/* @source recoder ** ** Find restriction sites in a nucleotide sequence and remove ** them whilst maintaining the same translation. ** ** ** This program uses a similar output style to that of ** "silent". Also, the enzyme reading function was taken ** straight out of "silent". ** ** @author Copyright (C) Tim Carver (tcarver@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include #define IUBFILE "Ebases.iub" /* @datastatic AjPRinfo ******************************************************* ** ** recoder internals for RE information ** ** @alias AjSRinfo ** @alias AjORinfo ** ** @attr code [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr site [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr ncuts [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr cut1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr cut2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr cut3 [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr cut4 [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSRinfo { AjPStr code; AjPStr site; ajint ncuts; ajint cut1; ajint cut2; ajint cut3; ajint cut4; char Padding[4]; } AjORinfo; #define AjPRinfo AjORinfo* /* @datastatic Mutant ********************************************************* ** ** recoder internals for mutation sites ** ** @alias AjSRinfo ** @alias AjORinfo ** ** @attr code [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr site [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr match [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr base [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr seqaa [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr reaa [AjPStr] Undocumented ** @attr obase [char] Undocumented ** @attr nbase [char] Undocumented ** @attr Padding [char[6]] Padding to alignment boudnary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct Mutant { AjPStr code; AjPStr site; ajint match; ajint base; AjPStr seqaa; AjPStr reaa; char obase; char nbase; char Padding[6]; } OMutant; #define Mutant OMutant* static AjPTrn recoderTable = NULL; /* translation table object */ static ajint recoder_readRE(AjPList *relist, const AjPStr enzymes); static AjPList recoder_rematch(const AjPStr sstr, AjPList ressite, AjPStr* tailstr, const AjPStr sname, ajint RStotal, ajint radj, AjBool rev, ajint begin, ajint end, AjBool tshow); static AjPList recoder_checkTrans(const AjPStr seq,const EmbPMatMatch match, const AjPRinfo rlp, ajint begin, ajint radj, AjBool rev, ajint end, ajint pos, AjBool* empty); static AjBool recoder_checkPat(const EmbPMatMatch match, const AjPRinfo rlp, ajint radj, AjBool rev, ajint begin, ajint end); static ajint recoder_changebase(char pbase, char* tbase); static void recoder_mutFree(Mutant* mut); static ajint recoder_basecompare(const void *a, const void *b); static void recoder_fmt_seq(const char* title, const AjPStr seq, AjPStr* tailstr, ajint start, AjBool num); static void recoder_fmt_muts(AjPList muts, AjPFeattable feat, AjBool rev); /* @prog recoder ************************************************************** ** ** Remove restriction sites but maintain the same translation ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPReport report = NULL; AjPFeattable feat=NULL; AjPStr sstr = NULL; const AjPStr sname = NULL; /* seq name */ AjPStr revcomp = NULL; /* rev complement of seq */ AjPStr enzymes = NULL; /* string for RE selection */ ajint RStotal; ajint begin; /* specified start by user */ ajint end; /* specified end by user */ ajint radj; ajint start; AjBool sshow; AjBool tshow; AjPList relist = NULL; AjPList muts; AjPList nmuts; AjPRinfo re; AjPStr tailstr = NULL; embInit("recoder", argc, argv); seq = ajAcdGetSeq("sequence"); /* sequence to investigate */ enzymes = ajAcdGetString("enzymes"); /* enzyme list */ sshow = ajAcdGetBoolean("sshow"); /* display seq */ tshow = ajAcdGetBoolean("tshow"); /* display translated seq */ report = ajAcdGetReport ("outfile"); /* report filename */ RStotal=recoder_readRE(&relist,enzymes); /* read in RE info */ ajDebug("readRE read %d listlen:%d\n", RStotal, ajListGetLength(relist)); begin = ajSeqGetBegin(seq); /* seq start posn, or 1 */ end = ajSeqGetEnd(seq); /* seq end posn, or seq len */ radj = begin+end+1; /* posn adjustment for compl seq */ /* --begin and --end to convert counting from 0-N, not 1-N */ ajStrAssignSubC(&sstr,ajSeqGetSeqC(seq),--begin,--end); ajStrFmtUpper(&sstr); sname = ajSeqGetNameS(seq); ajStrAssignC(&revcomp,ajStrGetPtr(sstr)); /* copying seq into revcomp */ ajSeqstrReverse(&revcomp); /* getting rev complement */ start = begin+1; feat = ajFeattableNewDna(ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); if(sshow) { recoder_fmt_seq("SEQUENCE", sstr,&tailstr,start,ajTrue); recoder_fmt_seq("REVERSE COMPLEMENT SEQUENCE", revcomp,&tailstr,start,ajTrue); } /******* get de-restriction site *******/ /******* forward strand *******/ muts = recoder_rematch(sstr,relist,&tailstr,sname,RStotal, radj,ajFalse,begin,end,tshow); ajReportSetHeaderC(report, "KEY:\n" "Dir: Direction (Rev for reverse complement)\n" "EnzymeName: Enzyme name\n" "RS-Pattern: Restriction enzyme recognition site " "pattern\n" "Base-Posn: Position of base to be mutated\n" "AAs: Amino acid. Original sequence(.)After mutation\n" "Mutation: The base mutation to perform\n\n" "Creating silent mutations"); recoder_fmt_muts(muts,feat, ajFalse); /******* reverse strand ****************/ nmuts = recoder_rematch(revcomp,relist,&tailstr,sname,RStotal, radj,ajTrue,begin,end,tshow); recoder_fmt_muts(nmuts,feat, ajTrue); ajReportSetTail(report, tailstr); (void) ajReportWrite (report,feat,seq); ajFeattableDel(&feat); while(ajListPop(relist,(void **)&re)) { ajStrDel(&re->code); ajStrDel(&re->site); AJFREE(re); } ajListFree(&relist); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&revcomp); ajStrDel(&enzymes); ajStrDel(&sstr); ajStrDel(&tailstr); ajListFree(&muts); ajListFree(&nmuts); ajReportClose(report); ajReportDel(&report); ajTrnDel(&recoderTable); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic recoder_rematch ************************************************ ** ** Looks for RE matches and test new bases to find those that ** give the same translation. ** ** @param [r] sstr [const AjPStr] Search sequence as a string ** @param [u] relist [AjPList] Regular expression list ** @param [w] tailstr [AjPStr*] Report tail as a string ** @param [r] sname [const AjPStr] Sequence name ** @param [r] RStotal [ajint] Restriction sites ** @param [r] radj [ajint] Position adjustment for reversed sequence ** @param [r] rev [AjBool] Reverse sequence ** @param [r] begin [ajint] Start position ** @param [r] end [ajint] End position ** @param [r] tshow [AjBool] Show translation ** @return [AjPList] Mutant list of those RS sites removed but ** maintaining same translation. ******************************************************************************/ static AjPList recoder_rematch(const AjPStr sstr, AjPList relist, AjPStr* tailstr, const AjPStr sname, ajint RStotal, ajint radj, AjBool rev, ajint begin, ajint end, AjBool tshow) { AjPList res; AjPList results; AjPStr str; /* holds RS patterns */ AjPStr tstr; AjPStr pep = NULL; /* string to hold protein */ AjBool dummy=ajFalse; /* need a bool for ajPatClassify */ AjBool empty; ajint mm; /* no. of mismatches */ ajint pats; /* no. of pattern matches */ ajint patlen; ajint pos; ajint aw; ajint start; AjPList patlist = NULL; /* list for pattern matches of.. */ EmbPMatMatch