/* @source vectorstrip application ** ** Looks for user defined linkers in a sequence and outputs ** only the sequence that lies between those linkers. ** @author Copyright (C) Val Curwen (vcurwen@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include "stdlib.h" /* @datastatic CPattern ******************************************************* ** ** vectorstrip internals ** ** @alias clip_pattern ** ** @attr patstr [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr origpat [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr len [ajuint] Undocumented ** @attr real_len [ajuint] Undocumented ** @attr amino [AjBool] Undocumented ** @attr carboxyl [AjBool] Undocumented ** @attr buf [ajint*] Undocumented ** @attr sotable [ajuint*] Undocumented ** @attr solimit [ajuint] Undocumented ** @attr type [ajuint] Undocumented ** @attr off [EmbOPatBYPNode[AJALPHA]] Undocumented ** @attr re [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr skipm [ajuint**] Undocumented ** @attr tidy [const void*] Undocumented ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct clip_pattern { AjPStr patstr; AjPStr origpat; ajuint len; ajuint real_len; AjBool amino; AjBool carboxyl; ajint* buf; ajuint* sotable; ajuint solimit; ajuint type; EmbOPatBYPNode off[AJALPHA]; AjPStr re; ajuint** skipm; const void* tidy; }*CPattern; /* @datastatic Vector ********************************************************* ** ** vectorstrip internals ** ** @alias vector ** ** @attr name [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr fiveprime [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr threeprime [AjPStr] Undocumented ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct vector { AjPStr name; AjPStr fiveprime; AjPStr threeprime; }*Vector; /* constructors */ static void vectorstrip_initialise_cp(CPattern* pat); static Vector vectorstrip_initialise_vector(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr five, const AjPStr three); static void vectorstrip_read_vector_data(AjPFile vectorfile, AjPList vectorlist); /* destructors */ static void vectorstrip_free_list(AjPList *list); static void vectorstrip_free_cp(CPattern* pat); static void vectorstrip_vlistdel(AjPList* vlist); /* data processing */ static void vectorstrip_process_pattern(const AjPStr pat, AjPList hitlist, const AjPStr seqname, const AjPStr seqstr, ajint threshold, ajint begin, AjBool besthits); static void vectorstrip_process_hits(const AjPList fivelist, const AjPList threelist, const AjPSeq sequence, AjPSeqout seqout, AjPFile outf); static void vectorstrip_scan_sequence(const Vector vector, AjPSeqout seqout, AjPFile outf, AjPSeq sequence, ajint mis_per, AjBool besthits, AjBool allsequences); static void vectorstrip_ccs_pattern(const AjPStr pattern, AjPList hitlist, const AjPStr seqname, const AjPStr seqstr, ajint begin, ajuint* hits, ajint mm); /* result output */ static void vectorstrip_print_sequence(const AjPSeq sequence, ajint start, ajint end, AjPFile outf); static void vectorstrip_write_sequence(const AjPSeq sequence, AjPSeqout seqout, ajint start, ajint end); static void vectorstrip_print_hits(AjPList l, AjPFile outf, const AjPStr seq, ajint begin); static void vectorstrip_reportseq(const AjPStr seqstr, AjPFile outf); /* @prog vectorstrip ********************************************************** ** ** Strips out DNA between a pair of vector sequences ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* sequence related */ AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPSeqout seqout; AjPFile outf; ajint threshold; AjBool vec = AJFALSE; AjPFile vectorfile; AjPList vectorlist = NULL; AjBool besthits = AJTRUE; AjBool allsequences; Vector vvec; /* pattern related */ AjPStr fiveprime = NULL; AjPStr threeprime = NULL; /* get values for parameters */ embInit("vectorstrip", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outseq"); vec = ajAcdGetToggle("vectorfile"); besthits = ajAcdGetBoolean("besthits"); fiveprime = ajAcdGetString("linkerA"); threeprime = ajAcdGetString("linkerB"); vectorfile = ajAcdGetInfile("vectorsFILE"); allsequences = ajAcdGetBoolean("allsequences"); vectorlist = ajListNew(); /* data from command line or file? */ if(vec == AJTRUE) vectorstrip_read_vector_data(vectorfile, vectorlist); else { Vector v = NULL; AjPStr name = NULL; name = ajStrNewC("no_name"); v = vectorstrip_initialise_vector(name, fiveprime, threeprime); ajListPushAppend(vectorlist, v); ajStrDel(&name); } threshold = ajAcdGetInt("mismatch"); /* check there are vectors to be searched */ if(!ajListGetLength(vectorlist)) { ajErr("No suitable vectors found - exiting"); embExitBad(); return 0; } /* search each sequence for the vectors */ while(ajSeqallNext(seqall,&seq)) { AjIList iter=ajListIterNewread(vectorlist); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { vvec = ajListIterGet(iter); vectorstrip_scan_sequence(vvec, seqout, outf, seq, threshold, besthits, allsequences); } ajListIterDel(&iter); } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajStrDel(&fiveprime); ajStrDel(&threeprime); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); ajFileClose(&vectorfile); vectorstrip_vlistdel(&vectorlist); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_vlistdel ******************************************* ** ** Undocumented. ** ** @param [d] vlist [AjPList*] vectors ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_vlistdel(AjPList* vlist) { Vector v = NULL; while(ajListPop(*vlist,(void **)&v)) { ajStrDel(&v->name); ajStrDel(&v->fiveprime); ajStrDel(&v->threeprime); AJFREE(v); } ajListFree(vlist); } /* "constructors" */ /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_initialise_cp ************************************** ** ** Initialises data members of a CPattern. ** ** @param [w] pat [CPattern*] CPattern to be initialised ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_initialise_cp(CPattern* pat) { AJNEW(*pat); (*pat)->patstr = NULL; (*pat)->origpat = ajStrNew(); (*pat)->type = 0; (*pat)->len = 0; (*pat)->real_len = 0; (*pat)->re = NULL; (*pat)->amino = 0; (*pat)->carboxyl = 0; (*pat)->buf = NULL; (*pat)->sotable = NULL; (*pat)->solimit = 0; (*pat)->skipm = NULL; (*pat)->tidy = NULL; return; } /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_initialise_vector ********************************** ** ** Initialises data members of a Vector. ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] string representing name of vector ** @param [r] five [const AjPStr] string representing 5' pattern ** @param [r] three [const AjPStr] string representing 3' pattern ** @return [Vector] Vector object ******************************************************************************/ static Vector vectorstrip_initialise_vector(const AjPStr name, const AjPStr five, const AjPStr three) { Vector vec; AJNEW(vec); vec->name = ajStrNewS(name); vec->fiveprime = ajStrNewS(five); vec->threeprime = ajStrNewS(three); return vec; } /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_read_vector_data *********************************** ** ** Reads vector data from a file into a list of Vectors. ** ** @param [u] vectorfile [AjPFile] the file containing vector data ** @param [w] vectorlist [AjPList] list to store vector data ** contains one node for each set of ** vector data in vectorfile ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_read_vector_data(AjPFile vectorfile, AjPList vectorlist) { AjPStr rdline = NULL; AjPStrTok handle = NULL; Vector vector = NULL; while(ajReadlineTrim(vectorfile, &rdline)) { AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr five = NULL; AjPStr three = NULL; vector = NULL; if(ajStrGetCharFirst(rdline) == '#') continue; if(ajStrSuffixC(rdline, "..")) continue; handle = ajStrTokenNewC(rdline, " \t"); ajStrTokenNextParse(&handle, &name); ajStrTokenNextParse(&handle, &five); ajStrFmtUpper(&five); ajStrTokenNextParse(&handle, &three); ajStrFmtUpper(&three); ajStrTokenDel(&handle); if(ajStrGetLen(five) || ajStrGetLen(three)) { vector = vectorstrip_initialise_vector(name, five, three); ajListPushAppend(vectorlist, vector); } ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&five); ajStrDel(&three); } ajStrDel(&rdline); return; } /* "destructors" */ /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_free_list ****************************************** ** ** Frees a list of EmbPMatMatch. ** ** @param [d] list [AjPList*] the list of EmbPMatMatch to be freed ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_free_list(AjPList *list) { AjIList iter; iter = ajListIterNewread(*list); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { EmbPMatMatch fm = ajListIterGet(iter); embMatMatchDel(&fm); } ajListFree(list); ajListFree(list); ajListIterDel(&iter); return; } /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_free_cp ******************************************** ** ** Frees a