/* @source diffseq application ** ** Find differences (SNPs) between nearly identical sequences ** ** @author Copyright (C) Gary Williams (gwilliam@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" /* @datastatic CdsPval **************************************************** ** ** CDS information object ** ** @alias CdsSval ** @alias CdsOval ** ** @attr Start [ajint] Start of CDS (always less than End) ** @attr End [ajint] End of CDS (always greater than Start) ** @attr Phase [ajint] Phase of translation (0,1 or 2) ** @attr Parent [AjBool] ajTrue is this CDS is a parent of a forward sense join ** or the last CDS of a reverse sense join ** @attr Single [AjBool] ajTrue is this CDS is a not member of a join() ** @attr ReverseParent [AjBool] ajTrue is this CDS is a parent of rev sense join ** or the last CDS in a forward sense join ** @attr Local [AjBool] ajTrue is this CDS is local ** @attr Sense [char] Sense '+' or '-' ** @attr Padding [char[3]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct CdsSval { ajint Start; ajint End; ajint Phase; AjBool Parent; AjBool Single; AjBool ReverseParent; AjBool Local; char Sense; char Padding[3]; } CdsOval; #define CdsPval CdsOval* /* @datastatic PosPDiff **************************************************** ** ** Position of a difference between two matching regions ** If there is something inserted in one sequence that does not ** occur in the other, then the other has Start after the gap and ** End before the gap and Len=0. ** ** @alias PosSDiff ** @alias PosODiff ** ** @attr Start1 [ajint] Start of difference in sequence 1 (End1+1 if gap) ** @attr Start2 [ajint] Start of difference in sequence 2 (End1+1 if gap) ** @attr End1 [ajint] End of difference in seq 1 ** @attr End2 [ajint] End of difference in seq 2 ** @attr Len1 [ajint] Length of difference in sequence 1 (0 = a gap) ** @attr Len2 [ajint] Length of difference in sequence 2 (0 = a gap) ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct PosSDiff { ajint Start1; ajint Start2; ajint End1; ajint End2; ajint Len1; ajint Len2; } PosODiff; #define PosPDiff PosODiff* static void diffseq_Diff(const AjPList difflist, const AjPSeq seq1, const AjPSeq seq2, AjPReport report, AjPFeattable ftab, ajint over1start, ajint over1end, ajint over2start, ajint over2end); static void diffseq_WordMatchListConvDiffToFeat(const AjPList list, AjPFeattable *tab1, AjPFeattable *tab2, const AjPSeq seq1, const AjPSeq seq2); static void diffseq_Features(const char* typefeat, AjPFeature rf, const AjPFeattable feat, ajuint start, ajuint end); static void diffseq_AddTags(AjPStr* strval, const AjPFeature feat, AjBool values); static void diffseq_DiffList(const AjPList matchlist, AjPList difflist, AjBool global, const AjPSeq seq1, const AjPSeq seq2, ajint *over1start, ajint *over1end, ajint *over2start, ajint *over2end); static PosPDiff diffseq_PosPDiffNew(void); static void diffseq_PosPDiffDel(void **x, void *cl); static void diffseq_FeatSetCDSFrame(AjPFeattable ftab); /* @prog diffseq ************************************************************** ** ** Find differences (SNPs) between nearly identical sequences ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeq seq1; AjPSeq seq2; ajint wordlen; AjPTable seq1MatchTable = 0; AjPList matchlist = NULL; AjPList difflist = NULL; AjPReport report; AjPFeattable Tab1 = NULL; AjPFeattable Tab2 = NULL; AjPFeattable TabRpt = NULL; AjPFeattabOut seq1out = NULL; AjPFeattabOut seq2out = NULL; AjPStr tmpstr=NULL; AjBool global; /* true if want to report the differences at the ends */ ajint over1start; /* start and end positions of match overlap */ ajint over1end; /* ... for sequence 1 */ ajint over2start = 0; /* overlap for sequence 2 */ ajint over2end; embInit("diffseq", argc, argv); wordlen = ajAcdGetInt("wordsize"); seq1 = ajAcdGetSeq("asequence"); seq2 = ajAcdGetSeq("bsequence"); report = ajAcdGetReport("outfile"); seq1out = ajAcdGetFeatout("aoutfeat"); seq2out = ajAcdGetFeatout("boutfeat"); /* advanced qualifiers */ global = ajAcdGetBoolean("globaldifferences"); ajSeqTrim(seq1); ajSeqTrim(seq2); TabRpt = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq1); embWordLength(wordlen); if(embWordGetTable(&seq1MatchTable, seq1)) /* get table of words */ matchlist = embWordBuildMatchTable(seq1MatchTable, seq2, ajTrue); /* get the minimal set of overlapping matches */ if(matchlist) embWordMatchMin(matchlist); if(matchlist) { /* convert the list of matches to a list of differences */ difflist = ajListNew(); diffseq_DiffList(matchlist, difflist, global, seq1, seq2, &over1start, &over1end, &over2start, &over2end); /* output the gff files */ diffseq_WordMatchListConvDiffToFeat(difflist, &Tab1, &Tab2, seq1, seq2); diffseq_Diff(difflist, seq1, seq2, report, TabRpt, over1start, over1end, over2start, over2end); embWordMatchListDelete(&matchlist); /* free the match structures */ /* delete difflist */ ajListMap(difflist, diffseq_PosPDiffDel, NULL); ajListFree(&difflist); } ajFeatWrite(seq1out, Tab1); ajFeatWrite(seq2out, Tab2); tmpstr = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "Feature file for first sequence"); ajReportFileAdd(report, ajFeattabOutFile(seq1out), tmpstr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "Feature file for second sequence"); ajReportFileAdd(report, ajFeattabOutFile(seq2out), tmpstr); ajReportWrite(report, TabRpt, seq1); ajReportClose(report); /* tidy up */ ajSeqDel(&seq1); ajSeqDel(&seq2); embWordFreeTable(&seq1MatchTable); ajReportDel(&report); ajListFree(&matchlist); ajListFree(&difflist); ajFeattableDel(&Tab1); ajFeattableDel(&Tab2); ajFeattableDel(&TabRpt); ajFeattabOutDel(&seq1out); ajFeattabOutDel(&seq2out); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic diffseq_Diff ************************************************ ** ** Do a diff and build a report on the diff of the two sequences. ** ** @param [r] difflist [const AjPList] List of differences ** @param [r] seq1 [const AjPSeq] Sequence to be diff'd. ** @param [r] seq2 [const AjPSeq] Sequence to be diff'd. ** @param [u] report [AjPReport] Report object. ** @param [u] ftab [AjPFeattable] Report feature table ** @param [r] over1start [ajint] start of overlap region in sequence1 ** @param [r] over1end [ajint] end of overlap region in sequence1 ** @param [r] over2start [ajint] start of overlap region in sequence2 ** @param [r] over2end [ajint] end of overlap region in sequence2 ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void diffseq_Diff(const AjPList difflist, const AjPSeq seq1, const AjPSeq seq2, AjPReport report, AjPFeattable ftab, ajint over1start, ajint over1end, ajint over2start, ajint over2end) { AjIList iter = NULL; /* match list iterator */ PosPDiff diff = NULL; /* difference structure */ const AjPStr s1; /* string of seq1 */ const AjPStr s2; /* string of seq2 */ AjPStr tmp; /* temporary string */ /* stuff for counting SNPs, transitions & transversions */ ajint snps = 0; ajint transitions = 0; ajint transversions = 0; /* counts of SNP types */ char base1 = '\0'; char base2 = '\0'; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; static AjPStr tmpseq = NULL; AjPFeattable feat1 = NULL; AjPFeattable feat2 = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; tmpstr = ajStrNew(); tmp = ajStrNew(); s1 = ajSeqGetSeqS(seq1); s2 = ajSeqGetSeqS(seq2); feat1 = ajSeqGetFeatCopy(seq1); feat2 = ajSeqGetFeatCopy(seq2); /* ** Fix the Frame field in the CDS features of the feature table for ** seq1. These are often left as 'unsure' by the ajfeat routines. */ diffseq_FeatSetCDSFrame(feat1); /* create report header */ ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "Compare: %S from: %d to: %d\n\n", ajReportSeqName(report, seq2), ajSeqGetBegin(seq2), ajSeqGetEnd(seq2)); if (over1start != -1) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr, "%S overlap starts at %d\n", ajReportSeqName(report, seq1), over1start); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmpstr, "%S overlap starts at %d\n\n", ajReportSeqName(report, seq2), over2start); } ajReportSetHeader(report, tmpstr); iter = ajListIterNewread(difflist); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { diff = (PosPDiff) ajListIterGet(iter) ; /* seq 1 details */ if(diff->Len1 > 0) { gf = ajFeatNewII(ftab, diff->Start1, diff->End1); ajStrAssignSubS(&tmp, s1, diff->Start1-1, diff->End1-1); base1 = * ajStrGetPtr(tmp); } else { gf = ajFeatNewII(ftab, diff->End1, diff->End1-1); ajStrAssignC(&tmp, ""); } diffseq_Features("first_feature", gf, feat1, diff->Start1, diff->End1); /* seq2 details */ diffseq_Features("second_feature", gf, feat2, diff->Start2, diff->End2); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*name %S", ajReportSeqName(report, seq2)); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmp); if(diff->Len2 > 0) { ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*length %d", diff->Len2); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*start %d", diff->Start2); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*end %d", diff->End2); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmp); ajStrAssignSubS(&tmpseq, s2, diff->Start2-1, diff->End2-1); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*sequence %S", tmpseq); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmp); base2 = * ajStrGetPtr(tmpseq); } else { ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*length %d", diff->Len2); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*start %d", diff->End2); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmp); ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*end %d", diff->End2); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmp); } /* count SNPs, transitions & transversions */ if(diff->Len1 == 1 && diff->Len2 == 1) { snps++; transitions += (ajint) embPropTransition(base1, base2); transversions += (ajint) embPropTransversion(base1, base2); } } ajListIterDel(&iter); /* create report tail */ if(over1start != -1) { ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "Overlap_end: %d in %S\n", over1end, ajReportSeqName(report, seq1)); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmp, "Overlap_end: %d in %S\n", over2end, ajReportSeqName(report, seq2)); if(ajSeqIsNuc(seq1)) { ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmp, "\n"); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmp, "SNP_count: %d\n", snps); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmp, "Transitions: %d\n", transitions); ajFmtPrintAppS(&tmp, "Transversions: %d\n", transversions); } } else /* no iterations of the match list done - ie no matches */ ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "No regions of alignment found.\n"); ajReportSetTail(report, tmp); ajStrDel(&tmp); ajFeattableDel(&feat1); ajFeattableDel(&feat2); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpseq); return; } /* @funcstatic diffseq_WordMatchListConvDiffToFeat **************************** ** ** Convert the differences list to feature tables for output. ** ** @param [r] list [const AjPList] differences list ** @param [u] tab1 [AjPFeattable*] feature table for sequence 1 ** @param [u] tab2 [AjPFeattable*] feature table for sequence 2 ** @param [r] seq1 [const AjPSeq] sequence 1 ** @param [r] seq2 [const AjPSeq] sequence 2 ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void diffseq_WordMatchListConvDiffToFeat(const AjPList list, AjPFeattable *tab1, AjPFeattable *tab2, const AjPSeq seq1, const AjPSeq seq2) { char strand = '+'; ajint frame = 0; AjPStr source = NULL; AjPStr type = NULL; AjPStr note = NULL; AjPStr replace = NULL; AjPFeature feature = NULL; AjIList iter = NULL; AjPStr notestr = NULL; AjPStr replacestr = NULL; AjPStr sourcestr = NULL; AjPStr conflictstr = NULL; float score = 0.0; if(!