/* @source dbigcg application ** ** Index gcg/pir/accelrys databases ** ** @author Copyright (C) Peter Rice, Alan Bleasby (ableasby@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** ** ** EMBOSS/Staden/EMBLCD indexing ** ** This version reads a GCG formatted database, ** and writes entryname and accession index files. ** ** It needs to know the reference text format in order to ** parse the entryname and accession number. ** ** To save memory, it is also helpful to know the maximum number of ** entries in the database and the maximum entryname length so that ** space can be preallocated for storage. ** ** Entry names and accession numbers are held in list structures, ** then converted to arrays and sorted. ** ** Multiple input files are allowed. ** ** EMBLCD and Staden index files use different names but have essentially ** the same contents. ** ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #endif #include #define GCGTYPE_OTHER 0 #define GCGTYPE_ID 1 #define GCGTYPE_ACC 2 #define GCGTYPE_DES 3 #define GCGTYPE_KEY 4 #define GCGTYPE_TAX 5 #define GCGTYPE_VER 6 static EmbPEntry dbigcgEntry = NULL; static AjPList* fdl = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_getent_rexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_getent_sexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_getent_splitexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_embl_typexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_embl_idexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_embl_verexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_embl_wrdexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_embl_phrexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_embl_taxexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_embl_pirexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_pir_idexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_pir_acexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_pir_ac2exp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_pir_keyexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_pir_taxexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_pir_tax2exp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_pir_wrdexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp dbigcg_pir_phrexp = NULL; static EmbPEntry dbigcg_nextentry(AjPFile libr, AjPFile libs, ajuint ifile, const AjPStr idformat, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* maxidlen, ajuint* countfield, AjPFile elistfile, AjPFile* alistfile); static AjBool dbigcg_gcgopenlib(const AjPStr lname, AjPFile* libr, AjPFile* lib); static ajint dbigcg_gcggetent(const AjPStr idformat, AjPFile libr, AjPFile libs, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr * libstr); static ajint dbigcg_pirgetent(const AjPStr idformat, AjPFile libr, AjPFile libs, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* libstr); static ajint dbigcg_gcgappent(AjPFile libr, AjPFile libs, AjPRegexp rexp, AjPRegexp sexp, AjPStr* libstr); static AjBool dbigcg_ParseEmbl(AjPFile libr, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr *id); static AjBool dbigcg_ParsePir(AjPFile libr, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr *id); static AjBool dbigcg_ParseGenbank(AjPFile libr, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr *id); /* @datastatic OParser ************************************************** ** ** Parser definition structure ** ** @alias SParser ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Parser name ** @attr GcgFormat [AjBool] If true, use GCG format, if false, use NBRF ** @attr Padding [ajint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Parser [(AjBool*)] Parser function ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct SParser { const char* Name; AjBool GcgFormat; ajint Padding; AjBool (*Parser) (AjPFile libr, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr *id); } OParser; static OParser parser[] = { { "EMBL", AJTRUE, 0, dbigcg_ParseEmbl }, { "SWISS", AJTRUE, 0, dbigcg_ParseEmbl }, { "GENBANK", AJTRUE, 0, dbigcg_ParseGenbank }, { "PIR", AJFALSE, 0, dbigcg_ParsePir }, { NULL, 0, 0, NULL } }; /* @prog dbigcg *************************************************************** ** ** Index a GCG formatted database ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPList idlist; AjPList* fieldList = NULL; AjBool systemsort; AjBool cleanup; ajint maxindex; ajuint maxidlen = 0; ajuint maxlen; AjPFile elistfile = NULL; AjPFile* alistfile = NULL; AjPStr dbname = NULL; AjPStr release = NULL; AjPStr datestr = NULL; AjPStr sortopt = NULL; void **entryIds = NULL; AjPStr directory; AjPStr indexdir; AjPStr filename; AjPStr exclude; AjPStr curfilename = NULL; AjPFile libr = NULL; AjPFile libs = NULL; AjPStr idformat = NULL; EmbPEntry entry; ajuint idCount = 0; ajuint idDone; AjPList listInputFiles = NULL; void ** inputFiles = NULL; ajint nfiles; ajint ifile; ajint filesize; short recsize; ajuint maxfilelen = 20; char date[4] = { 0,0,0,0 }; AjPStr tmpfname = NULL; AjPStr* fields = NULL; AjPFile entFile = NULL; AjPStr* reffiles = NULL; AjPStr* seqfiles = NULL; ajint* maxFieldLen = NULL; ajint ifield = 0; ajint nfields = 0; AjPFile logfile = NULL; ajuint* countField = NULL; ajuint* fieldTot = NULL; ajuint idCountFile = 0; ajint i; embInit("dbigcg", argc, argv); idformat = ajAcdGetListSingle("idformat"); fields = ajAcdGetList("fields"); directory = ajAcdGetDirectoryName("directory"); indexdir = ajAcdGetOutdirName("indexoutdir"); filename = ajAcdGetString("filenames"); exclude = ajAcdGetString("exclude"); dbname = ajAcdGetString("dbname"); release = ajAcdGetString("release"); datestr = ajAcdGetString("date"); systemsort = ajAcdGetBoolean("systemsort"); cleanup = ajAcdGetBoolean("cleanup"); sortopt = ajAcdGetString("sortoptions"); maxindex = ajAcdGetInt("maxindex"); logfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); while(fields[nfields]) /* array ends with a NULL */ nfields++; if(nfields) { AJCNEW(maxFieldLen, nfields); AJCNEW0(countField, nfields); AJCNEW0(fieldTot, nfields); for(ifield=0; ifield < nfields; ifield++) maxFieldLen[ifield] = -maxindex; if(systemsort) AJCNEW(alistfile, nfields); else { AJCNEW(fieldList, nfields); for(ifield=0; ifield < nfields; ifield++) fieldList[ifield] = ajListNew(); } } if(ajStrMatchC(datestr, "00/00/00")) ajFmtPrintS(&datestr, "%D", ajTimeRefTodayFmt("dbindex")); ajStrRemoveWhite(&dbname); /* used for temp filenames */ embDbiDateSet(datestr, date); idlist = ajListNew(); ajDebug("reading '%S/%S'\n", directory, filename); ajDebug("writing '%S/'\n", indexdir); listInputFiles = embDbiFileListExc(directory, filename, exclude); ajListSort(listInputFiles, ajStrVcmp); nfiles = ajListToarray(listInputFiles, &inputFiles); if(!nfiles) ajFatal("No files selected"); embDbiLogHeader(logfile, dbname, release, datestr, indexdir, maxindex); embDbiLogFields(logfile, fields, nfields); embDbiLogSource(logfile, directory, filename, exclude, (AjPStr*) inputFiles, nfiles); embDbiLogCmdline(logfile); AJCNEW0(reffiles, nfiles); AJCNEW0(seqfiles, nfiles); /* process each input file, one at a time */ for(ifile=0; ifile < nfiles; ifile++) { ajStrAssignS(&curfilename, (AjPStr) inputFiles[ifile]); dbigcg_gcgopenlib(curfilename, &libr, &libs); ajFmtPrintS(&reffiles[ifile], "%F", libr); ajFilenameTrimPath(&reffiles[ifile]); ajFmtPrintS(&seqfiles[ifile], "%F", libs); ajFilenameTrimPath(&seqfiles[ifile]); ajDebug("processing filename '%S' ...\n", curfilename); ajDebug("processing reffile '%S' ...\n", reffiles[ifile]); ajDebug("processing seqfile '%S' ...\n", seqfiles[ifile]); if((ajStrGetLen(reffiles[ifile])+ ajStrGetLen(seqfiles[ifile])) >= maxfilelen) maxfilelen = ajStrGetLen(reffiles[ifile]) + ajStrGetLen(seqfiles[ifile])+2; if(systemsort) /* elistfile for entries, alist for fields */ elistfile = embDbiSortOpen(alistfile, ifile, dbname, fields, nfields); idCountFile = 0; for(i=0;i= 0) maxlen = maxFieldLen[ifield]; else maxlen = - maxFieldLen[ifield]; } if(systemsort) fieldTot[ifield] = embDbiSortWriteFields(dbname, release, date, indexdir, fields[ifield], maxlen, nfiles, idCount, cleanup, sortopt); else fieldTot[ifield] = embDbiMemWriteFields(dbname, release, date, indexdir, fields[ifield], maxlen, fieldList[ifield], entryIds); } embDbiLogFinal(logfile,maxindex, maxFieldLen, fields, fieldTot, nfields, nfiles, idDone, idCount); if(systemsort) embDbiRmEntryFile(dbname, cleanup); ajStrDel(&idformat); ajStrDel(&directory); ajStrDel(&indexdir); ajStrDel(&filename); ajStrDel(&exclude); ajStrDel(&dbname); ajStrDel(&release); ajStrDel(&datestr); ajStrDel(&sortopt); ajFileClose(&logfile); ajStrDelarray(&fields); ajFileClose(&elistfile); for(i=0;i *maxidlen) *maxidlen = ajStrGetLen(id); if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(elistfile, "%s %d %d %d\n", ajStrGetPtr(tmpline2), ir, is, ifile+1); else { dbigcgEntry->entry = ajCharNewS(tmpline2); dbigcgEntry->rpos = ir; dbigcgEntry->spos = is; dbigcgEntry->filenum = ifile+1; /* field tokens as list, then move to dbigcgEntry->field */ for(ifield=0; ifield < nfields; ifield++) { dbigcgEntry->nfield[ifield] = ajListGetLength(fdl[ifield]); if(dbigcgEntry->nfield[ifield]) { AJCNEW(dbigcgEntry->field[ifield], dbigcgEntry->nfield[ifield]); i=0; while(ajListPop(fdl[ifield], (void**) &token)) dbigcgEntry->field[ifield][i++] = token; } else dbigcgEntry->field[ifield] = NULL; } } ajStrDel(&id); ajStrDel(&tmpline2); return dbigcgEntry; } /* @funcstatic dbigcg_gcgopenlib ********************************************** ** ** Open a GCG library ** ** @param [r] lname [const AjPStr] Source file basename ** @param [u] libr [AjPFile*] Reference file ** @param [u] libs [AjPFile*] Sequence file ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbigcg_gcgopenlib(const AjPStr lname, AjPFile* libr, AjPFile* libs) { AjPStr rname = NULL; AjPStr sname = NULL; ajStrAssignS(&rname, lname); ajStrAssignS(&sname, lname); ajFilenameReplaceExtC(&rname,"ref"); ajFilenameReplaceExtC(&sname,"seq"); ajFileClose(libr); ajFileClose(libs); *libr = ajFileNewInNameS(rname); if(!