/* @source matcher application ** ** MATCHER finds the best local alignments between two sequences ** version 2.0u4 Feb. 1996 ** Please cite: ** X. Huang and W. Miller (1991) Adv. Appl. Math. 12:373-381 ** ** @author Copyright (C) Ian Longden (il@sanger.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" /* @macro matchergap ********************************************************** ** ** sets k-symbol indel score ** ** @param [r] k [ajint] Symbol ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ #define matchergap(k) ((k) <= 0 ? 0 : q+r*(k)) /* k-symbol indel score */ static ajint tt; static ajint *sapp; /* Current script append ptr */ static ajint last; /* Last script op appended */ static ajint I, J; /* current positions of A ,B */ static ajint no_mat; /* number of matches */ static ajint no_mis; /* number of mismatches */ static ajint al_len; /* length of alignment */ /* @macro MATCHERDEL ********************************************************** ** ** Macro for a "Delete k" operation ** ** @param [r] k [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ #define MATCHERDEL(k) \ { I += k; \ al_len += k; \ if (last < 0) \ last = sapp[-1] -= (k); \ else \ last = *sapp++ = -(k); \ } /* @macro MATCHERINS ********************************************************** ** ** Macro for an "Insert k" operation ** ** @param [r] k [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ #define MATCHERINS(k) \ { J += k; \ al_len += k; \ if (last < 0) \ { sapp[-1] = (k); *sapp++ = last; } \ else \ last = *sapp++ = (k); \ } /* @macro MATCHERREP ********************************************************** ** ** Macro for a "Replace" operation ** ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ #define MATCHERREP \ { last = *sapp++ = 0; \ al_len += 1; \ } /* @macro MATCHERDIAG ********************************************************* ** ** assigns value to x if (ii,jj) is never used before ** ** @param [r] ii [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] jj [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] x [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] value [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ #define MATCHERDIAG(ii, jj, x, value) \ { \ for (tt = 1, z = row[(ii)]; z != PAIRNULL; z = z->NEXT) \ if (z->COL == (jj)) \ { tt = 0; break; } \ if (tt) \ x = (value); \ } /* @macro MATCHERORDER ******************************************************** ** ** replace (ss1, xx1, yy1) by (ss2, xx2, yy2) if the latter is large ** ** @param [r] ss1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] xx1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] yy1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] ss2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] xx2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] yy2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] ******************************************************************************/ #define MATCHERORDER(ss1, xx1, yy1, ss2, xx2, yy2) \ { if (ss1 < ss2) \ { ss1 = ss2; xx1 = xx2; yy1 = yy2; } \ else \ if (ss1 == ss2) \ { if (xx1 < xx2) \ { xx1 = xx2; yy1 = yy2; } \ else \ if (xx1 == xx2 && yy1 < yy2) \ yy1 = yy2; \ } \ } static AjPSeq seq; static AjPSeq seq2; static ajint **sub; /* @datastatic vertex ********************************************************* ** ** Matcher internals ** ** @alias NODE ** @alias vertexptr ** ** @attr SCORE [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr STARI [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr STARJ [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr ENDI [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr ENDJ [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr TOP [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr BOT [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr LEFT [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr RIGHT [ajint] Undocumented ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct NODE { ajint SCORE; ajint STARI; ajint STARJ; ajint ENDI; ajint ENDJ; ajint TOP; ajint BOT; ajint LEFT; ajint RIGHT; } vertex; #define vertexptr vertex* vertexptr *LIST; /* an array for saving k best scores */ vertexptr low = 0; /* lowest score node in LIST */ vertexptr most = 0; /* latestly accessed node in LIST */ static ajint *CC, *DD; /* saving matrix scores */ static ajint *RR, *SS, *EE, *FF; /* saving start-points */ static ajint *HH, *WW; /* saving matrix scores */ static ajint *II, *JJ, *XX, *YY; /* saving start-points */ static ajint m1, mm, n1, nn; /* boundaries of recomputed area */ static ajint rl, cl; /* left and top boundaries */ static ajint lmin; /* minimum score in LIST */ static ajint flag; /* indicate if recomputation needed */ static ajint q, r; /* gap penalties */ static ajint qr; /* qr = q + r */ /* @datastatic pair *********************************************************** ** ** Matcher internals ** ** @alias ONE ** @alias pairptr ** ** @attr NEXT [struct ONE*] Undocumented ** @attr COL [ajint] Undocumented ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct ONE { struct ONE *NEXT; ajint COL; char Padding[4]; } pair; #define pairptr pair* pairptr *row; /* for saving used aligned pairs */ pairptr z; /* for saving used aligned pairs */ #define PAIRNULL (pairptr)NULL AjPMatrix matrix = NULL; AjPSeqCvt cvt = NULL; static void matcher_Sim(AjPAlign align, const char A[], const char B[], const AjPSeq seq1, const AjPSeq seq2, ajuint K, ajint Q, ajint R, ajint beg, ajint beg2, ajint nseq); static ajint matcher_BigPass(const char A[], const char B[], ajint M, ajint N, ajint K, ajint nseq, ajint *numnode); static ajint matcher_Locate(const char A[], const char B[], ajint nseq, ajint numnode); static ajint matcher_SmallPass(const char A[], const char B[], ajint count, ajint nseq, ajint *numnode); static ajint matcher_Diff(const char A[], const char B[], ajint M, ajint N, ajint tb, ajint te); static ajint matcher_Calcons(char *seqc0, char *seqc1, const ajint *res, ajint min0, ajint min1, ajint max0, ajint max1, ajint *nc, ajint *nident); static ajint matcher_Addnode(ajint c, ajint ci, ajint cj, ajint i, ajint j, ajint K, ajint cost, ajint *numnode); static ajint matcher_NoCross(ajint numnode); static vertexptr matcher_Findmax(ajint *numnode); /* @prog matcher ************************************************************** ** ** Finds the best local alignments between two sequences ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPStr aa0str = 0; AjPStr aa1str = 0; const char *s1; const char *s2; ajint gdelval; ajint ggapval; ajuint i; ajint K; AjPAlign align = NULL; embInit("matcher", argc, argv); seq = ajAcdGetSeq("asequence"); ajSeqTrim(seq); seq2 = ajAcdGetSeq("bsequence"); ajSeqTrim(seq2); matrix = ajAcdGetMatrix("datafile"); K = ajAcdGetInt("alternatives"); gdelval = ajAcdGetInt("gapopen"); ggapval = ajAcdGetInt("gapextend"); align = ajAcdGetAlign("outfile"); /* create sequence indices. i.e. A->0, B->1 ... Z->25 etc. This is