/* @source dbiblast application ** ** Index blast databases ** ** @author Copyright (C) Peter Rice, Alan Bleasby (ableasby@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** ** ** EMBOSS/Staden/EMBLCD indexing ** ** This version reads a BLAST formatted database, ** and writes entryname and accession index files. ** ** It helps to know the format in order to ** parse the entryname and accession number, ** but it can guess if necessary. ** ** It also helps to know the type (blast1 or blast2) ** and the sequence type (protein or nucleic) but again ** it can guess by looking at the file extensions. ** ** To save memory, it is also helpful to know the maximum number of ** entries in the database and the maximum entryname length so that ** space can be preallocated for storage. ** ** Entry names and accession numbers are held in list structures, ** then converted to arrays and sorted. ** ** Multiple input files are allowed. ** ** EMBLCD and Staden index files use different names but have essentially ** the same contents. ** ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #include #include #ifndef _AIX #include #else #include #endif #endif #include #ifndef MAP_FILE /* Solaris does not have MAP_FILE */ #define MAP_FILE 0 #endif #define BLASTIDUNKNOWN 0 #define BLASTIDANY 1 #define BLASTIDNCBI 2 #define BLASTIDGCG 3 #define BLASTIDSANGER 4 #define BLASTPREFNCBI 1 #ifdef WIN32 typedef char* caddr_t; #endif #define TABLESIZE 10000 #define HDRSIZE 1000 static AjPStr id = NULL; static AjPStr hline = NULL; static AjPStr acc = NULL; static AjPStr t = NULL; static AjPRegexp wrdexp = NULL; static AjPStr tmpdes = NULL; static AjPStr tmpfd = NULL; static AjPStr tmpac = NULL; static AjPStr tmpsv = NULL; static AjPStr tmpgi = NULL; static AjPStr tmpdb = NULL; static EmbPEntry dbiblastEntry = NULL; static AjPList* fdl = NULL; /* @datastatic PMemFile ******************************************************* ** ** DbiBlast in-memory file ** ** @attr File [AjPFile] Ajax file ** @attr IsMem [AjBool] True if in memory mapped ** @attr Fd [ajint] Unix file descriptor (integer) ** @attr Pos [ajlong] Position in file/memory ** @attr Size [ajlong] Size of file/memory ** @attr Name [AjPStr] Name of file ** @attr Mem [caddr_t] Memory map ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct SMemFile { AjPFile File; AjBool IsMem; ajint Fd; ajlong Pos; ajlong Size; AjPStr Name; caddr_t Mem; } OMemFile; #define PMemFile OMemFile* /* @datastatic PBlastDb ******************************************************* ** ** DbiBlast database ** ** @attr DbType [ajint] database type indicator ** @attr DbFormat [ajint] database format (version) indicator ** @attr IsProtein [ajint] 1 for protein ** @attr IsBlast2 [ajint] 1 for blast2, 0 for blast1 ** @attr TitleLen [ajint] length of database title ** @attr DateLen [ajint] length of database date string ** @attr LineLen [ajint] length of database lines ** @attr HeaderLen [ajint] bytes before tables start ** @attr CompLen [ajint] length of compressed seq file ** @attr MaxSeqLen [ajint] max. entry length ** @attr TotLen [ajint] number of bases or residues in database ** @attr CleanCount [ajint] count of cleaned 8mers ** @attr TopCmp [ajint] bytes before compressed table starts ** @attr TopSrc [ajint] bytes before source table starts ** @attr TopHdr [ajint] bytes before headers table starts ** @attr TopAmb [ajint] bytes before ambiguity table starts ** @attr IdType [ajint] ID type ** @attr IdPrefix [ajint] ID prefix type ** @attr TFile [PMemFile] table of offsets, also DB info ** @attr HFile [PMemFile] description lines ** @attr SFile [PMemFile] binary sequence data ** @attr FFile [PMemFile] source sequence data ** @attr Title [AjPStr] database title ** @attr Date [AjPStr] database date ** @attr Name [AjPStr] database base file name ** @attr Size [ajint] number of database entries ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct SBlastDb { ajint DbType; ajint DbFormat; ajint IsProtein; ajint IsBlast2; ajint TitleLen; ajint DateLen; ajint LineLen; ajint HeaderLen; ajint CompLen; ajint MaxSeqLen; ajint TotLen; ajint CleanCount; ajint TopCmp; ajint TopSrc; ajint TopHdr; ajint TopAmb; ajint IdType; ajint IdPrefix; PMemFile TFile; PMemFile HFile; PMemFile SFile; PMemFile FFile; AjPStr Title; AjPStr Date; AjPStr Name; ajint Size; char Padding[4]; } OBlastDb; #define PBlastDb OBlastDb* /* @datastatic PBlastType ***************************************************** ** ** DbiBlast types ** ** @attr ExtT [const char*] Table filename extension ** @attr ExtH [const char*] Header filename extension ** @attr ExtS [const char*] Sequence filename extension ** @attr IsProtein [AjBool] true for protein ** @attr IsBlast2 [AjBool] blast2.x or blast 1.x ** @attr Type [ajint] enumerated type ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct SBlastType { const char* ExtT; const