/* @source infoalign application ** ** Display information on a multiple sequence alignment with consensus ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** 23 May 2001 - GWW - written ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include static int infoalign_Getrefseq(const AjPStr refseq, const AjPSeqset seqset); static void infoalign_OutputFloat(AjPFile outfile, float num, AjBool html, AjBool after); static void infoalign_OutputInt(AjPFile outfile, ajint num, AjBool html, AjBool after); static void infoalign_OutputStr(AjPFile outfile, const AjPStr str, AjBool html, AjBool after, ajuint minlength); static void infoalign_Compare(const AjPSeq ref, const AjPSeq seq, ajint *const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt, ajint *seqlength, ajint *alignlength, ajint *gaps, ajint *gapcount, ajint *idcount, ajint *simcount, ajint *difcount, float *change); #define NOLIMIT 0 /* @prog infoalign ************************************************************ ** ** Information on a multiple sequence alignment ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqset seqset = NULL; AjPStr refseq; /* input name/number of reference sequence */ ajint nrefseq; /* numeric reference sequence */ AjPMatrix matrix; /* scoring matrix structure */ ajint **sub; /* integer scoring matrix */ AjPSeqCvt cvt = 0; /* conversion table for scoring matrix */ float identity; ajint ident; float fplural; AjPStr cons; AjPSeq consensus; const AjPSeq ref; const AjPSeq seq; ajuint i; AjBool html; AjBool doheader; AjBool dousa; AjBool doname; AjBool doseqlength; AjBool doalignlength; AjBool dogaps; AjBool dogapcount; AjBool doidcount; AjBool dosimcount; AjBool dodifcount; AjBool dochange; AjBool dodesc; AjBool dowt; ajint seqlength; ajint alignlength; ajint gaps; ajint gapcount; ajint idcount; ajint simcount; ajint difcount; float change; AjPFile outfile; const AjPStr usa; const AjPStr name; AjPStr altusa; /* default name when the real name is not known */ AjPStr altname; AjPStr xxx = NULL; embInit("infoalign", argc, argv); seqset = ajAcdGetSeqset("sequence"); refseq = ajAcdGetString("refseq"); matrix = ajAcdGetMatrix("matrix"); ajSeqsetFill(seqset); outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); html = ajAcdGetBoolean("html"); doheader = ajAcdGetBoolean("heading"); dousa = ajAcdGetBoolean("usa"); doname = ajAcdGetBoolean("name"); doseqlength = ajAcdGetBoolean("seqlength"); doalignlength = ajAcdGetBoolean("alignlength"); dogaps = ajAcdGetBoolean("gaps"); dogapcount = ajAcdGetBoolean("gapcount"); doidcount = ajAcdGetBoolean("idcount"); dosimcount = ajAcdGetBoolean("simcount"); dodifcount = ajAcdGetBoolean("diffcount"); dochange = ajAcdGetBoolean("change"); dodesc = ajAcdGetBoolean("description"); dowt = ajAcdGetBoolean("weight"); /* consensus parameters */ fplural = ajAcdGetFloat("plurality"); identity = ajAcdGetFloat("identity"); cons = ajStrNew(); consensus = ajSeqNew(); altusa = ajStrNewC("-"); altname = ajStrNewC("-"); /* get conversion table and scoring matrix */ cvt = ajMatrixCvt(matrix); sub = ajMatrixArray(matrix); /* get the number of the reference sequence */ nrefseq = infoalign_Getrefseq(refseq, seqset); /* change the % plurality to the fraction of absolute total weight */ fplural = ajSeqsetGetTotweight(seqset) * fplural / 100; /* ** change the % identity to the number of identical sequences at a ** position required for consensus */ ident = ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset) * (ajint)identity / 100; /* get the consensus sequence */ embConsCalc(seqset, matrix, ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset), ajSeqsetGetLen(seqset), fplural, 0.0, ident, ajFalse, &cons); ajSeqAssignSeqS(consensus, cons); ajSeqAssignNameS(consensus,(xxx=ajStrNewC("Consensus"))); /* get the reference sequence */ if(nrefseq == -1) ref = consensus; else ref = ajSeqsetGetseqSeq(seqset, nrefseq); /* start the HTML table */ if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile,"\n"); /* print the header information */ if(doheader) { /* start the HTML table title line and output the Name header */ if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%s", "# "); if(dousa) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%-16s", "USA"); } if(doname) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%-12s", "Name"); } if(doseqlength) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "SeqLen\t"); } if(doalignlength) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "AlignLen\t"); } if(dogaps) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Gaps\t"); } if(dogapcount) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "GapLen\t"); } if(doidcount) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Ident\t"); } if(dosimcount) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Similar\t"); } if(dodifcount) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Differ\t"); } if(dochange) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%% Change\t"); } if(dowt) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Weight\t"); } if(dodesc) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Description"); } /* end