done so that ajAZToInt has only to be done once for each residue in the sequence */ ajSeqFmtUpper(seq); ajSeqFmtUpper(seq2); s1 = ajStrGetPtr(ajSeqGetSeqS(seq)); s2 = ajStrGetPtr(ajSeqGetSeqS(seq2)); sub = ajMatrixArray(matrix); cvt = ajMatrixCvt(matrix); aa0str = ajStrNewRes(2+ajSeqGetLen(seq)); /* length + blank + trailing null */ aa1str = ajStrNewRes(2+ajSeqGetLen(seq2)); ajStrAppendK(&aa0str,' '); ajStrAppendK(&aa1str,' '); for(i=0;i= 0; count--) { if(numnode == 0) ajFatal("The number of alignments computed is too large"); cur = matcher_Findmax(&numnode); score = cur->SCORE; stari = ++cur->STARI; starj = ++cur->STARJ; endi = cur->ENDI; endj = cur->ENDJ; m1 = cur->TOP; mm = cur->BOT; n1 = cur->LEFT; nn = cur->RIGHT; rl = endi - stari + 1; cl = endj - starj + 1; I = stari - 1; J = starj - 1; sapp = S; last = 0; al_len = 0; no_mat = 0; no_mis = 0; matcher_Diff(&A[stari]-1, &B[starj]-1,rl,cl,q,q); min0 = stari-1; min1 = starj-1; max0 = stari+rl-1; max1 = starj+cl-1; matcher_Calcons(seqc0,seqc1, S, min0, min1, max0, max1, &nc, &nident); /* percent = (double)nident*100.0/(double)nc; Unused */ ajDebug("Matcher min: %d %d max: %d %d beg: %d %d nc: %d\n", min0, min1, max0, max1, beg0, beg1, nc); ajDebug("Matcher offsets: %d %d end: %d %d len: %d %d alen: %d %d\n", ajSeqGetOffset(seq0), ajSeqGetOffset(seq1), ajSeqGetOffend(seq0), ajSeqGetOffend(seq1), ajSeqGetLen(seq0), ajSeqGetLen(seq1), strlen(seqc0), strlen(seqc1)); ajDebug("Matcher seqc0: %s\n", seqc0); ajDebug("Matcher seqc1: %s\n", seqc1); res0 = ajSeqNewRangeC(seqc0, min0+beg0, ajSeqGetOffend(seq0) + ajSeqGetLen(seq0) - max0, ajSeqIsReversed(seq0)); ajSeqAssignUsaS(res0, ajSeqGetUsaS(seq0)); ajSeqAssignNameS(res0, ajSeqGetNameS(seq0)); res1 = ajSeqNewRangeC(seqc1, min1+beg1, ajSeqGetOffend(seq1) + ajSeqGetLen(seq1) - max1, ajSeqIsReversed(seq1)); ajSeqAssignNameS(res1, ajSeqGetNameS(seq1)); ajSeqAssignUsaS(res1, ajSeqGetUsaS(seq1)); ajAlignDefineSS(align, res0, res1); ajSeqDel(&res0); ajSeqDel(&res1); ajAlignSetGapI(align, Q+R, R); ajAlignSetScoreI(align, score); ajAlignSetMatrixInt(align, matrix); ajAlignSetStats(align, -1, nc, nident, -1, -1, NULL); ajAlignTrace(align); if(count) { flag = 0; matcher_Locate(A,B,nseq, numnode); if(flag) matcher_SmallPass(A,B,count,nseq, &numnode); } } ajAlignWrite(align); /* now free all the memory */ ajAlignClose(align); ajAlignDel(&align); AJFREE(CC); AJFREE(DD); AJFREE(RR); AJFREE(SS); AJFREE(EE); AJFREE(FF); AJFREE(HH); AJFREE(WW); AJFREE(II); AJFREE(JJ); AJFREE(XX); AJFREE(YY); AJFREE(S); for(i=0; i<=ajSeqGetLen(seq);i++) { pairptr this; pairptr next; if(row[i]) { this = row[i]; next = this->NEXT; while(next) { AJFREE(this); this = next; next= this->NEXT; } AJFREE(this); } } AJFREE(row); for(i = 0; i < K; i++) AJFREE(LIST[i]); AJFREE(LIST); AJFREE(seqc0); AJFREE(seqc1); return; } /* @funcstatic matcher_NoCross ************************************************ ** ** return 1 if no node in LIST shares vertices with the area ** ** @param [r] numnode [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] 1 if no node shares vertices ******************************************************************************/ static ajint matcher_NoCross(ajint numnode) { vertexptr cur; register ajint i; for(i = 0; i < numnode; i++) { cur = LIST[i]; if(cur->STARI <= mm && cur->STARJ <= nn && cur->BOT >= m1-1 && cur->RIGHT >= n1-1 && ( cur->STARI < rl || cur->STARJ < cl)) { if(cur->STARI < rl) rl = cur->STARI; if(cur->STARJ < cl) cl = cur->STARJ; flag = 