/* @source est2genome application ** ** Richard Mott's est_genome ported into EMBOSS. ** See also nucleus/embest.c ** ** @author Copyright (C) Peter Rice, Sanger Centre ** @author Copyright (C) Richard Mott, Sanger Centre ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ /* ** Revision 1.7 1997/03/17 15:26:00 pmr ** when EST is reversed, need to reverse the EST sequence positions ** also cleaned up long code lines ** ** Revision 1.6 1997/02/10 14:07:54 rmott ** fixed bug so that splice sites in REVERSE direction ** (ie ct/ac rather than gt/ag) are found correctly. ** Output modified so that splice direction is written ** ** Revision 1.4 1997/01/30 17:21:22 rmott ** fixed bug, and now computes area limit better ** ** Revision 1.3 1997/01/30 17:03:45 rmott ** debugged version with debug statements still in. ** Fixed problem of not initialising edge properly ** ** Revision 1.2 1996/08/07 10:12:05 rmott ** ** Linear-Space version ** ** Revision 1.1 1996/08/01 13:55:42 rmott ** Initial revision ** */ #include "emboss.h" #include "embest.h" #include extern ajint lsimmat[256][256]; #define BOTH 0 #define FORWARD_ONLY 1 #define REVERSE_ONLY 2 ajint verbose; ajint debug; static void est2genome_make_output(AjPFile ofile, const AjPSeq genome, const AjPSeq est, const EmbPEstAlign ge, ajint gap_penalty, ajint intron_penalty, ajint splice_penalty, ajint minscore, ajint align, ajint width, ajint reverse); /* @prog est2genome *********************************************************** ** ** Align EST and genomic DNA sequences ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeq genome = NULL; AjPSeq splice_sites = NULL; AjPSeq reversed_splice_sites = NULL; AjPSeq est = NULL; AjPSeq reversed_est = NULL; EmbPEstAlign fge = NULL; EmbPEstAlign rge = NULL; EmbPEstAlign bge = NULL; ajint width = 50; ajint match = 1; ajint mismatch = 1; ajint gap_penalty = 2; ajint intron_penalty = 40; ajint splice_penalty = 20; ajint splice = 1; ajint align = 0; ajint reverse = 0; ajint isreverse = 0; ajint doreverse = 0; /* zero for first inclusion, set to 1 later */ float megabytes = 10.0; ajint minscore = 30; ajint shuffles = 0; ajint max_score = 0; ajint seed; ajint best=1; ajint search_mode; AjPStr modestr = NULL; AjPFile outfile = NULL; AjPSeqall estset = NULL; /* the fasta input files */ embInit("est2genome", argc, argv); estset = ajAcdGetSeqall("estsequence"); genome = ajAcdGetSeq("genomesequence"); outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); /* the alignment penalties */ match = ajAcdGetInt("match"); mismatch = ajAcdGetInt("mismatch"); gap_penalty = ajAcdGetInt("gappenalty"); intron_penalty = ajAcdGetInt("intronpenalty"); splice_penalty = ajAcdGetInt("splicepenalty"); doreverse = ajAcdGetBoolean("reverse"); /* the min score for an alignment to be output */ minscore = ajAcdGetInt("minscore"); if(doreverse) isreverse = 1; splice = ajAcdGetBoolean("splice"); /* Print the alignment */ align = ajAcdGetBoolean("align"); width = ajAcdGetInt("width"); /* mode: This is complicated. ** ** "forward" just search forward strands of both sequences ** "reverse" just search forward of genomic vs reverse of est ** "both" search forward strand of genomic against forward and ** reverse ** THEN: take the best of these two, and re-align assuming ** a reversed gene so that the splice sites would be appear ** as ct/ac. Only output the best alignment unless the ** flag -nobest is set. ** ** Thus THREE alignments are made. ** ** The output cordinates are such that the genomic sequence ** is always in the forward direction. */ modestr = ajAcdGetListSingle("mode"); if(ajStrMatchC(modestr,"both")) search_mode = BOTH; else if(ajStrMatchC(modestr,"forward")) search_mode = FORWARD_ONLY; else if(ajStrMatchC(modestr,"reverse")) search_mode = REVERSE_ONLY; else { ajErr("search mode %S must be one of: " "both, forward, reverse\n", modestr); exit(1); } /* just print the best alignment ? */ best = ajAcdGetBoolean("best"); /* max space in megabytes */ megabytes = ajAcdGetFloat("space"); /* print debugging info */ verbose = ajAcdGetBoolean("verbose"); debug = ajAcdGetBoolean("debug"); if(verbose) ajDebug("debugging set to %d\n", debug); if(verbose) embEstSetVerbose(); if(debug) embEstSetDebug(); /* ** shuffle the sequences to test for statistical ** significance this many times */ shuffles = ajAcdGetInt("shuffle"); seed = ajAcdGetInt("seed"); if(!seed) seed = embEstGetSeed(); seed = -seed; if(mismatch < 0) mismatch = -mismatch; if(gap_penalty < 0) gap_penalty = -gap_penalty; if(intron_penalty < 0) intron_penalty = -intron_penalty; if(splice_penalty < 0) splice_penalty = -splice_penalty; embEstMatInit(match, mismatch, gap_penalty, 0, '-'); ajSeqTrim(genome); /* Make sure theres enough space to hold the genomic AjPSeq */ if(megabytes < ajSeqGetLen(genome)*1.5e-6) { ajWarn("increasing space from %.3f to %.3f Mb\n", megabytes, 1.5e-6*ajSeqGetLen(genome)); megabytes = (float)1.5e-6*ajSeqGetLen(genome); } /* find the GT/AG splice sites */ if(splice) splice_sites = embEstFindSpliceSites(genome, 1); else splice_sites = NULL; if(search_mode == BOTH && splice) reversed_splice_sites = embEstFindSpliceSites( genome, 0 ); else reversed_splice_sites = NULL; /* process each est */ while(ajSeqallNext(estset, &est)) { /* ** if required, make shuffled comparisons ** to get statistical significance */ ajSeqTrim(est); ajDebug("shuffles: %d\n", shuffles); if(shuffles > 0) { AjPSeq shuffled_est; ajint n; ajint score; double mean = 0; double std = 0; EmbPEstAlign sge; shuffled_est = ajSeqNewSeq(est); for(n=0;nscore; ajDebug("%30.30S\n", ajSeqGetSeqS(shuffled_est)); ajDebug("%5d score %d seed %d\n", n, score, seed); if(score > max_score) max_score = score; mean += score; std += score*score; embEstFreeAlign(&sge); } mean /= shuffles; std = sqrt((std = shuffles*mean*mean)/(shuffles-1.0)); ajDebug("shuffles: %d max: %d mean: %.2f std dev: %.2f\n", shuffles, max_score, mean, std); minscore = max_score+1; ajSeqDel(&shuffled_est); } if(search_mode != REVERSE_ONLY) { /* forward strand */ fge = embEstAlignLinearSpace(est, genome, match, mismatch, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, splice_sites, megabytes); if(!fge) ajFatal("forward strand alignment failed"); } else fge = NULL; if(search_mode != FORWARD_ONLY) /* reverse strand */ { reversed_est = ajSeqNewSeq(est); ajSeqReverseForce(reversed_est); rge = embEstAlignLinearSpace(reversed_est, genome, match, mismatch, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, splice_sites, megabytes); if(!rge) ajFatal("reverse strand alignment failed"); } else rge = NULL; if(search_mode == BOTH) /* search both strands */ { if(fge->score > rge->score) { /* redo forward search with reversed splice sites */ bge = embEstAlignLinearSpace(est, genome, match, mismatch, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, reversed_splice_sites, megabytes); if(bge->score > fge->score) /* probably have a reversed gene */ { ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Note Best alignment is between forward " "est and forward genome, but splice " "sites imply REVERSED GENE\n"); est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, est, bge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, reverse); if(best == 0) /* print substandard alignment too */ est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, est, fge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, reverse); } else { ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Note Best alignment is between forward " "est and forward genome, and splice " "sites imply forward gene\n"); est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, est, fge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, reverse); if(best == 0) est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, est, bge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, reverse); } } else { bge = embEstAlignLinearSpace(reversed_est,genome, match, mismatch, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, reversed_splice_sites, megabytes); if(bge->score > rge->score) /* probably have a reversed gene */ { ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Note Best alignment is between " "reversed est and forward genome, but " "splice sites imply REVERSED GENE\n"); est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, reversed_est, bge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, isreverse); if(best == 0) /* print substandard alignment too */ est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, reversed_est, rge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, isreverse); } else { ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Note Best alignment is between reversed " "est and forward genome, and splice " "sites imply forward gene\n"); est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, reversed_est, rge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, isreverse); if(best == 0) est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, reversed_est, bge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, isreverse); } } } else if(search_mode == FORWARD_ONLY) { ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "Note requested forward est and forward genome\n"); est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, est, fge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, reverse); if(best == 0) est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, est, bge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, reverse); } else if(search_mode == REVERSE_ONLY) { ajFmtPrintF(outfile,"Note requested reversed est and " "forward genome\n"); est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, reversed_est, rge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, isreverse); if( best == 0 ) est2genome_make_output(outfile, genome, reversed_est, bge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, minscore, align, width, isreverse); } embEstFreeAlign(&bge); embEstFreeAlign(&rge); embEstFreeAlign(&fge); /* ajSeqDel(&est); */ /* Clone from seqall: Don't delete */ ajSeqDel(&reversed_est); } ajSeqDel(&splice_sites); ajSeqDel(&reversed_splice_sites); ajSeqDel(&genome); ajSeqallDel(&estset); ajSeqDel(&est); ajFileClose(&outfile); ajStrDel(&modestr); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic est2genome_make_output ***************************************** ** ** Undocumented. ** ** @param [u] ofile [AjPFile] Undocumented ** @param [r] genome [const AjPSeq] Undocumented ** @param [r] est [const AjPSeq] Undocumented ** @param [r] ge [const EmbPEstAlign] Undocumented ** @param [r] gap_penalty [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] intron_penalty [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] splice_penalty [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] minscore [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] align [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] width [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] reverse [ajint] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void est2genome_make_output(AjPFile ofile, const AjPSeq genome, const AjPSeq est, const EmbPEstAlign ge, ajint gap_penalty, ajint intron_penalty, ajint splice_penalty, ajint minscore, ajint align, ajint width, ajint reverse) { if(ge->score >= minscore) { embEstOutBlastStyle(ofile, genome, est, ge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, 1, reverse ); ajFmtPrintF( ofile, "\n"); embEstOutBlastStyle(ofile, genome, est, ge, gap_penalty, intron_penalty, splice_penalty, 0, reverse); if(align) { ajFmtPrintF(ofile, "\n\n%s vs %s:\n", ajSeqGetNameC(genome), ajSeqGetNameC(est)); embEstPrintAlign(ofile, genome, est, ge, width); } } return; }