/* @source pepinfo application ** ** Displays properties of the amino acid residues in a peptide sequence ** @author Copyright (C) Mark Faller (mfaller@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include "ajhist.h" #include #define NOY (AJGRAPH_X_BOTTOM + AJGRAPH_Y_LEFT + AJGRAPH_Y_RIGHT + \ AJGRAPH_Y_INVERT_TICK + AJGRAPH_X_INVERT_TICK + AJGRAPH_X_TICK + \ AJGRAPH_X_LABEL + AJGRAPH_Y_LABEL + AJGRAPH_TITLE) static void pepinfo_plotHistInt2(AjPHist hist, const ajint * results, ajint hist_num, const char* header, const char* xtext, const char * ytext); static void pepinfo_plotGraph2Float(AjPGraph graphs, const float * results, const char* title_text, const char * xtext, const char * ytext); static void pepinfo_printFloatResults(AjPFile outfile, const AjPSeq seq, const float * results, const char* header); static void pepinfo_printIntResults(AjPFile outfile, const AjPSeq seq, const ajint* results, const char* header); static ajint seq_start; static ajint seq_end; static ajint win_mid; static ajint seq_begin; /* @prog pepinfo ************************************************************** ** ** Plots simple amino acid properties in parallel ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeq inseq = NULL; AjPFile outfile = NULL; ajint hwindow; AjPFile aa_properties = NULL; AjPFile aa_hydropathy = NULL; AjBool do_seq; AjBool do_general; AjBool do_hydropathy; AjBool do_plot; AjPStr key; AjPStr value; AjIList listIter; AjPTable table; AjPStr tmpa = NULL; AjPStr tmpb = NULL; ajint i; ajint j; ajint k; ajint cnt; ajint * ival; ajint * iv[9]; float * pfloat; float * pf[3]; float num; float total; AjPGraph graphs = NULL; AjPHist hist = NULL; ajint numGraphs = 0; /* Data_table aa_props, aa_hydro, aa_acc;*/ AjPList aa_props = NULL; AjPList aa_hydro = NULL; const char * propertyTitles[] = { "Tiny", "Small", "Aliphatic", "Aromatic", "Non-polar", "Polar", "Charged", "Positive", "Negative" }; const char * hydroTitles[] = { "Kyte & Doolittle hydropathy parameters", "OHM Hydropathy parameters (Sweet & Eisenberg)", "Consensus parameters (Eisenberg et al)" }; ajGraphInit("pepinfo", argc, argv); ajGraphSetPage(960, 960); aj_hist_mark=NOY; /* Get parameters */ inseq = ajAcdGetSeq("sequence"); seq_begin = ajSeqGetBegin(inseq); seq_end = ajSeqGetEnd(inseq); seq_start = seq_begin - 1; outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); hwindow = ajAcdGetInt("hwindow"); do_general = ajAcdGetBoolean("generalplot"); do_hydropathy = ajAcdGetBoolean("hydropathyplot"); aa_properties = ajAcdGetDatafile("aaproperties"); aa_hydropathy = ajAcdGetDatafile("aahydropathy"); graphs = ajAcdGetGraphxy("graph"); do_plot = do_general || do_hydropathy; /* Set begin and end position in sequence structure */ ajSeqSetRange(inseq, seq_begin, seq_end); /* Find out which tables are required in the output */ do_seq = ajFalse; if(do_hydropathy) numGraphs +=3; key = ajStrNew(); value = ajStrNew(); /* if sequence plot required */ if(do_seq) ajDebug("sequence plot\n"); /* if general properties plot required */ if(do_general) { ajDebug("general plot\n"); /*initialize properties list*/ aa_props = ajListNew(); embDataListRead(aa_props, aa_properties); /* Get first table from properties list of tables */ listIter = ajListIterNewread(aa_props); /* calculate plot */ for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if(!ajListIterDone(listIter)) { /* ajalloc new ajint array for storing results */ AJCNEW(ival,(seq_end-seq_start)); iv[i] = ival; table = ajListIterGet(listIter); for(j = seq_start; j < seq_end; j++) { ajStrAssignSubS(&key, ajSeqGetSeqS(inseq), j, j); value = ajTableFetch(table, key); if(value != NULL) { if(ajStrToInt(value, ival)) ival++; else { ajErr("value is not integer ..%S..\n", value); embExit(); } } else { ajErr("At position %d in seq, couldn't find key " "%S", j, key); embExit(); } } } else { ajErr("No more tables in list\n"); embExit(); } } ajListIterDel(&listIter); /* print out results */ for(i=0; i<9; i++) { ajFmtPrintS(&tmpa, "%s residues in %s from position %d to %d", propertyTitles[i], ajSeqGetNameC(inseq), seq_begin, seq_end); pepinfo_printIntResults(outfile, inseq, iv[i], ajStrGetPtr(tmpa)); } /* plot out results */ hist = ajHistNewG(9, (seq_end - seq_begin+1), graphs); hist->bins = seq_end - seq_begin +1; hist->xmin = (float) seq_begin; hist->xmax = (float) seq_end; hist->displaytype=HIST_SEPARATE; ajFmtPrintS(&tmpa, "Properties of residues in %s from position " "%d to %d", ajSeqGetNameC(inseq),seq_begin, seq_end); ajHistSetTitleC(hist, ajStrGetPtr(tmpa)); ajHistSetXAxisC(hist, "Residue Number"); ajHistSetYAxisLeftC(hist, ""); for(i=0; i<9; i++) { ajFmtPrintS(&tmpa, "%s residues in %s from position %d to %d", propertyTitles[i], ajSeqGetNameC(inseq), seq_begin, seq_end); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpb, "%s residues", propertyTitles[i]); pepinfo_plotHistInt2(hist, iv[i], i, ajStrGetPtr(tmpa), ajStrGetPtr(tmpb), ""); } ajHistDisplay(hist); for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) AJFREE(iv[i]); /*delete hist object*/ ajHistDelete(&hist); } /* if hydropathy plot required */ if(do_hydropathy) { ajDebug("hydropathy plot\n"); if(numGraphs) ajGraphxySetOverLap(graphs, ajFalse); /* get data from amino acid properties */ aa_hydro = ajListNew(); embDataListRead(aa_hydro, aa_hydropathy); /* Get first table from properties list */ listIter = ajListIterNewread(aa_hydro); /* calculate plot */ for(i=0; i < 3; i++) { /* make sure we have another table from the list to calculate */ if(ajListIterDone(listIter)) { ajErr("No more tables in list\n"); embExit(); } /* Get next table of parameters */ table = ajListIterGet(listIter); win_mid = (hwindow / 2); /* get array to store result */ AJCNEW(pfloat, (seq_end - seq_start)); pf[i] = pfloat; /* Fill in 0.00 for seq begin to win_mid */ for(j=0,cnt=0;j