*libr) ajFatal("Failed to open %S for reading",rname); *libs = ajFileNewInNameS(sname); if(!*libs) ajFatal("Failed to open %S for reading",sname); ajStrDel(&rname); ajStrDel(&sname); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic dbigcg_gcggetent *********************************************** ** ** get a single entry from the GCG database files ** ** @param [r] idformat [const AjPStr] Id format in FASTA file ** @param [u] libr [AjPFile] Reference file ** @param [u] libs [AjPFile] Sequence file ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile*] field data files array ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue use system sort, else internal sort ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const*] Field names to be indexed ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum field token length ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] libstr [AjPStr*] ID ** @return [ajint] Sequence length ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint dbigcg_gcggetent(const AjPStr idformat, AjPFile libr, AjPFile libs, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* libstr) { AjPStr gcgtype = NULL; static ajint gcglen; ajint rblock; AjPStr reflibstr = NULL; ajint i; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; static ajint called = 0; static ajint iparser = -1; AjPStr rline = NULL; AjPStr sline = NULL; if(!called) { for(i=0; parser[i].Name; i++) if(ajStrMatchC(idformat, parser[i].Name)) { iparser = i; break; } if(iparser < 0) ajFatal("idformat '%S' unknown", idformat); ajDebug("idformat '%S' Parser %d\n", idformat, iparser); called = 1; } if(!parser[iparser].GcgFormat) return 0; if(!dbigcg_getent_rexp) dbigcg_getent_rexp = ajRegCompC("^>>>>([^ \t\n]+)"); if(!dbigcg_getent_sexp) dbigcg_getent_sexp = ajRegCompC("^>>>>(\\S+)\\s+.*\\s+(\\S+)\\s+Len:\\s+(\\d+)"); if(!dbigcg_getent_splitexp) dbigcg_getent_splitexp = ajRegCompC("_0+$"); /* check for seqid first line */ while(ajStrGetCharFirst(sline)!='>') { if(!ajReadline(libs, &sline)) { ajStrDel(&sline); return 0; /* end of file */ } ajDebug("... read until next seq %d '%S'\n", ajFileResetPos(libs), sline); } ajDebug("dbigcg_gcggetent .seq (%S) %d '%S'\n", idformat, ajFileResetPos(libs), sline); /* get the encoding/sequence length info */ if(!ajRegExec(dbigcg_getent_sexp, sline)) { ajDebug("dbigcg_gcggetent sequence expression FAILED\n"); ajStrDel(&sline); return 0; } ajRegSubI(dbigcg_getent_sexp, 1, libstr); /* Entry ID returned */ ajRegSubI(dbigcg_getent_sexp, 2, &gcgtype); ajRegSubI(dbigcg_getent_sexp, 3, &tmpstr); ajStrToInt(tmpstr, &gcglen); ajDebug("new entry '%S' type:'%S' len:'%S'=%d\n", *libstr, gcgtype, tmpstr, gcglen); ajStrAssignC(&rline, ""); ajDebug("dbigcg_gcggetent .ref (%S) %d '%S'\n", idformat, ajFileResetPos(libr), rline); /* check for refid first line */ while(ajStrGetCharFirst(rline)!='>') { if(!ajReadline(libr, &rline)) { ajErr("ref ended before seq"); break; /* end of file */ } ajDebug("... read until next ref %d '%S'\n", ajFileResetPos(libr), rline); } /* get the encoding/sequence length info */ ajRegExec(dbigcg_getent_rexp, rline); ajRegSubI(dbigcg_getent_rexp, 1, &reflibstr); parser[iparser].Parser(libr, alistfile, systemsort, fields, maxFieldLen, countfield, &reflibstr); /* writes alistfile data */ /* get the description line */ ajReadline(libs, &sline); /* seek to the end of the sequence; +1 to jump over newline */ if(ajStrGetCharFirst(gcgtype)=='2') { rblock = (gcglen+3)/4; ajFileSeek(libs,rblock+1,SEEK_CUR); } else ajFileSeek(libs,gcglen+1,SEEK_CUR); /* ** for big entries, need to append until we have all the parts. ** They are named with _0 on the first part, _1 on the second and so on. ** or _00 on the first part, _01 on the second and so on. ** We can look for the "id_" prefix. */ ajDebug("libstr '%S'\n", *libstr); if(ajRegExec(dbigcg_getent_splitexp, *libstr)) gcglen += dbigcg_gcgappent(libr, libs, dbigcg_getent_rexp, dbigcg_getent_sexp, libstr); ajStrDel(&gcgtype); ajStrDel(&reflibstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&rline); ajStrDel(&sline); return