/******************************************************************** ** @source epestfind application ** Finds PEST motifs as potential proteolytic cleavage sites. ** @author Copyright (C) Michael K. Schuster ** Department of Medical Biochemistry University Vienna ** @author Copyright (C) Martin Grabner ** (martin.grabner@univie.ac.at) EMBnet Austria ** @version 1.0 ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ********************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #define PSTPOT 1 #define PSTWEA 2 #define PSTINV 3 /* ** PESTFIND_NTERM ** Gererally, PEST scores are calculated from amino acid stretches ** (peptides) between positively charged amino acids. ** The original BASIC code by Scott W. Rogers and Martin Rechsteiner ** excludes the N-terminal amino acid while it includes the C-termius. ** ** Since other implementations seem to include the N-terminal amino acid, ** this behavior could be achieved with '#define PESTFIND_NTERM'. */ /* @datastatic PestfindPData ************************************************** ** Pestfind data object. ** Holds results for application pestfind. ** PestfindPData is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure. ** @alias PestfindSData ** @alias PestfindOData ** ** @attr Type [ajint] 1 for potential, 2 for poor and 3 for invalid motifs ** @attr Begin [ajint] Start position of PEST motif ** @attr End [ajint] End position of PEST motif ** @attr Length [ajint] Length of PEST motif ** @attr Pscore [double] PEST score ** @attr Hydind [double] Hydrophobicity index ** @attr Pstpct [double] Mass percent (w/w) of DEPST ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct PestfindSData { ajint Type; ajint Begin; ajint End; ajint Length; double Pscore; double Hydind; double Pstpct; } PestfindOData; #define PestfindPData PestfindOData* /* @macro ajStrIterIsBegin ****************************************** ** Start point condition for a string iterator. ** @param [r] iter [const AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [AjBool] returns true for the first iteration ** and false for all subsequent. ** @@ ** This macro tests for the first iteration which means, that ** it tests whether the string iterator is at its start point. ********************************************************************/ #define ajStrIterIsBegin(iter) (iter->Ptr == iter->Start) /* @macro ajStrIterIsEnd ******************************************** ** End point condition for a string iterator. ** @param [r] iter [const AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [AjBool] returns AjTrue for the last iteration ** and AjFalse for all preceeding. ** @@ ** This macro tests for the last iteration which means, that ** it tests whether the string iterator is at its end point. ********************************************************************/ #define ajStrIterIsEnd(iter) (iter->Ptr == iter->End) /* @macro ajStrIterPos ********************************************** ** Position of a string iterator. ** @param [r] iter [const AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [ajint] returns the current position of a string iterator ** within the target string. ** @@ ** This macro returns an integer value of an iterator's current ** position within a string object. ** Useful for (sub-)string assignments according to iterator positions. ********************************************************************/ #define ajStrIterPos(iter) (iter->Ptr - iter->Start) /* @macro ajStrAssSubItrBeg ***************************************** ** Assigns a substring from begin to current point of iteration. ** @param [w] substr [AjPStr] Target string. