/* @source psiphi application ** ** Calculates the psi and phi torsion angles around the alpha carbons (CA) ** in (a specified stretch of) a specified chain of a protein structure ** from co-ordinates of the mainchain atoms in the two planes around it ** ** Outputs 360 degrees if an angle cannot be calculated ** ** @author Copyright (C) Damian Counsell ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include static ajint psiphi_chain_index(ajint selected, ajint highest, ajint lowest); static ajint psiphi_first_residue_number(const AjPPdb pdb, ajint myindex, ajint startres); static ajint psiphi_last_residue_number(const AjPPdb pdb, ajint myindex, ajint startres, ajint finishres); static AjBool psiphi_phi_calculable(const AjBool* known); static AjBool psiphi_psi_calculable(const AjBool* known); static float psiphi_phival(AjPAtom const *atoms); static float psiphi_psival(AjPAtom const *atoms); static AjBool psiphi_load_previous_residue(AjPAtom current, AjPAtom* atoms, AjBool* known); static AjBool psiphi_load_next_residue(AjPAtom current, AjPAtom* atoms, AjBool* known); static AjBool psiphi_load_current_residue(AjPAtom current, AjPAtom* atoms, AjBool* known); static AjPFeature psiphi_write_psi_phi(AjPFeattable angletab, ajint resnum, float phi, float psi); static void psiphi_shift_residues(AjPAtom* atoms, AjBool* known); /* constant window size and enumerated indexes to atoms in window */ const ajint windowsize = 9; enum enumAtomWindowPoint { ENPrev, ECAlphaPrev, ECPrimePrev, ENCurr, ECAlphaCurr, ECPrimeCurr, ENNext, ECAlphaNext, ECPrimeNext }; /* for unavailable angles (360 deg is an impossible torsion angle) */ const float FUnavailableAngle = 360.0; /* @prog psiphi ************************************************************** ** ** protein structure C-alpha psi and phi angles given neighbour co-ordinates ** ******************************************************************************/ int main( int argc , char **argv ) { float phi = 0.0; float psi = 0.0; /* * coordinates from atoms in at least * THREE residues are required * to calculate psi and phi angles */ ajint firstres; ajint secondres; ajint thirdres; /* declare position counters and limits */ /* ...for residues */ ajint cpos = 0; ajint resnum = 0; ajint prevres = 0; ajint lastres = 0; /* ...for chains */ ajint myindex = 0; /* ...into structure object */ ajint lowest = 0; /* ...in structure file */ ajint highest = 0; /* ...in structure file */ /* variables for (user-specified) chain and residue numbers */ ajint selected; ajint startres; ajint finishres; /* window of AjPAtoms for co-ords */ AjPAtom* atoms = NULL; /* window of AjBools for presence or absence */ AjBool* known = NULL; AjPStr header = NULL; /* DDDDEBUG: string for report footer */ /* AjPStr ajpStrReportTail = NULL; */ /* cleaned-up structure */ AjPFile pdbfile = NULL; /* file */ AjPPdb pdb = NULL; /* object */ AjPSeq seq = NULL; /* current chain */ AjIList atomlist = NULL; /* list of atoms */ AjPAtom inlist = NULL; /* current atom */ /* output report file for torsion angles */ AjPReport report = NULL; AjPFeattable angles = NULL; embInit( "psiphi", argc ,argv ); /* get protein structure from ACD */ pdbfile = ajAcdGetInfile("infile" ); /* get angle output file from ACD */ report = ajAcdGetReport("outfile"); /* get chain to be scanned from ACD */ selected = ajAcdGetInt("chainnumber"); /* get first residue to be scanned from ACD */ startres = ajAcdGetInt("startresiduenumber"); /* get last residue to be scanned from ACD */ finishres = ajAcdGetInt("finishresiduenumber"); /* reserve memory for and read in structure */ /* JISON */ pdb = ajPdbReadNew(pdbfile,0); /* check and set number of chain to be analysed */ highest = pdb->Nchn; myindex = psiphi_chain_index(selected, highest, lowest); /* check and set range of residues to be analysed */ firstres = psiphi_first_residue_number(pdb, myindex, startres); lastres = psiphi_last_residue_number(pdb, myindex, startres, finishres); secondres = firstres+1; thirdres = firstres+2; /* * start loop over atoms in chain at * firstres and * finish at lastres */ /* obtain iterator for list of atoms in chain */ atomlist = ajListIterNewread(pdb->Chains[myindex]->Atoms); ajDebug("psiphi pdb Pdb '%S' chain %d Id '%c'\n", pdb->Pdb, myindex, pdb->Chains[myindex]->Id); /* obtain sequence from residues in chain */ seq = ajSeqNewNameS(pdb->Chains[myindex]->Seq, pdb->Pdb); resnum = 0; /* create feature table for torsion angle output */ angles = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq); /* chain info for head of report */ ajFmtPrintS(&header, "Chain: %d", (myindex+1)); ajReportSetHeader(report, header); /* BEGIN ANALYSIS OF CHAIN HERE */ /* loop through list until first residue in window reached */ do { /* do nothing until you reach the start residue */ inlist = ajListIterGet(atomlist); resnum = inlist->Idx; } while(resnum < firstres); prevres = resnum; /* create and initialize AjPAtom window array */ atoms = (AjPAtom *) AJALLOC(windowsize*sizeof(AjPAtom)); atoms[ENPrev] = NULL; atoms[ECAlphaPrev] = NULL; atoms[ECPrimePrev] = NULL; atoms[ENCurr] = NULL; atoms[ECAlphaCurr] = NULL; atoms[ECPrimeCurr] = NULL; atoms[ENNext] = NULL; atoms[ECAlphaNext] = NULL; atoms[ECPrimeNext] = NULL; /* create and initialize AjBool window array */ known = (AjBool *) AJALLOC(windowsize*sizeof(AjBool)); known[ENPrev] = AJFALSE; known[ECAlphaPrev] = AJFALSE; known[ECPrimePrev] = AJFALSE; known[ENCurr] = AJFALSE; known[ECAlphaCurr] = AJFALSE; known[ECPrimeCurr] = AJFALSE; known[ENNext] = AJFALSE; known[ECAlphaNext] = AJFALSE; known[ECPrimeNext] = AJFALSE; /* loop through list until window is full */ do { resnum = inlist->Idx; /* load window with atom co-ordinates */ /* get previous N, CA and C' */ if(resnum == firstres) psiphi_load_previous_residue(inlist, atoms, known); /* get current N, CA and C' */ else if(resnum == secondres) psiphi_load_current_residue(inlist, atoms, known); /* get new next N, CA and C' */ else if(resnum == thirdres) { /* cpos residue no. for which angles calc'd */ cpos = resnum-1; psiphi_load_next_residue(inlist, atoms, known); } else break; }while((inlist = ajListIterGet(atomlist))); /* analyse first residue */ if(psiphi_phi_calculable(known)) phi = psiphi_phival(atoms); else phi = FUnavailableAngle; if(psiphi_psi_calculable(known)) psi = psiphi_psival(atoms); else psi = FUnavailableAngle; psiphi_write_psi_phi(angles,cpos,phi,psi); /* loop through list until last residue to be analysed */ prevres = resnum; psiphi_shift_residues(atoms, known); do { resnum = inlist->Idx; /* cpos residue no. for which angles calc'd */ /* new residue? */ if(resnum > prevres) { /* analyse previous previous residue */ if(psiphi_phi_calculable(known)) phi = psiphi_phival(atoms); else phi = FUnavailableAngle; if(psiphi_psi_calculable(known)) psi = psiphi_psival(atoms); else psi = FUnavailableAngle; psiphi_write_psi_phi(angles,cpos,phi,psi); psiphi_shift_residues(atoms, known); } /* not finished? get new next N, CA and C' */ if(resnum <= lastres) { /* conditional is kludge for bad residue numbers at termini */ if( resnum > 1 ) cpos = resnum-1; psiphi_load_next_residue(inlist, atoms, known); } else break; prevres = resnum; } while((inlist = ajListIterGet(atomlist))); /* conditional is kludge for bad residue numbers at chain termini */ if( resnum > 1 ) cpos = resnum-1; /* analyse penultimate residue */ if(cpos < lastres) { if(psiphi_phi_calculable(known)) phi = psiphi_phival(atoms); else phi = FUnavailableAngle; if(psiphi_psi_calculable(known)) psi = psiphi_psival(atoms); else psi = FUnavailableAngle; psiphi_write_psi_phi(angles, cpos, phi, psi); cpos++; psiphi_shift_residues(atoms, known); } /* analyse last residue */ if((cpos < lastres ) && (psiphi_phi_calculable(known))) { phi = psiphi_phival(atoms); psi = FUnavailableAngle; psiphi_write_psi_phi(angles, cpos, phi, psi); } /* END ANALYSIS OF CHAIN HERE */ /* DDDDEBUG TEST INFO FOR TAIL OF REPORT */ /* ajFmtPrintS(&ajpStrReportTail, "This is some tail text"); */ /* ajReportSetTail(report, ajpStrReportTail); */ /* write the report to the output file */ ajReportWrite(report, angles, seq); AJFREE(atoms); AJFREE(known); ajFeattableDel(&angles); ajListIterDel(&atomlist); ajFileClose(&pdbfile); ajReportDel(&report); ajPdbDel(&pdb); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&header); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_chain_index ******************************************** ** ** check selected protein chain number present in structure file; return index ** ** @param [r] selected [ajint] number of chain selected by user ** @param [r] highest [ajint] number of highest chain in ** structure ** @param [r] lowest [ajint] number of lowest chain in ** structure ** @return [ajint] index ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint psiphi_chain_index(ajint selected, ajint highest, ajint lowest) { /* ERROR: chain number too high */ if(selected > highest) ajDie("There is no chain %d---highest chain number: %d.", selected, highest ); /* ERROR: chain number too low */ if(selected < lowest ) ajWarn("There is no chain %d---lowest chain number %d.", selected, lowest ); return selected-1; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_first_residue_number *********************************** ** ** check selected lower residue within chain's range and return 1st window res ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPPdb] cleaned AjPPdb structure ** @param [r] myindex [ajint] number of user-selected chain in ** structure ** @param [r] startres [ajint] user-selected lower residue ** number ** @return [ajint] First window residue number ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint psiphi_first_residue_number (const AjPPdb pdb, ajint myindex, ajint startres) { ajint firstres = 0; ajint lowestres = 0; AjPAtom inlist = NULL; if(!ajListGetLength(pdb->Chains[myindex]->Atoms)) ajFatal("Chain %d has no atoms",myindex+1); /* read first atom in list into memory, but keep it on list */ ajListPeek(pdb->Chains[myindex]->Atoms, (void**)&inlist); /* get number of lowest residue available in chain */ lowestres = inlist->Idx; /* ERROR: start residue too low */ if(startres < lowestres) { ajWarn("No residue %d---number of lowest residue in chain %d is %d.", startres, myindex, lowestres ); } /* use user-specified starting position... */ if(startres > lowestres) firstres = startres-1; /* ...or use start of chain */ else { firstres = lowestres-1; } return firstres; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_last_residue_number ************************************* ** ** check selected upper protein residue within chain's range and return limit ** ** @param [r] pdb [const AjPPdb] cleaned AjPPdb structure ** @param [r] myindex [ajint] number of user-selected chain in ** structure ** @param [r] startres [ajint] user-selected lower residue ** number ** @param [r] finishres [ajint] user-selected upper residue ** number ** @return [ajint] Last residue number ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint psiphi_last_residue_number(const AjPPdb pdb, ajint myindex, ajint startres, ajint finishres) { ajint lastres = 0; ajint highres = 0; /* get number of highest residue available in chain */ highres = pdb->Chains[myindex]->Nres; /* last residue defaults to end of chain... */ if(finishres == 1) lastres = highres+1; /* ERROR: finish residue too low */ else if(finishres < startres) ajDie("Residue %d too low---number of lowest residue you chose is %d.", finishres, startres ); /* any other legitimate choice used as given */ else if(finishres < highres) lastres = finishres+1; else /* ERROR: finish residue too high */ ajDie("No residue %d---number of highest residue in chain %d is %d.", finishres, myindex, highres ); return lastres; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_phi_calculable ****************************************** ** ** are all necessary atoms present to calculate phi torsion angle? ** ** @param [r] known [const AjBool*] corresponding array of AjBools ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if calculable ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool psiphi_phi_calculable(const AjBool* known) { AjBool phicalc = AJFALSE; /* * check for a complete set of atoms needed to calculate PHI */ if(known[ECPrimePrev] && known[ENCurr] && known[ECAlphaCurr] && known[ECPrimeCurr]) phicalc = AJTRUE; return phicalc; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_psi_calculable ****************************************** ** ** are all necessary atoms present to calculate psi torsion angle? ** ** @param [r] known [const AjBool*] corresponding array of AjBools ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if calculable ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool psiphi_psi_calculable(const AjBool* known) { AjBool psicalc = AJFALSE; /* * If you've got a complete set of the relevant * torsion atoms then calculate the PSI angle */ if(known[ENCurr] && known[ECAlphaCurr] && known[ECPrimeCurr] && known[ENNext]) { psicalc = AJTRUE; } return psicalc; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_phival ************************************************** ** ** returns the phi torsion angle between a specified set of AjPAtoms ** ** @param [r] atoms [AjPAtom const *] window of nine mainchain atoms ** @return [float] phi torsion angle ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static float psiphi_phival (AjPAtom const * atoms) { float phi; AjP3dVector vec1To2 = NULL; AjP3dVector vec3To2 = NULL; AjP3dVector vec3To4 = NULL; /* construct vectors between four atoms relevant to torsion angles */ vec1To2 = aj3dVectorNew(); vec3To2 = aj3dVectorNew(); vec3To4 = aj3dVectorNew(); /* calculate PHI angle for current window */ aj3dVectorBetweenPoints(vec1To2, atoms[ECPrimePrev]->X, atoms[ECPrimePrev]->Y, atoms[ECPrimePrev]->Z, atoms[ENCurr]->X, atoms[ENCurr]->Y, atoms[ENCurr]->Z); aj3dVectorBetweenPoints(vec3To2, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->X, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->Y, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->Z, atoms[ENCurr]->X, atoms[ENCurr]->Y, atoms[ENCurr]->Z); aj3dVectorBetweenPoints(vec3To4, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->X, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->Y, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->Z, atoms[ECPrimeCurr]->X, atoms[ECPrimeCurr]->Y, atoms[ECPrimeCurr]->Z); phi = (float) -1.0 * aj3dVectorDihedralAngle(vec1To2, vec3To2, vec3To4); /* clean up vectors */ aj3dVectorDel(&vec1To2); aj3dVectorDel(&vec3To2); aj3dVectorDel(&vec3To4); return phi; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_psival ************************************************** ** ** returns the psi torsion angle between a specified set of AjPAtoms ** ** @param [r] atoms [AjPAtom const *] window of nine mainchain atoms ** @return [float] psi torsion angle ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static float psiphi_psival (AjPAtom const * atoms) { float psi; AjP3dVector vec1To2 = NULL; AjP3dVector vec3To2 = NULL; AjP3dVector vec3To4 = NULL; /* construct vectors between four atoms relevant to torsion angles */ vec1To2 = aj3dVectorNew(); vec3To2 = aj3dVectorNew(); vec3To4 = aj3dVectorNew(); /* calculate PSI angle for current window */ aj3dVectorBetweenPoints(vec1To2, atoms[ENCurr]->X, atoms[ENCurr]->Y, atoms[ENCurr]->Z, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->X, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->Y, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->Z); aj3dVectorBetweenPoints(vec3To2, atoms[ECPrimeCurr]->X, atoms[ECPrimeCurr]->Y, atoms[ECPrimeCurr]->Z, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->X, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->Y, atoms[ECAlphaCurr]->Z); aj3dVectorBetweenPoints(vec3To4, atoms[ECPrimeCurr]->X, atoms[ECPrimeCurr]->Y, atoms[ECPrimeCurr]->Z, atoms[ENNext]->X, atoms[ENNext]->Y, atoms[ENNext]->Z); psi = (float) -1.0 * aj3dVectorDihedralAngle(vec1To2, vec3To2, vec3To4); /* clean up vectors */ aj3dVectorDel(&vec1To2); aj3dVectorDel(&vec3To2); aj3dVectorDel(&vec3To4); return psi; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_load_previous_residue *********************************** ** ** checks and/or loads one mainchain AjPAtom from into window of AjPAtoms ** returns AJFALSE if non-residue atom ** ** @param [u] ajpAtom [AjPAtom] current AjPAtom from ajPPdb object ** @param [u] atoms [AjPAtom*] array of nine mainchain atoms ** @param [u] known [AjBool*] corresponding array of AjBools ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool psiphi_load_previous_residue(AjPAtom ajpAtom, AjPAtom* atoms, AjBool* known) { AjBool isres = AJFALSE; if(ajpAtom->Id1 == 'X') { /* do nothing: this is not a residue */ isres = AJFALSE; } else if(ajStrMatchC(ajpAtom->Atm, "N")) { known[ENPrev] = AJTRUE; atoms[ENPrev] = ajpAtom; isres = AJTRUE; } else if(ajStrMatchC(ajpAtom->Atm, "CA")) { known[ECAlphaPrev] = AJTRUE; atoms[ECAlphaPrev] = ajpAtom; isres = AJTRUE; } else if(ajStrMatchC(ajpAtom->Atm, "C")) { known[ECPrimePrev] = AJTRUE; atoms[ECPrimePrev] = ajpAtom; isres = AJTRUE; } return isres; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_load_current_residue ************************************ ** ** check and/or loads one mainchain AjPAtom into window of AjPAtoms ** returns AJFALSE if non-residue atom ** ** @param [u] ajpAtom [AjPAtom] current AjPAtom from ajPPdb object ** @param [u] atoms [AjPAtom*] array of nine mainchain atoms ** @param [u] known [AjBool*] corresponding array of AjBools ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool psiphi_load_current_residue(AjPAtom ajpAtom, AjPAtom* atoms, AjBool* known) { AjBool isres = AJFALSE; if(ajpAtom->Id1 == 'X') { /* do nothing: this is not a residue */ isres = AJFALSE; } else if(ajStrMatchC(ajpAtom->Atm, "N")) { known[ENCurr] = AJTRUE; atoms[ENCurr] = ajpAtom; isres = AJTRUE; } else