gcglen; } /* @funcstatic dbigcg_pirgetent *********************************************** ** ** get a single entry from the PIR database files ** ** @param [r] idformat [const AjPStr] Id format in FASTA file ** @param [u] libr [AjPFile] Reference file ** @param [u] libs [AjPFile] Sequence file ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile*] field data files array ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue use system sort, else internal sort ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const*] Field names to be indexed ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum field token length ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] libstr [AjPStr*] ID ** @return [ajint] Sequence length ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint dbigcg_pirgetent(const AjPStr idformat, AjPFile libr, AjPFile libs, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* libstr) { AjPStr reflibstr = NULL; ajint i; static ajint called = 0; static ajint iparser = -1; ajint gcglen; AjPStr rline = NULL; AjPStr sline = NULL; ajint spos = 0; if(!called) { for(i=0; parser[i].Name; i++) if(ajStrMatchC(idformat, parser[i].Name)) { iparser = i; break; } if(iparser < 0) ajFatal("idformat '%S' unknown", idformat); ajDebug("idformat '%S' Parser %d\n", idformat, iparser); called = 1; } if(parser[iparser].GcgFormat) return 0; if(!dbigcg_embl_pirexp) dbigcg_embl_pirexp = ajRegCompC("^>..;([^ \t\n]+)"); /* skip to seqid first line */ while(ajStrGetCharFirst(sline)!='>') if(!ajReadline(libs, &sline)) { ajStrDel(&rline); ajStrDel(&sline); return 0; /* end of file */ } ajDebug("dbigcg_pirgetent .seq (%S) %d '%S' \n", idformat, ajFileResetPos(libs), sline); ajRegExec(dbigcg_embl_pirexp, sline); /* skip to refid first line */ while(ajStrGetCharFirst(rline)!='>') if(!ajReadline(libr, &rline)) { ajErr("ref ended before seq"); /* end of file */ ajStrDel(&rline); ajStrDel(&sline); break; } /* get the encoding/sequence length info */ ajRegExec(dbigcg_embl_pirexp, rline); ajRegSubI(dbigcg_embl_pirexp, 1, &reflibstr); ajRegSubI(dbigcg_embl_pirexp, 1, libstr); ajDebug("dbigcg_pirgetent seqid '%S' spos: %Ld\n", *libstr, ajFileResetPos(libs)); ajDebug("dbigcg_pirgetent refid '%S' spos: %Ld\n", *libstr, ajFileResetPos(libr)); parser[iparser].Parser(libr, alistfile, systemsort, fields, maxFieldLen, countfield, &reflibstr); /* writes alistfile data */ /* get the description line */ ajReadline(libs, &sline); gcglen = 0; /* seek to the end of the sequence; +1 to jump over newline */ while(ajStrGetCharFirst(sline)!='>') { spos = ajFileResetPos(libs); if(!ajReadline(libs, &sline)) { spos = 0; break; } gcglen += ajStrGetLen(sline); } if(spos) ajFileSeek(libs, spos, 0); ajDebug("dbigcg_pirgetent end spos %Ld line '%S'\n", spos, sline); ajStrDel(&reflibstr); ajStrDel(&rline); ajStrDel(&sline); return gcglen; } /* @funcstatic dbigcg_gcgappent *********************************************** ** ** Go to end of a split GCG entry ** ** @param [u] libr [AjPFile] Reference file ** @param [u] libs [AjPFile] Sequence file ** @param [u] rexp [AjPRegexp] Regular expression to find ID in ref file ** @param [u] sexp [AjPRegexp] Regular expression to find ID in seq file ** @param [w] libstr [AjPStr*] ID ** @return [ajint] Sequence length for this section ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint dbigcg_gcgappent(AjPFile libr, AjPFile libs, AjPRegexp rexp, AjPRegexp sexp, AjPStr* libstr) { AjPStr reflibstr = NULL; AjPStr seqlibstr = NULL; AjPStr testlibstr = NULL; ajint ilen; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr rline = NULL; AjPStr sline = NULL; AjBool isend; const char *p; char *q; ajint rpos; ajint spos; /* ** keep reading until the end of entry is reached ** and return the extra number of bases */ if(!testlibstr) testlibstr = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr,*libstr); ajDebug("dbi_gcgappent '%S'\n", tmpstr); p = ajStrGetPtr(tmpstr); q = strrchr(p,'_'); *q = '\0'; ajFmtPrintS(&testlibstr, "%s_",p); ilen = ajStrGetLen(testlibstr); isend = ajFalse; while(!isend) { spos = ajFileResetPos(libs); ajReadline(libs,&sline); while(strncmp(ajStrGetPtr(sline),">>>>",4)) { spos = ajFileResetPos(libs); if(!ajReadline(libs, &sline)) { ajDebug("end of file on seq\n"); ajStrDel(&rline); ajStrDel(&sline); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&testlibstr); ajStrDel(&seqlibstr); ajStrDel(&reflibstr); return 1; } } ajRegExec(sexp, sline); ajRegSubI(sexp, 1, &seqlibstr); rpos = ajFileResetPos(libr); ajReadline(libr, &rline); while(ajStrGetCharFirst(rline)!