/* @source marscan application ** ** Finds MAR/SAR sites in nucleic sequences ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include "stdlib.h" static AjBool marscan_getpos(AjPList l, ajint *thisprev, ajint otherprev, AjBool *stored_match, ajint *stored_dist, ajint *stored_8_pos, ajint *stored_16_pos, ajint *stored_lastpos, AjPFeattable *tab, AjBool this_is_8, ajint *end_of_last_output_match); static void marscan_stepdown(AjPList l16, AjPList l8, AjPFeattable *tab); static void marscan_output_stored_match(AjBool stored_match, ajint s8, ajint s16, AjPFeattable *tab); /* ** the maximum distance between a length 16 pattern and a length 8 ** pattern in a MRS */ #define MAXDIST 200 /* @prog marscan ************************************************************** ** ** Finds MAR/SAR sites in nucleic sequences ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPFeattable tab = NULL; AjPReport report = NULL; AjPStr pattern16; AjPStr opattern16 = NULL; AjBool amino16 = ajFalse; AjBool carboxyl16 = ajFalse; ajuint type16 = 0; ajuint m16 = 0; ajuint plen16 = 0; ajint *buf16 = NULL; EmbOPatBYPNode off16[AJALPHA]; ajuint *sotable16 = NULL; ajuint solimit16 = 0; AjPStr regexp16 = NULL; ajuint **skipm16 = NULL; ajuint mismatch16 = 1; /* allow a single mismatch */ AjPList l16; ajuint hits16 = 0; const void *tidy16 = NULL; AjPStr pattern16rev; AjPStr opattern16rev = NULL; AjBool amino16rev = ajFalse; AjBool carboxyl16rev = ajFalse; ajuint type16rev = 0; ajuint m16rev = 0; ajuint plen16rev = 0; ajint *buf16rev = NULL; EmbOPatBYPNode off16rev[AJALPHA]; ajuint *sotable16rev = NULL; ajuint solimit16rev = 0; AjPStr regexp16rev = NULL; ajuint **skipm16rev = NULL; ajuint mismatch16rev = 1; /* allow a single mismatch */ AjPList l16rev; ajuint hits16rev = 0; const void *tidy16rev = NULL; AjPStr pattern8; AjPStr opattern8 = NULL; AjBool amino8 = ajFalse; AjBool carboxyl8 = ajFalse; ajuint type8 = 0; ajuint m8 = 0; ajuint plen8 = 0; ajint *buf8 = NULL; EmbOPatBYPNode off8[AJALPHA]; ajuint *sotable8 = NULL; ajuint solimit8 = 0; AjPStr regexp8 = NULL; ajuint **skipm8 = NULL; ajuint mismatch8 = 0; AjPList l8; ajuint hits8 = 0; const void *tidy8 = NULL; AjPStr pattern8rev; AjPStr opattern8rev = NULL; AjBool amino8rev = ajFalse; AjBool carboxyl8rev = ajFalse; ajuint type8rev = 0; ajuint m8rev = 0; ajuint plen8rev = 0; ajint *buf8rev = NULL; EmbOPatBYPNode off8rev[AJALPHA]; ajuint *sotable8rev = NULL; ajuint solimit8rev = 0; AjPStr regexp8rev = NULL; ajuint **skipm8rev = NULL; ajuint mismatch8rev = 0; AjPList l8rev; ajuint hits8rev = 0; const void *tidy8rev = NULL; AjPStr seqname = NULL; AjPStr text = NULL; ajuint i; ajint begin; ajint end; EmbPMatMatch aptr = NULL; embInit("marscan", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); report = ajAcdGetReport("outfile"); pattern16 = ajStrNewC("awwrtaannwwgnnnc"); pattern16rev = ajStrNewC("gnnncwwnnttaywwt"); pattern8 = ajStrNewC("aataayaa"); pattern8rev = ajStrNewC("ttrttatt"); seqname = ajStrNew(); opattern16 = ajStrNew(); opattern16rev = ajStrNew(); opattern8 = ajStrNew(); opattern8rev = ajStrNew(); /* Copy original patterns for regexps */ ajStrAssignS(&opattern16, pattern16); ajStrAssignS(&opattern16rev, pattern16rev); ajStrAssignS(&opattern8, pattern8); ajStrAssignS(&opattern8rev, pattern8rev); if(!