/* @source prettyplot application ** ** Displays and plots sequence alignments and consensus for PLOTTERS. ** @author Copyright (C) Ian Longden (il@sanger.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** Replaces program "prettyplot" (EGCG) ** ** options. ** ** -ccolours Colour residues by there consensus value. (TRUE) ** -cidentity Colour to display identical matches. (RED) ** -csimilarity Colour to display similar matches. (GREEN) ** -cother Colour to display other matches. (BLACK) ** ** -docolour Colour residues by table oily, amide, basic etc. (FALSE) ** ** -shade Colour residues by shades. (BLPW) ** B-Black L-Brown P-Wheat W-White ** ** -pair values to represent identical similar related (1.5,1.0,0.5) ** ** -identity Only match those which are identical in all sequences. ** ** -box Display prettybox. ** ** ** -consensus Display the consensus. ** ** -name Display the sequence names. ** ** -number Display the residue number at the end of each sequence. ** ** -maxnamelen Margin size for the sequence name. ** ** -plurality plurality check value used in consensus. (totweight/2) ** ** -collision Allow collisions. ** ** -portrait Display as a portrait (default landscape). ** ** -datafile The data file holding the matrix comparison table. ** ** -showscore Obsolete debug variable: ** Print out the scores for a residue number. ** ** -alternative 3 other checks for collisions. ** ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include "ajtime.h" #include #define BOXTOP 0x0001 #define BOXBOT 0x0002 #define BOXLEF 0x0004 #define BOXRIG 0x0008 #define BOXCOLOURED 0x0010 const char **seqcharptr; ajint **seqcolptr; ajint **seqboxptr = NULL; ajint *seqcount = NULL; ajint charlen; AjBool shownames; AjBool shownumbers; AjPSeqset seqset; AjPStr *seqnames; ajint numgaps; char *constr = NULL; static ajint prettyplot_calcseqperpage(float yincr,float y,AjBool consensus); static void prettyplot_fillinboxes(ajint length, ajint numseq, ajint start, ajint end, ajint seqstart,ajint seqend, ajint numres, ajint resbreak, AjBool boxit, AjBool boxcol, AjBool consensus, float ystart, float yincr, const AjPSeqCvt cvt); /* @prog prettyplot *********************************************************** ** ** Displays aligned sequences, with colouring and boxing ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { ajint i; ajint numseq; ajint j = 0; ajint numres; ajint count; ajint k; ajint kmax; float defheight; float currentheight; AjPStr shade = NULL; AjPFloat pair = NULL; AjPGraph graph = NULL; AjPMatrix cmpmatrix = NULL; AjPSeqCvt cvt = NULL; AjPStr matcodes = NULL; AjBool consensus; AjBool colourbyconsensus; AjBool colourbyresidues; AjBool colourbyshade = AJFALSE; AjBool boxit; AjBool boxcol; AjBool portrait; AjBool collision; ajint identity; AjBool listoptions; ajint alternative; AjPStr altstr = NULL; AjPStr sidentity = NULL; AjPStr ssimilarity = NULL; AjPStr sother = NULL; AjPStr sboxcolval = NULL; AjPStr options = NULL; /* ajint showscore = 0; */ ajint iboxcolval = 0; ajint cidentity = RED; ajint csimilarity = GREEN; ajint cother = BLACK; float fxp; float fyp; float yincr; float y; ajint ixlen; ajint iylen; ajint ixoff; ajint iyoff; char res[2] = " "; float *score = 0; float scoremax = 0; float *identical = NULL; ajint identicalmaxindex; float *matching = NULL; ajint matchingmaxindex; float *colcheck = NULL; ajint **matrix; ajint m1 = 0; ajint m2 = 0; ajint ms = 0; ajint highindex = 0; ajint myindex; ajint *previous = 0; AjBool iscons = ajFalse; ajint currentstate = 0; ajint oldfg = 0; float fold = 0.0; ajint *colmat = 0; ajint *shadecolour = 0; /* float identthresh = 1.5; */ /* float simthresh = 1.0; */ /* float relthresh = 0.5; */ float part = 0.0; const char *cptr; ajint resbreak; float fplural; float ystart; float xmin; float xmax; float xmid; AjPTime ajtime; ajint gapcount = 0; ajint countforgap = 0; ajint boxindex; float max; ajint matsize; ajint seqperpage = 0; ajint startseq; ajint endseq; ajint newILend = 0; ajint newILstart; void *freeptr; ajGraphInit("prettyplot", argc, argv); seqset = ajAcdGetSeqset("sequences"); numres = ajAcdGetInt("residuesperline"); resbreak = ajAcdGetInt("resbreak"); ajSeqsetFill(seqset); /* Pads sequence set with gap characters */ numseq = ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset); graph = ajAcdGetGraph("graph"); colourbyconsensus = ajAcdGetBoolean("ccolours"); colourbyresidues = ajAcdGetBoolean("docolour"); shade = ajAcdGetString("shade"); pair = ajAcdGetArray("pair"); identity = ajAcdGetInt("identity"); boxit = ajAcdGetBoolean("box"); ajtime = ajTimeNewTodayFmt("daytime"); ajSeqsetTrim(seqset); /* offset = ajSeqsetGetOffset(seqset); Unused */ ajGraphSetTitlePlus(graph, ajSeqsetGetUsa(seqset)); if(boxit) { AJCNEW(seqboxptr, numseq); for(i=0;inumseq) seqperpage=numseq; } count = 0; /* ** for boxes we need to set a foreground colour for the box lines ** and save the current foreground colour */ if(boxit && boxcol) oldfg = ajGraphSetFore(iboxcolval); /* ** step through each residue position */ kmax = ajSeqsetGetLen(seqset) - 1; for(k=0; k<= kmax; k++) { /* reset column score array */ for(i=0;i scoremax) { scoremax = score[i]; highindex = i; } } for(i=0;i 0) matching[m1] += ajSeqsetGetseqWeight(seqset, j); } } } /* find highs for matching and identical */ matchingmaxindex = 0; identicalmaxindex = 0; for(i=0;i identical[identicalmaxindex]) identicalmaxindex = m1; } for(i=0;i matching[matchingmaxindex]) matchingmaxindex = m1; else if(matching[m1] == matching[matchingmaxindex]) { if(identical[m1] > identical[matchingmaxindex]) matchingmaxindex= m1; } } iscons = ajFalse; boxindex = -1; max = -3; ajDebug("k:%2d highindex:%2d matching:%4.2f\n", k, highindex, matching[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[highindex][k])]); if(highindex != -1 && matching[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[highindex][k])] >= fplural) { iscons = ajTrue; boxindex = highindex; } else { for(i=0;i max) { max = matching[m1]; highindex = i; } else if(matching[m1] == max) { if(identical[m1] > identical[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[highindex][k])] ) { max = matching[m1]; highindex = i; } } } if(matching[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[highindex][k])] >= fplural) { iscons = ajTrue; boxindex = highindex; } } if(iscons) { if(!collision) { /* check for collisions */ if(alternative == 1) { /* check to see if this is unique for collisions */ for(i=0;i= identical[identicalmaxindex] && m1 != identicalmaxindex) iscons = ajFalse; } /*ajDebug("after (alt=1) iscons: %B",iscons);*/ } else if(alternative == 2) { for(i=0;i= matching[matchingmaxindex] && m1 != matchingmaxindex && matrix[m1][matchingmaxindex] < 0.1)|| (identical[m1] >= identical[matchingmaxindex] && m1 != matchingmaxindex)) iscons = ajFalse; } } else if(alternative == 3) { /* ** to do this check one is NOT in consensus to see if ** another score of fplural has been found */ ms = ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[highindex][k]); for(i=0;i 0.1) colcheck[m1] += ajSeqsetGetseqWeight(seqset, j); } } } for(i=0;i= fplural) iscons = ajFalse; } /*ajDebug("after alt=2 iscons: %B", iscons);*/ } else { for(i=0;i= matching[matchingmaxindex] && m1 != matchingmaxindex && matrix[m1][matchingmaxindex] < 0.1)) iscons = ajFalse; if(identical[m1] >= identical[matchingmaxindex] && m1 != matchingmaxindex && matrix[m1][matchingmaxindex] > 0.1) iscons = ajFalse; } if(!iscons) { /* matches failed try identicals */ if(identical[identicalmaxindex] >= fplural) { iscons = ajTrue; /* ** if nothing has an equal or higher match that ** does not match highest then false */ for(i=0;i= identical[identicalmaxindex] && m1 != identicalmaxindex) iscons = ajFalse; else if(matching[m1] >= matching[identicalmaxindex] && matrix[m1][matchingmaxindex] <= 0.0) iscons = ajFalse; else if(m1 == identicalmaxindex) j = i; } if(iscons) highindex = j; } } } } if(identity) { j = 0; for(i=0;i= numres ) { /* check y position for next set */ y=y-(yincr*((float)numseq+(float)2.0+((float)consensus*(float)2))); if(ynumseq) endseq=numseq; prettyplot_fillinboxes(numseq,ajSeqsetGetLen(seqset), startseq,endseq, newILstart,newILend, numres,resbreak, boxit,boxcol,consensus, ystart,yincr,cvt); startseq = endseq; endseq += seqperpage; ajGraphNewPage(graph, AJFALSE); } } count = 0; gapcount = 0; } count++; countforgap++; for(j=0;j 0) part = 1.0; else { if(identical[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[j][k])] >= fplural) part = 1.0; else part = 0.0; } if(previous[j] != part) /* draw vertical line */ seqboxptr[j][k] |= BOXLEF; if(j==0) { /* special case for horizontal line */ if(part) { currentstate = 1; /* draw hori line */ seqboxptr[j][k] |= BOXTOP; } else currentstate = 0; } else { /* j != 0 Normal case for horizontal line */ if(part != currentstate) { /*draw hori line */ seqboxptr[j][k] |= BOXTOP; currentstate = (ajint) part; } } if(j== numseq-1 && currentstate) /* draw horiline at bottom */ seqboxptr[j][k] |= BOXBOT; previous[j] = part; } else { part = 0; if(previous[j]) { /* draw vertical line */ seqboxptr[j][k] |= BOXLEF; } previous[j] = 0; } if(count == numres || k == kmax || countforgap >= resbreak ) { /* last one on the row or a break*/ if(previous[j]) { /* draw vertical line */ seqboxptr[j][k] |= BOXRIG; } previous[j] = 0; } } /* end box */ if(boxit && boxcol) if(boxindex != -1) { myindex = boxindex; if(matrix[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[j][k])] [ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[myindex][k])] > 0 || identical[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[j][k])] >= fplural ) seqboxptr[j][k] |= BOXCOLOURED; } /* END OF BOXES */ if(ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[j][k])) res[0] = seqcharptr[j][k]; else res[0] = '-'; if(colourbyconsensus) { part = (float) matrix[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[j][k])] [ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[highindex][k])]; if(iscons && seqcharptr[highindex][k] == seqcharptr[j][k]) seqcolptr[j][k] = cidentity; else if(part > 0.0) seqcolptr[j][k] = csimilarity; else seqcolptr[j][k] = cother; } else if(colourbyresidues) seqcolptr[j][k] = colmat[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[j][k])]; else if(iscons && colourbyshade) { part = (float) matrix[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[j][k])] [ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[highindex][k])]; if(part >= 1.5) seqcolptr[j][k] = shadecolour[0]; else if(part >= 1.0) seqcolptr[j][k] = shadecolour[1]; else if(part >= 0.5) seqcolptr[j][k] = shadecolour[2]; else seqcolptr[j][k] = shadecolour[3]; } else if(colourbyshade) seqcolptr[j][k] = shadecolour[3]; else seqcolptr[j][k] = BLACK; } if(consensus) { if(iscons) res[0] = seqcharptr[highindex][k]; else res[0] = '-'; strcat(constr,res); } if(countforgap >= resbreak) { gapcount++; countforgap=0; } } startseq = 0; endseq=seqperpage; newILstart = newILend; newILend = k; while(startseq < numseq) { if(startseq) ajGraphNewPage(graph, AJFALSE); /*ajDebug("Final