char* ExtH; const char* ExtS; AjBool IsProtein; AjBool IsBlast2; ajint Type; char Padding[4]; } OBlastType; #define PBlastType OBlastType* enum blastdbtype {BLAST1P, BLAST1N, BLAST2P, BLAST2N}; static OBlastType blasttypes[] = { {"atb", "ahd", "bsq", AJTRUE, AJFALSE, BLAST1P, ""}, {"ntb", "nhd", "csq", AJFALSE, AJFALSE, BLAST1N, ""}, {"pin", "phr", "psq", AJTRUE, AJTRUE, BLAST2P, ""}, {"nin", "nhr", "nsq", AJFALSE, AJTRUE, BLAST2N, ""}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, ""} }; static AjBool dbiblast_parseNcbi(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* id, AjPList* fdl); static AjBool dbiblast_parseGcg(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* id, AjPList* fdl); static AjBool dbiblast_parseSimple(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* id, AjPList* fdl); static AjBool dbiblast_parseId(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* id, AjPList* fdl); static AjBool dbiblast_parseUnknown(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* id, AjPList* fdl); /* @datastatic OParser ******************************************************** ** ** Parser definition structure ** ** @alias SParser ** @alias OParser ** ** @attr Name [const char*] Parser name ** @attr Parser [(AjBool*)] Parser function ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct SParser { const char* Name; AjBool (*Parser) (const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* id, AjPList* fdl); } OParser; static OParser parser[] = { {"NCBI", dbiblast_parseNcbi}, {"GCG", dbiblast_parseGcg}, {"SIMPLE", dbiblast_parseSimple}, {"ID", dbiblast_parseId}, {"UNKNOWN", dbiblast_parseUnknown}, {NULL, NULL} }; static EmbPEntry dbiblast_nextblastentry(PBlastDb db, ajint ifile, const AjPStr idformat, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* maxidlen, ajuint* countfield, AjPFile elistfile, AjPFile * alistfile); static AjBool dbiblast_blastopenlib(const AjPStr lname, AjBool usesrc, ajint blastv, char dbtype, PBlastDb* pdb); static void dbiblast_dbfree(PBlastDb* pdb); static void dbiblast_dbname(AjPStr* dbname, const AjPStr oname, const char *suff); static void dbiblast_newname(AjPStr* nname, const AjPStr oname, const char *suff); static void dbiblast_memreadUInt4(PMemFile fd, ajuint *val); static PMemFile dbiblast_memfopenfile(const AjPStr name); static void dbiblast_memfclosefile(PMemFile* pfd); static size_t dbiblast_memfseek(PMemFile mf, ajlong offset, ajint whence); static size_t dbiblast_memfread(void* dest, size_t size, size_t num_items, PMemFile mf); static size_t dbiblast_memfreadS(AjPStr* dest, size_t size, size_t num_items, PMemFile mf); static ajint dbiblast_loadtable(ajuint* table, ajint isize, PBlastDb db, ajint top, ajint pos); static ajint dbiblast_ncblreadhdr(AjPStr* hline, PBlastDb db, ajint start, ajint end); static AjBool dbiblast_wrongtype(const AjPStr oname, const char *suff); static AjBool readReverse = AJFALSE; /* @prog dbiblast ************************************************************* ** ** Index a BLAST database ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPList idlist; AjPList* fieldList = NULL; AjBool systemsort; AjBool cleanup; ajint blastv = 0; char dbtype = '\0'; ajuint maxindex; ajuint maxidlen = 0; ajuint maxlen; AjPStr version = NULL; AjPStr seqtype = NULL; AjPFile elistfile = NULL; AjPFile* alistfile = NULL; AjPStr dbname = NULL; AjPStr release = NULL; AjPStr datestr = NULL; AjPStr sortopt = NULL; void **entryIds = NULL; AjBool usesrc = AJTRUE; AjPStr directory; AjPStr indexdir; AjPStr filename; AjPStr exclude; AjPStr curfilename = NULL; AjPStr idformat = NULL; EmbPEntry entry; PBlastDb db = NULL; ajuint idCount = 0; ajuint idDone; AjPList listTestFiles = NULL; void ** testFiles = NULL; ajuint nfiles; ajuint ifile; ajuint jfile; ajuint filesize; short recsize; ajuint maxfilelen = 20; char date[4] = { 0,0,0,0 }; AjPStr tmpfname = NULL; AjPStr* fields = NULL; AjPFile entFile = NULL; AjPStr* divfiles = NULL; ajint* maxFieldLen = NULL; ajuint ifield = 0; ajuint nfields = 0; AjPFile logfile = NULL; ajuint* countField = NULL; ajuint* fieldTot = NULL; ajuint idCountFile = 0; ajuint i = 0; embInit("dbiblast", argc, argv); idformat = ajStrNewC("NCBI"); fields = ajAcdGetList("fields"); directory = ajAcdGetDirectoryName("directory"); indexdir = ajAcdGetOutdirName("indexoutdir"); filename = ajAcdGetString("filenames"); exclude = ajAcdGetString("exclude"); dbname = ajAcdGetString("dbname"); release = ajAcdGetString("release"); datestr = ajAcdGetString("date"); systemsort = ajAcdGetBoolean("systemsort"); cleanup = ajAcdGetBoolean("cleanup"); sortopt = ajAcdGetString("sortoptions"); maxindex = ajAcdGetInt("maxindex"); version = ajAcdGetListSingle("blastversion"); seqtype = ajAcdGetListSingle("seqtype"); usesrc = ajAcdGetBoolean("sourcefile"); logfile = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); while(fields[nfields]) /* array