(type16=embPatGetType(opattern16,&pattern16, mismatch16, 0, &m16, &amino16, &carboxyl16))) ajFatal("Illegal pattern"); embPatCompile(type16, pattern16, &plen16, &buf16, off16, &sotable16, &solimit16, &m16, ®exp16, &skipm16, mismatch16); if(!(type16rev=embPatGetType(opattern16rev, &pattern16rev, mismatch16rev, 0, &m16rev, &amino16rev, &carboxyl16rev))) ajFatal("Illegal pattern"); embPatCompile(type16rev, pattern16rev, &plen16rev, &buf16rev, off16rev, &sotable16rev, &solimit16rev, &m16rev, ®exp16rev, &skipm16rev, mismatch16rev); if(!(type8=embPatGetType(opattern8, &pattern8, mismatch8, 0, &m8, &amino8, &carboxyl8))) ajFatal("Illegal pattern"); embPatCompile(type8, pattern8, &plen8, &buf8, off8, &sotable8, &solimit8, &m8, ®exp8, &skipm8, mismatch8); if(!(type8rev=embPatGetType(opattern8rev, &pattern8rev, mismatch8rev, 0, &m8rev, &amino8rev, &carboxyl8rev))) ajFatal("Illegal pattern"); embPatCompile(type8rev, pattern8rev, &plen8rev, &buf8rev, off8rev, &sotable8rev, &solimit8rev, &m8rev, ®exp8rev, &skipm8rev, mismatch8rev); text = ajStrNew(); while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { l16 = ajListNew(); l16rev = ajListNew(); l8 = ajListNew(); l8rev = ajListNew(); ajStrAssignC(&seqname, ajSeqGetNameC(seq)); begin = ajSeqallGetseqBegin(seqall); end = ajSeqallGetseqEnd(seqall); ajStrAssignSubC(&text, ajSeqGetSeqC(seq), begin-1, end-1); ajStrFmtUpper(&text); embPatFuzzSearch(type16, begin, pattern16, seqname, text, l16, plen16, mismatch16, amino16, carboxyl16, buf16, off16, sotable16, solimit16, regexp16, skipm16, &hits16, m16, &tidy16); embPatFuzzSearch(type16rev, begin, pattern16rev, seqname, text, l16rev, plen16rev, mismatch16rev, amino16rev, carboxyl16rev, buf16rev, off16rev, sotable16rev, solimit16rev, regexp16rev, skipm16rev, &hits16rev, m16rev, &tidy16rev); embPatFuzzSearch(type8, begin, pattern8, seqname, text, l8, plen8, mismatch8, amino8, carboxyl8, buf8, off8, sotable8, solimit8, regexp8, skipm8, &hits8, m8, &tidy8); embPatFuzzSearch(type8rev, begin, pattern8rev, seqname, text, l8rev, plen8rev, mismatch8rev, amino8rev, carboxyl8rev, buf8rev, off8rev, sotable8rev, solimit8rev, regexp8rev, skipm8rev, &hits8rev, m8rev, &tidy8rev); ajDebug("Marscan '%S' hits %d:%d %d:%d\n", seqname, hits16, hits16rev, hits8, hits8rev); /* initialise the output feature table */ tab = ajFeattableNewDna(seqname); /* ** append reverse lists to forward lists and sort them by match ** position */ if(hits8 || hits8rev) { ajListPushlist(l8, &l8rev); ajListSort(l8, embPatRestrictStartCompare); } if((hits16 || hits16rev)) { ajListPushlist(l16, &l16rev); ajListSort(l16, embPatRestrictStartCompare); } /* ** find pairs of hits within the required distance and output ** the results */ marscan_stepdown(l16, l8, &tab); ajDebug("Marscan reportwrite '%S'\n", seqname); /* write features and tidy up */ ajReportWrite(report, tab, seq); ajFeattableDel(&tab); while(ajListPop(l16,(void **)&aptr)) embMatMatchDel(&aptr); while(ajListPop(l8,(void **)&aptr)) embMatMatchDel(&aptr); /* ** tidy up - (l8rev and l16rev have already been deleted in ** ajListPushList) ** but not if the routine was never called. */ ajListFree(&l16); ajListFree(&l8); ajListFree(&l16rev); ajListFree(&l8rev); } if(skipm16) { for(i=0;i= prev8 && !notend8) notend16 = ajFalse; notend8 = marscan_getpos(l8, &prev8, prev16, &stored_match, &stored_dist, &stored_8_pos, &stored_16_pos, &stored_lastpos, tab, ajTrue, &end_of_last_output_match); /* ** if