match; /* ..AjMatMatch structures*/ AjPRinfo rlp = NULL; str = ajStrNew(); tstr = ajStrNew(); pep = ajStrNew(); if(!recoderTable) recoderTable = ajTrnNewI(0); /* 0 for std DNA (see fuzztran) */ results = ajListNew(); start = 1; if(!rev) /* forward strand */ { ajTrnStrFrame(recoderTable,sstr,1,&pep); /* frame 1 */ if(tshow) { recoder_fmt_seq("TRANSLATED SEQUENCE", pep,tailstr,start,ajFalse); } } else /* reverse strand */ { ajStrAssignC(&tstr,ajStrGetPtr(sstr)+(end-begin+1)%3); ajTrnStrFrame(recoderTable,tstr,1,&pep); if(tshow) { recoder_fmt_seq("REVERSE TRANSLATED SEQUENCE", pep,tailstr,start,ajFalse); } } for(aw=0;awsite)=='?'||!rlp->ncuts) { ajListPushAppend(relist,(void*)rlp); continue; } ajStrFmtUpper(&rlp->site); /* RS to upper case */ ajStrAssignS(&str,rlp->site); /* str holds RS pat */ patlist = ajListNew(); /* list for matches */ /* convert our RS pattern to a reg expression */ /* "0" means DNA & so does any ambig conversions */ if(!embPatClassify(str,&str,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy,0)) continue; /* find pattern matches in seq with NO mismatches */ mm = 0; pats = embPatBruteForce(sstr,str,ajFalse,ajFalse, patlist,begin+1,mm,sname); ajDebug("Pattern '%S' pats: %d list: %u\n", str, pats, ajListGetLength(patlist)); if(pats) { while(ajListPop(patlist,(void**)&match)) { patlen = match->len; if(recoder_checkPat(match,rlp,radj, rev,begin,end)) { for(pos=0;poscod)) break; if(i==ne) continue; } AJNEW(rinfo); rinfo->code = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr(rptr->cod)); rinfo->site = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr(rptr->pat)); rinfo->ncuts = rptr->ncuts; rinfo->cut1 = rptr->cut1; rinfo->cut2 = rptr->cut2; rinfo->cut3 = rptr->cut3; rinfo->cut4 = rptr->cut4; ajListPush(*relist,(void *)rinfo); RStotal++; ajDebug("Creating RStotal:%d listsize:%u '%S' '%S'\n", RStotal, ajListGetLength(*relist), rptr->cod, rptr->pat); } for(i=0;istart; /* start posn of match in seq */ if(rlp->ncuts==4) /* test if cut site is within seq */ { min = AJMIN(rlp->cut1,rlp->cut2); max = AJMAX(rlp->cut3,rlp->cut4); } else if(rlp->ncuts==2) { min = AJMIN(rlp->cut1,rlp->cut2); max = AJMAX(rlp->cut1,rlp->cut2); } else { ajWarn("Possibly corrupt RE file"); return ajFalse; } if(!rev) /* forward strand */ { if(mpos+min<0||mpos+max>end+1) return ajFalse; /* cut not in seq */ } else /* reverse strand */ { if(radj-mpos-1-min>end+1||radj-mpos-1-maxstart; /* start posn of match in seq */ rmpos = radj-mpos-match->len; /* start posn of match in rev seq */ pseq = ajStrGetuniquePtr(&seq); /* pointer to start of seq */ pseqm = pseq+mpos-(begin+1); /* pointer to start of match in seq */ prs = ajStrGetPtr(rlp->site); /* pointer to start of RS pattern */ framep=(end-begin+1)%3; /* where frame starts on reverse strand */ base = pseqm[pos]; /* store orig seq base */ pbase = prs[pos]; /* use IUB codes to get other bases */ nb = recoder_changebase(pbase,&tbase[0]); x = mpos+pos-(begin+1); if(!rev) /* forward strand */ s = pseq+x-x%3; else /* reverse strand */ s = pseq+x-(x-framep)%3; if(!recoderTable) recoderTable = ajTrnNewI(0); s1 = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr(ajTrnCodonC(recoderTable,s))); res=ajListNew(); for(i=0;iobase = base; tresult->nbase = tbase[i]; tresult->code = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr(rlp->code)); tresult->site = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr(rlp->site)); tresult->seqaa = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr(s1)); tresult->reaa = ajStrNewC(ajStrGetPtr(s2)); if(!rev) { tresult->match = mpos; tresult->base = mpos+pos; } else { tresult->match = rmpos; tresult->base = rmpos+match->len-1-pos; } ajListPushAppend(res,(void *)tresult); *empty = ajFalse; } ajStrDel(&s2); } pseq[x] = base; /* resubstitute orig base */ ajStrDel(&s1); ajStrDel(&seq); return res; } /* @funcstatic recoder_changebase ********************************************* ** ** Use IUB code to return alternative nucleotides to that provided ** which result in the same translation. ** ** @param [r] pbase [char] Base ** @param [w] tbase [char*] C string with alternative bases ** @return [ajint] number of bases stored in tbase ** ******************************************************************************/ static ajint recoder_changebase(char pbase, char* tbase) { ajint setBase[] = { 1,1,1,1 }; AjIStr splits = NULL; const AjPStr bt = NULL; char bs; ajint i; ajint nb; bt = ajBaseGetCodes((ajint)pbase); splits = ajStrIterNew(bt); while(!ajStrIterDone(splits)) { bs = ajStrIterGetK(splits); if( ajBaseAlphaToBin(bs) & ajBaseAlphaToBin('G') ) setBase[0] = 0; if( ajBaseAlphaToBin(bs) & ajBaseAlphaToBin('A') ) setBase[1] = 0; if( ajBaseAlphaToBin(bs) & ajBaseAlphaToBin('T') ) setBase[2] = 0; if( ajBaseAlphaToBin(bs) & ajBaseAlphaToBin('C') ) setBase[3] = 0; ajStrIterNext(splits); } ajStrIterDel(&splits); nb = 0; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { if( setBase[i] == 1 ) { if(i==0) tbase[nb] = 'G'; else if(i==1) tbase[nb] = 'A'; else if(i==2) tbase[nb] = 'T'; else if(i==3) tbase[nb] = 'C'; nb++; } } return nb; } /* @funcstatic recoder_fmt_seq ************************************************ ** ** Write sequence to the output file. ** ** @param [r] title [const char*] Title for sequence report ** @param [r] seq [const AjPStr] Sequence as a string ** @param [w] tailstr [AjPStr*] Report tail as a string ** @param [r] start [ajint] Start position ** @param [r] num [AjBool] Numbered sequence ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void recoder_fmt_seq(const char* title, const AjPStr seq, AjPStr* tailstr, ajint start, AjBool num) { const char *p; ajint m; ajint i; ajint tlen; ajFmtPrintAppS(tailstr,"%s:\n",title); if(num) { p=ajStrGetPtr(seq); ajFmtPrintAppS(tailstr,"%-7d",start); tlen=ajStrGetLen(seq); for(i=0; imatch, res->match+ajStrGetLen(res->site)-1); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*dir Rev"); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); } else { sf = ajFeatNewII(feat, res->match, res->match+ajStrGetLen(res->site)-1); } ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*enzyme %S", res->code); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*rspattern %S", res->site); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*baseposn %d", res->base); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*aa %S.%S", res->seqaa, res->reaa); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*mutation %c->%c", res->obase,res->nbase); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); recoder_mutFree(&res); } ajStrDel(&tmpFeatStr); return; } /* @funcstatic recoder_basecompare ******************************************** ** ** Compare 2 base positions in the nucleotide sequence ** ** @param [r] a [const void *] First base ** @param [r] b [const void *] Second base ** @return [ajint] Comparison result ******************************************************************************/ static ajint recoder_basecompare(const void *a, const void *b) { return((*(Mutant const *)a)->base)-((*(Mutant const *)b)->base); } /* @funcstatic recoder_mutFree ************************************************ ** ** Free allocated memory for mutant structure ** ** @param [d] mut [Mutant*] Mutant structure to be deleted ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void recoder_mutFree(Mutant* mut) { ajStrDel(&(*mut)->code); ajStrDel(&(*mut)->site); ajStrDel(&(*mut)->seqaa); ajStrDel(&(*mut)->reaa); AJFREE(*mut); return; }