/* @source cutgextract application ** ** Create EMBOSS codon usage files from the CUTG database ** ** @author Copyright (C) Alan Bleasby (ableasby@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) ** @@ ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ #include "emboss.h" #define CODONS 64 #define TABLE_ESTIMATE 1000 /* @datastatic CutgPValues **************************************************** ** ** Codon usage table data values ** ** @alias CutgSValues ** @alias CutgOValues ** ** @attr Count [ajint[CODONS]] Number of occurrences for each codon ** in standard order ** @attr Division [AjPStr] EMBL/GenBank division ** @attr Doc [AjPStr] Documentation string ** @attr Species [AjPStr] Species ** @attr Warn [ajint] Number of warnings issued ** @attr Skip [ajint] Number of CDSs skipped ** @attr CdsCount [ajint] Number of CDSs counted ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct CutgSValues { ajint Count[CODONS]; AjPStr Division; AjPStr Doc; AjPStr Species; ajint Warn; ajint Skip; ajint CdsCount; char Padding[4]; } CutgOValues; #define CutgPValues CutgOValues* static AjPStr cutgextractSavepid = NULL; static AjPStr cutgextractLine = NULL; static AjPStr cutgextractOrg = NULL; static char *cutgextract_next(AjPFile inf, const AjPStr wildspecies, AjPStr* pspecies, AjPStr* pdoc); static ajint cutgextract_readcodons(AjPFile inf, AjBool allrecords, ajint *count); /* @prog cutgextract ********************************************************** ** ** Extract data from CUTG. ** ** Reads all *.codon files in the input, and builds a table for each organism. ** Writes the tables to the EMBOSS_DATA/CODONS directory at the end. ** ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *codons[]= { "TAG","TAA","TGA","GCG","GCA","GCT","GCC","TGT", /* 00-07 */ "TGC","GAT","GAC","GAA","GAG","TTT","TTC","GGT", /* 08-15 */ "GGG","GGA","GGC","CAT","CAC","ATA","ATT","ATC", /* 16-23 */ "AAA","AAG","CTA","TTA","TTG","CTT","CTC","CTG", /* 24-31 */ "ATG","AAT","AAC","CCG","CCA","CCT","CCC","CAA", /* 32-39 */ "CAG","CGT","CGA","CGC","AGG","AGA","CGG","TCG", /* 40-47 */ "TCA","AGT","TCT","TCC","AGC","ACG","ACT","ACA", /* 48-55 */ "ACC","GTA","GTT","GTC","GTG","TGG","TAT","TAC" /* 56-63 */ }; const char *aa= "***AAAACCDDEEFFGGGGHHIIIKKLLLLLLMNNPPPPQQRRRRRRSSSSSSTTTTVVVVWYY"; AjPFile inf = NULL; AjPFile outf = NULL; char *entryname = NULL; AjPStr fname = NULL; AjPStr key = NULL; AjPStr tmpkey = NULL; AjBool allrecords = AJFALSE; AjPTable table = NULL; ajint i = 0; ajint j = 0; ajint k = 0; ajint x = 0; ajint savecount[3]; AjPStr *keyarray = NULL; CutgPValues *valarray = NULL; AjPCod codon = NULL; ajint sum = 0; char c; AjPList flist = NULL; AjPFile logf = NULL; AjPStr entry = NULL; AjPStr baseentry = NULL; AjPStr wild = NULL; AjPStr division = NULL; AjPStr release = NULL; AjPStr wildspecies = NULL; CutgPValues value = NULL; AjPStr docstr = NULL; AjPStr species = NULL; AjPStr filename = NULL; ajint nstops; embInit("cutgextract",argc,argv); tmpkey = ajStrNew(); fname = ajStrNew(); table = ajTablestrNewLen(TABLE_ESTIMATE); flist = ajAcdGetDirlist("directory"); wild = ajAcdGetString("wildspec"); release = ajAcdGetString("release"); logf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); wildspecies = ajAcdGetString("species"); filename = ajAcdGetString("filename"); allrecords = ajAcdGetBoolean("allrecords"); ajStrInsertC(&release, 0, "CUTG"); ajStrRemoveWhite(&release); while(ajListPop(flist,(void **)&entry)) { ajStrAssignS(&baseentry, entry); ajFilenameTrimPath(&baseentry); ajDebug("Testing file '%S'\n", entry); if(!ajStrMatchWildS(baseentry,wild)) { ajStrDel(&entry); continue; } ajDebug("... matched wildcard '%S'\n", wild); inf = ajFileNewInNameS(entry); if(!inf) ajFatal("cannot open file %S",entry); ajFmtPrintS(&division, "%F", inf); ajFilenameTrimAll(&division); while((entryname = cutgextract_next(inf, wildspecies, &species, &docstr))) { if(ajStrGetLen(filename)) ajStrAssignS(&tmpkey,filename); else ajStrAssignC(&tmpkey,entryname); /* See if organism is already in the table */ value = ajTableFetch(table,tmpkey); if(!value) /* Initialise */ { key = ajStrNewS(tmpkey); AJNEW0(value); ajStrAssignS(&value->Species,species); ajStrAssignS(&value->Division, division); ajTablePut(table,(void *)key,(void *)value); } for(k=0;k<3;k++) savecount[k] = value->Count[k]; nstops = cutgextract_readcodons(inf,allrecords, value->Count); if(nstops < 1) { value->Skip++; continue; } value->CdsCount++; if(nstops>1) { value->CdsCount += (nstops - 1); value->Warn++; ajWarn("Found %d stop codons (%d %d %d) for CDS '%S'", nstops, value->Count[0] - savecount[0], value->Count[1] - savecount[1], value->Count[2] - savecount[2], cutgextractSavepid); } } ajStrDel(&entry); ajFileClose(&inf); } ajTableToarray(table,(void***) &keyarray, (void***) &valarray); i = 0; while(keyarray[i]) { key = keyarray[i]; value = (CutgPValues) valarray[i++]; codon = ajCodNew(); sum = 0; for(j=0;jCount[j]; x = ajCodIndexC(codons[j]); codon->num[x] = value->Count[j]; c = aa[j]; if(c=='*') codon->aa[x] = 27; else codon->aa[x] = c-'A'; } ajCodCalculateUsage(codon,sum); ajStrAppendC(&key, ".cut"); if(allrecords) { if(value->Warn) ajFmtPrintF(logf, "Writing %S CDS: %d Warnings: %d\n", key, value->CdsCount, value->Warn); else ajFmtPrintF(logf, "Writing %S CDS: %d\n", key, value->CdsCount); } else { if(value->Skip) ajFmtPrintF(logf, "Writing %S CDS: %d Skipped: %d\n", key, value->CdsCount, value->Skip); else ajFmtPrintF(logf, "Writing %S CDS: %d\n", key, value->CdsCount); } ajFmtPrintS(&fname,"CODONS/%S",key); outf = ajDatafileNewOutNameS(fname); if(!outf) ajFatal("Cannot open output file %S",fname); ajCodAssName(codon, key); ajCodAssSpecies(codon, value->Species); ajCodAssDivision(codon, value->Division); ajCodAssRelease(codon, release); ajCodAssNumcds(codon, value->CdsCount); ajCodAssNumcodon(codon, sum); ajCodWrite(codon, outf); ajFileClose(&outf); ajStrDel(&key); ajStrDel(&value->Division); ajStrDel(&value->Doc); ajStrDel(&value->Species); AJFREE(value); ajCodDel(&codon); } AJFREE(keyarray); AJFREE(valarray); ajTableFree(&table); ajListFree(&flist); ajStrDel(&wild); ajStrDel(&release); ajStrDel(&wildspecies); ajStrDel(&filename); ajFileClose(&logf); ajStrDel(&cutgextractSavepid); ajStrDel(&cutgextractLine); ajStrDel(&cutgextractOrg); ajStrDel(&fname); ajStrDel(&tmpkey); ajStrDel(&species); ajStrDel(&docstr); ajStrDel(&division); ajStrDel(&baseentry); embExit(); return 0; } /* @funcstatic cutgextract_next *********************************************** ** ** Reads the first line of a CUTG database entry, ** returning the name of the species. ** ** Each entry has one line beginning with '>' followed by fields ** delimited by a backslash: ** ** GenBank entry name ** GenBank accession number ** GenBank feature location ** Length of feature in nucleotides ** Protein ID ** Genus and species ** Genbank entry description and feature qualifiers ** ** The second line is 64 integers giving the number of times each codon ** appears in this coding sequence. ** ** @param [u] inf [AjPFile] Input CUTG database file ** @param [r] wildspecies [const AjPStr] Wildcard species to select ** @param [w] pspecies [AjPStr*] Species for this entry ** @param [w] pdoc [AjPStr*] Documentation for this entry ** @return [char*] Undocumented ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ static char* cutgextract_next(AjPFile inf, const AjPStr wildspecies, AjPStr* pspecies, AjPStr* pdoc) { AjPStrTok handle = NULL; AjPStr token = NULL; ajint i; ajint len; char *p = NULL; char c; AjBool done = ajFalse; if(!cutgextractLine) cutgextractLine = ajStrNew(); if(!cutgextractOrg) cutgextractOrg = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignC(&cutgextractLine,""); ajStrAssignC(pdoc,""); while (!done) { while(ajStrGetCharFirst(cutgextractLine) != '>') if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&cutgextractLine)) return NULL; handle = ajStrTokenNewC(cutgextractLine,"\\\n\t\r"); for(i=0;i<7;++i) { ajStrTokenNextParseC(&handle,"\\\n\t\r",&token); if(i==5) { ajStrAssignC(&cutgextractOrg,"E"); ajStrAppendS(&cutgextractOrg, token); ajStrAssignS(pspecies, token); if(ajStrMatchWildS(token,wildspecies)) { done = ajTrue; } } switch(i) { case 0: ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "#ID "); ajStrAppendS(pdoc, token); ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "\n"); break; case 1: ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "#AC "); ajStrAppendS(pdoc, token); ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "\n"); break; case 2: ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "#FT "); ajStrAppendS(pdoc, token); ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "\n"); break; case 3: ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "#FL "); ajStrAppendS(pdoc, token); ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "\n"); break; case 4: ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "#PI "); ajStrAppendS(pdoc, token); ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "\n"); ajStrAssignS(&cutgextractSavepid, token); break; case 5: ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "#OS "); ajStrAppendS(pdoc, token); ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "\n"); break; case 6: ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "#DE "); ajStrAppendS(pdoc, token); ajStrAppendC(pdoc, "\n"); break; default: break; } } ajStrTokenDel(&handle); ajStrDel(&token); if(!done) if(!ajReadlineTrim(inf,&cutgextractLine)) return NULL; } len = ajStrGetLen(cutgextractOrg); p = ajStrGetuniquePtr(&cutgextractOrg); for(i=0;i60) nstops += n; } ajStrDel(&line); ajStrDel(&value); ajStrTokenDel(&token); if(!allrecords) if(nstops > 1) return -1; for(i=0;i