/* @source edialign application ** ** Local multiple alignment ** ** @author Burkhard Morgenstern and Said Abdeddaim ** @modified Alan Bleasby (ajb@ebi.ac.uk) EMBOSS port based on ACD ** from Guy Bottu ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #include #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define TAILLE_MAX_LIGNE_FICHIER 10000 #define PAPER_WIDTH 80 #define MLINE 1000 #define MAX_REGEX 1000 #define NAME_LEN 1000 #define SEQ_NAME_LEN 12 #define MAX_SEQNUM 10000 #define MAX_ITNUM 3 #define MAX_INPUT_LINE 10000 #define MIN_MOT_WGT 0.1 #define MAX_CSC 10 /* Default parameters */ #define BETA 0 #define WEB 0 #define OVERLAP_THRESHOLD 35 #define MIN_DIA 1 #define MAX_DIA 40 #define MATNAME "BLOSUM" #define WEAK_WGT_TYPE_THR 0.5 #define STRONG_WGT_TYPE_THR 0.75 #define INT16 short int #ifdef __alpha #define INT32 int #else #define INT32 long int #endif #define REAL32 float #define REAL64 double /* #ifndef MAC #define Malloc malloc #define Calloc calloc #define Realloc realloc #define Free free #endif */ #define STATUS 0x10000002 /* Globals */ FILE *fp_dia, *fp_dpa, *fp_frg , *fp_mot ; struct multi_frag *anchor_frg ; ajint col_score = 0; ajint char_num[ MAX_REGEX ] ; char *mot_char[ MAX_REGEX ] ; ajint regex_len , mot_len = 0 ; clock_t beg_pa , end_pa , beg_ali , end_ali , beg_ts , end_ts ; float time_diff_pa , time_diff_ali , perc_pa_time , time_diff_srt ; float total_pa_time = 0 ; float mot_factor , mot_offset_factor , max_mot_offset ; ajint wgt_type_plot = 0 , motifs = 0 ; ajint bubblesort = 0 , cd_gobics = 0 ; ajint nas = 0 , ref_seq = 0; ajuint i_max ; ajint speed_optimized = 0 ; ajint online = 0 ; ajint time_stamps = 0 ; ajint break1 = 0 ; ajint break2 = 0 ; ajint wgt_print = 0 ; ajint wgt_print_x = 0 ; short max_itnum = MAX_ITNUM ; ajint quali_num = 1 ; ajint wgt_plot = 0 ; ajint self_comparison = 0; short exclude_frg = 0; ajint ***gl_exclude_list ; ajint max_sim_score = -2000 ; ajint sf_mat = 0 ; char nuc1, nuc2, nuc3 ; short crick_strand = 0; ajint gl_frg_count = 0; ajint dna_speed = 0; char pst_name[NAME_LEN]; ajint cont_it = 1 , wgt_type = 0 ; ajint mask = 0, strict = 0 , textual_alignment = 1; char prn[ NAME_LEN ] ; ajint redundant, print_max_nd = 1; ajint lmax = MAX_DIA; char **arguments; ajint pr_av_nd = 0, pr_av_max_nd ; char input_line[ NAME_LEN ]; char input_parameters[ NAME_LEN ]; ajint print_status = 0 ; char clust_sim[NAME_LEN] ; float tot_weight = 0, av_len; ajint anchors = 0; ajint pa_only = 0; ajint dia_num = 0; ajint max_dia_num = 0; float av_dia_num = 0; float av_max_dia_num = 0; ajint afc_file = 0; ajint afc_filex = 0; ajint dia_pa_file = 0; ajint frag_file = 0; ajuint argnum; ajint standard_out = 0; ajint plot_num = 4 ; ajint default_name = 1; ajint fasta_file = 0; ajint cw_file = 0; ajint msf_file = 0; char *upg_str; ajint dcount = 0; ajint **shift; ajint thr_sim_score = 4 ; char **seq = NULL; /*char *seq[MAX_SEQNUM];*/ /* sequences */ char *newseq[MAX_SEQNUM]; /* sequences */ ajint sim_score[21][21]; /* similarity matrix */ float av_sim_score_pep ; float av_sim_score_nuc ; float **glob_sim; /* overall similarity between any two sequences */ float **wgt_prot ; /* `weight' of diagonals */ float **wgt_dna ; /* `weight' of diagonals */ float **wgt_trans ; /* `weight' of diagonals */ float **min_weight; /* `weight' of diagonals */ ajint min_dia = MIN_DIA ; /* minimum length of diagonals */ ajint max_dia = MAX_DIA ; /* maximum length of diagonals */ ajint iter_cond_prob = 0; ajint *seqlen; /* lengths of sequences */ char **full_name = NULL; /*char *full_name[MAX_SEQNUM] ;*/ float **pair_score; short **cont_it_p; float score; ajint maxlen; /* maximum length of sequences */ ajuint seqnum; /* number of sequences */ ajint *num_dia_bf; /* num_dia_bf[ istep ] = number of diagonals from all pairwise alignments BEFORE FILTER PROCEDURE in iteration step `istep' */ ajint *num_dia_af; /* num_dia_af[istep] = number of diagonals from all pairwise alignments AFTER FILTER PROCEDURE in iteration step `it' */ ajint num_dia_anc; /* number of diagonals definde by anchored regions */ ajint num_all_it_dia = 0; /* total number of diagonals in multiple alignment in all iteration steps */ float weight_sum_bf; /* sum of weights of diagonals in multiple alignment before filter procedure */ float weight_sum_af; /* sum of weights of diagonals in multiple alignment after fliter procedure*/ float threshold = 0.0 ; /* threshold T */ ajuint num_dia_p; /* number of diagonals in pairwise alignment */ ajint long_output = 0; /* if long_output = 1, a log-file is produced. */ ajint frg_mult_file = 0 ; ajint frg_mult_file_v = 0 ; ajint overlap_weights = 1 ; ajint ow_force = 0 ; ajint anc_num = 0; /* number of anchored regions (specified in file *.anc) */ ajint par_count; /* number of parameters */ float pairalignsum; /* sum of weights in pairwise alignment */ ajint pairalignlen; /* sum of aligned residues in pairwise alignment */ char amino_acid[22]; ajint istep; struct multi_frag /* pointer to first diagonal in multiple alignment */ *this_it_dia; /* in current iteration step */ struct multi_frag /* pointer to first diagonal in multiple alignment */ *all_it_dia; /* in all iteration step */ struct multi_frag *end_dia; /* pointer to last diagonal in multiple alignment */ char par_dir[NAME_LEN]; char **seq_name = NULL; /*char *seq_name[MAX_SEQNUM];*/ char mat_name[NAME_LEN]; /* name of file containing similarity matrix */ char mat_name_p[NAME_LEN]; char anc_name[NAME_LEN]; /* anchored regions */ char seq_file[NAME_LEN]; char input_name[NAME_LEN]; char tmp_str[NAME_LEN]; char output_name[NAME_LEN]; char printname[NAME_LEN]; char gl_mot_regex[MAX_REGEX] ; char *par_file; short **mot_pos ; /* positions of pre-defined motifs */ ajint **amino; /* amino acid residues in protein sequences or translated DNA sequences, respective */ ajint **amino_c; /* amino acid residues on crick strand */ ajint ***open_pos; /* open_pos[i][j][p] = 1, if the p-th residue of sequence i is not yet directly (by one diagonal) aligned with any residue of sequence j and open_pos[i][j][r] = 0 otherwise. So, at the beginning of the first iteration step, all values are 1. In the subsequent iteration steps, only those parts of the sequence are considered, that are not yet aligned. */ struct multi_frag *pair_dia; /* diagonals in pairwise alignemnt */ double **tp400_prot ; /* propability distribution for sums of similarity socores in diagonals occurring in comparison matrix (by random experiments and approximation */ double **tp400_dna ; /* propability distribution for sums of similarity socores in diagonals occurring in comparison matrix (by random experiments and approximation */ double **tp400_trans ; /* propability distribution for sums of similarity socores in diagonals occurring in comparison matrix (by random experiments and approximation */ char dia_pa_name[NAME_LEN]; char frag_file_name[NAME_LEN]; char mot_file_name[NAME_LEN]; ajint lgs_option = 0; float sf_mat_thr = 0; /* @datastatic edialignPositionSet ******************************************** ** ** Dialign positionset structure ** ** @attr pos [ajint*] Positions array ** @attr nbr [ajint] Size of position array ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { ajint *pos; ajint nbr; char Padding[4]; } edialignPositionSet; /* @datastatic edialignSequence *********************************************** ** ** Dialign sequence structure ** ** @attr longueur [ajint] Length ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr aligSetNbr [ajint*] Numbers of sets ** @attr predAligSetPos [ajint*] Predicted alignment set positions ** @attr succAligSetPos [ajint*] Successful alignment set positions ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { ajint longueur; char Padding[4]; ajint *aligSetNbr; ajint *predAligSetPos; ajint *succAligSetPos; } edialignSequence; /* @datastatic edialignCLOSURE ************************************************ ** ** Dialign closure structure ** ** @attr seq [edialignSequence*] Sequences ** @attr seqNbr [ajint] Numbers of sequences ** @attr maxLong [ajint] Maximum long ** @attr aligSet [edialignPositionSet*] Alignment sets ** @attr nbrAligSets [ajint] Number of alignment sets ** @attr oldNbrAligSets [ajint] Old number of alignment sets ** @attr predFrontier [ajint**] Predicted boundaries ** @attr succFrontier [ajint**] Successful boundaries ** @attr topolog [ajint*] Topologies ** @attr gauche1 [ajint*] Left end in 1 ** @attr gauche2 [ajint*] Left end in 2 ** @attr droite1 [ajint*] Right end in 1 ** @attr droite2 [ajint*] Right end in 2 ** @attr pos_ [ajint**] Positions ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { edialignSequence *seq; ajint seqNbr; ajint maxLong; edialignPositionSet *aligSet; ajint nbrAligSets; ajint oldNbrAligSets; ajint **predFrontier; ajint **succFrontier; ajint *topolog; ajint *gauche1; ajint *gauche2; ajint *droite1; ajint *droite2; ajint **pos_; } edialignCLOSURE; /* fragments in function `pairalign' b1, b2: begin of the diagonal ext: length of the diagonal weight: weight of the diagonal prec: preceding diagonal in dot matrix last: last diagonal ending in the same column sum: sum of weights accumulated cs: crick strand trans: translation */ struct pair_frag { ajint b1; ajint b2; ajint ext; float weight; struct pair_frag *prec; struct pair_frag *last; float sum; short trans; short cs; }; /* fragments outside function `pairalign' b[0], b[1]: begin of the diagonal s[0], s[1]: sequences, to which diagonal belongs ext: length of the diagonal weight: individual weight of the diagonal ow: overlap weight of the diagonal sel: 1, if accepted in filter proces, 0 else trans: translation cs: crick strand Padding: padding to alignment boundary it: iteration step *next: next diagonal */ struct multi_frag { ajint b[2]; ajint s[2]; ajint ext; ajint it; float weight; float ow; short sel; short trans; short cs; short Padding; struct multi_frag *next; struct multi_frag *pred; }; struct leaf { ajint s1; ajint s2; ajint clade; }; struct seq_pair { ajint s1; ajint s2; float weight; }; struct subtree { ajint member_num; ajint valid; ajint *member; char *name; float depth; char Padding[4]; }; char DEBUG=0; edialignCLOSURE *gabiosclos; /* closure data structure for GABIOS-LIB */ static void **edialign_callouer_mat(size_t t_elt, size_t nb_lig, size_t nb_col); static void *edialign_allouer(size_t taille); static void *edialign_reallouer(void *pointeur, size_t taille); static void edialign_liberer(void *pointeur); static void edialign_liberer_mat(void **pointeur, size_t nb_lig); static void edialign_realloc_closure(edialignCLOSURE *clos); static void **edialign_recallouer_mat(void **pointeur, size_t t_elt, size_t anc_nb_lig, size_t nb_lig, size_t nb_col); static void edialign_erreur(const char *message); static ajint edialign_word_count(char *str); static void edialign_rel_wgt_calc(ajint l1, ajint l2, float **rel_wgt); static void edialign_wgt_prnt_prot(void); static ajint edialign_mini2(ajint a, ajint b); static ajuint edialign_minu2(ajint a, ajint b); static ajint edialign_mini3(ajint a, ajint b, ajint c); static float edialign_mot_dist_factor(ajint offset , float parameter); static float edialign_maxf2(float a, float b); static void edialign_wgt_prnt(void); static void edialign_regex_parse(char *mot_regex); static void edialign_seq_parse(char *mot_regex_unused); static void edialign_seq_shift(void); static void edialign_matrix_read(FILE *fp_mat); static void edialign_mem_alloc(void); static ajint edialign_multi_anc_read(char *file_name); static void edialign_exclude_frg_read( char *file_name , int ***exclude_list); static void edialign_tp400_read(ajint w_type, double **pr_ptr); static edialignCLOSURE *edialign_newAligGraphClosure(ajint nbreseq, ajint *longseq, ajint nbreancr, ajint **ancrages); static ajint edialign_translate(char c1, char c2 ,char c3, ajint seqno, ajint pos); static char edialign_invert(char c1); static void edialign_ow_bubble_sort( int number , struct multi_frag *dp ); static void edialign_frag_sort(ajint number , struct multi_frag *dp , ajint olw ); static void edialign_filter(ajint *number, struct multi_frag *diagonal); static void edialign_para_print( char *s_f, FILE *fpi ); static float edialign_frag_chain(ajint n1, ajint n2, FILE *fp1, FILE *fp_m, ajuint *number); static void edialign_ow_add( struct multi_frag *sm1 , struct multi_frag *sm2 ); static void edialign_print_log(struct multi_frag *d,FILE *fp_l,FILE *fp_fs); static void edialign_print_fragments(struct multi_frag *d , FILE *fp_ff2 ); static void edialign_throw_out( float *weight_sum ); static void edialign_sel_test(void); static void edialign_av_tree_print(void); static void edialign_subst_mat( char *file_name, int fragno , struct multi_frag *frg ); static void edialign_ali_arrange(ajint ifragno , struct multi_frag *d, FILE *fp, AjPSeqout seqout, FILE *fp3 , FILE *fp4 , FILE *fp_col_score,AjBool isprot); static void edialign_bubble_sort(ajint number, struct multi_frag *dp); #if 0 static void regex_format_complain(void); #endif /* @prog edialign ************************************************************* ** ** Local multiple alignment ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { ajuint k; ajint dia_counter; ajint tmpi1; ajint tmpi2 ; struct multi_frag *current_dia; struct multi_frag *diagonal1; struct multi_frag *diagonal2; /* pointers to diagonals in multiple alignment */ char str[NAME_LEN], dist_name[NAME_LEN]; char par_str[NAME_LEN]; char *char_ptr; char prn2[NAME_LEN]; char logname[NAME_LEN]; char fsm_name[NAME_LEN]; char dia_name[NAME_LEN]; char csc_name[NAME_LEN]; char itname[NAME_LEN], itname2[NAME_LEN], itname3[NAME_LEN]; char itname4[NAME_LEN]; char dialign_dir[NAME_LEN]; ajuint i; ajuint j; ajuint n; ajint len; ajuint hv; ajint ii; FILE *fp_ali = NULL; /* FILE *fp2 = NULL;*/ FILE *fp3 = NULL; FILE *fp4 = NULL; FILE *fp_log = NULL; FILE *fp_fsm = NULL; FILE *fp_st; FILE *fp_csc = NULL; FILE *fp_matrix = NULL; /* file containing similarity matrix */ AjPFile matfp = NULL; AjPSeqset seqset = NULL; const AjPSeq pseq; const AjPStr sname = NULL; AjPStr nucmode; AjBool revcomp; AjPStr overlapw; AjPStr linkage; AjPFile outfile = NULL; AjBool isprot; ajuint s_len; char s_str[SEQ_NAME_LEN+3]; AjPSeqout seqout = NULL; AjPStr tnstr = NULL; embInit("edialign", argc, argv); tnstr = ajStrNew(); seqset = ajAcdGetSeqset("sequences"); nucmode = ajAcdGetListSingle("nucmode"); revcomp = ajAcdGetBoolean("revcomp"); overlapw = ajAcdGetSelectSingle("overlapw"); linkage = ajAcdGetListSingle("linkage"); lmax = ajAcdGetInt("maxfragl"); dna_speed = !!ajAcdGetBoolean("fragmat"); thr_sim_score = ajAcdGetInt("fragsim"); iter_cond_prob = !!ajAcdGetBoolean("itscore"); threshold = ajAcdGetFloat("threshold"); mask = !!ajAcdGetBoolean("mask"); plot_num = ajAcdGetInt("starnum"); quali_num = !ajAcdGetBoolean("dostars"); outfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); seqout = ajAcdGetSeqoutall("outseq"); ajSeqsetFmtUpper(seqset); n = ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset); AJCNEW0(seq,n); AJCNEW0(seq_name,n); AJCNEW0(full_name,n); AJCNEW0(seqlen,n+1); isprot = ajFalse; for(i=0;i \n\n", argv[0] ); printf(" contains input sequences in FASTA format.\n"); printf(" Per default, sequences are assumed to be protein " "sequences.\n" ) ; printf(" For DNA alignment, please use one of these options: \n\n"); printf(" -n DNA sequences; similarity calculated at the " "nucleotide level \n\n"); printf(" -nt DNA sequences; similarity calculated at the " "peptide level\n"); printf(" (by translation using the genetic code) \n\n"); printf(" -lgs long genomic sequences: Both nucleotide and " "peptide\n"); printf(" similarities calculated \n\n"); printf(" Many more options are available, please consult the \n"); printf(" DIALIGN USER_GUIDE that should come with the DIALIGN " "package.\n"); printf(" For more information on DIALIGN, please visit the " "DIALIGN\n"); printf(" home page at BiBiServ (Bielefeld Bioinformatic " "Server): \n\n") ; printf(" http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/" "dialign/ \n\n"); embExitBad() ; } */ arguments = ( char ** ) calloc( argnum , sizeof ( char * ) ); for( i = 0 ; i < argnum ; i++ ) { arguments[i] = ( char *) calloc( NAME_LEN , sizeof (char) ); strcpy( arguments[i] , argv[i] ); } sname = ajSeqsetGetFilename(seqset); strcpy( input_name , ajStrGetPtr(sname)); threshold = 0.0 ; /* edialign_para_read( argnum , arguments ); */ if( ( textual_alignment == 0 ) && ( col_score == 1 ) ) { printf("\n\n Option -csc makes sense only if \"textual alignment\""); printf(" is produced. \n"); printf(" This can be enforced with option -ta \n\n"); printf(" program terminated \n\n\n"); embExitBad() ; } if( cd_gobics ) { strcpy( input_line , "program parameters: " ) ; for( i = 1 ; i < ( argnum -1 ) ; i++ ) { strcat( input_line , argv[i] ); strcat( input_line , " " ); } } else { strcpy( input_line , "program call: " ) ; for( i = 0 ; i < argnum ; i++ ) { strcat( input_line , argv[i] ); strcat( input_line , " " ); } } if ( wgt_type > 0 ) strict = 1 ; strcpy( seq_file , input_name ); if( ( ! strcmp( input_name + strlen( input_name ) - 4 , ".seq" ) ) || ( ! strcmp( input_name + strlen( input_name ) - 3 , ".fa" ) ) || ( ! strcmp( input_name + strlen( input_name ) - 6 , ".fasta" ) ) ) if( ( char_ptr = strrchr(input_name,'.') ) != NULL) *char_ptr = '\0'; strcpy( anc_name , input_name ); strcat( anc_name , ".anc" ); /* seqnum = edialign_seq_read( seq_file , seq , seq_name , full_name ) ; */ if ( motifs ) edialign_regex_parse( gl_mot_regex ) ; if( ( seqnum == 2 ) && ( iter_cond_prob == 0 ) ) max_itnum = 1 ; if( ( ow_force == 0 ) && ( seqnum > OVERLAP_THRESHOLD ) ) overlap_weights = 0; if( seqnum == 2 ) overlap_weights = 0; if( seqnum < 2 ) { if( cd_gobics ) { printf("\n\n Something is wrong with your sequence file. " "Maybe you entered a\n"); printf(" MS WORD or RFT file or your file contains only " "one single sequence.