ends with a NULL */ nfields++; if(nfields) { AJCNEW(maxFieldLen, nfields); AJCNEW0(countField, nfields); AJCNEW0(fieldTot, nfields); for(ifield=0; ifield < nfields; ifield++) maxFieldLen[ifield] = (ajint) maxindex * -1; if(systemsort) AJCNEW(alistfile, nfields); else { AJCNEW(fieldList, nfields); for(ifield=0; ifield < nfields; ifield++) fieldList[ifield] = ajListNew(); } } if(ajStrMatchC(datestr, "00/00/00")) ajFmtPrintS(&datestr, "%D", ajTimeRefTodayFmt("dbindex")); ajStrRemoveWhite(&dbname); /* used for temp filenames */ embDbiDateSet(datestr, date); idlist = ajListNew(); if(ajUtilGetBigendian()) readReverse = ajFalse; else readReverse = ajTrue; ajStrToInt(version, &blastv); dbtype = ajStrGetCharFirst(seqtype); ajDebug("reading '%S/%S'\n", directory, filename); ajDebug("writing '%S/'\n", indexdir); listTestFiles = embDbiFileListExc(directory, filename, exclude); ajListSort(listTestFiles, ajStrVcmp); nfiles = ajListToarray(listTestFiles, &testFiles); if(!nfiles) ajFatal("No files selected"); embDbiLogHeader(logfile, dbname, release, datestr, indexdir, maxindex); embDbiLogFields(logfile, fields, nfields); embDbiLogSource(logfile, directory, filename, exclude, (AjPStr*) testFiles, nfiles); embDbiLogCmdline(logfile); AJCNEW0(divfiles, nfiles); /* ** process each input file, one at a time */ jfile = 0; for(ifile=0; ifile < nfiles; ifile++) { curfilename = (AjPStr) testFiles[ifile]; if(!dbiblast_blastopenlib(curfilename, usesrc, blastv, dbtype, &db)) continue; /* could be the wrong file type with "*.*" */ ajDebug("processing filename '%S' ...\n", curfilename); ajDebug("processing file '%S' ...\n", db->TFile->Name); ajStrAssignS(&divfiles[jfile], db->TFile->Name); ajFilenameTrimPath(&divfiles[jfile]); if(ajStrGetLen(divfiles[jfile]) >= maxfilelen) maxfilelen = ajStrGetLen(divfiles[jfile]) + 1; if(systemsort) /* elistfile for entries, alist for fields */ elistfile = embDbiSortOpen(alistfile, jfile, dbname, fields, nfields); idCountFile = 0; for(i=0;i= 0) maxlen = maxFieldLen[ifield]; else maxlen = - maxFieldLen[ifield]; } if(systemsort) fieldTot[ifield] = embDbiSortWriteFields(dbname, release, date, indexdir, fields[ifield], maxlen, nfiles, idCount, cleanup, sortopt); else fieldTot[ifield] = embDbiMemWriteFields(dbname, release, date, indexdir, fields[ifield], maxlen, fieldList[ifield], entryIds); } embDbiLogFinal(logfile,maxindex, maxFieldLen, fields, fieldTot, nfields, nfiles, idDone, idCount); if(systemsort) embDbiRmEntryFile(dbname, cleanup); ajListMap(idlist, embDbiEntryDelMap, NULL); ajListFree(&idlist); AJFREE(entryIds); ajStrDelarray(&fields); for(i=0;i db->Size) return NULL; if( ipos >= irest) { ajDebug("ipos: %d iload: %d irest: %d\n", ipos, iload, irest); irest = ipos + TABLESIZE - 2; if(irest > db->Size) { iload = db->Size - ipos + 1; irest = db->Size; } jpos=0; j = dbiblast_loadtable(tabhdr, iload, db, db->TopHdr, ipos-1); if(!j) ajDebug("No elements read"); } j = dbiblast_ncblreadhdr(&hline, db, tabhdr[jpos], tabhdr[jpos+1]); if(!parser[iparser].Parser(hline, alistfile, systemsort, fields, maxFieldLen, countfield, &id, fdl)) ajFatal("failed to parse '%S'", hline); ir = ipos; if(ajStrGetLen(id) > *maxidlen) *maxidlen = ajStrGetLen(id); if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(elistfile, "%S %d %d %d\n", id, ir, is, ifile+1); else { dbiblastEntry->entry = ajCharNewS(id); dbiblastEntry->rpos = ir; dbiblastEntry->spos = is; dbiblastEntry->filenum = ifile+1; /* field tokens as list, then move to dbiblastEntry->field */ for(ifield=0; ifield < nfields; ifield++) { dbiblastEntry->nfield[ifield] = ajListGetLength(fdl[ifield]); if(dbiblastEntry->nfield[ifield]) { AJCNEW(dbiblastEntry->field[ifield], dbiblastEntry->nfield[ifield]); i = 0; while(ajListPop(fdl[ifield], (void**) &token)) dbiblastEntry->field[ifield][i++] = token; } else dbiblastEntry->field[ifield] = NULL; } } ipos++; jpos++; return dbiblastEntry; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_dbfree ************************************************ ** ** Free BLAST library object ** ** @param [u] pdb [PBlastDb*] Blast dababase structure. ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void dbiblast_dbfree( PBlastDb* pdb) { PBlastDb db; if(!pdb) return; if(!*pdb) return; db = *pdb; dbiblast_memfclosefile(&db->TFile); dbiblast_memfclosefile(&db->HFile); dbiblast_memfclosefile(&db->SFile); dbiblast_memfclosefile(&db->FFile); ajStrDel(&db->Name); ajStrDel(&db->Date); ajStrDel(&db->Title); AJFREE(*pdb); return; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_blastopenlib ****************************************** ** ** Open BLAST library ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] Source file name ** @param [r] usesrc [AjBool] If ajTrue, use the source (fasta) file ** @param [r] blastv [ajint] Blast version number (1 or 2) ** @param [r] dbtype [char] Blast database type (p)rotein or (n)ucleotide ** @param [u] pdb [PBlastDb*] Blast dababase structure. ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbiblast_blastopenlib(const AjPStr name, AjBool usesrc, ajint blastv, char dbtype, PBlastDb* pdb) { AjPStr hname = NULL; AjPStr sname = NULL; AjPStr tname = NULL; static AjPStr dbname = NULL; ajint rdtmp = 0; ajint rdtmp2 = 0; ajint itype; ajint ttop; PMemFile TFile = NULL; PBlastDb ret; for(itype=0; blasttypes[itype].ExtT; itype++) { if((blastv == 1) && blasttypes[itype].IsBlast2) continue; if((blastv == 2) && !blasttypes[itype].IsBlast2) continue; if((dbtype == 'P') && !blasttypes[itype].IsProtein) continue; if((dbtype == 'N') && blasttypes[itype].IsProtein) continue; if(dbiblast_wrongtype(name, blasttypes[itype].ExtT)) continue; dbiblast_dbname(&dbname,name,blasttypes[itype].ExtT); dbiblast_newname(&tname,dbname,blasttypes[itype].ExtT); TFile = dbiblast_memfopenfile(tname); if(TFile) break; } if(!TFile) return ajFalse; AJNEW0(*pdb); ret = *pdb; ret->TFile = TFile; ajStrAssignS(&ret->Name, dbname); ajDebug("Name '%S'\n", ret->Name); /* find and open the 'table' file(s) */ if(!ret->TFile) ajFatal(" cannot open %S table file %S\n", dbname, tname); ajDebug("Successfully opened table file for type %d\n", itype); ret->IsProtein = blasttypes[itype].IsProtein; ret->IsBlast2 = blasttypes[itype].IsBlast2; /* read the type and format - all databases */ dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->DbType); dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->DbFormat); ret->HeaderLen += 8; ajDebug("dbtype: %x dbformat: %x\n", ret->DbType, ret->DbFormat); /* Open the header and (compressed) sequence files */ /* for DNA, also look for the FASTA file */ dbiblast_newname(&hname,dbname,blasttypes[itype].ExtH); if((ret->HFile = dbiblast_memfopenfile(hname))==NULL) ajFatal(" cannot open %S header file\n",hname); dbiblast_newname(&sname,dbname,blasttypes[itype].ExtS); if((ret->SFile = dbiblast_memfopenfile(sname))==NULL) ajFatal(" cannot open %S sequence file\n",sname); if(!ret->IsBlast2 && !ret->IsProtein && usesrc) /* this can fail */ if((ret->FFile = dbiblast_memfopenfile(dbname))==NULL) ajDebug(" cannot open %S source file\n",dbname); /* read the title - all formats */ dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->TitleLen); /* blast2 does not align after the title */ if(ret->IsBlast2) rdtmp = ret->TitleLen; else rdtmp = ret->TitleLen + ((ret->TitleLen%4 !=0 ) ? 4-(ret->TitleLen%4) : 0); ajStrAssignResC(&ret->Title, rdtmp+1, ""); ajDebug("IsBlast2: %B title_len: %d rdtmp: %d title_str: '%S'\n", ret->IsBlast2, ret->TitleLen, rdtmp, ret->Title); ajStrTrace(ret->Title); dbiblast_memfreadS(&ret->Title,(size_t)1,(size_t)rdtmp,ret->TFile); if(ret->IsBlast2) ajStrSetValidLen(&ret->Title, ret->TitleLen); else ajStrSetValidLen(&ret->Title, ret->TitleLen-1); ajDebug("title_len: %d rdtmp: %d title_str: '%S'\n", ret->TitleLen, rdtmp, ret->Title); ret->HeaderLen += 4 + rdtmp; /* read the date - blast2 */ if(ret->IsBlast2) { dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->DateLen); rdtmp2 = ret->DateLen; ajStrAssignResC(&ret->Date, rdtmp2+1, ""); dbiblast_memfreadS(&ret->Date,(size_t)1,(size_t)rdtmp2,ret->TFile); ajStrSetValid(&ret->Date); ret->DateLen = ajStrGetLen(ret->Date); ajDebug("datelen: %d rdtmp: %d date: '%S'\n", ret->DateLen, rdtmp2, ret->Date); ret->HeaderLen += 4 + rdtmp2; } /* read the rest of the header (different for protein and DNA) */ if(!ret->IsBlast2 && !ret->IsProtein) { /* length of source lines */ dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->LineLen); ret->HeaderLen += 4; } /* all formats have the next 3 */ dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->Size); if(ret->IsProtein) { /* mad, but they are the other way for DNA */ dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->TotLen); dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->MaxSeqLen); } else { dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->MaxSeqLen); dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->TotLen); } ret->HeaderLen += 12; if(!ret->IsBlast2 && !ret->IsProtein) { /* Blast 1.4 DNA only */ /* compressed db length */ dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->CompLen); /* count of nt's cleaned */ dbiblast_memreadUInt4(ret->TFile,(ajuint*)&ret->CleanCount); ret->HeaderLen += 8; } ajDebug(" size: %u, totlen: %d maxseqlen: %u\n", ret->Size, ret->TotLen, ret->MaxSeqLen); ajDebug(" linelen: %u, complen: %d cleancount: %d\n", ret->LineLen, ret->CompLen, ret->CleanCount); /* Now for the tables of offsets. Again maddeningly different in each */ if(ret->IsBlast2) { ttop = ret->TopHdr = ret->HeaderLen; /* header first */ ttop = ret->TopCmp = ttop + (ret->Size+1) * 4; /* then sequence */ if(!ret->IsProtein) /* Blast 2 DNA only */ ttop = ret->TopAmb = ttop + (ret->Size+1) * 4; } else { ttop = ret->TopCmp = ret->HeaderLen + ret->CleanCount*4; /* comp seq */ if(!ret->IsProtein) /* Blast 1.4 DNA only */ ttop = ret->TopSrc = ttop + (ret->Size+1) * 4; ttop = ret->TopHdr = ttop + (ret->Size+1) * 4; /* headers for all */ if(!ret->IsProtein) /* Blast 1.4 DNA only */ ttop = ret->TopAmb = ttop + (ret->Size+1) * 4; } ajDebug("table file index starts at %d\n", ret->HeaderLen); ajDebug("table file csq starts at %d\n", ret->TopCmp); ajDebug("table file src starts at %d\n", ret->TopSrc); ajDebug("table file hdr starts at %d\n", ret->TopHdr); ajDebug("table file amb starts at %d\n", ret->TopAmb); ajStrDel(&hname); ajStrDel(&sname); ajStrDel(&tname); ajStrDel(&dbname); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_parseNcbi ********************************************* ** ** Parses an NCBI style header from the BLAST header table. ** ** @param [r] line [const AjPStr] Input line ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile *] List of field temporary files ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue, use the system sort utility, ** else sort in memory ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const*] Field names ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum token lengths for each field ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] myid [AjPStr*] ID ** @param [w] fdlist [AjPList *] Field token lists ** (one list for each field) ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbiblast_parseNcbi(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* myid, AjPList* fdlist) { char* fd; static ajint numFields; static ajint accfield = -1; static ajint desfield = -1; static ajint svnfield = -1; static AjBool reset = AJTRUE; if(!fields) { reset = ajTrue; accfield = svnfield = desfield = -1; return ajFalse; } if(reset) { numFields = 0; while(fields[numFields]) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "acc")) accfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "sv")) svnfield=numFields; else if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "des")) desfield=numFields; else ajWarn("EMBL parsing unknown field '%S' ignored", fields[numFields]); numFields++; } reset = ajFalse; } if(!wrdexp) wrdexp = ajRegCompC("([A-Za-z0-9]+)"); ajStrAssignC(&tmpdes,""); ajStrAssignC(&t,""); ajStrAssignC(&tmpac,""); ajStrAssignC(&tmpsv,""); ajStrAssignC(&tmpgi,""); ajStrAssignC(&tmpdb,""); ajFmtPrintS(&t,">%S",line); if(!ajSeqParseNcbi(t,myid,&tmpac,&tmpsv,&tmpgi,&tmpdb,&tmpdes)) return ajFalse; if(ajStrGetLen(tmpac)) ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpac); if(accfield >= 0) embDbiMaxlen(&tmpac, &maxFieldLen[accfield]); if(svnfield >= 0) { embDbiMaxlen(&tmpsv, &maxFieldLen[svnfield]); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpgi, &maxFieldLen[svnfield]); } ajStrFmtUpper(myid); /* ajDebug("parseNCBI success\n"); */ if(systemsort) { if(accfield >= 0 && ajStrGetLen(tmpac)) { countfield[accfield]++; ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[accfield], "%S %S\n", *myid, tmpac); } if(svnfield >= 0 && ajStrGetLen(tmpsv)) { countfield[svnfield]++; ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[svnfield], "%S %S\n", *myid, tmpsv); } if(svnfield >= 0 && ajStrGetLen(tmpgi)) { countfield[svnfield]++; ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[svnfield], "%S %S\n", *myid, tmpgi); } if(desfield >= 0 && ajStrGetLen(tmpdes)) while(ajRegExec(wrdexp, tmpdes)) { ajRegSubI(wrdexp, 1, &tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[desfield]); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++des '%S'\n", tmpfd); countfield[desfield]++; ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[desfield], "%S %S\n", *myid, tmpfd); ajRegPost(wrdexp, &tmpdes); } } else { if(accfield >= 0 && ajStrGetLen(tmpac)) { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpac); countfield[accfield]++; ajListPushAppend(fdlist[accfield], fd); } if(svnfield >= 0 && ajStrGetLen(tmpsv)) { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpsv); countfield[svnfield]++; ajListPushAppend(fdlist[svnfield], fd); } if(svnfield >= 0 && ajStrGetLen(tmpgi)) { fd = ajCharNewS(tmpgi); ajListPushAppend(fdlist[svnfield], fd); } if(desfield >= 0 && ajStrGetLen(tmpdes)) { while(ajRegExec(wrdexp, tmpdes)) { ajRegSubI(wrdexp, 1, &tmpfd); embDbiMaxlen(&tmpfd, &maxFieldLen[desfield]); ajStrFmtUpper(&tmpfd); ajDebug("++des '%S'\n", tmpfd); fd = ajCharNewS(tmpfd); countfield[desfield]++; ajListPushAppend(fdlist[desfield], fd); ajRegPost(wrdexp, &tmpdes); } } } /* ajDebug("parseNCBI '%S' '%S'\n", *myid, tmpac); */ return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_parseGcg ********************************************** ** ** Parses a GCG style header from the BLAST header table. ** ** @param [r] line [const AjPStr] Input line ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile *] field data files array ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue use system sort, else internal sort ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const *] Field names to be indexed ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum token length for each field ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] myid [AjPStr*] ID ** @param [w] myfdl [AjPList *] Accession number list ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbiblast_parseGcg(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* myid, AjPList* myfdl) { static AjPRegexp idexp = NULL; static AjPStr mytmpac = NULL; char* ac; static ajint numFields; static ajint accfield = -1; static AjBool reset = AJTRUE; if(!fields) { reset = ajTrue; accfield = -1; return ajFalse; } if(reset) { numFields = 0; while(fields[numFields]) { countfield[numFields]=0; if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "acc")) accfield=numFields; else if(!ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "sv") && !ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "des")) ajWarn("GCG ID parsing unknown field '%S' ignored", fields[numFields]); numFields++; } reset = ajFalse; } if(!idexp) idexp = ajRegCompC("^[^:]+:([^ ]+)( +([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+[0-9]))"); if(!ajRegExec(idexp, line)) return ajFalse; ajRegSubI(idexp, 1, myid); ajRegSubI(idexp, 3, &mytmpac); ajStrFmtUpper(myid); ajStrFmtUpper(&mytmpac); /* GCG mixes case on new SwissProt acnums */ if(accfield >= 0) { embDbiMaxlen(&mytmpac, &maxFieldLen[accfield]); countfield[accfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[accfield], "%S %S\n", *myid, mytmpac); else { ac = ajCharNewS(mytmpac); ajListPushAppend(myfdl[accfield], ac); } } ajDebug("parseGCG '%S' '%S'\n", *myid, mytmpac); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_parseSimple ******************************************* ** ** Parses a plain header from the BLAST header table. ** ** @param [r] line [const AjPStr] Input line ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile *] field data files array ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue use system sort, else internal sort ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const *] Field names to be indexed ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum token length for each field ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] myid [AjPStr*] ID ** @param [w] myfdl [AjPList*] Accession number list ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbiblast_parseSimple(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* myid, AjPList* myfdl) { static AjPRegexp idexp = NULL; static AjPStr mytmpac = NULL; char* ac; static ajint numFields; static ajint accfield = -1; static AjBool reset = AJTRUE; if(!fields) { reset = ajTrue; accfield = -1; return ajFalse; } if(reset) { numFields = 0; while(fields[numFields]) { if(ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "acc")) accfield=numFields; else if(!ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "sv") && !ajStrMatchCaseC(fields[numFields], "des")) ajWarn("Simple ID parsing unknown field '%S' ignored", fields[numFields]); numFields++; } reset = ajFalse; } if(!idexp) idexp = ajRegCompC("^([^ ]+)( +([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+[0-9]))"); if(!ajRegExec(idexp, line)) return ajFalse; ajRegSubI(idexp, 1, myid); ajRegSubI(idexp, 3, &mytmpac); ajStrFmtUpper(myid); ajStrFmtUpper(&mytmpac); /* GCG mixes case on new SwissProt acnums */ if(accfield >= 0) { embDbiMaxlen(&mytmpac, &maxFieldLen[accfield]); countfield[accfield]++; if(systemsort) ajFmtPrintF(alistfile[accfield], "%S %S\n", *myid, mytmpac); else { ac = ajCharNewS(mytmpac); ajListPushAppend(myfdl[accfield], ac); } } ajDebug("parseSimple '%S' '%S'\n", *myid, mytmpac); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_parseId *********************************************** ** ** Parses a simple FASTA ID from the BLAST header table. ** ** @param [r] line [const AjPStr] Input line ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile *] field data files array ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue use system sort, else internal sort ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const *] Field names to be indexed ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum token length for each field ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] myid [AjPStr*] ID ** @param [w] myfdl [AjPList*] Accession number list ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbiblast_parseId(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* myid, AjPList * myfdl) { static AjPRegexp idexp = NULL; static AjBool reset = AJTRUE; (void) alistfile; (void) systemsort; (void) maxFieldLen; (void) countfield; (void) myfdl; if(!fields) { reset = ajTrue; return ajFalse; } if(reset) { reset = ajFalse; } if(!idexp) idexp = ajRegCompC("^([^ ]+)"); if(!ajRegExec(idexp, line)) return ajFalse; ajRegSubI(idexp, 1, myid); ajStrFmtUpper(myid); ajDebug("parseId '%S'\n", *myid); return ajTrue; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_parseUnknown ****************************************** ** ** Parses an unknown type ID from the BLAST header table. ** ** @param [r] line [const AjPStr] Input line ** @param [u] alistfile [AjPFile *] field data files array ** @param [r] systemsort [AjBool] If ajTrue use system sort, else internal sort ** @param [r] fields [AjPStr const *] Field names to be indexed ** @param [w] maxFieldLen [ajint*] Maximum token length for each field ** @param [w] countfield [ajuint*] Number of tokens for each field ** @param [w] myid [AjPStr*] ID ** @param [w] myfdl [AjPList*] Accession number list ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue on success ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbiblast_parseUnknown(const AjPStr line, AjPFile * alistfile, AjBool systemsort, AjPStr const * fields, ajint* maxFieldLen, ajuint* countfield, AjPStr* myid, AjPList* myfdl) { static ajint called = 0; static AjBool reset = AJTRUE; (void) line; (void) alistfile; (void) systemsort; (void) maxFieldLen; (void) countfield; (void) myid; (void) myfdl; if(!fields) { reset = ajTrue; return ajFalse; } if(reset) { reset = ajFalse; } if(!called) /* first time - find out the format */ called = 1; return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_memreadUInt4 ****************************************** ** ** Reads a 4 byte unsigned integer from a (possibly memory mapped) ** binary file, with the correct byte orientation ** ** @param [u] fd [PMemFile] Input file ** @param [w] val [ajuint *] Unsigned integer ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void dbiblast_memreadUInt4(PMemFile fd, ajuint *val) { dbiblast_memfread((char *)val,(size_t)4,(size_t)1,fd); if(readReverse) ajByteRevLen4((ajint *)val); return; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_memfreadS ********************************************* ** ** Reads a string from a (possibly memory mapped) ** binary file, with the correct byte orientation ** ** @param [w] dest [AjPStr*] Output string, must be already the right size ** @param [r] size [size_t] Size of string (1) ** @param [r] num_items [size_t] Number of bytes ** @param [u] mf [PMemFile] Input file ** @return [size_t] fread return code ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static size_t dbiblast_memfreadS(AjPStr* dest, size_t size, size_t num_items, PMemFile mf) { return dbiblast_memfread(ajStrGetuniquePtr(dest), size, num_items, mf); } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_memfseek ********************************************** ** ** fseek in a (possibly memory mapped) binary file ** ** @param [u] mf [PMemFile] Input file ** @param [r] offset [ajlong] Offset in file ** @param [r] whence [ajint] Start of offset, as defined for 'fseek' ** @return [size_t] Result of 'fseek' ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static size_t dbiblast_memfseek(PMemFile mf, ajlong offset, ajint whence) { if(mf->IsMem) { /* memory mapped */ switch(whence) { case 0: mf->Pos = offset; break; case 1: mf->Pos += offset; break; case 2: mf->Pos = mf->Size + offset; break; default: ajErr("invalid memfseek code %d", whence); embExitBad(); } if(mf->Pos > mf->Size) mf->Pos = mf->Size; if(mf->Pos < 0) mf->Pos = 0; return 0; } return ajFileSeek( mf->File, offset, whence); } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_memfread ********************************************** ** ** fread in a (possibly memory mapped) binary file ** ** @param [w] dest [void*] Output text string ** @param [r] size [size_t] Size of string (1) ** @param [r] num_items [size_t] Number of bytes ** @param [u] mf [PMemFile] Input file ** @return [size_t] Result of 'fread' ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static size_t dbiblast_memfread(void* dest, size_t size, size_t num_items, PMemFile mf) { size_t i; if(mf->IsMem) { /* memory mapped */ i = size * num_items; memcpy(dest, &mf->Mem[mf->Pos], i); mf->Pos += (ajlong) i; return i; } return ajReadbinBinary(mf->File, num_items, size, dest); } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_newname *********************************************** ** ** Generate a new filename with a different suffix. ** ** @param [w] nname [AjPStr*] New filename ** @param [r] oname [const AjPStr] Original file name ** @param [r] suff [const char*] New suffix ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void dbiblast_newname(AjPStr* nname, const AjPStr oname, const char *suff) { ajStrAssignS(nname, oname); if(ajStrGetCharFirst(oname)=='@') ajStrCutStart(nname, 1); ajStrAppendK(nname, '.'); ajStrAppendC(nname, suff); return; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_dbname ************************************************ ** ** Generate the database name (original fasta file name) ** by stripping off the suffix ** ** @param [w] dbname [AjPStr*] Database filename ** @param [r] oname [const AjPStr] Original file name ** @param [r] suff [const char*] New suffix ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void dbiblast_dbname(AjPStr* dbname, const AjPStr oname, const char *suff) { AjPStr suffix = NULL; ajFmtPrintS(&suffix, ".