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string. ** @param [r] iter [const AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated. ** @@ ** This macro returns a pointer to a substring assigned from the ** begin of a target string to the curent point of interation. ********************************************************************/ #define ajStrAssSubItrBeg(substr, str, iter) \ ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, str, 0, (iter->Ptr - iter->Start)) /* @macro ajStrAssSubItrEnd ***************************************** ** Assigns substring from the current point of iteration until the end. ** @param [w] substr [AjPStr] Target string. ** @param [r] str [const AjPStr] Source string. ** @param [r] iter [const AjIStr] String iterator. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if string was reallocated. ** @@ ** This macro returns a pointer to a substring assigned from the ** current point of iteration to the end of a target string. ********************************************************************/ #define ajStrAssSubItrEnd(substr, str, iter) \ ajStrAssignSubS(&substr,str,(iter->Ptr - iter->Start), \ (iter->End - iter->Start)) /* @funcstatic ajStrIterPosCopy ************************************* ** Copies the current position of iteration between two ** string iterators over the same source string object. ** @param [r] itrbeg [const AjIStr] First string iterator. ** @param [w] itrend [AjIStr] Second string iterator. ** @return [ajint] current position of both iterators. ** @@ ** This function returns an integer representing the current position ** of iteration within a target string object. ********************************************************************/ static ajint ajStrIterPosCopy (const AjIStr itrbeg, AjIStr itrend) { if (itrbeg->Start != itrend->Start) ajFatal ("ajStrIterCopyPos: Iterators (AjIStr objects) belong" " to different AjPStr objects!\n"); return (ajint) (itrend->Ptr - itrend->Start); } /* @funcstatic pestfind_compare_position **************************** ** Helper function to sort the list of pestfind results by position. ** @param [rP] one [const void*] Pointer to first list element. ** @param [rP] two [const void*] Pointer to second list element. ** @return [ajint] returns -ve if one sorts before two, ** 0 if one is equal two and +ve if two sorts before one. ** @@ ** This private pestfind function compares PEST results ** according to their start position. *******************************************************************/ static ajint pestfind_compare_position (const void *one, const void *two) { return (*(PestfindPData const *)one)->Begin - (*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Begin; } /* @funcstatic pestfind_compare_length ****************************** ** Helper function to sort the list of pestfind results by length. ** @param [rP] one [const void*] Pointer to first list element. ** @param [rP] two [const void*] Pointer to second list element. ** @return [ajint] returns -ve if one sorts before two, ** 0 if one is equal two and +ve if two sorts before one. ** @@ ** This private pestfind function compares PEST results ** according to their length. *******************************************************************/ static ajint pestfind_compare_length(const void *one, const void *two) { return (*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Length - (*(PestfindPData const *)one)->Length; } /* @funcstatic pestfind_compare_score ******************************* ** Helper function to sort the list of pestfind results by score. ** @param [rP] one [const void*] Pointer to first list element. ** @param [rP] two [const void*] Pointer to second list element. ** @return [ajint] returns -ve if one sorts before two, ** 0 if one is equal two and +ve if two sorts before one. ** @@ ** This private pestfind function compares PEST results ** according to their PEST score. Since a score is not ** defined for invalid PEST motifs those are sorted ** at the end of the list according to their position. *******************************************************************/ static ajint pestfind_compare_score(const void *one, const void *two) { /* one = potential or weak PEST motif */ if((*(PestfindPData const *)one)->Type == PSTPOT || (*(PestfindPData const *)one)->Type == PSTWEA) { /* two = potential or weak PEST motif */ if((*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Type == PSTPOT || (*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Type == PSTWEA) return (ajint) (((*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Pscore) * 1000) - (ajint) (((*(PestfindPData const *)one)->Pscore) * 1000); /* two = invalid PEST motif */ if((*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Type == PSTINV) return -1; } /* Remaining invalid PEST motifs are sorted by position */ /* one = invalid PEST motif */ if((*(PestfindPData const *)one)->Type == PSTINV) { /* two = potential or weak PEST motif */ if((*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Type == PSTPOT || (*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Type == PSTWEA) return +1; /* two = invalid PEST motif */ if((*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Type == PSTINV) return (*(PestfindPData const *)one)->Begin - (*(PestfindPData const *)two)->Begin; } return 0; } /* @prog epestfind *************************************************** ** Finds PEST motifs as potential proteolytic cleavage sites. ********************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPFile outf = NULL; /* output file */ AjPFile mfptr = NULL; /* data file */ AjPList reslst = NULL; /* result list */ AjPSeq seq = NULL; /* sequence */ AjPStr map = NULL; /* string for motif map */ AjPStr str = NULL; /* sequence string */ AjPStr substr = NULL; /* sequence sub-string */ AjPStr sorder = NULL; /* sort order */ AjIList itrlst = NULL; /* iterator list */ AjIStr itrbeg = NULL; /* iterator begin of motif */ AjIStr itrend = NULL; /* iterator end of motif */ AjBool dsppot = AJTRUE; /* display potential mofifs */ AjBool dspwea = AJTRUE; /* display weak motifs */ AjBool dspinv = AJTRUE; /* display invalid motifs */ AjBool dspmap = AJTRUE; /* display map of motifs */ AjPGraph graph = NULL; /* graphics object */ AjPGraphPlpData plot = NULL; /* sub set of graphics object */ PestfindPData pstdat = NULL; /* PEST find data object */ /* ** Array of linear transformed Kyte-Doolittle hydropathy indices (ltkdhi) ** in alphabetical order A-M and N-Z as well as N-terminus and C-terminus. ** Linear transformation was ltkdhi = 10 * kdhi + 45 ** Values range from Argine R = 0 to Isoleucine I = 90 ** B=(N|D)=10 since N=10 and D=10 ** Z=(Q|E)=10 since Q=10 and E=10 ** X=10*0+45=45 ** ** Note that the hydrophobicity value for tyrosine is 58, not 32 ** as in the original program - following a correction by ** Robert H. Stellwagen (USC). */ const ajint ltkdhi[28] = { 63, 10, 70, 10, 10, 72, 41, 13, 90, 0, 6, 82, 64, 10, 0, 29, 10, 0, 36, 38, 0, 87, 36, 45, 58, 10, 0, 0 }; ajint *aac; /* array of pointers to amino acid counts (aac) from function embIepComp() */ ajint i = 0; /* general iterator i */ ajint begin = 0; /* sequence begin */ ajint end = 