/* @source msbar application ** ** Mutate sequence beyond all recognition ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include /* for tolower, toupper */ static void msbar_blockmutn(AjPStr *str, AjBool isnuc, AjPStr const *blocklist, ajint min, ajint max, AjBool inframe); static void msbar_codonmutn(AjPStr *str, AjBool isnuc, AjPStr const *codonlist, AjBool inframe); static void msbar_pointmutn(AjPStr *str, AjBool isnuc, AjPStr const *pointlist); static void msbar_Insert(AjPStr *str, AjBool isnuc, ajint start, ajint end); static void msbar_Move(AjPStr *str, ajint start, ajint end, ajint destination); static void msbar_Duplicate(AjPStr *str, ajint start, ajint end); static AjBool msbar_Unlike(const AjPStr str, AjPSeqall other); /* @prog msbar **************************************************************** ** ** Mutate sequence beyond all recognition ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeqall other; AjPSeqout seqout; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjBool isnuc; AjPStr str = NULL; AjPStr *pointlist; AjPStr *codonlist; AjPStr *blocklist; ajint i; ajint count; ajint min; ajint max; AjBool inframe; /* ** the number of times to try to produce a sequence that is different to ** the 'other' sequences before we give up and output it anyway */ ajint attempts = 10; /* count of tries to get a unique sequence */ ajint try; embInit("msbar", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outseq"); pointlist = ajAcdGetList("point"); codonlist = ajAcdGetList("codon"); blocklist = ajAcdGetList("block"); count = ajAcdGetInt("count"); inframe = ajAcdGetBoolean("inframe"); min = ajAcdGetInt("minimum"); max = ajAcdGetInt("maximum"); other = ajAcdGetSeqall("othersequence"); str = ajStrNew(); /* seed the random number generator */ ajRandomSeed(); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { ajSeqTrim(seq); /* is this a protein or nucleic sequence? */ isnuc = ajSeqIsNuc(seq); /* ** try mutating until there is a result that is not the same as ** the 'other' sequences */ for(try=0; try= attempts) ajWarn("No unique mutation found after %d attempts", attempts); ajSeqAssignSeqS(seq, str); ajSeqoutWriteSeq(seqout, seq); } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajStrDel(&str); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqallDel(&other); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); ajStrDelarray(&pointlist); ajStrDelarray(&codonlist); ajStrDelarray(&blocklist); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic msbar_blockmutn ************************************************ ** ** Mutate a random block of sequence ** ** @param [u] str [AjPStr*] sequence to mutate ** @param [r] isnuc [AjBool] TRUE if sequence is nucleic ** @param [r] blocklist [AjPStr const *] Types of block mutations to perform ** @param [r] min [ajint] minimum size of block ** @param [r] max [ajint] maximum size of block ** @param [r] inframe [AjBool] mutate blocks preserving codon frame if TRUE ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void msbar_blockmutn(AjPStr *str, AjBool isnuc, AjPStr const *blocklist, ajint min, ajint max, AjBool inframe) { ajint i = -1; ajint rposstart; ajint rposend; ajint rpos2; ajint opt; double xlen; double xdiff; double td; double tda; double tdb; ajint imax = max; ajint imin = min; if(inframe) if(imin < 3) imin = 3; if(imax < imin) imax = imin; xlen = ajStrGetLen(*str)-1; while(blocklist[++i]) { ajDebug("Next block mutation operation = %S\n", blocklist[i]); /* None */ if(!ajStrCmpC(blocklist[i], "0")) return; /* get the option value */ ajStrToInt(blocklist[i], &opt); /* if 'Any' required, then choose which one */ if(opt == 1) { td = ajRandomNumberD() * 5.; opt = (ajint) td; opt += 2; } /* ** get random block start and end positions in the sequence ** (0 to ajStrLen - 1) */ if(inframe) { tda = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen/3.0; rposstart = (ajint) tda; xdiff = imax - imin; tdb = ajRandomNumberD() * xdiff/3.0; rposend = rposstart + (imin/3) + (ajint)tdb - 1; rposstart *= 3; rposend *= 3; rposend--; } else { tda = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen; rposstart = (ajint) tda; xdiff = imax - imin; tdb = ajRandomNumberD() * xdiff; rposend = rposstart + imin + (ajint) tdb - 1; } if(opt == 2) { /* Insert */ ajDebug("block insert from %d to %d\n", rposstart, rposend); msbar_Insert(str, isnuc, rposstart, rposend); } if(opt == 3) { /* Delete */ ajDebug("block deletion from %d to %d\n", rposstart, rposend); ajStrCutRange(str, rposstart, rposend); } if(opt == 4) { /* Change */ ajDebug("block change from %d to %d\n", rposstart, rposend); ajStrCutRange(str, rposstart, rposend); msbar_Insert(str, isnuc, rposstart, rposend); } if(opt == 5) { /* Duplication */ ajDebug("block duplication from %d to %d\n", rposstart, rposend); msbar_Duplicate(str, rposstart, rposend); } if(opt == 6) { /* Move */ if(inframe) { xlen = ajStrGetLen(*str); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen/3.0; rpos2 = (ajint) td; rpos2 *= 3; } else { xlen = ajStrGetLen(*str); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen; rpos2 = (ajint) td; } ajDebug("block move from %d to %d to position %d\n", rposstart, rposend, rpos2); msbar_Move(str, rposstart, rposend, rpos2); } } return; } /* @funcstatic msbar_codonmutn ************************************************ ** ** Mutate codons ** ** @param [u] str [AjPStr*] Sequence to mutate ** @param [r] isnuc [AjBool] TRUE if sequence is nucleic ** @param [r] codonlist [AjPStr const *] Types of codon mutations to perform ** @param [r] inframe [AjBool] mutate blocks preserving codon frame if TRUE ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void msbar_codonmutn(AjPStr *str, AjBool isnuc, AjPStr const *codonlist, AjBool inframe) { ajint rpos; ajint rpos2; ajint i = -1; ajint opt; double xlen; double td; while(codonlist[++i]) { ajDebug("Next codon mutation operation = %S\n", codonlist[i]); /* None */ if(!ajStrCmpC(codonlist[i], "0")) return; /* get the option value */ ajStrToInt(codonlist[i], &opt); /* if 'Any' required, then choose which one */ if(opt == 1) { td = ajRandomNumberD() * 5.; opt = (ajint) td; opt += 2; } /* get a random position in the sequence (0 to ajStrLen - 1) */ if(inframe) { xlen = ajStrGetLen(*str); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen/3.0; rpos = (ajint) td; rpos *= 3; } else { xlen = ajStrGetLen(*str); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen; rpos = (ajint) td; } if(opt == 2) { /* Insert */ ajDebug("codon insert at %d\n", rpos); msbar_Insert(str, isnuc, rpos, rpos+2); } if(opt == 3) { /* Delete */ ajDebug("codon deletion at %d\n", rpos); ajStrCutRange(str, rpos, rpos+2); } if(opt == 4) { /* Change */ ajDebug("codon change at %d\n", rpos); ajStrCutRange(str, rpos, rpos+2); msbar_Insert(str, isnuc, rpos, rpos+2); } if(opt == 5) { /* Duplication */ ajDebug("codon duplication at %d\n", rpos); msbar_Duplicate(str, rpos, rpos+2); } if(opt == 6) { /* Move */ if(inframe) { xlen = ajStrGetLen(*str); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen/3.0; rpos2 = (ajint) td; rpos2 *= 3; } else { xlen = ajStrGetLen(*str); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen; rpos2 = (ajint) td; } ajDebug("codon move from %d to %d\n", rpos, rpos2); msbar_Move(str, rpos, rpos+2, rpos2); } } return; } /* @funcstatic msbar_pointmutn ************************************************ ** ** Mutate random single points ** ** @param [u] str [AjPStr*] sequence to mutate ** @param [r] isnuc [AjBool] TRUE if sequence is nucleic ** @param [r] pointlist [AjPStr const *] Types of point mutations to perform ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void msbar_pointmutn(AjPStr *str, AjBool isnuc, AjPStr const *pointlist) { ajint i = -1; ajint rpos, rpos2; ajint opt; double xlen; double td; while(pointlist[++i]) { ajDebug("Next point mutation operation = %S\n", pointlist[i]); /* None */ if(!ajStrCmpC(pointlist[i], "0")) return; /* get the option value */ ajStrToInt(pointlist[i], &opt); /* if 'Any' required, then choose which one */ if(opt == 1) { td = ajRandomNumberD() * 5.; opt = (ajint) td; opt += 2; } /* get a random position in the sequence (0 to ajStrLen - 1) */ xlen = ajStrGetLen(*str); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen; rpos = (ajint) td; if(opt == 2) { /* Insert */ ajDebug("Point insert at %d\n", rpos); msbar_Insert(str, isnuc, rpos, rpos); } if(opt == 3) { /* Delete */ ajDebug("Point deletion at %d\n", rpos); ajStrCutRange(str, rpos, rpos); } if(opt == 4) { /* Change */ ajDebug("Point change at %d\n", rpos); ajStrCutRange(str, rpos, rpos); msbar_Insert(str, isnuc, rpos, rpos); } if(opt == 5) { /* Duplication */ ajDebug("Point duplication at %d\n", rpos); msbar_Duplicate(str, rpos, rpos); } if(opt == 6) { /* Move */ xlen = ajStrGetLen(*str); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen; rpos2 = (ajint) td; ajDebug("Point move from %d to %d\n", rpos, rpos2); msbar_Move(str, rpos, rpos, rpos2); } } return; } /* @funcstatic msbar_Insert *************************************************** ** ** Insert random sequence at a position in the main sequence ** ** @param [u] str [AjPStr*] sequence to insert into ** @param [r] isnuc [AjBool] TRUE if sequence is nucleic ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position of insert ** @param [r] end [ajint] end of insert ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void msbar_Insert(AjPStr *str, AjBool isnuc, ajint start, ajint end) { char nuc[] = "ACGT"; char prot[] = "ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV"; AjPStr ins = NULL; ajint count; ajint r; double xlen; double td; count = end - start +1; while(count--) { if(isnuc) { xlen = strlen(nuc); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen; r = (ajint) td; ajStrAppendK(&ins, nuc[r]); } else { xlen = strlen(prot); td = ajRandomNumberD() * xlen; r = (ajint) td; ajStrAppendK(&ins, prot[r]); } } ajDebug("Inserting %S at %d\n", ins, start); ajStrInsertS(str, start, ins); ajStrDel(&ins); return; } /* @funcstatic msbar_Move ***************************************************** ** ** Move a block of sequence from one position to another ** ** @param [u] str [AjPStr*] sequence to move within ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position of block to move ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position of block to move ** @param [r] destination [ajint] destination of move ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void msbar_Move(AjPStr *str, ajint start, ajint end, ajint destination) { AjPStr mov = NULL; ajStrAssignS(&mov, *str); ajStrKeepRange(&mov, start, end); ajStrInsertS(str, destination, mov); ajStrDel(&mov); return; } /* @funcstatic msbar_Duplicate ************************************************ ** ** Duplicate a block of sequence adjacent to the source block of sequence ** ** @param [u] str [AjPStr*] sequence to duplicate within ** @param [r] start [ajint] start position of block to duplicate ** @param [r] end [ajint] end position of block to duplicate ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void msbar_Duplicate(AjPStr *str, ajint start, ajint end) { msbar_Move(str, start, end, start); return; } /* @funcstatic msbar_Unlike ************************************************ ** ** Check that the sequence is unlike any other input sequence ** ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] sequence to check ** @param [u] other [AjPSeqall] set of sequences to check against ** @return [AjBool] True if unlike any other sequence ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool msbar_Unlike(const AjPStr str, AjPSeqall other) { AjPSeq nextother; while(ajSeqallNext(other, &nextother)) if(ajStrMatchCaseS(str, ajSeqGetSeqS(nextother))) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; }