the list of 16 pattern matches is empty and the 8's have ** gone past the last 16 pattern match, stop searching */ if(prev8 >= prev16 && !notend16) notend8 = ajFalse; } /* ** Both lists are empty. Output any remaining stored match ** only output if this match is further than MAXDIST from the last hit ** output to prevent lots of outputs for a cluster of MRS's */ if(stored_8_pos - end_of_last_output_match > MAXDIST || stored_16_pos - end_of_last_output_match > MAXDIST) marscan_output_stored_match(stored_match, stored_8_pos, stored_16_pos, tab); return; } /* @funcstatic marscan_getpos ************************************************* ** ** gets the next position from a list and checks to see if we have a match ** within MAXDIST of the last match in the other list ** ** @param [u] l [AjPList] the list of matching positions ** @param [u] thisprev [ajint *] pointer to last stored position of ** this pattern ** @param [r] otherprev [ajint] last stored position of the other pattern ** @param [u] stored_match [AjBool *] flag set to ajtrue if have stored match ** @param [u] stored_dist [ajint *] distance between the patterns in ** the stored match ** @param [u] stored_8_pos [ajint *] position of this pattern match in ** stored match ** @param [u] stored_16_pos [ajint *] position of 8 pattern match in ** stored match ** @param [u] stored_lastpos [ajint *] position of end of second pattern ** in stored match ** @param [u] tab [AjPFeattable*] feature table ** @param [r] this_is_8 [AjBool] ajTrue is 'thisprev' refers to the ** length 8 pattern ** @param [u] end_of_last_output_match [ajint *] end of the last output match ** @return [AjBool] False if the list is empty ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool marscan_getpos(AjPList l, ajint *thisprev, ajint otherprev, AjBool *stored_match, ajint *stored_dist, ajint *stored_8_pos, ajint *stored_16_pos, ajint *stored_lastpos, AjPFeattable *tab, AjBool this_is_8, ajint *end_of_last_output_match) { EmbPMatMatch m; ajint dist; /* distance between the two patterns */ ajint firstpos; /* first position of the first of the two patterns */ ajint lastpos; /* last position of the second of the two patterns */ ajint s8; ajint s16; ajint e8; ajint e16; /* start and end positions */ while(*thisprev <= otherprev) { /* if the list is empty, return ajFalse */ if(!ajListPop(l, (void **)&m)) return ajFalse; /* get position of next list element and store it */ *thisprev = m->start; embMatMatchDel(&m); /* ** get the start and end positions of the 8bp and 16bp patterns ** and get the end position of the MRS = second pattern + length ** of second pattern -1 */ if(this_is_8) { s8 = *thisprev; s16 = otherprev; } else { s8 = otherprev; s16 = *thisprev; } e8 = s8+7; e16 = s16+15; /* get last position of the two patterns */ if(e8>e16) lastpos = e8; else lastpos = e16; /* get distance from end of first pattern to start of second */ if(e8 < s16) dist = s16-e8; else if(e16 < s8) dist = s8-e16; else /* overlap */ dist = 0; /* the first position of the two patterns */ if(s8>s16) firstpos = s16; else firstpos = s8; /* otherprev is -1 if it hasn't got a position stored in it yet */ if(otherprev == -1) { dist = MAXDIST + 1; firstpos = MAXDIST + 1; } /* if they are overlapping, maybe still have a negative length */ if(dist < 0) ajFatal("Have a negative distance!