/* Copyright (c) 2002 Robert B. Russell ** EMBL, Meyerhofstrasse 1, 69917 Heidelberg, Germany ** Email: russell@embl.de ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ** ** Modified for EMBOSS by Rodrigo Lopez ** Remodified for EMBOSS by ajb ** */ #include "emboss.h" #include #define NCAAs "A_CDEFGHI_KLMN_PQRST_VW_Y_" #define NCHEPTAD 7 struct hept_pref { float **m; /* 20 x 7 amino acid heptad weights */ float smallest; /* Smallest of the above */ ajint n; /* statistical fitting data (weighted) */ struct fit_dat *f; }; struct fit_dat { ajint win; /* Window length */ float m_cc, sd_cc; /* mean/sd for coiled-coils */ float m_g, sd_g; /* mean/sd for globular */ float sc; /* scaling factor */ ajint w; /* 1= weighted, 0=un-weighted */ }; static struct hept_pref *newcoils_read_matrix(AjPFile inf); static void newcoils_pred_coils(AjPFile outf, const char *seq, const char *ident, const AjPStr str, const struct hept_pref *h, ajint win, ajint which, ajint weighted, ajint fasta, float min_P, ajint *t, ajint *tc, ajint min_segs); /* @prog newcoils ************************************************************* ** ** Predicts coils protein secondary structure ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(ajint argc, char **argv) { AjPFile datafile; AjPFile outf = NULL; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq ajseq = NULL; ajint i; ajint verb; ajint window; ajint pt; ajint which; ajint weighted; ajint t = 0; ajint tc = 0; ajint mode; ajint min_seg; const AjPStr seqdes; float min_P; struct hept_pref *h; embInit("newcoils",argc,argv); window = ajAcdGetInt("window"); weighted = ajAcdGetInt("weighted"); verb = ajAcdGetInt("verb"); mode = ajAcdGetInt("mode"); min_P = ajAcdGetFloat("minp"); min_seg = ajAcdGetInt("minseg"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); datafile = ajAcdGetDatafile("datafile"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); ajseq = ajSeqNew(); h = newcoils_read_matrix(datafile); if(verb) { for(i=0; im[pt][0],h->m[pt][1], h->m[pt][2],h->m[pt][3],h->m[pt][4], h->m[pt][5],h->m[pt][6]); } for(i=0; in; ++i) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"Window %4d %1d %f %f %f %f %f\n",h->f[i].win, h->f[i].w,h->f[i].m_cc,h->f[i].sd_cc,h->f[i].m_g, h->f[i].sd_g,h->f[i].sc); } /* See if there is a file for the chosen window length/weight scheme */ which = -1; for(i=0; in; ++i) { if((h->f[i].win == window) && (h->f[i].w == weighted)) { /* match */ if(verb) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"Found fitting data for win %4d w %d\n", window,weighted); which = i; } } while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &ajseq)) { seqdes = ajSeqGetDescS(ajseq); newcoils_pred_coils(outf,ajSeqGetSeqC(ajseq),ajSeqGetNameC(ajseq), seqdes,h,window, which,weighted,mode,min_P,&t,&tc,min_seg); } if (outf) ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqDel(&ajseq); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic newcoils_pred_coils ******************************************** ** ** Undocumented ** ** @param [u] outf [AjPFile] Undocumented ** @param [r] seq [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] ident [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Undocumented ** @param [r] h [const struct hept_pref *] Undocumented ** @param [r] win [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] which [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] weighted [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] mode [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] min_P [float] Undocumented ** @param [w] t [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [w] tc [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] min_seg [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ static void newcoils_pred_coils(AjPFile outf, const char *seq, const char *ident, const AjPStr str, const struct hept_pref *h, ajint win, ajint which, ajint weighted,ajint mode, float min_P, ajint *t, ajint *tc, ajint min_seg) { ajint i; ajint j; ajint coillen = 0; ajint len; ajint pos; ajint aa_pt; ajint total_coil_segments; ajint are_there_coils; float actual_win; float this_score; float Gg; float Gcc; float power; float t1; float t2; float t3; float t4; float *score; float *P; char *hept_seq; len = strlen(seq); AJCNEW(score,len); AJCNEW(P,len); AJCNEW(hept_seq,len); /* printf("Sequence is %s length is %d\n",seq,len); */ for(i=0; i=0) && (aa_pt<26) && (NCAAs[aa_pt]!