/* @source twofeat application ** ** Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequences ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include "stdlib.h" /* @datastatic PHit *********************************************************** ** ** twofeat internals ** ** @alias SHit ** @alias OHit ** ** @attr gfA [AjPFeature] Undocumented ** @attr gfB [AjPFeature] Undocumented ** @attr Start [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr End [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr distance [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct SHit { AjPFeature gfA; AjPFeature gfB; ajint Start; ajint End; ajint distance; char Padding[4]; } OHit; #define PHit OHit* static void twofeat_rippledown(const AjPFeattable tabA, const AjPFeattable tabB, ajint overlapi, ajint minrange, ajint maxrange, ajint rangetypei, ajint sensei, AjPFeattable outtab, AjBool twoout, const AjPStr typeout); static AjBool twofeat_check_match(AjPFeature gfA, AjPFeature gfB, PHit *detail, ajint overlapi, ajint minrange, ajint maxrange, ajint rangetypei, ajint sensei); static void twofeat_report_hits(const AjPList hitlist, AjBool twoout, const AjPStr typeout, AjPFeattable outtab); static void twofeat_find_features(const AjPSeq seq, AjPFeattable tab, ajint begin, ajint end, const AjPStr source, const AjPStr type, ajint sense, float minscore, float maxscore, const AjPStr tag, const AjPStr value); static AjBool twofeat_MatchFeature(const AjPFeature gf, const AjPStr source, const AjPStr type, ajint sense, float minscore, float maxscore, const AjPStr tag, const AjPStr value, AjBool *tagsmatch); static AjBool twofeat_MatchPatternTags(const AjPFeature feat, const AjPStr tpattern, const AjPStr vpattern); static PHit twofeat_HitsNew(void); static void twofeat_HitsDel(PHit *pthis); static ajint twofeat_get_overlap_type(const AjPStr overlap); static ajint twofeat_get_range_type(const AjPStr rangetype); static ajint twofeat_get_sense_type(const AjPStr sense); /* static ajint twofeat_get_order_type(const AjPStr order); */ /********* relation criterion types *****************/ enum OVERLAP_TYPE {OV_ANY, OV_OVERLAP, OV_NOTOVER, OV_NOTIN, OV_AIN, OV_BIN}; enum RANGE_TYPE {RA_NEAREST, RA_LEFT, RA_RIGHT, RA_FURTHEST}; enum SENSE_TYPE {SN_ANY, SN_SAME, SN_OPPOSITE}; enum ORDER_TYPE {OR_ANY, OR_AB, OR_BA}; /* @prog twofeat ************************************************************** ** ** Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequences ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* input */ AjPSeqall seqall; /* feature a */ AjPStr asource; AjPStr atype; AjPStr asense; ajint asensei; ajint aminscore; ajint amaxscore; AjPStr atag; AjPStr avalue; /* feature b */ AjPStr bsource; AjPStr btype; AjPStr bsense; ajint bsensei; ajint bminscore; ajint bmaxscore; AjPStr btag; AjPStr bvalue; /* relation */ AjPStr overlap; ajint minrange; ajint maxrange; AjPStr rangetype; AjPStr sense; AjPStr order; ajint overlapi; ajint rangetypei; ajint sensei; /* output */ AjBool twoout; AjPStr typeout; AjPReport report = NULL; AjPSeq seq; AjPFeattable tabA = NULL; AjPFeattable tabB = NULL; AjPFeattable outtab = NULL; AjPStr seqname = NULL; ajint begin; ajint end; float tf; embInit("twofeat", argc, argv); /* input */ seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); /* feature a */ asource = ajAcdGetString("asource"); atype = ajAcdGetString("atype"); asense = ajAcdGetListSingle("asense"); tf = ajAcdGetFloat("aminscore"); aminscore = (ajint) tf; tf = ajAcdGetFloat("amaxscore"); amaxscore = (ajint) tf; atag = ajAcdGetString("atag"); avalue = ajAcdGetString("avalue"); /* feature b */ bsource = ajAcdGetString("bsource"); btype = ajAcdGetString("btype"); bsense = ajAcdGetListSingle("bsense"); tf = ajAcdGetFloat("bminscore"); bminscore = (ajint) tf; tf = ajAcdGetFloat("bmaxscore"); bmaxscore = (ajint) tf; btag = ajAcdGetString("btag"); bvalue = ajAcdGetString("bvalue"); /* relation */ overlap = ajAcdGetListSingle("overlap"); minrange = ajAcdGetInt("minrange"); maxrange = ajAcdGetInt("maxrange"); rangetype = ajAcdGetListSingle("rangetype"); sense = ajAcdGetListSingle("sense"); order = ajAcdGetListSingle("order"); /* output */ twoout = ajAcdGetToggle("twoout"); typeout = ajAcdGetString("typeout"); report = ajAcdGetReport("outfile"); /* convert feature sense to integer */ if(ajStrMatchC(asense, "+")) asensei = +1; else if(ajStrMatchC(asense, "+")) asensei = -1; else asensei = 0; if(ajStrMatchC(bsense, "+")) bsensei = +1; else if(ajStrMatchC(bsense, "+")) bsensei = -1; else bsensei = 0; /* convert relation codes to integer values */ overlapi = twofeat_get_overlap_type(overlap); rangetypei = twofeat_get_range_type(rangetype); sensei = twofeat_get_sense_type(sense); /* orderi = twofeat_get_order_type(order); Unused */ seqname = ajStrNew(); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { ajStrAssignC(&seqname, ajSeqGetNameC(seq)); begin = ajSeqallGetseqBegin(seqall); end = ajSeqallGetseqEnd(seqall); /* make new feature table for A */ if(!tabA) tabA = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq); /* make new feature table for B */ if(!tabB) tabB = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq); /* go through seq's features adding those that match A to table A */ twofeat_find_features(seq, tabA, begin, end, asource, atype, asensei, (float)aminscore, (float)amaxscore, atag, avalue); /* go through seq's features adding those that match B to table B */ twofeat_find_features(seq, tabB, begin, end, bsource, btype, bsensei, (float)bminscore, (float)bmaxscore, btag, bvalue); ajDebug("No of hits in tabA: %d\n", ajFeattableSize(tabA)); ajDebug("No of hits in tabB: %d\n", ajFeattableSize(tabB)); if(ajFeattableSize(tabA) && ajFeattableSize(tabB)) { /* initialise the output feature table */ outtab = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq); /* ** find pairs of hits within the required distance and output ** the results */ twofeat_rippledown(tabA, tabB, overlapi, minrange, maxrange, rangetypei, sensei, outtab, twoout, typeout); /* write features and tidy up */ ajReportWrite(report, outtab, seq); ajFeattableDel(&outtab); } ajDebug("ajFeattableDel(&tabA)\n"); ajFeattableDel(&tabA); ajDebug("ajFeattableDel(&tabB)\n"); ajFeattableDel(&tabB); } ajStrDel(&seqname); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajStrDel(&asource); ajStrDel(&atype); ajStrDel(&asense); ajStrDel(&atag); ajStrDel(&avalue); ajStrDel(&bsource); ajStrDel(&btype); ajStrDel(&bsense); ajStrDel(&btag); ajStrDel(&bvalue); ajStrDel(&overlap); ajStrDel(&rangetype); ajStrDel(&sense); ajStrDel(&order); ajStrDel(&typeout); ajReportClose(report); ajReportDel(&report); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_rippledown ******************************************** ** ** Go down the two lists of matches looking for hits within the required ** maximum distance. ** ** Foreach feature in tabA ** look at each feature in tabB ** if all the match criteria are valid ** add the matching pair to the list of hits ** ** Add any required hits from the hit-list to the output feature table ** ** ** @param [r] tabA [const AjPFeattable] table A of features to compare to tabB ** @param [r] tabB [const AjPFeattable] table B of features to compare to tabA ** @param [r] overlapi [ajint] types of overlap allowed ** @param [r] minrange [ajint] min distance allowed ** @param [r] maxrange [ajint] max distance allowed ** @param [r] rangetypei [ajint] where to measure the distance from ** @param [r] sensei [ajint] sense relationships allowed ** @param [u] outtab [AjPFeattable] output feature table ** @param [r] twoout [AjBool] True=write both features, else make a single one ** @param [r] typeout [const AjPStr] if a single feature, this is its type name ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void