/* @source water application ** ** True Smith-Waterman best local alignment ** @author Copyright (C) Alan Bleasby (ableasby@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" /* @prog water **************************************************************** ** ** Smith-Waterman local alignment ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPAlign align; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq a; AjPSeq b; AjPStr m; AjPStr n; AjPStr ss; AjBool show = ajFalse; ajuint lena; ajuint lenb; const char *p; const char *q; ajint start1 = 0; ajint start2 = 0; float *path; ajint *compass; AjPMatrixf matrix; AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; float **sub; float gapopen; float gapextend; ajulong maxarr = 1000; ajulong len; float score; ajint begina; ajint beginb; AjBool dobrief = ajTrue; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; float id = 0.; float sim = 0.; float idx = 0.; float simx = 0.; size_t stlen; embInit("water", argc, argv); matrix = ajAcdGetMatrixf("datafile"); a = ajAcdGetSeq("asequence"); ajSeqTrim(a); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("bsequence"); gapopen = ajAcdGetFloat("gapopen"); gapextend = ajAcdGetFloat("gapextend"); dobrief = ajAcdGetBoolean("brief"); align = ajAcdGetAlign("outfile"); /* obsolete. Can be uncommented in acd file and here to reuse */ /* show = ajAcdGetBoolean("showinternals"); */ m = ajStrNew(); n = ajStrNew(); ss = ajStrNew(); gapopen = ajRoundF(gapopen, 8); gapextend = ajRoundF(gapextend, 8); AJCNEW(path, maxarr); AJCNEW(compass, maxarr); sub = ajMatrixfArray(matrix); cvt = ajMatrixfCvt(matrix); begina=ajSeqGetBegin(a)+ajSeqGetOffset(a); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall,&b)) { lena = ajSeqGetLen(a); ajSeqTrim(b); lenb = ajSeqGetLen(b); if(lenb > (ULONG_MAX/(ajulong)(lena+1))) ajFatal("Sequences too big. Try 'matcher' or 'supermatcher'"); len = lena*lenb; if(len>maxarr) { stlen = (size_t) len; AJCRESIZE(path,stlen); if(!path) ajFatal("Sequences too big. Try 'matcher' or 'supermatcher'"); AJCRESIZE(compass,stlen); if(!compass) ajFatal("Sequences too big. Try 'matcher' or 'supermatcher'"); maxarr=len; } beginb=ajSeqGetBegin(b)+ajSeqGetOffset(b); p = ajSeqGetSeqC(a); q = ajSeqGetSeqC(b); ajStrAssignC(&m,""); ajStrAssignC(&n,""); score = embAlignPathCalcSW(p,q,lena,lenb,gapopen,gapextend,path,sub,cvt, compass,show); /*score=embAlignScoreSWMatrix(path,compass,gapopen,gapextend,a,b,lena, lenb,sub,cvt,&start1,&start2);*/ embAlignWalkSWMatrix(path,compass,gapopen,gapextend,a,b,&m,&n, lena,lenb,&start1,&start2); ajDebug("ReportLocal call start1:%d begina:%d start2:%d beginb:%d\n", start1, begina, start2, beginb); embAlignReportLocal(align, a, b, m, n, start1, start2, gapopen, gapextend, score, matrix, begina, beginb); if(!dobrief) { embAlignCalcSimilarity(m,n,sub,cvt,lena,lenb,&id,&sim,&idx, &simx); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr,"Longest_Identity = %5.2f%%\n", id); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr,"Longest_Similarity = %5.2f%%\n", sim); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr,"Shortest_Identity = %5.2f%%\n", idx); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr,"Shortest_Similarity = %5.2f%%", simx); ajAlignSetSubHeaderApp(align, tmpstr); } ajAlignWrite(align); ajAlignReset(align); } ajAlignClose(align); ajAlignDel(&align); AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); AJFREE(compass); AJFREE(path); ajStrDel(&n); ajStrDel(&m); ajStrDel(&ss); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&a); ajSeqDel(&b); embExit(); return 0; }