0; /* sequence end */ ajint win = 0; /* window size */ ajint cnt = 0; /* number of amino acids between positively charged ones */ ajint seqlen = 0; /* sequence length */ ajint sublen = 0; /* sub-sequence length */ ajint posbeg = 0; /* position of outer iteration -> begin */ ajint posend = 0; /* position of inner iteration -> end */ double pstsum = 0; /* sum over equivalents DEPST minus one equivalent EPT */ double hydind = 0; /* hydrophobicity index */ double momass = 0; /* molecular mass */ double pstpct = 0; /* corrected mass% of DEPST minus one equivalent EPT */ double pscore = 0; /* PEST-find score */ double trshld = 0.0; /* PEST-find score threshold value to discriminate poor and potential */ char symbol = '\0'; /* single character as result of string iterations */ float ymax = +60.0; /* Maximum PEST-find score (graphics y-axis) */ float ymin = -60.0; /* Minimum PEST-find score (graphics y-axis) */ EmbPPropMolwt *mwdata = NULL; AjBool mono; double dtmp = 0.; ajGraphInit("epestfind", argc, argv); ajGraphSetPage(960, 960); seq = ajAcdGetSeq("sequence"); win = ajAcdGetInt("window"); dsppot = ajAcdGetBoolean("potential"); dspwea = ajAcdGetBoolean("poor"); dspinv = ajAcdGetBoolean("invalid"); dspmap = ajAcdGetBoolean("map"); trshld = ajAcdGetFloat("threshold"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); mfptr = ajAcdGetDatafile("mwdata"); sorder = ajAcdGetSelectSingle("order"); graph = ajAcdGetGraphxy("graph"); begin = ajSeqGetBegin(seq); end = ajSeqGetEnd(seq); map = ajStrNew(); str = ajStrNew(); substr = ajStrNew(); reslst = ajListNew(); mono = ajAcdGetBoolean("mono"); mwdata = embPropEmolwtRead(mfptr); ajFileClose(&mfptr); /* Close the amino acid datafile. */ AJCNEW0(aac, EMBIEPSIZE); ajStrAssignSubC(&str, ajSeqGetSeqC(seq), (begin - 1), (end - 1)); ajStrFmtUpper(&str); seqlen = ajStrGetLen(str); itrbeg = ajStrIterNew(str); itrend = ajStrIterNew(str); while(!ajStrIterDone(itrbeg)) { symbol = ajStrIterGetK(itrbeg); if( ajStrIterIsBegin(itrbeg) || symbol == 'R' || symbol == 'H' || symbol == 'K' ) { cnt = 0; ajStrIterPosCopy(itrbeg, itrend); ajStrIterNext(itrend); while(!ajStrIterDone(itrend)) { symbol = ajStrIterGetK(itrend); if( symbol == 'R' || symbol == 'H' || symbol == 'K' || ajStrIterIsEnd(itrend) ) { /* ** PEST sequences smaller than the window size are ** rejected */ if(cnt < win) break; posbeg = (ajint) ajStrIterPos(itrbeg); posend = (ajint) ajStrIterPos(itrend); if(ajStrIterIsBegin(itrbeg)) #ifndef PESTFIND_NTERM /* exclude the N-terminal amino acid */ ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, str, (posbeg + 1), (posend - 1)); #else /* include the N-terminal amino acid */ ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, str, (posbeg + 0), (posend - 1)); #endif else if(ajStrIterIsEnd(itrend)) /* always include the C-terminal amino acid */ ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, str, (posbeg + 1), (posend - 0)); else /* always exclude the positively charged flanks */ ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, str, (posbeg + 1), (posend - 1)); sublen = ajStrGetLen(substr); embIepCompS(substr, 1, 0, 0, aac); /* Valid PEST motifs must contain D or E, P and S or T. */ if( (aac[ajBasecodeToInt ('D')] + aac[ajBasecodeToInt ('E')]) == 0 || aac[ajBasecodeToInt ('P')] == 0 || (aac[ajBasecodeToInt ('S')] + aac[ajBasecodeToInt ('T')]) == 0 ) { /* invalid PEST motifs */ if(dspinv) { AJNEW0(pstdat); /* Type is PSTINV (3) for invalid PEST motifs */ (pstdat->Type) = PSTINV; (pstdat->Begin) = posbeg; (pstdat->End) = posend; (pstdat->Length) = sublen; ajListPushAppend(reslst, (PestfindPData) pstdat); } break; } momass = embPropCalcMolwtMod(ajStrGetPtr(substr), 0, (sublen - 1), mwdata, mono, 0, 0); pstsum = 0; dtmp = (mono) ? mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('D')]->mono : mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('D')]->average; pstsum += dtmp * aac[ajBasecodeToInt('D')]; dtmp = (mono) ? mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('E')]->mono : mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('E')]->average; pstsum += dtmp * aac[ajBasecodeToInt('E')]; dtmp = (mono) ? mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('P')]->mono : mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('P')]->average; pstsum += dtmp * aac[ajBasecodeToInt('P')]; dtmp = (mono) ? mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('S')]->mono : mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('S')]->average; pstsum += dtmp * aac[ajBasecodeToInt('S')]; dtmp = (mono) ? mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('T')]->mono : mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('T')]->average; pstsum += dtmp * aac[ajBasecodeToInt('T')]; dtmp = (mono) ? mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('E')]->mono : mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('E')]->average; pstsum -= dtmp; dtmp = (mono) ? mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('P')]->mono : mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('P')]->average; pstsum -= dtmp; dtmp = (mono) ? mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('T')]->mono : mwdata[ajBasecodeToInt('T')]->average; pstsum -= dtmp; pstpct = pstsum / momass * 100; hydind = 0; for(i = 0; i < 26; i++) { dtmp = (mono) ? mwdata[i]->mono : mwdata[i]->average; hydind += dtmp * (double) aac[i] * (double) ltkdhi[i] / momass; } pscore = 0.55 * pstpct - 0.5 * hydind; /* valid PEST motifs */ if(pscore >= trshld) { /* potential PEST motifs */ if(dsppot) { AJNEW0(pstdat); /* Type is PSTPOT (1) for potential PEST motifs */ (pstdat->Type) = PSTPOT; (pstdat->Begin) = posbeg; (pstdat->End) = posend; (pstdat->Length) = sublen; (pstdat->Pscore) = pscore; (pstdat->Hydind) = hydind; (pstdat->Pstpct) = pstpct; ajListPushAppend(reslst, (PestfindPData) pstdat); } break; } else { /* poor PEST motifs */ if(dspwea) { AJNEW0(pstdat); /* Type is PSTWEA (2) for poor PEST motifs */ (pstdat->Type) = PSTWEA; (pstdat->Begin) = posbeg; (pstdat->End) = posend; (pstdat->Length) = sublen; (pstdat->Pscore) = pscore; (pstdat->Hydind) = hydind; (pstdat->Pstpct) = pstpct; ajListPushAppend(reslst, (PestfindPData) pstdat); } break; } } else { ajStrIterNext(itrend); cnt++; } } ajStrIterNext(itrbeg); } else ajStrIterNext(itrbeg); } /* Sort list according to qualifier "order". */ if(ajStrMatchC(sorder, "length")) ajListSort(reslst, pestfind_compare_length); if(ajStrMatchC(sorder, "position")) ajListSort(reslst, pestfind_compare_position); if(ajStrMatchC(sorder, "score")) ajListSort(reslst, pestfind_compare_score); /* Formatted list of results. */ ajFmtPrintF(outf, "PEST-find: Finds PEST motifs as potential " "proteolytic cleavage sites.\n\n"); if(ajListGetLength(reslst) == 0) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " No PEST motif was identified in %s from " "%d to %d.\n\n", ajSeqGetNameC(seq), begin, end); if(ajListGetLength(reslst) == 1) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " 1 PEST motif was identified in %s from " "%d to %d.\n\n", ajSeqGetNameC(seq), begin, end); if(ajListGetLength(reslst) > 1) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%6d PEST motifs were identified in %s\n", ajListGetLength(reslst), ajSeqGetNameC(seq)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " from positions %d to %d and sorted by " "%S.