highindex][k]; if(matching[m1]<= setcase) res = tolower((int)res); if(identity) /* if just looking for id's */ { j = 0; for(i=0;i