\n"); printf(" Please note that our server only accepts plain " "text files. \n\n"); printf(" For more information, please consult our online " "manual \n"); printf(" at the CHAOS/DIALIGN home page:\n\n"); printf(" http://dialign.gobics.de/" "chaos-dialign-manual"); } else { ajFatal("This application requires more than one sequence\n"); /* printf("\n\n Your sequence file containes only a single " "sequence.\n"); printf(" Please make sure your input file contains at " "least two sequences.\n\n"); printf(" For more information, please consult the online " "manual \n"); printf(" at the DIALIGN home page: \n\n"); printf(" http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/" "dialign/manual.html "); */ } /* printf("\n \n \n \n \n"); embExitBad(); */ } maxlen = 0; if( (pair_score = (float **) calloc( seqnum , sizeof(float *) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `pair_score' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } for(i=0;i 1 ) { strcpy(str,par_dir); strcat(str,"/"); strcat(str,mat_name); strcpy(mat_name_p,str); if( (fp_matrix = fopen(mat_name_p, "r")) == NULL) { printf("\n\n Cannot find the file %s \n\n", mat_name ); printf(" Make sure the environment variable DIALIGN2_DIR " "points\n"); printf(" to a directory containing the files \n\n"); printf(" BLOSUM \n tp400_dna\n tp400_prot \n " "tp400_trans \n\n" ); printf(" These files should be contained in the DIALIGN " "package \n\n\n" ) ; embExitBad() ; printf("\n \n \n \n ATTENTION ! \n \n"); printf("\n There is no similarity matrix `%s'. \n", mat_name); printf(" in the directory \n \n"); printf(" %s\n \n", par_dir); embExitBad(); } } */ /* ** This section had to be used if the VC++ /MT libs were used instead of ** the /MD ones ajStrAssignS(&tnstr,ajFileGetNameS(matfp)); ajFileClose(&matfp); fp_matrix = fopen(ajStrGetPtr(tnstr),"rb"); */ fp_matrix = ajFileGetFileptr(matfp); if( wgt_type != 1 ) edialign_matrix_read( fp_matrix ); ajFileClose(&matfp); edialign_mem_alloc( ); if( wgt_type != 1 ) if( (amino = (int **) calloc( seqnum , sizeof(int *) ) ) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation"); printf(" for `amino' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if( wgt_type != 1 ) for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) if((amino[i] = (int *) calloc((seqlen[i]+5), sizeof(int))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation"); printf(" for `amino[%d]' ! \n \n", i); embExitBad(); } if( crick_strand ) { if( (amino_c = (int **) calloc( seqnum , sizeof(int *) ) ) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation"); printf(" for `amino_c' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) if( (amino_c[i] = (int *) calloc((seqlen[i]+5 ), sizeof(int) ) ) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation"); printf(" for `amino_c[%d]' ! \n \n", i); embExitBad(); } } /****************************************************** * * * read file, that contains data of anchored regions * * * ******************************************************/ if( anchors ) { edialign_multi_anc_read( input_name ); } if( exclude_frg ) { if((gl_exclude_list = (int ***) calloc(seqnum, sizeof(int **) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for " "'exclude_list' \n \n"); embExitBad(); } for(i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) if( ( gl_exclude_list[ i ] = (int **) calloc( seqnum , sizeof(int *) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for " "'gl_exclude_list' \n \n"); embExitBad(); } for(i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) for(j = 0 ; j < seqnum ; j++ ) if( ( gl_exclude_list[ i ][ j ] = (int *) calloc( seqlen[ i ] + 1 , sizeof(int) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for " "'gl_exclude_list' \n \n"); embExitBad(); } edialign_exclude_frg_read ( input_name , gl_exclude_list ) ; } if( wgt_type == 0 ) edialign_tp400_read( 0 , tp400_prot); if( wgt_type % 2 ) edialign_tp400_read( 1 , tp400_dna ); if( wgt_type > 1 ) edialign_tp400_read( 2 , tp400_trans ); /****************************\ * * * Name of output files * * * \****************************/ if( default_name ) { strcpy( printname , input_name); strcpy( prn , printname); } else { strcpy( printname , output_name ); strcpy( prn , printname); } strcpy(prn2 , prn); if( default_name ) strcat(prn,".ali"); strcat(prn2,".fa"); strcpy(logname,printname); strcat(logname,".log"); strcpy(fsm_name , printname); strcat(fsm_name,".fsm"); if( print_status ) { strcpy( pst_name , printname ); strcat( pst_name,".sta"); } if( afc_file ) { strcpy( dia_name , printname ); strcat( dia_name , ".afc" ); fp_dia = fopen( dia_name , "w" ); fprintf(fp_dia,"\n # %s \n\n seq_len: " , input_line ); for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) fprintf(fp_dia," %d ", seqlen[i] ); fprintf(fp_dia,"\n\n"); } if( col_score ) { strcpy( csc_name , printname ); strcat( csc_name , ".csc" ); fp_csc = fopen( csc_name , "w" ); } if( dia_pa_file ) { strcpy( dia_pa_name , printname ); strcat( dia_pa_name , ".fop" ); fp_dpa = fopen( dia_pa_name , "w" ); fprintf(fp_dpa,"\n # %s \n\n seq_len: " , input_line ); for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) fprintf(fp_dpa," %d ", seqlen[i] ); fprintf(fp_dpa,"\n\n"); fclose( fp_dpa ) ; } if( motifs ) { strcpy( mot_file_name , printname ); strcat( mot_file_name , ".mot" ); fp_mot = fopen( mot_file_name , "w" ); fprintf(fp_mot,"\n # %s \n\n " , input_line ); fprintf(fp_mot," motif: %s \n\n", gl_mot_regex ); fprintf(fp_mot," max offset for motifs = %d \n\n", (int) max_mot_offset ); fprintf(fp_mot," the following fragments contain the motif: \n\n" ); fprintf(fp_mot," seq1 seq2 beg1 beg1 len wgt" ); fprintf(fp_mot," # mot mot_wgt \n\n" ); } if( frag_file ) { strcpy( frag_file_name , printname ); strcat( frag_file_name , ".frg" ); fp_frg = fopen( frag_file_name , "w" ); fprintf(fp_frg,"\n # %s \n\n seq_len: " , input_line ); for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) fprintf(fp_frg," %d ", seqlen[i] ); fprintf(fp_frg,"\n sequences: " ); for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) fprintf(fp_frg," %s ", seq_name[i] ); fprintf(fp_frg ,"\n\n"); } gabiosclos = edialign_newAligGraphClosure(seqnum, seqlen, 0, NULL); if( (open_pos = (int *** ) calloc( seqnum , sizeof(int **))) == NULL) { printf("Problems with memory allocation for open_pos\n"); embExitBad(); } for(i=0;i 1 ) for(hv=0;hvnext = (struct multi_frag *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct multi_frag)); end_dia = current_dia; current_dia = current_dia->next; current_dia->pred = end_dia; } num_dia_bf[ istep ] = num_dia_bf[ istep ] + num_dia_p; for(hv=0; hvnext != NULL ) { dia_counter++; if( print_status ) if( ( dia_counter % 100 ) == 0 ) { fp_st = fopen( pst_name ,"w"); fprintf(fp_st," dsd %s \n", input_line); fprintf(fp_st,"\n\n\n Status of the program " "run:\n"); fprintf(fp_st," ==========================" "\n\n"); if( seqnum > 2 ) { fprintf(fp_st," iteration step %d in ", istep); fprintf(fp_st,"multiple alignment\n" ); } fprintf(fp_st," calculating overlap weight " "for diagonals\n"); fprintf(fp_st," current diagonal = %d\n\n", dia_counter ); fprintf(fp_st," total number of"); fprintf(fp_st," diagonals: %d\n\n\n\n", num_dia_bf[ istep ]); fclose(fp_st); } diagonal2 = diagonal1->next; while(diagonal2->next != NULL) { if( diagonal1->trans == diagonal2->trans ) edialign_ow_add(diagonal1 , diagonal2); diagonal2 = diagonal2->next; } diagonal1 = diagonal1->next; } if(bubblesort) edialign_ow_bubble_sort(num_dia_bf[istep],this_it_dia); else edialign_frag_sort(num_dia_bf[istep],this_it_dia, overlap_weights); } else /* no overlap_weights */ { beg_ts = clock() ; if( bubblesort ) edialign_bubble_sort( num_dia_bf[ istep ] , this_it_dia ); else edialign_frag_sort(num_dia_bf[istep],this_it_dia, overlap_weights); end_ts = clock() ; time_diff_srt = (float) ( end_ts - beg_ts ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ; if( time_stamps ) printf (" time_diff_srt = %f \n", time_diff_srt ); } num_dia_af[ istep ] = num_dia_bf[ istep ]; weight_sum_bf = weight_sum_af; pairalignsum = 0; pairalignlen = 0; edialign_filter( num_dia_af + istep , this_it_dia); num_all_it_dia = num_all_it_dia + num_dia_af[ istep ]; /* if( pa_only == 0 ) { printf("\n\n istep = %d, filter finished - exit \n\n", istep ); embExitBad(); } */ weight_sum_af = 0; edialign_print_log( this_it_dia , fp_log , fp_fsm ); if( frag_file ) edialign_print_fragments( this_it_dia , fp_frg ); edialign_throw_out( &weight_sum_af ); edialign_sel_test( ); threshold = threshold ; if( break2 ) { printf("\n break2\n"); embExitBad() ; } } /* while ( cond_it == 1 ) */ /***************************\ * * * ITERATION END * * * \***************************/ strcpy( dist_name , printname); strcat(dist_name , ".dst"); if ( ref_seq == 0 ) edialign_av_tree_print(); if( standard_out ) fp_ali = stdout; if(sf_mat) { edialign_subst_mat(input_name , num_all_it_dia , all_it_dia); } if( textual_alignment ) edialign_ali_arrange(num_all_it_dia,all_it_dia,fp_ali,seqout,fp3,fp4, fp_csc,isprot); if(long_output) { /* fprintf(fp_log "\n\n thr = %f , lmax = %d , speed = %f */ fprintf(fp_log, "\n\n total sum of weights: %f \n\n\n", tot_weight); fclose(fp_log); } /* if( argnum == 1 ) { printf("\n Program terminated normally\n"); printf(" Results are contained in file `%s' \n \n \n", itname); } */ av_dia_num = 2 * dia_num ; av_dia_num = av_dia_num / ( seqnum * ( seqnum - 1) ) ; av_max_dia_num = 2 * max_dia_num ; av_max_dia_num = av_max_dia_num / ( seqnum * ( seqnum - 1) ) ; tmpi1 = av_dia_num ; tmpi2 = av_max_dia_num ; if(pr_av_nd) printf(" %d ", tmpi1 ); if(pr_av_max_nd) printf(" %d ", tmpi2 ); if(pr_av_nd) fprintf(fp_ali, " %d fragments considered for alignment \n", tmpi1 ); if(pr_av_max_nd) fprintf(fp_ali, " %d fragments simultaneously stored \n\n", tmpi2 ); if( textual_alignment ) { /* fclose(fp_ali); */ ajFileClose(&outfile); } if( time_stamps ) { end_ali = clock() ; time_diff_ali = (float) ( end_ali - beg_ali ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ; perc_pa_time = total_pa_time / time_diff_ali * 100 ; printf (" time_diff_ali = %f \n", time_diff_ali ); printf (" total_pa_time = %f \n", total_pa_time ); printf (" corresponds to %f percent \n\n", perc_pa_time ); } ajStrDel(&tnstr); embExit(); return 0; } /* main */ /* @funcstatic edialign_computeClosure *************************************** ** ** edialign_computeClosure ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Closure ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_computeClosure(edialignCLOSURE *clos) { ajint **Succ; ajint **Pred; ajint *NSucc; ajint *NPred; ajint *npred; ajint nsucc; ajint ni; ajint nj; ajint s; ajint top; ajint bottom; ajint n0; ajint p; ajint n; ajint i; ajint k; ajint pos_n; ajint x; Succ = (ajint **) edialign_callouer_mat(sizeof(ajint), clos->nbrAligSets+2, clos->seqNbr); Pred = (ajint **) edialign_callouer_mat(sizeof(int), clos->nbrAligSets+2, clos->seqNbr); NSucc = (ajint *) edialign_allouer((clos->nbrAligSets+2) * sizeof(ajint)); NPred = (ajint *) edialign_allouer((clos->nbrAligSets+2) * sizeof(ajint)); npred = (ajint *) edialign_allouer((clos->nbrAligSets+2) * sizeof(ajint)); clos->topolog = (ajint *) edialign_allouer(sizeof(int)); /* C A L C U L des Succ[n][x] et NPred[n] */ for(n=1; n <= clos->nbrAligSets; n++) NPred[n] = 0; for(n=1; n <= clos->nbrAligSets; n++) { nsucc = 0; for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) if(clos->aligSet[n].pos[x] > 0) { pos_n = clos->aligSet[n].pos[x]; for(i=pos_n+1; i <= clos->seq[x].longueur && clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[i] == 0; i++) clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos[i] = pos_n; if(i <= clos->seq[x].longueur) { clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos[i] = pos_n; if(clos->aligSet[clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[i]].nbr > 0) { n0 = Succ[n][nsucc] = clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[i]; clos->aligSet[n0].nbr = - clos->aligSet[n0].nbr; nsucc++; } } for(i=pos_n-1; i > 0 && clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[i] == 0; i--) clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos[i] = pos_n; if(i > 0) clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos[i] = pos_n; } for(p=0; p < nsucc; p++) { n0 = Succ[n][p]; Pred[n0][NPred[n0]] = n; NPred[n0]++; clos->aligSet[n0].nbr = - clos->aligSet[n0].nbr; } NSucc[n] = nsucc; } /* C A L C U L de clos->topolog */ clos->topolog = (ajint *) edialign_reallouer(clos->topolog, (clos->nbrAligSets+2) * sizeof(ajint)); bottom = top = 0; for(n=1; n <= clos->nbrAligSets; n++) { npred[n] = NPred[n]; if (npred[n] == 0) { top++; clos->topolog[top] = n; } } while( bottom != top) { bottom++; ni = clos->topolog[bottom]; for(s=0; s < NSucc[ni]; s++) { nj = Succ[ni][s]; npred[nj]--; if(npred[nj] == 0) { top++; clos->topolog[top] = nj; } } } for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { clos->predFrontier[0][x] = 0; clos->succFrontier[clos->nbrAligSets+1][x] = clos->seq[x].longueur+1; } for(k=1; k <= clos->nbrAligSets; k++) { n0 = clos->topolog[k]; for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { if(clos->aligSet[n0].pos[x] > 0) clos->predFrontier[n0][x] = clos->aligSet[n0].pos[x]; else for(p=0, clos->predFrontier[n0][x]=0; p < NPred[n0]; p++) { n = Pred[n0][p]; if (clos->predFrontier[n][x] > clos->predFrontier[n0][x]) clos->predFrontier[n0][x] = clos->predFrontier[n][x]; } } } for(k=clos->nbrAligSets; k > 0; k--) { n0 = clos->topolog[k]; for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { if(clos->aligSet[n0].pos[x] > 0) clos->succFrontier[n0][x] = clos->aligSet[n0].pos[x]; else for(p=0, clos->succFrontier[n0][x]=clos->seq[x].longueur+1; p < NSucc[n0]; p++) { n = Succ[n0][p]; if(clos->succFrontier[n][x] < clos->succFrontier[n0][x]) clos->succFrontier[n0][x] = clos->succFrontier[n][x]; } } } edialign_liberer(npred); edialign_liberer(NPred); edialign_liberer(NSucc); edialign_liberer_mat((void **) Pred, clos->nbrAligSets+2); edialign_liberer_mat((void **) Succ, clos->nbrAligSets+2); edialign_liberer(clos->topolog); return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_moveAligSet ****************************************** ** ** edialign_moveAligSet ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Closure ** @param [r] n1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] n2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_moveAligSet(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint n1, ajint n2) { ajint x; ajint k; for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { k = clos->aligSet[n1].pos[x] = clos->aligSet[n2].pos[x]; if(k > 0) clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[k] = n1; clos->predFrontier[n1][x] = clos->predFrontier[n2][x]; clos->succFrontier[n1][x] = clos->succFrontier[n2][x]; } clos->aligSet[n1].nbr = clos->aligSet[n2].nbr; return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_read_closure **************************************** ** ** edialign_read_closure ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Closure ** @param [r] nbreancr [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] ancrages [ajint**] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_read_closure(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint nbreancr, ajint **ancrages) { ajint x; ajint ind; ajint n; for(n=0; n < nbreancr; n++) { clos->nbrAligSets++; edialign_realloc_closure(clos); clos->aligSet[clos->nbrAligSets].nbr = 0; for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { ind = clos->aligSet[clos->nbrAligSets].pos[x] = ancrages[n][x]; if(ind > 0) { clos->aligSet[clos->nbrAligSets].nbr++; clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[ind] = clos->nbrAligSets; } } } edialign_computeClosure(clos); } /* @funcstatic edialign_init_closure **************************************** ** ** edialign_init_closure ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Closure ** @param [r] nbreancr [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] ancrages [ajint**] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_init_closure(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint nbreancr, ajint **ancrages) { ajint x; ajint i; ajint *longsequ; longsequ = (ajint *) edialign_allouer(clos->seqNbr * sizeof(ajint)); for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { longsequ[x] = clos->seq[x].longueur; for(i=1; i <= clos->seq[x].longueur; i++) clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[i] = clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos[i] = clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos[i] = 0; } clos->nbrAligSets = 0; if(nbreancr > 0) edialign_read_closure(clos, nbreancr, ancrages); for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) clos->seq[x].longueur = longsequ[x]; edialign_liberer(longsequ); return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_alloc_closure **************************************** ** ** edialign_alloc_closure ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Closure ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_alloc_closure(edialignCLOSURE *clos) { ajlong na; ajint x; /* sera re'alloue' */ clos->predFrontier = (ajint **) edialign_callouer_mat(sizeof(int), clos->maxLong+2, clos->seqNbr+1); /* sera re'alloue' */ clos->succFrontier = (ajint **) edialign_callouer_mat(sizeof(int), clos->maxLong+2, clos->seqNbr+1); /* sera re'alloue' */ clos->aligSet = (edialignPositionSet *) edialign_allouer((clos->maxLong+2) * sizeof(edialignPositionSet)); for(na=0; na <= clos->maxLong+1; na++) clos->aligSet[na].pos = (ajint *) edialign_allouer(clos->seqNbr * sizeof(ajint)); clos->oldNbrAligSets = clos->maxLong; for (x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr = (ajint *) edialign_allouer((clos->seq[x]. longueur+2)* sizeof(ajint)); clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos = (ajint *) edialign_allouer((clos->seq[x].longueur+2)*sizeof(ajint)); clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos = (ajint *) edialign_allouer((clos->seq[x].longueur+2)*sizeof(ajint)); } clos->gauche1 = (ajint *) edialign_allouer(clos->seqNbr * sizeof(ajint)); clos->gauche2 = (ajint *) edialign_allouer(clos->seqNbr * sizeof(ajint)); clos->droite1 = (ajint *) edialign_allouer(clos->seqNbr * sizeof(ajint)); clos->droite2 = (ajint *) edialign_allouer(clos->seqNbr * sizeof(ajint)); clos->pos_ = (ajint **) edialign_callouer_mat(sizeof(ajint), clos->seqNbr, clos->seqNbr); return; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_free_closure **************************************** ** ** edialign_free_closure. Unused. ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Closure ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_free_closure(edialignCLOSURE *clos) { ajlong na; ajint x; edialign_liberer(clos->gauche1); edialign_liberer(clos->gauche2); edialign_liberer(clos->droite1); edialign_liberer(clos->droite2); edialign_liberer_mat((void **) clos->pos_, clos->seqNbr); edialign_liberer_mat((void **) clos->succFrontier,clos->oldNbrAligSets+2); edialign_liberer_mat((void **) clos->predFrontier,clos->oldNbrAligSets+2); for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { edialign_liberer(clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr); edialign_liberer(clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos); edialign_liberer(clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos); } for(na=0; na <= clos->oldNbrAligSets+1; na++) { edialign_liberer(clos->aligSet[na].pos); } edialign_liberer(clos->aligSet); return; } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_realloc_closure ************************************** ** ** edialign_realloc_closure ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Closure ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_realloc_closure(edialignCLOSURE *clos) { ajint na; if(clos->nbrAligSets > clos->oldNbrAligSets) { clos->predFrontier = (ajint **) edialign_recallouer_mat((void **) clos->predFrontier, sizeof(ajint), clos->oldNbrAligSets+2, clos->nbrAligSets+2, clos->seqNbr+1); clos->succFrontier = (ajint **) edialign_recallouer_mat((void **) clos->succFrontier, sizeof(ajint), clos->oldNbrAligSets+2, clos->nbrAligSets+2, clos->seqNbr+1); clos->aligSet = (edialignPositionSet *) edialign_reallouer(clos->aligSet, (clos->nbrAligSets+2) * sizeof(edialignPositionSet)); for(na=clos->oldNbrAligSets+2; na <= clos->nbrAligSets+1; na++) { clos->aligSet[na].pos = (ajint *) edialign_allouer(clos->seqNbr * sizeof(ajint)); } clos->oldNbrAligSets = clos->nbrAligSets; } return; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_print_aligSets ************************************** ** ** edialign_print_aligSets. Unused. ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Closure ** @param [r] nseq [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_print_aligSets(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint nseq, ajint i) { ajint n; ajint ng; ajint nd; ajint k; ajint x; n = ng = nd = clos->seq[nseq].aligSetNbr[i]; if(ng == 0) { k = clos->seq[nseq].predAligSetPos[i]; if (k > 0) ng = clos->seq[nseq].aligSetNbr[k]; k = clos->seq[nseq].succAligSetPos[i]; if (k > 0) nd = clos->seq[nseq].aligSetNbr[k]; } printf("echelle %d: ", n); if(n != 0) for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) printf("%d ", clos->aligSet[n].pos[x]); printf("\nfrontiere clos->gauche %d: ", ng); if(ng != 0) for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) printf("%d ", clos->predFrontier[ng][x]); printf("\nfrontiere clos->droite %d: ", nd); if(nd != 0) for (x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) printf("%d ", clos->succFrontier[nd][x]); printf("\n"); return 0; } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_init_seq ************************************** ** ** edialign_init_seq ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] nbreseq [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] longseq [ajint*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_init_seq(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint nbreseq, ajint *longseq) { ajint x; clos->seqNbr = nbreseq; clos->seq = (edialignSequence *) edialign_allouer(clos->seqNbr * sizeof(edialignSequence)); for (x=clos->maxLong=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { clos->seq[x].longueur = longseq[x]; if (clos->maxLong < longseq[x]) clos->maxLong = longseq[x]; } return; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_desinit_seq ************************************** ** ** edialign_desinit_seq. Unused. ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_desinit_seq(edialignCLOSURE *clos) { edialign_liberer(clos->seq); return; } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_newAligGraphClosure ********************************** ** ** edialign_newAligGraphClosure ** ** @param [r] nbreseq [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] longseq [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] nbreancr [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [w] ancrages [ajint**] Undocumented ** @return [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static edialignCLOSURE* edialign_newAligGraphClosure(ajint nbreseq, ajint *longseq, ajint nbreancr, ajint **ancrages) { edialignCLOSURE *clos = (edialignCLOSURE *) edialign_allouer(sizeof(edialignCLOSURE)); edialign_init_seq(clos, nbreseq, longseq); edialign_alloc_closure(clos); /* utilise clos->maxLong */ edialign_init_closure(clos, nbreancr, ancrages); return clos; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_freeAligGraphClosure ********************************** ** ** edialign_freeAligGraphClosure. Unused. ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_freeAligGraphClosure(edialignCLOSURE *clos) { edialign_free_closure(clos); edialign_desinit_seq(clos); edialign_liberer(clos); return; } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_addAlignedPositions ********************************** ** ** edialign_addAlignedPositions ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] seq1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] seq2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] j [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_addAlignedPositions(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint seq1, ajint i, ajint seq2, ajint j) { ajint n; ajint n1; ajint n2; ajint ng1; ajint ng2; ajint nd1; ajint nd2; ajint nn; ajint k; ajint x; ajint y; n1 = ng1 = nd1 = clos->seq[seq1].aligSetNbr[i]; n2 = ng2 = nd2 = clos->seq[seq2].aligSetNbr[j]; if(n1 == 0 || n2 == 0 || n1 != n2) { if(ng1 == 0) { k = clos->seq[seq1].predAligSetPos[i]; if(k > 0) ng1 = clos->seq[seq1].aligSetNbr[k]; k = clos->seq[seq1].succAligSetPos[i]; if(k > 0) nd1 = clos->seq[seq1].aligSetNbr[k]; } if(ng2 == 0) { k = clos->seq[seq2].predAligSetPos[j]; if(k > 0) ng2 = clos->seq[seq2].aligSetNbr[k]; k = clos->seq[seq2].succAligSetPos[j]; if(k > 0) nd2 = clos->seq[seq2].aligSetNbr[k]; } if(ng1 == 0) for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) clos->gauche1[x] = 0; else for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) clos->gauche1[x] = clos->predFrontier[ng1][x]; if(nd1 == 0) for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) clos->droite1[x] = clos->seq[x].longueur + 1; else for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) clos->droite1[x] = clos->succFrontier[nd1][x]; if(ng2 == 0) for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) clos->gauche2[x] = 0; else for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) clos->gauche2[x] = clos->predFrontier[ng2][x]; if(nd2 == 0) for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) clos->droite2[x] = clos->seq[x].longueur + 1; else for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) clos->droite2[x] = clos->succFrontier[nd2][x]; clos->gauche1[seq1] = clos->droite1[seq1] = i; clos->gauche2[seq2] = clos->droite2[seq2] = j; nn = clos->nbrAligSets + 1; for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) { clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x] = 0; if(n1 > 0 && clos->aligSet[n1].pos[x] > 0) clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x] = clos->aligSet[n1].pos[x]; else { if(n2 > 0 && clos->aligSet[n2].pos[x] > 0) clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x] = clos->aligSet[n2].pos[x]; } if (clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x] == 0) { clos->predFrontier[nn][x] = max(clos->gauche1[x], clos->gauche2[x]); clos->succFrontier[nn][x] = min(clos->droite1[x], clos->droite2[x]); } else clos->predFrontier[nn][x] = clos->succFrontier[nn][x] = clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x]; } clos->predFrontier[nn][seq1] = clos->succFrontier[nn][seq1] = clos->aligSet[nn].pos[seq1] = i; clos->predFrontier[nn][seq2] = clos->succFrontier[nn][seq2] = clos->aligSet[nn].pos[seq2] = j; for(x=clos->aligSet[nn].nbr=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) if(clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x] > 0) { k = clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x]; clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[k] = nn; clos->aligSet[nn].nbr++; } for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) if(clos->droite1[x] != clos->droite2[x]) /* => la front. clos->gauche peut changer */ for(y=0; y < clos->seqNbr; y++) { clos->pos_[x][y] = 0; k = clos->succFrontier[nn][x]; if(k == clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x]) k = clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos[k]; if(k <= clos->seq[x].longueur) while(k > 0) { n = clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[k]; if(clos->predFrontier[n][y] < clos->predFrontier[nn][y]) { clos->pos_[x][y] = k; k = clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos[k]; } else k = 0; } } for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) if(clos->droite1[x] != clos->droite2[x]) /* => la front. gauche peut changer */ for(y=0; y < clos->seqNbr; y++) { k = clos->succFrontier[nn][x]; if(k == clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x]) k = clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos[k]; if(clos->pos_[x][y] > 0) while(k > 0 && k <= clos->pos_[x][y]) { n = clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[k]; clos->predFrontier[n][y] = clos->predFrontier[nn][y]; k = clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos[k]; } } for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) if(clos->gauche1[x] != clos->gauche2[x]) /* => la front. droite peut changer */ for(y=0; y < clos->seqNbr; y++) { clos->pos_[x][y] = 0; k = clos->predFrontier[nn][x]; if(k > 0 && k == clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x]) k = clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos[k]; while(k > 0) { n = clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[k]; if(clos->succFrontier[n][y] > clos->succFrontier[nn][y]) { clos->pos_[x][y] = k; k = clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos[k]; } else k = 0; } } for(x=0; x < clos->seqNbr; x++) if(clos->gauche1[x] != clos->gauche2[x]) /* => la front. clos->droite peut changer */ for(y=0; y < clos->seqNbr; y++) { k = clos->predFrontier[nn][x]; if(k > 0 && k == clos->aligSet[nn].pos[x]) k = clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos[k]; if(clos->pos_[x][y] > 0) while(k >= clos->pos_[x][y]) { n = clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[k]; clos->succFrontier[n][y] = clos->succFrontier[nn][y]; k = clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos[k]; } } if(n1 == 0) { for(k=i-1; k > 0 && clos->seq[seq1].aligSetNbr[k] == 0; k--) clos->seq[seq1].succAligSetPos[k] = i; if(k > 0) clos->seq[seq1].succAligSetPos[k] = i; for(k=i+1; k <= clos->seq[seq1].longueur && clos->seq[seq1].aligSetNbr[k] == 0; k++) clos->seq[seq1].predAligSetPos[k] = i; if(k <= clos->seq[seq1].longueur) clos->seq[seq1].predAligSetPos[k] = i; } if(n2 == 0) { for(k=j-1; k > 0 && clos->seq[seq2].aligSetNbr[k] == 0; k--) clos->seq[seq2].succAligSetPos[k] = j; if(k > 0) clos->seq[seq2].succAligSetPos[k] = j; for(k=j+1; k <= clos->seq[seq2].longueur && clos->seq[seq2].aligSetNbr[k] == 0; k++) clos->seq[seq2].predAligSetPos[k] = j; if(k <= clos->seq[seq2].longueur) clos->seq[seq2].predAligSetPos[k] = j; } if (n1 > n2) { n = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = n; } if (n2 == 0) { clos->nbrAligSets++; edialign_realloc_closure(clos); } else { if(n1 == 0) { edialign_moveAligSet(clos, n2, nn); } else { edialign_moveAligSet(clos, n1, nn); if(n2 < clos->nbrAligSets) edialign_moveAligSet(clos, n2, clos->nbrAligSets); clos->nbrAligSets--; edialign_realloc_closure(clos); } } } return 0; } /* @funcstatic edialign_path ************************************************ ** ** edialign_path ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] x [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] y [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] j [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_path(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint x, ajint i, ajint y, ajint j) { ajint n2; ajint k; if(x == y) return(i <= j); n2 = clos->seq[y].aligSetNbr[j]; if(n2 == 0) { k = clos->seq[y].predAligSetPos[j]; if(k > 0) n2 = clos->seq[y].aligSetNbr[k]; } if(n2 == 0) return(0); return(i <= clos->predFrontier[n2][x]); } /* @funcstatic edialign_alignedPositions ************************************ ** ** edialign_alignedPositions ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] x [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] y [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] j [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_alignedPositions(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint x, ajint i, ajint y, ajint j) { return (x == y && i == j) || (clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[i] != 0 && clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[i] == clos->seq[y].aligSetNbr[j]); } /* @funcstatic edialign_alignablePositions ************************************ ** ** edialign_alignablePositions ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] x [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] y [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] j [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_alignablePositions(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint x, ajint i, ajint y, ajint j) { if(edialign_path(clos, x, i, y, j)) return(edialign_path(clos, y, j, x, i)); return(!edialign_path(clos, y, j, x, i)); } /* @funcstatic edialign_addAlignedSegments ********************************** ** ** edialign_addAlignedSegments ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] x [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] y [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] j [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] l [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_addAlignedSegments(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint x, ajint i, ajint y, ajint j, ajint l) { ajint k; for(k=0; k < l; i++, j++, k++) edialign_addAlignedPositions(clos, x, i, y, j); return 0; } /* @funcstatic edialign_alignableSegments ********************************** ** ** edialign_alignableSegments ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] x [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] y [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] j [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] l [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_alignableSegments(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint x, ajint i, ajint y, ajint j, ajint l) { ajint k; for(k=0; k < l && edialign_alignablePositions(clos, x, i, y, j); i++, j++, k++); return(k==l); } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_alignedSegments ********************************** ** ** edialign_alignedSegments. Unused. ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] x [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] y [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] j [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] l [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_alignedSegments(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint x, ajint i, ajint y, ajint j, ajint l) { ajint k; for(k=0; k < l && edialign_alignedPositions(clos, x, i, y, j); i++, j++, k++); return(k==l); } #endif /* on suppose que x!=y */ /* @funcstatic edialign_predFrontier ********************************** ** ** edialign_predFrontier ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] x [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] y [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_predFrontier(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint x, ajint i, ajint y) { ajint n; ajint k; n = clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[i]; if(n == 0) { k = clos->seq[x].predAligSetPos[i]; if(k > 0) n = clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[k]; } if(n > 0) return(clos->predFrontier[n][y]); return(0); } /* on suppose que x!=y */ /* @funcstatic edialign_succFrontier **************************************** ** ** edialign_succFrontier ** ** @param [w] clos [edialignCLOSURE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] x [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] i [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] y [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_succFrontier(edialignCLOSURE *clos, ajint x, ajint i, ajint y) { ajint n; ajint k; n = clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[i]; if(n == 0) { k = clos->seq[x].succAligSetPos[i]; if(k > 0) n = clos->seq[x].aligSetNbr[k]; } if(n > 0) return(clos->succFrontier[n][y]); return(clos->seq[y].longueur+1); } /* @funcstatic edialign_anchor_check **************************************** ** ** edialign_anchor_check ** ** @param [r] s1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] s2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] b1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] b2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] l [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] scr [float] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_anchor_check(ajint s1, ajint s2, ajint b1, ajint b2, ajint l, float scr) { (void) scr; /* make it used */ if( ( s1 < 1 ) || ( s1 > (ajint) seqnum ) ) { ajFatal(" \n\n wrong sequence # %d in anchoring file\n\n" " data set consists only of %u sequences \n\n", s1,seqnum); } if( ( s2 < 1 ) || ( s2 > (ajint) seqnum ) ) { ajFatal(" \n\n wrong sequence # %d in anchoring file\n\n" " data set consists only of %u sequences \n\n", s2,seqnum ); } if( s1 == s2 ) { ajFatal("\n strange data in anchoring file:\n" " sequence # %d anchored with itself.\n\n", s1 ); } /* if( ( b1 < 1 ) || ( b1 + l - 1 > seqlen[ s1 - 1 ] ) ) { printf(" \n\n anchor # %d starts", anc_num + 1 ) ; printf(" at position %d in sequence %d and has a length of %d.\n", b1, s1, l ) ; printf(" This does not fit into sequence # %d " , s1 ); printf(" (sequence length = %d) \n\n", seqlen[ s1 - 1 ] ) ; printf(" PROGRAM TERMINATED \n\n" ) ; embExitBad() ; } */ if( ( b1 < 1 ) || ( b1 + l - 1 > seqlen[ s1 - 1 ] ) ) { ajFatal(" \n\n anchor # %d starts" " at position %d in sequence %d\n " " and is %d residues in length.\n" " However, sequence %d" " is only %d residues in length \n\n", anc_num+1,b1,s1,l,s1,seqlen[s1-1]); } if( ( b2 < 1 ) || ( b2 + l - 1 > seqlen[ s2 - 1 ] ) ) { ajFatal(" \n\n anchor # %d starts" " at position %d in sequence %d\n " " and is %d residues in length.\n" " However, sequence %d" " is only %d residues in length \n\n", anc_num+1,b2,s2,l,s2,seqlen[s2 - 1]); } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_multi_anc_read ************************************** ** ** edialign_multi_anc_read ** ** @param [u] file_name [char*] File name ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_multi_anc_read(char *file_name) { char anc_file_name[NAME_LEN]; FILE *fp; struct multi_frag *current_frg ; char line[10000]; ajint len; ajint beg1; ajint beg2; ajint seq1; ajint seq2; float wgt; strcpy( anc_file_name , file_name ); strcat( anc_file_name , ".anc" ); if((fp = fopen( anc_file_name, "r")) == NULL) edialign_erreur("\n\n cannot find file with anchor points \n\n\n"); if(( anchor_frg = ( struct multi_frag * ) calloc( 1 , sizeof( struct multi_frag ) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation " "for `anchor fragments' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } current_frg = anchor_frg ; while(fgets(line , MLINE , fp ) != NULL ) { if(edialign_word_count( line ) == 6 ) { sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %d %d %f ", &seq1 , &seq2 , &beg1, &beg2 , &len , &wgt ); edialign_anchor_check( seq1 , seq2 , beg1, beg2 , len , wgt ) ; seq1 = seq1 - 1 ; seq2 = seq2 - 1 ; current_frg->s[0] = seq1 ; current_frg->s[1] = seq2 ; current_frg->b[0] = beg1 ; current_frg->b[1] = beg2 ; current_frg->ext = len ; current_frg->weight = wgt; current_frg->next = (struct multi_frag *) calloc( 1 , sizeof(struct multi_frag) ); current_frg = current_frg->next; anc_num++; } else { if(edialign_word_count( line ) != 0 ) { ajFatal("\n\n Anchor file has wrong format. " "\n Each line must contain 6 numbers! \n" "\n Anchor file contains line \n\n" " %s \n", line); } } } return 0; } /* @funcstatic edialign_frag_chain ****************************************** ** ** edialign_frag_chain ** ** @param [r] n1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] n2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp1 [FILE*] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp_m [FILE*] Undocumented ** @param [u] number [ajuint*] Undocumented ** @return [float] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static float edialign_frag_chain(ajint n1, ajint n2, FILE *fp1, FILE *fp_m, ajuint *number) { /* pairwise alignment */ /* `i' denotes positions in the 1. sequence ( seq[n1] ), `j' denotes positions in the 2. sequence ( seq[n2] ) */ ajint mot_match[ MAX_DIA * 3 ]; ajint mot_match_num; float mot_wgt_sum; float this_mot_wgt ; float thr; /* threshold for the weight of fragments starting at a given point (i,j). For any new pair (i,j), thr = 0. However, if a fragment with positive weight w is found starting at (i,j), thr is defined to be w and any further fragment starting at (i,j) is taken into consideration, only if its weight excedes thr. This is, because it is not meaningful to consider a fragment containing another fragment with higher weight. */ ajint i; ajint j; ajint k; ajint diff1; ajint diff2; ajint hv; ajint numsubseq; ajint ende2; /* denote the last position considered in the 2nd sequence. Coincides with seqlen[n2], respectively, exept if nucleotide diagonals are translated into peptide diagonals. In this case, ende2 = seqlen[n2]-2 */ ajint start_a ; /* diagonals begining at a position (i,j) are only considered if the similarity-value at (i,j) exceeds a certain threshold, respectively if seq[n1][i] = seq[n2][j]. In this case the value of `start_a' is 1, otherwise the value is 0 */ ajint start_pep = 0; ajint start_pep_c = 0; ajint start_dna = 0; ajint start_dna1; ajint trpl_start; ajint trans; ajint crick_wgt = 0; ajint match_p; ajint match_p_c; ajint match_d; ajint kmaxloc; /* maximum length of diagonals starting at a given position (i,j) of the dot matrix. kmaxloc = min{ max_dia,seqlen[n1]-i+1 ,seqlen[n2]-j+1} */ ajint lmax_real ; ajint mnum = 0; /* number of current diagonal */ ajint *ub_int; ajint *lb_int; ajint limit; /* min { ub_int[i] ; ende2 } */ ajint bound_test; /* = 1 , if diagonal under consideration is consistent with ub_int and lb_int. = 0 , if not. */ ajint max_nd = 0; ajint new_region = 0; ajint current_nd = 0; short accepted; char ch; float total_sum; float wgt_k_match; float thr2; float mot_wgt; struct pair_frag **diap; /* diap[i] = pointer to last diagonal ending in the (i-1)-th column */ struct pair_frag **prec_vec; /* prec_vec[j] = pointer to diagonal with maximum sum of weights accumulated at a given position (i,j) */ struct pair_frag *current_dia, *hp, *cp, *cd; FILE *fp_st; FILE *nd_fp; (void) fp_m; /* make it used */ /* printf( "\n in frag_chain: iter = %d wgt_type = %d \n\n", istep , wgt_type ); printf( "\n in frag_chain: iter = %d wgt_dna 20 = %f \n\n", istep , wgt_dna[ 20 ][ 20 ] ); */ if(print_status) if(seqnum > 20) { fp_st = fopen( pst_name ,"w"); fprintf(fp_st,"\n\n\n Status of the program run:\n"); fprintf(fp_st," ==========================\n\n"); fprintf(fp_st," %s \n\n", input_line); fprintf(fp_st," iteration step %d in multiple alignment\n\n", istep ); fprintf(fp_st," aligning seq %d /", n1 + 1 ); fprintf(fp_st," seq %d\n", n2 + 1); fprintf(fp_st," total number of"); fprintf(fp_st," sequences: %d\n\n", seqnum); fprintf(fp_st,"\n\n\n" ); fclose(fp_st); } if((ub_int = (int *) calloc( ( seqlen[n1] + 3 ) , sizeof(int) ) ) == NULL) { printf("problems with memory allocation for ub_int! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if((lb_int = (int *) calloc( (seqlen[n1]+3) , sizeof(int) ) ) == NULL) { printf("problems with memory allocation for lb_int! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if((prec_vec = (struct pair_frag **) calloc( (seqlen[n2]+3) , sizeof(struct pair_frag *) ) ) == NULL) { printf("problems with memory allocation for prec_vec! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if( (diap = (struct pair_frag **) calloc( (seqlen[n1] + 3) , sizeof(struct pair_frag *) )) == NULL ) { printf("\n \n \n ATTENTION: \n \n \n"); printf(" problems with memory allocation\n"); printf(" for diagonals! \n"); embExitBad(); } for(i = 1; i<= seqlen[n1]; i++) diap[i] = NULL; if( (diap[0] = (struct pair_frag *) calloc( 1 , sizeof(struct pair_frag) ) ) == NULL) { printf("problems with memory allocation for diap! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } for( j = 1 ; j< seqlen[n2]+3 ; j++ ) prec_vec[j] = diap[0]; if( dia_pa_file ) fp_dpa = fopen( dia_pa_name , "a" ); ende2 = seqlen[n2]; /* Calculation of rel_weight */ if( iter_cond_prob == 0 ) { if( wgt_type == 0 ) edialign_rel_wgt_calc( seqlen[n1] , seqlen[n2] , wgt_prot ); if( wgt_type % 2 ) edialign_rel_wgt_calc( seqlen[n1] , seqlen[n2] , wgt_dna); if( wgt_type > 1 ) edialign_rel_wgt_calc( seqlen[n1] , seqlen[n2] , wgt_trans); if( istep == 1 ) if( wgt_print || wgt_print_x ) { edialign_wgt_prnt( ) ; if( wgt_print_x ) embExitBad() ; } } /* if( iter_cond_prob == 0 ) */ for( hv = 1 ; hv <= seqlen[ n1 ] ; hv++ ) { lb_int[ hv ] = edialign_predFrontier( gabiosclos , n1 , hv , n2 ); ub_int[ hv ] = edialign_succFrontier( gabiosclos , n1 , hv , n2 ); if (lb_int[ hv ] != ub_int[ hv ]) { lb_int[ hv ]++; ub_int[ hv ]--; } } mnum = 0; if( iter_cond_prob || ( istep == 1 ) ) new_region = 1; /* DP START */ for( i = 1 ; i <= seqlen[n1] ; i++ ) { if( open_pos[n1][n2][i] ) { if( new_region ) { diff2 = ( edialign_succFrontier(gabiosclos, n1, i , n2) - edialign_predFrontier(gabiosclos, n1, i , n2) -1 ); if ( diff2 < 0 ) diff2 = 0; diff1 = ( edialign_succFrontier(gabiosclos, n2, lb_int[i] , n1) - edialign_predFrontier(gabiosclos, n2, lb_int[i] , n1) -1 ) ; if ( diff1 < 0 ) diff1 = 0; /* printf(" new region, i = %d diff = %d , %d \n", i, diff1 , diff2 ); */ if( iter_cond_prob ) if( ( diff1 > 0 ) && ( diff2 > 0 ) ) { if( wgt_type == 0 ) edialign_rel_wgt_calc( diff1 , diff2 , wgt_prot ); if( wgt_type % 2 ) edialign_rel_wgt_calc( diff1 , diff2 , wgt_dna ); if( wgt_type > 1 ) edialign_rel_wgt_calc( diff1 , diff2 , wgt_trans ); } } limit = edialign_mini2( ub_int[i] , ende2 ); for( j = lb_int[i] ; j <= limit ; j++ ) { if( wgt_type != 1 ) start_pep = ( sim_score[ amino[n1][i] ][ amino[n2][j] ] >= thr_sim_score ); if( crick_strand ) start_pep_c = (sim_score[amino_c[n1][i]][amino_c[n2][j]] >= thr_sim_score ); if( wgt_type % 2 ) { if( strict ) start_dna = ( (seq[n1][i] == seq[n2][j]) && ( seq[n1][i] == 'A' || seq[n1][i] == 'C' || seq[n1][i] == 'T' || seq[n1][i] == 'G' || seq[n1][i] == 'U' ) ); else start_dna = (seq[n1][i] == seq[n2][j]); if( dna_speed ) if( ( i < seqlen[n1] ) && ( j < limit ) ) { if( strict ) start_dna1 = ((seq[n1][i + 1] == seq[n2][j+1]) && (seq[n1][ i + 1 ] == 'A' || seq[n1][ i + 1 ] == 'C' || seq[n1][ i + 1 ] == 'T' || seq[n1][ i + 1 ] == 'G' || seq[n1][ i + 1 ] == 'U' ) ); else start_dna1 = (seq[n1][i+1] == seq[n2][j+1]); start_dna = start_dna * start_dna1 ; } } if( wgt_type != 1 ) start_a = start_pep ; else start_a = start_dna ; if( wgt_type == 3 ) start_a = start_pep + start_dna ; if( crick_strand ) start_a = start_a + start_pep_c ; if( self_comparison ) if( i == j ) start_a = 0 ; if( exclude_frg ) if( j == gl_exclude_list[ n1 ][ n2 ][ i ] ) start_a = 0 ; if( start_a ) { /*match = 0;*/ match_d = 0; match_p = 0; match_p_c = 0; thr = 0; /* start_count++ ; */ bound_test = 1; if( wgt_type > 1 ) lmax_real = lmax * 3 ; else lmax_real = lmax ; kmaxloc = edialign_mini3(lmax_real , seqlen[n1]-i+1 , seqlen[n2]-j+1 ); if( motifs ) { for( k = 1 ; k <= kmaxloc ; k++ ) if( ( mot_pos[ n1 ][ i + k - 1 ] == 1 ) && ( mot_pos[ n2 ][ j + k - 1 ] == 1 ) ) { mot_match[ k ] = 1 ; /* printf(" match in %d %d %d \n", i, j, k ); */ } else mot_match[ k ] = 0 ; } /*******************\ * * * fragments start * * * \*******************/ k = 1; mot_match_num = 0; mot_wgt_sum = 0 ; while( ( k <= kmaxloc ) && start_a ) { if( motifs ) { if((( i- j)*(i-j)) < (max_mot_offset * max_mot_offset)) if( k >= mot_len ) if( mot_match[ k - mot_len + 1] ) { /*mot_offset = ( i - j ) ;*/ this_mot_wgt = edialign_mot_dist_factor ((i-j), mot_offset_factor); /* printf(" i - j = %d , tmw = %f \n", i - j , this_mot_wgt ); */ mot_wgt_sum = mot_wgt_sum + this_mot_wgt; mot_match_num++ ; } } if( open_pos[n1][n2][ i + k - 1 ] ) { bound_test = bound_test * ( j + k - 1 >= lb_int[ i + k - 1 ] ); bound_test = bound_test * ( j + k - 1 <= ub_int[ i + k - 1 ] ); trpl_start = 0; if( wgt_type < 2 ) trans = 0 ; else trans = 1 ; if( start_pep || ( crick_strand && start_pep_c ) ) if((wgt_type > 1 ) && ((k % 3) == 1)) { trpl_start = 1 ; trpl_start = trpl_start * ( j + k >= lb_int[ i + k ] ); trpl_start = trpl_start * ( j + k <= ub_int[ i + k ] ); trpl_start = trpl_start * open_pos[ n1 ][ n2 ][ i + k ] ; trpl_start = trpl_start * ( j + k + 1 >= lb_int[ i + k + 1 ] ); trpl_start = trpl_start * ( j + k + 1 <= ub_int[ i + k + 1 ] ); trpl_start = trpl_start * open_pos[ n1 ][ n2 ][ i + k + 1 ] ; } if( bound_test && ( ( wgt_type != 2 ) || trpl_start ) ) { if( start_pep ) if( ( wgt_type == 0 ) || ( ( wgt_type > 1) && trpl_start ) ) match_p = match_p + sim_score[amino[n1][i+k-1]] [amino[n2][j+k-1]]; if( crick_strand ) if( start_pep_c ) if( ( wgt_type == 0 ) || ( ( wgt_type > 1) && trpl_start ) ) match_p_c = match_p_c + sim_score[amino_c[n1][i+k-1]] [amino_c[n2][j+k-1]]; if( start_dna ) if( wgt_type % 2 ) if( !strict || (seq[n1][i+k-1] == 'A' || seq[n1][i+k-1] == 'C' || seq[n1][i+k-1] == 'T' || seq[n1][i+k-1] == 'G' || seq[n1][i+k-1] == 'U' )) match_d = match_d + (seq[n1][i+k-1] == seq[n2][j+k-1] ); wgt_k_match = 0; if( wgt_type == 0 ) wgt_k_match = wgt_prot[ k ][ match_p ]; if( wgt_type == 1 ) wgt_k_match = wgt_dna[ k ][ match_d ]; if( wgt_type > 1 ) { if( start_pep ) wgt_k_match = wgt_trans[(k+2) / 3] [match_p]; if( crick_strand ) if( start_pep_c ) { if( wgt_trans[ ( k + 2 ) / 3 ] [ match_p_c ] > wgt_k_match ) { wgt_k_match = wgt_trans[(k+2) / 3 ][ match_p_c ] ; crick_wgt = 1 ; } else crick_wgt = 0 ; } } if( start_dna ) if( wgt_type == 3 ) if( k <= lmax ) if( wgt_dna[ k ][ match_d ] > wgt_k_match ) { wgt_k_match = wgt_dna[k] [match_d]; trans = 0 ; } if( wgt_type == 0 ) if( match_p <= ( k * av_sim_score_pep ) ) start_pep = 0; if( wgt_type == 1 ) if( match_d <= ( k * av_sim_score_nuc ) ) start_dna = 0; if( start_pep ) if( wgt_type > 1 ) if((match_p * 3 ) <= (k * av_sim_score_pep)) start_pep = 0; if( start_pep_c ) if( wgt_type > 1 ) if((match_p_c * 3 ) <= (k * av_sim_score_pep)) start_pep_c = 0; if( wgt_type != 1 ) start_a = start_pep ; else start_a = start_dna ; if( wgt_type == 3 ) start_a = start_pep + start_dna ; if( crick_strand ) start_a = start_a + start_pep_c ; if( exclude_frg ) if(gl_exclude_list[ n1 ][ n2 ][ i + k ] == j + k ) start_a = 0 ; if( motifs ) if( mot_wgt_sum > 0 ) { fprintf( fp_mot , " %4d %4d ", n1 + 1, n2 + 1); fprintf( fp_mot , " %4d %4d %3d ", i, j, k ); fprintf( fp_mot , " %5.2f ", wgt_k_match ); mot_wgt = mot_wgt_sum * mot_factor ; wgt_k_match = wgt_k_match + mot_wgt ; fprintf( fp_mot , " %2d ", mot_match_num ); fprintf( fp_mot , " %5.2f \n", wgt_k_match ); } /* if( wgt_k_match > 0 ) printf(" k = %d min_dia = %d " "wgt_k_match = %f thr = %f \n", k, min_dia , wgt_k_match , thr ); */ if( k >= min_dia ) if( wgt_k_match > thr ) { if( (current_dia = (struct pair_frag *) calloc(1 , sizeof(struct pair_frag) )) == NULL ) { printf("\n \n \n ATTENTION:" " \n \n \n"); printf(" too many diagonals " "in\n"); printf(" pairwise alignment " "of"); printf(" sequences\n"); printf(" %s and ", seq_name[n1]); printf("%s\n \n \n \n", seq_name[n2]); fprintf(fp1,"\n \n ATTENTION:" "\n \n"); fprintf(fp1," too many " "diagonals\n"); fprintf(fp1," in pairwise " "alignment"); fprintf(fp1," of sequences\n"); fprintf(fp1," %s and ", seq_name[n1]); fprintf(fp1,"%s\n \n \n \n", seq_name[n2]); embExitBad(); } current_dia->b1 = i; current_dia->b2 = j; current_dia->ext = k + 2 * trans ; current_dia->weight = wgt_k_match ; current_dia->trans = trans ; current_dia->cs = crick_wgt ; current_dia->sum = current_dia->weight + (prec_vec[j])->sum ; current_dia->prec = prec_vec[j]; current_dia->last = diap[ i + (current_dia->ext)]; diap[i+(current_dia->ext)] = current_dia; mnum++; if(print_max_nd) { current_nd++ ; if( current_nd > max_nd ) max_nd = current_nd; } dia_num++; if(afc_file) { fprintf(fp_dia,"FRG %d ", dia_num ); fprintf(fp_dia,"name: %s ", seq_name[ n1 ]); fprintf(fp_dia," %s ", seq_name[ n2 ]); if( seqnum > 2 ) { fprintf(fp_dia," seq: %d", n1 + 1 ); fprintf(fp_dia," %d" , n2 + 1 ); } fprintf(fp_dia," beg: %d %d", i, j ); fprintf(fp_dia," len: %d", current_dia->ext ); fprintf(fp_dia," wgt: %6.3f", current_dia->weight ); /* if( BETA ) if( iter_cond_prob ) { fprintf(fp_dia," d1 = %d " "d2 = %d ", diff1, diff2 ); } */ fprintf(fp_dia," it = %d ", istep ); if( ( wgt_type == 3 ) || crick_strand ) { if( current_dia->trans ) fprintf(fp_dia," P-frg" ); else fprintf(fp_dia," N-frg" ); } fprintf(fp_dia,"\n"); if( afc_filex ) { fprintf(fp_dia,"SEG1 "); for(hv = 0;hv < current_dia->ext ; hv++) { ch = seq[n1][ i + hv ]; fprintf(fp_dia,"%c" , ch); } fprintf(fp_dia ,"\n"); fprintf(fp_dia,"SEG2 "); for(hv = 0;hv < current_dia->ext ; hv++) { ch = seq[n2][ j + hv ] ; fprintf(fp_dia,"%c" , ch); } fprintf(fp_dia ,"\n\n"); } } if( ! redundant ) { thr2 = edialign_maxf2(thr, (current_dia->weight)); thr = thr2 ; } } /* if( wgt[k][match] > thr ) */ } /* if ( bound_test ) */ } /* if( open_pos ... ) */ k++; } /* while( ( k <= kmaxloc ) && start_a ) */ } /* if( start_a ) */ } /* for(j=lb_int[i];j<=limit;j++) */ new_region = 0; } /* if( open_pos ) */ else if( iter_cond_prob ) new_region = 1; if(print_status) if((( seqlen[n1] + seqlen[n2] ) > 1000)) if( ! ( i % 100 ) ) { fp_st = fopen( pst_name ,"w"); fprintf(fp_st,"\n\n\n Status of the program run:\n"); fprintf(fp_st," ==========================\n\n"); fprintf(fp_st," %s \n\n", input_line); if( seqnum > 2 ) { fprintf(fp_st," iteration step %d in" , istep ); fprintf(fp_st," multiple alignment\n\n" ); } if( seqnum > 2 ) { fprintf(fp_st," aligning seq %d /", n1 + 1 ); fprintf(fp_st," seq %d\n", n2 + 1); fprintf(fp_st," total number of"); fprintf(fp_st," sequences: %d\n\n", seqnum); } fprintf(fp_st," current position in"); fprintf(fp_st," sequence %d: %8d\n", n1 + 1, i); fprintf(fp_st," length of seq %d:", n1 + 1 ); fprintf(fp_st," %8d\n\n", seqlen[n1]); /* if( iter_cond_prob || ( istep == 1 ) ) { if( open_pos[n1][n2][i] ) { fprintf(fp_st," diff1 = %d \n", diff1 ); fprintf(fp_st," diff2 = %d \n", diff2 ); } else fprintf(fp_st," position already aligned"); } */ fprintf(fp_st,"\n\n\n" ); fclose(fp_st); } cp = diap[ i + 1 ]; hp = NULL; accepted = 0; while( cp != NULL ) { j = cp->b2 + cp->ext; if( (prec_vec[j])->sum < cp->sum ) { prec_vec[j] = cp; accepted = 1; hp = cp; cp = cp->last; } else { cp = cp->last; if( accepted ) { free( hp->last ); hp->last = cp; } else { free( diap[ i + 1 ] ); diap[ i + 1 ] = cp; } current_nd--; } } for( hv=2 ; hv < ( seqlen[n2] + 3 ) ; hv++ ) if( (prec_vec[hv])->sum < (prec_vec[hv-1])->sum ) prec_vec[hv] = prec_vec[hv-1]; } /* for(i= ... ) */ /* printf (" start_count = %d \n ", start_count ); */ if( pr_av_max_nd ) if( istep == 1 ) { if( ( nd_fp = fopen("nd_file","a")) == NULL) { printf("\n\n nd_fp could not be opened \n\n" ); embExitBad(); } fprintf(nd_fp, " %2d/%2d %8d %8d \n",n1+1,n2+1,mnum,max_nd); fclose( nd_fp ); } numsubseq = 0; /* counts diagonals in alignment */ current_dia = prec_vec[ seqlen[n2] + 1 ]; cd = current_dia; total_sum = cd->sum; while( cd->prec != NULL ) { numsubseq++; cd = cd->prec; } if(numsubseq) { hv = numsubseq - 1; if ( ( pair_dia = (struct multi_frag *) calloc( ( numsubseq + 1 ) , sizeof(struct multi_frag))) == NULL) { printf("problems with memory allocation for `pair_dia'! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } while(hv>=0) { if( dia_pa_file ) { fprintf(fp_dpa, " %3d) " , ++dcount ); if( seqnum > 2 ) fprintf(fp_dpa, "seq: %3d %3d " , n1 + 1, n2 + 1); fprintf(fp_dpa, " beg: %6d %6d ", current_dia->b1, current_dia->b2); fprintf(fp_dpa, " len: %2d ", current_dia->ext ); fprintf(fp_dpa, " weight: %5.2f ", current_dia->weight ); fprintf(fp_dpa, " it: %d ", istep ); if( ( wgt_type == 3 ) || crick_strand ) { if( current_dia->trans ) fprintf(fp_dpa," P-frg" ); else fprintf(fp_dpa," N-frg" ); } if( current_dia->trans ) if( crick_strand) { if( current_dia->cs ) fprintf(fp_dpa," crick " ) ; else fprintf(fp_dpa," watson " ) ; } fprintf(fp_dpa,"\n"); } (pair_dia[hv]).b[0] = current_dia->b1; (pair_dia[hv]).b[1] = current_dia->b2; (pair_dia[hv]).s[0] = n1; (pair_dia[hv]).s[1] = n2; (pair_dia[hv]).sel = 1; (pair_dia[hv]).ext = current_dia->ext; (pair_dia[hv]).weight = current_dia->weight; (pair_dia[hv]).ow = current_dia->weight; (pair_dia[hv]).trans = current_dia->trans ; if( crick_strand ) { (pair_dia[hv]).cs = current_dia->cs ; } (pair_dia[hv]).it = istep; hv--; current_dia = current_dia->prec; } /* if( dia_pa_file ) fprintf(fp_dpa, " \n" ); */ /* modified in LGI-VITRY if( iter_cond_prob ) */ cont_it = 1 ; } /* if(numsubseq) */ *number = numsubseq; if( long_output ) { printf("Seq. %3d -%3d: ", n1+1, n2+1); printf("T = %2.2f,", threshold); printf(" %3d D. in alignment,", *number); printf("%6d D. in matrix", mnum); printf("\n"); } for( hv=0 ; hv < seqlen[n1]+3 ; hv++ ) { current_dia = diap[hv]; while( current_dia != NULL ) { hp = current_dia; current_dia = current_dia->last; free(hp); } } if( istep == 1 ) { max_dia_num = max_dia_num + max_nd ; } free(diap); free(ub_int); free(lb_int); free(prec_vec); if( dia_pa_file ) { fclose( fp_dpa ); } return( total_sum); } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_num_test ****************************************** ** ** edialign_num_test ** ** @param [u] cp [char*] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_num_test( char *cp ) { ajint result = 1; ajint i; char *strng; ajint len; strng = cp; len = strlen(strng); for(i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) if( ! isdigit(strng[i]) && ( strng[i] != '.' ) ) { result = 0; /* printf("\n %c is no digit !!!\n", strng[i]); */ } return result ; } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_minf2 ****************************************** ** ** edialign_minf2 ** ** @param [r] a [float] Undocumented ** @param [r] b [float] Undocumented ** @return [float] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static float edialign_minf2(float a, float b) { if (ab) return a; return b; } /* @funcstatic edialign_mini2 ****************************************** ** ** edialign_mini2 ** ** @param [r] a [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] b [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_mini2(ajint a, ajint b) { if(ab) return a; return b; } /* @funcstatic edialign_mini3 ************************************************ ** ** edialign_mini3 ** ** @param [r] a [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] b [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] c [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_mini3(ajint a, ajint b, ajint c) { return edialign_mini2(a, edialign_mini2(b,c)); } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_minf ************************************************ ** ** edialign_minf ** ** @param [u] a [float*] Undocumented ** @param [r] b [float] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_minf(float *a, float b) { if (*a > b) *a = b; return; } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_mini ************************************************ ** ** edialign_mini ** ** @param [u] a [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] b [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_mini(ajint *a, ajint b) { if (*a > b) *a = b; return; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_maxf ************************************************ ** ** edialign_maxf. Unused. ** ** @param [u] a [float*] Undocumented ** @param [r] b [float] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_maxf(float *a, float b) { if (*a < b) *a = b; return; } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_maxi ************************************************ ** ** edialign_maxi ** ** @param [u] a [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] b [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_maxi(ajint *a, ajint b) { if (*a < b) *a = b; return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_maxu ************************************************ ** ** edialign_maxu ** ** @param [u] a [ajuint*] Undocumented ** @param [r] b [ajuint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_maxu(ajuint *a, ajuint b) { if (*a < b) *a = b; return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_invert ********************************************** ** ** edialign_invert ** ** @param [r] c1 [char] Undocumented ** @return [char] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static char edialign_invert ( char c1 ) { char c2 = c1; if(c1 == 'T') c2 = 'A' ; if(c1 == 'A') c2 = 'T' ; if(c1 == 'C') c2 = 'G' ; if(c1 == 'G') c2 = 'C' ; return( c2 ); } /* @funcstatic edialign_translate ******************************************* ** ** edialign_translate ** ** @param [r] c1 [char] Undocumented ** @param [r] c2 [char] Undocumented ** @param [r] c3 [char] Undocumented ** @param [r] seqno [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_translate(char c1, char c2 ,char c3, ajint seqno, ajint pos) { /* translation of triplets into amino acids */ ajint amac = 0; /* resulting amino acid */ (void) seqno; /* make it used */ (void) pos; /* make it used */ if(c1 == 'T') { if(c2 == 'T') { if(c3 == 'T') amac = 18; if(c3 == 'C') amac = 18; if(c3 == 'A') amac = 16; if(c3 == 'G') amac = 16; } if(c2 == 'C') amac = 2; if(c2 == 'A') { if(c3 == 'T') amac = 19; if(c3 == 'C') amac = 19; if(c3 == 'A') amac = 0; /* stop codon */ if(c3 == 'G') amac = 0; } if(c2 == 'G') { if(c3 == 'T') amac = 1; if(c3 == 'C') amac = 1; if(c3 == 'A') amac = 20; if(c3 == 'G') amac = 20; } } if(c1 == 'C') { if(c2 == 'T') amac = 16; if(c2 == 'C') amac = 4; if(c2 == 'A') { if(c3 == 'T') amac = 11; if(c3 == 'C') amac = 11; if(c3 == 'A') amac = 10; if(c3 == 'G') amac = 10; } if(c2 == 'G') amac = 12; } if(c1 == 'A') { if(c2 == 'T') { if(c3 == 'T') amac = 15; if(c3 == 'C') amac = 15; if(c3 == 'A') amac = 15; if(c3 == 'G') amac = 14; } if(c2 == 'C') amac = 3; if(c2 == 'A') { if(c3 == 'T') amac = 7; if(c3 == 'C') amac = 7; if(c3 == 'A') amac = 13; if(c3 == 'G') amac = 13; } if(c2 == 'G') { if(c3 == 'T') amac = 2; if(c3 == 'C') amac = 2; if(c3 == 'A') amac = 12; if(c3 == 'G') amac = 12; } } if(c1 == 'G') { if(c2 == 'T') amac = 17; if(c2 == 'C') amac = 5; if(c2 == 'A') { if(c3 == 'T') amac = 8; if(c3 == 'C') amac = 8; if(c3 == 'A') amac = 9; if(c3 == 'G') amac = 9; } if(c2 == 'G') amac = 6; } if( ( c1 != 'A' && c1 != 'T' && c1 != 'G' && c1 != 'C' ) || ( c2 != 'A' && c2 != 'T' && c2 != 'G' && c2 != 'C' ) || ( c3 != 'A' && c3 != 'T' && c3 != 'G' && c3 != 'C' ) ) return( 0 ); return( amac ); } /* translate */ #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_int_test ******************************************** ** ** edialign_int_test. Unused. ** ** @param [r] f [float] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_int_test(float f) { ajint i = f; if(i == f) return (1); return (0); } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_change *********************************************** ** ** edialign_change ** ** @param [u] a [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @param [u] b [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_change(struct multi_frag *a, struct multi_frag *b) { struct multi_frag c; struct multi_frag *an; struct multi_frag *bn; c = *a; an = a->next; bn = b->next; *a = *b; *b = c; a->next = an; b->next = bn; return; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_pair_change ***************************************** ** ** edialign_pair_change. Unused. ** ** @param [u] a [struct seq_pair*] Undocumented ** @param [u] b [struct seq_pair*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_pair_change(struct seq_pair *a, struct seq_pair *b) { struct seq_pair c; c = *a; *a = *b; *b = c; return; } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_ow_bubble_sort ************************************** ** ** edialign_ow_bubble_sort ** ** @param [r] number [int] Undocumented ** @param [u] dp [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_ow_bubble_sort( int number , struct multi_frag *dp ) { /* sorting diagonals in multiple alignment according to their overlap weights */ struct multi_frag *hp; ajint hv1; ajint hv2; FILE *fp_st; for( hv1 = 1 ; hv1 < number ; hv1++ ) { hp = dp; if( print_status ) if( ( hv1 % 100 ) == 0 ) { fp_st = fopen( pst_name ,"w"); fprintf(fp_st,"\n\n\n Status of the program run:\n"); fprintf(fp_st," ==========================\n\n"); fprintf(fp_st," %s \n\n", input_line); fprintf(fp_st," iteration step %d in multiple " "alignment\n", istep ); fprintf(fp_st," overlap weight sorting of diagonals\n"); fprintf(fp_st," current diagonal = %d\n\n", hv1 ); fprintf(fp_st," total number of"); fprintf(fp_st," diagonals: %d\n\n\n\n", number); fclose(fp_st); } for( hv2 = hv1 ; hv2 < number ; hv2++ ) { if( hp->ow < (hp->next)->ow ) edialign_change( hp , hp->next ); hp = hp->next; } } return; } /* ow_bubble_sort */ /* @funcstatic edialign_bubble_sort ************************************** ** ** edialign_bubble_sort ** ** @param [r] number [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [u] dp [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_bubble_sort(ajint number , struct multi_frag *dp ) { /* sorting diagonals in multiple alignment according to their individual weights */ struct multi_frag *hp; int hv1, hv2; FILE *fp_st; for( hv1 = 1 ; hv1 < number ; hv1++ ) { hp = dp; if( print_status ) if( ( hv1 % 100 ) == 0 ) { fp_st = fopen( pst_name ,"w"); fprintf(fp_st,"\n\n\n Status of the program run:\n"); fprintf(fp_st," ==========================\n\n"); fprintf(fp_st," %s \n\n", input_line); fprintf(fp_st," iteration step %d\n", istep ); fprintf(fp_st," ind. weight sorting of diagonals\n"); fprintf(fp_st," current diagonal = %d\n\n", hv1 ); fprintf(fp_st," total number of"); fprintf(fp_st," diagonals: %d\n\n\n\n", number); fclose(fp_st); } for( hv2 = hv1 ; hv2 < number ; hv2++ ) { if( hp->weight < (hp->next)->weight ) edialign_change( hp , hp->next ); hp = hp->next; } } return; } /* bubble_sort */ /* @funcstatic edialign_change_struct_el ************************************ ** ** edialign_change_struct_el ** ** @param [u] a [struct multi_frag**] Undocumented ** @param [r] l [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] r [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_change_struct_el(struct multi_frag **a, ajint l, ajint r) { struct multi_frag *dummy; dummy = a[l]; a[l] = a[r]; a[r] = dummy; return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_change_first *************************************** ** ** edialign_change_first ** ** @param [u] a [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @param [u] b [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_change_first(struct multi_frag *a, struct multi_frag *b) { struct multi_frag c; struct multi_frag *an; struct multi_frag *bn; if(a==b) { /* Change the first list-element with the second one ** (old first-el.). */ c = *a; an = a->next; bn = a->next->next; *a = *(a->next); a->next = bn; *an = c; an->next = a; } else /* Change the new first list-el. with the old first-el. */ { /* Make a copy of the new first-listelement a. */ c = *a; /* Make a copy of the pointer at the second-el. */ an = a->next; /* Make a copy of the pointer old first-el. shows at. */ bn = b->next->next; /* Write the value of the old first-el. on the place of the ** new first-el. */ *a = *(b->next); /* Bend his "next" pointer at the next el. of the old first-el. */ a->next = bn; /* Write the value of the new fist-el. on the place of the ** old first-el. */ *(b->next) = c; /* Bend his "next" pointer at the next el. of the new first-el. */ b->next->next = an; b->next = a; } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_quicksort_ow *************************************** ** ** edialign_quicksort_ow ** ** @param [u] array [struct multi_frag**] Undocumented ** @param [r] left [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] right [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_quicksort_ow(struct multi_frag **array, ajint left, ajint right) { ajint l = left; ajint r = right; struct multi_frag *element; element = array[(left+right)/2]; do { while(array[l]->ow > element->ow) l++; while(element->ow > array[r]->ow) r--; if(l < r) edialign_change_struct_el(array,l,r); if(l <= r) {l++; r--;} }while(l<=r); if(left < r) edialign_quicksort_ow(array, left, r); if(l < right) edialign_quicksort_ow(array, l, right); return; } /*edialign_quicksort_ow*/ /* @funcstatic edialign_quicksort_weight ************************************ ** ** edialign_quicksort_weight ** ** @param [u] array [struct multi_frag**] Undocumented ** @param [r] left [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] right [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_quicksort_weight(struct multi_frag **array, ajint left, ajint right) { ajint l = left; ajint r = right; struct multi_frag *element; element = array[(left+right)/2]; do { while(array[l]->weight > element->weight) l++; while(element->weight > array[r]->weight) r--; if(l < r) edialign_change_struct_el(array,l,r); if(l <= r) {l++; r--;} }while(l<=r); if(left < r) edialign_quicksort_weight(array, left, r); if(l < right) edialign_quicksort_weight(array, l, right); return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_assemble_list *************************************** ** ** edialign_assemble_list ** ** @param [u] array [struct multi_frag**] Undocumented ** @param [u] dp [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @param [r] number [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_assemble_list(struct multi_frag **array, struct multi_frag *dp, ajint number) { ajint i; ajint idx = 0; for(i = 0; i< number-1; i++) { if(dp==array[i]) idx = i; array[i]->next = array[i+1]; } array[number-1]->next = 0; if(dp==array[number-1]) idx = number-1; if(idx!