%s", suff); ajStrAssignS(dbname, oname); if(ajStrGetCharFirst(oname)=='@') ajStrCutStart(dbname, 1); if(!ajStrSuffixS(*dbname, suffix)) { ajStrDel(&suffix); return; } ajStrCutEnd(dbname, ajStrGetLen(suffix)); ajStrDel(&suffix); return; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_wrongtype ********************************************* ** ** Tests for the other database filenames in case the user asked ** for "*.*". Used to test we have the *.suff file before opening all files. ** ** @param [r] oname [const AjPStr] Original file name ** @param [r] suff [const char*] Required suffix ** @return [AjBool] ajTrue if any other filename suffix is recognized ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static AjBool dbiblast_wrongtype(const AjPStr oname, const char *suff) { ajint itype; for(itype=0; blasttypes[itype].ExtT; itype++) { if(strcmp(suff, blasttypes[itype].ExtT)) if(ajStrSuffixC(oname, blasttypes[itype].ExtT)) return ajTrue; if(strcmp(suff, blasttypes[itype].ExtH)) if(ajStrSuffixC(oname, blasttypes[itype].ExtH)) return ajTrue; if(strcmp(suff, blasttypes[itype].ExtS)) if(ajStrSuffixC(oname, blasttypes[itype].ExtS)) return ajTrue; } return ajFalse; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_memfclosefile ***************************************** ** ** Close a (possibly memory mapped) binary file ** ** @param [d] pfd [PMemFile*] File ** @return [void] ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static void dbiblast_memfclosefile(PMemFile* pfd) { PMemFile fd; if(!pfd) return; if(!*pfd) return; fd = *pfd; ajFileClose(&fd->File); ajStrDel(&fd->Name); AJFREE(*pfd); return; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_memfopenfile ****************************************** ** ** Open a (possibly memory mapped) binary file ** ** @param [r] name [const AjPStr] File name ** @return [PMemFile] Memory mapped file object created ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static PMemFile dbiblast_memfopenfile(const AjPStr name) { PMemFile ret; AjPFile fp; fp = ajFileNewInNameS(name); if(!fp) return NULL; AJNEW0(ret); ajStrAssignS(&ret->Name, name); ret->IsMem = 0; ret->File = fp; ret->Size = 0; ret->Mem = NULL; ajDebug("fopened '%S'\n", name); return ret; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_loadtable ********************************************* ** ** Load part of the BLAST binary table into memory ** ** @param [w] table [ajuint*] table array to be read ** @param [r] isize [ajint] Number of elements to read ** @param [u] db [PBlastDb] Blast database structure ** @param [r] top [ajint] Byte offset for start of table ** @param [r] pos [ajint] Current element number in table. ** @return [ajint] Number of elements read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint dbiblast_loadtable(ajuint* table, ajint isize, PBlastDb db, ajint top, ajint pos) { ajint i; ajint j; ajint imax; imax = pos + isize; if(imax > (db->Size+1)) imax = db->Size+1; ajDebug("loadtable size %d top %d db->Size %d pos %d imax %d\n", isize, top, db->Size, pos, imax); dbiblast_memfseek(db->TFile, top + 4*(pos), 0); j = 0; for(i=pos; i<=imax; i++) { /* ajDebug("reading at %d\n", ajFileResetPos(db->TFile->File));*/ dbiblast_memreadUInt4(db->TFile,&table[j++]); /* ajDebug("read i: %d j: %d value: %d\n", i, j-1, table[j-1]);*/ } return imax - pos + 1; } /* @funcstatic dbiblast_ncblreadhdr ******************************************* ** ** Read the FASTA header line for one entry ** ** @param [w] hdrline [AjPStr*] Header line ** @param [u] db [PBlastDb] Blast database structure ** @param [r] start [ajint] Byte offset for start of header ** @param [r] end [ajint] Byte offset for end of header ** @return [ajint] Number of bytes read. ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static ajint dbiblast_ncblreadhdr(AjPStr* hdrline, PBlastDb db, ajint start, ajint end) { ajint size; ajint llen; PMemFile hfp; size = ajStrGetRes(*hdrline); hfp = db->HFile; if(end) { llen = end - start; if(db->IsBlast2) llen += 1; if(llen > size) llen = size; } else llen = size; /*ajDebug("ncblreadhdr start %d end %d llen %d\n", start, end, llen);*/ if(db->IsBlast2) { dbiblast_memfseek(hfp,start,0); dbiblast_memfreadS(hdrline,(size_t)1,(size_t)(llen-1),hfp); } else { dbiblast_memfseek(hfp,start+1,0); /* skip the '>' character */ dbiblast_memfreadS(hdrline,(size_t)1,(size_t)(llen-1),hfp); } ajStrSetValidLen(hdrline, (llen-1)); return llen; }