/* @source tfm application ** ** Displays a program's help documentation manual ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" static void tfm_FindAppDocRoot(const AjPStr program, AjPStr* docroot, AjBool html); static AjBool tfm_FindAppDoc(const AjPStr program, const AjPStr docroot, AjBool html, AjPStr* path); static void tfm_FixImages(AjPStr *line, const AjPStr path); /* @prog tfm ****************************************************************** ** ** Displays a program's help documentation manual ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPFile outfile = NULL; AjPStr program = NULL; AjBool html; AjBool more; AjPStr path = NULL; /* path of file to be displayed */ AjPStr cmd = NULL; /* command line for running 'more' */ AjPFile infile = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; /* buffer for infile lines */ AjPStr pager = NULL; AjPStr docroot = NULL; char *shellpager = NULL; embInit("tfm", argc, argv); program = ajAcdGetString("program"); outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); html = ajAcdGetBoolean("html"); more = ajAcdGetBoolean("more"); cmd = ajStrNew(); path = ajStrNew(); pager = ajStrNew(); line = ajStrNew(); docroot = ajStrNew(); tfm_FindAppDocRoot(program, &docroot, html); /* is a search string specified - should be tested in tfm.acd file */ if(!ajStrGetLen(program)) ajFatal("No program name specified."); if(!tfm_FindAppDoc(program, docroot, html, &path)) ajDie("No documentation found in %S for program '%S'.", docroot,program); /* outputing to STDOUT and piping through 'more'? */ if(ajFileIsStdout(outfile) && more) { if(!ajNamGetValueC("PAGER",&pager)) { shellpager = getenv("PAGER"); if(shellpager) ajStrAssignC(&pager,shellpager); if(!ajStrGetLen(pager)) ajStrAssignC(&pager,"more"); } ajFmtPrintS(&cmd,"%S %S",pager,path); system(ajStrGetPtr(cmd)); } else { /* output file as-is */ infile = ajFileNewInNameS(path); while(ajReadline(infile, &line)) { if(html) tfm_FixImages(&line,docroot); ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%S", line); } ajFileClose(&infile); } ajFileClose(&outfile); ajStrDel(&path); ajStrDel(&pager); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&cmd); ajStrDel(&program); ajStrDel(&docroot); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic tfm_FindAppDocRoot ********************************************* ** ** return the path to the program doc directory ** ** @param [r] program [const AjPStr] program name ** @param [w] docroot [AjPStr*] root dir for documentation files ** @param [r] html [AjBool] whether html required ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void tfm_FindAppDocRoot(const AjPStr program, AjPStr* docroot, AjBool html) { AjPStr docrootinst = NULL; AjPStr roottmp = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr embassy = NULL; AjBool is_windows = ajFalse; #ifdef WIN32 is_windows = ajTrue; #endif docrootinst = ajStrNew(); roottmp = ajStrNew(); tmpstr = ajStrNew(); ajDebug("given docroot '%S'\n", *docroot); ajNamGetValueC("docroot", &roottmp); ajDebug("defined docroot '%S'\n", roottmp); if(html) embGrpGetEmbassy(program, &embassy); /* look at EMBOSS doc files */ /* try to open the installed doc directory */ if(ajStrGetLen(roottmp)) ajStrAssignS(docroot, roottmp); else { ajStrAssignS(&docrootinst, ajNamValueInstalldir()); ajDirnameFix(&docrootinst); if(is_windows) { ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr,"%Sdoc",docrootinst); if(!ajDirnameFixExists(&tmpstr)) { ajDirnameUp(&docrootinst); ajDirnameUp(&docrootinst); } ajStrAppendC(&docrootinst,"doc"); ajStrAppendC(&docrootinst,SLASH_STRING); } else ajFmtPrintAppS(&docrootinst, "share%sEMBOSS%sdoc%s", SLASH_STRING,SLASH_STRING,SLASH_STRING); if(html) { if(ajStrGetLen(embassy)) ajFmtPrintS(docroot,"%Shtml%sembassy%s%S%s", docrootinst,SLASH_STRING,SLASH_STRING, embassy, SLASH_STRING); else { if(is_windows) ajFmtPrintS(docroot,"%Sprograms%shtml%s", docrootinst,SLASH_STRING,SLASH_STRING); else ajFmtPrintS(docroot,"%Shtml%semboss%sapps%s", docrootinst,SLASH_STRING,SLASH_STRING, SLASH_STRING); } } else ajFmtPrintS(docroot,"%Sprograms%stext%s",docrootinst,SLASH_STRING, SLASH_STRING); } ajDirnameFix(docroot); ajDebug("installed docroot '%S'\n", *docroot); if(!ajDirnameFixExists(docroot) && !is_windows) { /* ** if that didn't work then try the doc directory from the ** distribution tarball */ ajStrAssignS(docroot, ajNamValueBasedir()); ajDirnameFix(docroot); if(ajStrGetLen(embassy)) { if(ajDirnameFixExists(docroot)) ajFmtPrintS(docroot, "embassy/%S/emboss_doc/", embassy); if(html) { ajStrAppendC(docroot, "html/"); } else { ajStrAppendC(docroot, "text/"); } } else { if(ajDirnameFixExists(docroot)) ajStrAppendC(docroot, "doc/programs/"); if(html) { ajStrAppendC(docroot, "html/"); } else { ajStrAppendC(docroot, "text/"); } } } ajStrDel(&roottmp); ajStrDel(&docrootinst); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); return; } /* @funcstatic tfm_FindAppDoc ************************************************* ** ** return the path to the program documentation html or text file ** ** @param [r] program [const AjPStr] program name ** @param [r] docroot [const AjPStr] documentation root ** @param [r] html [AjBool] whether html required ** @param [w] path [AjPStr*] returned path ** @return [AjBool] success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool tfm_FindAppDoc(const AjPStr program, const AjPStr docroot, AjBool html, AjPStr* path) { ajStrAssignS(path, docroot); ajStrAppendS(path, program); if(html) ajStrAppendC(path, ".html"); else ajStrAppendC(path, ".txt"); /* does the file exist and is it readable? */ return ajFilenameExistsRead(*path); } /* @funcstatic tfm_FixImages ************************************************* ** ** Add full path to installed or local image files ** ** @param [w] line [AjPStr*] html line ** @param [r] path [const AjPStr] file location ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void tfm_FixImages(AjPStr *line, const AjPStr path) { AjPStr newpath = NULL; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr pre = NULL; AjPStr post = NULL; const char *p = NULL; const char *q = NULL; #ifdef __CYGWIN__ char *root = NULL; #endif q = ajStrGetPtr(*line); if(!(p = strstr(q,"