/* @source tmap application ** ** Predict transmembrane regions ** ** @author Copyright (C) Bengt Persson ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ /* ** ** +-------------------------------+ ** | Program tmap.c | ** | Edition 46 1994-04-21 | ** | Copyright (c) Bengt Persson | ** +-------------------------------+------------------------------+ ** | This program predicts transmembrane segments in proteins, | ** | utilising the algorithm described in: | ** | "Persson, B. & Argos, P. (1994) Prediction of transmembrane | ** | segments in proteins utilsing multiple sequence alignments | ** | J. Mol. Biol. 237, 182-192. | ** +--------------------------------------------------------------+ ** | Users of this program are kindly asked to cite the above | ** | reference in publications (or other types of presentation). | ** +--------------------------------------------------------------+ ** | Questions, suggestions and comments are welcomed | ** | electronically (see below). Best wishes and good luck! | ** +--------------------------------------------------------------+ ** | E-mail addresses: Persson@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE | ** | Argos@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE | ** +--------------------------------------------------------------+ ** ** Converted for EMBOSS by Ian longden il@sanger.ac.uk (18/6/99) ** Report output by Henrikki Almusa and Peter Rice (July 2003) */ #include "emboss.h" #include #include #define UTGAVA "46" #define NOLLVARDE FLT_MIN /*-10.000*/ #define N_SPANN 4 #define M_SPANN 21 #define C_SPANN 4 #define N_FORLANGNING 10 #define C_FORLANGNING 10 #define N_FOSFAT 4 #define C_FOSFAT 4 #define FORLC 8 #define FORLN 8 #define START_E_KORR 2 #define STOPP_E_KORR 2 #define M_KORT2_LIMIT 8 #define M_KORT3_LIMIT 16 #define M_LANG1_LIMIT 29 #define ALI_MINIMUM 0.30 /* Proportion of sequences that should be present at a position in order to utilise the data from that position. */ #define E_SPANN_MIN 20 #define E_SPANN_MAX 33 #define E_STST_DIFF 6 #define GAP '-' static float **profile; /* P values and spans */ static ajint pp_antal=2; static ajint glspan[2] = { 15, 4 }; static float P[2][26] = { /* Pm values */ { (float) 1.409446, (float) 0.000000, (float) 1.068500, (float) 0.192356, (float) 0.174588, (float) 1.965858, (float) 1.058479, (float) 0.587963, (float) 1.990336, (float) 0.000000, (float) 0.180983, (float) 1.701726, (float) 1.500664, (float) 0.433590, (float) 0.000000, (float) 0.518571, (float) 0.344232, (float) 0.239737, (float) 0.774442, (float) 0.828131, (float) 0.000000, (float) 1.694256, (float) 1.314157, (float) 0.000000, (float) 0.979187, (float) 0.000000 }, /* Pe values */ { (float) 0.887866, (float) 0.000000, (float) 0.842097, (float) 0.739931, (float) 0.804004, (float) 1.102175, (float) 0.919923, (float) 1.117477, (float) 1.103394, (float) 0.000000, (float) 1.178047, (float) 0.997766, (float) 1.171823, (float) 1.103455, (float) 0.000000, (float) 0.881061, (float) 0.889218, (float) 1.519044, (float) 0.919717, (float) 0.881105, (float) 0.000000, (float) 0.869741, (float) 1.450220, (float) 0.000000, (float) 1.314105, (float) 0.000000 } }; static char **s = NULL; /* Sequences */ static ajint *relc = NULL; static ajint *reln = NULL; static ajint glnr; static ajint glpos; static ajuint glposs; static float *norm_skillnad = NULL; static ajint tm_number; static ajint **tm_segment = NULL; static ajint *glnpos = NULL; static ajint *glcpos = NULL; static ajint *pred_mode = NULL; static ajint e_spann_max; static float mx_limit; static ajint *ali_ok = NULL; static void tmap_profile2(ajint prof, ajint antal, ajint poss, ajint span); static float tmap_length1(ajint nr, ajint start, ajint stopp); static void tmap_present3p(ajint antal, const ajint *npos, const ajint *cpos, ajint poss, ajint nr, const AjPSeqset seqset, AjPReport outfile); static ajint tmap_peak1(ajint start, ajint stopp, float *parameter); static ajint tmap_vec_to_stst(ajint *vec, ajint *start, ajint *stopp, ajint length); static void tmap_weights(char **, ajint, ajint, float *); static void tmap_refpos2(ajint, ajint); static float tmap_summa1(ajint start, ajint stopp, const float *parameter); static ajint tmap_pred1(float, float, float, ajint); static ajint tmap_insert_in_vector(ajint *start, ajint *stopp, ajint max, ajint starttmp, ajint stopptmp, ajint *pred, ajint predparameter); static ajint tmap_tm_in_vector(const ajint *start, const ajint *stopp, ajint max, ajint starttmp, ajint stopptmp); static void tmap_align_rel(ajint antal, ajint poss, ajint span); static void tmap_plot2(AjPGraph mult); static ajint tmap_all_charged(ajint pos, ajint nr); /* @prog tmap ***************************************************************** ** ** Displays membrane spanning regions ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqset seqset; AjPGraph mult; AjPReport report; ajint i; ajint j; ajuint jj; float m_limit; float ml_limit; float e_limit; ajGraphInit("tmap", argc, argv); seqset = ajAcdGetSeqset("sequences"); mult = ajAcdGetGraphxy("graph"); report = ajAcdGetReport("outfile"); e_spann_max = E_SPANN_MAX; m_limit = (float) 1.23; ml_limit = (float) 1.17; e_limit = (float) 1.07; mx_limit = (float) 1.18; /* me_limit = 1.10; Unused */ glnr = ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset); glposs = ajSeqsetGetLen(seqset); ajDebug("tmap nr: %d poss %d\n", glnr, glposs); AJCNEW0(s, glnr); ajDebug("tmap s %x \n", s); for(i=0;i=10) { correct_sequence[i]=1; nr_correct++; } } /* ** Second, check for lengths among the sequences that contain >=10 a. a. ** residues */ for(i=0, ll=0; i<=nr; i++) if(correct_sequence[i]==1) { for(j=start, l=0; j<=stopp; j++) if(s[i][j]!=GAP) l++; ll += l; } AJFREE(correct_sequence); if(nr_correct!=0) return (float)ll/nr_correct; return 0; } /* @funcstatic tmap_present3p ************************************************* ** ** Presents results from predictions ** ** @param [r] antal [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] npos [const ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] cpos [const ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] poss [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] nr [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] seqset [const AjPSeqset] Undocumented ** @param [u] report [AjPReport] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void tmap_present3p(ajint antal, const ajint *npos, const ajint *cpos, ajint poss, ajint nr, const AjPSeqset seqset, AjPReport report) { ajint i; ajint j; AjPFeattable feat; AjPFeature seqf; AjPStr tmp = NULL; AjPStr hdr = NULL; AjPSeq seq; const AjPSeq cseq; AjPStr cons = NULL; ajint calcid; ajint calcsim; ajint calcgap; ajint calclen; ajAlignConsStats(seqset, NULL, &cons, &calcid, &calcsim, &calcgap, &calclen); ajStrAssignC(&hdr, ""); ajReportSetHeader(report, hdr); seq = ajSeqNewRes(ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset)); ajSeqSetProt(seq); ajSeqAssignNameC(seq, "Consensus"); ajSeqAssignSeqS(seq, cons); feat = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq); for(i=1; i<=antal; i++) { seqf=ajFeatNewII(feat,npos[i],cpos[i]); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp,"*TM %2d", i); ajFeatTagAdd(seqf,NULL,tmp); } ajReportWrite(report, feat, seq); ajFeattableDel(&feat); ajSeqDel(&seq); for(j=0; j<=nr; j++) { cseq = ajSeqsetGetseqSeq(seqset, j); feat = ajFeattableNewSeq(cseq); tmap_refpos2(j, poss); ajStrAssignC(&hdr, ""); ajReportSetHeader(report, hdr); for(i=1; i<=antal; i++) { seqf=ajFeatNewII(feat,npos[i],cpos[i]); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp,"*TM %2d",i); ajFeatTagAdd(seqf,NULL,tmp); } ajReportWrite(report, feat, cseq); ajFeattableDel(&feat); } ajStrDel(&cons); ajStrDel(&hdr); ajStrDel(&tmp); return; } /* @funcstatic tmap_pred1 ***************************************************** ** ** Prediction algorithm ** Returns number of transmembrane segments ** ** @param [r] m_limit [float] Undocumented ** @param [r] ml_limit [float] Undocumented ** @param [r] e_limit [float] Undocumented ** @param [r] nr [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] number of segments ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint tmap_pred1(float m_limit, float ml_limit, float e_limit, ajint nr) { ajint i; ajint j; ajuint ii; ajuint jj; ajint k; ajint tm_ant; ajint flag; ajint length; ajint *start = NULL; ajint *stopp = NULL; ajint *hitposs = NULL; ajint avstand; ajint mitt; ajint start0; ajint *start_e_pos = NULL; ajint *stopp_e_pos = NULL; float sum; ajint count; ajint count2; ajint tempN; ajint tempC; ajint starttmp; ajint stopptmp; ajint temp; float tf; AJCNEW0(hitposs, glposs+1); AJCNEW0(pred_mode, glposs+1); ajDebug("tmap pred_mode tm_number:%d\n", tm_number); for(i=0; im_limit) hitposs[jj] = 1; else hitposs[jj] = 0; /* Smoothing: Disregard 1 or 2 consecutive positions in vector hitposs[] */ for(ii=3; ii<=glposs-1; ii++) if((hitposs[ii-2]==1) && (hitposs[ii+1]==1)) hitposs[ii] = hitposs[ii-1]=1; for(ii=2; ii<=glposs-1; ii++) if((hitposs[ii-1]==1) && (hitposs[ii+1]==1)) hitposs[ii] = 1; AJCNEW0(start, glposs+1); AJCNEW0(stopp, glposs+1); AJCNEW0(start_e_pos, glposs+1); AJCNEW0(stopp_e_pos, glposs+1); /* Transform hitposs[] to TM vector */ for(ii=0; ii<=glposs; ii++) glnpos[ii]=glcpos[ii]=0; tm_ant = tmap_vec_to_stst(hitposs,start,stopp,glposs); for(i=1; i<=tm_ant; i++) { ajDebug("tmap pred_mode[%d]\n", i); ajDebug("tmap pred_mode[%d] %x\n", i, pred_mode[i]); pred_mode[i]=pred_mode[i] | 1; } /* Remove start[] & stopp[] with length <=M_KORT2_LIMIT */ for(i=1; i<=tm_ant; i++) if(stopp[i]-start[i]mx_limit; j++) if(profile[0][j]>mx_limit) count++; tempC = j-1; for(j=start[i]-1; j>0 && profile[0][j]>mx_limit; j--) if(profile[0][j]>mx_limit) count++; tempN = j+1; mitt = (tempC-tempN)/2 + tempN; count2 = 0; if(count>8) if(mitt>8) for(j=mitt-8; j<=mitt+8 && j<=(ajint)glposs; j++) if(tmap_all_charged(j,nr)) count2++; /* ... this was not the case ... */ if(count2==0) { for(j=i; j<=tm_ant-1; j++) { start[j]=start[j+1]; stopp[j]=stopp[j+1]; pred_mode[j]=pred_mode[j+1]; } i--; tm_ant--; } } /* 3. ** Starting in 'start[]' and 'stopp[]', expand N- and C-terminally ** - each step is taken in the direction of highest profile[0] value ** - as ajlong 'over_limit' is true ** until langd=M_SPAN */ stopp[0] = 0; start[tm_ant+1] = glpos; for(i=1; i<=tm_ant; i++) { flag = 1; while(flag) { if((profile[0][start[i]-1]>ml_limit) || (profile[0][stopp[i]+1]>ml_limit)) { if(profile[0][start[i]-1] > profile[0][stopp[i]+1]) { if((start[i]>1) && (profile[0][start[i]-1]>ml_limit) && (start[i]>stopp[i-1]+FORLC)) start[i]--; else { if((stopp[i]<(ajint)glposs) && (profile[0][stopp[i]+1]> ml_limit) && (stopp[i]ml_limit) && (stopp[i]1) && (profile[0][start[i]-1]>ml_limit) && (start[i]>stopp[i-1]+FORLC)) start[i]--; else flag = 0; } } else flag = 0; } } /* ** 4. ** Elongate with N_FOSFAT and C_FOSFAT, respectively, to correct for ** that the prediction hitherto ** has been focused to find only the hydrophobic portion of the ** transmembrane segment */ for(i=1; i<=tm_ant; i++) { if(start[i]>N_FOSFAT) start[i]-=N_FOSFAT; if(stopp[i]<(ajint)glposs-C_FOSFAT) stopp[i]+=C_FOSFAT; } /* ** 5.1. ** Search for Pe values */ for(i=1; i<=tm_ant; i++) { mitt = start[i]+(stopp[i]-start[i])/2; start_e_pos[i]=tmap_peak1(mitt-20,mitt,profile[1]); stopp_e_pos[i]=tmap_peak1(mitt,mitt+20,profile[1]); /* Use the Pe values, if they are good */ if((profile[1][start_e_pos[i]]>=e_limit) && (profile[1][stopp_e_pos[i]]>=e_limit)) { if((tmap_length1(nr,start_e_pos[i],stopp_e_pos[i])>= E_SPANN_MIN) && (tmap_length1(nr,start_e_pos[i],stopp_e_pos[i])<= E_SPANN_MAX)) { start[i] = start_e_pos[i]-START_E_KORR; stopp[i] = stopp_e_pos[i]+STOPP_E_KORR; } } else { if(profile[1][start_e_pos[i]]>=e_limit) if(abs(start_e_pos[i]-start[i])=e_limit) if(abs(stopp_e_pos[i]-stopp[i])1.15) && (profile[1][stopptmp]>1.15)) if((tmap_length1(nr,starttmp,stopptmp)>=E_SPANN_MIN /* >17 */) && (tmap_length1(nr,starttmp,stopptmp)<=e_spann_max /*<30*/)) for(j=starttmp+2, temp=1; j<=stopptmp-2; j++) if(profile[0][j]<1.08) temp = 0; if(temp==1) if(!(tmap_tm_in_vector(start,stopp,tm_ant,starttmp,stopptmp))) tm_ant = tmap_insert_in_vector(start,stopp,tm_ant,starttmp, stopptmp,pred_mode,16); } /* ** 6.2. ** Correction for overlap */ for(i=2; i<=tm_ant; i++) if(start[i]=2; j--) { if(length>=j*M_SPANN+(j-1)*(N_SPANN+C_SPANN-1)) { /* ** For att korrigera for turn precis i membrankanten kan ** langdkriteriet usteras litet grand: */ tm_ant += j-1; for(k=tm_ant; k>=i+1; k--) { start[k] = start[k-(j-1)]; stopp[k] = stopp[k-(j-1)]; pred_mode[k] = pred_mode[k-(j-1)]; } avstand = length/j; start0 = start[i]; for(k=1; k<=j; k++) { mitt=avstand/2+avstand*(k-1); start[i+k-1]=start0+mitt-N_FORLANGNING; stopp[i+k-1]=start0+mitt+C_FORLANGNING; pred_mode[i+k-1]=pred_mode[i+k-1] | 8; } j = 0; } /* if */ } /* j */ } /* i */ /* ** 7. ** Remove too short segments */ for(i=1; i<=tm_ant; i++) if((tmap_length1(nr,start[i],stopp[i]) < M_KORT3_LIMIT)) { for(j=i; j<=tm_ant-1; j++) { start[j] = start[j+1]; stopp[j] = stopp[j+1]; pred_mode[j] = pred_mode[j+1]; } i--; tm_ant--; } /* ** 8. ** Shorten segments, longer than M_SPANN aa */ for(i=1; i<=tm_ant; i++) if((tmap_length1(nr,start[i],stopp[i])>M_LANG1_LIMIT)) { /* Forst kolla om segmentet tangerar forutvarande */ if(i>1) if(start[i] sum) { sum = tmap_summa1(j, j+M_LANG1_LIMIT-1, profile[0]); start0 = j; } start[i] = start0; stopp[i] = start0+M_LANG1_LIMIT-1; pred_mode[i] = pred_mode[i] | 128; } for(i=1; i<=tm_ant; i++) { glnpos[i] = start[i]; glcpos[i] = stopp[i]; } AJFREE(hitposs); AJFREE(pred_mode); AJFREE(start); AJFREE(stopp); AJFREE(start_e_pos); AJFREE(stopp_e_pos); return tm_ant; } /* @funcstatic tmap_peak1 ***************************************************** ** ** Finds peak value in the vector 'parameter' ** and returns position of peak value ** ** @param [r] start [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] stopp [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] parameter [float*] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] peak value ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint tmap_peak1(ajint start, ajint stopp, float *parameter) { ajint i; ajint maxpos = 0; float maximum; maximum = 0; for(i=start; i<=stopp; i++) if(parameter[i]>maximum) { maxpos = i; maximum = parameter[i]; } return maxpos; } #define OVERLAPP 2 #define MAX_TM_LANGD 30 #define MIN_TM_LANGD 25 /* @funcstatic tmap_summa1 **************************************************** ** ** Sums the values for 'parameter' in span 'start' to 'stopp' ** ** @param [r] start [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] stopp [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] parameter [const float*] Undocumented ** @return [float] sum ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static float tmap_summa1(ajint start, ajint stopp, const float *parameter) { float summa = 0; ajint i; for(i=start; i<=stopp; i++) summa += parameter[i]; return summa; } /* @funcstatic tmap_tm_in_vector ********************************************** ** ** Checks if segment already in TM vector ** ** @param [r] start [const ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] stopp [const ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] max [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] starttmp [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] stopptmp [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint tmap_tm_in_vector(const ajint *start, const ajint *stopp, ajint max, ajint starttmp, ajint stopptmp) { ajint i; ajint temp; temp = 0; for(i=1; i<=max; i++) if((abs(start[i]-starttmp)<7) && (abs(stopp[i]-stopptmp)<7)) temp = 1; return temp; } /* @funcstatic tmap_insert_in_vector ****************************************** ** ** Insert segment in TM vector ** ** @param [w] start [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [w] stopp [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] max [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] starttmp [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] stopptmp [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] pred [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] predparameter [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint tmap_insert_in_vector(ajint *start, ajint *stopp, ajint max, ajint starttmp, ajint stopptmp, ajint *pred, ajint predparameter) { ajint i; ajint j; for(i=1; i<=max-1; i++) if(starttmp>start[i]) if(starttmp=i+1; j--) { start[j+1]=start[j]; stopp[j+1]=stopp[j]; pred[j+1]=pred[j]; } start[i+1]=starttmp; stopp[i+1]=stopptmp; pred[i+1]=predparameter; return max+1; } /* starttmp<=start[i] */ for(j=max; j>=1; j--) { start[j+1]=start[j]; stopp[j+1]=stopp[j]; pred[j+1]=pred[j]; } start[1] = starttmp; stopp[1] = stopptmp; pred[1] = predparameter; return max+1; } /* @funcstatic tmap_vec_to_stst *********************************************** ** ** Transfers information in vector vec[] to start[] and stopp[] ** Returns number of elements in start[] and stopp[] ** ** @param [w] vec [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [w] start [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [w] stopp [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] length [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint tmap_vec_to_stst(ajint *vec, ajint *start, ajint *stopp, ajint length) { ajint flagga; ajint i; ajint myindex; flagga=0; myindex=0; for(i=1; i<=length; i++) { if((vec[i]==1) && (flagga==0)) { flagga = 1; start[++myindex]=i; } if((vec[i]==0) && (flagga==1)) { flagga = 0; stopp[myindex]=i-1; } } if(flagga==1) stopp[myindex] = length; return myindex; } /* @funcstatic tmap_weights *************************************************** ** ** Calculates number of differences between sequence 'testnr' and all ** other sequences (Ref. Vingron & Argos, CABIOS 5 (1989) 115-121). ** ** @param [r] sw [CONST char**] sekvensmatris (sequence matrix) ** @param [r] poss [ajint] antal positioner i sekvenserna ** (position in sequence) ** @param [r] nr [ajint] max nr av sekvenserna (max number of sequences) ** @param [w] norm_sk [float*] vektor for vikterna (vector) ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void tmap_weights(char **sw, ajint poss, ajint nr, float *norm_sk) { ajint i; ajint j; ajint testnr; ajint *skillnad = NULL; float summa; AJCNEW0(skillnad, nr+1); for(testnr=0; testnr<=nr; testnr++) for(i=0; i<=nr; i++) if(i!=testnr) for(j=1, skillnad[testnr]=0; j<=poss; j++) if(sw[testnr][j]!=sw[i][j]) skillnad[testnr]++; /* Normalize 'skillnad[]' */ for(i=0, j=poss*nr; i<=nr; i++) if(skillnad[i]='A') && (s[nr][i]<='Z')) { for(j=0, count=0, prof_temp=0; count='A') && (s[nr][i+j]<='Z')) { prof_temp+=P[prof][s[nr][i+j]-'A'] * norm_skillnad[nr]; if(count==span/2) bin = i+j; count++; } if(count==span) { flagga[bin] = 1; profile[prof][bin] += prof_temp/count; summa_vikt[bin] += norm_skillnad[nr]; } } } for(i=1; i<=poss; i++) if((flagga[i]==0) || (ali_ok[i]==0)) profile[prof][i] = NOLLVARDE; else profile[prof][i] = profile[prof][i]/summa_vikt[i]; AJFREE(flagga); AJFREE(summa_vikt); return; } /* @funcstatic tmap_align_rel ************************************************* ** ** Undocumented. ** ** @param [r] antal [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] poss [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] span [ajint] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void tmap_align_rel(ajint antal, ajint poss, ajint span) { ajint nr; ajint ok; ajint pos; for(pos=1; pos<=poss-span+1; pos++) { for(nr=0,ok=0; nr<=antal; nr++) if(s[nr][pos]!=GAP) ok++; if((float)ok/(float)nr > ALI_MINIMUM) ali_ok[pos] = 1; else ali_ok[pos] = 0; } return; } /* @funcstatic tmap_plot2 ***************************************************** ** ** Undocumented. ** ** @param [w] mult [AjPGraph] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void tmap_plot2(AjPGraph mult) { AjPGraphPlpData graphdata = NULL; float max = -10.0; float min = 10.0; ajuint i; ajint j; for(j=0;j max) max = profile[j][i]; if(profile[j][i] < min) min = profile[j][i]; } } graphdata = ajGraphPlpDataNew(); ajGraphPlpDataSetTypeC(graphdata,"Overlay 2D Plot"); ajGraphPlpDataCalcXY(graphdata,glposs,0.0,1.0,&profile[j][0]); ajGraphPlpDataSetMaxima(graphdata,0.,(float)glposs,min,max); ajGraphPlpDataSetXTitleC(graphdata,"Residue no."); ajGraphPlpDataSetYTitleC(graphdata,""); ajGraphPlpDataSetTitleC(graphdata,""); ajGraphPlpDataSetSubTitleC(graphdata,""); ajGraphDataAdd(mult,graphdata); } ajGraphPlpDataSetLineType(graphdata, 2); ajGraphxySetGaps(mult,AJTRUE); ajGraphxySetOverLap(mult,AJTRUE); if(min > 0.0) min = min*(float)0.9; else min = min*(float)1.1; max = max*(float)1.1; ajGraphxySetMaxMin(mult,0.0,(float)glposs,min,max); ajGraphSetTitleC(mult,"Tmap"); max = max * (float)0.95; for(j=1; j<=tm_number; j++) ajGraphAddRect(mult,(float)tm_segment[j][0],max,(float)tm_segment[j][1], max+((max-min)*(float)0.01),BLACK,1); ajGraphxyDisplay(mult,AJFALSE); ajGraphCloseWin(); return; }