*tab1) *tab1 = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq1); if(!*tab2) *tab2 = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq2); source = ajStrNew(); type = ajStrNew(); note = ajStrNew(); replace = ajStrNew(); replacestr = ajStrNew(); notestr = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignC(&source,"diffseq"); ajStrAssignC(&type,"conflict"); ajStrAssignC(¬e,"note"); ajStrAssignC(&replace,"replace"); score = 1.0; iter = ajListIterNewread(list); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { PosPDiff diff = (PosPDiff) ajListIterGet(iter) ; if(diff->Len1) { /* is there a gap between the matches? */ feature = ajFeatNew(*tab1, source, type, diff->Start1, diff->End1, score, strand, frame) ; if(diff->Len1 == 1 && diff->Len2 == 1) ajFmtPrintS(¬estr, "SNP in %S", ajSeqGetNameS(seq2)); else if(diff->Len2 == 0) ajFmtPrintS(¬estr, "Insertion of %d bases in %S", diff->Len1, ajSeqGetNameS(seq1)); else ajFmtPrintS(¬estr, "%S", ajSeqGetNameS(seq2)); ajFeatTagSet(feature, note, notestr); if(diff->Len2 > 0) ajStrAssignSubS(&replacestr, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq2), diff->Start2-1, diff->End2-1); else ajStrAssignC(&replacestr, ""); if(ajFeattableIsProt(*tab1)) { if(ajStrGetLen(replacestr)) { ajStrAssignSubS(&sourcestr, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq1), diff->Start1-1, diff->End1-1); ajFmtPrintS(&conflictstr, "%S -> %S", sourcestr, replacestr); } else ajFmtPrintS(&conflictstr, "MISSING"); ajFeatTagSet(feature, note, conflictstr); } else ajFeatTagSet(feature, replace, replacestr); } if(diff->Len2) { /* is there a gap between the matches? */ feature = ajFeatNew(*tab2, source, type, diff->Start2, diff->End2, score, strand, frame) ; if(diff->Len2 == 1 && diff->Len1 == 1) ajFmtPrintS(¬estr, "SNP in %S", ajSeqGetNameS(seq1)); else if(diff->Len1 == 0) ajFmtPrintS(¬estr, "Insertion of %d bases in %S", diff->Len2, ajSeqGetNameS(seq2)); else ajFmtPrintS(¬estr, "%S", ajSeqGetNameS(seq1)); ajFeatTagSet(feature, note, notestr); if(diff->Len1 > 0) ajStrAssignSubS(&replacestr, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq1), diff->Start1-1, diff->End1-1); else ajStrAssignC(&replacestr, ""); if(ajFeattableIsProt(*tab2)) { if(ajStrGetLen(replacestr)) { ajStrAssignSubS(&sourcestr, ajSeqGetSeqS(seq2), diff->Start2-1, diff->End2-1); ajFmtPrintS(&conflictstr, "%S -> %S", sourcestr, replacestr); } else ajFmtPrintS(&conflictstr, "MISSING"); ajFeatTagSet(feature, note, conflictstr); } else ajFeatTagSet(feature, replace, replacestr); } } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajStrDel(&source); ajStrDel(&type); ajStrDel(¬e); ajStrDel(&replace); ajStrDel(&replacestr); ajStrDel(&sourcestr); ajStrDel(&conflictstr); ajStrDel(¬estr); return; } /* @funcstatic diffseq_Features ******************************************** ** ** Write out any features which overlap this region. ** Don't write out the source feature - far too irritating! ** ** @param [r] typefeat [const char*] Report feature tag type ** @param [u] rf [AjPFeature] Report feature to store results in ** @param [r] feat [const AjPFeattable] Feature table to search ** @param [r] start [ajuint] Start position of region (in human coordinates) ** @param [r] end [ajuint] End position of region (in human coordinates) ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void diffseq_Features(const char* typefeat, AjPFeature rf, const AjPFeattable feat, ajuint start, ajuint end) { AjIList iter = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPStr tmp = NULL; if(!feat) return; if(feat->Features) { iter = ajListIterNewread(feat->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); /* check that the feature is within the range for display */ if(start > ajFeatGetEnd(gf) || end < ajFeatGetStart(gf)) continue; /* don't output the 'source' feature */ if(!ajStrCmpC(ajFeatGetType(gf), "source")) continue; /* write out the feature details */ ajFmtPrintS(&tmp, "*%s %S %d-%d", typefeat, ajFeatGetType(gf), ajFeatGetStart(gf), ajFeatGetEnd(gf)); diffseq_AddTags(&tmp, gf, ajTrue); ajFeatTagAdd(rf, NULL, tmp); } ajListIterDel(&iter) ; } ajStrDel(&tmp); return; } /* @funcstatic diffseq_AddTags ********************************************* ** ** Appends feature tag values to a string in a simple format. ** Don't write out the translation - is it often far too long! ** ** @param [u] strval [AjPStr*] String ** @param [r] feat [const AjPFeature] Feature to be processed ** @param [r] values [AjBool] display values of tags ** ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void diffseq_AddTags(AjPStr* strval, const AjPFeature feat, AjBool values) { AjIList titer; /* iterator for taglist */ AjPStr tagnam = NULL; AjPStr tagval = NULL; /* iterate through the tags and test for match to patterns */ titer = ajFeatTagIter(feat); while(ajFeatTagval(titer, &tagnam, &tagval)) /* don't display the translation tag - it is far too long :-) */ if(!ajStrMatchC(tagnam, "translation")) { if(values == ajTrue) ajFmtPrintAppS(strval, " %S='%S'", tagnam, tagval); else ajFmtPrintAppS(strval, " %S", tagnam); } ajListIterDel(&titer); ajStrDel(&tagnam); ajStrDel(&tagval); return; } /* @funcstatic diffseq_DiffList ************************************************ ** ** Converts a list of matching regions into a list of differences ** The positions are held in human coordinates (starting at 1) ** rather than computer coordinates (starting at 0) because ** there will be a lot of comparing/writing to feature tables ** which use human coordinates. ** over1start is returned with value '-1' if no matching regions were found. ** ** @param [r] matchlist [const AjPList] List of minimal non-overlapping matches ** @param [u] difflist [AjPList] Resulting list of differences ** @param [r] global [AjBool] ajTrue if we want the differences at the ends ** @param [r] seq1 [const AjPSeq] sequence 1 ** @param [r] seq2 [const AjPSeq] sequence 2 ** @param [w] over1start [ajint *] start of overlap region in sequence1 ** @param [w] over1end [ajint *] end of overlap region in sequence1 ** @param [w] over2start [ajint *] start of overlap region in sequence2 ** @param [w] over2end [ajint *] end of overlap region in sequence2 ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void diffseq_DiffList(const AjPList matchlist, AjPList difflist, AjBool global, const AjPSeq seq1, const AjPSeq seq2, ajint *over1start, ajint *over1end, ajint *over2start, ajint *over2end) { AjIList iter = NULL; ajint misstart1 = -1; /* start of mismatch region in seq1 */ ajint misstart2 = -1; /* start of mismatch region in seq2 */ ajint misend1; ajint misend2; /* end of mismatch region */ PosPDiff diff = NULL; /* Difference object */ ajint i; ajint j; const char *seqc1; const char *seqc2; seqc1 = ajSeqGetSeqC(seq1); seqc2 = ajSeqGetSeqC(seq2); *over1start = -1; /* flag for no matches found */ iter = ajListIterNewread(matchlist); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { EmbPWordMatch p =(EmbPWordMatch) ajListIterGet(iter) ; misend1 = p->seq1start; misend2 = p->seq2start; if (misstart1 == -1) /* this is the first iteration */ { /* note the end of the overlap (start of first match) */ *over1start = p->seq1start + 1; *over2start = p->seq2start + 1; /* add difference at the start, if required */ if(global && /* we want the global differences */ (p->seq1start != 0 || p->seq2start != 0)) /* no match at pos 1,1 */ { diff = diffseq_PosPDiffNew(); /* ** look for matches of less than the size of a word that ** will have been missed by the word-match routines, but which ** look weird if they are described as differences in ** the output. */ diff->Start1 = 