='>') { rpos = ajFileResetPos(libr); if(!ajReadline(libr, &rline)) { ajDebug("ref ended before seq\n"); ajErr("ref ended before seq\n"); break; } } ajRegExec(rexp, rline); ajRegSubI(rexp, 1, &reflibstr); if(ajStrCmpLenS(reflibstr, testlibstr, ilen) || ajStrCmpLenS(seqlibstr, testlibstr, ilen)) isend = ajTrue; ajDebug("gcgappent %B test: '%S' seq: '%S' ref: '%S'\n", isend, testlibstr, seqlibstr, reflibstr); } ajDebug("gcgappent done at seq: '%S' ref: '%S'\n", seqlibstr, reflibstr); ajStrAssignC(libstr,p); ajFileSeek(libr, rpos, 0); ajFileSeek(libs, spos, 0); ajStrDel(&reflibstr); ajStrDel(&seqlibstr); ajStrDel(&testlibstr); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&rline); ajStrDel(&sline); return 1; } /* @funcstatic dbigcg_ParseEmbl *********************************************** ** ** Parse the ID, accession from an EMBL or SWISSPROT entry ** ** @param [u] libr [AjPFile] Input file ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile*] field data files array ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue use system sort, else internal sort ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const *] Field names to be indexed ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum field token length ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] id [AjPStr*] ID ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbigcg_ParseEmbl(AjPFile libr, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* id) { AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpline = NULL; AjPStr tmpfd = NULL; AjPStr typStr = NULL; AjPStr tmpacnum = NULL; char* fd; ajint lineType; ajint rpos; AjPStr rline = NULL; static ajint numFields; static ajint accfield = -1; static ajint desfield = -1; static ajint keyfield = -1; static ajint taxfield = -1; static ajint svnfield = -1; static AjBool reset = AJTRUE; if(!fields) { reset = ajTrue; accfield = svnfield = desfield = keyfield = taxfield = -1; return ajFalse; } if(reset) { numFields = 0; while(fields[numFields]) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "acc")) accfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "sv")) svnfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "des")) desfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "key")) keyfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "org")) taxfield=numFields; else ajWarn("EMBL parsing unknown field '%S' ignored", fields[numFields]); numFields++; } reset = ajFalse; } if(!dbigcg_embl_typexp) dbigcg_embl_typexp = ajRegCompC("^([A-Z][A-Z]) +"); if(!dbigcg_embl_wrdexp) dbigcg_embl_wrdexp = ajRegCompC("([A-Za-z0-9_]+)"); if(!dbigcg_embl_verexp) dbigcg_embl_verexp = ajRegCompC("([A-Za-z0-9]+[.][0-9]+)"); if(!dbigcg_embl_phrexp) dbigcg_embl_phrexp = ajRegCompC(" *([^;.\n\r]+)"); if(!dbigcg_embl_taxexp) dbigcg_embl_taxexp = ajRegCompC(" *([^;.\n\r()]+)"); if(!dbigcg_embl_idexp) dbigcg_embl_idexp = ajRegCompC("^ID ([^ \t;]+)"); rpos = ajFileResetPos(libr); while(ajReadline(libr, &rline) && ajStrGetCharFirst(rline)!='>') { rpos = ajFileResetPos(libr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr,rline); if(ajRegExec(dbigcg_embl_typexp, tmpstr)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_embl_typexp, 1, &typStr); if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "ID")) lineType = GCGTYPE_ID; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "SV")) lineType = GCGTYPE_VER; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "AC")) lineType = GCGTYPE_ACC; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "DE")) lineType = GCGTYPE_DES; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "KW")) lineType = GCGTYPE_KEY; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "OS")) lineType = GCGTYPE_TAX; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "OC")) lineType = GCGTYPE_TAX; else lineType=GCGTYPE_OTHER; if(lineType != GCGTYPE_OTHER) ajRegPost(dbigcg_embl_typexp, &tmpline); } else lineType = GCGTYPE_OTHER; if(lineType == GCGTYPE_ID) { ajRegExec(dbigcg_embl_idexp, rline); ajRegSubI(dbigcg_embl_idexp, 1, id); ajDebug("++id '%S'\n", *id); continue; } if(lineType == GCGTYPE_ACC && accfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(dbigcg_embl_wrdexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_embl_wrdexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++acc '%S'\n", tmpfd); if(!tmpacnum) ajStrAssignS(&tmpacnum, tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[accfield]); countfield[accfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[accfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[accfield], fd); } ajRegPost(dbigcg_embl_wrdexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); } continue; } else if(lineType == GCGTYPE_DES && desfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(dbigcg_embl_wrdexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_embl_wrdexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++des '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[desfield]); countfield[desfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[desfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[desfield], fd); } ajRegPost(dbigcg_embl_wrdexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); } continue; } else if(lineType == GCGTYPE_VER && svnfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(dbigcg_embl_verexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_embl_verexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++sv '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[svnfield]); countfield[svnfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[svnfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[svnfield], fd); } ajRegPost(dbigcg_embl_verexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); } continue; } else if(lineType == GCGTYPE_KEY && keyfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(dbigcg_embl_phrexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_embl_phrexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajRegPost(dbigcg_embl_phrexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&tmpfd); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpfd)) continue; ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++key '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[keyfield]); countfield[keyfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[keyfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[keyfield], fd); } } continue; } else if(lineType == GCGTYPE_TAX && taxfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(dbigcg_embl_taxexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_embl_taxexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajRegPost(dbigcg_embl_taxexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&tmpfd); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpfd)) continue; ajDebug("++tax '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[taxfield]); countfield[taxfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[taxfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[taxfield], fd); } } continue; } } if(rpos) ajFileSeek(libr, rpos, 0); ajStrDel(&tmpacnum); ajStrDel(&rline); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpline); ajStrDel(&tmpfd); ajStrDel(&typStr); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic dbigcg_ParseGenbank ******************************************** ** ** Parse the ID, accession from a Genbank entry ** ** @param [u] libr [AjPFile] Input file ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile*] field data files array ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue use system sort, else internal sort ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const *] Field names to be indexed ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum field token length ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] id [AjPStr*] ID ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbigcg_ParseGenbank(AjPFile libr, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* id) { static AjPRegexp typexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp morexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp wrdexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp phrexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp taxexp = NULL; static AjPRegexp verexp = NULL; ajint rpos = 0; static AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; static AjPStr tmpline = NULL; static AjPStr rline = NULL; static AjPStr tmpfd = NULL; static AjPStr typStr = NULL; ajint lineType=GCGTYPE_OTHER; char* fd; static ajint numFields; static ajint accfield = -1; static ajint desfield = -1; static ajint keyfield = -1; static ajint taxfield = -1; static ajint svnfield = -1; static AjBool reset = AJTRUE; if(!fields) { reset = ajTrue; accfield = svnfield = desfield = keyfield = taxfield = -1; return ajFalse; } if(reset) { numFields = 0; while(fields[numFields]) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "acc")) accfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "sv")) svnfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "des")) desfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "key")) keyfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "org")) taxfield=numFields; else ajWarn("EMBL parsing unknown field '%S' ignored", fields[numFields]); numFields++; } reset = ajFalse; } if(!typexp) typexp = ajRegCompC("^( )?([A-Z]+)"); if(!morexp) morexp = ajRegCompC("^ "); if(!wrdexp) wrdexp = ajRegCompC("([A-Za-z0-9_]+)"); if(!phrexp) phrexp = ajRegCompC(" *([^;.