/* @source primers application ** Simple version of primer3 to pick PCR primers ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** 5 Nov 2001 - GWW - written ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" /* estimate size of a sequence's output table */ #define TABLEGUESS 150 /* stuff for fork/exec/pipe etc.*/ #include #include static FILE * primers_start_write(int fd); static void primers_write(const AjPStr str, FILE *stream); static void primers_end_write(FILE *stream); static AjPStr primers_read(int fd); static void primers_send_range(FILE * stream, const char * tag, const AjPRange value); /* static void primers_send_range2(FILE * stream, char * tag, AjPRange value); */ static void primers_send_int(FILE * stream, const char * tag, ajint value); static void primers_send_float(FILE * stream, const char * tag, float value); static void primers_send_bool(FILE * stream, const char * tag, AjBool value); static void primers_send_string(FILE * stream, const char * tag, const AjPStr value); /* static void primers_send_stringC(FILE * stream, char * tag, char * value); */ static void primers_send_end(FILE * stream); static void primers_report (AjPFile outfile, const AjPStr output, ajint numreturn); static void primers_output_report(AjPFile outfile, const AjPTable table, ajint numreturn); static AjPStr primers_tableget(const char * key1, ajint number, const char *key2, const AjPTable table); static void primers_write_primer(AjPFile outfile, const char *tag, const AjPStr pos, const AjPStr tm, const AjPStr gc, const AjPStr seq); /* @prog primers ************************************************************** ** ** EMBOSS wrapper for the Whitehead's primer3 program ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Global details */ AjBool explain_flag; /* * AjBool file_flag; * AjPStr * task; */ ajint num_return; /* * ajint first_base_index; */ /* "Sequence" Input Tags */ AjPSeqall sequence; /* * AjPRange included_region; */ AjPRange target; /* AjPRange excluded_region; * AjPStr left_input; * AjPStr right_input; */ /* Primer details */ /* * AjBool pick_anyway; * AjPFile mispriming_library; * float max_mispriming; * float pair_max_mispriming; * ajint gc_clamp; * ajint opt_size; */ ajint min_size; ajint max_size; /* float opt_tm; * float min_tm; * float max_tm; */ float max_diff_tm; /* * float opt_gc_percent; * float min_gc; * float max_gc; * float salt_conc; * float dna_conc; * ajint num_ns_accepted; * float self_any; * float self_end; * ajint max_poly_x */ /* Sequence Quality */ /* these are not (yet) implemented */ /* AjPFile sequence_quality; ajint min_quality; ajint min_end_quality; ajint quality_range_min; ajint quality_range_max; */ /* Product details */ /* * ajint product_opt_size; * AjPRange product_size_range; * float product_opt_tm; * float product_min_tm; * float product_max_tm */ /* Objective Function Penalty Weights for Primers */ /* these are not (yet) implemented */ /* float inside_penalty; float outside_penalty; float max_end_stability; */ /* Primer penalties */ /* these are not (yet) implemented */ /* Internal Oligo "Sequence" Input Tags */ /* * AjPRange internal_oligo_excluded_region; */ /* Internal Oligo "Global" Input Tags */ /* * AjPStr internal_oligo_input; * ajint internal_oligo_opt_size; * ajint internal_oligo_min_size; * ajint internal_oligo_max_size; * float internal_oligo_opt_tm; * float internal_oligo_min_tm; * float internal_oligo_max_tm; * float internal_oligo_opt_gc_percent; * float internal_oligo_min_gc; * float internal_oligo_max_gc; * float internal_oligo_salt_conc; * float internal_oligo_dna_conc; * float internal_oligo_self_any; * float internal_oligo_self_end; * ajint internal_oligo_max_poly_x; * AjPFile internal_oligo_mishyb_library; * float internal_oligo_max_mishyb */ /* ajint internal_oligo_min_quality; */ /* Internal Oligo penalties */ /* these are not (yet) implemented */ /* EMBOSS-wrapper-specific stuff */ AjPFile outfile; /* other variables */ AjPStr result = NULL; AjPStr strand = NULL; AjPStr substr = NULL; AjPSeq seq = NULL; ajint begin; ajint end; FILE * stream; AjPStr taskstr = NULL; AjPStr program = NULL; /* fork/pipe variables */ pid_t nPid; int pipeto[2]; /* pipe to feed the exec'ed program input */ int pipefrom[2]; /* pipe to get the exec'ed program output */ embInit("primers", argc, argv); /* Global details */ explain_flag = ajAcdGetBoolean("explainflag"); /* * file_flag = ajAcdGetBoolean("fileflag"); * task = ajAcdGetList("task"); */ num_return = ajAcdGetInt("numreturn"); /* * first_base_index = ajAcdGetInt("firstbaseindex"); */ /* "Sequence" Input Tags */ sequence = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); /* * included_region = ajAcdGetRange("includedregion"); */ target = ajAcdGetRange("target"); /* * excluded_region = ajAcdGetRange("excludedregion"); * left_input = ajAcdGetString("forwardinput"); * right_input = ajAcdGetString("reverseinput"); */ /* Primer details */ /* * pick_anyway = ajAcdGetBoolean("pickanyway"); * mispriming_library = ajAcdGetInfile("mispriminglibrary"); * max_mispriming = ajAcdGetFloat("maxmispriming"); * pair_max_mispriming = ajAcdGetFloat("pairmaxmispriming"); * gc_clamp = ajAcdGetInt("gcclamp"); * opt_size = ajAcdGetInt("osize"); */ min_size = ajAcdGetInt("minsize"); max_size = ajAcdGetInt("maxsize"); /* * opt_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("otm"); * min_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("mintm"); * max_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("maxtm"); */ max_diff_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("maxdifftm"); /* * opt_gc_percent = ajAcdGetFloat("ogcpercent"); * min_gc = ajAcdGetFloat("mingc"); * max_gc = ajAcdGetFloat("maxgc"); * salt_conc = ajAcdGetFloat("saltconc"); * dna_conc = ajAcdGetFloat("dnaconc"); * num_ns_accepted = ajAcdGetInt("numnsaccepted"); * self_any = ajAcdGetFloat("selfany"); * self_end = ajAcdGetFloat("selfend"); * max_poly_x = ajAcdGetInt("maxpolyx"); */ /* Sequence Quality */ /* these are not (yet) implemented */ /* sequence_quality = ajAcdGetInfile("sequencequality"); min_quality = ajAcdGetInt("minquality"); min_end_quality = ajAcdGetInt("minendquality"); quality_range_min = ajAcdGetInt("qualityrangemin"); quality_range_max = ajAcdGetInt("qualityrangemax"); */ /* Product details */ /* * product_opt_size = ajAcdGetInt("productosize"); * product_size_range = ajAcdGetRange("productsizerange"); * product_opt_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("productotm"); * product_min_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("productmintm"); * product_max_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("productmaxtm"); */ /* Objective Function Penalty Weights for Primers */ /* these are not (yet) implemented */ /* inside_penalty = ajAcdGetFloat("insidepenalty"); outside_penalty = ajAcdGetFloat("outsidepenalty"); max_end_stability = ajAcdGetFloat("maxendstability"); */ /* Primer penalties */ /* these are not (yet) implemented */ /* Internal Oligo "Sequence" Input Tags */ /* * internal_oligo_excluded_region = ajAcdGetRange("oligoexcludedregion"); * internal_oligo_input = ajAcdGetString("oligoinput"); */ /* Internal Oligo "Global" Input Tags */ /* * internal_oligo_opt_size = ajAcdGetInt("oligoosize"); * internal_oligo_min_size = ajAcdGetInt("oligominsize"); * internal_oligo_max_size = ajAcdGetInt("oligomaxsize"); * internal_oligo_opt_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("oligootm"); * internal_oligo_min_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("oligomintm"); * internal_oligo_max_tm = ajAcdGetFloat("oligomaxtm"); * internal_oligo_opt_gc_percent = ajAcdGetFloat("oligoogcpercent"); * internal_oligo_min_gc = ajAcdGetFloat("oligomingc"); * internal_oligo_max_gc = ajAcdGetFloat("oligomaxgc"); * internal_oligo_salt_conc = ajAcdGetFloat("oligosaltconc"); * internal_oligo_dna_conc = ajAcdGetFloat("oligodnaconc"); * internal_oligo_self_any = ajAcdGetFloat("oligoselfany"); * internal_oligo_self_end = ajAcdGetFloat("oligoselfend"); * internal_oligo_max_poly_x = ajAcdGetInt("oligomaxpolyx"); * internal_oligo_mishyb_library = ajAcdGetInfile("oligomishyblibrary"); * internal_oligo_max_mishyb = ajAcdGetFloat("oligomaxmishyb"); */ /* internal_oligo_min_quality = ajAcdGetInt("oligominquality"); */ /* Internal Oligo penalties */ /* these are not (yet) implemented */ /* EMBOSS-wrapper-specific stuff */ outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); /* open the pipes to connect to primer3 */ if ( pipe( pipeto ) != 0 ) ajFatal ( "Couldn't open pipe() to" ); if ( pipe( pipefrom ) != 0 ) ajFatal( "Couldn't open pipe() from" ); /* fork off the primer3 executable */ nPid = fork(); if ( nPid < 0 ) ajFatal( "Failure of fork()" ); else if ( nPid == 0 ) { /* CHILD PROCESS */ /* dup pipe read/write to stdin/stdout */ /* ** I'm not sure how standard these STDIN/OUT_FILENO macros are, ** so use fileno to get stdin/out file numbers */ /* dup2( pipeto[0], STDIN_FILENO ); dup2( pipefrom[1], STDOUT_FILENO ); */ dup2( pipeto[0], fileno(stdin)); dup2( pipefrom[1], fileno(stdout)); /* close unnecessary pipe descriptors */ close( pipeto[0] ); close( pipeto[1] ); close( pipefrom[0] ); close( pipefrom[1] ); program = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignC(&program, "primer3_core"); if (ajSysFileWhich(&program)) { execlp( "primer3_core", "primer3_core", NULL ); ajFatal("There was a problem while executing primer3"); } else { ajFatal("The program 'primer3_core' must be on the path.\n" "It is part of the 'primer3' package,\n" "available from the Whitehead Institute.\n" "See: http://www-genome.wi.mit.edu/"); } ajStrDel(&program); } else { /* PARENT PROCESS */ /* Close unused pipe ends. This is especially important for the * pipefrom[1] write descriptor, otherwise primers_read will never * get an EOF. */ close( pipeto[0] ); close( pipefrom[1] ); stream = primers_start_write(pipeto[1]); /* send primer3 Primer "Global" parameters */ primers_send_bool(stream, "PRIMER_EXPLAIN_FLAG", explain_flag); /* * primers_send_bool(stream, "PRIMER_FILE_FLAG", file_flag); */ /* * if (!ajStrCmpC(task[0], "0")) { */ ajStrAssignC(&taskstr, "pick_pcr_primers"); /* * } else if (!ajStrCmpC(task[0], "1")) { * ajStrAssignC(&taskstr, "pick_pcr_primers_and_hyb_probe"); * } else if (!ajStrCmpC(task[0], "2")) { * ajStrAssignC(&taskstr, "pick_left_only"); * } else if (!ajStrCmpC(task[0], "3")) { * ajStrAssignC(&taskstr, "pick_right_only"); * } else if (!ajStrCmpC(task[0], "4")) { * ajStrAssignC(&taskstr, "pick_hyb_probe_only"); * } else { * ajFatal("Unknown value for TASK"); * } */ primers_send_string(stream, "PRIMER_TASK", taskstr); primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_NUM_RETURN", num_return); /* * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_FIRST_BASE_INDEX", first_base_index); * primers_send_bool(stream, "PRIMER_PICK_ANYWAY", pick_anyway); */ /* +++ mispriming library - should this be a string, not an infile? */ /* * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_MAX_MISPRIMING", max_mispriming); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_PAIR_MAX_MISPRIMING", * pair_max_mispriming); * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_GC_CLAMP", gc_clamp); * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_OPT_SIZE", opt_size); */ primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_MIN_SIZE", min_size); primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_MAX_SIZE", max_size); /* * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_OPT_TM", opt_tm); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_MIN_TM", min_tm); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_MAX_TM", max_tm); */ primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_MAX_DIFF_TM", max_diff_tm); /* * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_OPT_GC_PERCENT", opt_gc_percent); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_MIN_GC", min_gc); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_MAX_GC", max_gc); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_SALT_CONC", salt_conc); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_DNA_CONC", dna_conc); * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_NUM_NS_ACCEPTED", num_ns_accepted); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_SELF_ANY", self_any); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_SELF_END", self_end); * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_MAX_POLY_X", max_poly_x); * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_PRODUCT_OPT_SIZE", * product_opt_size); * primers_send_range2(stream, "PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE", * product_size_range); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_PRODUCT_OPT_TM", * product_opt_tm); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_PRODUCT_MIN_TM", * product_min_tm); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_PRODUCT_MAX_TM", * product_max_tm); */ /* send primer3 Internal Oligo "Global" parameters */ /* * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_OPT_SIZE", * internal_oligo_opt_size); * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MIN_SIZE", * internal_oligo_min_size); * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_SIZE", * internal_oligo_max_size); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_OPT_TM", * internal_oligo_opt_tm); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MIN_TM", * internal_oligo_min_tm); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_TM", * internal_oligo_max_tm); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_OPT_GC_PERCENT", * internal_oligo_opt_gc_percent); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MIN_GC", * internal_oligo_min_gc); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_GC", * internal_oligo_max_gc); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_SALT_CONC", * internal_oligo_salt_conc); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_DNA_CONC", * internal_oligo_dna_conc); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_SELF_ANY", * internal_oligo_self_any); * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_SELF_END", * internal_oligo_self_end); * primers_send_int(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_POLY_X", * internal_oligo_max_poly_x); */ /* +++ mispriming library - should this be a string, not an infile? */ /* * primers_send_float(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_MISHYB", * internal_oligo_max_mishyb); */ while(ajSeqallNext(sequence, &seq)) { begin = ajSeqallGetseqBegin(sequence); end = ajSeqallGetseqEnd(sequence); strand = ajSeqGetSeqCopyS(seq); ajStrFmtUpper(&strand); ajStrAssignSubC(&substr,ajStrGetPtr(strand), begin-1, end-1); /* send primer3 Primer "Sequence" parameters */ primers_send_string(stream, "SEQUENCE", substr); primers_send_string(stream, "PRIMER_SEQUENCE_ID", ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); /* * primers_send_range(stream, "INCLUDED_REGION", included_region); */ primers_send_range(stream, "TARGET", target); /* * primers_send_range(stream, "EXCLUDED_REGION", excluded_region); * primers_send_string(stream, "PRIMER_LEFT_INPUT", left_input); * primers_send_string(stream, "PRIMER_RIGHT_INPUT", right_input); */ /* send primer3 Internal Oligo "Sequence" parameters */ /* * primers_send_range(stream, * "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_EXCLUDED_REGION", * internal_oligo_excluded_region); * primers_send_string(stream, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_INPUT", * internal_oligo_input); */ /* end the primer3 input sequence record with a '=' */ primers_send_end(stream); } primers_end_write(stream); close( pipeto[1] ); /* read the primer3 output */ result = primers_read(pipefrom[0]); primers_report (outfile, result, num_return); } /* tidy up */ ajStrDel(&result); ajSeqallDel(&sequence); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&strand); ajStrDel(&substr); ajFileClose(&outfile); ajStrDel(&taskstr); ajRangeDel(&target); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic primers_read *************************************************** ** ** Reads the output from primer3_core into a returned AjPStr until EOF ** ** @param [r] fd [int] file descriptor ** @return [AjPStr] output string ** ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr primers_read(int fd) { FILE *stream; int ch; AjPStr ret=ajStrNew(); ajDebug( "reading primer3_core output\n" ); if ( (stream = fdopen( fd, "r" )) == NULL ) ajFatal( "fdopen() read error" ); while ( (ch = getc( stream )) != EOF ) ajStrAppendK(&ret, ch); fclose( stream ); ajDebug( "reading done\n" ); return ret; } /* @funcstatic primers_send_end *********************************************** ** ** Writes the end-of-input flag '=' to the input stream of primer3_core ** ** @param [u] stream [FILE *] File handle ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_send_end(FILE * stream) { fputs( "=\n", stream ); } /* display ranges as 'start,length start2,length2' */ /* @funcstatic primers_send_range ********************************************* ** ** Write range data to primer3_core as 'start,length start2,length2,etc' ** ** @param [u] stream [FILE *] File handle ** @param [r] tag [const char *] Tag of primer3 data type ** @param [r] value [const AjPRange] Ranges to write ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_send_range(FILE * stream, const char * tag, const AjPRange value) { AjPStr str=ajStrNew(); ajuint n; ajuint start, end; if (ajRangeNumber(value)) { (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=", tag); primers_write(str, stream); ajStrSetClear(&str); for (n=0; n < ajRangeNumber(value); n++) { ajRangeValues(value, n, &start, &end); (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%u,%u ", start, end-start+1); primers_write(str, stream); ajStrSetClear(&str); } (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "\n"); primers_write(str, stream); } ajStrDel(&str); } /* #funcstatic primers_send_range2 ******************************************** ** ** Write alternate display of ranges as 'a-b c-d' to primer3_core ** ** #param [u] stream [FILE *] File handle ** #param [r] tag [const char *] Tag of primer3 data type ** #param [r] value [const AjPRange] Ranges to write ** #return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ /* NOT USED //static void primers_send_range2(FILE * stream, // const char * tag, const AjPRange value) //{ // // AjPStr str=ajStrNew(); // ajint n; // ajint start, end; // // if (ajRangeNumber(value)) { // (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=", tag); // primers_write(str, stream); // ajStrSetClear(&str); // for (n=0; n < ajRangeNumber(value); n++) { // ajRangeValues(value, n, &start, &end); // (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%d-%d ", start, end); // primers_write(str, stream); // ajStrSetClear(&str); // } // (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "\n"); // primers_write(str, stream); // } // // ajStrDel(&str); //} */ /* @funcstatic primers_send_int *********************************************** ** ** Write integer to primer3_core ** ** @param [u] stream [FILE *] File handle ** @param [r] tag [const char *] Tag of primer3 data type ** @param [r] value [ajint] Integer value to write ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_send_int(FILE * stream, const char * tag, ajint value) { AjPStr str=ajStrNew(); (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=%d\n", tag, value); primers_write(str, stream); ajStrDel(&str); } /* @funcstatic primers_send_float ********************************************* ** ** Write float to primer3_core ** ** @param [u] stream [FILE *] File handle ** @param [r] tag [const char *] Tag of primer3 data type ** @param [r] value [float] Float value to write ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_send_float(FILE * stream, const char * tag, float value) { AjPStr str=ajStrNew(); (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=%f\n", tag, value); primers_write(str, stream); ajStrDel(&str); } /* @funcstatic primers_send_bool ********************************************** ** ** Write boolean to primer3_core ** ** @param [u] stream [FILE *] File handle ** @param [r] tag [const char *] Tag of primer3 data type ** @param [r] value [AjBool] Boolean value to write ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_send_bool(FILE * stream, const char * tag, AjBool value) { AjPStr str=ajStrNew(); (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=%d\n", tag, value?1:0); primers_write(str, stream); ajStrDel(&str); } /* @funcstatic primers_send_string ******************************************** ** ** Write string to primer3_core ** ** ** @param [u] stream [FILE *] File handle ** @param [r] tag [const char *] Tag of primer3 data type ** @param [r] value [const AjPStr] String value to write ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_send_string(FILE * stream, const char * tag, const AjPStr value) { AjPStr str=ajStrNew(); if (ajStrGetLen(value)) { (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=%S\n", tag, value); primers_write(str, stream); } ajStrDel(&str); } /* #funcstatic primers_send_stringC ******************************************* ** ** Write char * to primer3_core ** ** #param [u] stream [FILE *] File handle ** #param [r] tag [const char *] Tag of primer3 data type ** #param [r] value [const char *] Char * value to write ** #return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ /* NOT USED //static void primers_send_stringC(FILE * stream, // const char * tag, const char * value) //{ // // AjPStr str=ajStrNew(); // // if (strlen(value)) { // (void) ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=%s\n", tag, value); // primers_write(str, stream); // } // // ajStrDel(&str); //} */ /* @funcstatic primers_start_write ******************************************** ** ** Open a file descriptor as a stream to pipe to primer3_core ** ** @param [r] fd [int] File descriptor ** @return [FILE*] File stream ** ******************************************************************************/ static FILE* primers_start_write(int fd) { FILE *stream; ajDebug( "start writing\n" ); if ( (stream = fdopen( fd, "w" )) == NULL ) ajFatal( "Couldn't open pipe with fdopen()" ); return stream; } /* @funcstatic primers_write ************************************************** ** ** Write a tag=value AjPStr to the primer3_core input stream ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Input string ** @param [u] stream [FILE *] Stream piped to primer3_core ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_write(const AjPStr str, FILE *stream) { fputs( ajStrGetPtr(str), stream ); } /* @funcstatic primers_end_write ********************************************** ** ** Close the stream piping in to primer3_core ** ** @param [u] stream [FILE *] Stream ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_end_write(FILE *stream) { fclose( stream ); } /* @funcstatic primers_report ************************************************* ** ** Read output of primer3_core into a temporary table of tag/value results ** ** @param [u] outfile [AjPFile] Report outfile ** @param [r] output [const AjPStr] Output from primer3_core ** @param [r] numreturn [ajint] Number of results to return for each sequence ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_report (AjPFile outfile, const AjPStr output, ajint numreturn) { AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStrTok linetokenhandle; char eol[] = "\n\r"; AjPStrTok keytokenhandle; char equals[] = "="; AjPStr key = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; AjBool gotsequenceid = AJFALSE; AjPTable table = NULL; /* set up tokeniser for lines */ linetokenhandle = ajStrTokenNewC(output, eol); /* get next line of relevant results */ while (ajStrTokenNextParseC(&linetokenhandle, eol, &line)) { if (!gotsequenceid) { /* ** Are we at the start of another sequence's results? ** Start storing the results in the table. */ if (ajStrCmpLenC(line, "PRIMER_SEQUENCE_ID=", 19) == 0) { gotsequenceid = AJTRUE; table = ajTablestrNewLen(TABLEGUESS); } else { continue; } } else { /* ** Are we at the end of this sequence? - marked by a '=' in the primer3 ** output - then output the results. */ if (ajStrCmpC(line, "=") == 0) { gotsequenceid = AJFALSE; primers_output_report(outfile, table, numreturn); ajTablestrFree(&table); continue; } } /* store key and value in table and parse values