/* @source transeq application ** ** Translate nucleic acid sequences ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** Mar 4 17:18 1999 (ajb) ** Jul 19 19:24 2000 (ajb) ** Jun 29 16:50 2001 (gww) use new version of ajTrnSeqOrig ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" static void transeq_Trim(AjPSeq seq); static void transeq_GetFrames(AjPStr const *framelist, AjBool *frames); static void transeq_Clean(AjPSeq seq); /* @prog transeq ************************************************************** ** ** Translate nucleic acid sequences ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeqout seqout; AjPSeq seq; AjPTrn trnTable; AjPSeq pep; AjPStr *framelist; AjBool frames[6]; /* frames to be translated 1 to 3, -1 to -3 */ AjPStr tablename; ajint table; AjPRange regions; AjPRange seqregions; AjBool trim; AjBool clean; AjBool defr = ajFalse; /* true if the range covers the whole sequence */ AjBool alternate; int i; embInit("transeq", argc, argv); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outseq"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); framelist = ajAcdGetList("frame"); tablename = ajAcdGetListSingle("table"); regions = ajAcdGetRange("regions"); trim = ajAcdGetBoolean("trim"); clean = ajAcdGetBoolean("clean"); alternate = ajAcdGetBoolean("alternative"); /* get the frames to be translated */ transeq_GetFrames(framelist, frames); /* initialise the translation table */ ajStrToInt(tablename, &table); trnTable = ajTrnNewI(table); /* shift values of translate region to match -sbegin=n parameter */ /* ajRangeBegin(regions, ajSeqallGetseqBegin(seqall));*/ while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { ajSeqTrim(seq); seqregions = ajRangeCopy(regions); defr = ajRangeDefault(seqregions, seq); /* get regions to translate */ if(!defr) ajRangeSeqExtract(seqregions, seq); for(i=0; i<6; i++) { ajDebug("try frame: %d\n", i); if(frames[i]) { if(i<3) pep = ajTrnSeqOrig(trnTable, seq, i+1); else if(alternate) /* frame -1 uses codons starting at end */ pep = ajTrnSeqOrig(trnTable, seq, -i-1); else /* frame -1 uses frame 1 codons */ pep = ajTrnSeqOrig(trnTable, seq, 2-i); if(trim) transeq_Trim(pep); if(clean) transeq_Clean(pep); /* clean after the trim */ ajSeqoutWriteSeq(seqout, pep); ajSeqDel(&pep); } } ajRangeDel(&seqregions); } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajTrnDel(&trnTable); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqDel(&pep); ajStrDelarray(&framelist); ajStrDel(&tablename); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); ajRangeDel(®ions); ajRangeDel(&seqregions); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic transeq_Trim *************************************************** ** ** Removes X, and/or * characters from the end of the translation ** ** @param [u] seq [AjPSeq] sequence to trim ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void transeq_Trim(AjPSeq seq) { AjPStr s; char *p; char c; ajint i; ajint len; s = ajSeqGetSeqCopyS(seq); p = ajStrGetuniquePtr(&s); len = ajStrGetLen(s)-1; for(i=len; i>=0; i--) { c = *(p+i); if(c != 'X' && c != '*' ) break; } if(i < len) ajStrTruncateLen(&s, i+1); ajSeqAssignSeqS(seq, s); return; } /* @funcstatic transeq_Clean ************************************************* ** ** Converts * characters to X's in the translation ** ** ** @param [u] seq [AjPSeq] sequence to clean ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void transeq_Clean(AjPSeq seq) { AjPStr str; str = ajSeqGetSeqCopyS(seq); ajStrExchangeSetCC(&str, "*", "X"); ajSeqAssignSeqS(seq, str); return; } /* @funcstatic transeq_GetFrames ********************************************** ** ** Converts the list of frame numbers into a boolean vector. ** Frame numbers are ordered in the vector as: ** 1, 2, 3 -1, -2, -3 ** ** @param [r] framelist [AjPStr const *] list of frame numbers ** @param [w] frames [AjBool*] Boolean vector ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void transeq_GetFrames(AjPStr const *framelist, AjBool *frames) { int i; /* reset the vector */ for(i=0; i<6; i++) frames[i] = ajFalse; for(i=0; framelist[i]; i++) { if(ajStrMatchC(framelist[i], "1")) frames[0] = ajTrue; else if(ajStrMatchC(framelist[i], "2")) frames[1] = ajTrue; else if(ajStrMatchC(framelist[i], "3")) frames[2] = ajTrue; else if(ajStrMatchC(framelist[i], "-1")) frames[3] = ajTrue; else if(ajStrMatchC(framelist[i], "-2")) frames[4] = ajTrue; else if(ajStrMatchC(framelist[i], "-3")) frames[5] = ajTrue; else if(ajStrMatchC(framelist[i], "F")) { frames[0] = ajTrue; frames[1] = ajTrue; frames[2] = ajTrue; } else if(ajStrMatchC(framelist[i], "R")) { frames[3] = ajTrue; frames[4] = ajTrue; frames[5] = ajTrue; } else if(ajStrMatchC(framelist[i], "6")) { frames[0] = ajTrue; frames[1] = ajTrue; frames[2] = ajTrue; frames[3] = ajTrue; frames[4] = ajTrue; frames[5] = ajTrue; } else ajErr("Unknown frame: '%S'", framelist[i]); } return; }