/* @source tranalign application ** ** Align nucleic sequences guided by the alignment of the translation ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" static void tranalign_AddGaps (AjPSeq newseq, const AjPSeq nseq, const AjPSeq pseq, ajint npos); /* @prog tranalign ************************************************************ ** ** Align nucleic sequences guided by the alignment of the translation ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall nucseq; /* input nucleic sequences */ AjPSeqset protseq; /* input aligned protein sequences */ AjPSeqout seqout; AjPSeq nseq; /* next nucleic sequence to align */ const AjPSeq pseq; /* next protein sequence use in alignment */ AjPTrn trnTable; AjPSeq pep; /* translation of nseq */ AjPStr tablelist; ajint table; AjPSeqset outseqset; /* set of aligned nucleic sequences */ ajint proteinseqcount = 0; AjPStr degapstr = NULL; AjPStr degapstr2 = NULL; /* used to check if it matches with START removed */ AjPStr codon = NULL; /* holds temporary codon to check if is START */ char aa; /* translated putative START codon */ ajint type; /* returned type of the putative START codon */ ajint pos = 0; /* start position of guide protein in translation */ AjPSeq newseq = NULL; /* output aligned nucleic sequence */ ajint frame; embInit("tranalign", argc, argv); nucseq = ajAcdGetSeqall("asequence"); protseq = ajAcdGetSeqset("bsequence"); tablelist = ajAcdGetListSingle("table"); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutset("outseq"); outseqset = ajSeqsetNew(); degapstr = ajStrNew(); /* initialise the translation table */ ajStrToInt(tablelist, &table); trnTable = ajTrnNewI(table); ajSeqsetFill(protseq); while(ajSeqallNext(nucseq, &nseq)) { if((pseq = ajSeqsetGetseqSeq(protseq, proteinseqcount++)) == NULL) ajErr("No guide protein sequence available for " "nucleic sequence %S", ajSeqGetNameS(nseq)); ajDebug("Aligning %S and %S\n", ajSeqGetNameS(nseq), ajSeqGetNameS(pseq)); /* get copy of pseq string with no gaps */ ajStrAssignS(°apstr, ajSeqGetSeqS(pseq)); ajStrRemoveGap(°apstr); /* ** for each translation frame look for subset of pep that ** matches pseq */ for(frame = 1; frame <4; frame++) { ajDebug("trying frame %d\n", frame); pep = ajTrnSeqOrig(trnTable, nseq, frame); degapstr2 = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignRef(°apstr2, degapstr); pos = ajStrFindCaseS(ajSeqGetSeqS(pep), degapstr); /* ** we might have a START codon that should be translated as 'M' ** we need to check if there is a match after a possible START codon */ if(pos == -1 && ajStrGetLen(degapstr) > 1 && (ajStrGetPtr(degapstr)[0] == 'M' || ajStrGetPtr(degapstr)[0] == 'm')) { /* see if pep minus the first character is a match */ ajStrCutStart(°apstr2, 1); pos = ajStrFindCaseS(ajSeqGetSeqS(pep), degapstr2); /* pos is >= 1 if we have a match that is after the first residue */ if (pos >= 1) { /* point back at the putative START Methionine */ pos--; /* test if first codon is a START */ codon = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignSubS(&codon, ajSeqGetSeqS(nseq), (pos*3)+frame-1, (pos*3)+frame+2); type = ajTrnStartStop(trnTable, codon, &aa); if (type != 1) { /* first codon is not a valid START, force a mismatch */ pos = -1; } ajStrDel(&codon); } else { /* force 'pos == 0' to be treated as a mismatch */ pos = -1; } } ajStrDel(°apstr2); ajSeqDel(&pep); if(pos != -1) break; } if(pos == -1) ajErr("Guide protein sequence %S not found in nucleic sequence %S", ajSeqGetNameS(pseq), ajSeqGetNameS(nseq)); else { ajDebug("got a match with frame=%d\n", frame); /* extract the coding region of nseq with gaps */ newseq = ajSeqNew(); ajSeqSetNuc(newseq); ajSeqAssignNameS(newseq, ajSeqGetNameS(nseq)); ajSeqAssignDescS(newseq, ajSeqGetDescS(nseq)); tranalign_AddGaps(newseq, nseq, pseq, (pos*3)+frame-1); /* output the gapped nucleic sequence */ ajSeqsetApp(outseqset, newseq); ajSeqDel(&newseq); } ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(°apstr); } ajSeqoutWriteSet(seqout, outseqset); ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajTrnDel(&trnTable); ajSeqsetDel(&outseqset); ajStrDel(°apstr); ajStrDel(°apstr2); ajSeqallDel(&nucseq); ajSeqDel(&nseq); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); ajSeqsetDel(&protseq); ajStrDel(&tablelist); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic tranalign_AddGaps ********************************************** ** ** Adds bases or gaps to newseq from nseq guided by pseq ** starting at npos ** ** @param [u] newseq [AjPSeq] newseq ** @param [r] nseq [const AjPSeq] nseq ** @param [r] pseq [const AjPSeq] pseq ** @param [r] npos [ajint] nseq start pos ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void tranalign_AddGaps(AjPSeq newseq, const AjPSeq nseq, const AjPSeq pseq, ajint npos) { AjPStr newstr = NULL; ajuint ppos = 0; newstr = ajStrNew(); for(; ppos