\n\n", begin, end, sorder); } itrlst = ajListIterNewread(reslst); while(!ajListIterDone(itrlst)) { pstdat = (PestfindPData) ajListIterGet(itrlst); if((pstdat->Type) == PSTPOT) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Potential "); if((pstdat->Type) == PSTWEA) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Poor "); if((pstdat->Type) == PSTINV) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Invalid "); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "PEST motif with %d amino acids between " "position %d and %d.\n", (pstdat->Length), ((pstdat->Begin) + begin), ((pstdat->End) + begin)); ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, str, (pstdat->Begin), (pstdat->End)); i = 1; /* line counter */ while((i * 60) <= (pstdat->Length)) { /* 12 characters per line inserted */ ajStrInsertC(&substr, (i*60+(i-1)*12), " ...\n ... "); i++; } ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%6d %S %d\n", ((pstdat->Begin) + begin), substr, ((pstdat->End) + begin)); if((pstdat->Type) == PSTPOT) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, " DEPST: %.2f %% (w/w)\n", (pstdat->Pstpct)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Hydrophobicity index: %.2f\n", (pstdat->Hydind)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " PEST score: %.2f \n\n", (pstdat->Pscore)); } if((pstdat->Type) == PSTWEA) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " PEST score: %.2f \n\n", (pstdat->Pscore)); if((pstdat->Type) == PSTINV) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } ajListIterDel(&itrlst); /* Display map. */ if(dspmap) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n "); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "---------+---------+"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "---------+---------+"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "---------+---------+"); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n\n"); ajListSort(reslst, pestfind_compare_position); itrlst = ajListIterNewread(reslst); i = 0; while(i <= seqlen) { while(!ajListIterDone(itrlst)) { pstdat = (PestfindPData) ajListIterGet(itrlst); while(i <= (pstdat->Begin)) { ajStrAppendK(&map, ' '); i++; } while(i <= ((pstdat->End) - 1)) { if((pstdat->Type) == PSTPOT) ajStrAppendK(&map, '+'); if((pstdat->Type) == PSTWEA) ajStrAppendK(&map, 'O'); if((pstdat->Type) == PSTINV) ajStrAppendK(&map, '-'); i++; } } ajStrAppendK(&map, ' '); i++; } /* print sequence and map lines */ i = 1; /* line counter */ while((i * 60) <= seqlen) { ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, str, ((i - 1) * 60), (i * 60 - 1)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%6d %S %d\n", ((i - 1) * 60 + begin), substr, (i * 60 - 1 + begin)); ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, map, ((i - 1) * 60), (i * 60 - 1)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %S\n\n", substr); i++; } if(((i - 1) * 60) < seqlen) { ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, str, ((i - 1) * 60), (seqlen - 1)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "%6d %S %d\n", ((i - 1) * 60 + begin), substr, (seqlen - 1 + begin)); ajStrAssignSubS(&substr, map, ((i - 1) * 60), (seqlen - 1)); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " %S\n\n", substr); } /* print legend */ if(dsppot || dspwea || dspinv) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " Symbols PEST motifs\n"); if(dsppot) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " +++++++ potential\n"); if(dspwea) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " OOOOOOO