=0) edialign_change_first(array[0],array[idx-1]); return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_frag_sort *************************************** ** ** edialign_frag_sort ** ** @param [r] number [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [u] dp [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @param [r] olw [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_frag_sort(ajint number , struct multi_frag *dp , ajint olw ) { ajint i=1; struct multi_frag **array; if((array = (struct multi_frag**)calloc(number+1, sizeof(struct multi_frag*)))==0) { ajFatal(" problems with memory allocation for `all_clades'\n \n"); } array[0] = dp; while(array[i-1]->next) {array[i] = array[i-1]->next; i++;} if( olw ) edialign_quicksort_ow(array,0,number); else edialign_quicksort_weight(array,0,number); edialign_assemble_list(array, dp, number+1); return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_ow_add *************************************** ** ** edialign_ow_add ** ** @param [u] sm1 [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @param [u] sm2 [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_ow_add( struct multi_frag *sm1 , struct multi_frag *sm2 ) { /* increasing the overlap weights of two diagonals, if they have any overlap */ ajint trans; ajint i; ajint j; ajint k; ajint s1; ajint s2; ajint b1; ajint b2; ajint conslen; ajint dif; ajint match; float add_wgt; trans = sm1->trans; for(i=0;i<2;i++) for(j=0;j<2;j++) if( sm1->s[i] == sm2->s[j] ) if( sm1->s[j] != sm2->s[i] ) if( sm1->b[i] < sm2->b[j] + sm2->ext && sm2->b[j] < sm1->b[i] + sm1->ext ) { conslen = edialign_mini2( sm1->b[i] + sm1->ext, sm2->b[j] + sm2->ext) - edialign_maxi2( sm1->b[i] , sm2->b[j] ); if( ( trans == 0 ) || ( ( conslen % 3 ) == 0 ) ) { s1 = sm1->s[(i+1)%2]; s2 = sm2->s[(j+1)%2]; b1 = sm1->b[(i+1)%2]; dif = sm2->b[j] - sm1->b[i]; if (dif > 0) b1 = b1 + dif; b2 = sm2->b[(j+1)%2]; dif = sm1->b[i] - sm2->b[j]; if (dif > 0) b2 = b2 + dif; match = 0; for( k = 0 ; k < conslen ; k++ ) { if( ( wgt_type == 0 ) || ( trans && ( ( k % 3 ) == 0 ) ) ) match = match + sim_score[amino[s1][b1+k]][amino[s2] [b2+k]]; else match = match + ( seq[ s1 ][ b1 + k ] == seq[ s2 ][ b2 + k ] ); } if( wgt_type == 0 ) add_wgt = wgt_prot[ conslen ][ match ]; else if( trans ) add_wgt = wgt_trans[ conslen / 3 ][match]; else add_wgt = wgt_dna[ conslen ][ match ] ; sm1->ow = sm1->ow + add_wgt ; sm2->ow = sm2->ow + add_wgt ; } } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_seq_shift ******************************************** ** ** edialign_seq_shift ** ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_seq_shift(void) { ajuint i; ajint hv; for(i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++) for(hv = seqlen[i]+1 ; hv > 0 ; hv--) seq[i][hv] = seq[i][hv-1]; return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_filter ******************************************** ** ** edialign_filter ** ** @param [u] number [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [u] diagonal [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_filter(ajint *number, struct multi_frag *diagonal) { /* checks diagonals one by one, if they are consistent with the diagonals already included into the alignment. If a new diagonal is consistent, it is included into the alignment and the frontiers in clos (when GABIOS is used) are changed accordingly */ ajuint i; ajuint j; ajint hv; ajint ab[2]; ajint as[2]; ajint aext; ajint nv; float awgt ; ajint test; /* = 1 if current diagonal consistent; = 0 otherwise */ ajint number_bf; /* number of diagonals before filter */ FILE *fp_st; FILE *fp_cap = NULL; struct multi_frag *dia; char cap_file_name[ NAME_LEN ] ; if( ( istep > 0 ) && ( iter_cond_prob == 0 ) ) for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) for( j = 0 ; j < seqnum ; j++ ) cont_it_p[i][j] = 0 ; dia = diagonal; number_bf = *number; if( ( istep == 0 ) && anchors && ( seqnum > 2 ) ) { strcpy( cap_file_name , input_name ); strcat( cap_file_name , ".cap" ); fp_cap = fopen( cap_file_name ,"w"); } for(nv = 0 ; nv < number_bf ; nv++ ) { ab[0] = dia->b[0]; /* begin of n-th diagonal in 1. sequence */ ab[1] = dia->b[1]; /* begin of n-th diagonal in 2. sequence */ as[0] = dia->s[0]; /* 1. sequence of n-th diagonal */ as[1] = dia->s[1]; /* 2. sequence of n-th diagonal */ aext = dia->ext; /* length of n-th diagonal */ awgt = dia->weight; /* length of n-th diagonal */ /*ae[0] = ab[0] + aext - 1;*/ /* end of n-th diagonal in 1. sequence */ /*ae[1] = ab[1]+aext-1;*/ /* end of n-th diagonal in 2. sequence */ if( print_status ) if( ( ( nv + 1 ) % 10 ) == 0 ) { fp_st = fopen( pst_name ,"w"); fprintf(fp_st,"\n\n\n Status of the program run:\n"); fprintf(fp_st," ==========================\n\n"); fprintf(fp_st," %s \n\n", input_line); fprintf(fp_st," iteration step %d \n", istep ); fprintf(fp_st," checking diagonal %d for ", nv + 1); fprintf(fp_st,"consistency\n\n total number of"); fprintf(fp_st," diagonals = %d \n\n\n\n", number_bf); fclose(fp_st); } test = edialign_alignableSegments(gabiosclos, as[0], ab[0], as[1], ab[1], aext); if(test) /* i.e current diagonal consistent with the diagonals already included into the alignment */ { edialign_addAlignedSegments(gabiosclos, as[0], ab[0], as[1], ab[1], aext); if( istep ) for(hv=0;hvsel = 1; glob_sim[ as[0] ][ as[1] ] = glob_sim[ as[0] ][ as[1] ] + dia->weight; if( istep ) tot_weight = tot_weight + dia->weight; } /* if test, i.e. current diagonal consistent */ else /* no consistency */ { (*number)--; dia->sel = 0; cont_it_p[ as[0] ][ as[1] ] = 1 ; } if( ( istep == 0 ) && anchors && ( seqnum > 2 ) ) { fprintf( fp_cap, " anchor %d %d %d %d %d %f " , as[0] + 1, as[1] + 1 , ab[0], ab[1], aext , awgt); if( dia->sel == 0 ) fprintf( fp_cap , " inconsistent "); fprintf( fp_cap , "\n"); } dia = dia->next; } /* for(hv = 0 ; hv < number_bf ; hv++ ) */ if( ( istep == 0 ) && anchors && ( seqnum > 2 ) ) fclose( fp_cap ) ; return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_sel_test ******************************************** ** ** edialign_sel_test ** ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_sel_test(void) { ajint hv; struct multi_frag *hp; hp = this_it_dia; for( hv = 0 ; hv < num_dia_af[ istep ] ; hv++ ) { if( hp->sel == 0 ) { ajFatal("\n\n\n sel[%d] = %d \n", hv, hp->sel); } hp = hp->next; } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_throw_out ******************************************** ** ** edialign_throw_out ** ** @param [u] weight_sum [float*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_throw_out( float *weight_sum ) { ajint nc; short consist_found = 0; struct multi_frag *cp; /* current diagonal */ struct multi_frag *hp; /* predecedor of cp */ hp = ( struct multi_frag *) calloc( 1 , sizeof( struct multi_frag ) ); cp = this_it_dia; hp = NULL; *weight_sum = 0; for( nc = 0 ; nc < num_dia_bf[ istep ] ; nc++ ) { if( cp->sel ) { *weight_sum = *weight_sum + cp->weight; consist_found = 1; hp = cp; cp = cp->next; } else { cp = cp->next; if( consist_found ) { free(hp->next); hp->next = cp; } else { free( this_it_dia); this_it_dia = cp; } } } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_new_shift ******************************************** ** ** shifts the elements of sequence s starting with position p ** for dif elements to the right ** ** @param [r] s [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] p [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] dif [ajint] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_new_shift(ajint s, ajint p, ajint dif) { ajint hv; ajint shift_dif; /* length of a gap (if existing) between position hv and position hv+1. In case of gaps, the function `new_shift' diminishs the lengths of the gaps instead of shifting further sequence elements to the right */ for(hv=p ; ( hv0) ; hv++) { shift_dif = shift[s][hv+1] - shift[s][hv] - 1; shift[s][hv] = shift[s][hv] + dif; dif = dif - shift_dif; } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_wgt_type_count ************************************** ** ** edialign_wgt_type_count ** ** @param [r] num [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] e_len [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [u] plus_cnt [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [u] minus_cnt [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [u] nuc_cnt [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [u] frg_inv [ajint*] Undocumented ** @param [u] dia [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_wgt_type_count(ajint num , ajint e_len, ajint *plus_cnt, ajint *minus_cnt, ajint *nuc_cnt , ajint *frg_inv, struct multi_frag *dia) { ajint i; ajint dc; ajint pc; ajint s1; ajint pos; (void) e_len; /* make it used */ for( dc = 0 ; dc < num ; dc++ ) { for( pc = 0 ; pc < dia->ext ; pc++ ) { i = dia->b[0] + pc; s1 = dia->s[0]; pos = shift[s1][i]; if ( dia->trans ) if ( dia->cs ) minus_cnt[ pos ] = minus_cnt[ pos ] + 1 ; else plus_cnt[ pos ] = plus_cnt[ pos ] + 1 ; else { nuc_cnt[ pos ] = nuc_cnt[ pos ] + 1 ; } frg_inv[ pos ] = frg_inv[ pos ] + 1 ; } dia = dia->next; } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_plot_calc ************************************** ** ** edialign_plot_calc ** ** @param [r] num [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] e_len [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [u] w_count [float*] Undocumented ** @param [u] pl [float*] Undocumented ** @param [u] dia [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp_csc [FILE*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_plot_calc(ajint num , ajint e_len, float *w_count, float *pl, struct multi_frag *dia , FILE *fp_csc ) { ajint i; ajint dc; ajint pc; ajint s1; ajint pos; float max_weight = 0; /* maximum value of `weight_count' */ float shrink; float shrink_csc; float hsc; for( dc = 0 ; dc < num ; dc++ ) { for( pc = 0 ; pc < dia->ext ; pc++ ) { i = dia->b[0] + pc; s1 = dia->s[0]; pos = shift[s1][i]; w_count[ pos ] = w_count[ pos ] + dia->weight; } dia = dia->next; } for( i = 0 ; i <= e_len ; i++ ) if( max_weight < w_count[i] ) max_weight = w_count[i]; if( max_weight ) { shrink = plot_num / max_weight; shrink_csc = MAX_CSC / max_weight; for( i = 0 ; i <= e_len ; i++ ) pl[i] = w_count[i] * shrink; if( col_score ) { printf(" e_len = %d \n\n", e_len) ; for( i = 0 ; i <= e_len ; i++ ) { hsc = w_count[i] * shrink_csc ; fprintf( fp_csc , "%5.1f\t0\n", hsc ) ; } } } else { for( i = 0 ; i <= e_len ; i++ ) pl[i] = 0 ; printf(" e_len = %d \n\n", e_len) ; printf(" no max weight\n\n"); } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_av_tree_print ************************************** ** ** edialign_av_tree_print ** ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_av_tree_print(void) { ajuint i; ajuint j; ajint k; ajuint connect; ajint max_pair[2]; ajuint m1; ajuint m2; struct subtree *all_clades; double **clade_similarity; double new_similarity = 0.; double max_sim; char *string; char l_name[2][20]; float branch_len[2]; float depth; if( (all_clades = (struct subtree *) calloc( seqnum , sizeof( struct subtree ) )) == NULL) { ajFatal(" problems with memory allocation for `all_clades'\n \n"); } if( (clade_similarity = (double **) calloc( seqnum , sizeof( double* ) )) == NULL) embExitBad(); for(i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) if( (clade_similarity[i] = (double *) calloc( seqnum , sizeof( double ) )) == NULL) embExitBad(); if( (string = (char *) calloc( seqnum * 100 , sizeof(char) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `string'\n \n"); embExitBad(); } for(i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) { if( (all_clades[i].member = (int *) calloc( seqnum , sizeof( int ) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `all_clades'\n \n"); embExitBad(); } if( (all_clades[i].name = (char *) calloc( seqnum * 100 , sizeof( char ) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `all_clades'\n \n"); embExitBad(); } strcpy( all_clades[i].name , seq_name[i] ); all_clades[i].member_num = 1; all_clades[i].member[0] = i; all_clades[i].valid = 1; all_clades[i].depth = 0; } for(i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) for(j = i + 1 ; j < seqnum ; j++ ) { clade_similarity[i][j] = glob_sim[i][j]; clade_similarity[j][i] = glob_sim[i][j]; } for(connect = 1 ; connect < seqnum ; connect++) { max_sim = - 1; for(i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) for(j = 0 ; j < seqnum ; j++ ) if( i != j ) if( all_clades[i].valid && all_clades[j].valid ) if( clade_similarity[i][j] > max_sim ) { max_sim = clade_similarity[i][j]; max_pair[0] = i; max_pair[1] = j; } depth = 1 / ( max_sim + 1 ) ; { m1 = max_pair[0]; m2 = max_pair[1]; for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) if( all_clades[i].valid ) if( i != m1 ) if( i != m2 ) { if( ! strcmp(clust_sim , "av") ) new_similarity = ( clade_similarity[i][m1] * all_clades[m1].member_num + clade_similarity[i][m2] * all_clades[m2].member_num ) / ( all_clades[m1].member_num + all_clades[m2].member_num ); if( ! strcmp(clust_sim , "max") ) new_similarity = edialign_maxf2(clade_similarity[i][m1] , clade_similarity[i][m2] ); if( ! strcmp(clust_sim , "min") ) new_similarity = edialign_minf2(clade_similarity[i][m1], clade_similarity[i][m2]); clade_similarity[i][m1] = new_similarity; clade_similarity[m1][i] = new_similarity; } all_clades[m2].valid = 0; for(k = 0 ; k < all_clades[m2].member_num ; k++) all_clades[m1].member[ all_clades[m1].member_num + k ] = all_clades[m2].member[ k ] ; all_clades[m1].member_num = all_clades[m1].member_num + all_clades[m2].member_num; for(k = 0 ; k < 2 ; k++) { branch_len[k] = depth - all_clades[ max_pair[k] ].depth; sprintf( l_name[k],":%f", branch_len[k]); } all_clades[m1].depth = depth; strcpy(string,"("); strcat(string, all_clades[m1].name); strcat(string,l_name[0]); /* strcat(string,",\n"); */ strcat(string, all_clades[m2].name); strcat(string,l_name[1]); strcat(string,")"); strcpy( all_clades[m1].name , string ); } } strcat(string, ";"); i = strlen( string ) + 2; if( (upg_str = (char *) calloc( i , sizeof(char) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `upg_str'\n \n"); embExitBad(); } for(i = 0 ; i <= strlen( string ) ; i++ ) upg_str[i] = string[i] ; return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_print_log ************************************** ** ** edialign_print_log ** ** @param [u] d [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp_l [FILE*] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp_fs [FILE*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_print_log(struct multi_frag *d,FILE *fp_l,FILE *fp_fs) { ajuint i; ajuint j; ajint pv; ajint percent; ajint this_frag_trans; ajint frg_count = 0; struct multi_frag *diagonal; char hc; if(long_output) { fprintf(fp_l," \n \n Iteration %d:\n", istep ); if( istep < 10 ) fprintf(fp_l," ------------"); else fprintf(fp_l," -------------"); } for(i= 0 ; i 2 ) { fprintf(fp_l, "\n \n \n \n Pairwise alignment "); fprintf(fp_l, "%d/%d", i + 1, j + 1); fprintf(fp_l, " (%s / %s) \n" ,seq_name[i],seq_name[j] ); fprintf(fp_l, " ========================="); fprintf(fp_l, "===================== "); } fprintf(fp_l, " \n \n \n"); } pairalignsum = 0; pairalignlen = 0; diagonal = d; while(diagonal != NULL) { frg_count++ ; if( diagonal->s[0] == (ajint)i && diagonal->s[1] == (ajint)j) { if(diagonal->sel) { if(long_output) { fprintf(fp_l," *"); fprintf(fp_l," (%3d,", diagonal->b[0]); } pairalignsum = pairalignsum + diagonal->weight; pairalignlen = pairalignlen + diagonal->ext; } else if(long_output) fprintf(fp_l," (%3d,", diagonal->b[0]); if(long_output) { fprintf(fp_l,"%3d) ", diagonal->b[1]); fprintf(fp_l," wgt:%7.3f ", diagonal->weight); if(seqnum > 2) if(overlap_weights) fprintf(fp_l," olw:%7.3f ", diagonal->ow); fprintf(fp_l,"len: %2d", diagonal->ext); if( ( wgt_type == 3 ) || crick_strand ) { if( diagonal->trans ) fprintf(fp_l," P-frg" ); else