Local and Remote File Manager
The users local and the remote file systems can be
displayed. The local files are those stored on the computer
that Jemboss is being run on. The remote files
are the users files located on the server machine
that runs the EMBOSS applications.
Drag and Drop Files
This is the mechanism wherby a file is selected with the
mouse and dragged to a new folder within the file system.
This can also be used to define a sequence in an EMBOSS
application form in Jemboss by dragging and dropping the
file from the file manager to the form.
Transferring Files
Files can be transferred between the two file systems.
Select the file that you want to transfer. Drag it into
the other file manager until a file in the directory or
the directory node you want the file to be put in is
highlighted. The file will then appear in that file system.
Displaying File
Double click on the file you want to display on the screen.
Alternatively, select the file and right click to use the
popup menu and select 'Open With' to open the file in the
'Jemboss Alignment Editor' or the 'Text Editor'.
Saving Files
When a file is opened and displayed it can be saved to the
local file system. Goto the 'File' menu and click on 'Save'.
'Rename', 'New Folder', 'Delete' Using the popup menu
Right click on one of the file managers and a popup menu
appears. This allows the user to rename and delete files,
also directories can be created. To carry out these functions
a file needs to be selected that will be renamed or deleted.
To create a new directory folder select a file in the
directory which the new folder will be created.
'Refresh' File Manager
The file manager display can be refreshed manually by
right clicking and selecting refresh in the popup menu.
Refreshing the file manager may be necessary if files
are created outside of the Jemboss interface.
Multiple File Selection
Multiple files can be selected and deleted. To select the
files keep the control key pressed and click on the files
or if selecting a block of file use the shift key. At the
moment there are no other multiple file operations implemented.