/* @source isochore application ** ** Finds isochores ** ** @author Copyright (C) Peter Rice ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #ifndef NO_PLOT #include "ajgraph.h" #endif /* @datastatic AjPIntarr ****************************************************** ** ** Integer array ** ** @alias AjSIntarr ** @alias AjPIntarr ** ** @attr Array [ajint*] Integer array ** @attr Size [ajint] Size ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSIntarr { ajint* Array; ajint Size; char Padding[4]; } AjOIntarr; #define AjPIntarr AjOIntarr* /* @datastatic IsochorePFltarr ************************************************ ** ** Integer array ** ** @alias IsochoreSFltarr ** @alias IsochorePFltarr ** ** @attr Array [float*] Float array ** @attr Size [ajint] Size ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct IsochoreSFltarr { float* Array; ajint Size; char Padding[4]; } IsochoreOFltarr; #define IsochorePFltarr IsochoreOFltarr* static void isochore_FltarrDel(IsochorePFltarr *parr); static IsochorePFltarr isochore_FltarrNew0(size_t size); /* @prog isochore ************************************************************* ** ** Calculates the G+C content of a DNA sequence ** by sliding a window of size "iwin" in increments of "ishift" bases ** at a time. ** Results are stored in float array "results" with one position for ** each calculated value. ** ** Results are also written to an output file with tab delimiters. ** ** To plot this, start at the centre of the first window (0 + iwin/2) ** and plot a point from results0>Array[0] every "ishift" bases until ** the end (use isize). ** ** Future changes: Users should be able to ask for a sequence range ** and plot just that range. Currently a range can be set on the ** command line but it is ignored. The range is from "ajSeqGetBegin(seq)" ** to "ajSeqGetEnd(seq)". ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeq seq; AjPFile out; IsochorePFltarr results; AjPGraph plot; AjPGraphPlpData graphdata; ajint iwin; ajint ishift; ajint i; ajint j; ajint k; ajint ipos; ajint isize; const char *sq; ajint igc; ajint imax; ajint ibeg; ajint iend; ajint ilen; float amin = 0.; float amax = 0.; ajGraphInit("isochore", argc, argv); seq = ajAcdGetSeq("sequence"); out = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); plot = ajAcdGetGraphxy("graph"); ajGraphInitSeq(plot, seq); sq = ajStrGetPtr(ajSeqGetSeqS(seq)); ibeg = ajSeqGetBegin(seq); iend = ajSeqGetEnd(seq); ilen = ajSeqGetLen(seq); iwin = ajAcdGetInt("window"); ishift = ajAcdGetInt("shift"); imax = iend + iwin/2; /* stop at imax */ if(imax > ilen) imax = ilen; i = ibeg - iwin/2; /* start calculating from i */ if(i < 0) i = 0; isize = 1 + (imax - iwin - i)/ishift; /* size of results array */ results = isochore_FltarrNew0(isize); ajDebug("ilen: %d ibeg: %d iend: %d\n", ilen, ibeg, iend); ajDebug("iwin: %d ishift: %d isize: %d imax: %d i: %d\n", iwin, ishift, isize, imax, i); ipos = i + iwin/2; ajFmtPrintF(out, "Position\tPercent G+C %d .. %d\n", ibeg, iend); for(j=0; j < isize; i+=ishift, j++) { /* sum over window */ igc = 0; for(k=0; k < iwin; k++) if(strchr("CcGg", sq[i+k])) igc++; results->Array[j] = (float) igc / (float) iwin; ajFmtPrintF(out, "%d\t%.3f\n", ipos, results->Array[j]); ipos += ishift; } ajFileClose(&out); #ifndef NO_PLOT i = ibeg - iwin/2; /* start calculating from i */ if(i < 0) i = 0; ipos = i + iwin/2; /* create the graph */ graphdata = ajGraphPlpDataNew(); ajGraphArrayMaxMin(results->Array,isize,&amin,&amax); ajGraphPlpDataSetMaxima(graphdata,(float)ipos,(float)(ipos+(ishift*isize)), amin,amax); ajGraphPlpDataSetMaxMin(graphdata,(float)ipos,(float)(ipos+(ishift*isize)), amin,amax); ajGraphPlpDataSetTypeC(graphdata,"2D Plot"); ajGraphPlpDataSetTitleC(graphdata,""); ajGraphDataAdd(plot,graphdata); ajGraphPlpDataCalcXY(graphdata, isize,(float)(ipos),(float)ishift, results->Array); /* display the region 0 -> 1 for the y axis */ ajGraphxySetYStart(plot,0.0); ajGraphxySetYEnd(plot,1.0); /* draw the graph */ ajGraphxyDisplay(plot,AJTRUE); /* Delete the structures and data */ ajGraphxyDel(&plot); #endif /* ** plot is an XY graph definition object created by acdSetGraphxy ** something like this to plot the data: ** sequence, startposition, increment, array, arraysize ** Note: seq has Begin and End values which can limit the plot range ** ** ioff = ibeg + iwin/2; ** ajPlotInit(plot, seq); ** ajPlotFloat(plot, ioff, ishift, results->Array, isize); ** */ ajSeqDel(&seq); ajFileClose(&out); ajGraphxyDel(&plot); isochore_FltarrDel(&results); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic isochore_FltarrNew0 ******************************************** ** ** Undocumented. ** ** @param [r] size [size_t] Undocumented ** @return [IsochorePFltarr] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static IsochorePFltarr isochore_FltarrNew0(size_t size) { IsochorePFltarr ret; AJNEW(ret); ret->Size = (ajint) size; AJCNEW(ret->Array,size); return ret; } /* @funcstatic isochore_FltarrDel ********************************************* ** ** Undocumented. ** ** @param [d] parr [IsochorePFltarr*] Undocumented ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void isochore_FltarrDel(IsochorePFltarr *parr) { if(!*parr) return; AJFREE((*parr)->Array); AJFREE(*parr); return; }