the HTML table title line */ if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n"); } for(i=0; i"); if(dousa) infoalign_OutputStr(outfile, usa, html, (dodesc || dowt || dochange || dodifcount || dosimcount || doidcount || dogapcount || dogaps || doseqlength || doalignlength || doname), 18); if(doname) infoalign_OutputStr(outfile, name, html, (dodesc || dowt || dochange || dodifcount || dosimcount || doidcount || dogapcount || dogaps || doseqlength || doalignlength), 14); if(doseqlength) infoalign_OutputInt(outfile, seqlength, html, (dodesc || dowt || dochange || dodifcount || dosimcount || doidcount || dogapcount || dogaps || doalignlength)); if(doalignlength) infoalign_OutputInt(outfile, alignlength, html, (dodesc || dowt || dochange || dodifcount || dosimcount || doidcount || dogapcount || dogaps)); if(dogaps) infoalign_OutputInt(outfile, gaps, html, (dodesc || dowt || dochange || dodifcount || dosimcount || doidcount || dogapcount)); if(dogapcount) infoalign_OutputInt(outfile, gapcount, html, (dodesc || dowt || dochange || dodifcount || dosimcount || doidcount)); if(doidcount) infoalign_OutputInt(outfile, idcount, html, (dodesc || dowt || dochange || dodifcount || dosimcount)); if(dosimcount) infoalign_OutputInt(outfile, simcount, html, (dodesc || dowt || dochange || dodifcount)); if(dodifcount) infoalign_OutputInt(outfile, difcount, html, (dodesc || dowt || dochange)); if(dochange) infoalign_OutputFloat(outfile, change, html, (dodesc || dowt) ); if(dowt) infoalign_OutputFloat(outfile, ajSeqsetGetseqWeight(seqset,i), html, dodesc); if(dodesc) infoalign_OutputStr(outfile, ajSeqGetDescS(seq), html, ajFalse, NOLIMIT); /* end table line */ if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n"); else ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n"); } /* end the HTML table */ if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "
USANameSequence LengthAligned LengthGapsGap LengthIdentitySimilarityDifference%% ChangeWeightDescription
\n"); ajFileClose(&outfile); /* tidy up */ ajStrDel(&altusa); ajStrDel(&altname); ajStrDel(&xxx); ajSeqDel(&consensus); ajSeqsetDel(&seqset); ajStrDel(&refseq); ajMatrixDel(&matrix); ajStrDel(&cons); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic infoalign_OutputFloat ****************************************** ** ** Output a number. ** If this is not formatted for HTML, and is not the last item output ** then add a TAB after it, else ensure that the last data item has no ** characters after it. ** ** @param [u] outfile [AjPFile] output file handle ** @param [r] num [float] number to be printed ** @param [r] html [AjBool] True if want it formatted as an HTML table ** data item ** @param [r] after [AjBool] True if we want to output more columns after ** this one ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void infoalign_OutputFloat(AjPFile outfile, float num, AjBool html, AjBool after) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%f", num); if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n"); else if(after) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\t"); return; } /* @funcstatic infoalign_OutputInt ******************************************** ** ** Output a number. ** If this is not formatted for HTML, and is not the last item output ** then add a TAB after it, else ensure that the last data item has no ** characters after it. ** ** @param [u] outfile [AjPFile] output file handle ** @param [r] num [ajint] number to be printed ** @param [r] html [AjBool] True if want it formatted as an HTML table ** data item ** @param [r] after [AjBool] True if we want to output more columns ** after this one ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void infoalign_OutputInt(AjPFile outfile, ajint num, AjBool html, AjBool after) { if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%d", num); if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n"); else if(after) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\t"); return; } /* @funcstatic infoalign_OutputStr ******************************************** ** ** Output the string. ** If this is not formatted for HTML, and is not the last item output ** then try to format it within a minimum length field. ** If it is longer than this field, just add a TAB. ** ** @param [u] outfile [AjPFile] output file handle ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] string