CPattern. ** ** @param [d] pat [CPattern*] the pattern to be to be freed ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_free_cp(CPattern* pat) { ajuint i = 0; ajStrDel(&(*pat)->patstr); ajStrDel(&(*pat)->origpat); ajStrDel(&(*pat)->re); if(((*pat)->type==1 || (*pat)->type==2) && ((*pat)->buf)) free((*pat)->buf); if(((*pat)->type==3 || (*pat)->type==4) && ((*pat)->sotable)) free((*pat)->sotable); if((*pat)->type==6) for(i=0;i<(*pat)->real_len;++i) AJFREE((*pat)->skipm[i]); AJFREE(*pat); return; } /* data processing */ /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_process_pattern ************************************ ** ** searches pattern against sequence starting with no mismatches ** then increases allowed mismatches until a) hits are found ** or b) the number of mismatches >= threshold% of the pattern length ** ** The pattern may be repeatedly recompiled using embPatCompile in order to ** allow searching with different numbers of mismatches. ** ** @param [r] pattern [const AjPStr] the pattern to be searched ** @param [w] hitlist [AjPList] list to which hits will be written ** @param [r] seqname [const AjPStr] the name of the sequence ** @param [r] seqstr [const AjPStr] string representing the sequence ** to be searched ** @param [r] threshold [ajint] max allowable percent mismatch based on length ** of pattern ** @param [r] begin [ajint] start position of sequence ** @param [r] besthits [AjBool] Best hits ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_process_pattern(const AjPStr pattern, AjPList hitlist, const AjPStr seqname, const AjPStr seqstr, ajint threshold, ajint begin, AjBool besthits) { ajint mm = 0; ajint max_mm = 1; ajuint hits = 0; /* calculate max allowed mismatches based on threshold */ if(threshold) max_mm = (ajint) (ajStrGetLen(pattern) * threshold)/100; else max_mm = 0; if(!besthits) /* report all hits */ vectorstrip_ccs_pattern(pattern, hitlist, seqname, seqstr, begin, &hits, max_mm); else /* start with mm=0, keep going till we get a hit, then STOP */ while((!hits) && (mm <= max_mm)) { vectorstrip_ccs_pattern(pattern, hitlist, seqname, seqstr, begin, &hits, mm); mm++; } return; } /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_process_hits *************************************** ** ** Output the hits of the patterns against a sequence; write out the ** relevant trimmed subsequences ** ** Parameters: ** ** AjPList fivelist - list of EmbPMatMatch representing hits of 5' ** pattern against the sequence ** AjPList threelist - list of EmbPMatMatch representing hits of 3' ** pattern against the sequence ** AjPSeq sequence - the sequence itself ** AjPSeqout seqout - place to writesubsequences ** AjPFile outf - file for writing information about the hits ** ** Parameters modified: ** results written to outf and seqout ** ** @param [r] fivelist [const AjPList] list of EmbPMatMatch representing hits ** of 5' pattern against the sequence ** @param [r] threelist [const AjPList] list of EmbPMatMatch representing hits ** of 3' pattern against the sequence ** @param [r] sequence [const AjPSeq] the sequence itself ** @param [u] seqout [AjPSeqout] place to writesubsequences ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] file for writing information about the hits ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_process_hits(const AjPList fivelist, const AjPList threelist, const AjPSeq sequence, AjPSeqout seqout, AjPFile outf) { ajuint i = 0; ajuint j = 0; ajint type = 0; AjPInt five; AjPInt three; EmbPMatMatch m = NULL; AjIList iter; five = ajIntNew(); /* start positions for hits with 5' pattern */ three = ajIntNew(); /* start positions for hits with 3' pattern */ iter = ajListIterNewread(fivelist); /* populate five and three with start positions */ while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { m = ajListIterGet(iter); ajIntPut(&five, i, ((m->len) + (m->start))); i++; } ajListIterDel(&iter); iter = ajListIterNewread(threelist); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { m = ajListIterGet(iter); ajIntPut(&three, j, (m->start -1)); j++; } ajListIterDel(&iter); /* classify the hits */ if((ajListGetLength(fivelist) == 1 && ajListGetLength(threelist) == 1) && ((ajIntGet(three, 0) + (ajint)m->len + 1) == ajIntGet(five, 0))) /* the patterns are identical and only match once in the sequence */ type = 1; else if(ajIntLen(five) && ajIntLen(three)) /* both patterns have hit */ type = 2; else