poor \n"); if(dspinv) ajFmtPrintF(outf, " ------- invalid \n"); if(dsppot || dspwea || dspinv) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "\n"); } ajFileClose(&outf); /* Close the output file. */ ajListIterDel(&itrlst); /* Display graphics. */ plot = ajGraphPlpDataNew(); ajGraphxySetOverLap(graph, ajFalse); ajGraphPlpDataSetTypeC(plot, "2D Plot"); ajGraphPlpDataSetTitleC(plot, "PEST-find"); ajFmtPrintS(&map, "Sequence %s from %d to %d", ajSeqGetNameC(seq), begin, end); ajGraphPlpDataSetXTitle(plot, map); ajGraphPlpDataSetYTitleC(plot, "PEST score"); ajGraphPlpDataSetMaxMin(plot, (float) 1, (float) seqlen, ymin, ymax); ajGraphPlpDataSetMaxima(plot, (float) 1, (float) seqlen, ymin, ymax); /* threshold line */ ajGraphPlpDataAddLine(plot, (float) 0, (float) trshld, (float) seqlen, (float) trshld, AQUAMARINE); ajFmtPrintS(&map, "threshold %+.2f", trshld); ajGraphPlpDataAddText(plot, (float) 0 + 2, (float) trshld + 2, AQUAMARINE, ajStrGetPtr(map)); ajListSort(reslst, pestfind_compare_position); itrlst = ajListIterNewread(reslst); while(!ajListIterDone(itrlst)) { pstdat = (PestfindPData) ajListIterGet(itrlst); if((pstdat->Type) == PSTPOT) { ajGraphPlpDataAddLine(plot, (float) (pstdat->Begin), (float) (pstdat->Pscore), (float) (pstdat->End), (float) (pstdat->Pscore), GREEN); ajFmtPrintS(&map, "%+.2f", (pstdat->Pscore)); ajGraphPlpDataAddText(plot, (float) (pstdat->Begin) + 2, (float) (pstdat->Pscore) + 2, GREEN, ajStrGetPtr(map)); } if((pstdat->Type) == PSTWEA) { ajGraphPlpDataAddLine(plot, (float) (pstdat->Begin), (float) (pstdat->Pscore), (float) (pstdat->End), (float) (pstdat->Pscore), RED); ajFmtPrintS(&map, "%+.2f", (pstdat->Pscore)); ajGraphPlpDataAddText(plot, (float) (pstdat->Begin) + 2, (float) (pstdat->Pscore) + 2, RED, ajStrGetPtr(map)); } if((pstdat->Type) == PSTINV) { ajGraphPlpDataAddLine(plot, (float) (pstdat->Begin), (float) (pstdat->Pscore), (float) (pstdat->End), (float) (pstdat->Pscore), BROWN); ajGraphPlpDataAddText(plot, (float) (pstdat->Begin) + 2, (float) (pstdat->Pscore) + 2, BROWN, "inv."); } } ajListIterDel(&itrlst); ajGraphDataAdd(graph, plot); ajGraphSetCharScale(0.50); ajGraphSetTitleC(graph, "PEST-find"); ajGraphxyDisplay(graph, AJTRUE); ajGraphCloseWin(); ajGraphxyDel(&graph); /* clean-up and destruction */ itrlst = ajListIterNewread(reslst); while(!ajListIterDone(itrlst)) { pstdat = (PestfindPData) ajListIterGet(itrlst); AJFREE(pstdat); } AJFREE(aac); embPropMolwtDel(&mwdata); /* Delete the list of PEST data and all objects within. */ ajListFree(&reslst); ajStrDel(&map); /* Delete the map string. */ ajStrDel(&str); /* Delete the sequence string. */ ajStrDel(&substr); /* Delete the sequence sub-string. */ ajStrDel(&sorder); /* Delete the sort order string. */ ajListIterDel(&itrlst); /* Delete the result list iterator. */ ajStrIterDel(&itrbeg); /* Delete the iterator of the outer loop. */ ajStrIterDel(&itrend); /* Delete the iterator of the inner loop. */ ajSeqDel(&seq); ajFileClose(&mfptr); ajFileClose(&outf); embExit(); return 0; } /* undefine macros to avoid clashes with Ajax library functions */ #undef ajStrIterIsBegin #undef ajStrIterIsEnd #undef ajStrIterPos #undef ajStrAssSubItrBeg #undef ajStrAssSubItrEnd #undef PSTPOT #undef PSTWEA #undef PSTINV /* ** usage: ** pestfind [-window=10] [-order="length"|"position"|"score"] ** [-outfile=sequence.pestfind] [-aadata=Eamino.dat] [-threshold=5.0] ** [-[no]potential] [-[no]poor] [-[no]invalid] [-[no]map] sequence */ /* ** Original BASIC code by Scott W. Rogers and Martin Rechsteiner (C 1986) ** as included in David Mathog's ANSI-C