1; break; } } if(i == numnode) return 1; return 0; } /* @funcstatic matcher_BigPass ************************************************ ** ** Undocumented ** ** @param [r] A [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] B [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] M [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] N [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] K [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] nseq [ajint] Number of sequences ** @param [w] numnode [ajint*] Number of alignments in list ** @return [ajint] Undocumented ******************************************************************************/ static ajint matcher_BigPass(const char *A,const char *B, ajint M,ajint N,ajint K, ajint nseq, ajint *numnode) { register ajint i; register ajint j; /* row and column indices */ register ajint c; /* best score at current point */ register ajint f; /* best score ending with insertion */ register ajint d; /* best score ending with deletion */ register ajint p; /* best score at (i-1, j-1) */ register ajint ci; register ajint cj; /* end-point associated with c */ register ajint di; register ajint dj; /* end-point associated with d */ register ajint fi; register ajint fj; /* end-point associated with f */ register ajint pi; register ajint pj; /* end-point associated with p */ ajint *va; /* pointer to vv(A[i], B[j]) */ /* ** Compute the matrix and save the top K best scores in LIST ** CC : the scores of the current row ** RR and EE : the starting point that leads to score CC ** DD : the scores of the current row, ending with deletion ** SS and FF : the starting point that leads to score DD */ /* Initialize the 0 th row */ for(j = 1; j <= N; j++) { CC[j] = 0; RR[j] = 0; EE[j] = j; DD[j] = - (q); SS[j] = 0; FF[j] = j; } for(i = 1; i <= M; i++) { c = 0; /* Initialize column 0 */ f = - (q); ci = fi = i; va = sub[(ajint)A[i]]; if(nseq == 2) { p = 0; pi = i - 1; cj = fj = pj = 0; } else { p = CC[i]; pi = RR[i]; pj = EE[i]; cj = fj = i; } for(j = (nseq == 2 ? 1 : (i+1)); j <= N; j++) { f = f - r; c = c - qr; MATCHERORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj) c = CC[j] - qr; ci = RR[j]; cj = EE[j]; d = DD[j] - r; di = SS[j]; dj = FF[j]; MATCHERORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj) c = 0; MATCHERDIAG(i, j, c, p+va[(ajint)B[j]]) /* diagonal */ if(c <= 0) { c = 0; ci = i; cj = j; } else { ci = pi; cj = pj; } MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj) MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj) p = CC[j]; CC[j] = c; pi = RR[j]; pj = EE[j]; RR[j] = ci; EE[j] = cj; DD[j] = d; SS[j] = di; FF[j] = dj; if(c > lmin) /* add the score into list */ lmin = matcher_Addnode(c, ci, cj, i, j, K, lmin, numnode); } } return 0; } /* @funcstatic matcher_Locate ************************************************* ** ** Undocumented ** ** @param [r] A [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] B [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] nseq [ajint] Number of sequences ** @param [r] numnode [ajint] Number of alignments in list ** @return [ajint] Undocumented ******************************************************************************/ static ajint matcher_Locate(const char *A,const char *B,ajint nseq, ajint numnode) { register ajint i; register ajint j; /* row and column indices */ register ajint c; /* best score at current point */ register ajint f; /* best score ending with insertion */ register ajint d; /* best score ending