/* @source getorf application ** ** Finds and extracts open reading frames (ORFs) ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" static void getorf_WriteORF(const AjPSeq seq, ajint len, ajint seqlen, AjBool sense, ajint find, ajint *orf_no, ajint start, ajint pos, const AjPStr str, AjPSeqout seqout, ajint around); static void getorf_AppORF(ajint find, AjPStr *str, const char *chrseq, ajint pos, char aa); static void getorf_FindORFs(const AjPSeq seq, ajint len, const AjPTrn trnTable, ajuint minsize, ajuint maxsize, AjPSeqout seqout, AjBool sense, AjBool circular, ajint find, ajint *orf_no, AjBool methionine, ajint around); /* types of control codon */ #define START 1 #define STOP -1 /* types of ORF to find */ #define P_STOP2STOP 0 #define P_START2STOP 1 #define N_STOP2STOP 2 #define N_START2STOP 3 #define AROUND_START 4 #define AROUND_INIT_STOP 5 #define AROUND_END_STOP 6 /* @prog getorf *************************************************************** ** ** Finds and extracts open reading frames (ORFs) ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeqout seqout; AjPStr tablestr; ajint table; ajuint minsize; ajuint maxsize; AjPStr findstr; ajint find; AjBool methionine; AjBool circular; AjBool reverse; ajint around; AjPSeq seq = NULL; AjPTrn trnTable; AjPStr sseq = NULL; /* sequence string */ /* ORF number to append to name of sequence to create unique name */ ajint orf_no; AjBool sense; /* ajTrue = forward sense */ ajint len; embInit("getorf", argc, argv); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outseq"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("sequence"); tablestr = ajAcdGetListSingle("table"); minsize = ajAcdGetInt("minsize"); maxsize = ajAcdGetInt("maxsize"); findstr = ajAcdGetListSingle("find"); methionine = ajAcdGetBoolean("methionine"); circular = ajAcdGetBoolean("circular"); reverse = ajAcdGetBoolean("reverse"); around = ajAcdGetInt("flanking"); /* initialise the translation table */ ajStrToInt(tablestr, &table); trnTable = ajTrnNewI(table); /* what sort of ORF are we looking for */ ajStrToInt(findstr, &find); /* ** get the minimum size converted to protein length if storing ** protein sequences */ if(find == P_STOP2STOP || find == P_START2STOP || find == AROUND_START) { minsize /= 3; maxsize /= 3; } while(ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { orf_no = 1; /* number of the next ORF */ sense = ajTrue; /* forward sense initially */ /* get the length of the sequence */ len = ajSeqGetLen(seq); /* ** if the sequence is circular, append it to itself to triple its ** length so can deal easily with wrapped ORFs, but don't update ** len */ if(circular) { ajStrAssignS(&sseq, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq)); ajStrAppendS(&sseq, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq)); ajStrAppendS(&sseq, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq)); ajSeqAssignSeqS(seq, sseq); } /* find the ORFs */ getorf_FindORFs(seq, len, trnTable, minsize, maxsize, seqout, sense, circular, find, &orf_no, methionine, around); /* now reverse complement the sequence and do it again */ if(reverse) { sense = ajFalse; ajSeqReverseForce(seq); getorf_FindORFs(seq, len, trnTable, minsize, maxsize, seqout, sense, circular, find, &orf_no, methionine, around); } } ajSeqoutClose(seqout); ajTrnDel(&trnTable); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&sseq); ajSeqoutDel(&seqout); ajStrDel(&tablestr); ajStrDel(&findstr); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic getorf_FindORFs ************************************************ ** ** finds all orfs in the current sense and writes them out ** ** @param [r] seq [const AjPSeq] Undocumented ** @param [r] len [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] trnTable [const AjPTrn] Undocumented ** @param [r] minsize [ajuint] Minimum size ORF to find ** @param [r] maxsize [ajuint] Maximum size ORF to find ** @param [u] seqout [AjPSeqout] Undocumented ** @param [r] sense [AjBool] Undocumented ** @param [r] circular [AjBool] Undocumented ** @param [r] find [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] orf_no [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] methionine [AjBool] Undocumented ** @param [r] around [ajint] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void getorf_FindORFs(const AjPSeq seq, ajint len, const AjPTrn trnTable, ajuint minsize, ajuint maxsize, AjPSeqout seqout, AjBool sense, AjBool circular, ajint find, ajint *orf_no, AjBool methionine, ajint around) { AjBool ORF[3]; /* true if found an ORF */ AjBool LASTORF[3]; /* true if hit the end of an ORF past the end on the genome in this frame */ AjBool GOTSTOP[3]; /* true if found a STOP in a circular genome's frame when find = P_STOP2STOP or N_STOP2STOP */ ajint start[3]; /* possible starting position of the three frames */ ajint pos; ajint codon; char aa; ajint frame; AjPStr newstr[3]; /* strings of the three frames of ORF sequences that we are growing */ AjPSeq pep = NULL; ajint i; ajint seqlen; const char *chrseq; seqlen = ajSeqGetLen(seq); chrseq = ajSeqGetSeqC(seq); /* initialise the ORF sequences */ newstr[0] = NULL; newstr[1] = NULL; newstr[2] = NULL; /* ** initialise flags for found the last ORF past the end of a circular ** genome */ LASTORF[0] = ajFalse; LASTORF[1] = ajFalse; LASTORF[2] = ajFalse; /* initialise flags for found at least one STOP codon in a frame */ GOTSTOP[0] = ajFalse; GOTSTOP[1] = ajFalse; GOTSTOP[2] = ajFalse; if(circular || find == P_START2STOP || find == N_START2STOP || find == AROUND_START) { ORF[0] = ajFalse; ORF[1] = ajFalse; ORF[2] = ajFalse; } else { /* ** assume already in a ORF so we get ORFs at the start of the ** sequence */ ORF[0] = ajTrue; ORF[1] = ajTrue; ORF[2] = ajTrue; start[0] = 0; start[1] = 1; start[2] = 2; } for(pos=0; pos= seqlen-5) { /* ** End of the sequence? If so, append any ** last codon to the sequence - otherwise, ignore the STOP ** codon */ if(pos >= seqlen-5 && pos < seqlen-2) getorf_AppORF(find, &newstr[frame], chrseq, pos, aa); /* Already have a sequence to write out? */ if(ORF[frame]) { if(ajStrGetLen(newstr[frame]) >= minsize && ajStrGetLen(newstr[frame]) <= maxsize) { /* create a new sequence */ if(codon == STOP) getorf_WriteORF(seq, len, seqlen, sense, find, orf_no, start[frame], pos-1, newstr[frame], seqout, around); else getorf_WriteORF(seq, len, seqlen, sense, find, orf_no, start[frame], pos+2, newstr[frame], seqout, around); } ajStrSetClear(&newstr[frame]); } /* ** if its a circular genome the STOP codon hit past ** the end of the genome in all frames, then break */ if(circular && pos >= len) { ORF[frame] = ajFalse; /* past the end of the genome */ LASTORF[frame] = ajTrue; /* finished getting ORFs */ if(LASTORF[0] && LASTORF[1] && LASTORF[2]) break; } else { /* ** hit a STOP, therefore a potential ORF to write ** out next time, even if the genome is circular */ ORF[frame] = ajTrue; start[frame] = pos+3; /* next start of the ORF */ } } else if(ORF[frame]) /* append sequence to newstr if in an ORF */ getorf_AppORF(find, &newstr[frame], chrseq, pos, aa); } else { if(codon == START && !ORF[frame]) { /* not in a ORF already and found a START */ if(pos < len) { /* ** reset the newstr to zero length to enable ** storing the ORF for this */ ajStrSetClear(&newstr[frame]); ORF[frame] = ajTrue; /* now in an ORF */ start[frame] = pos; /* start of the ORF for this frame */ if(methionine) getorf_AppORF(find, &newstr[frame], chrseq, pos, 