\n"); /* if dist to other stored pos is within range */ if(dist <= MAXDIST) { /* if there's a stored match output it */ if(*stored_match) { if(dist < *stored_dist) { /* ** store new match ** only output if this match is further than MAXDIST ** from the last hit output to prevent lots of outputs ** for a cluster of MRS's */ if(firstpos - *end_of_last_output_match > MAXDIST) { *stored_match = ajTrue; *stored_dist = dist; *stored_8_pos = s8; *stored_16_pos = s16; *stored_lastpos = lastpos; } } else { marscan_output_stored_match(*stored_match, *stored_8_pos, *stored_16_pos, tab); *stored_match = ajFalse; *end_of_last_output_match = *stored_lastpos; } } else { /* * store new match * only output if this match is further than MAXDIST from * the last hit output to prevent lots of outputs for a * cluster of MRS's */ if(firstpos - *end_of_last_output_match > MAXDIST) { /* * printf("STORE for OUTPUT dist = %d\n", firstpos - * *end_of_last_output_match); */ *stored_match = ajTrue; *stored_dist = dist; *stored_8_pos = s8; *stored_16_pos = s16; *stored_lastpos = lastpos; } } } else { if(*stored_match) { marscan_output_stored_match(*stored_match, *stored_8_pos, *stored_16_pos, tab); *stored_match = ajFalse; *end_of_last_output_match = *stored_lastpos; } } } return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic marscan_output_stored_match ************************************ ** ** Outputs the results of finding a match of the two patterns ** ** @param [r] stored_match [AjBool] flag set to ajtrue if have stored match ** @param [r] s8 [ajint] position of 8bp pattern match in stored match ** @param [r] s16 [ajint] position of 16bp pattern match in stored match ** @param [u] tab [AjPFeattable*] feature table ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void marscan_output_stored_match(AjBool stored_match, ajint s8, ajint s16, AjPFeattable *tab) { /* ** strand is set to forward because the MAR/SAR recognition ** signature (MRS) is not dependent on the strand(s) it is on */ char strand = '+'; ajint frame = 0; float score = 0.0; AjPStr source = NULL; AjPStr type = NULL; AjPFeature feature; static AjPStr tmp = NULL; ajint start; ajint end; ajint e8; ajint e16; /* end positions of the 8bp and 16 bp pattern matches */ if(!stored_match) return; if(!type) { ajStrAssignC(&source,"marscan"); ajStrAssignC(&type,"misc_signal"); } /* ** get the start and end positions of the 8bp and 16bp patterns and get ** the end position of the MRS = second pattern + length of second ** pattern -1 */ e8 = s8+7; e16 = s16+15; if(s8 < s16) start = s8; else start = s16; if(e8>e16) end = e8; else end = e16; feature = ajFeatNew(*tab, source, type, start, end, score, strand, frame) ; ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*type MAR/SAR recognition site (MRS)"); ajFeatTagAdd(feature, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*start8bp %d", s8); ajFeatTagAdd(feature, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*end8bp %d", e8); ajFeatTagAdd(feature, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*start16bp %d", s16); ajFeatTagAdd(feature, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*end16bp %d", e16); ajFeatTagAdd(feature, NULL, tmp); ajStrDel(&source); ajStrDel(&type); ajStrDel(&tmp); return; }