when have all of the sequence results in the table because the LEFT, RIGHT and INTERNAL results for each resulting primer are interleaved */ keytokenhandle = ajStrTokenNewC(line, equals); key = ajStrNew(); ajStrTokenNextParse(&keytokenhandle, &key); value = ajStrNew(); ajStrTokenNextParse(&keytokenhandle, &value); /* debug */ (void) ajDebug("key=%S\tvalue=%S\n", key, value); ajTablePut(table, (void *)key, (void *)value); (void) ajStrTokenDel(&keytokenhandle); } /* tidy up */ ajStrDel(&line); (void) ajStrTokenDel(&linetokenhandle); ajTablestrFree(&table); return; } /* @funcstatic primers_output_report ****************************************** ** ** Read the results out of the tag/value table and write to report ** ** @param [u] outfile [AjPFile] Report outfile ** @param [r] table [const AjPTable] Table of tag/value result pairs ** @param [r] numreturn [ajint] Number of results to return for each sequence ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_output_report(AjPFile outfile, const AjPTable table, ajint numreturn) { AjPStr key = NULL; AjPStr error = NULL; AjPStr explain = NULL; AjPStr seqid = NULL; ajint i; AjPStr size = NULL; AjPStr seq = NULL; AjPStr pos = NULL; AjPStr tm = NULL; AjPStr gc = NULL; /* Typical primer3 output looks like: PRIMER_SEQUENCE_ID=em-id:HSFAU PRIMER_PAIR_PENALTY=0.1974 PRIMER_LEFT_PENALTY=0.007073 PRIMER_RIGHT_PENALTY=0.190341 PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_PENALTY=0.132570 PRIMER_LEFT_SEQUENCE=AGTCGCCAATATGCAGCTCT PRIMER_RIGHT_SEQUENCE=GGAGCACGACTTGATCTTCC PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_SEQUENCE=GGAGCTACACACCTTCGAGG PRIMER_LEFT=47,20 PRIMER_RIGHT=183,20 PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO=80,20 PRIMER_LEFT_TM=60.007 PRIMER_RIGHT_TM=59.810 PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_TM=59.867 PRIMER_LEFT_GC_PERCENT=50.000 PRIMER_RIGHT_GC_PERCENT=55.000 PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_GC_PERCENT=60.000 PRIMER_LEFT_SELF_ANY=4.00 PRIMER_RIGHT_SELF_ANY=5.00 PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_SELF_ANY=4.00 PRIMER_LEFT_SELF_END=2.00 PRIMER_RIGHT_SELF_END=1.00 PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_SELF_END=4.00 PRIMER_LEFT_END_STABILITY=7.9000 PRIMER_RIGHT_END_STABILITY=8.2000 PRIMER_PAIR_COMPL_ANY=5.00 PRIMER_PAIR_COMPL_END=1.00 PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE=137 */ /* check for errors */ ajStrAssignC(&key, "PRIMER_ERROR"); error = (AjPStr)ajTableFetch(table, (const void*)key); if (error != NULL) { ajErr("%S", error); } ajStrAssignC(&key, "PRIMER_WARNING"); error = (AjPStr)ajTableFetch(table, (const void*)key); if (error != NULL) { ajWarn("%S", error); } /* get the sequence id */ ajStrAssignC(&key, "PRIMER_SEQUENCE_ID"); seqid = (AjPStr)ajTableFetch(table, (const void*)key); (void) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n# PRIMER3 RESULTS FOR %S\n\n", seqid); /* get information on the analysis */ ajStrAssignC(&key, "PRIMER_LEFT_EXPLAIN"); explain = (AjPStr)ajTableFetch(table, (const void*)key); if (explain != NULL) { ajStrExchangeCC(&explain, ",", "\n#"); (void) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "# FORWARD PRIMER STATISTICS:\n# %S\n\n", explain); } ajStrAssignC(&key, "PRIMER_RIGHT_EXPLAIN"); explain = (AjPStr)ajTableFetch(table, (const void*)key); if (explain != NULL) { ajStrExchangeCC(&explain, ",", "\n#"); (void) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "# REVERSE PRIMER STATISTICS:\n# %S\n\n", explain); } ajStrAssignC(&key, "PRIMER_PAIR_EXPLAIN"); explain = (AjPStr)ajTableFetch(table, (const void*)key); if (explain != NULL) { ajStrExchangeCC(&explain, ",", "\n#"); (void) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "# PRIMER PAIR STATISTICS:\n# %S\n\n", explain); } ajStrAssignC(&key, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_EXPLAIN"); explain = (AjPStr)ajTableFetch(table, (const void*)key); if (explain != NULL) { ajStrExchangeCC(&explain, ",", "\n#"); (void) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "# INTERNAL OLIGO STATISTICS:\n# %S\n\n", explain); } /* table