/* @source rebaseextract application ** ** Extracts restriction enzyme information from REBASE ** @author Copyright (C) Alan Bleasby (ableasby@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define DATANAME "REBASE/embossre.enz" #define DATANAME2 "REBASE/embossre.ref" #define DATANAME3 "REBASE/embossre.sup" #define DATANAME4 "REBASE/embossre.equ" #define EQUGUESS 5000 #define SUPGUESS 10000 static void rebaseextract_process_pattern(const AjPStr pattern, const AjPStr code, AjPFile outf, AjBool hassup); static void rebaseextract_printEnzHeader(AjPFile outf); static void rebaseextract_printRefHeader(AjPFile outf); static void rebaseextract_printSuppHeader(AjPFile outf); /* @prog rebaseextract ******************************************************** ** ** Extract data from REBASE ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPFile inf = NULL; AjPFile infp = NULL; AjPFile outf = NULL; AjPFile outf2 = NULL; AjPFile outf3 = NULL; AjPStr line; AjPStr code; AjPStr pattern; AjPStr isoschiz; AjPStr meth; AjPStr tit; AjPStr sou; AjPStr comm; AjPStr pfname; AjBool isrefm = ajFalse; AjBool isref = ajFalse; AjBool hassup; ajint count; ajlong pos; ajint i; AjBool doequ; AjPFile oute = NULL; AjPStr isostr = NULL; AjPTable ptable = NULL; AjPStr key = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjPStrTok handle = NULL; AjPStr token = NULL; AjPStr line2 = NULL; AjPList equ1 = NULL; AjPList equ2 = NULL; AjPStr equstr1 = NULL; AjPStr equstr2 = NULL; AjPStr hstr1 = NULL; AjPStr hstr2 = NULL; AjBool isproto = ajFalse; char c; const char *sptr = NULL; AjPTable hassuptable = NULL; embInit("rebaseextract",argc,argv); inf = ajAcdGetInfile("infile"); infp = ajAcdGetInfile("protofile"); doequ = ajAcdGetBoolean("equivalences"); equ1 = ajListNew(); equ2 = ajListNew(); hassuptable = ajTablestrNewLen(SUPGUESS); pfname = ajStrNewC(DATANAME); outf = ajDatafileNewOutNameS(pfname); rebaseextract_printEnzHeader(outf); ajStrAssignC(&pfname,DATANAME2); outf2 = ajDatafileNewOutNameS(pfname); rebaseextract_printRefHeader(outf2); ajStrAssignC(&pfname,DATANAME3); outf3 = ajDatafileNewOutNameS(pfname); rebaseextract_printSuppHeader(outf3); if(doequ) { ajStrAssignC(&pfname,DATANAME4); oute = ajDatafileNewOutNameS(pfname); ptable = ajTablestrNewLen(EQUGUESS); isostr = ajStrNew(); } ajStrDel(&pfname); line = ajStrNew(); line2 = ajStrNew(); code = ajStrNew(); pattern = ajStrNew(); isoschiz = ajStrNew(); meth = ajStrNew(); tit = ajStrNew(); sou = ajStrNew(); comm = ajStrNew(); token = ajStrNew(); /* * Extract Supplier information */ while(ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) { if(ajStrFindC(line,"withrefm.")>=0) isrefm = ajTrue; if(ajStrFindC(line,"withref.")>=0) isref = ajTrue; if(strstr(ajStrGetPtr(line),"REBASE codes")) break; } while(ajReadlineTrim(infp,&line)) { if(ajStrFindC(line,"proto.")>=0) isproto = ajTrue; if(strstr(ajStrGetPtr(line),"Rich Roberts")) break; } if(!isrefm) { if(isref) ajFatal("WITHREF file specified by mistake. Use WITHREFM instead"); else ajFatal("Invalid withrefm file"); } if(!isproto) ajFatal("Invalid PROTO file specified"); while(doequ && ajReadlineTrim(infp,&line)) { if(!ajStrGetLen(line)) continue; sptr = ajStrGetPtr(line); c = *sptr; if(c>='A' && c<='Z') { while(*sptr!=' ') ++sptr; while(*sptr==' ') ++sptr; key = ajStrNew(); value = ajStrNewC(sptr); ajStrRemoveWhite(&value); ajFmtScanS(line,"%S",&key); ajTablePut(ptable,(void *)key, (void *)value); } } if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) ajFatal("No Supplier Information Found"); if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) ajFatal("Unexpected EOF"); while(ajStrGetLen(line)) { ajStrRemoveWhiteExcess(&line); ajFmtPrintF(outf3,"%s\n",ajStrGetPtr(line)); if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) ajFatal("Unexpected EOF"); } ajFileClose(&outf3); while(ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) { /* Get RE */ if(!ajStrPrefixC(line,"<1>")) continue; ajStrAssignC(&code,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); /* Get isoschizomers */ if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line2)) ajFatal("Unexpected EOF"); if(ajStrGetLen(line2)>3) ajStrAssignC(&isoschiz,ajStrGetPtr(line2)+3); else ajStrAssignC(&isoschiz,""); /* Get