loop: startseq: %d numseq: %d endseq: %d\n", startseq, numseq, endseq);*/ if(endseq>numseq) endseq = numseq; prettyplot_fillinboxes(numseq,ajSeqsetGetLen(seqset), startseq,endseq, newILstart,newILend, numres,resbreak, boxit,boxcol,consensus, ystart,yincr,cvt); startseq = endseq; endseq += seqperpage; } ajGraphGetCharSize(&defheight,¤theight); if(boxit && boxcol) oldfg = ajGraphSetFore(oldfg); ajGraphCloseWin(); ajGraphxyDel(&graph); ajStrDel(&sidentity); ajStrDel(&ssimilarity); ajStrDel(&sother); ajStrDel(&options); ajStrDel(&altstr); ajStrDel(&matcodes); for(i=0;i0.0) { yep = y-(yincr*((float)numallowed+(float)2.0+((float)consensus* (float)2))); numallowed++; } return numallowed-1; } /* @funcstatic prettyplot_fillinboxes ***************************************** ** ** Plot the page ** ** @param [r] numseq [ajint] Number of sequences in alignment ** @param [r] length [ajint] Alignment length ** @param [r] seqstart [ajint] First sequence to plot ** @param [r] seqend [ajint] Last sequence to plot ** @param [r] start [ajint] First residue ** @param [r] end [ajint] Last residue ** @param [r] numres [ajint] Number of residues per line ** @param [r] resbreak [ajint] Number of residues per block ** @param [r] boxit [AjBool] If true, display box outline ** @param [r] boxcol [AjBool] If true, colour the background in each box ** @param [r] consensus [AjBool] If true, include consensus sequence ** on last line ** @param [r] ystart [float] Vertical start. 1.0 is the top. ** @param [r] yincr [float] Vertical increment to next row ** @param [r] cvt [const AjPSeqCvt] Conversion table from residue code ** to matrix position ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void prettyplot_fillinboxes(ajint numseq, ajint length, ajint seqstart, ajint seqend, ajint start, ajint end, ajint numres, ajint resbreak, AjBool boxit, AjBool boxcol, AjBool consensus, float ystart, float yincr, const AjPSeqCvt cvt) { ajint count = 1; ajint gapcount = 0; ajint countforgap = 0; ajint table[16]; ajint i; ajint j; ajint k; ajint w; ajint oldfg = 0; ajint oldcol = 0; ajint l; float y; char res[2]=" "; AjPStr strcon = NULL; char numberstring[10]; float defcs = 0.; float curcs = 0.; /* ajDebug("fillinboxes numseq: %d length: %d\n", numseq, length); ajDebug("fillinboxes start: %d end: %d seqstart: %d seqend; %d\n", start, end, seqstart, seqend); ajDebug("fillinboxes numres: %d resbreak: %d\n", numres, resbreak); ajDebug("fillinboxes boxit: %B boxcol: %B consensus: %B \n", boxit, boxcol, consensus); ajDebug("fillinboxes xmid: %.3f ystart:%.3f yincr: %.3f\n", xmid, ystart, yincr); */ ajStrAppendC(&strcon,"Consensus"); ajStrTruncateLen(&strcon,charlen); if(boxit && boxcol) { y = ystart-(float)6.0; for(k=start; k< end; k++) { if(countforgap >= resbreak) { gapcount++; countforgap = 0; } if(count >= numres+1 ) { y = y-(yincr*((float)numseq+(float)2.0+((float)consensus* (float)2))); if(y= resbreak) { gapcount++; countforgap = 0; } if(count >= numres ) { if(shownumbers) { for(j=seqstart,l=0;j 0) { oldfg = ajGraphSetFore(w); count = 0; gapcount = countforgap = 0; y = ystart-(float)6.0; for(k=start; k< end; k++) { if(countforgap >= resbreak) { gapcount++; countforgap=0; } if(count >= numres ) { y=y-(yincr*((float)(seqend-seqstart)+(float)2.0+ ((float)consensus*(float)2))); count = 0; gapcount = 0; } count++; countforgap++; for(j=seqstart,l=0; j< seqend; j++,l++){ if(seqcolptr[j][k] == w) { if(ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, seqcharptr[j][k])) res[0] = seqcharptr[j][k]; else res[0] = '-'; ajGraphTextStart((float)(count+gapcount), y-(yincr*l),res); } } } } oldfg = ajGraphSetFore(oldfg); } oldfg = ajGraphSetFore(oldcol); start = end; return; }