header */ (void) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "# Start Len Tm " "GC%% Sequence\n\n"); /* get the results */ for (i=0; i <= numreturn; i++) { /* product data */ size = primers_tableget("PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE", i, "", table); if (size != NULL) { (void) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%4d PRODUCT SIZE: %S\n", i+1, size); } /* left primer data */ tm = primers_tableget("PRIMER_LEFT", i, "TM", table); gc = primers_tableget("PRIMER_LEFT", i, "GC_PERCENT", table); pos = primers_tableget("PRIMER_LEFT", i, "", table); seq = primers_tableget("PRIMER_LEFT", i, "SEQUENCE", table); primers_write_primer(outfile, "FORWARD PRIMER", pos, tm, gc, seq); /* right primer data */ tm = primers_tableget("PRIMER_RIGHT", i, "TM", table); gc = primers_tableget("PRIMER_RIGHT", i, "GC_PERCENT", table); pos = primers_tableget("PRIMER_RIGHT", i, "", table); seq = primers_tableget("PRIMER_RIGHT", i, "SEQUENCE", table); primers_write_primer(outfile, "REVERSE PRIMER", pos, tm, gc, seq); /* internal oligo data */ tm = primers_tableget("PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO", i, "TM", table); gc = primers_tableget("PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO", i, "GC_PERCENT", table); pos = primers_tableget("PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO", i, "", table); seq = primers_tableget("PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO", i, "SEQUENCE", table); primers_write_primer(outfile, "INTERNAL OLIGO", pos, tm, gc, seq); (void) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n"); } /* tidy up */ ajStrDel(&key); } /* @funcstatic primers_tableget *********************************************** ** ** Read the results out of the tag/value table ** ** @param [r] key1 [const char *] First half of table key base string ** @param [r] number [ajint] Table key numeric part ** @param [r] key2 [const char *] Second half of table key base string ** (minus '_') ** @param [r] table [const AjPTable] Table of tag/value result pairs ** @return [AjPStr] Table value ** ******************************************************************************/ static AjPStr primers_tableget(const char *key1, ajint number, const char *key2, const AjPTable table) { AjPStr fullkey = NULL; AjPStr keynum = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; ajStrAssignC(&fullkey, key1); if (number > 0) { ajStrAppendC(&fullkey, "_"); ajStrFromInt(&keynum, number); ajStrAppendS(&fullkey, keynum); } if (strcmp(key2, "")) { ajStrAppendC(&fullkey, "_"); } ajStrAppendC(&fullkey, key2); ajDebug("Constructed key=%S\n", fullkey); value = (AjPStr)ajTableFetch(table, (const void*)fullkey); /* tidy up */ ajStrDel(&fullkey); ajStrDel(&keynum); return value; } /* @funcstatic primers_write_primer ******************************************* ** ** Write out one primer or oligo line to the output file ** ** @param [u] outfile [AjPFile] Report outfile ** @param [r] tag [const char *] Tag on output line ** @param [r] pos [const AjPStr] Start and length string ** @param [r] tm [const AjPStr] Tm of primer ** @param [r] gc [const AjPStr] GC% of primer ** @param [r] seq [const AjPStr] Sequence of primer ** @return [void] ** ******************************************************************************/ static void primers_write_primer(AjPFile outfile, const char *tag, const AjPStr pos, const AjPStr tm, const AjPStr gc, const AjPStr seq) { ajint startint; ajint lenint; float tmfloat; float gcfloat; AjPStr start = NULL; ajint comma; AjPStr posstr = NULL; if (pos != NULL) { posstr = ajStrNewS(pos); ajStrToFloat(tm, &tmfloat); ajStrToFloat(gc, &gcfloat); comma = ajStrFindC(posstr, ","); ajStrAssignS(&start, posstr); ajStrCutRange(&start, comma, ajStrGetLen(start)-1); ajStrToInt(start, &startint); ajStrCutRange(&posstr, 0, comma); ajStrToInt(posstr, &lenint); (void) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, " %s %6d %4d %2.2f %2.2f %S\n\n", tag, startint, lenint, tmfloat, gcfloat, seq); ajStrDel(&posstr); } /* tidy up */ ajStrDel(&start); }