if(ajStrMatchC(ajpAtom->Atm, "CA")) { known[ECAlphaCurr] = AJTRUE; atoms[ECAlphaCurr] = ajpAtom; isres = AJTRUE; } else if(ajStrMatchC(ajpAtom->Atm, "C")) { known[ECPrimeCurr] = AJTRUE; atoms[ECPrimeCurr] = ajpAtom; isres = AJTRUE; } return isres; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_load_next_residue *************************************** ** ** loads AjPAtoms from next residue into window; returns AJTRUE if window full ** returns AJFALSE if non-residue atom ** ** @param [u] ajpAtom [AjPAtom] current AjPAtom from ajPPdb object ** @param [u] atoms [AjPAtom*] array of nine mainchain atoms ** @param [u] known [AjBool*] corresponding array of AjBools ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool psiphi_load_next_residue(AjPAtom ajpAtom, AjPAtom* atoms, AjBool* known) { AjBool isres = AJFALSE; if(ajpAtom->Id1 == 'X') { /* do nothing: this is not a residue */ ; } else if(ajStrMatchC(ajpAtom->Atm, "N")) { known[ENNext] = AJTRUE; atoms[ENNext] = ajpAtom; isres = AJTRUE; } else if(ajStrMatchC(ajpAtom->Atm, "CA")) { known[ECAlphaNext] = AJTRUE; atoms[ECAlphaNext] = ajpAtom; isres = AJTRUE; } else if(ajStrMatchC(ajpAtom->Atm, "C")) { known[ECPrimeNext] = AJTRUE; atoms[ECPrimeNext] = ajpAtom; isres = AJTRUE; } return isres; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_write_psi_phi ******************************************* ** ** writes torsion angle features to a feature table and returns new feature ** ** @param [u] angletab [AjPFeattable] table to write torsion ** angle to ** @param [r] resnum [ajint] residue that angle belongs to ** @param [r] phi [float] phi torsion angle for residue ** @param [r] psi [float] psi torsion angle for residue ** @return [AjPFeature] New feature stored in feature table ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjPFeature psiphi_write_psi_phi (AjPFeattable angletab, ajint resnum, float phi, float psi) { AjPFeature angleft; AjPStr feattmp; feattmp = ajStrNew(); /* create feature for torsion angles and write psi/phi */ angleft = ajFeatNewII(angletab, resnum, resnum); ajFmtPrintS(&feattmp, "*phi %7.2f", phi); ajFeatTagAdd(angleft, NULL, feattmp); ajFmtPrintS(&feattmp, "*psi %7.2f", psi); ajFeatTagAdd(angleft, NULL, feattmp); ajStrDel(&feattmp); return angleft; } /* @funcstatic psiphi_shift_residues *************************************** ** ** moves AjPAtoms one residue along an array of mainchain AjPAtoms ** ** @param [u] atoms [AjPAtom*] array of nine mainchain atoms ** @param [u] known [AjBool*] corresponding array of AjBools ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void psiphi_shift_residues(AjPAtom* atoms, AjBool* known) { /* move previous atoms */ if(known[ENCurr]) { /* use old current N as new previous N */ known[ENPrev]= known[ENCurr]; atoms[ENPrev] = atoms[ENCurr]; } if(known[ECAlphaCurr]) { /* use old current CA as new previous CA */ known[ECAlphaPrev] = known[ECAlphaCurr]; atoms[ECAlphaPrev] = atoms[ECAlphaCurr]; } if(known[ECPrimeCurr]) { /* use old current C' as new previous C' */ known[ECPrimePrev] = known[ECPrimeCurr]; atoms[ECPrimePrev] = atoms[ECPrimeCurr]; } if(known[ENNext]) { /* use old next N as new current N */ known[ENCurr] = known[ENNext]; atoms[ENCurr] = atoms[ENNext]; } if(known[ECAlphaNext]) { /* use old next CA as new current CA */ known[ECAlphaCurr] = known[ECAlphaNext]; atoms[ECAlphaCurr] = atoms[ECAlphaNext]; } if(known[ECPrimeNext]) { /* use old next C as new current C */ known[ECPrimeCurr] = known[ECPrimeNext]; atoms[ECPrimeCurr] = atoms[ECPrimeNext]; } /* clear next atoms */ known[ECPrimeNext] = AJFALSE; known[ENNext] = AJFALSE; known[ECAlphaNext] = AJFALSE; return; }