='_')) { pos = j%NCHEPTAD; /* Position in the heptad? pos modulus 7 */ if(weighted && (pos==0 || pos==3)) power = 2.5; else power = 1.0; actual_win += power; if(h->m[aa_pt][pos]!=-1) this_score *= pow(h->m[aa_pt][pos],power); else this_score *= pow(h->smallest,power); } } if(actual_win>0) this_score = pow(this_score,(1/(float)actual_win)); else this_score = 0; for(j=0; ((j=0) && (aa_pt<26) && (NCAAs[aa_pt]!='_')) { pos = j%NCHEPTAD; /* Position in the heptad? pos modulus 7 */ if(this_score>score[i+j]) { score[i+j] = this_score; hept_seq[i+j] = 'a'+pos; } } } } if(mode==1) ajFmtPrintF(outf,">%s %S\n",ident,str); are_there_coils = 0; total_coil_segments = 0; for(i=0; if[which].sd_cc); t2 = (score[i]-(h->f[which].m_cc))/h->f[which].sd_cc; t3 = fabs(t2); t4 = pow(t3,2); t4 = t3*t3; Gcc = t1 * exp(-0.5*t4); t1 = 1/(h->f[which].sd_g); t2 = (score[i]-(h->f[which].m_g))/h->f[which].sd_g; t3 = fabs(t2); t4 = pow(t3,2); t4 = t3 * t3; Gg = t1 * exp(-0.5*t4); P[i] = Gcc/(h->f[which].sc*Gg+Gcc); if(P[i] >= min_P) { ++coillen; are_there_coils = 1; if((i==0) || (P[i-1]= min_P) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"x"); else ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%c",seq[i]); if(((i+1)%60)==0) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n"); } else if(mode == 0) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%4d %c %c %7.3f %7.3f (%-7.3f %7.3f)\n",i+1, seq[i],hept_seq[i],score[i],P[i],Gcc,Gg); } if(mode==1) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"\n"); if((mode==2) && (are_there_coils==1) && (total_coil_segments >= min_seg)) { if(total_coil_segments==1) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"Pred %4d coil segment length:%d : %s %S\n", total_coil_segments,coillen,ident,str); else ajFmtPrintF(outf,"Pred %4d coil segments Total length:%d: %s %S\n", total_coil_segments,coillen,ident,str); } AJFREE(P); AJFREE(score); AJFREE(hept_seq); return; } /* @funcstatic newcoils_read_matrix ******************************************* ** ** Reads the matrix and stores in a hept_pref structure ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] matrix input file ** @return [struct hept_pref*] Matrix data for heptad preference ******************************************************************************/ static struct hept_pref* newcoils_read_matrix(AjPFile inf) { ajint i; ajint j; ajint pt; ajint aa_len; ajint win; float m_g; float sd_g; float m_cc; float sd_cc; float sc; float hept[NCHEPTAD]; AjPStr buff; const char *pbuff; struct hept_pref *h; buff = ajStrNew(); aa_len = strlen(NCAAs); AJNEW(h); AJCNEW(h->m,aa_len); for(i=0; im[i],NCHEPTAD); for(j=0; jm[i][j] = -1; } AJNEW(h->f); h->n = 0; h->smallest = 1.0; while(ajReadlineTrim(inf,&buff)) { pbuff = ajStrGetPtr(buff); if(*pbuff != '%') { if((strncmp(pbuff,"uw ",3)==0) || (strncmp(pbuff,"w ",2)==0)) { i = h->n; if(strncmp(pbuff,"uw ",3)==0) h->f[i].w = 0; else h->f[i].w = 1; ajFmtScanS(buff,"%*s %d %f %f %f %f %f",&win,&m_cc, &sd_cc,&m_g,&sd_g,&sc); h->f[i].win = win; h->f[i].m_cc = (float)m_cc; h->f[i].sd_cc = (float)sd_cc; h->f[i].m_g = (float)m_g; h->f[i].sd_g = (float)sd_g; h->f[i].sc = (float)sc; h->n++; AJCRESIZE(h->f,(h->n)+1); if((h->n)>=9) ajFatal("Too many window parms in matrix file\n"); } else if(*pbuff>='A' && *pbuff<='Z') { /* AA data */ pt = (int)(pbuff[0]-'A'); if(h->m[pt][0]==-1) { ajFmtScanS(buff,"%*s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f",&hept[0], &hept[1],&hept[2],&hept[3],&hept[4], &hept[5],&hept[6]); for(i=0; im[pt][i] = (float)hept[i]; if(h->m[pt][i]>0) { if(h->m[pt][i]smallest) h->smallest = h->m[pt][i]; } else h->m[pt][i]=-1; /* Don't permit zero values */ } } else ajWarn("multiple entries for AA %c in matrix file\n", *pbuff); } else { ajWarn("strange characters in matrix file\n"); ajWarn("Ignoring line: %S\n",buff); } } } ajStrDel(&buff); return h; }