recognition sequence */ if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) ajFatal("Unexpected EOF"); if(ajStrGetLen(line)>3) { ajStrAssignC(&pattern,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); if(doequ && ajStrGetLen(line2)>3) { ajStrAssignS(&isostr,isoschiz); handle = ajStrTokenNewC(isostr,"\t\n>,"); ajStrTokenNextParse(&handle, &token); if((value=ajTableFetch(ptable,(const void *)token))) if(ajStrMatchS(value,pattern)) { equstr1 = ajStrNew(); equstr2 = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&equstr1,code); ajStrAssignS(&equstr2, token); ajListPushAppend(equ1,(void *) equstr1); ajListPushAppend(equ2,(void *) equstr2); } ajStrTokenDel(&handle); } } else ajStrAssignC(&pattern,""); /* Get methylation */ if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) ajFatal("Unexpected EOF"); if(ajStrGetLen(line)>3) ajStrAssignC(&meth,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); else ajStrAssignC(&meth,""); /* Get title */ if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) ajFatal("Unexpected EOF"); if(ajStrGetLen(line)>3) ajStrAssignC(&tit,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); else ajStrAssignC(&tit,""); /* Get source */ if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) ajFatal("Unexpected EOF"); if(ajStrGetLen(line)>3) ajStrAssignC(&sou,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); else ajStrAssignC(&sou,""); /* Get commercial supplier */ if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) ajFatal("Unexpected EOF"); hstr1 = ajStrNew(); hstr2 = ajStrNew(); hassup=ajFalse; if(ajStrGetLen(line)>3) { hassup = ajTrue; ajStrAssignC(&comm,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); ajStrAssignC(&hstr2,"Y"); } else { ajStrAssignC(&comm,""); ajStrAssignC(&hstr2,"N"); } ajStrAssignS(&hstr1,code); ajTablePut(hassuptable,(void *)hstr1, (void *)hstr2); ajFmtPrintF(outf2,"%s\n",ajStrGetPtr(code)); ajFmtPrintF(outf2,"%s\n",ajStrGetPtr(tit)); ajFmtPrintF(outf2,"%s\n",ajStrGetPtr(isoschiz)); ajFmtPrintF(outf2,"%s\n",ajStrGetPtr(meth)); ajFmtPrintF(outf2,"%s\n",ajStrGetPtr(sou)); ajFmtPrintF(outf2,"%s\n",ajStrGetPtr(comm)); /* Get references */ count = -1; pos = ajFileResetPos(inf); while(ajStrGetLen(line)) { if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) break; ++count; } ajFileSeek(inf,pos,0); if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&line)) ajFatal("Unexpected EOF"); if(ajStrGetLen(line)==3) ajFmtPrintF(outf2,"0\n"); else { ajFmtPrintF(outf2,"%d\n%s\n",count,ajStrGetPtr(line)+3); for(i=1;i='A' && *p<='Z') *r++ = *p; ++p; } *r = '\0'; ajStrAssignC(&ppat,ajStrGetPtr(temp)); len=ajStrGetLen(ppat); cut3 += len; cut4 += len; ncuts = 4; if(cut1==cut2 && cut3==cut4) blunt = ajTrue; else blunt = ajFalse; p = t; } else { ncuts = 2; cut3 = cut4 = 0; if((p=strchr(p,(ajint)'('))) { sscanf(p+1,"%d/%d",&cut1,&cut2); if(cut1==cut2) blunt = ajTrue; else blunt = ajFalse; p = ajStrGetPtr(ppat); r = ajStrGetuniquePtr(&temp); while(*p) { if(*p>='A' && *p<='Z') *r++ = *p; ++p; } *r = '\0'; ajStrAssignC(&ppat,ajStrGetPtr(temp)); len=ajStrGetLen(ppat); cut1 += len; cut2 += len; if(cut1<=0) --cut1; if(cut2<=0) --cut2; } else /* probably a carat */ { p = ajStrGetPtr(ppat); r = ajStrGetuniquePtr(&temp); cut1 = 0; hascarat = ajFalse; while(*p) { if(*p>='A' && *p<='Z') { *r++ = *p; if(!hascarat) ++cut1; } if(*p=='^') hascarat = ajTrue; ++p; } *r = '\0'; ajStrAssignC(&ppat,ajStrGetPtr(temp)); len = ajStrGetLen(ppat); if(!hascarat) { ncuts = 0; blunt = ajFalse; cut1 = 0; cut2 = 0; } else { if(len==cut1*2) { blunt = ajTrue; cut2 = cut1; } else if(!cut1) { cut1 = -1; cut2 = len; } else { p = ajStrGetPtr(ppat); if(p[cut1-1]=='N' && cut1==len) { for(i=cut1-1,nc=0;i>-1;--i) if(p[i]=='N') ++nc; cut2 = len-cut1-nc-1; } else if(cut1==len) cut2 = -1; else cut2 = len-cut1; blunt = ajFalse; } } } } /* Mark RE's with no suppliers with lc sequence */ if(!hassup) ajStrFmtLower(&ppat); if(ncuts==4) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", ajStrGetPtr(ppat),len,ncuts,blunt,cut1,cut2,cut3,cut4); else ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t0\t0\n", ajStrGetPtr(ppat), len,ncuts,blunt,cut1,cut2); } ajStrDel(&tmppattern); ajStrDel(&temp); ajStrDel(&ppat); ajStrTokenDel(&tokens); return; } /* @funcstatic