fprintf(fp_l," N-frg" ); } if( diagonal->trans ) if( crick_strand ) { if( diagonal->cs ) fprintf(fp_l,", CRICK strand " ); else fprintf(fp_l,", WATSON strand " ); } } if( frg_mult_file_v ) { fprintf(fp_fs,"FRG %d ", frg_count ); fprintf(fp_fs,"name: %s %s ", seq_name[i] , seq_name[j] ) ; fprintf(fp_fs,"seq: %d %d ", i + 1 , j + 1 ) ; fprintf(fp_fs,"beg: %d %d ", diagonal->b[0], diagonal->b[1]); fprintf(fp_fs,"len: %d ", diagonal->ext); fprintf(fp_fs,"wgt:%7.3f ", diagonal->weight); if(diagonal->sel) fprintf(fp_fs," CONS "); else fprintf(fp_fs," NON-CONS "); fprintf(fp_fs,"\n") ; fprintf(fp_fs,"SEG1 "); for(pv = 0 ; pv < diagonal->ext ; pv ++) fprintf(fp_fs,"%c", seq[i][diagonal->b[0] + pv]); fprintf(fp_fs,"\n"); fprintf(fp_fs,"SEG2 "); for(pv = 0 ; pv < diagonal->ext ; pv ++) fprintf(fp_fs,"%c", seq[j][diagonal->b[1] + pv]); fprintf(fp_fs,"\n"); fprintf(fp_fs,"\n"); } if( frg_mult_file & ! frg_mult_file_v ) { if( diagonal->sel ) { fprintf(fp_fs," %d %d ", i + 1 , j + 1 ) ; fprintf(fp_fs," %d %d ", diagonal->b[0], diagonal->b[1]); fprintf(fp_fs," %d \n", diagonal->ext); } } if(long_output) { fprintf(fp_l,"\n"); if( wgt_type == 2 || ( ( wgt_type == 3 ) && diagonal->trans ) ) this_frag_trans = 1; else this_frag_trans = 0; if( this_frag_trans ) { fprintf(fp_l,"\n "); for(pv = 0 ; pv < diagonal->ext ; pv ++) { hc = amino_acid[ amino[i][ diagonal->b[0] + pv - 1 ] ] ; if( crick_strand ) if( diagonal->cs ) hc = amino_acid[amino_c[i] [diagonal->b[0] + pv - 1 ] ] ; if( ( pv % 3 ) == 0 ) fprintf(fp_l,"/"); if( ( pv % 3 ) == 1 ) fprintf(fp_l,"%c", hc ) ; if( ( pv % 3 ) == 2 ) fprintf(fp_l,"\\"); } } fprintf(fp_l,"\n "); for(pv = 0 ; pv < diagonal->ext ; pv ++) fprintf(fp_l,"%c", seq[i][ diagonal->b[0] + pv ] ); fprintf(fp_l,"\n"); fprintf(fp_l," "); for(pv = 0 ; pv < diagonal->ext ; pv ++) fprintf(fp_l,"%c", seq[j][ diagonal->b[1] + pv ] ); if( this_frag_trans ) { fprintf(fp_l,"\n "); for(pv = 0 ; pv < diagonal->ext ; pv ++) { hc = amino_acid[ amino[j][ diagonal->b[1] + pv - 1 ] ] ; if( crick_strand ) if( diagonal->cs ) hc = amino_acid[ amino_c[j] [ diagonal->b[1] + pv - 1 ] ] ; if( ( pv % 3 ) == 0 ) fprintf(fp_l,"\\"); if( ( pv % 3 ) == 1 ) fprintf(fp_l,"%c", hc ) ; if( ( pv % 3 ) == 2 ) fprintf(fp_l,"/"); } } fprintf(fp_l,"\n \n"); } } /* if( diagonal->s[0] == i && diagonal->s[1] == j) */ diagonal = diagonal->next; } /* while(diagonal != NULL) */ percent = pairalignlen*100/edialign_mini2(seqlen[i],seqlen[j]); if(long_output) { fprintf(fp_l,"\n Sum of diagonal scores: %f\n", pairalignsum); fprintf(fp_l," Aligned residues: %d\n", pairalignlen); fprintf(fp_l," (%d percent of the shorter", percent); fprintf(fp_l," sequence aligned)\n"); } } /* for(i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++) for(j = i + 1 ; j < seqnum ; j++) */ return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_word_count ****************************************** ** ** edialign_word_count ** ** @param [u] str [char*] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_word_count( char *str ) { short word = 0 ; ajuint i ; ajint word_len = 0 ; for( i = 0 ; i < strlen( str ) - 1 ; i++ ) { if( ( str[i] != ' ' ) && ( str[i] != '\t' ) ) { if( ! word ) { word_len++ ; word = 1 ; } } else word = 0 ; } return( word_len ) ; } /* @funcstatic edialign_exclude_frg_read ************************************* ** ** edialign_exclude_frg_read ** ** @param [u] file_name [char*] Undocumented ** @param [u] exclude_list [int***] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_exclude_frg_read( char *file_name , int ***exclude_list) { char exclude_file_name[ NAME_LEN ]; FILE *fp; char line[ 10000 ]; ajint i; ajint len; ajint beg1; ajint beg2; ajuint seq1; ajuint seq2; strcpy( exclude_file_name , file_name ); strcat( exclude_file_name , ".xfr" ); if( (fp = fopen( exclude_file_name, "r")) == NULL) edialign_erreur("\n\n cannot find file with excluded fragments \n\n"); while( fgets( line , MLINE , fp ) != NULL ) { if( strlen( line ) > 4 ) { sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %d %d", &seq1, &seq2, &beg1, &beg2 , &len); if( seq1 > seqnum ) { printf ("\n\n exclueded fragment makes no sense!\n\n"); printf (" wrong sequence no %d in fragment\n\n", seq1 ); printf ("%d %d %d %d %d \n\n ", seq1, seq2, beg1, beg2 , len); embExitBad() ; } if( seq2 > seqnum ) { printf ("\n\n excluded fragment makes no sense!\n\n"); printf (" wrong sequence no %d in fragment\n\n", seq2 ); printf (" %d %d %d %d %d \n\n", seq1, seq2, beg1, beg2, len ); embExitBad() ; } /* seq1 = seq1 - 1; seq2 = seq2 - 1; */ if( beg1 + len > seqlen[ seq1 - 1 ] + 1 ){ printf ("\n\n excluded fragment makes no sense!\n"); printf (" fragment"); printf (" \" %d %d %d %d %d \"\n", seq1, seq2, beg1, beg2 , len ); printf (" doesn't fit into sequence %d:\n", seq1 ); printf (" sequence %d has length = %d\n\n", seq1 , seqlen[ seq1 - 1 ] ); embExitBad() ; } for( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { exclude_list[ seq1 - 1 ][ seq2 - 1 ][ beg1 + i ] = beg2 + i ; } } } return; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_ws_remove ************************************* ** ** edialign_ws_remove ** ** @param [u] str [char*] Undocumented ============================= ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_ws_remove( char *str ) { ajint pv = 0 ; while( ( str[ pv ] == ' ' ) || ( str[ pv ] == '\t' ) ) pv++; strcpy( str , str + pv ); return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_n_clean ************************************* ** ** edialign_n_clean ** ** @param [u] str [char*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_n_clean( char *str ) { ajint pv = 0 ; char *char_ptr ; while( ( str[ pv ] == ' ' ) || ( str[ pv ] == '\t' ) || ( str[ pv ] == '>' ) ) pv++; strcpy( str , str + pv ) ; if( ( char_ptr = strchr( str ,' ') ) != NULL) *char_ptr = '\0'; if( ( char_ptr = strchr( str ,'\t') ) != NULL) *char_ptr = '\0'; if( ( char_ptr = strchr( str ,'\n') ) != NULL) *char_ptr = '\0'; return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_fasta_test ************************************* ** ** edialign_fasta_test ** ** @param [u] seq_file [char*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_fasta_test( char *seq_file ) { ajint test = 1; FILE *fp; char line[ MAX_INPUT_LINE ] ; if( (fp = fopen( seq_file , "r")) == NULL) { printf("\n\n Cannot find sequence file %s \n\n\n", seq_file ); embExitBad() ; } while( test ) { fgets( line , MAX_INPUT_LINE , fp ); edialign_ws_remove( line ); if( line[0] != '\n' ) { if( line[0] == '>' ) test = 0; else edialign_erreur("\n\n file not in FASTA format \n\n"); } } fclose( fp ); return; } #endif #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_seq_read ******************************************** ** ** edialign_seq_read. unused. ** ** @param [u] seq_file [char*] Undocumented ** @param [u] sq [char* [MAX_SEQNUM]] Undocumented ** @param [u] sqn [char**] Undocumented ** @param [u] fsqn [char**] Undocumented ** @return [ajint] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static ajint edialign_seq_read(char *seq_file, char *sq[MAX_SEQNUM] , char **sqn , char **fsqn) { char line[ MAX_INPUT_LINE ] ; ajint sn, i, k , crc ; ajint j = 0; FILE *fp; ajint max_char[ MAX_SEQNUM ] ; if( (fp = fopen( seq_file , "r")) == NULL) { printf("\n\n Cannot find sequence file %s \n\n\n", seq_file ); embExitBad() ; } edialign_fasta_test( seq_file ); sn = -1 ; while( fgets( line , MAX_INPUT_LINE , fp ) != NULL ) { edialign_ws_remove( line ); if( line[0] == '>' ) { sn++; edialign_n_clean( line ); fsqn[ sn ] = ( char * ) calloc(strlen(line) + 3 , sizeof(char)); strcpy( fsqn[ sn ] , line ) ; max_char[ sn ] = 0; sqn[ sn ] = (char *) calloc( SEQ_NAME_LEN + 3 , sizeof(char)); for( crc = 0 ; crc < SEQ_NAME_LEN ; crc++ ) if( crc < strlen(line) ) sqn[ sn ][ crc ] = line[ crc ] ; else sqn[ sn ][ crc ] = ' '; sqn[ sn ][ SEQ_NAME_LEN ] = '\0'; } else max_char[ sn ] = max_char[ sn ] + strlen( line ) - 1 ; } for( i = 0 ; i <= sn ; i++ ) { sq[ i ] = ( char * ) calloc( max_char[ i ] + 1 , sizeof ( char ) ); } if( (seqlen = (int *) calloc( ( sn + 1 ) , sizeof(int) )) == NULL) edialign_erreur("\n problems with memory allocation for `seqlen' \n"); fclose( fp ); /******************************************/ if( self_comparison == 1 ) { if( sn != 0 ) { printf("\n\n With option \"self comparison\" input file " "must contain one single sequence \n\n" ); embExitBad() ; } sq[ 1 ] = ( char * ) calloc( max_char[ 0 ] + 1 , sizeof ( char ) ); sqn[ 1 ] = ( char * ) calloc( strlen( line ) + 3 , sizeof ( char ) ); strcpy( sqn[ 1 ] , sqn[ 0 ] ) ; } /******************************************/ if( (fp = fopen( seq_file , "r")) == NULL) edialign_erreur("\n\n no seq file \n\n"); sn = -1 ; while( fgets( line , MAX_INPUT_LINE , fp ) != NULL ) { edialign_ws_remove( line ); if( line[0] == '>' ) { sn++; j = 0; } else for( k = 0 ; k < strlen( line ) ; k++ ) if( (( line[ k ] >= 65 ) && ( line[ k ] <= 90 )) || (( line[ k ] >= 97 ) && ( line[ k ] <= 122 )) ) sq[ sn ][ j++ ] = toupper( line[ k ] ) ; } sn++; for( i = 0 ; i < sn ; i++ ) { seqlen[ i ] = strlen ( sq[ i ] ) ; } if( self_comparison ) { seqlen[ 1 ] = seqlen[ 0 ] ; for( i = 0 ; i <= seqlen[ 0 ] ; i++ ) sq[ 1 ][ i ] = sq[ 0 ][ i ] ; sn++; } fclose( fp ); return( sn ); } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_matrix_read ***************************************** ** ** edialign_matrix_read ** ** @param [u] fp_mat [FILE*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_matrix_read( FILE *fp_mat ) { ajint i, j; char line[MLINE], dummy[MLINE]; fgets( line , MLINE , fp_mat ); fgets( line , MLINE , fp_mat ); for( i = 1 ; i <= 20 ; i++ ) { for(j=i;j<=20;j++) { fscanf( fp_mat , "%d" , &sim_score[i][j]); sim_score[j][i] = sim_score[i][j]; if ( sim_score[i][j] > max_sim_score ) max_sim_score = sim_score[i][j] ; } fscanf( fp_mat, "%s\n", dummy); } /* fclose(fp_mat); */ for( i = 0 ; i <= 20 ; i++ ) { sim_score[i][0] = 0 ; sim_score[0][i] = 0 ; } /* sim_score[0][0] = max_sim_score ; */ return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_tp400_read ***************************************** ** ** edialign_tp400_read ** ** @param [r] w_type [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [u] pr_ptr [double**] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_tp400_read( ajint w_type , double **pr_ptr ) { /* reads probabilities from file */ /* w_type = 0 (protein), 1 (dna w/o transl.), 2 (dna with transl.) */ char line[MLINE]; /* char file_name[MLINE]; char suffix[10]; */ char str[MLINE] ; ajint sum, len; double pr; AjPFile etpfile = NULL; AjPStr tnstr = NULL; FILE *fp; tnstr = ajStrNew(); if ( w_type == 0 ) { etpfile = ajDatafileNewInNameC("tp400_prot"); /* strcpy( suffix , "prot" );*/ } else if ( w_type == 1 ) { etpfile = ajDatafileNewInNameC("tp400_dna"); /* strcpy( suffix , "dna" );*/ } else if ( w_type == 2 ) { etpfile = ajDatafileNewInNameC("tp400_trans"); /* strcpy( suffix , "trans" );*/ } /* strcpy( file_name , par_dir ); strcat( file_name , "/tp400_" ); strcat( file_name , suffix ); if ( ( fp = fopen( file_name , "r" ) ) == NULL ) { printf("\n\n Cannot find the file %s \n\n", file_name ); printf(" Make sure the environment variable DIALIGN2_DIR points\n"); printf(" to a directory containing the files \n\n"); printf(" BLOSUM \n tp400_dna\n tp400_prot \n tp400_trans " "\n\n" ); printf(" These files should be contained in the DIALIGN package " "\n\n\n" ) ; embExitBad() ; } */ /* ajStrAssignS(&tnstr,ajFileGetNameS(etpfile)); ajFileClose(&etpfile); fp = fopen(ajStrGetPtr(tnstr),"rb"); */ fp = ajFileGetFileptr(etpfile); if ( fgets( line , MLINE , fp ) == NULL ) ajFatal("\n\n problem with tp400 file \n\n"); else if( w_type % 2 ) av_sim_score_nuc = atof( line ); else av_sim_score_pep = atof( line ); while( fgets( line , MLINE , fp ) != NULL ) { sscanf(line,"%d %d %s", &len, &sum, str ); pr = atof(str); pr_ptr[len][sum] = pr; } ajStrDel(&tnstr); /* fclose(fp); */ ajFileClose(&etpfile); return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_subst_mat ***************************************** ** ** edialign_subst_mat ** ** @param [u] file_name [char*] Undocumented ** @param [r] fragno [int] Undocumented ** @param [u] frg [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_subst_mat( char *file_name, int fragno , struct multi_frag *frg ) { ajint ii; ajuint i; ajuint j; ajuint s0, s1; ajint frg_count ; short a0 , a1 ; ajint ****sbsmt ; struct multi_frag *frag ; char mat_file_name[ NAME_LEN ] ; FILE *fp_mat; if( ( sbsmt = (int **** ) calloc( seqnum , sizeof(int ***))) == NULL) { printf("Problems with memory allocation for sbsmt\n"); embExitBad(); } for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) if( ( sbsmt[i] = (int *** ) calloc( seqnum , sizeof(int **))) == NULL) { printf("Problems with memory allocation for sbsmt\n"); embExitBad(); } for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) for( j = 0 ; j < seqnum ; j++ ) if((sbsmt[i][j] = (int ** ) calloc(21,sizeof(int*))) == NULL) { printf("Problems with memory allocation for sbsmt\n"); embExitBad(); } for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) for( j = 0 ; j < seqnum ; j++ ) for( a0 = 0 ; a0 < 21 ; a0++ ) if((sbsmt[i][j][a0] = (int *) calloc(21,sizeof(int))) == NULL) { printf("Problems with memory allocation for sbsmt\n"); embExitBad(); } for( i = 0 ; i weight > sf_mat_thr ) for( ii = 0 ; ii < frag->ext ; ii++ ) { a0 = amino[ frag->s[0] ][ frag->b[0] + ii ] ; a1 = amino[ frag->s[1] ][ frag->b[1] + ii ] ; s0 = frag->s[0] ; s1 = frag->s[1] ; sbsmt[ s0 ][ s1 ][ a0 ][ a1 ]++ ; sbsmt[ s1 ][ s0 ][ a1 ][ a0 ]++ ; } frag = frag->next ; } fprintf( fp_mat, "taxanumber: %d ;\n", seqnum) ; fprintf( fp_mat, "description: DIALIGN alignment ;\n" ) ; fprintf( fp_mat, "description: %s;\n", input_line ) ; for( i = 0 ; i < seqnum ; i++ ) fprintf( fp_mat, "taxon: %.3d name: %s ;\n", i + 1 , full_name[i] ) ; for( s0 = 0 ; s0 < seqnum ; s0++ ) for( s1 = s0 + 1 ; s1 < seqnum ; s1++ ) for ( a0 = 1 ; a0 <= 20 ; a0++ ) for( a1 = 1 ; a1 < 21 ; a1++ ) { fprintf( fp_mat, "pair: %.3d %.3d ", s0 + 1, s1 + 1 ); fprintf( fp_mat, " acids: %c%c ", amino_acid[a0] , amino_acid[a1] ); fprintf( fp_mat, " number: %d ;\n", sbsmt[s0][s1][a0][a1]); } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_print_fragments ************************************** ** ** edialign_print_fragments ** ** @param [u] d [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp_ff2 [FILE*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_print_fragments(struct multi_frag *d , FILE *fp_ff2 ) { struct multi_frag *fragment ; fragment = d; while( fragment != NULL ) { if( fragment->it ) { gl_frg_count++ ; fprintf( fp_ff2, "%6d) ", gl_frg_count ); fprintf( fp_ff2, "seq: %3d %3d ", fragment->s[0] + 1 , fragment->s[1] + 1 ); fprintf( fp_ff2, "beg: %7d %7d ", fragment->b[0] , fragment->b[1] ); fprintf( fp_ff2, "len: %3d ", fragment->ext ); fprintf( fp_ff2, "wgt: %6.2f ", fragment->weight ); fprintf( fp_ff2, "olw: %6.2f ", fragment->ow ); fprintf( fp_ff2, "it: %d ", fragment->it ); if( fragment->sel ) fprintf( fp_ff2, "cons " ); else fprintf( fp_ff2, "incons " ); if( ( wgt_type == 3 ) || crick_strand ) { if( fragment->trans ) fprintf( fp_ff2, " P-frg" ); else fprintf( fp_ff2, " N-frg" ); if( fragment->trans ) if( crick_strand ) { if( fragment->cs ) fprintf( fp_ff2, " -" ); else fprintf( fp_ff2, " +" ); } } fprintf( fp_ff2, "\n" ); } fragment = fragment->next ; } return; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_weight_print **************************************** ** ** edialign_weight_print ** ** @param [u] wgt [float**] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_weight_print( float **wgt ) { ajint l, s ; FILE *fp; fp = fopen("weight_table","w"); fprintf(fp," len1 = %d, len2 = %d\n\n",seqlen[0], seqlen[1] ); fprintf(fp," \n %s \n\n", input_line ); for( l = 1 ; l <= max_dia ; l++ ) for( s = 0 ; s <= l * max_sim_score ; s++ ) fprintf(fp," %d %d %7.8f \n", l, s, wgt[l][s] ); fclose(fp); return; } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_ali_arrange **************************************** ** ** edialign_ali_arrange ** ** @param [r] ifragno [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [u] d [struct multi_frag*] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp [FILE*] Undocumented ** @param [u] seqout [AjPSeqout] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp3 [FILE*] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp4 [FILE*] Undocumented ** @param [u] fp_col_score [FILE*] Undocumented ** @param [r] isprot [AjBool] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_ali_arrange(ajint ifragno , struct multi_frag *d, FILE *fp, AjPSeqout seqout, FILE *fp3 , FILE *fp4 , FILE *fp_col_score, AjBool isprot) { ajint block_no; ajuint char_no ; ajint shift_cond; ajuint endlen; ajuint hv; ajuint i, j, p; ajint ii; ajint pn, k, l, lc; ajuint max_p; ajuint sv, s1, s2; ajint b1, b2, e, dif, lv, add, msf_lines; AjPSeq eseq = NULL; char sim_char; float weak_wgt_type_thr = WEAK_WGT_TYPE_THR ; float strong_wgt_type_thr = STRONG_WGT_TYPE_THR ; float frac_plus, frac_minus, frac_nuc, f_inv ; char **endseq; char **hseq; char *clear_seq; float *weight_count; ajint *plus_count; ajint *minus_count; ajint *nuc_count; ajint *frg_involved; float *plot; /* plot[i] = sum of weights of fragments involved at position i normalized such that the maximum value */ char gap_char = '-'; char ambi_char = ' '; ajint *begin, *end, *b_len, *first_pos, pl_int ; ajint b_size; /* size of fragments */ struct multi_frag *fragments = NULL; struct multi_frag *dia; ajint **inv_shift; ajint char_per_line; /* number of residues per line in output file */ char aligned; ajuint fragno = ifragno; char_per_line = ( ( PAPER_WIDTH - 18 ) / 11) * 10; dia = d; if((endseq = (char **) calloc( seqnum , sizeof(char *))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `endseq' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if((hseq = (char **) calloc(seqnum , sizeof(char *))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `hseq' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if((begin = (int *) calloc( seqnum , sizeof(int))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `begin' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if((end = (int *) calloc(seqnum , sizeof(int))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `end' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if((b_len = (int *) calloc(seqnum , sizeof(int))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `b_len' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if((first_pos = (int *) calloc(seqnum , sizeof(int))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `first_pos' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } if((shift = (int **) calloc(seqnum , sizeof(int *))) == NULL) { printf("not enough memory available for `shift' !!!!