\n\r]+)"); if(!taxexp) taxexp = ajRegCompC(" *([^;.\n\r()]+)"); if(!verexp) verexp = ajRegCompC("([A-Za-z0-9]+)( +GI:([0-9]+))?"); while(ajReadline(libr, &rline) && ajStrGetCharFirst(rline)!='>') { rpos = ajFileResetPos(libr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr,rline); if(ajRegExec(typexp, tmpstr)) { ajRegSubI(typexp, 2, &typStr); if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "LOCUS")) lineType = GCGTYPE_ID; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "VERSION")) lineType = GCGTYPE_VER; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "ACCESSION")) lineType = GCGTYPE_ACC; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "DEFINITION")) lineType = GCGTYPE_DES; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "KEYWORDS")) lineType = GCGTYPE_KEY; else if(ajStrMatchC(typStr, "ORGANISM")) lineType = GCGTYPE_TAX; else lineType=GCGTYPE_OTHER; if(lineType != GCGTYPE_OTHER) ajRegPost(typexp, &tmpline); ajDebug("++type line %d\n", lineType); } else if(lineType != GCGTYPE_OTHER && ajRegExec(morexp, rline)) { ajRegPost(morexp, &tmpline); ajDebug("++more line %d\n", lineType); } else lineType = GCGTYPE_OTHER; if(lineType == GCGTYPE_ID) { ajRegExec(wrdexp, tmpline); ajRegSubI(wrdexp, 1, id); } else if(lineType == GCGTYPE_ACC && accfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(wrdexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(wrdexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++acc '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[accfield]); countfield[accfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[accfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[accfield], fd); } ajRegPost(wrdexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); } continue; } else if(lineType == GCGTYPE_DES && desfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(wrdexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(wrdexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++des '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[desfield]); countfield[desfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[desfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[desfield], fd); } ajRegPost(wrdexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); } continue; } else if(lineType == GCGTYPE_KEY && keyfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(phrexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(phrexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajRegPost(phrexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&tmpfd); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpfd)) continue; ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++key '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[keyfield]); countfield[keyfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[keyfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[keyfield], fd); } } continue; } else if(lineType == GCGTYPE_TAX && taxfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(taxexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(taxexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajRegPost(taxexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&tmpfd); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpfd)) continue; ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++tax '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[taxfield]); countfield[taxfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[taxfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[taxfield], fd); } } continue; } else if(lineType == GCGTYPE_VER && svnfield >= 0) { if(ajRegExec(verexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(verexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++ver '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[svnfield]); countfield[svnfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[svnfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[svnfield], fd); } ajRegSubI(verexp, 3, &tmpfd); if(!ajStrGetLen(tmpfd)) continue; ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++ver gi: '%S'\n", tmpfd); countfield[svnfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[svnfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[svnfield], fd); } } continue; } } if(rpos) ajFileSeek(libr, rpos, 0); return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic dbigcg_ParsePir ************************************************ ** ** Parse the ID, accession from a PIR entry ** ** @param [u] libr [AjPFile] Input file ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile*] field data files array ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue use system sort, else internal