rebaseextract_printEnzHeader *********************************** ** ** print comments at start of embossre.enz ** ** @param [w] outf [AjPFile] outfile ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void rebaseextract_printEnzHeader(AjPFile outf) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# REBASE enzyme patterns for EMBOSS\n#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Format:\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# namepatternlenncuts"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"bluntc1c2c3c4\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Where:\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# name = name of enzyme\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# pattern = recognition site\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# len = length of pattern\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# ncuts = number of cuts made by enzyme\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Zero represents unknown\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# blunt = true if blunt end cut, false if sticky\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# c1 = First 5' cut\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# c2 = First 3' cut\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# c3 = Second 5' cut\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# c4 = Second 3' cut\n#\n# Examples:\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# AAC^TGG -> 6 2 1 3 3 0 0\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# A^ACTGG -> 6 2 0 1 5 0 0\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# AACTGG -> 6 0 0 0 0 0 0\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# AACTGG(-5/-1) -> 6 2 0 1 5 0 0\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# (8/13)GACNNNNNNTCA(12/7) -> 12 4 0 -9 -14 24 19\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# i.e. cuts are always to the right of the given\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# residue and sequences are always with reference to\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# the 5' strand.\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Sequences are numbered ... -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 ... with\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# the first residue of the pattern at base number 1.\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"#\n"); return; } /* @funcstatic rebaseextract_printRefHeader *********************************** ** ** Print header to embossre.ref ** ** @param [w] outf [AjPFile] outfile ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void rebaseextract_printRefHeader(AjPFile outf) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# REBASE enzyme information for EMBOSS\n#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Format:\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Line 1: Name of Enzyme\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Line 2: Organism\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Line 3: Isoschizomers\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Line 4: Methylation\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Line 5: Source\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Line 6: Suppliers\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Line 7: Number of following references\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Lines 8..n: References\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# // (end of entry marker)\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"#\n"); return; } /* @funcstatic rebaseextract_printSuppHeader ********************************** ** ** Print header to embossre.sup ** ** @param [w] outf [AjPFile] outfile ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void rebaseextract_printSuppHeader(AjPFile outf) { ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# REBASE Supplier information for EMBOSS\n#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Format:\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"# Code of SupplierSupplier name\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"#\n"); return; }