with deletion */ register ajint p; /* best score at (i-1, j-1) */ register ajint ci; register ajint cj; /* end-point associated with c */ register ajint di=0; register ajint dj=0; /* end-point associated with d */ register ajint fi; register ajint fj; /* end-point associated with f */ register ajint pi; register ajint pj; /* end-point associated with p */ ajint cflag; ajint rflag; /* for recomputation */ ajint *va; /* pointer to vv(A[i], B[j]) */ ajint limit; /* the bound on j */ /* ** Reverse pass ** rows ** CC : the scores on the current row ** RR and EE : the endpoints that lead to CC ** DD : the deletion scores ** SS and FF : the endpoints that lead to DD ** ** columns ** HH : the scores on the current columns ** II and JJ : the endpoints that lead to HH ** WW : the deletion scores ** XX and YY : the endpoints that lead to WW */ for(j = nn; j >= n1; j--) { CC[j] = 0; EE[j] = j; DD[j] = - (q); FF[j] = j; if(nseq == 2 || j > mm) RR[j] = SS[j] = mm + 1; else RR[j] = SS[j] = j; } for(i = mm; i >= m1; i--) { c = p = 0; f = - (q); ci = fi = i; pi = i + 1; cj = fj = pj = nn + 1; va = sub[(ajint)A[i]]; if(nseq == 2 || n1 > i) limit = n1; else limit = i + 1; for(j = nn; j >= limit; j--) { f = f - r; c = c - qr; MATCHERORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj) c = CC[j] - qr; ci = RR[j]; cj = EE[j]; d = DD[j] - r; di = SS[j]; dj = FF[j]; MATCHERORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj) c = 0; MATCHERDIAG(i, j, c, p+va[(ajint)B[j]]) /* diagonal */ if(c <= 0) { c = 0; ci = i; cj = j; } else { ci = pi; cj = pj; } MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj) MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj) p = CC[j]; CC[j] = c; pi = RR[j]; pj = EE[j]; RR[j] = ci; EE[j] = cj; DD[j] = d; SS[j] = di; FF[j] = dj; if(c > lmin) flag = 1; } if(nseq == 2 || i < n1) { HH[i] = CC[n1]; II[i] = RR[n1]; JJ[i] = EE[n1]; WW[i] = DD[n1]; XX[i] = SS[n1]; YY[i] = FF[n1]; } } for(rl = m1, cl = n1; ;) { for(rflag = cflag = 1;( rflag && m1 > 1 ) || ( cflag && n1 > 1 );) { if(rflag && m1 > 1) /* Compute one row */ { rflag = 0; m1--; c = p = 0; f = - (q); ci = fi = m1; pi = m1 + 1; cj = fj = pj = nn + 1; va = sub[(ajint)A[m1]]; for(j = nn; j >= n1; j--) { f = f - r; c = c - qr; MATCHERORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj) c = CC[j] - qr; ci = RR[j]; cj = EE[j]; d = DD[j] - r; di = SS[j]; dj = FF[j]; MATCHERORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj) c = 0; MATCHERDIAG(m1, j, c, p+va[(ajint)B[j]]) /* diagonal */ if(c <= 0) { c = 0; ci = m1; cj = j; } else { ci = pi; cj = pj; } MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj) MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj) p = CC[j]; CC[j] = c; pi = RR[j]; pj = EE[j]; RR[j] = ci; EE[j] = cj; DD[j] = d; SS[j] = di; FF[j] = dj; if(c > lmin) flag = 1; if(! rflag && ( (ci > rl && cj > cl) || (di > rl && dj > cl) || (fi > rl && fj > cl ))) rflag = 1; } HH[m1] = CC[n1]; II[m1] = RR[n1]; JJ[m1] = EE[n1]; WW[m1] = DD[n1]; XX[m1] = SS[n1]; YY[m1] = FF[n1]; if(! cflag && ( (ci > rl && cj > cl) || (di > rl && dj > cl) || (fi > rl && fj > cl))) cflag = 1; } if(nseq == 1 && n1 == (m1 + 1) && ! rflag) cflag = 0; if(cflag && n1 > 1) /* Compute one column */ { cflag = 0; n1--; c = 0; f = - (q); cj = fj = n1; va = sub[(ajint)B[n1]]; if(nseq == 2 || mm < n1) { p = 0; ci = fi = pi = mm + 1; pj = n1 + 1; limit = mm; } else { p = HH[n1]; pi = II[n1]; pj = JJ[n1]; ci = fi = n1; limit = n1 - 1; } for(i = limit; i >= m1; i--) { f = f - r; c = c - qr; MATCHERORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj) c = HH[i] - qr; ci = II[i]; cj = JJ[i]; d = WW[i] - r; di = XX[i]; dj = YY[i]; MATCHERORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj) c = 0; MATCHERDIAG(i, n1, c, p+va[(ajint)A[i]]) if(c <= 0) { c = 0; ci = i; cj = n1; } else { ci = pi; cj = pj; } MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj) MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj) p = HH[i]; HH[i] = c; pi = II[i]; pj = JJ[i]; II[i] = ci; JJ[i] = cj; WW[i] = d; XX[i] = di; YY[i] = dj; if(c > lmin) flag = 1; if(! cflag && ( (ci > rl && cj > cl) || (di > rl && dj > cl) || (fi > rl && fj > cl))) cflag = 1; } CC[n1] = HH[m1]; RR[n1] = II[m1]; EE[n1] = JJ[m1]; DD[n1] = WW[m1]; SS[n1] = XX[m1]; FF[n1] = YY[m1]; if(! rflag && ( (ci > rl && cj > cl) || (di > rl && dj > cl) || (fi > rl && fj > cl))) rflag = 1; } } if((m1 == 1 && n1 == 1) || matcher_NoCross(numnode)) break; } m1--; n1--; return 0; } /* @funcstatic matcher_SmallPass ********************************************** ** ** Undocumented ** ** @param [r] A [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] B [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] count [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] nseq [ajint] Number of sequences ** @param [w] numnode [ajint*] Number of alignments in list ** @return [ajint] Undocumented ******************************************************************************/ static ajint matcher_SmallPass(const char *A,const char *B, ajint count,ajint nseq, ajint *numnode) { register ajint i; register ajint j; /* row and column indices */ register ajint c; /* best score at current point */ register ajint f; /* best score ending with insertion */ register ajint d; /* best score ending with deletion */ register ajint p; /* best score at (i-1, j-1) */ register ajint ci; register ajint cj; /* end-point associated with c */ register ajint di; register ajint dj; /* end-point associated with d */ register ajint fi; register ajint fj; /* end-point associated with f */ register ajint pi; register ajint pj; /* end-point associated with p */ ajint *va; /* pointer to vv(A[i], B[j]) */ ajint limit; /* lower bound on j */ for(j = n1 + 1; j <= nn; j++) { CC[j] = 0; RR[j] = m1; EE[j] = j; DD[j] = - (q); SS[j] = m1; FF[j] = j; } for(i = m1 + 1; i <= mm; i++) { c = 0; /* Initialize column 0 */ f = - (q); ci = fi = i; va = sub[(ajint)A[i]]; if(nseq == 2 || i <= n1) { p = 0; pi = i - 1; cj = fj = pj = n1; limit = n1 + 1; } else { p = CC[i]; pi = RR[i]; pj = EE[i]; cj = fj = i; limit = i + 1; } for(j = limit; j <= nn; j++) { f = f - r; c = c - qr; MATCHERORDER(f, fi, fj, c, ci, cj) c = CC[j] - qr; ci = RR[j]; cj = EE[j]; d = DD[j] - r; di = SS[j]; dj = FF[j]; MATCHERORDER(d, di, dj, c, ci, cj) c = 0; MATCHERDIAG(i, j, c, p+va[(ajint)B[j]]) /* diagonal */ if(c <= 0) { c = 0; ci = i; cj = j; } else { ci = pi; cj = pj; } MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, d, di, dj) MATCHERORDER(c, ci, cj, f, fi, fj) p = CC[j]; CC[j] = c; pi = RR[j]; pj = EE[j]; RR[j] = ci; EE[j] = cj; DD[j] = d; SS[j] = di; FF[j] = dj; if(c > lmin) /* add the score into list */ lmin = matcher_Addnode(c, ci, cj, i, j, count, lmin, numnode); } } return 0; } /* @funcstatic matcher_Addnode ************************************************ ** ** Add a node ** ** @param [r] c [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] ci [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] cj [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] j [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] K [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] cost [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] numnode [ajint*] NUmber of nodes (updated) ** @return [ajint] Undocumented ******************************************************************************/ static ajint matcher_Addnode(ajint c, ajint ci, ajint cj, ajint i, ajint j, ajint K, ajint cost, ajint *numnode) { ajint found; /* 1 if the node is in LIST */ register ajint d; found = 0; if(most != 0 && most->STARI == ci && most->STARJ == cj) found = 1; else for(d = 0; d < *numnode; d++) { most = LIST[d]; if(most->STARI == ci && most->STARJ == cj) { found = 1; break; } } if(found) { if(most->SCORE < c) { most->SCORE = c; most->ENDI = i; most->ENDJ = j; } if(most->TOP > i) most->TOP = i; if(most->BOT < i) most->BOT = i; if(most->LEFT > j) most->LEFT = j; if(most->RIGHT < j) most->RIGHT = j; } else { if(*numnode == K) /* list full */ most = low; else most = LIST[(*numnode)++]; most->SCORE = c; most->STARI = ci; most->STARJ = cj; most->ENDI = i; most->ENDJ = j; most->TOP = most->BOT = i; most->LEFT = most->RIGHT = j; } if(*numnode == K) { if(low == most || ! low) for(low = LIST[0], d = 1; d < *numnode; d++) if(LIST[d]->SCORE < low->SCORE) low = LIST[d]; return (low->SCORE); } return cost; } /* @funcstatic matcher_Findmax ************************************************ ** ** Find maximum node ** ** @param [u] numnode [ajint*] Maximum node number ** @return [vertexptr] Maximum node ******************************************************************************/ static vertexptr matcher_Findmax(ajint *numnode) { vertexptr cur; register ajint i; register ajint j; for(j = 0, i = 1; i < *numnode; i++) if(LIST[i]->SCORE > LIST[j]->SCORE) j = i; cur = LIST[j]; if(j != --(*numnode)) { LIST[j] = LIST[*numnode]; LIST[*numnode] = cur; } most = LIST[0]; if(low == cur) low = LIST[0]; return (cur); } /* @funcstatic matcher_Diff *************************************************** ** ** Undocumented ** ** @param [r] A [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] B [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] M [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] N [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] tb [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] te [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented ******************************************************************************/ static ajint matcher_Diff(const char *A,const char *B, ajint M,ajint N,ajint tb,ajint te) { ajint midi; ajint midj; ajint type; /* Midpoint, type, and cost */ ajint midc; ajint zero = 0; /* ajint type zero */ register ajint i; register ajint j; register ajint c; register ajint e; register ajint d; register ajint s; ajint t; ajint *va; /* Boundary cases: M <= 1 or N == 0 */ if(N <= 0) { if(M > 0) MATCHERDEL(M) return - matchergap(M); } if(M <= 1) { if(M <= 0) { MATCHERINS(N); return - matchergap(N); } if(tb > te) tb = te; midc = - (tb + r + matchergap(N)); midj = 0; va = sub[(ajint)A[1]]; for(j = 1; j <= N; j++) { for(tt = 1, z = row[I+1]; z != PAIRNULL; z = z->NEXT) if(z->COL == j+J) { tt = 0; break; } if(tt) { c = va[(ajint)B[j]] - ( matchergap(j-1) + matchergap(N-j)); if(c > midc) { midc = c; midj = j; } } } if(midj == 0) { MATCHERINS(N) MATCHERDEL(1) } else { if(midj > 1) MATCHERINS(midj-1) MATCHERREP