application: tcode [ documentation: "Identify protein-coding regions using Fickett TESTCODE statistic" groups: "Nucleic:Gene finding" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] seqall: sequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "dna" ] datafile: datafile [ information: "Testcode data file" default: "Etcode.dat" help: "The default data file is Etcode.dat and contains coding probabilities for each base. The probabilities are for both positional and compositional information." knowntype: "testcode data" ] endsection: input section: required [ information: "Required section" type: "page" ] integer: window [ standard: "Y" default: "200" minimum: "200" maximum: "$(sequence.length)" information: "Length of sliding window" help: "This is the number of nucleotide bases over which the TESTCODE statistic will be performed each time. The window will then slide along the sequence, covering the same number of bases each time." ] endsection: required section: advanced [ information: "Advanced section" type: "page" ] integer: step [ information: "Stepping increment for the window" default: "3" minimum: "1" maximum: "@($(sequence.length) - $(window))" help: "The selected window will, by default, slide along the nucleotide sequence by three bases at a time, retaining the frame (although the algorithm is not frame sensitive). This may be altered to increase or decrease the increment of the slide." ] endsection: advanced section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] toggle: plot [ information: "Graphical display" default: "N" help: "On selection a graph of the sequence (X axis) plotted against the coding score (Y axis) will be displayed. Sequence above the green line is coding, that below the red line is non-coding." ] report: outfile [ standard: "@(!$(plot))" rformat: "table" multiple: "Y" precision: "3" taglist: "str:Estimation" nullok: "$(plot)" nulldefault: "$(plot)" ] xygraph: graph [ standard: "$(plot)" gdesc: "Fickett testcode plot" ] endsection: output