#Multiple attributes of the same type are indicated by separating the #values with the comma "," character, as in: # # Parent=AF2312,AB2812,abc-3 # #Note that attribute names are case sensitive. "Parent" is not the #same as "parent". # #All attributes that begin with an uppercase letter are reserved for #later use. Attributes that begin with a lowercase letter can be used #freely by applications. # Reserved attribute names # ======================== # Indicates the name of the feature. IDs must be unique within the # scope of the GFF file. ID # Display name for the feature. This is the name to be displayed to # the user. Unlike IDs, there is no requirement that the Name be # unique within the file. Name # A secondary name for the feature. It is suggested that this tag be # used whenever a secondary identifier for the feature is needed, such # as locus names and accession numbers. Unlike ID, there is no # requirement that Alias be unique within the file. Alias # Indicates the parent of the feature. A parent ID can be used to # group exons into transcripts, transcripts into genes, an so forth. # A feature may have multiple parents. Parent can *only* be used to # indicate a partof relationship. Parent # Indicates the target of a nucleotide-to-nucleotide or # protein-to-nucleotide alignment. The format of the value is # "target_id start end [strand]", where strand is optional and may be # "+" or "-". If the target_id contains spaces, they must be escaped # as hex escape %20. Target # The alignment of the feature to the target if the two are not # collinear (e.g. contain gaps). The alignment format is taken from # the CIGAR format described in the Exonerate documentation. # (http://cvsweb.sanger.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/exonerate # ?cvsroot=Ensembl). See "THE GAP ATTRIBUTE" for a description of # this format. Gap # Used to disambiguate the relationship between one feature and # another when the relationship is a temporal one rather than a purely # structural "part of" one. This is needed for polycistronic genes. # See "PATHOLOGICAL CASES" for further discussion. Derives_from # A free text note. Note # A database cross reference. See the section "Ontology Associations # and Db Cross References" for details on the format. Dbxref # A cross reference to an ontology term. See the section "Ontology # Associations and Db Cross References" for details. Ontology_term #include Etags.gff