to be printed ** @param [r] html [AjBool] True if want it formatted as an HTML table ** data item ** @param [r] after [AjBool] True if we want to output more columns ** after this one ** @param [r] minlength [ajuint] minimum length of field to print the ** string in (0 (NOLIMIT) = no limit) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void infoalign_OutputStr(AjPFile outfile, const AjPStr str, AjBool html, AjBool after, ajuint minlength) { AjPStr marginfmt; marginfmt = ajStrNewRes(10); /* ajFmtPrintF doesn't seem to deal with formats like "%-*S" correctly */ ajFmtPrintS(&marginfmt, "%%-%dS", minlength); if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ""); if(html || !after || minlength == NOLIMIT) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%S", str); else /* ** Format: ** If this is the last item, don't put spaces or TABs after it. ** Try to fit the name in 'minlength' spaces, else just add a ** TAB after it */ ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ajStrGetPtr(marginfmt), str); if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\n"); else if(after && ajStrGetLen(str) >= minlength) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\t"); ajStrDel(&marginfmt); return; } /* @funcstatic infoalign_Getrefseq ******************************************** ** ** Determines which sequence should be the reference sequence. ** The first sequence in the set is returned as 0. ** -1 is returned as the consensus sequence. ** ** @param [r] refseq [const AjPStr] input name/number of reference sequence ** @param [r] seqset [const AjPSeqset] the sequences ** @return [int] the number of the reference sequence ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static int infoalign_Getrefseq(const AjPStr refseq, const AjPSeqset seqset) { ajint i; const AjPSeq seq; for(i=0; i<(ajint)ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset); i++) { seq = ajSeqsetGetseqSeq(seqset, i); if(!ajStrCmpS(ajSeqGetNameS(seq), refseq)) return i; } /* not a name of a sequence, so it must be a number */ if(!ajStrToInt(refseq, &i)) ajFatal("Reference sequence is not a sequence ID or a number: %S", refseq); if(i < 0 || i > (ajint) ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset)) ajFatal("Reference sequence number < 0 or > number " "of input sequences: %d", i); return i-1; } /* @funcstatic infoalign_Compare ********************************************** ** ** Returns lots of trivial measures of comparison between a sequence and a ** reference sequence ** ** @param [r] ref [const AjPSeq] the reference sequence ** @param [r] seq [const AjPSeq] the sequence to be compared to 'ref' ** @param [r] sub [ajint * const *] scoring matrix ** @param [r] cvt [const AjPSeqCvt] conversion table for scoring matrix ** @param [w] seqlength [ajint *] sequence length ** @param [w] alignlength [ajint *] alignment length ** @param [w] gaps [ajint *] number of gaps ** @param [w] gapcount [ajint *] number of gap characters ** @param [w] idcount [ajint *] number of identical positions ** @param [w] simcount [ajint *] number of similar positions ** @param [w] difcount [ajint *] number of different positions ** @param [w] change [float *] % difference ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void infoalign_Compare(const AjPSeq ref, const AjPSeq seq, ajint * const *sub, const AjPSeqCvt cvt, ajint *seqlength, ajint *alignlength, ajint *gaps, ajint *gapcount, ajint *idcount, ajint *simcount, ajint *difcount, float *change) { ajint i; ajint lenseq; ajint lenref; const char *s; const char *r; AjBool inGap = ajFalse; /* true if in a gap in 'seq' */ ajint begin; ajint end; lenseq = ajSeqGetLen(seq); lenref = ajSeqGetLen(ref); s = ajSeqGetSeqC(seq); r = ajSeqGetSeqC(ref); /* initialise counts */ *seqlength = 0; *alignlength = 0; *gaps = 0; *gapcount = 0; *idcount = 0; *simcount = 0; *difcount = 0; *change = 0.0; /* ignore gaps at the ends of the sequence */ for(begin = 0; s[begin] == '-'; begin++); for(end = lenseq-1; s[end] == '-'; end--); for(i=begin; i<=end; i++) { /* count gaps and their length */ if(s[i] == '-') { if(!inGap) { inGap = ajTrue; (*gaps)++; } (*gapcount)++; } else { inGap = ajFalse; /* ** count identity, similarity, differences ** Past the end of the reference sequence ? */ if(i >= lenref) (*difcount)++; else { /* identity */ if((toupper((int)r[i]) == toupper((int)s[i]))) (*idcount)++; /* similarity */ else if(sub[ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, r[i])][ajSeqcvtGetCodeK(cvt, s[i])] > 0) (*simcount)++; /* difference */ else (*difcount)++; } } } *seqlength = *idcount + *simcount + *difcount; *alignlength = end-begin+1; *change = (float)(*alignlength - *idcount)*(float)100.0/ (float)(*alignlength); return; }