'M'); else getorf_AppORF(find, &newstr[frame], chrseq, pos, aa); } } else if(codon == STOP || pos >= seqlen-5) { /* hit a STOP or the end of the sequence */ /* Already have a sequence to write out? */ if(ORF[frame]) { ORF[frame] = ajFalse; /* not in an ORF */ /* ** End of the sequence? If so, append any ** last codon to the sequence - otherwise, ignore the ** STOP codon */ if(pos >= seqlen-5 && pos < seqlen-2) getorf_AppORF(find, &newstr[frame], chrseq, pos, aa); if(ajStrGetLen(newstr[frame]) >= minsize && ajStrGetLen(newstr[frame]) <= maxsize) { /* create a new sequence */ if(codon == STOP) getorf_WriteORF(seq, len, seqlen, sense, find, orf_no, start[frame], pos-1, newstr[frame], seqout, around); else getorf_WriteORF(seq, len, seqlen, sense, find, orf_no, start[frame], pos+2, newstr[frame], seqout, around); } } /* ** if a circular genome and hit the STOP past ** the end of the genome in all frames, then break */ if(circular && pos >= len) { LASTORF[frame] = ajTrue; /* finished getting ORFs */ if(LASTORF[0] && LASTORF[1] && LASTORF[2]) break; } ajStrSetClear(&newstr[frame]); } else if(ORF[frame]) getorf_AppORF(find, &newstr[frame], chrseq, pos, aa); } } /* ** Currently miss reporting a STOP-to-STOP ORF that is ** the full length of a circular genome when there are no STOP codons in ** that frame */ if((find == P_STOP2STOP || find == N_STOP2STOP) && circular) { if(!GOTSTOP[0]) { /* translate frame 1 into pep */ pep = ajTrnSeqOrig(trnTable, seq, 1); if(ajSeqGetLen(pep) >= minsize && ajSeqGetLen(pep) <= maxsize) getorf_WriteORF(seq, len, seqlen, sense, find, orf_no, 0, seqlen-1, ajSeqGetSeqS(pep), seqout, around); ajSeqDel(&pep); } if(!GOTSTOP[1]) { /* translate frame 2 into pep */ pep = ajTrnSeqOrig(trnTable, seq, 2); if(ajSeqGetLen(pep) >= minsize && ajSeqGetLen(pep) <= maxsize) getorf_WriteORF(seq, len, seqlen, sense, find, orf_no, 1, seqlen-1, ajSeqGetSeqS(pep), seqout, around); ajSeqDel(&pep); } if(!GOTSTOP[2]) { /* translate frame 3 into pep */ pep = ajTrnSeqOrig(trnTable, seq, 3); if(ajSeqGetLen(pep) >= minsize && ajSeqGetLen(pep) >= maxsize) getorf_WriteORF(seq, len, seqlen, sense, find, orf_no, 2, seqlen-1, ajSeqGetSeqS(pep), seqout, around); ajSeqDel(&pep); } } for(i=0;i<3;++i) ajStrDel(&newstr[i]); return; } /* @funcstatic getorf_WriteORF ************************************************ ** ** Undocumented. ** ** @param [r] seq [const AjPSeq] Undocumented ** @param [r] len [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] seqlen [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] sense [AjBool] Undocumented ** @param [r] find [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] orf_no [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] start [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Undocumented ** @param [u] seqout [AjPSeqout] Undocumented ** @param [r] around [ajint] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void getorf_WriteORF(const AjPSeq seq, ajint len, ajint seqlen, AjBool sense, ajint find, ajint *orf_no, ajint start, ajint pos, const AjPStr str, AjPSeqout seqout, ajint around) { AjPSeq new; AjPStr name = NULL; /* name of the ORF */ AjPStr value = NULL; /* string value of the ORF number */ ajint s; ajint e; /* start and end positions */ AjPStr aroundstr = NULL; /* holds sequence string around the codon of interest */ ajint codonpos = 0; /* holds position of start of codon of interest */ s = start+1; e = pos+1; /* ** it is possible for an ORF in a circular genome to appear to start ** past the end of the genome. ** Move the reported positions back to start in the range 1..len ** for readability. */ while(s > len) { s -= len; e -= len; } new = ajSeqNew(); if(find == N_STOP2STOP || find == N_START2STOP || find == AROUND_INIT_STOP || find == AROUND_END_STOP || find == AROUND_START) ajSeqSetNuc(new); else ajSeqSetProt(new); /* ** Set the start and end positions to report and get the sequence for ** the AROUND* sequences */ if(find == AROUND_INIT_STOP) { codonpos = s-3; s = codonpos - around; /* 50 before the initial STOP */ e = codonpos + around+2; /* 50 after the end of the STOP */ if(s < 1) return; if(e > seqlen) return; ajStrAssignSubS(&aroundstr, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq), s-1, e-1); } else if(find == AROUND_START) { codonpos = s; s = codonpos - around; /* 50 before the initial STOP */ e = codonpos + around+2; /* 50 after the end of the STOP */ if(s < 1) return; if(e > seqlen) return; ajStrAssignSubS(&aroundstr, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq), s-1, e-1); } else if(find == AROUND_END_STOP) { codonpos = e+1; s = codonpos - around; /* 50 before the initial STOP */ e = codonpos + around+2; /* 50 after the end of the STOP */ if(s < 1) return; if(e > seqlen) return; ajStrAssignSubS(&aroundstr, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq), s-1, e-1); } /* set the name and description */ ajStrAssignS(&name, ajSeqGetNameS(seq)); ajStrAppendC(&name, "_"); /* post-increment the ORF number for the next ORF */ ajStrFromInt(&value,(*orf_no)++); ajStrAppendS(&name, value); ajSeqAssignNameS(new, name); /* set the description of the translation */ ajStrAssignC(&name, "["); /* Reverse the reported positions if this is the reverse sense */ if(!sense) { s = len-s+1; e = len-e+1; /* ** shift the positions back into the range 1..len as far as possible ** without going into negative numbers */ while(e > len) { s -= len; e -= len; } while(e < 0 || s < 0) { s += len; e += len; } } /* the base before the stop codon (numbering bases from 1) */ ajStrFromInt(&value, s); ajStrAppendS(&name, value); ajStrAppendC(&name, " - "); /* the base before the stop codon (numbering bases from 1) */ ajStrFromInt(&value, e); ajStrAppendS(&name, value); ajStrAppendC(&name, "] "); /* make it clear if this is the reverse sense */ if(!sense) ajStrAppendC(&name, "(REVERSE SENSE) "); /* ** make it clear if this is a circular genome and the ORF crosses ** the breakpoint */ if(s> len || e > len) ajStrAppendC(&name, "(ORF crosses the breakpoint) "); if(find == AROUND_INIT_STOP || find == AROUND_START || find == AROUND_END_STOP) { ajStrAppendC(&name, "Around codon at "); ajStrFromInt(&value, codonpos); ajStrAppendS(&name, value); ajStrAppendC(&name, ". "); } ajStrAppendS(&name, ajSeqGetDescS(seq)); ajSeqAssignDescS(new, name); /* replace newstr in new */ if(find == N_STOP2STOP || find == N_START2STOP || find == P_STOP2STOP || find == P_START2STOP) ajSeqAssignSeqS(new, str); else /* sequence to be 50 bases around the codon */ ajSeqAssignSeqS(new, aroundstr); ajSeqoutWriteSeq(seqout, new); ajSeqDel(&new); ajStrDel(&value); ajStrDel(&name); return; } /* @funcstatic getorf_AppORF ************************************************** ** ** append aa to ORF sequence string ** ** @param [r] find [ajint] Find code ** @param [u] str [AjPStr*] Sequence string ** @param [r] chrseq [const char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Codon triplet position in chrseq ** @param [r] aa [char] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void getorf_AppORF(ajint find, AjPStr *str, const char *chrseq, ajint pos, char aa) { if(find == N_STOP2STOP || find == N_START2STOP || find == AROUND_INIT_STOP || find == AROUND_END_STOP) { ajStrAppendK(str, chrseq[pos]); ajStrAppendK(str, chrseq[pos+1]); ajStrAppendK(str, chrseq[pos+2]); } else if(find == P_STOP2STOP || find == P_START2STOP || find == AROUND_START) ajStrAppendK(str, aa); return; }