/* @source oddcomp application ** ** Identifies sequences with a region with a high composition of specific ** words ** ** @author Copyright (C) David Martin (david.martin@biotek.uio.no) based on ** compseq by Gary Williams ** @modified 29 June 2006 Jon Ison All mods marked up with JISON ** @modified 8 November 1999 David Martin. ** @@ ** ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" static ajint oddcomp_readexpfreq(AjPTable *exptable, AjPFile compdata, ajint *size); /* @prog oddcomp ************************************************************** ** ** Finds protein sequence regions with a biased composition ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall = NULL; AjPSeq seq = NULL; ajint word = 2; AjPFile outfile = NULL; AjPFile compdata = NULL; ajuint window = 0; ajint pos = 0; const char *s = NULL; ajlong result = 0; ajlong *bigarray = NULL; ajlong *windowbuffer= NULL; /* ring buffer for sliding window */ ajulong no_elements = 0; AjBool first_time_round = ajTrue; AjBool ignorebz = ajTrue; ajulong count = 0; AjPStr dispseq = NULL; AjPStr ajb = NULL; ajulong total = 0; ajulong other = 0; AjBool otherflag; AjBool seqisprot = ajTrue; ajint increment = 1; ajint ringsize = 0; ajint lastringsize= 0; /* JISON */ ajlong steps = 0; AjPTable exptable = NULL; /* table of expected frequencies */ ajlong exp_freq = 0; AjBool fullwindow = ajFalse; /* JISON */ ajulong tul; embInit("oddcomp", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); window = ajAcdGetInt("window"); outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); compdata = ajAcdGetInfile("infile"); ignorebz = ajAcdGetBoolean("ignorebz"); fullwindow = ajAcdGetToggle("fullwindow"); /* Output some documentation to the results file */ ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "#\n# Output from 'oddcomp'\n#\n"); ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "# The Expected frequencies are taken from the " "file: %s\n", ajFileGetNameC(compdata)); /* read the required frequencies into a table */ oddcomp_readexpfreq(&exptable, compdata, &word); /* number of overlapping words in a window */ ringsize = window - word + 1; /* more notes */ ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "#\n#\tWord size: %d\n",word); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { /* JISON entire 'if' block below */ if(fullwindow) { window = ajSeqGetLen(seq); ringsize = window - word + 1; } steps = 0; seqisprot = ajSeqIsProt(seq); ajDebug("Reading sequence '%S'\n", ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); /* not interested in nucleotide sequences so ignore any that get in */ if(!seqisprot) { lastringsize = ringsize; /* JISON */ continue; } /* ignore sequences shorter than the window of interest */ if(ajSeqGetLen(seq) lastringsize) { AJFREE(windowbuffer); AJCNEW(windowbuffer, ringsize); } } ajSeqFmtUpper(seq); s = ajSeqGetSeqC(seq); /* ** initialise the results buffer for this sequence. ** each word will require a certain number of counts to get to the ** necessary frequency. Set the number of counts to negative this so ** it is only necessary to check for counts >0. Also set the steps ** variable to go the number of steps needed before a new check needs ** to be made (count minimum number of words required before the state ** can change.) */ for(count=0; count< no_elements;count++) { ajStrSetClear(&dispseq); /* ** need to clear the string as embNmerInt2Prot will prepend ** to it */ embNmerInt2prot(&dispseq, word, count, ignorebz); ajb=ajTableFetch(exptable, dispseq); if(ajb) ajStrToLong( ajb, &exp_freq); else exp_freq = 0; if(exp_freq>0) /* ** set bigarray count to negative the count needed to ** exceed the frequency */ bigarray[count] = - exp_freq; else bigarray[count] = 0; ajDebug("loop a count:%Ld no_elements:%Ld bigarray[%Ld]:%Ld dispseq:%S ajb:%S\n", count, no_elements, count, bigarray[count], dispseq, ajb); } /* ** Start at the first position, and fill the ring buffer by ** sliding one step at a time. */ for(pos=1;pos<= ringsize; pos += increment) { ajDebug("loop b pos:%d ringsize:%d increment:%d\n", pos, ringsize, increment); tul = embNmerProt2int(s, word, pos-1, &otherflag,ignorebz); result = (ajlong) tul; if(otherflag) windowbuffer[pos%ringsize] = -1; else { windowbuffer[pos%ringsize] = result; bigarray[result]++; } } /* ** ringbuffer now full. calculate the number of steps to get a ** change in state by working out the sum of negative values */ for(count=0; count=0) { bigarray[windowbuffer[pos%ringsize]]--; count = windowbuffer[pos%ringsize]; ajDebug("pos:%d bigarray[%Ld] %Ld\n", pos, count, bigarray[count]); } else other--; /* count this word */ if(!otherflag) { windowbuffer[pos%ringsize] = result; bigarray[result]++; ajDebug("result:%Ld bigarray[%Ld] %Ld\n", result, result, bigarray[result]); } else { windowbuffer[pos%ringsize] = -1; other++; } /* ** need to check to see whether or not we have the ** necessary composition? */ if(steps==0) { for(count=0; count