if(A[1] == B[midj]) no_mat += 1; else no_mis += 1; /* mark(A[I],B[J]) as used: put J into list row[I] */ I++; J++; AJNEW0(z); z->COL = J; z->NEXT = row[I]; row[I] = z; if(midj < N) MATCHERINS(N-midj) } return midc; } /* Divide: Find optimum midpoint (midi,midj) of cost midc */ midi = M/2; /* Forward phase: */ CC[0] = 0; /* Compute C(M/2,k) & D(M/2,k) for all k */ t = -q; for(j = 1; j <= N; j++) { CC[j] = t = t-r; DD[j] = t-q; } t = -tb; for(i = 1; i <= midi; i++) { s = CC[0]; CC[0] = c = t = t-r; e = t-q; va = sub[(ajint)A[i]]; for(j = 1; j <= N; j++) { if((c = c - qr) > (e = e - r)) e = c; if((c = CC[j] - qr) > (d = DD[j] - r)) d = c; MATCHERDIAG(i+I, j+J, c, s+va[(ajint)B[j]]) if(c < d) c = d; if(c < e) c = e; s = CC[j]; CC[j] = c; DD[j] = d; } } DD[0] = CC[0]; RR[N] = 0; /* Reverse phase: */ t = -q; /* Compute R(M/2,k) & S(M/2,k) for all k */ for(j = N-1; j >= 0; j--) { RR[j] = t = t-r; SS[j] = t-q; } t = -te; for(i = M-1; i >= midi; i--) { s = RR[N]; RR[N] = c = t = t-r; e = t-q; va = sub[(ajint)A[i+1]]; for(j = N-1; j >= 0; j--) { if((c = c - qr) > (e = e - r)) e = c; if((c = RR[j] - qr) > (d = SS[j] - r)) d = c; MATCHERDIAG(i+1+I, j+1+J, c, s+va[(ajint)B[j+1]]) if(c < d) c = d; if(c < e) c = e; s = RR[j]; RR[j] = c; SS[j] = d; } } SS[N] = RR[N]; midc = CC[0]+RR[0]; /* Find optimal midpoint */ midj = 0; type = 1; for(j = 0; j <= N; j++) if((c = CC[j] + RR[j]) >= midc) if(c > midc || (CC[j] != DD[j] && RR[j] == SS[j])) { midc = c; midj = j; } for(j = N; j >= 0; j--) if((c = DD[j] + SS[j] + q) > midc) { midc = c; midj = j; type = 2; } /* Conquer: recursively around midpoint */ if(type == 1) { matcher_Diff(A,B,midi,midj,tb,q); matcher_Diff(A+midi,B+midj,M-midi,N-midj,q,te); } else { matcher_Diff(A,B,midi-1,midj,tb,zero); MATCHERDEL(2); matcher_Diff(A+midi+1,B+midj,M-midi-1,N-midj,zero,te); } return midc; } /* @funcstatic matcher_Calcons ************************************************ ** ** Calculate a consensus sequence ** ** @param [w] seqc0 [char*] Sequence A alignment output ** @param [w] seqc1 [char*] Sequence B alignment output ** @param [r] res [const ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] min0 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] min1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] max0 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] max1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] nc [ajint*] Number of conserved positions ** @param [w] nident [ajint*] Number of identical positions ** @return [ajint] Undocumented ******************************************************************************/ static ajint matcher_Calcons(char *seqc0,char *seqc1, const ajint *res, ajint min0, ajint min1, ajint max0, ajint max1, ajint *nc,ajint *nident) { ajint i0; ajint i1; ajint op; ajint nid; ajint lenc; ajint nd; char *sp0; char *sp1; const ajint *rp; const char *sq1; const char *sq2; /* now get the middle */ sp0 = seqc0 /*+mins*/; sp1 = seqc1 /*+mins*/; rp = res; lenc = nid = op = 0; i0 = min0; i1 = min1; sq1 = ajStrGetPtr(ajSeqGetSeqS(seq)); sq2 = ajStrGetPtr(ajSeqGetSeqS(seq2)); while(i0 < max0 || i1 < max1) { if(op == 0 && *rp == 0) { op = *rp++; *sp0 = sq1[i0++]; *sp1 = sq2[i1++]; lenc++; if(*sp0 == *sp1) nid++; sp0++; sp1++; } else { if(op==0) op = *rp++; if(op>0) { *sp0++ = '-'; *sp1++ = sq2[i1++]; op--; lenc++; } else { *sp0++ = sq1[i0++]; *sp1++ = '-'; op++; lenc++; } } } *sp0 = '\0'; *sp1 = '\0'; *nident = nid; *nc = lenc; /* get the right end */ nd = 0; return lenc+nd; }