twofeat_rippledown(const AjPFeattable tabA, const AjPFeattable tabB, ajint overlapi, ajint minrange, ajint maxrange, ajint rangetypei, ajint sensei, AjPFeattable outtab, AjBool twoout, const AjPStr typeout) { AjIList iterA = NULL; AjPFeature gfA = NULL; AjIList iterB = NULL; AjPFeature gfB = NULL; AjPList hitlist; PHit detail = NULL; hitlist = ajListNew(); if(ajFeattableSize(tabA)) { /* For all features in tabA ... */ iterA = ajListIterNewread(tabA->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iterA)) { gfA = ajListIterGet(iterA); ajDebug("In rippledown gfA=%S %d..%d\n", ajFeatGetType(gfA), ajFeatGetStart(gfA), ajFeatGetEnd(gfA)); /* For all features in tabB ... */ if(ajFeattableSize(tabB)) { iterB = ajListIterNewread(tabB->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iterB)) { gfB = ajListIterGet(iterB); ajDebug("In rippledown gfB=%S %d..%d\n", ajFeatGetType(gfB), ajFeatGetStart(gfB), ajFeatGetEnd(gfB)); /* ** check for overlap, minrange, maxrange, rangetype, ** sense, order */ if(twofeat_check_match(gfA, gfB, &detail, overlapi, minrange, maxrange, rangetypei, sensei)) /* push details on hitlist */ ajListPush(hitlist, detail); } ajListIterDel(&iterB); } } ajListIterDel(&iterA); } /* Put hits in outtab */ twofeat_report_hits(hitlist, twoout, typeout, outtab); ajListFree(&hitlist); return; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_report_hits *********************************** ** ** Outputs the pairs of hits to the output feature table ** ** @param [r] hitlist [const AjPList] list of matches (PHit) ** @param [r] twoout [AjBool] True if want pairs of features output ** @param [r] typeout [const AjPStr] name of type if want single features ** @param [u] outtab [AjPFeattable] output feature table ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void twofeat_report_hits(const AjPList hitlist, AjBool twoout, const AjPStr typeout, AjPFeattable outtab) { char strand; ajint frame = 0; float score = 0.0; AjPStr source = NULL; AjPStr type = NULL; AjPFeature feature; static AjPStr tmp = NULL; ajint start; ajint end; AjIList iter = NULL; PHit detail = NULL; source = ajStrNew(); type = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignC(&source,"twofeat"); ajStrAssignS(&type, typeout); iter = ajListIterNewread(hitlist); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { detail = ajListIterGet(iter); if(twoout) { ajFeattableAdd(outtab, ajFeatCopy(detail->gfA)); ajFeattableAdd(outtab, ajFeatCopy(detail->gfB)); } else { start = detail->Start; end = detail->End; /* if both features are -ve then output this, else +ve */ if((detail->gfA)->Strand == '-' && (detail->gfB)->Strand == '-') strand = '-'; else strand = '+'; feature = ajFeatNew(outtab, source, type, start, end, score, strand, frame); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*startA %d", ajFeatGetStart(detail->gfA)); ajFeatTagAdd(feature, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*endA %d", ajFeatGetEnd(detail->gfA)); ajFeatTagAdd(feature, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*startB %d", ajFeatGetStart(detail->gfB)); ajFeatTagAdd(feature, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*endB %d", ajFeatGetEnd(detail->gfB)); ajFeatTagAdd(feature, NULL, tmp); ajStrDel(&tmp); } /* delete hit */ twofeat_HitsDel(&detail); } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&source); ajStrDel(&type); return; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_find_features *********************************** ** ** Finds seq features matching the required criteria and puts them in tab ** ** @param [r] seq [const AjPSeq] the sequence ** @param [u] tab [AjPFeattable] Feature table to populate ** @param [r] begin [ajint] start position in sequence ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position in sequence ** @param [r] source [const AjPStr] source criterion ** @param [r] type [const AjPStr] type