1; diff->Start2 = 1; diff->End1 = misend1; diff->End2 = misend2; diff->Len1 = diff->End1 - diff->Start1 + 1; diff->Len2 = diff->End2 - diff->Start2 + 1; /* ** If there are mismatches on both sequences, see if we can ** make a small match at the starts to tidy things up a bit. ** In other words, we increase the start of the mismatch if ** there are any matching bases there. */ for (i=0; diff->Len1 && diff->Len2 && tolower((ajint)seqc1[i]) == tolower((ajint)seqc2[i]); i++) { diff->Len1--; diff->Len2--; diff->Start1++; diff->Start2++; } /* add node to the end of the list */ ajListPushAppend(difflist, diff); } } else /* this is a mismatch between two matches */ { diff = diffseq_PosPDiffNew(); diff->Start1 = misstart1; diff->Start2 = misstart2; diff->End1 = misend1; diff->End2 = misend2; diff->Len1 = diff->End1 - diff->Start1 + 1; diff->Len2 = diff->End2 - diff->Start2 + 1; /* add node to the end of the list */ ajListPushAppend(difflist, diff); } /* note the start position of the next mismatch */ misstart1 = p->seq1start + p->length + 1; misstart2 = p->seq2start + p->length + 1; } /* note the end of the overlap (end of last match) */ *over1end = misstart1-1; *over2end = misstart2-1; /* add difference at the end, if required */ if(global && /* we want the global differences */ (misstart1 <= (ajint) ajSeqGetLen(seq1) || /* no match at the end */ misstart2 <= (ajint) ajSeqGetLen(seq2))) { diff = diffseq_PosPDiffNew(); diff->Start1 = misstart1; diff->Start2 = misstart2; diff->End1 = ajSeqGetLen(seq1); diff->End2 = ajSeqGetLen(seq2); diff->Len1 = diff->End1 - diff->Start1 + 1; diff->Len2 = diff->End2 - diff->Start2 + 1; /* ** If there are mismatches on both sequences, see if we can ** make a small match at the ends to tidy things up a bit. ** In other words, we reduce the end of the mismatch if there ** are any matching bases there. */ for (i=ajSeqGetLen(seq1), j=ajSeqGetLen(seq2); diff->Len1 && diff->Len2 && tolower((ajint)seqc1[i-1]) == tolower((ajint)seqc2[j-1]); i--, j--) { diff->Len1--; diff->Len2--; diff->End1--; diff->End2--; } /* add node to the end of the list */ ajListPushAppend(difflist, diff); } ajListIterDel(&iter); return; } /* @funcstatic diffseq_PosPDiffNew ******************************************** ** ** Constructor for an empty PosPDiff object ** ** @return [PosPDiff] Diference object ** @category new [PosPDiff] Constructor ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static PosPDiff diffseq_PosPDiffNew(void) { PosPDiff pthis; AJNEW0(pthis); ajDebug("diffseq_PosPDiffNew %x\n", pthis); return pthis; } /* @funcstatic diffseq_PosPDiffDel ******************************************** ** ** Destructor for a PosPDiff object for use with ajListMap ** ** @param [r] x [void**] Undocumented ** @param [r] cl [void*] Undocumented ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void diffseq_PosPDiffDel(void **x, void *cl) { PosPDiff thys; thys = (PosPDiff)*x; (void) cl; /* make it used */ AJFREE(thys); ajDebug("diffseq_PosPDiffDel\n"); return; } /* @funcstatic diffseq_FeatSetCDSFrame **************************************** ** ** The Feature object in the ajfeat library has a field 'Frame' but it is ** often left as '0' (unknown) in CDS features. This routine fixes it. ** This routine assumes that the CDS features within a join() ** are sorted by start position. ** ** Frame value of 0 is unknown, values 1,2,3 are equal to GFF phases 0,1,2 ** ** @param [u] ftab [AjPFeattable] Feature table ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void diffseq_FeatSetCDSFrame(AjPFeattable ftab) { AjIList iter = NULL; /* feature table iterator */ AjIList titer = NULL; /* feature tags iterator */ AjPFeature gf = NULL; ajint phase = 0; /* translation phase, 0,1 or 2 */ ajint prevstart = 0; /* start and end of previous CDS in table */ ajint prevend = 0; AjBool prevparent; /* flag true if prev CDS was a