/* @source showalign application ** ** Display a multiple sequence alignment with consensus ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** 8 May 2001 - GWW - written ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ /* ** ** Outputs a set of sequence as compared to a reference sequence as follows: ** ** With reference: AII ** and sequence: ALW ** ie. identical, similar, not-similar ** ** Show ** ---- ** ** All ALw ** Identical A.. ** Non-id .lW ** Similar Al. ** Dissimilar ..W */ #include "emboss.h" #include #include /* for log10() */ /* @datastatic AjPOrder ******************************************************* ** ** showalign internals ** ** @alias AjSOrder ** @alias AjOOrder ** ** @attr seq [AjPSeq] Sequence ** @attr similarity [ajint] total of similarity scores to consensus ** for sort order ** @attr idcount [ajint] count of identical residues for stats ** @attr simcount [ajint] count of similar residues for stats ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSOrder { AjPSeq seq; ajint similarity; ajint idcount; ajint simcount; char Padding[4]; } AjOOrder; #define AjPOrder AjOOrder* static ajint showalign_Getrefseq(const AjPStr refseq, const AjPSeqset seqset); static void showalign_NiceMargin(const AjPSeqset seqset, ajint *margin, AjBool docon, ajint nrefseq); static void showalign_Convert(AjPSeq *seqs, const AjPStr show, AjBool similarcase, ajint nrefseq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt, const AjPSeq consensus); static void showalign_MakeAll(const AjPSeq ref, AjPSeq seq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt,AjBool similarcase); static void showalign_MakeIdentity(const AjPSeq ref, AjPSeq seq); static void showalign_MakeNonidentity(const AjPSeq ref, AjPSeq seq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt, AjBool similarcase); static void showalign_MakeSimilar(const AjPSeq ref, AjPSeq seq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt, AjBool similarcase); static void showalign_MakeDissimilar(const AjPSeq ref, AjPSeq seq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt); static void showalign_Order(const AjPStr order, AjPSeq const * seqs, const AjPSeq consensus, ajint nrefseq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt, AjOOrder *aorder); static ajint showalign_Output(AjPFile outf, AjPSeq const * seqs, ajint nrefseq, ajint width, ajint margin, const AjPSeq consensus, AjBool docon, AjBool bottom, const AjOOrder * aorder, AjBool html, const AjPRange highlight, const AjPRange uppercase, AjBool number, AjBool ruler, ajint nseqs, ajint begin, ajint end); static ajint showalign_OutputNums(AjPFile outf, ajint pos, ajint width, ajint margin); static ajint showalign_OutputTicks(AjPFile outf, ajint pos, ajint width, ajint margin); static ajint showalign_OutputSeq(AjPFile outf, const AjPSeq seq, ajint pos, ajint end, ajint width, ajint margin, AjBool html, const AjPRange highlight, const AjPRange uppercase); static ajint showalign_CompareTwoSeqNames(const void * a, const void * b); static ajint showalign_CompareTwoSeqSimilarities(const void * a, const void * b); /* @prog showalign ************************************************************ ** ** Display a multiple sequence alignment ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPFile outf; AjPSeqset seqset = NULL; AjPStr refseq; /* input name/number of reference sequence */ ajint nrefseq; /* numeric reference sequence */ AjPStr show=NULL; /* what to show */ ajint width; /* width of displayed sequence line */ ajint margin; /* width of displayed margin on left side */ AjPMatrix matrix; /* scoring matrix structure */ ajint **sub; /* integer scoring matrix */ AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; /* conversion table for scoring matrix */ /* True if want to change case based on Similarity */ AjBool similarcase; float identity; ajint ident; float fplural; float setcase; AjPStr cons; AjPSeq consensus; AjBool html; /* format for HTML display */ AjPRange highlight; /* ranges to colour in HTML */ AjPRange uppercase; /* ranges to uppercase */ AjBool docon; /* show the consensus line */ /* * show the refseq line at the bottom of the alignment as well * as the top */ AjBool bottom; AjPStr order; /* input required order */ AjOOrder *aorder; /* the output order array */ AjBool number; /* display number line */ AjBool ruler; /* display ruler line */ AjPStr xxx = NULL; AjPSeq* seqs; ajint nseqs; ajint begin; ajint end; AjBool gaps; ajint i; embInit("showalign", argc, argv); seqset = ajAcdGetSeqset("sequence"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); refseq = ajAcdGetString("refseq"); show = ajAcdGetListSingle("show"); order = ajAcdGetListSingle("order"); width = ajAcdGetInt("width"); margin = ajAcdGetInt("margin"); matrix = ajAcdGetMatrix("matrix"); similarcase = ajAcdGetBoolean("similarcase"); docon = ajAcdGetBoolean("consensus"); bottom = ajAcdGetBoolean("bottom"); number = ajAcdGetBoolean("number"); ruler = ajAcdGetBoolean("ruler"); /* html and range formatting parameters */ html = ajAcdGetBoolean("html"); uppercase = ajAcdGetRange("uppercase"); highlight = ajAcdGetRange("highlight"); /* consensus parameters */ fplural = ajAcdGetFloat("plurality"); setcase = ajAcdGetFloat("setcase"); identity = ajAcdGetFloat("identity"); gaps = ajAcdGetBoolean("gaps"); cons = ajStrNew(); consensus = ajSeqNew(); /* get conversion table and scoring matrix */ cvt = ajMatrixCvt(matrix); sub = ajMatrixArray(matrix); /* get the number of the reference sequence */ nrefseq = showalign_Getrefseq(refseq, seqset); /* change the % plurality to the fraction of absolute total weight */ fplural = ajSeqsetGetTotweight(seqset) * fplural / 100; /* ** change the % identity to the number of identical sequences at a ** position required for consensus */ ident = ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset) * (ajint)identity / 100; /* get the consensus sequence */ embConsCalc(seqset, matrix, ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset), ajSeqsetGetLen(seqset), fplural, setcase, ident, gaps, &cons); ajSeqAssignSeqS(consensus, cons); /* set the sequence string */ /* name the sequence */ ajSeqAssignNameS(consensus,(xxx=ajStrNewC("Consensus"))); /* if margin is given as -1 ensure it is reset to a nice value */ showalign_NiceMargin(seqset, &margin, docon, nrefseq); /* order the output */ AJCNEW(aorder, ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset)); seqs = ajSeqsetGetSeqarray(seqset); showalign_Order(order, seqs, consensus, nrefseq, sub, cvt, aorder); /* convert all sequences except the refseq to the required symbols */ showalign_Convert(seqs, show, similarcase, nrefseq, sub, cvt, consensus); /* output the sequences */ nseqs = ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset); /* number of sequences */ begin = ajSeqsetGetBegin(seqset)-1; end = ajSeqsetGetEnd(seqset)-1; showalign_Output(outf, seqs, nrefseq, width, margin, consensus, docon, bottom, aorder, html, highlight, uppercase, number, ruler, nseqs, begin, end); for (i=0;seqs[i];i++) ajSeqDel(&seqs[i]); AJFREE(seqs); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqDel(&consensus); AJFREE(aorder); ajStrDel(&xxx); ajSeqsetDel(&seqset); ajStrDel(&refseq); ajStrDel(&show); ajMatrixDel(&matrix); ajStrDel(&cons); ajRangeDel(&highlight); ajRangeDel(&uppercase); ajStrDel(&order); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic showalign_Getrefseq ******************************************** ** ** Determines which sequence should be the reference sequence. ** The first sequence in the set is returned as 0. ** -1 is returned as the consensus sequence. ** ** @param [r] refseq [const AjPStr] input name/number of reference sequence ** @param [r] seqset [const AjPSeqset] the sequences ** @return [ajint] the number of the reference sequence ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint showalign_Getrefseq(const AjPStr refseq, const AjPSeqset seqset) { ajint i; const AjPSeq seq; for(i=0; i<(ajint)ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset); i++) { seq = ajSeqsetGetseqSeq(seqset, i); if(!ajStrCmpS(ajSeqGetNameS(seq), refseq)) return i; } /* not a name of a sequence, so it must be a number */ if(ajStrToInt(refseq, &i)) { if(i < 0 || i > (ajint)ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset)) ajFatal("Reference sequence number < 0 or > number of input " "sequences: %d", i); return i-1; } else ajFatal("Reference sequence is not a sequence ID or a number: %S", refseq); return 0; } /* @funcstatic showalign_NiceMargin ******************************************* ** ** If margin is input as -1, change it to the margin which allows ** the longest name to be displayed plus one extra space after it ** ** @param [r] seqset [const AjPSeqset] the sequences ** @param [w] margin [ajint*] margin ** @param [r] docon [AjBool] displaying the consensus line ** @param [r] nrefseq [ajint] the sequence being displayed ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showalign_NiceMargin(const AjPSeqset seqset, ajint *margin, AjBool docon, ajint nrefseq) { ajint longest = 0; ajint len; ajuint i; const AjPSeq seq; /* if margin has been explicitly set, use that value */ if(*margin != -1) return; /* ** Displaying the consensus at the end or using it as the ref ** seq? */ if(docon || nrefseq == -1) longest = 9; /* the length of "Consensus" */ /* get length of longest sequence name */ for(i=0; i longest) longest = len; } *margin = longest+1; /* use longest name plus one extra space */ return; } /* @funcstatic showalign_Convert ********************************************** ** ** Convert all sequences except the refseq to the required symbols ** ** @param [u] seqs [AjPSeq*] the sequences ** @param [r] show [const AjPStr] type of thing to show ** @param [r] similarcase [AjBool] change case according to similarity ** @param [r] nrefseq [ajint] number of the refseq ** @param [r] sub [ajint* const *] scoring matrix ** @param [r] cvt [const AjPSeqCvt] conversion table for scoring matrix ** @param [r] consensus [const AjPSeq] consensus sequence ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showalign_Convert(AjPSeq* seqs, const AjPStr show, AjBool similarcase, ajint nrefseq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt, const AjPSeq consensus) { ajint i; AjPSeq seq; const AjPSeq ref; char showchar; showchar = ajStrGetCharFirst(show); /* first char of 'show' */ /* get the reference sequence */ if(nrefseq == -1) ref = consensus; else ref = seqs[nrefseq]; /* convert the other sequences */ for(i=0; seqs[i]; i++) if(i != nrefseq) { /* don't convert the reference sequence */ seq = seqs[i]; switch(showchar) { case 'A': /* All - no change, except for case */ showalign_MakeAll(ref, seq, sub, cvt, similarcase); break; case 'I': /* Identities */ showalign_MakeIdentity(ref, seq); break; case 'N': /* Non-identities */ showalign_MakeNonidentity(ref, seq, sub, cvt, similarcase); break; case 'S': /* Similarities */ showalign_MakeSimilar(ref, seq, sub, cvt, similarcase); break; case 'D': /* Dissimilarities */ showalign_MakeDissimilar(ref, seq, sub, cvt); break; default: ajFatal("Unknown option for '-show': %S", show[0]); break; } } return; } /* @funcstatic showalign_MakeAll ********************************************** ** ** Leave the sequence unchanged unless we are changing the case depending ** on the similarity to the reference sequence ** ** @param [r] ref [const AjPSeq] the reference sequence ** @param [u] seq [AjPSeq] the sequence to be changed ** @param [r] sub [ajint * const *] scoring matrix ** @param [r] cvt [const AjPSeqCvt] conversion table for scoring matrix ** @param [r] similarcase [AjBool] change case depending on similarity ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showalign_MakeAll(const AjPSeq ref, AjPSeq seq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt, AjBool similarcase) { ajint i; ajint lenseq; ajint lenref; AjPStr sstr = NULL; char *s; const char *r; /* if not changing the case, do nothing */ if(!similarcase) return; sstr = ajSeqGetSeqCopyS(seq); lenseq = ajSeqGetLen(seq); lenref = ajSeqGetLen(ref); s = ajStrGetuniquePtr(&sstr); r = ajSeqGetSeqC(ref); for(i=0; i lenref) for(; i lenref) for(; i lenref && similarcase) for(; i lenref) for(; i 0) s[i] = '.'; ajSeqAssignSeqS(seq, sstr); ajStrDel(&sstr); return; } /* @funcstatic showalign_Order ************************************************ ** ** Orders the sequences ** ** @param [r] order [const AjPStr] how to order the sequences ** @param [r] seqs [AjPSeq const *] input sequences ** @param [r] consensus [const AjPSeq] consensus sequence ** @param [r] nrefseq [ajint] number of reference sequence ** @param [r] sub [ajint * const *] substitution matrix ** @param [r] cvt [const AjPSeqCvt] substitution conversion table ** @param [u] aorder [AjOOrder *] output order to display the sequences ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void showalign_Order(const AjPStr order, AjPSeq const * seqs, const AjPSeq consensus, ajint nrefseq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt, AjOOrder *aorder) { char orderchar; const AjPSeq ref; ajint i; ajint j; ajint k; const char *s; const char *r; ajint rlen; ajint len; orderchar = ajStrGetCharFirst(order); /* first char of 'order' */ /* get the reference sequence */ if(nrefseq == -1) ref = consensus; else ref = seqs[nrefseq]; rlen = ajSeqGetLen(ref); /* initialise all order positions as unused */ for(i=0; seqs[i]; i++) aorder[i].seq = NULL; /* do the ordering */ switch(orderchar) { case 'I': /* Input order */ for(i=0, j=0; seqs[i]; i++) { if(i != nrefseq) aorder[j++].seq = seqs[i]; } break; case 'A': /* Alphabetical name order */ for(i=0, j=0; seqs[i]; i++) { if(i != nrefseq) aorder[j++].seq = seqs[i]; } /* sort alphabetically by name */ qsort(aorder, j, sizeof(AjOOrder), showalign_CompareTwoSeqNames); break; case 'S': /* Similarity to the reference sequence */ if(nrefseq == -1) r = ajSeqGetSeqC(consensus); else r = ajSeqGetSeqC(seqs[nrefseq]); for(i=0, j=0; seqs[i]; i++) { if(i != nrefseq) { aorder[j].seq = seqs[i]; aorder[j].similarity = 0; len = ajSeqGetLen(aorder[j].seq); s = ajSeqGetSeqC(aorder[j].seq); for(k=0; k\n"); /* get next set of lines to output */ for(pos=begin; pos<=end; pos+=width) { /* numbers line */ if(number) showalign_OutputNums(outf, pos, width, margin); /* ruler/ticks line */ if(ruler) showalign_OutputTicks(outf, pos, width, margin); /* refseq is always displayed at the top if it is not the consensus */ if(nrefseq != -1) { showalign_OutputSeq(outf, ref, pos, end, width, margin, html, highlight, uppercase); } else if(docon) { /* if refseq is consensus and docon is true then display consensus */ showalign_OutputSeq(outf, consensus, pos, end, width, margin, html, highlight, uppercase); } /* sequences */ for(i=0; i\n"); return 0; } /* @funcstatic showalign_OutputNums ******************************************* ** ** Writes the numbers line ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] output file handle ** @param [r] pos [ajint] position in sequence to start line ** @param [r] width [ajint] width of line ** @param [r] margin [ajint] length of left hand margin ** @return [ajint] Always 0 ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint showalign_OutputNums(AjPFile outf, ajint pos, ajint width, ajint margin) { AjPStr line; ajint i; ajint firstpos; AjPStr marginfmt; double xlog; ajint poslimit; line = ajStrNewRes(81); /* line of ticks to print */ marginfmt = ajStrNewRes(10); xlog = log10((double)pos); poslimit = (ajint) xlog + 1; /* margin and first number which may be partly in the margin */ if(pos>0 && poslimit > margin + 10-(pos%10)) { /* number is too long to fit in the margin, so just write spaces */ ajStrAppendCountK(&line, ' ', margin+(10-(pos)%10)); firstpos = pos + 10-(pos%10); } else { ajFmtPrintS(&marginfmt, "%%%dd", margin+(10-(pos)%10)); firstpos = pos + 10-(pos%10); ajFmtPrintF(outf, ajStrGetPtr(marginfmt), firstpos); } /* make the numbers line */ for(i=firstpos+10; i<=pos+width; i+=10) ajFmtPrintAppS(&line, "%10d", i); /* print the numbers */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\n", line); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&marginfmt); return 0; } /* @funcstatic showalign_OutputTicks ****************************************** ** ** Writes the ticks line ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] output file handle ** @param [r] pos [ajint] position in sequence to start line ** @param [r] width [ajint] width of line ** @param [r] margin [ajint] length of left hand margin ** @return [ajint] Always 0 ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint showalign_OutputTicks(AjPFile outf, ajint pos, ajint width, ajint margin) { AjPStr line; ajint i; line = ajStrNewRes(81); /* line of ticks to print */ /* margin */ ajStrAppendCountK(&line, ' ', margin); /* make the ticks line */ for(i=pos+1; i pos+width-1) end = pos+width-1; /* the bit of the sequence to be output */ ajStrAssignSubS(&line, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq), pos, end); /* name of sequence */ ajFmtPrintS(&marginfmt, "%%-%d.%dS", margin, margin); if(margin > 0) ajFmtPrintF(outf, ajStrGetPtr(marginfmt), ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); /* change required ranges to uppercase */ embShowUpperRange(&line, uppercase, pos); /* +++ colour the sequences */ /* highlight required ranges */ if(html) embShowColourRange(&line, highlight, pos); /* print the sequence */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%S\n", line); ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&marginfmt); return 0; } /* @funcstatic showalign_CompareTwoSeqNames *********************************** ** ** Compare two Sequences' Names ** ** @param [r] a [const void *] First sequence ** @param [r] b [const void *] Second sequence ** ** @return [ajint] Compare value (-1, 0, +1) ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint showalign_CompareTwoSeqNames(const void * a, const void * b) { return strcmp(ajSeqGetNameC((*(AjOOrder const *)a).seq), ajSeqGetNameC((*(AjOOrder const *)b).seq)); } /* @funcstatic showalign_CompareTwoSeqSimilarities **************************** ** ** Compare two Sequences by their similarity to the reference sequence ** ** @param [r] a [const void *] First sequence similarity ** @param [r] b [const void *] Second sequence similarity ** ** @return [ajint] Compare value (-1, 0, +1) ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint showalign_CompareTwoSeqSimilarities(const void * a, const void * b) { return (*(AjOOrder const *)b).similarity - (*(AjOOrder const *)a).similarity; }