source code. ** ftp://saf.bio.caltech.edu/pub/software/molbio/pestfind.zip 1 REM PESTFIND 100 ON ERROR GOTO 485 105 CLS:WIDTH 40:KEY OFF:GOTO 330 110 CNT=0:HLD=1 115 FOR Q = HLD TO X 120 IF Q=1 THEN 130 ELSE 125 125 IF A$(Q)="R" OR A$(Q)="K" OR A$(Q)="H" THEN 130 ELSE 320 130 CNT=0: HND=Q :HLD=Q 135 FOR B = 1 TO 23 : R(B) = 0 :NEXT 140 TFD(21) = 0 145 FOR I = (Q+1) TO X 150 IF A$(I)="H" OR A$(I)="K" OR A$(I)="R" THEN 165 ELSE 155 155 CNT = CNT + 1 160 NEXT I 165 IF CNT < WS THEN 170 ELSE 175 170 HLD = I : GOTO 320 175 FOR K = HLD+1 TO I-1 180 FOR N = 1 TO 20 185 IF L$(N) = A$(K) THEN 195 ELSE 190 190 NEXT N 195 R(N)=R(N)+T(N) 200 NEXT K 205 IF R(15) = 0 OR R(4)+R(7) = 0 OR R(16)+R(17) = 0 THEN 210 ELSE 235 210 IF R$ = "N" THEN 230 ELSE 215 215 LPRINT "INVALID PEST SEQUENCE: ";N$;" ";Q;"-";I;" (WS=";WS;")" 220 FOR B=HND TO I: LPRINT A$(B);:NEXT 225 LPRINT:LPRINT "--------------------------------------------------": LPRINT 230 HLD = I : GOTO 320 235 FOR J = 1 TO 20 : R(21)=R(21)+R(J):NEXT 240 R(22)=(((R(7)+R(15)+R(16)+R(17))-(T(7)+T(15)+T(17)))/R(21))*100 245 R(23)=(((R(4)+R(7)+R(15)+R(16)+R(17))-(T(7)+T(15)+T(17)))/R(21))*100 250 FOR J = 1 TO 20 :TFD(21) = TFD(21)+(TFD(J)*(R(J)/R(21))):NEXT 255 DSC2 = -1*((-.55*R(23))+(.5*TFD(21))) 260 IF DSC2 >0 THEN 265 ELSE 300 265 LPRINT "POTENTIAL PEST SEQUENCE: ";N$;" ";Q;"-";I;" (WS=";WS;")" 270 FOR B= HND TO I: LPRINT A$(B);" ";:NEXT B 275 LPRINT:LPRINT:LPRINT "THE MOLE FRACTION OF PEDST IS: ";R(23) 280 LPRINT "THE HYDROPHOBICITY INDEX IS ";TFD(21) 285 LPRINT:LPRINT "THE PEST-FIND SCORE IS ";: LPRINT CHR$(14) DSC2 290 LPRINT:LPRINT CHR$(14) "POSSIBLE PEST SEQUENCE":LPRINT "-------------------------------------------------":LPRINT 295 GOTO 315 300 LPRINT "POOR PEST SEQUENCE: ";N$;" ";Q;"-";I;" (WS=";WS;")" 305 FOR B= HND TO I: LPRINT A$(B);" ";:NEXT B 310 LPRINT:LPRINT "THE PEST-FIND SCORE IS ";: LPRINT CHR$(14) DSC2 :LPRINT "-------------------------------------------------" 315 HLD = HLD + I 320 NEXT Q 325 CLS:LPRINT:LPRINT "END PEST SEARCH OF ";N$:LPRINT:LPRINT:LPRINT: IF D$ = "P" GOTO 435 ELSE RUN 330 DIM R(24): DIM T(22):DIM TFD(23):DIM L$(23): DIM A$(1500) 335 FOR I = 1 TO 20 : READ L$(I):NEXT I 340 FOR I = 1 TO 20 : READ T(I):NEXT I 345 FOR I = 1 TO 20 : READ TFD(I):NEXT 350 PRINT "************** PEST FIND ***************":PRINT:PRINT 355 INPUT "ENTER PROTEIN NAME: ",N$ 360 CLS:LOCATE 10,5:INPUT "PRINT INVALID PEST SEQUENCES";R$ 365 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:INPUT "WHAT IS THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF AAs BETWEEN POSITIVE FLANKS";WS 370 PRINT:PRINT:INPUT "ENTRY FROM SCREEN(S) OR FROM PROGRAM(P)";D$ 375 IF D$="S" THEN 380 ELSE 435 380 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"ENTER ONE LETTER AMINO ACID CODE FOR SEQUENCE (* TO END)":PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 385 FOR X = 1 TO 1500 390 PRINT"AMINO ACID ";X;" : ";:INPUT A$(X) 395 IF A$(X)="*" THEN GOTO 405 ELSE 400 400 NEXT 405 LPRINT CHR$(14) "PEST SEARCH: ",N$ 410 LPRINT "--------------------------------------------------" 415 LET X = X-1:GOTO 110 420 DATA A,R,N,D,C,Q,E,G,H,I,L,K,M,F,P,S,T,W,Y,V 425 DATA 71,156,114,115,103,128,129,57,137,113,113,128,131,147,97,87,101,186,163,99 430 DATA 63,0,10,10,70,10,10,41,13,90,82,6,64,72,29,36,38,36,32,87 435 READ N$ 440 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"READING ",N$ 445 FOR B=1 TO 1500 450 READ A$(B) 455 IF A$(B)= "*" THEN GOTO 465 ELSE 460 460 NEXT B 465 X = B-1 470 LPRINT CHR$(14) "PEST SEARCH: ",N$ 475 LPRINT "--------------------------------------------------" 480 GOTO 110 485 IF ERR=4 THEN RUN */