sort ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const *] Field names to be indexed ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum field token length ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] id [AjPStr*] ID ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbigcg_ParsePir(AjPFile libr, AjPFile* alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* id) { ajint rpos; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr tmpline = NULL; AjPStr rline = NULL; AjPStr tmpfd = NULL; char* fd; static ajint numFields; static ajint accfield = -1; static ajint desfield = -1; static ajint keyfield = -1; static ajint taxfield = -1; static AjBool reset = AJTRUE; if(!fields) { reset = ajTrue; accfield = desfield = keyfield = taxfield = -1; return ajFalse; } if(reset) { numFields = 0; while(fields[numFields]) { countfield[numFields]=0; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "acc")) accfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "sv")) { ++numFields; continue; } else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "des")) desfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "key")) keyfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "org")) taxfield=numFields; else ajWarn("EMBL parsing unknown field '%S' ignored", fields[numFields]); numFields++; } reset = ajFalse; } if(!dbigcg_pir_wrdexp) dbigcg_pir_wrdexp = ajRegCompC("([A-Za-z0-9_]+)"); if(!dbigcg_pir_idexp) dbigcg_pir_idexp = ajRegCompC("^>..;([^;.\n\r]+)"); if(!dbigcg_pir_phrexp) /* allow . for "sp." */ dbigcg_pir_phrexp = ajRegCompC(" *([^,;\n\r]+)"); if(!dbigcg_pir_tax2exp) /* allow . for "sp." */ dbigcg_pir_tax2exp = ajRegCompC(" *([^,;\n\r()]+)"); if(!dbigcg_pir_acexp) dbigcg_pir_acexp = ajRegCompC("^C;Accession:"); if(!dbigcg_pir_ac2exp) dbigcg_pir_ac2exp = ajRegCompC("([A-Za-z0-9]+)"); if(!dbigcg_pir_taxexp) dbigcg_pir_taxexp = ajRegCompC("^C;Species:"); if(!dbigcg_pir_keyexp) dbigcg_pir_keyexp = ajRegCompC("^C;Keywords:"); rpos = ajFileResetPos(libr); ajDebug("++id '%S'\n", *id); ajReadline(libr, &rline); ajDebug("line-2 '%S'\n", rline); if(desfield >= 0) { while(ajRegExec(dbigcg_pir_wrdexp, rline)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_pir_wrdexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++des '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[desfield]); countfield[desfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[desfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[desfield], fd); } ajRegPost(dbigcg_pir_wrdexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&rline, tmpstr); } } while(ajStrGetCharFirst(rline)!='>') { rpos = ajFileResetPos(libr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpstr,rline); if(ajRegExec(dbigcg_pir_acexp, rline)) { ajRegPost(dbigcg_pir_acexp, &tmpline); while(ajRegExec(dbigcg_pir_ac2exp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_pir_ac2exp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++acc '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[accfield]); countfield[accfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[accfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[accfield], fd); } ajRegPost(dbigcg_pir_ac2exp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); } } if(keyfield >= 0) { if(ajRegExec(dbigcg_pir_keyexp, rline)) { ajRegPost(dbigcg_pir_keyexp, &tmpline); while(ajRegExec(dbigcg_pir_phrexp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_pir_phrexp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajStrTrimWhiteEnd(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++key '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[keyfield]); countfield[keyfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[keyfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[keyfield], fd); } ajRegPost(dbigcg_pir_phrexp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); } } } if(taxfield >= 0) { if(ajRegExec(dbigcg_pir_taxexp, rline)) { ajRegPost(dbigcg_pir_taxexp, &tmpline); while(ajRegExec(dbigcg_pir_tax2exp, tmpline)) { ajRegSubI(dbigcg_pir_tax2exp, 1, &tmpfd); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++tax '%S'\n", tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[taxfield]); countfield[taxfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[taxfield], "%S %S\n", *id, tmpfd); else { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); ajListPushAppend(fdl[taxfield], fd); } ajRegPost(dbigcg_pir_tax2exp, &tmpstr); ajStrAssignS(&tmpline, tmpstr); } } } if(!ajReadline(libr, &rline)) { rpos = 0; break; } } if(rpos) ajFileSeek(libr, rpos, 0); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&tmpline); ajStrDel(&rline); ajStrDel(&tmpfd); return ajFalse; }