if(ajIntLen(five)) /* five but not three */ type = 3; else if(ajIntLen(three)) /* three but not five */ type = 4; /* write out subsequences */ switch(type) { case 1: ajWarn("5' and 3' sequence matches are identical; inconclusive"); break; case 2: /* ** generally, every 5' hit will be matched against every 3' hit to ** produce subsequences. Special case: 3' pattern matches upstream ** of 5' pattern - to be consistent, this will cause everything ** from the start of the sequence to the 3' hit to be written out, ** and also everything from the 5' hit to the end of the sequence. ** It's a bit back to front ... */ for(i=0; i= ajIntGet(five,j)) hit=1; if(!hit) { vectorstrip_print_sequence(sequence, ajSeqGetBegin(sequence), ajIntGet(three,i),outf); vectorstrip_write_sequence(sequence, seqout, ajSeqGetBegin(sequence), ajIntGet(three,i)); } } break; case 3: for(i=0; ifiveprime)) vectorstrip_process_pattern(vector->fiveprime, fivelist, seqname, text, mis_per, begin, besthits); if(ajStrGetLen(vector->threeprime)) vectorstrip_process_pattern(vector->threeprime, threelist, seqname, text, mis_per, begin, besthits); if(!(ajListGetLength(fivelist) || ajListGetLength(threelist))) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\nSequence: %s \t Vector: %s\tNo match\n", ajStrGetPtr(seqname), ajStrGetPtr(vector->name)); if(allsequences) vectorstrip_process_hits(fivelist, threelist, sequence, seqout, outf); } else { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n\nSequence: %s \t Vector: %s\n", ajStrGetPtr(seqname), ajStrGetPtr(vector->name)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "5' sequence matches:\n"); vectorstrip_print_hits(fivelist,outf,text,begin); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "3' sequence matches:\n"); vectorstrip_print_hits(threelist,outf,text,begin); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Sequences output to file:\n"); vectorstrip_process_hits(fivelist, threelist, sequence, seqout, outf); } vectorstrip_free_list(&fivelist); vectorstrip_free_list(&threelist); ajStrDel(&seqname); ajStrDel(&text); return; } /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_ccs_pattern **************************************** ** ** Classifies, compiles and searches pattern against seqstr with ** mm mismatches ** ** @param [r] pattern [const AjPStr] pattern to be searched for ** @param [w] hitlist [AjPList] list of hits ** @param [r] seqname [const AjPStr] name of sequence to be searched ** @param [r] seqstr [const AjPStr] string representing sequence to be searched ** @param [r] begin [ajint] start position of sequence ** @param [w] hits [ajuint*] number of hits ** @param [r] mm [ajint] number of mismatches ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_ccs_pattern(const AjPStr pattern, AjPList hitlist, const AjPStr seqname, const AjPStr seqstr, ajint begin, ajuint* hits, ajint mm) { /* set up CPattern */ CPattern cpat = NULL; vectorstrip_initialise_cp(&cpat); ajStrAssignC(&(cpat->patstr), ajStrGetPtr(pattern)); /* copy the original pattern for Henry Spencer code */ ajStrAssignC(&(cpat->origpat), ajStrGetPtr(pattern)); if(!(cpat->type = embPatGetType((cpat->origpat),&(cpat->patstr),mm,0, &(cpat->real_len), &(cpat->amino), &(cpat->carboxyl)))) { ajWarn("Illegal pattern: %s", ajStrGetPtr(cpat->patstr)); vectorstrip_free_cp(&cpat); return; } embPatCompile(cpat->type, cpat->patstr, &(cpat->len), &(cpat->buf), cpat->off, &(cpat->sotable), &(cpat->solimit), &(cpat->real_len), &(cpat->re), &(cpat->skipm),mm ); embPatFuzzSearch(cpat->type, begin, cpat->patstr, seqname, seqstr, hitlist, cpat->len, mm, cpat->amino, cpat->carboxyl, cpat->buf, cpat->off, cpat->sotable, cpat->solimit, cpat->re, cpat->skipm, hits, cpat->real_len, &(cpat->tidy)); vectorstrip_free_cp(&cpat); return; } /* result output */ /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_print_sequence ************************************* ** ** Details of the output ** sequence (hit positions, number of mismatches, sequences trimmed ** from 5' and 3' ends) are written to outf ** ** @param [r] sequence [const AjPSeq] the entire sequence ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position of desired subsequence relative ** to sequence ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position of desired subsequence relative ** to sequence ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] file to write details of output subsequence ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_print_sequence(const AjPSeq sequence, ajint start, ajint end, AjPFile outf) { AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr num = NULL; /* copy the sequence */ AjPSeq seqcp = NULL; AjPStr fivetrim = NULL; AjPStr threetrim = NULL; AjPStr outs = NULL; seqcp = ajSeqNewSeq(sequence); name = ajStrNewS(ajSeqGetNameS(seqcp)); num = ajStrNew(); if(start <= end) { ajSeqSetRange(seqcp, start, end); ajStrAppendC(&name, "_from_"); ajStrFromInt(&num, start); ajStrAppendS(&name,num); ajStrAppendC(&name, "_to_"); ajStrFromInt(&num, end); ajStrAppendS(&name, num); ajSeqAssignNameS(seqcp, name); /* report the hit to outf */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\tfrom %d to %d\n", start, end); ajStrAssignSubS(&outs, ajSeqGetSeqS(seqcp), start-1, end-1); vectorstrip_reportseq(outs, outf); if(start !=1) { ajStrAssignSubS(&fivetrim, ajSeqGetSeqS(seqcp), 0, start-2); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\tsequence trimmed from 5' end:\n"); vectorstrip_reportseq(fivetrim, outf); } if(end!=(ajint)ajSeqGetLen(seqcp)) { ajStrAssignSubS(&threetrim, ajSeqGetSeqS(seqcp), end, ajSeqGetLen(seqcp)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\tsequence trimmed from 3' end:\n"); vectorstrip_reportseq(threetrim, outf); } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } ajSeqDel(&seqcp); ajStrDel(&fivetrim); ajStrDel(&threetrim); ajStrDel(&outs); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&num); return; } /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_write_sequence ************************************* ** ** Details of the output ** sequence (hit positions, number of mismatches, sequences trimmed ** from 5' and 3' ends) are written to outf ** ** @param [r] sequence [const AjPSeq] the entire sequence ** @param [w] seqout [AjPSeqout] where to write out subsequences ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position of desired subsequence relative ** to sequence ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position of desired subsequence relative ** to sequence ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_write_sequence(const AjPSeq sequence, AjPSeqout seqout, ajint start, ajint end) { AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr num = NULL; /* copy the sequence */ AjPSeq seqcp = NULL; seqcp = ajSeqNewSeq(sequence); name = ajStrNewS(ajSeqGetNameS(seqcp)); num = ajStrNew(); if(start <= end) { ajSeqSetRange(seqcp, start, end); ajStrAppendC(&name, "_from_"); ajStrFromInt(&num, start); ajStrAppendS(&name,num); ajStrAppendC(&name, "_to_"); ajStrFromInt(&num, end); ajStrAppendS(&name, num); ajSeqAssignNameS(seqcp, name); ajSeqoutWriteSeq(seqout, seqcp); } ajSeqDel(&seqcp); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&num); return; } /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_print_hits ***************************************** ** ** Output hit positions and number of mismatches of a pattern against a ** sequence to file ** ** @param [u] hitlist [AjPList] list of hits of pattern against the sequence ** reversed during processing (could iterate ** backwards instead now) ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] file for writing information about the hits ** @param [r] seq [const AjPStr] string representation of sequence ** @param [r] begin [ajint] start of sequence ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_print_hits(AjPList hitlist, AjPFile outf, const AjPStr seq, ajint begin) { EmbPMatMatch m; AjPStr s; AjIList iter; s=ajStrNew(); ajListReverse(hitlist); iter = ajListIterNewread(hitlist); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { m = ajListIterGet(iter); ajStrAssignSubC(&s,ajStrGetPtr(seq),m->start-begin,m->end-begin); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\tFrom %d to %d with %d mismatches\n",m->start, m->end, m->mm); } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&s); return; } /* @funcstatic vectorstrip_reportseq ****************************************** ** ** Formatted output of sequence data. ** sequence is written to outf in lines of length 50. ** ** @param [r] seqstr [const AjPStr] sequence to be output ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] file to write to ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void vectorstrip_reportseq(const AjPStr seqstr, AjPFile outf) { AjPStr tmp = NULL; ajuint x = 0; ajuint linelen = 50; for(x=0; x