\n"); fprintf(fp,"not enough memory available for `shift' !\n"); embExitBad(); } for(hv=0 ; hv= 0 ) { for(hv=0;hv 0 ) if((fragments = calloc(fragno,sizeof(struct multi_frag))) == NULL) { printf("not enough memory available for fragments!\n"); fprintf(fp,"not enough memory available for fragments!\n"); embExitBad(); } for( hv = 1 ; hv <= fragno ; hv++) { fragments[hv-1] = *dia; dia = dia->next; } for( hv = 0 ; hv < fragno ; hv++ ) for( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) { edialign_mini( &begin[ fragments[hv].s[j] ] , fragments[hv].b[j] ); edialign_maxi( &end[ fragments[hv].s[j] ] , fragments[hv].b[j] + fragments[hv].ext ); } for(hv=0;hv=0;l--) { dif = shift[s2][b2+l] - shift[s1][b1+l]; if (dif > 0 ) { edialign_new_shift(s1,b1+l,dif); shift_cond = 1; } } } } /* while (shift_cond) */ endlen = 0; for(hv=0;hv pn ) fprintf(fp, "*"); else fprintf(fp, " "); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); if( plot_num == 1 ) fprintf(fp, " \n"); } if( quali_num ) { for( i = 0 ; i < SEQ_NAME_LEN ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp," "); } fprintf(fp," "); for( i = 0 ; i < edialign_minu2(char_per_line,endlen-k* char_per_line); i++ ) { if( !(i%10) )fprintf(fp, " "); pl_int = 9 * plot[ k * char_per_line + i ] / plot_num ; fprintf(fp, "%d", pl_int ); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); } /*********************************************************************** fprintf(fp, " \n"); if( wgt_type > 1 ) { for( i = 0 ; i < SEQ_NAME_LEN ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp," "); } fprintf(fp," plus "); for( i = 0 ; i < edialign_mini2( char_per_line , endlen-k* char_per_line ); i++ ) { if( !(i%10) )fprintf(fp, " "); fprintf(fp, "%d", plus_count[ k * char_per_line + i ] ); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); } if( wgt_type > 1 ) { for( i = 0 ; i < SEQ_NAME_LEN ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp," "); } fprintf(fp," minus "); for( i = 0 ; i < edialign_mini2( char_per_line ,endlen-k* char_per_line); i++ ) { if( !(i%10) )fprintf(fp, " "); fprintf(fp, "%d", minus_count[ k * char_per_line + i ] ); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); } if( wgt_type > 1 ) { for( i = 0 ; i < SEQ_NAME_LEN ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp," "); } fprintf(fp," nuc "); for( i = 0 ; i < edialign_mini2( char_per_line , endlen-k* char_per_line ); i++ ) { if( !(i%10) )fprintf(fp, " "); fprintf(fp, "%d", nuc_count[ k * char_per_line + i ] ); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); fprintf(fp, " \n"); } ************************************************************************/ if( wgt_type_plot ) if( wgt_type == 3 ) { fprintf(fp,"sim. level"); for( i = 0 ; i < SEQ_NAME_LEN ; i++ ) { fprintf(fp," "); } for(i=0; i < edialign_minu2(char_per_line,endlen-k* char_per_line); i++ ) { if( !(i%10) )fprintf(fp, " "); sim_char = '.' ; if( frg_involved[ k * char_per_line + i ] ) { f_inv = frg_involved[ k * char_per_line + i] ; frac_plus = plus_count[ k * char_per_line + i ] / f_inv ; frac_minus = minus_count[k * char_per_line + i] / f_inv ; frac_nuc = nuc_count[ k * char_per_line + i ] / f_inv ; if ( frac_plus > weak_wgt_type_thr ) { if( crick_strand ) sim_char = 'f' ; else sim_char = 'p' ; } if ( frac_plus > strong_wgt_type_thr ) { if( crick_strand ) sim_char = 'F' ; else sim_char = 'P' ; } if ( frac_minus > weak_wgt_type_thr ) sim_char = 'r' ; if ( frac_minus > strong_wgt_type_thr ) sim_char = 'R' ; if ( frac_nuc > weak_wgt_type_thr ) sim_char = 'n' ; if ( frac_nuc > strong_wgt_type_thr ) sim_char = 'N' ; } fprintf(fp, "%c", sim_char ); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); fprintf(fp, " \n"); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); } /* for(k=0;k<=lc;k++) */ if( fasta_file ) { for(sv=0;sv%s", full_name[sv]); for(i = 0 ; i < endlen ; i++) { if( ! ( i % 50 ) ) fprintf(fp2,"\n"); fprintf(fp2,"%c", endseq[sv][i]); } fprintf(fp2,"\n "); if( sv < ( seqnum - 1 ) ) fprintf(fp2,"\n"); } */ ajSeqoutClose(seqout); } if( cw_file ) { block_no = 0; fprintf(fp4,"DIALIGN 2.1 multiple sequence alignment \n\n"); fprintf(fp4,"// \n\n\n"); while( block_no * 60 < (ajint) endlen ) { char_no = edialign_minu2( 60 , ( endlen - block_no * 60 ) ) ; for( sv = 0 ; sv < seqnum ; sv++ ) { fprintf(fp4,"%s ", seq_name[sv] ); for( i = 0 ; i < char_no ; i++) fprintf(fp4,"%c", endseq[sv][ block_no * 60 + i ] ); fprintf(fp4,"\n"); } fprintf(fp4,"\n\n"); block_no++; } } if( msf_file ) { msf_lines = endlen / 50; if(endlen % 50) msf_lines = msf_lines + 1; fprintf(fp3,"DIALIGN 2\n\n\n"); fprintf(fp3," MSF: %d \n\n", endlen); for( sv = 0 ; sv < seqnum ; sv++ ) fprintf(fp3," Name: %s Len: %d \n", seq_name[sv], seqlen[sv] ); fprintf(fp3,"\n// \n\n"); for(lv = 0 ; lv < msf_lines ; lv++ ) { add = lv * 50; max_p = edialign_mini2( endlen - add , 50 ); for( sv = 0 ; sv < seqnum ; sv++ ) { fprintf(fp3, "%s", seq_name[sv] ); for(i=0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) fprintf(fp3, " "); for(i = 0 ; i < max_p ; i++) { if( !(i%10) )fprintf(fp3, " "); if( endseq[sv][add + i] == '-' ) fprintf(fp3,"."); else fprintf(fp3,"%c", endseq[sv][add + i]); } fprintf(fp3,"\n"); } fprintf(fp3,"\n\n"); } } if( ( seqnum > 2 ) && ( ref_seq == 0 ) ) { fprintf(fp,"\n \n \n Sequence tree:\n"); fprintf(fp," ==============\n\n"); if( ! strcmp( clust_sim , "av" ) ) fprintf(fp,"Tree constructed using UPGMA "); fprintf(fp,"based on DIALIGN fragment weight scores"); if( ! strcmp( clust_sim , "max" ) ) fprintf(fp,"Tree constructed using maximum linkage " "clustering"); if( ! strcmp( clust_sim , "min" ) ) fprintf(fp,"Tree constructed using minimum linkage " "clustering"); fprintf(fp,"\n \n%s", upg_str); } fprintf(fp,"\n \n \n"); for(hv=0;hv 0 ) free( fragments ); free(plot); free(weight_count); } /* for(bc=0;bc<1;bc++) */ for(hv=0;hv 1 ) ) edialign_regex_complain( regex ) ; } if( bracket_count != 0 ) edialign_regex_complain( regex ) ; return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_regex_parse ***************************************** ** ** edialign_regex_parse ** ** @param [u] mot_regex [char*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_regex_parse(char *mot_regex) { ajuint i; ajint p; ajint mp = 0; ajint in_bracket = 0; ajint char_c = 0 ; if((mot_pos = ( short ** ) calloc( seqnum , sizeof( short *) ) ) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation"); printf(" for `mot_pos' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } for(i = 0; i < seqnum; i++) if((mot_pos[i] = ( short *) calloc((seqlen[i] + 2), sizeof(short))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation"); printf(" for `mot_pos[%d]' ! \n \n", i); embExitBad(); } edialign_struc_check( mot_regex ); /* printf(" \n regex_len = %d\n", regex_len) ; printf(" mot_len = %d\n", mot_len) ; printf("\n"); for( p = 0 ; p < mot_len ; p++ ) { printf(" %d ", char_num[ p ] ); } printf("\n\n"); */ for( p = 0 ; p < mot_len ; p++ ) { mot_char[p] = (char *) calloc(char_num[p], sizeof(char)); } /* PROBLEM */ for( p = 0 ; p < regex_len ; p++ ) { if( mot_regex[ p ] == '[' ) { in_bracket = 1 ; } if( mot_regex[ p ] == ']' ) { in_bracket = 0 ; char_c = 0 ; mp++ ; } if( ( mot_regex[ p ] != '[' ) && ( mot_regex[ p ] != ']' ) ) { /* char */ if( in_bracket ) { mot_char[ mp ][ char_c ] = mot_regex[ p ] ; char_c++; } else { /* not in bracket */ char_c = 0 ; mot_char[ mp ][ 0 ] = mot_regex[ p ] ; mp++ ; } } } /* for( mp = 0 ; mp < mot_len ; mp++ ) { printf(" position %d ", mp + 1 ); for( p = 0 ; p < char_num[ mp ] ; p++ ) { printf(" %c ", mot_char[ mp ][ p ] ) ; } printf("\n"); } */ return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_seq_parse ***************************************** ** ** edialign_seq_parse ** ** @param [u] mot_regex_unused [char*] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_seq_parse(char *mot_regex_unused) { ajuint sn; ajint ok; ajint sp; ajint rp; ajint hv; ajint match = 0; (void) mot_regex_unused; /* make it used */ max_mot_offset = sqrt(-log(0.1) * 10 / mot_factor) * mot_offset_factor; for(sn = 0 ; sn < seqnum ; sn++) for(sp = 0 ; sp < ( seqlen[ sn ] - mot_len + 1 ) ; sp++) { ok = 1 ; rp = 0 ; while( ok && ( rp < mot_len)) { if(mot_char[ rp ][ 0 ] != 'X') { match = 0 ; for(hv = 0 ; hv < char_num[ rp ] ; hv++) { if(mot_char[rp][hv] == seq[sn][sp + rp]) { match = 1 ; } } } ok = match; rp++; } if( ok ) { printf( " motif in seq %d at pos %d \n",sn + 1 ,sp + 1); mot_pos[ sn ][ sp + 1 ] = 1 ; } else mot_pos[ sn ][ sp + 1 ] = 0 ; } printf("\n") ; /* for( sn = 0 ; sn < seqnum ; sn++ ) { printf(" %s \n", seq[ sn ] ) ; printf(" "); for( i = 1 ; i <= seqlen[ sn ] ; i++ ) { if( mot_pos[ sn ][ i ] ) printf("*"); else printf(" "); } printf("\n\n" ) ; } printf("\n" ) ; */ return; } #if 0 /* @funcstatic edialign_regex_format_complain ******************************* ** ** edialign_regex_format_complain ** ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_regex_format_complain(void) { printf("\n \n Arguments in command line don't make sense! \n"); printf(" (Motifs not properly specified) \n \n"); printf(" With the motif-search option, the program call is:\n\n"); printf(" ./dialign2-2 [para] -mot "); printf("[para] \n\n"); printf(" where \n is a regular expression,"); printf(" e.g. \"AT[CG]XT\",\n"); printf(" is a weighting factor \n"); printf(" is a weighting factor \n"); printf(" is the input sequence file and \n"); printf(" [para] are (optional)"); printf(" additional program parameters\n\n" ); embExitBad(); } #endif /* @funcstatic edialign_mot_dist_factor ************************************* ** ** edialign_mot_dist_factor ** ** @param [r] offset [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] parameter [float] Undocumented ** @return [float] Undocumented *****************************************************************************/ static float edialign_mot_dist_factor(ajint offset , float parameter) { float mdf , parameter2; ajint offset2 ; offset2 = offset * offset ; parameter2 = parameter * parameter ; /* factor1 = (float) offset2 / (parameter2 * 10); */ mdf = exp(-(offset2) / (parameter2 * 10)); return mdf ; } /* @funcstatic edialign_rel_wgt_calc ************************************* ** ** edialign_rel_wgt_calc ** ** @param [r] l1 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [r] l2 [ajint] Undocumented ** @param [u] rel_wgt [float**] Undocumented ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_rel_wgt_calc(ajint l1, ajint l2, float **rel_wgt) { ajint l; ajint m; ajint mss = 0; float ent; float factor; float l1f; float l2f; float av_sim_score = 0.; double t_pr; double pr400; double **tpr = NULL; /* printf(" it %d, rel_wgt_calc: len = %d , %d \n", istep , l1 , l2 ); */ if( rel_wgt == wgt_prot ) { tpr = tp400_prot ; mss = max_sim_score ; av_sim_score = av_sim_score_pep ; } if( rel_wgt == wgt_dna ) { tpr = tp400_dna ; mss = 1 ; av_sim_score = av_sim_score_nuc ; } if( rel_wgt == wgt_trans ) { tpr = tp400_trans ; mss = max_sim_score ; av_sim_score = av_sim_score_pep ; } l1f = l1; l2f = l2; factor = ( l1f * l2f ) / 400.00; for( l = 1 ; l <= max_dia; l++ ) for( m = 0 ; m <= l * mss ; m++ ) { rel_wgt[l][m] = 0; if( tpr[l][m] ) if( m > av_sim_score * l ) { pr400 = tpr[l][m]; if( pr400 > 0.0000000001 ) t_pr = 1 - pow( 1 - pr400 , factor ); else t_pr = pr400 * factor; ent = 0; if(t_pr) ent = -log( t_pr ); if( ent > threshold ) rel_wgt[l][m] = ent; } } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_wgt_prnt_prot ************************************* ** ** edialign_wgt_prnt_prot ** ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_wgt_prnt_prot(void) { ajint i; ajint j; printf(" \n\n weight scores for PROTEIN fragments\n\n" ); printf(" sequence lengths = %d , %d \n\n", seqlen[0] , seqlen[1] ) ; for( i = 1 ; i <= max_dia ; i++ ) { for( j = 0 ; j <= ( i * 15 ) ; j++ ) printf(" %3d %3d %f \n", i , j , wgt_prot[ i ][ j ] ); } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_wgt_prnt_dna ************************************* ** ** edialign_wgt_prnt_dna ** ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_wgt_prnt_dna(void) { ajint i; ajint j; printf(" \n\n weight scores for NON-TRANSLATED DNA fragments\n\n" ); printf(" sequence lengths = %d , %d \n\n", seqlen[0] , seqlen[1] ) ; for( i = 1 ; i <= max_dia ; i++ ) { for( j = 0 ; j <= i ; j++ ) printf(" %3d %3d %f \n", i , j , wgt_dna[ i ][ j ] ); } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_wgt_prnt_trans ************************************* ** ** edialign_wgt_prnt_trans ** ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_wgt_prnt_trans(void) { ajint i; ajint j; printf(" \n\n weight scores for TRANSLATED DNA fragments\n\n" ); printf(" sequence lengths = %d , %d \n\n", seqlen[0] , seqlen[1] ) ; for( i = 1 ; i <= max_dia ; i++ ) { for( j = 0 ; j <= ( i * 15 ) ; j++ ) printf(" %3d %3d %f \n", i , j , wgt_trans[ i ][ j ] ); } return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_wgt_prnt ************************************* ** ** edialign_wgt_prnt ** ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_wgt_prnt(void) { if (wgt_type == 0 ) edialign_wgt_prnt_prot( ); if (wgt_type % 2 ) edialign_wgt_prnt_dna( ); if (wgt_type > 1 ) edialign_wgt_prnt_trans( ); return; } /* @funcstatic edialign_mem_alloc ************************************* ** ** edialign_mem_alloc ** ** @return [void] *****************************************************************************/ static void edialign_mem_alloc(void) { /* allocates memory for `tp400_xxx', `wgt_xxx' */ ajint i; if( wgt_type == 0 ) { if( (tp400_prot = (double **) calloc((max_dia + 1),sizeof(double*))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `tp400_prot' ! " "\n \n"); embExitBad(); } if( ( wgt_prot = (float **) calloc( (max_dia+1) , sizeof(float*) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `weights' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } } if( wgt_type % 2 ) { if( (tp400_dna = (double **) calloc( ( max_dia + 1 ) , sizeof(double*))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `tp400_dna' ! " "\n \n"); embExitBad(); } if( ( wgt_dna = (float **) calloc( (max_dia+1) , sizeof(float*) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `weights' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } } if( wgt_type > 1 ) { if( (tp400_trans = (double **) calloc( ( max_dia + 1 ) , sizeof(double*) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `tp400_trans' ! " "\n \n"); embExitBad(); } if( ( wgt_trans = (float **) calloc( (max_dia+1) , sizeof(float*) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `weights' ! \n \n"); embExitBad(); } } for( i = 1 ; i <= max_dia ; i++ ) { if( wgt_type == 0 ) { if( (tp400_prot[i] = (double *) calloc(((i + 1) * max_sim_score),sizeof(double))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `tp400_prot' ! " "\n \n"); embExitBad(); } if( (wgt_prot[i] = (float *) calloc( ((i+1) * max_sim_score ) , sizeof(float) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `weights'!\n\n"); embExitBad(); } } if( wgt_type % 2 ) { if( (tp400_dna[i] = (double *) calloc( ((i + 1) ) , sizeof(double) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `tp400_dna' !" "\n \n"); embExitBad(); } if( (wgt_dna[i] = (float *) calloc( ((i+1) ) , sizeof(float) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `weights'!\n\n"); embExitBad(); } } if( wgt_type > 1 ) { if( (tp400_trans[i] = (double *) calloc(((i + 1) * max_sim_score),sizeof(double))) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `tp400_trans' " "%d ! \n \n", i); embExitBad(); } if( (wgt_trans[i] = (float *) calloc( ((i+1) * max_sim_score ) , sizeof(float) )) == NULL) { printf(" problems with memory allocation for `weights'!\n\n"); embExitBad(); } } } return; }