criterion ** @param [r] sense [ajint] sense criterion ** @param [r] minscore [float] min score criterion ** @param [r] maxscore [float] max score criterion ** @param [r] tag [const AjPStr] tag criterion ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] tag value criterion ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void twofeat_find_features(const AjPSeq seq, AjPFeattable tab, ajint begin, ajint end, const AjPStr source, const AjPStr type, ajint sense, float minscore, float maxscore, const AjPStr tag, const AjPStr value) { /* get feature table of sequence */ const AjPFeattable seqtab = ajSeqGetFeat(seq); AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPFeature gfcopy = NULL; AjBool tagsmatch; tagsmatch = ajFalse; /* For all features... */ if(ajFeattableSize(seqtab)) { iter = ajListIterNewread(seqtab->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); /* is this feature local and in the sequence range? */ if(! ajFeatIsLocalRange(gf, begin, end)) continue; /* do criterion match */ if(twofeat_MatchFeature(gf, source, type, sense, minscore, maxscore, tag, value, &tagsmatch)) { ajDebug("Found feature source=%S type=%S %d..%d\n", ajFeatGetSource(gf), ajFeatGetType(gf), ajFeatGetStart(gf), ajFeatGetEnd(gf)); /* ** could explicitly make a new feature like this, but it ** is probably safer to let ajFeatCopy do it automatically ** gfcopy = ajFeatNew(tab, gf->Source, gf->Type, gf->Start, ** gf->End, gf->Score, gf->Strand, gf->Frame); */ gfcopy = ajFeatCopy(gf); ajFeattableAdd(tab, gfcopy); /* ajFeatTrace(gfcopy); */ } } ajListIterDel(&iter); } ajDebug("(In twofeat_find_features) No of hits in tab: %d\n", ajFeattableSize(tab)); return; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_MatchFeature ***************************************** ** ** Test if a feature matches a set of criteria ** ** @param [r] gf [const AjPFeature] Feature to test ** @param [r] source [const AjPStr] Required Source pattern ** @param [r] type [const AjPStr] Required Type pattern ** @param [r] sense [ajint] Required Sense pattern +1,0,-1 (or other value$ ** @param [r] minscore [float] Min required Score pattern ** @param [r] maxscore [float] Max required Score pattern ** @param [r] tag [const AjPStr] Required Tag pattern ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] Required Value pattern ** @param [w] tagsmatch [AjBool*] true if a join has matching tag/values ** @return [AjBool] True if feature matches criteria ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool twofeat_MatchFeature(const AjPFeature gf, const AjPStr source, const AjPStr type, ajint sense, float minscore, float maxscore, const AjPStr tag, const AjPStr value, AjBool *tagsmatch) { AjBool scoreok; scoreok = (minscore < maxscore); /* ** is this a child of a join() ? ** if it is a child, then we use the previous result of MatchPatternTags */ if(!ajFeatIsMultiple(gf) || !ajFeatIsChild(gf)) *tagsmatch = twofeat_MatchPatternTags(gf, tag, value); /* ignore remote IDs */ if(!ajFeatIsLocal(gf)) return ajFalse; /* check source, type, sense, score, tags, values ** Match anything: ** for strings, '*' ** for sense, 0 ** for score, maxscore <= minscore */ if(!embMiscMatchPattern(ajFeatGetSource(gf), source) || !embMiscMatchPattern(ajFeatGetType(gf), type) || (ajFeatGetStrand(gf) == '+' && sense == -1) || (ajFeatGetStrand(gf) == '-' && sense == +1) || (scoreok && ajFeatGetScore(gf) < minscore) || (scoreok && ajFeatGetScore(gf) > maxscore) || !