/* @source iep application ** ** Calculate isoelectric point of a protein ** ** @author Copyright (C) Alan Bleasby (ableasby@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include #include #define GSTEP 0.1 /* @prog iep ****************************************************************** ** ** Calculates the isoelectric point of a protein ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall all; AjPSeq a; AjPStr substr; AjPFile outf; AjBool termini; ajint sscount; ajint modlysine; AjBool doplot; AjBool dofile; AjPGraph graph = NULL; float step; ajint amino = 1; double H; double pH; double iep; ajint *c = NULL; ajint *op = NULL; double *K = NULL; double *pro = NULL; double sum; double charge; AjPGraphPlpData phGraph = NULL; AjPStr tit = NULL; AjPStr tmp = NULL; float *xa = NULL; float *ya = NULL; float minchg = 0.0; float maxchg = 0.0; ajint npoints; ajint k; ajint be; ajint en; ajint i; ajGraphInit("iep", argc, argv); all = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); doplot = ajAcdGetToggle("plot"); dofile = ajAcdGetToggle("report"); step = ajAcdGetFloat("step"); termini = ajAcdGetBoolean("termini"); amino = ajAcdGetInt("amino"); sscount = ajAcdGetInt("disulphides"); modlysine = ajAcdGetInt("lysinemodified"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); substr=ajStrNew(); AJCNEW(K, EMBIEPSIZE); AJCNEW(c, EMBIEPSIZE); AJCNEW(op, EMBIEPSIZE); AJCNEW(pro, EMBIEPSIZE); embIepPkRead(); /* read pK's */ embIepCalcK(K); /* Convert to dissoc consts */ /* only used if variable 'plot' is true */ graph = ajAcdGetGraphxy("graph"); while(ajSeqallNext(all,&a)) { be = ajSeqallGetseqBegin(all); en = ajSeqallGetseqEnd(all); ajStrAssignSubC(&substr,ajSeqGetSeqC(a),be-1,en-1); for(i=0;icharge) ? maxchg : (float)charge; } npoints = k; tit = ajStrNew(); tmp = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&tit,"%s %d-%d IEP=",ajSeqGetNameC(a),be,en); if(!embIepIepS(substr, amino, sscount, modlysine, &iep,termini)) ajStrAssignC(&tmp,"none"); else ajFmtPrintS(&tmp,"%-8.4f",iep); ajStrAppendS(&tit,tmp); phGraph = ajGraphPlpDataNewI(npoints); ajGraphSetTitle(graph,tit); ajGraphSetXTitleC(graph,"pH"); ajGraphSetYTitleC(graph,"Charge"); ajGraphPlpDataSetTypeC(phGraph,"2D Plot Float"); ajGraphPlpDataSetMaxMin(phGraph,1.0,14.0,minchg,maxchg); ajGraphPlpDataSetMaxima(phGraph,1.0,14.0,minchg,maxchg); ajGraphxySetXStart(graph,1.0); ajGraphxySetXEnd(graph,14.0); ajGraphxySetYStart(graph,minchg); ajGraphxySetYEnd(graph,maxchg); ajGraphxySetXRangeII(graph,1,14); ajGraphxySetYRangeII(graph,(ajint)minchg,(ajint)maxchg); ajGraphPlpDataSetXY(phGraph,xa,ya); ajGraphDataReplace(graph,phGraph); ajGraphxyDisplay(graph,ajFalse); ajStrDel(&tmp); ajStrDel(&tit); AJFREE(ya); AJFREE(xa); } } ajGraphClose(); ajGraphxyDel(&graph); AJFREE(K); AJFREE(pro); AJFREE(op); AJFREE(c); ajStrDel(&substr); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&all); ajSeqDel(&a); embExit(); return 0; }