parent */ AjBool unsure; /* true if we are unsure of the phase */ AjPStr tagnam = NULL;/* name and value of tags of the feature */ AjPStr tagval = NULL; #define FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ 0x0001 /* end */ #define FEATFLAG_START_TWO 0x0010 /* x.y.. */ #define FEATFLAG_END_TWO 0x0020 /* ..x.y */ #define FEATFLAG_START_UNSURE 0x4000 /* unsure position - SwissProt '?' */ #define FEATFLAG_END_UNSURE 0x8000 /* unsure position - SwissProt '?' */ unsure = ajFalse; if(!ftab) return; if(!ftab->Features) return; iter = ajListIterNewread(ftab->Features); while(!ajListIterDone(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGet(iter); /* is this a CDS feature? */ if (ajStrCmpC(ajFeatGetType(gf), "CDS")) continue; /* is this a forward sense CDS? */ if(gf->Strand == '+') { /* is this the start of a new group of CDS in a multi-exon gene? */ /* reset the phase to zero, or continue it accordingly */ if(ajFeatIsChild(gf)) { phase += (prevend + 1 - prevstart) % 3; phase %= 3; } else { phase = 0; unsure = ajFalse; } /* are we unsure about the start of this CDS? */ if (gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ || gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_UNSURE || gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_TWO) unsure = ajTrue; /* check to see if the /codon_start tag is set on this feature */ /* check to see if the /codon_start tag is set on this feature */ titer = ajFeatTagIter(gf); while(ajFeatTagval(titer, &tagnam, &tagval)) if(!ajStrCmpC(tagnam, "codon_start")) { ajStrToInt(tagval, &phase); phase--; unsure = ajFalse; } ajListIterDel(&titer); /* If we are sure, set the Frame field in the feature ** object. */ if (unsure) gf->Frame = 0; else if (gf->Frame == 0) gf->Frame = phase+1; } /* are we unsure about the end of this CDS? */ if (gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_AFTER_SEQ || gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_UNSURE || gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_TWO) unsure = ajTrue; /* remember the start/end of this feature */ prevstart = ajFeatGetStart(gf); prevend = ajFeatGetEnd(gf); } ajListIterDel(&iter); /* ** Go back up through list filling in the frame of the reverse sense ** CDS features. */ unsure = ajFalse; prevparent = ajTrue; iter = ajListIterNewBack(ftab->Features); while(!ajListIterDoneBack(iter)) { gf = ajListIterGetBack(iter); /* is this a CDS feature? */ if (ajStrCmpC(ajFeatGetType(gf), "CDS")) continue; /* is this a reverse sense CDS? */ if(gf->Strand == '-') { /* is this a new CDS group? - set the phase */ if(prevparent) { phase = 0; unsure = ajFalse; } else { phase += (prevend + 1 - prevstart) % 3; phase %= 3; } /* are we unsure about the end of this CDS? */ if (gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_AFTER_SEQ || gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_UNSURE || gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_END_TWO) unsure = ajTrue; /* check to see if the /codon_start tag is set on this feature */ titer = ajFeatTagIter(gf); while(ajFeatTagval(titer, &tagnam, &tagval)) if(!ajStrCmpC(tagnam, "codon_start")) { ajStrToInt(tagval, &phase); phase--; unsure = ajFalse; } ajListIterDel(&titer); /* ** If we are sure, set the Frame field in the feature ** object. */ if (unsure) gf->Frame = 0; else if (gf->Frame == 0) gf->Frame = phase+1; } /* remember the parental status of this CDS */ prevparent = !ajFeatIsChild(gf); /* are we unsure about the start of this CDS? */ if (gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_BEFORE_SEQ || gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_UNSURE || gf->Flags & FEATFLAG_START_TWO) unsure = ajTrue; /* remember the start/end of this feature */ prevstart = ajFeatGetStart(gf); prevend = ajFeatGetEnd(gf); } ajListIterDel(&iter); ajListIterDel(&titer); ajStrDel(&tagnam); ajStrDel(&tagval); return; }