*tagsmatch) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_MatchPatternTags ************************************** ** ** Checks for a match of the tagpattern and valuepattern to at least one ** tag=value pair ** ** @param [r] feat [const AjPFeature] Feature to process ** @param [r] tpattern [const AjPStr] tags pattern to match with ** @param [r] vpattern [const AjPStr] values pattern to match with ** ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue = found a match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool twofeat_MatchPatternTags(const AjPFeature feat, const AjPStr tpattern, const AjPStr vpattern) { AjIList titer; /* iterator for feat */ static AjPStr tagnam = NULL; /* tag structure */ static AjPStr tagval = NULL; /* tag structure */ AjBool val = ajFalse; /* returned value */ AjBool tval; /* tags result */ AjBool vval; /* value result */ /* ** if there are no tags to match, but the patterns are ** both '*', then allow this as a match */ if(!ajStrCmpC(tpattern, "*") && !ajStrCmpC(vpattern, "*")) return ajTrue; /* iterate through the tags and test for match to patterns */ titer = ajFeatTagIter(feat); while(ajFeatTagval(titer, &tagnam, &tagval)) { tval = embMiscMatchPattern(tagnam, tpattern); /* ** If tag has no value then ** If vpattern is '*' the value pattern is a match ** Else check vpattern */ if(!ajStrGetLen(tagval)) { if(!ajStrCmpC(vpattern, "*")) vval = ajTrue; else vval = ajFalse; } else vval = embMiscMatchPattern(tagval, vpattern); if(tval && vval) { val = ajTrue; break; } } ajListIterDel(&titer); return val; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_HitsNew ***************************************** ** ** Creates a new PHit object ** ** @return [PHit] Hit object ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static PHit twofeat_HitsNew(void) { PHit pthis; AJNEW0(pthis); return pthis; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_HitsDel ***************************************** ** ** Deletes a PHit object ** ** @param [d] pthis [PHit *] Pointer to object to be deleted ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void twofeat_HitsDel(PHit *pthis) { if(! pthis) return; if(! *pthis) return; AJFREE(*pthis); *pthis = NULL; return; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_check_match ********************************* ** ** check for overlap, minrange, maxrange, rangetype, sense, order ** put the results in a PHit object ** ** @param [u] gfA [AjPFeature] Feature A - stored for adding new tags ** @param [u] gfB [AjPFeature] Feature B - stored for adding new tags ** @param [w] detail [PHit *] Returned details of match ** @param [r] overlapi [ajint] types of overlap allowed ** @param [r] minrange [ajint] min distance allowed ** @param [r] maxrange [ajint] max distance allowed ** @param [r] rangetypei [ajint] where to measure the distance from ** @param [r] sensei [ajint] sense relationships allowed ** @return [AjBool] True if got a match ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool twofeat_check_match(AjPFeature gfA, AjPFeature gfB, PHit *detail, ajint overlapi, ajint minrange, ajint maxrange, ajint rangetypei, ajint sensei) { ajint distance = 0; ajint sA; ajint eA; ajint sB; ajint eB; /* start and end positions */ ajint ss; ajint ee; ajint se; ajint es; /* distances from start and end positions */ ajint tmp1; ajint tmp2; sA = ajFeatGetStart(gfA); eA = ajFeatGetEnd(gfA); sB = ajFeatGetStart(gfB); eB = ajFeatGetEnd(gfB); *detail = NULL; ajDebug("Next gfA=%S %d..%d\n", ajFeatGetType(gfA), ajFeatGetStart(gfA), ajFeatGetEnd(gfA)); ajDebug("Next gfB=%S %d..%d\n", ajFeatGetType(gfB), ajFeatGetStart(gfB), ajFeatGetEnd(gfB)); /* get distances and absolute distances from each end */ ss = abs(sA - sB); ee = abs(eA - eB); se = abs(sA - eB); es = abs(eA - sB); switch(rangetypei) { case RA_NEAREST: tmp1 = (ss < ee) ? ss : ee; tmp2 = (se < es) ? se : es; distance = (tmp1 < tmp2) ? tmp1 : tmp2; break; case RA_LEFT: distance = ss; break; case RA_RIGHT: distance = ee; break; case RA_FURTHEST: tmp1 = (ss > ee) ? ss : ee; tmp2 = (se > es) ? se : es; distance = (tmp1 > tmp2) ? tmp1 : tmp2; break; default: ajFatal("Unknown range type: %d", rangetypei); } ajDebug("Distance: %d\n", distance); /* check distance criteria */ if(minrange < maxrange) { /* ignore distance if these are the same */ ajDebug("Distance < %d: %B\n", minrange, distance < minrange); ajDebug("Distance > %d: %B\n", maxrange, distance > maxrange); if(distance < minrange) return ajFalse; if(distance > maxrange) return ajFalse; } ajDebug("Distance OK\n"); /* check overlap criteria */ switch(overlapi) { case OV_ANY: break; case OV_OVERLAP: /* want sA in B or sB in A */ if((sAeB) && (sBeA)) return ajFalse; break; case OV_NOTOVER: /* want eA before B or sA after B */ if((sA>=sB && sA<=eB) || (sB>=sA && sB<=eA)) return ajFalse; break; case OV_NOTIN: /* want sA or eA out of B and sB or eB out of A */ if((sA<=sB && eA>=eB) || (sB<=sA && eB>=eA)) return ajFalse; break; case OV_AIN: /* want A in B */ if(sAeB) return ajFalse; break; case OV_BIN: /* want B in A */ if(sBeA) return ajFalse; break; default: ajFatal("Unknown overlap type: %d", overlapi); } ajDebug("Overlap OK\n"); /* check sense criteria */ switch(sensei) { case SN_ANY: break; case SN_SAME: if(ajFeatGetStrand(gfA) != ajFeatGetStrand(gfB)) return ajFalse; break; case SN_OPPOSITE: if(ajFeatGetStrand(gfA) == ajFeatGetStrand(gfB)) return ajFalse; default: ajFatal("Unknown sense type: %d", sensei); } ajDebug("Sense OK\n"); /* check order criteria */ /* measure the order from the mid-point of each */ switch(sensei) { case SN_ANY: break; case OR_AB: tmp1 = (eA-sA)/2; tmp2 = (eB-sB)/2; if(tmp1>tmp2) return ajFalse; break; case OR_BA: tmp1 = (eA-sA)/2; tmp2 = (eB-sB)/2; if(tmp1gfA = gfA; (*detail)->gfB = gfB; (*detail)->distance = distance; (*detail)->Start = (sA < sB) ? sA : sB; (*detail)->End = (eA > eB) ? eA : eB; ajDebug("Hit found\n"); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_get_overlap_type ********************************* ** ** converts the overlap code to an integer ** ** ** @param [r] overlap [const AjPStr] Overlap code ** @return [ajint] integer value ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint twofeat_get_overlap_type(const AjPStr overlap) { if(ajStrMatchC(overlap, "A")) return OV_ANY; if(ajStrMatchC(overlap, "O")) return OV_OVERLAP; if(ajStrMatchC(overlap, "NO")) return OV_NOTOVER; if(ajStrMatchC(overlap, "NW")) return OV_NOTIN; if(ajStrMatchC(overlap, "AW")) return OV_AIN; if(ajStrMatchC(overlap, "BW")) return OV_BIN; ajFatal("Unknown Overlap code: %S", overlap); return -1; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_get_range_type ********************************* ** ** converts the range code to an integer ** ** ** @param [r] rangetype [const AjPStr] Range code ** @return [ajint] integer value ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint twofeat_get_range_type(const AjPStr rangetype) { if(ajStrMatchC(rangetype, "N")) return RA_NEAREST; if(ajStrMatchC(rangetype, "L")) return RA_LEFT; if(ajStrMatchC(rangetype, "R")) return RA_RIGHT; if(ajStrMatchC(rangetype, "F")) return RA_FURTHEST; ajFatal("Unknown rangetype code: %S", rangetype); return -1; } /* @funcstatic twofeat_get_sense_type ********************************* ** ** converts the sense code to an integer ** ** ** @param [r] sense [const AjPStr] sense code ** @return [ajint] integer value ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint twofeat_get_sense_type(const AjPStr sense) { if(ajStrMatchC(sense, "A")) return SN_ANY; if(ajStrMatchC(sense, "S")) return SN_SAME; if(ajStrMatchC(sense, "O")) return SN_OPPOSITE; ajFatal("Unknown sense code: %S", sense); return -1; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic twofeat_get_order_type ********************************* ** ** converts the order code to an integer ** ** ** @param [r] order [const AjPStr] order code ** @return [ajint] integer value ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint twofeat_get_order_type(const AjPStr order) { if(ajStrMatchC(order, "A")) return OR_ANY; if(ajStrMatchC(order, "AB")) return OR_AB; if(ajStrMatchC(order, "BA")) return OR_BA; ajFatal("Unknown order code: %S", order); return -1; } #endif